Welcome to the website of Aramean Christians of Syria


Following Iraq, now the Aramean indigenous nation of Syria will be exterminated and forced into Diaspora by the Western colonial powers.



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The area of southeastern of Turkey and north of Syria, roughly speaking the area of Paddan-Aram, is being considered as the cradle of the Aramean nation (see more on this.....)


Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are the only countries where the Arameans and non-Arameans can practice their religion in freedom. Iraq has already been destroyed by the Western colonial powers, Syria is in the process of destructions, what remains is Lebanon.


===================Arameans of Syria===================


It is estimated that there are around 2.0 million Aramean and non-Aramean Christians in Syria. Below we will provide our beloved reader with some background information on the various Aramean denominations present in Syria.


At the early beginning of Christianity, the Aramean nation was geographically termed as West- Arameans and East-Arameans. Roughly speaking, river the Euphrates was de border. The Arameans living Eastern of Euphrates, the Persian Empire, were called “East- Arameans” or “East- Syrians”; thus "Nestorians" who later became known as “Chaldeans” (1553) and again later as “Assyrians” (19th century).


The Arameans living Western of Euphrates, the Roman Empire, were called “West- Arameans” or “West- Syrians” or in short just “Syrians”. And sometimes both the East- as well as the West- Arameans are called “Syrians”; if not specifically indicated! In Syria the following Aramean denominations are present:


West- Arameans: Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Syrian Maronites, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Catholics

East- Arameans: Chaldeans, Nestorians ("Assyrians")


In the 16th century, the colonial powers started to interfere with the Middle-East and in particular to create divisions within the Aramean nation and incite them against one another.


Imaginable and unimaginable methods were employed to incite the Arameans against one another on the national as well as on the religious level. To explain this, below we present to you some events as observed by the American Presbyterian Rev. Justin Perkins who visited the East- Aramean Nestorians of Urmia in 1833.


In the report of Perkins, who lived for 8 years in Persia among the East- Aramean Nestorians, we read about the activities of Vatican among the Aramnean Nestorians: "No measure will be left untried by them, for leading away the Nestorians from the religion of their fathers and subjecting them to Papal control. A few years ago, a Jesuit offered to the Nestorian Patriarch $10.000, on condition that he would acknowledge allegiance to the Pope; to whom the patriarch replied, in the emphatic language of Peter to Simon Magus, "Thy money perish with thee."(Acts 8:20) (Justin Perkings, A Residence Of Eight Years In Persia Among The Nestorian Christians, 1843, page. 23).


On page 278 he mentions more examples, saying: "The Nestorians often relate the particulars of their past conflicts with Papists,-particularly the career of the last one who has visited them on this side of the Koordish mountains. His first attempt - daring one- was to bribe the Nestorian Patriarch. He went directly to his residence, in the Koordish mountains, and as a fully empowered legate, promised him, as I have elsewhere stated, four thousand tomans, ( $ 10,000,) on condition that he would declare himself and his people subjects of the Pope.

Finding mercenary motives ineffectual to accomplish his object, the Jesuit next appealed to the ambition of the Patriarch, telling him that should he become allied to Rome, he would be exalted to be the Pope's lieutenant in all the East. "Tell your master," said the Patriarch, "that I shall never become a Catholic; and should you even induce my whole people, to the last man, to do so, I would sooner become a Dervish, or a Koordish Moollah, than degrade myself by alliance with the Pope.


Finding the Patriarch inflexible, the Romish emissary next tried his artifices on the people of this province. A prince, a brother of Abbas Meerza, was then governor of Oroomiah, and had in his employ an old French lady in the capacity of an instructress of European languages. This old lady had acquired a measure of influence with her royal pupil, and the Jesuit found it very convenient to make her his coadjutor. When therefore the Nestorians spurned the rites of Rome as urged upon them by the Papal legate, the old lady, at his instigation, was accustomed to petition the prince to coerce them to submit to the 'Jesuit's dictation. This system was pursued, until the Nestorians were on the point of rising in determined resistance, and the prince was thus deterred from his oppression.


In some instances, the Papal emissary entered Nestorian churches, declared them the property of the Pope, and hung their walls with images and pictures, which the Nestorians as often indignantly tore down and destroyed. In one case, the Jesuit paid a yet dearer price for his temerity than the loss of his" gods." Entering a church in Geog-tapa, he commenced adorning it witb Romish tapestry, when Mar Elias, the venerable Nestorian bishop resident in that village, came into his church and ordered the intruder to desist. The Jesuit told the bishop that the church was not his, but the Pope's, and in the name of "his holiness," commanded Mar Elias to go out. The worthy Nestorian prelate, though aware that a bishop must be" no striker," yet regarding the emergency such as to justify an exception, took the Jesuit in hand, and gave him such a corporeal castigation, that he was glad to to escape with broken images and torn pictures; and this was the last attempt to establish the reign of Popery at Oroomiah before our arrival. Since that period, similar efforts have been renewed, but hitherto with as little success, as we shall have occasion to notice, in subsequent chapters. "


The events mentioned above are written down by a Protestant. And most probably Mr. Perkins was very well pleased to be informed about  and to be witness of such events  in order to discredit the other party. The Protestants however have availed themselves of such nasty methods as well and continue to do so until today.


It does not mean however that this kind of unholy and extremely harmful technology unfortunately was employed to not only brainwash, blackmail, bribe, and persecute the East- Aramean Nestorians, but also other Aramean churches like the West- Aramean Syrian orthodox and West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox church. As a result of this kind of unholy and nasty "evangelizing", the following Aramean Catholic groups were created:

  • West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church (1662)

  • West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church (1724)

  • West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church (1182)

  • East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon (1553)

In addition to that, the majority of Catholics in the Western world are deliberately being kept blind and this important information withheld from them on the unholy and nasty methods that have been employed on their behalf to divide, incite against one another and finally exterminate other nations. For this reason, this faithful Western Christian Catholics have all the rights to be informed about what has been done to other nations in their behalf and with their money.


The majority of Catholic schools, Seminars and Universities withhold deliberately students of this unsavory events taken place in the past. On the contrary, in these institutions, the "good works" of missionaries are emphasized on the fact that these "lost sheep" have come back to the "only holy Catholic Church" and that these "Unites" should be offered aid and assistance. They rather would prefer to bring back "the rest of the lost sheep" to the "only truthfully holy Catholic Church".


And the madness of all this is that this kind of blackmail, bribe, persecutions, brainwash and sorcery is placed under the umbrella of "Christianity", while in reality, it totally has nothing to do with Christian faith as explained in the Bible. And this kind of evilness is continued until our days and is the cause of the misery our people is facing in the Middle-East and has resulted in their Diaspora. See more on this horrific spiritual genocide of jesus of the west: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


============Aramean denominations================


West- Aramean Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Patriarch: Ignatius Afrem II Karim. Residence in Damascus, Syria.


This Church was the first Church established outside Israel and is the mother of all the Syrian Churches. Unfortunately this church has also immensely been terrorized by the Western Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church. In the Western literature you will frequently come across the heretical terms "Jacobite Church" and " Monofysite Church" with which the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch is being demonized.


See more on this: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


On the terms Jacobite and Monofysite: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/MonofysiteJacobite%20.htm


West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Joseph Younan. Residence in Beirut, Lebanon

The Syrian Catholic Church was split off from the Syrian Orthodox Church in the 17th century. On this separation, Sebastien de Courtois writes: " The first [Syrian] Catholic Patriarch had been consecrated in Aleppo in 1662 with French help through the mediation of Ambassador Francois Picquet (page 33)…. .. which was encouraged by French diplomats present in Aleppo at that time. The diplomats favored the separation in the hope of one day uniting the Eastern Churches with that of Rome (XiX).. The Catholic mission activities were strongly supported by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs policy, which had been reinforced in the region by creation in 1856 of a vice-consulate in Diyarbekir at the request of the Vatican (page. 36) .


West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church.

Patriarch: John Yazigi. Residence in Damascus, Syria.

The West- Aramean Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox Church was established after the Council of Chalcedon held from 12 October - 1 November 451 AD. The Council was organized by the Pope and the Byzantine / Roman Emperor.


The Syrian Orthodox Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church rejected Chalcedon. That is why these Churches are being called " Anti - Chalcedonian Churches".


The Arameans who did accept the decisions made in Chalcedon became allies of Byzantine /Roman Emperor and implemented in later times (from 11th century on) the Byzantine liturgical rite. Hence the name "Greek Orthodox Church".


These Arameans became known as " Melkites"; this term is derived from the Aramaic word "Malko", that means " King/ Emperor"; thus those who went along with the king/emperor, his followers. This Church is sometimes also called " Antiochian Orthodox Church".


The term "Greek" is only ecclesial term, not ethical one.


In the Middle-East, sometimes also the term " Rum" is being used in reference to these Churches, that is abbreviation of " Rumoyee" a reference to Byzantine Orthodox rite.

The on 18th of July 2012 killed Syrian minister of defense, general Dawoud Raja, was a West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox.

West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Gregorios III Laham. Residence in Damascus, Syria.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Vatican, as explained above, to divide, to weaken and finally finish off, the West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church was split off in 1724 and consequently the Melkite Greek Catholic Church was established.


There is no one Catholic Syrian church established without blackmail, bribe and brainwashing (Needless to says of course, however, this has nothing to do with Christianity).



West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church

Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi . Residence in Bkerke, Libanon

This Church was named after the Aramean ascetic St. Maron and was established in 410 AD. The Aramean Maronites are subjected to the pope since 1182 AD. The Aramean Maronites are in terms of numbers, the biggest Aramean denomination.





East- Arameans

East- Aramean "Nestorian" Apostolic Assyrian Catholic Church of the East.

Patriarch: Dinkha. Residence in Chicago, United States.

The East- Aramean Church is the famous Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon (32 km northeastern of Baghdad).


Until 424 A.D. the East- Arameans were connected with the ecclesiastical seat of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. However for reasons of persecutions, geography and politics, during the synod of 424 the East- Arameans decided to take independent position towards Antioch and from then on they themselves took care for ecclesiastical matters.


The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became strong and dedicated missionary church that enlightened many nations with the message of Jesus Christ. The  church produced spiritual giants who passionately spread the torch of Christianity. One of them is Patriarch Timothy I from eight century. Professor Sebastian Brock writes on page 194, Volume II, of Hidden Pearl this about Timothy I: "The key figure of the Eight- Century Persian Church was their extraordinary Patriarch Timothy I, who was not only a fine scholar of gentle temperament whose defense of the Christian faith earned him the respect of the Abbasid caliph with whom he debated, but who was also passionate supporter of Christian evangelism. In 781 Timothy could write to a Maronite correspondent that:

the king of the Turks, with nearly all (the inhabitants of) his country, has left his ancient idolatry and has become Christian, and he has requested us in his letters to create Metropolitan for his country, and this we have done."


Satan of course was not happy with the activities of this church and tried in many ways to destroy the church by means of persecutions, massacres, implementation of fake teachings, fake identities etc.. etc..


The deathblow that effectuated the downfall of this, once majestic church, was interference of colonial powers and in particular the United Kingdom and diffusion and implementation of colonial fake name "Assyrians" on religious, national, academic, social and cultural level through which the rich glorious history of this church was destroyed. And with that Satan achieved his goal and finalized the downfall of the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon.


Being Western- Aramean or Eastern- Aramean, one gets tears in the eyes and our heart is burning of what satan has done to this magnificent Church and degraded the church to the present hopeless state where even the colonial name "Assyrian" has been added to the name of the Church. There is a Aramaic saying from Tur Abdin that sounds like this: "The foundation laid by Lions has been turned into chaos by foxes"

(No, beloved reader no! The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon had originally nothing to do with Nestorios and his teaching, it was latter implemented and accepted. The same is true for the colonial fake name "Assyrians")


In the course of time the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became known under various name, namely:


"The Nestorian Church"

"The Church of Persia"

"The East- Syrian Church".

" The Church of the East" and more recently (since 1976) as:

" The Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East"


The term "Catholic" has no relation with Rome. It means something like " General/ Universal".


From this Church split off:


The Chaldean Catholic Church of Babylon in 1553 AD.

The Ancient Church of the East since 1968.


East- Aramean "Nestorian"Ancient Church of the East.

Patriarch: Addai II. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Ancient Church of the East was established in 1968 by the East- Aramean "Nestorian" bishop Toma Darmo. The reason had to do with the tradition of patriarchal succession within the East- Syrian Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon and with decisions taken during a synod.


Within the East-Aramean nation a tradition was crept in whereby succession of Patriarch took place within the same family. And this caused church problems, amongst others the split off in 1968.


The Ancient Church of the East is sometimes also referred to as " Assyrian orthodoxe Church". "Orthodox", because the church rejects the teaching of Nestorios. The Ancient Church of the East is independent Church.


East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon.

Patriarch: Louis Raphaλl I Sako. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Chaldean " Nestorian" Church of Babylon was established in 1553 following the activities of the Catholic missionaries among the East- Aramean "Nestorians". The Chaldeans are subjected to the Pope of Rome.


The East- Aramean " Chaldeans", the west-Aramean Syrian Maronites, the West-Aramean Syrian Catholics and the West- Aramean Syrian Melkite Catholics are called "Unites" in the Catholic literature, that means something like " Those who came back to the True Catholic Mother Church". Of course they will never say a word about the way these churches were established.


Indirectly of course this implies that the rest which has not joined the "true Catholic Church" is heretic. Beloved reader, please do not be fooled by words like " Christian cooperation", " Christian unity", "ecumenism" and other terms that should give the reader the feeling as if talking or discussing about these words they are very serious about the Christian cause, while in reality it is not.


The antichrist will also use these "nice" terms to unify "Christianity" to accept him. Without acceptance of antichrist by the majority of "Christianity", he will not be able to start his work on this world. Those among Christians who refuse and revolt against him will be labeled as "antichristians" and killed by the antichrist.


The abhorrent demonic hatred injected in the hearts of Aramean Catholics prevents any kind of cooperation. To the Aramean Catholics the Vatican is above everything whereby Jesus Christ totally is not of interest. These are the fruits of  the way these churches came into being.


A message to the Aramean Orthodox and East- Arameans, that is to say:


The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, The Syrian Melkite Greek orthodox Church, The Ancient Church of the East and The Assyrian Apostolic Catholic Church of the East, is this one:


From the very beginning of Christianity until today you constantly are flying at each other, whereby you have put aside Jesus Christ. You think that it is okay and nobody cares about what you are doing? And that the Lord God can't see your quarrel whereby you all have created your own private kingdoms and don't care about the real King, namely Jesus Christ? The God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says, " Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 23:24)


All this is okay, nothing to worry about? How can you complain that you are being persecuted, killed, your churches blown up, burned, your sons killed, your daughters and wives dishonored and assumed by strangers while you have completely put aside Christ Jesus, the Holy and Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?


The Almighty God YAHWEH, Gloria to His Holy Name, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob says:


1. Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2)


2. Shameless nation, come to your senses   2 before you are driven away like chaff blown by the wind, before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the day when he shows his fury” (Zephaniah 2:1-2)


3. "However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country." (2 Chronicle 7:14)


It was because of our iniquities that the horrible jesus of the West was able to fragmentize us, to diffuse fake names within our nation, to destroy our heritage and faith and to cause our nation into Diaspora. No, don't blame others for this and other misfortunes. We are only and exclusively the guilty ones, and no one else. We are responsible for what is happening to us! The Lord God had blessed the Arameans of Aram-Nahrin to be the first nation to accept Christ Jesus and together with the apostles of the Lord Jesus and the converted Jews they established the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. What is left of the original glorious church of Antioch? Nothing, completely destroyed because of internal quarrel and centuries old hatred and imputations.


A message to the Aramean Catholics, that is to say:


The Syrian Catholic Church, The Syrian Melkite Greek Catholic Church, The Syrian Chaldean Catholic Church, The Syrian Maronite Catholic Church , is this one:


You may call yourself whatever you want to, but please do not lose your senses. There are thousands Western Catholics who refuse to be manipulated by the Vatican. They are Catholics, but they take independent position, they read and study the Bible on daily basis and try to dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ. These are the true Christian Catholics.


You as Aramean Catholics will definitely not go to the hell if you set yourself a bit free from Vatican and take more independent position. And please stop immediately to be used as remote control. The salvation of your soul does not come from Vatican, but from Jesus Christ. The Bible says: " .........for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you] [as] a chaste virgin to Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:2). Therefore, please put Jesus Christ on the first place and read the Bible in which He reveals Himself.


For those among the Aramean Catholics who want to know more about the covenant they have made, we refer to a top specialist on this field, Mr. William (Bill) Schnoebelen who has produced a DVD on this matter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuTwsQNzmQs


Appeal to all the Aramean denominations


Please have a detailed look at the decadent behavior of your children, men and women in Diaspora. No sense of shame! One would think that when a person has escaped war, bloodbaths and massacres, he would behave modest and respectable. Unfortunately, the real life is quite different than one would imagine and wish. They simply go with the decadence, immorality and enjoy thoroughly the “luxurious” life in the West.


On the broadcasting channels Ishtar, SuryoyoSat and SuroyoTv, sometimes wedding parties, new year, Christmas, eastern and other parties are broadcasted where you see some people dressed so perversely, that they look like prostitutes. They give the eyes the impression as if they have something to sell! The obnoxious behavior is that some of them wear a cross between their half-naked breasts. And the most ungodly is that these kind of people are being associated with Christianity. And that is absolutely no good advertisement, for other nations are watching us and judge us according our behavior!


The worst thing is that from child to adult they do not want to know anything about the errors and treason they committed towards the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and act as if nothing is wrong. Many of them are even boasting on their good deeds, Christian faith and self-satisfaction. What is worse is that many of them have removed Christ Jesus from their lives, without being aware of it, and call themselves "Christians" for the show.


Even now they are refugee at other man’s doors, they do not have slightest reason to ask themselves: Why did we become refugee at other man’s doors and make our hands open for them? Why did not our God protect us against evil forces that have invaded and assumed our indigenous homelands? What is the cause of our Diaspora and why we lost everything?  On the contrary, they enjoy the “luxurious” life in the West, act like drunkards, and do not want to be bothered with these difficult questions they simply don’t want to hear anything about!


The various Aramean Diaspora communities (including “Chaldeans”, “Assyrians”) in the West should not fool themselves and make any illusions for they have been entrapped by the “luxurious” decadent life in the West. For their survival it is necessary to wake up and reflect on what is coming. Thirty years ago nobody in Iraq would have imagined in their wildest dreams what is now happening to them, for they were entrapped in the carefree and “luxurious” life. Ten years ago nobody had imagined what is now happening with Syria. Therefore we appeal to all of the Aramean denominations as follows: "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Ephesians 5:14-15)


For those among you who want to learn more about centuries old persecutions, the lose of our ancestral homelands, and the reasons behind Diaspora, we refer to the following articles:






Articles concerning Aramean nation of Syria:




30-5-2014: Turkey, Syria and Iraq: Arameans, the downfall of an indigenous nation: Part 1

21-2-2014: Arameans of Iraq and Syria: when the blind is leading the blind and is serving as extermination tool in the hands of illuminati

7-1-2014: The two Aramean bishops: used as blackmail and bargaining instrument by odious powers……

29-11-2013: Aramean bishop: What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half…….The such-and-such massacre of Arameans of Syria: Who is responsible?

7-10-2013: “Free Syria” according to the colonial model: Ritual slaughtering, ethnic cleansing, eating human lungs and feeding unclean and uncircumcised ones to dogs! 'Why don't you become a Muslim? Then you can be free'

27-6-2013: Aramean Catholic Priest Killed in Syria

16-5-2013: The mysterious kidnapping of the two Aramean bishops, the contradictory reports in some media, the possible responsible ones …. and the possible dιnouement……

23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria

15-4-2013: The use of chemical weapons by the colonial powers supported death squads and terrorists in Syria (fake name: “liberators.”)


21-1-2013: Iraq: Aramean teacher and student killed in Mosul: Repetition of Iraq in Syria


19-12-2012: Syria: Has the time arrived to carry out a false flag attack with chemical weapons to be used by the colonial powers as pretext to invade Syria? http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Arameans_Syria_ChemicalWeapons_ColonialPowers_19_12_2012.htm

27-10-2012: Iraqi Aramean leader mourns on languishing away of Aramean presence… unseen hand… our concerns … the New World Order (NWO)… Paradigm Shift… Petrus Romanus…..


2-8-2012: Balkanization of Syria: Who will be the winners and who will be the losers?  What will happen with the indigenous Arameans present in this area since thousands of years?


23-7-2012: Syria: The good ones and the bad ones, which side do you support? The story of the Aramean sister Agnes Miriam


28-6-2102: ……………reported back that Western press was spreading disinformation about the real nature of the uprising in Syria and thereby prolonging and deepening the conflict………


18-5-2012: Is the colonial demonic plan being activated to ethnically cleanse Syria of its indigenous Aramean and other Christians?


13-12-2011: Climax of Madness: The unholy colonial product “Assyrians” wants together with Muslim brotherhood to topple the regime of Bashar Assad. How the odious demonic colonial powers maneuver their spiritual children and creation into the abyss to exterminate the Aramean nation of Syria


3-12-2011: “The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented,, Will the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Iraq serve as a example to the future ethnic cleansing of Arameans of Syria?


1-12-2011: Disposing the Middle-East of Aramean, Coptic and other Christians: a demonic plan concocted in the antichristian malignant laboratories of colonial powers


26-10-2011: “Liberation” Iraq: Extermination Aramean Christians “Liberation” Egypt: burning churches and slaughtering of Coptic Christians


24-9-2011: “Liberation” of Iraq: Extermination of Arameans of Iraq. “Liberation” of Syria…..?????......


24-4-2010: Shutting down of Aramaic institute: It would be a travesty for Syria

6-7-2009: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin Organisation sent a letter to the President of Syria, Dr. Bashar al- Assad on the situation of the Aramean indigenous people.



***************International media concerning Syria****************




"Liberation" of Syria by the boys of colonial illuminati powers.

 Syria Crucifixion Video


Death and desecration in Syria: Jihadist group 'crucifies' bodies to send message (http://edition.cnn.com)








31-12-2014: Isis in Syria: Barbarity of 'Islamic State' prison described by survivor held with James Foley (http://www.independent.co.uk)


An activist who survived imprisonment by Isis in Syria alongside James Foley has spoken of physical and psychological torture at the hands of the group……………….


“Most of the prisoners were not treated with beatings, but were mostly subjected to psychological methods: putting a knife close to your neck saying that you will be slaughtered,”……………….




31-12-2014: Syria's Assad visits embattled Damascus district – presidency (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited a district on the outskirts of Damascus and thanked soldiers fighting "in the face of terrorism",………………………




31-12-2014: Syria Kurds control 70 percent of besieged Kobani: monitor (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Kurdish forces have regained control of around 70 percent of the Syrian town of Kobani near the Turkish border after pushing back ISIS fighters that have spent months besieging it, a group monitoring the war said on Wednesday……………………..


"There are air strikes every day, they have destroyed many ISIS bases in Kobani. If there had been no air strikes then I think Kobani would have been controlled by [ISIS] by now,"………




29-12-2014: ISIS has killed almost 2,000 people in Syria alone in just SIX MONTHS, human rights group says - including 120 foreign fighters who tried to flee (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)


Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has executed nearly 2,000 people in Syria alone since claiming territory in the war-torn country, a British-based monitoring group have said…………………


Of those killed, 1,175 were civilians who included four children and eight women………………….




29-12-2014: Isis 'executes up to 200 fighters' for trying to flee jihad and return home (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Isis has executed at least 120 of its own militants in the past three months, the majority of whom were foreign fighters trying to return home, according to a Syrian monitoring group……………….


Of the 120 militants confirmed executed for “exceeding the limits in religion”, 116 are believed to be foreign fighters who wanted to return home…………………..




29-12-2014: Syria tribes join army in fighting ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir)


Villagers and members of al-Shaitaat tribes in Syria’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr have reportedly joined the army in its fight against the ISIL Takfiri militants…………………….


The move comes in the wake of the ISIL atrocities against local people, especially tribesmen in Dayr al-Zawr……………………..


......................they changed their positions after the ISIL killed over 900 of their members…….




28-12-2014: War with Isis: The resilient people of Kobani are proof that the militants can be defeated (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Practically and psychologically, [Isis] are now broken…………….


By mid-December, according to Kobani's Minister of Defence, Ismat Sheikh Hasan, Kurdish forces had retaken control of about 70 per cent of the town – although the frontlines are fluid and are shifting all the time………………………..




27-12-2014: ISIS loses ground to Kurds in Syria's Kobani (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


ISIS has lost ground in the Syrian border town of Kobani, where Kurdish fighters now control more than 60 percent of territory, an activist group said Saturday……………..


"ISIS has even left areas that the Kurds did not enter for fear of mines,"


ISIS has withdrawn from the seized Kurdish militia headquarters in the north of the city, as well as from southern and central districts, according to activists………………………




27-12-2014: ISIL threatens Syria's cultural heritage (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria's invaluable cultural heritable is in serious danger as the country’s artifacts are either smuggled across borders or destroyed at the hands of ISIL Takfiri militants,……………….


The United Nations has announced that Takfiri terrorists have already destroyed or damaged over 300 Syrian historical sites…………………




27-12-2014: Military Aid to Terrorists: US Supplied Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria with TOW Anti-Tank Missiles (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


US supplied TOW anti-tank missiles have ended up in the hands of Jabhat Al Nusra, Syria’s branch of Al Qaeda. The US provided the missiles to CIA vetted Syrian rebel faction Harakat Hazm in May. A video posted by Al Nusra shows the weapons being used to take over Syrian military bases, Wadi Deif and Hamidiyeh in Idlib province……………………………..


…….it is known that the US armed and trained Harakat Hazm group had signed a ceasefire agreement with Jabhat AL Nusra in November in the same region of Idlib Province. At that time Al Nusra had claimed TOW and Grad missiles were now in their hands………


“Anyhow we are buying weapons from the FSA. We bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti tank weapons. We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA




27-12-2014: Kurdish fighters control 60% of Kobani: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


27-11-2014: Using terrorists for regime change is unacceptable – Lavrov (http://rt.com/)


"Russia condemns the use of extremist groups in efforts to change the regime [in Syria]," Lavrov said,…………………….


Russia will keep advising Syria and other countries under terrorist threat on their military efficiency, Lavrov added, saying the fight against growing extremist forces in the Middle East is the international community's top priority……………………………………..




26-12-2014: Islam's Dysfunctional State: In Isis-controlled Syria and Iraq everyday life is falling apart (http://www.independent.co.uk)


25-12-2014: The Islamic State is failing at being a state (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The Islamic State’s vaunted exercise in state-building appears to be crumbling as living conditions deteriorate across the territories under its control, exposing the shortcomings of a group that devotes most of its energies to fighting battles and enforcing strict rules……………………


Slick Islamic State videos depicting functioning government offices and the distribution of aid do not match the reality of growing deprivation and disorganized, erratic leadership, the residents say……..


“ISIS doesn’t know how to do this stuff,” said the U.S. official, using an acronym for the group. “When stuff breaks down, they get desperate. It doesn’t have a whole lot of engineers and staff to run the cities, so things are breaking down.”……………..




25-12-2014: Foreign jihadis change face of Syrian civil war (http://www.theguardian.com)


“There are so many foreigners now – I have met guys from Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Libya. It makes me feel like it is not my country any more. Once, I was walking around my home town when a man drove up to ask me for my papers. He was Tunisian. What’s his business ordering me around in my own country, in my town?”………………………


He accuses foreign powers of supporting without question anyone fighting against Assad. “So many foreign players have their hands in Syria; they are responsible for this. I pray every day that there will be a time when the same troubles will befall them.”………………………


A UN security council report obtained by the Guardian says at least 15,000 people from more than 80 countries have travelled to Iraq and Syria in recent years to become jihadi fighters………….


The foreigners fighting in Syria had little trouble entering the country through the 550-mile border with Turkey via what Turkish pundits called the “jihadi highway”……………..




24-12-2014: Syrians celebrate Christmas in Homs after city liberation (http://www.presstv.ir/)


24-12-2014: Israel Empowers Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The Israeli top priority is to dictate its terms to Syria to sign a peace treaty with Israel before withdrawing its forces from the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, Palestinian territories and Lebanese southern lands……………


Therefore, “it should not come as a surprise that the (Benjamin) Netanyahu government has not yet taken any immediate steps against IS,” according to Amos Harel, writing in Foreign Policy on September 15……………….


Israel “certainly does not see the group as an external threat” and the “Islamic State also does not yet pose an internal threat to Israel,” according to Israeli journalist and Associate Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations,  Dimi Reider, writing in a Reuters blog on last October 21


While Israel is willing and getting ready to “interfere” in Jordan , it is already deeply interfering in Syria , where the real battle has been raging for less than four years now against terrorists led by the IS


A political public agreement between Israel and the Gulf Arabs has developed on a mutual understanding that the dismantling of the Syria – Iran alliance as a prelude to a “regime change” in both countries is the regional priority,……………….




24-12-2014: Isil has 'power of nuclear bomb or tsunami' warns author (http://www.independent.ie/)


A 74-year-old German author who gained unprecedented access to Isil militants in Iraq has described the terrorist group as having "the power of a nuclear bomb or a tsunami"…………….


Bookshops are filled with tomes describing how to treat slaves, while public dress is strictly monitored so as not to "resemble those worn by infidel women or men",…………………..




23-12-2014: Army troops kill dozens of ISIL militants across Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian army soldiers have killed over 30 militants in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, as the military continues its operations against the ISIL Takfiri group…………………


Over the past months, Syrian soldiers have made numerous gains in the battle against the foreign-sponsored militants, inflicting heavy losses on them in several areas………………….




23-12-2014: Satellite images show 290 heritage sites in Syria damaged by war: U.N. (http://www.reuters.com)


Satellite imagery indicate that 290 cultural heritage sites in Syria, whose history stretches back to the dawn of civilization, have been damaged by its ongoing civil war, the United Nations' training and research arm (UNITAR) said on Tuesday……………………..




23-12-2014: ISIL terrorists execute 10 people in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


The terrorists murdered, decapitated and crucified four civilians in the city of al-Bukamal, situated near the border with Iraq and 650 kilometers (403 miles) northeast of the capital Damascus, earlier this month, ……………


Meanwhile, ISIL terrorists have killed and crucified six civilians at a roundabout in al-Subekhan town of Syria’s eastern province of Deir ez-Zor……………




23-12-2014: German author warns of Isil ambition after rare visit (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


A 74-year-old German author who gained unprecedented access to Islamic State militants in Iraq has described the terror group as having "the power of a nuclear bomb or a tsunami"……………….


The German author said he was most disturbed by his conversations with Isil militants, who insisted that "all religions who agree with democracy have to die", and that Isil intends to "conquer the world"…………………………….


"This is the largest religious cleansing strategy that has ever been planned in human history", he told RTL……………………




23-12-2014: ISIL militants, Kurdish fighters clash in Syria's Kobani (http://www.presstv.ir)


"Both advancements by the Kurdish rebels were very key and I can tell you our fighters are gradually gaining important grounds from the [so-called] Islamic State," Idriss Nassan, a spokesman for the Kurdish fighters in Kobani, said……………




22-12-2014: ‘Syria counterattack kills 20 ISIL terrorists in Deir Ezzor’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syrian army forces have reportedly killed at least 20 ISIL Takfiri militants during a counterattack operation near an airbase in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor………………


Syrian government troops have thwarted several offensives by ISIL Takfiri militants on the airbase. The extremist group controls some parts of Syria and Iraq………………..




21-12-2014: Remaining Christians in Syria fight to save their land (http://www.usatoday.com)


Tens of thousands of Christians have fled the Kurdish-dominated Hasaka province over the past three years because of an ongoing civil war, economic pressures and the rise of the Islamic State…………..


Residents here estimate up to two-thirds have departed, leaving streets largely abandoned and dozens of shop fronts boarded up………………………




21-12-2014: Syria grapples with spreading diseases: WHO (http://www.presstv.ir/)


According to the WHO’s Syria representative, Elizabeth Hoff, the vaccination rates in the Arab country plummeted to 52 percent in 2014 from 90 percent before the crisis while contaminated water has led to the advance of typhoid and hepatitis…………………..


The situation has worsened since regular supplies of medicine fail to reach patients in the crisis-hit country………………




21-12-2014: Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever to be given access to the 'Islamic State' has just returned – and this is what he discovered (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The first Western journalist in the world to be allowed extensive access to Isis territories in Syria and Iraq has returned from the region with a warning: the group is “much stronger and much more dangerous” than anyone in the West realises…………………


Once within Isis territory, Todenhφfer said his strongest impression was “that Isis is much stronger than we think here”. He said it now has “dimensions larger than the UK”, and is supported by “an almost ecstatic enthusiasm that I have never encountered in any other warzone”……………..




21-12-2014: ISIL trafficking body parts to fund terror: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


20-12-2014: Christmas in Syria: Praying for peace in a war-torn land (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Four years ago, Aleppo was a thriving, cosmopolitan place, but everybody has suffered in Syria’s terrible war. The rich have left, the middle classes have become poor, and the poor have become miserable. Four out of five people here don’t have a job. When I walk the streets, I feel attacked by the poverty – by the sight of sick, tired, desperate people with no hope for the future……………….


It is desperately cold this winter, with no heating or electricity across the city. Every evening it gets dark early. Here in my bishopric, we light a stove, using chairs for firewood, chopping up and burning one per night. When I go to bed, it is often so cold that I struggle to sleep…………




19-12-2014: A million wounded in Syria's war, says WHO (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


"In Syria, they have a million people injured as a direct result of the war,” the WHO representative,…………….


“You can see it in the country when you travel around. You see a lot of amputees. This is the biggest problem."………………


Monitoring groups outside the country say the number of people known to have been killed by the war has now passed 200,000, with some saying the total figure is likely to be much higher……


…………..there had been 6,500 cases of typhoid in 2014, and 4,200 cases of measles




18-12-2014: 1,000 feared killed in ISIL-held Syria village (http://www.presstv.ir)


As many as 1,000 people are feared to have been killed in an ISIL-held village in Syria, where the corpses of over 200 people have already been discovered in a mass grave………………


“There are still 1,000 people missing from the Shoueitat tribe. We believe they were all executed by Islamic State (ISIL) fighters when they advanced into the village of al-Kashkiya last summer,”……




18-12-2014: The Islamic State’s (ISIS) Bloody Footprints Lead From NATO Territory (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, has played a pivotal role in the destabilization and destruction of neighboring Syria. Since 2011, Turkey has allowed its territory to be used as a transit and staging point for sectarian terrorists flowing from around the world and into Syria in what could be described as a defacto NATO invasion by proxy………………………


In addition to literal terrorists being harbored in NATO territory, security agencies of NATO members including the US and UK, have been active along the Turkish-Syrian border arming, funding. and equipping what they call “moderate rebels.” These moderate rebels have recently been revealed as affiliates of or organized directly organized beneath both Al Qaeda and ISIS…………




17-12-2014: Syria conflict: 230 bodies 'found in mass grave' in eastern Deir al-Zour province (http://www.independent.co.uk)


17-12-2014: Isis’s British connections: the jihadists who want to bring the fight to the west (http://www.theguardian.com)


17-12-2014: Over 230 bodies uncovered in Syrian mass grave (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Over two hundred bodies of people massacred by ISIL Takfiri militants have been found in a mass grave in Syria’s Dayr al-Zawr Province………………….


The latest discovery brings the total of Sheitaat tribe members killed by Takfiri terrorists during their summer assault on Dayr al-Zawr to 900…………………




17-12-2014: Kurdish peshmerga forces launch offensive to retake Isis held areas (http://www.theguardian.com)


Iraqi Kurdish forces launched a broad offensive on Wednesday aimed at recapturing areas near the Syrian border that have been held by Islamic State (Isis) for months,………….


Among the goals is the Sinjar area, which was home to many members of the Yazidi minority before Isis attacked in early August and forced most of them to flee…………………….


Isis fighters killed hundreds of residents, abducted and enslaved hundreds of Yazidi women and girls and forced tens of thousands of people to seek refuge on Mount Sinjar……………….




16-12-2014: Some 200 killed as Syrian troops, militants fight in Idlib: Group (http://www.presstv.ir/)


……………….that at least 100 Syrian soldiers and over 80 militants were killed in clashes, bombardments and by mines over the past 24 hours………………..


…………….at least 120 Syrian troopers have been taken prisoner by the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front and other militant groups……………..


16-12-2014: European Union Supports Terrorism, Deeply Involved in “Plot Targeting Syria” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The source highlighted that those groups, including the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra, are receiving “unlimited support” by some regional countries and international major powers………


While the EU “is shedding crocodile tears” on the humanitarian suffering of the Syrians, the source said, it overlooks that it is the EU’s policy of backing terrorism in Syria, the economic sanctions imposed on it and the repeated attempts to abort the efforts seeking a way out are the causes behind having Syria’s crisis still dragging on…………………………..




15-12-2014: Syrian jihadis seize Idlib army base (http://www.theguardian.com)


Jihadis have captured a Syrian army base in the north-western province of Idlib after two days of intense fighting that killed dozens of gunmen, activists have said………………




15-12-2014: Syria parties are killing not protecting civilians (http://wwlp.com)


The U.N. humanitarian chief accused the warring parties in Syria on Monday of ignoring Security Council demands to protect civilians, citing a doubling of the number of people killed from 100,000 in February to close to 200,000 today and around 1 million injured……………..


The number of children in need of immediate assistance has jumped from about 4 million in February to over 5.6 million today, and “children have been murdered, tortured and subjected to sexual violence by all parties to the conflict,” she said…………………




15-12-2014: Why the U.S. Should Extricate Itself from Syria (http://www.theamericanconservative.com)


There are many reasons not to back these rebel groups, not least of which is the likelihood that U.S.-provided arms will end up in the wrong hands. That has already happened and will very likely keep happening in the future. There are no good reasons to provide this support, and this may just now be starting to dawn on a few more members of Congress. It is reasonable to withhold support for a proxy that has no chance of winning…………………….




15-12-2014: French police dismantle network sending jihadist fighters to Syria (http://news.yahoo.com)


French police on Monday dismantled a network sending jihadist fighters to Syria in a series of dawn raids that saw them nab 10 suspects across the country, said Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve……


Almost 1,000 French nationals from a wide range of backgrounds are estimated to have left to join jihadists in Iraq and Syria, including some 400 thought to be currently fighting on the ground and almost 50 who were killed……………….




13-12-2014: ISIS beheads four men for blasphemy in Syria (http://english.alarabiya.net/)


A self-declared police force loyal to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria decapitated four men in western Syria after accusing them of blasphemy, a rights group monitoring the Syrian conflict said on Saturday…………………………….


Residents and activists say ISIS has beheaded and stoned to death many people in areas it controls in Syria and Iraq for actions they see as violating their reading of Islamic law, such as adultery, homosexuality, stealing and blasphemy………………..




13-12-2014: Isis in Syria: Photos show extremists stoning a couple to death for adultery and beheading four men (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk)


The stoning happened in the small Syrian town of Manbij, in the province of Aleppo. It is believed to be the ninth time that Islamic State has documented a stoning and posted the photographs online…….


The photos show a crowd of men and young boys watching the event at an open paved square. An Islamic State fighter announces the crimes of the victims before the executions are carried out……




12-12-2014: Spending Bill Grants Half-Billion to ISIS-Linked Syrian Rebels (http://www.infowars.com)


The $1.1 trillion federal spending bill rammed through Congress provides a half-billion dollars to arm and train ISIS-linked Syrian rebels who could potentially launch terrorist attacks against the U.S……………………………


“We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in… Qalamoun,” Bassel Idriss, the commander of a “moderate” rebel brigade, told the Lebanese Daily Star………………….




11-12-2014: Australia a significant source of foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq, Senate told (http://www.theguardian.com)


Australia is a significant source country for foreign fighters and has a rate higher than other comparable countries, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (Asio) has warned…….


Asio has identified around 70 Australians currently fighting in Iraq or Syria, out of an estimated 3,000 western fighters. It says a further 20 Australians have already died in the conflict, and another 100 in Australia are suspected of providing material support for extremists, such as making donations and recruiting fighters




10-12-2014: Isis releases 'abhorrent' sex slaves pamphlet with 27 tips for militants on taking, punishing and raping female captives (http://www.independent.co.uk)


"It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: '[Successful are the believers] who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame [Koran 23:5-6]'..."


"It is permissible to buy, sell, or give as a gift female captives and slaves, for they are merely property, which can be disposed of [as long as that doesn't cause [the Muslim ummah] any harm or damage."


"It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse."




9-12-2014: Militant leader hints at deal with Assad against ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Zahran Alloush, who heads the so-called Jaysh al-Islam group, suggested reaching a political solution with President Bashar al-Assad’s government


He also called for armed battle against ISIL Takfiri militants. The remarks by Alloush have drawn criticism from other militant groups in Syria




9-12-2014: Islamic State in Syria beheads man for blasphemy (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com)


The militant Islamic State group beheaded a man in northern Syria after accusing him of blasphemy…..


The man was killed in a public square in the town of Sulouk on Monday in front of a crowd that included children, the British-based Observatory for Human Rights said




9-12-2014: What will Turkey's price be for its support against Isil? (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Turkey’s second concern is related to Syria’s Kurds – who have, over the course of the civil war, carved out an autonomous territory across northern Syria called Rojava. Although Turkey’s relationship with the Kurds of Iraq is surprisingly friendly – Ankara is actually training their militia, the peshmerga – it views the leading Syrian Kurdish group as a branch of the separatist PKK, and worries that getting rid of Isil could inadvertently enable a hostile Kurdish bloc to crystallise on its doorstep………………………………..


The coalition has been ignoring Assad’s air defence network so far, but establishing a no-fly zone could involve destroying a good chunk of it through sustained cruise missile strikes and bombing raids. The presence of Russian “advisers” at the likely targets is a further complicating factor. Finally, artillery within the range of the buffer zone might also have to be targeted, which would mean a huge jump in the number of sorties…………………..




8-12-2014: British 'Vicar of Baghdad' claims Isis beheaded four children for refusing to convert to Islam (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Isis have beheaded four Christian children in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam, a British vicar based in the country has claimed


Canon Andrew White, who is known as the ‘vicar of Baghdad’, told Orthodox Christian Network that the killings happened in a Christian enclave close to Baghdad which has been taken over by Isis (formerly known as Islamic State)




8-12-2014: Chilling images show new ISIS terrorist school in Syria where children soldiers known as 'Caliphate Cubs' are trained to kill (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Chilling new images have emerged from inside Islamic State-run terrorist training schools in Syria, showing child soldiers being trained to kill using assault rifles.


Dubbed 'Caliphate Cubs', the children appear little more than 10 years old and are dressed in full combat gear as they struggle to hold weapons while standing in front of ISIS' infamous black flag


In the VICE footage, ISIS' PR man Abu Moussa - who has since been killed - describes how every male child is forced to attend Sharia camps to be taught the militants' radical interpretation of Islam……..




8-12-2014: Syrian refugees struggle to survive harsh winter (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian refugees are struggling to survive as winter approaches, amid calls on rich countries to resettle them within their borders…………………….


Some 100-thousand Syrians, accommodated in the northern Zaatari Refugee Camp, are living in tough conditions, without proper heating……………….


Refugees in Lebanon also face starvation after the United Nations World Food Program suspended an initiative for giving people free food vouchers……………….




7-12-2014: UN report reveals Israeli links with Syria Takfiris (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), which has monitored the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights since 1974, said in the report that Israeli officers and the foreign-backed terrorists have “direct cooperation” on the Syrian border over the past 18 months, Haaretz reported on Sunday…………………


“UNDOF observed at least 10 wounded persons being transferred by armed members of the opposition from the Bravo side across the ceasefire line,”………………




7-12-2014: Mossad training ISIL terrorists: Putin aide (http://www.presstv.ir)


Alexander Prokhanov told Press TV that Mossad is also likely to have transferred some of its spying experiences to the ISIL leadership, adding that Israel’s military advisors could be assisting the Takfiri terrorists……………………..


"ISIL is a tool at the hands of the United States. They tell the Europeans that if we (the Americans) do not intervene, ISIL will cause you harm," he said, adding that Iran and Russia are the prime targets of the ISIL


Prokhanov said the United States and Israel are one and the same when it comes to supporting a terror organization like the ISIL…..




6-12-2014: Syrian Troops Repel IS Attack on Eastern Air Base (http://abcnews.go.com)


Syrian government forces repelled an attack by the Islamic State group on a major air base in the country's east on Saturday, in fighting that killed dozens on both sides, activists and state media said……………


The base, outside the city of Deir el-Zour, has been used by the government in the past months to launch air raids on areas held by the Islamic State group bordering Iraq……….




6-12-2014: ‘Terrorism exported to Middle East from Europe’ – Assad (http://rt.com)


Terrorism is being exported to the Middle East from Europe, especially from France, said Syria’s President Bashar Assad in an interview to French media. He also criticized Western states for politically supporting terrorists in the region……………………………….


“Let’s be honest: had Qatar not paid money to those terrorists at that time, and had Turkey not supported them logistically, and had not the West supported them politically, things would have been different. If we in Syria had problems and mistakes before the crisis, which is normal, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the events had internal causes,”………………………….


“The truth is that ISIS was created in Iraq in 2006. It was the United States which occupied Iraq, not Syria. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi [IS leader] was in American prisons, not in Syrian prisons. So, who created ISIS, Syria or the United States?”………………………..




5-12-2014: World has failed to protect Syrian refugees: Amnesty (http://www.presstv.ir/)


4-12-2014: Chinese paper accuses west of stoking extremism in Middle East (http://www.theguardian.com)


Western countries are stoking extremism in the Middle East with their support for anti-government opposition movements, China’s top newspaper has said, repeating a call for non-interference in the region’s turmoil………………………..


But it has also condemned efforts by western countries to arm certain groups fighting against the Syrian government, and has shown no sign of wanting to join US efforts to use military force against Isis




4-12-2014: Syria's Assad sees long war as Islamic State attacks base (http://www.reuters.com)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview published on Thursday he expected his country's conflict to be long and difficult but vowed to defeat the insurgents battling to oust him and said he would not be driven from power…………………….


"The Syrian army cannot be everywhere at once. Where it is not present, terrorists take the opportunity to cross borders and infiltrate in one area or another,"……………….


He also rejected a suggestion that Syria had allowed Islamic State to flourish earlier in the war to wipe out other insurgents and accused the United States of creating conditions for the emergence of the group through its occupation of Iraq




4-12-2014: Iran and America unite to fight, but won't kiss and make up (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Yet they allowed Iran to go ahead and strike Isil unmolested. In the process, America demonstrated the eternal relevance of the old dictum that “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”……


Many of America’s most powerful Arab allies would answer with an emphatic “yes”. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states nurse a visceral suspicion of Iran. America duly kept them in the dark last year when US diplomats held secret meetings with their Iranian counterparts. Those talks eventually produced an interim agreement to constrain Iran’s nuclear programme…………………


Privately, diplomats from the Gulf fear that the rapprochement between America and Iran has gone much further in secret than either side has acknowledged in public. The fact that Washington is, at the very least, prepared to tolerate Iranian air strikes in Iraq will be taken as further evidence of this theory……………………..




3-12-2014: Anti-ISIL strikes changed nothing: Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


“Had these strikes been serious and effective, I would say they would be helpful for sure, but it’s we who are battling against ISIS (ISIL) on the ground,” Assad complained


The Syrian head of state noted “and we haven’t sensed any change, especially since Turkey is still providing direct support to ISIS in those areas.”………………….




3-12-2014: War with Isis: Iran joins ‘Great Satan’s’ fight against militants with bombing raids over Iraq (http://www.independent.co.uk)


2-12-2014: Syria opposition calls for direct talks with Assad government (http://www.presstv.ir)


"It is in the Syrian people's interest for us to sit down together once and for all, and to find a way to save the people from this pain and suffering," AFP quoted the former leader of the so-called Syrian National Coalition opposition, Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, as saying on Tuesday


"We want to solve the problem, because the problem now affects each and every Syrian... The regime is suffering, the opposition is suffering and the people are suffering," he added………………




2-12-2014: Syrian refugees face bleak winter after 'disastrous' food aid cuts (http://america.aljazeera.com)


With the bitter winter months approaching — bringing with them a set of acute hardships — food shortages will be “disastrous” for the hundreds of thousands of Syrian families in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq who are entirely dependent on international aid to survive, the WFP said in a statement…………………….


The timing of the most devastating aid cutback to date couldn’t be worse. As temperatures drop, living expenses — warm clothing, gas for heating units — rise. At the same time, the informal labor market that is available to refugees, such as seasonal agricultural or construction work, tends to dry up……………………….


What's worse, the U.N. shortfalls have been compounded by mirroring cuts from host governments, who have begun to buckle under the weight of the Syrian refugee crisis. Last week, Jordan quietly repealed its offer of free healthcare services for registered refugees, leaving most with no avenue for medical treatment but to pay out of their pockets………………..




2-12-2014: Turkey bombards Kobani, wounds civilians and Kurdish fighters (http://www.presstv.ir/)


“Under the pretense of stopping an ISIS attack on Turkey, the Turkish army bombarded the center of Kobani with tanks and artillery,” Kurdish newspaper Rudaw quoted Anwar Muslim, the co-chairman of Kobani, as saying on Saturday




1-12-2014: U.S. considers opening new front against Islamic State to create a safe zone in Syria (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The Obama administration is weighing the opening of a new front in the air war against the Islamic State in Syria,………………..


Turkish special forces would move into the area to assist the targeting and help Syrian opposition fighters consolidate their hold on the territory………………………..


The proposal would at least partly address Turkey’s long-standing desire for a protected buffer zone inside Syria along the entire 511-mile border, while providing the faltering rebel fighters with a much-needed boost…………………….


If implemented, the plan would require significantly more U.S. resources than are now devoted to the fight against the Islamic State in Syria, including more planes and more money…………….




1-12-2014: ISIL elements suffer heavy losses in Syria's Kobani (http://al-shorfa.com)


At least 50 ISIL elements were killed in the embattled border town in suicide bombings, clashes with Kobani's Syrian and Iraqi Kurdish defenders, and in airstrikes, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which gets its information from a network of activists and professionals on the ground………………




1-12-2014: Isil is driving out Christians, warns Pope Francis (http://www.independent.ie)


Pope Francis has condemned the persecution of Christian communities in the Middle East, blaming the fanaticism of terrorist groups such as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil)………….


On the final day of his visit to Turkey, the Pope warned that Christians were in danger of being wiped out in the region. Turkey has been accused of failing to stop Islamist extremists from crossing its borders into Syria………………….




1-12-2014: U.S. led coalition attacks target IS capital Raqqa in Syria (http://www.business-standard.com)


The United States led coalition fighting against Islamic State (IS) in Syria has increased its attacks in the IS capital Raqqa with 30 airstrikes overnight, said the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights……………………………….




30-11-2014: ISIL suffers heavy losses in Syria's Kobane (http://www.aljazeera.com)


At least 50 fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) have been killed in the past 24 hours in Syria's Kobane, the biggest loss endured by the group since it launched its assault on the strategic border city on September 16……………………….


A spokesperson of the Kurdish YPG said fighters of the Syrian Kurdish armed group had the Kobane border crossing with Turkey completely under its control…………..




30-11-2014: Isis suicide bombers used Turkish territory to launch attack on Kobani, human rights group says (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Mustafa Bali, a Kobani-based activist, told the Associated Press news agency that Isis fighters were positioned in grain silos on the Turkish side of the border and were launching attacks toward the border crossing point. "It is now clear that Turkey is openly cooperating with [Isis]," Bali said……..


Turkey has been previously accused of taking a soft line against Isis in order to damage Kurdish forces. The regional power has fought a decades-long battle against Kurdish separatist militants in is eastern territory and worries that events in Iraq and Syria could increase the power of the Kurds in the region……………………….




30-11-2014: Pope says Islamist violence in Syria, Iraq is a ‘grave sin against God’ (http://english.alarabiya.net)


Pope Francis said Islamist militants were carrying out a “profoundly grave sin against God” in Syria and Iraq, calling on Sunday for inter-religious dialogue and action against poverty to help end conflicts there………………………………………………………….




29-11-2014: Islamic State group attacks Kobani, Syria, from Turkey, Kurds say (http://www.washingtontimes.com)


The Islamic State group launched an attack Saturday on the Syrian border town of Kobani from Turkey, a Kurdish official and activists said, although Turkey denied that the fighters had used its territory for the raid……………..


Mustafa Bali, a Kobani-based activist, said by telephone that Islamic State group fighters have taken positions in the grain silos on the Turkish side of the border and from there are launching attacks toward the border crossing point. He added that the U.S.-led coalition launched an airstrike Saturday morning on the eastern side of the town


“It is now clear that Turkey is openly cooperating with Daesh,” Bali said, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State




29-11-2014: “Islamic State” (ISIS) Supply Lines, Influx of Fighters and Weapons Protected by Turkey in Liaison with NATO (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


28-11-2014: Syria dismisses US accusations as ‘fabricated’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


"The US State Department should rather have shown respect for the souls of American victims at the hands of terrorists from the Daesh (ISIL) organization and not directed fabricated accusations towards the Syrian state which has been facing terrorism for years," added the Syrian official in reference to three US nationals who were beheaded by ISIL Takfiri terrorists……………….


Zoubi’s remarks came in reaction to the accusations made by Jen Psaki, the spokeswoman of the US State Department, that Syria’s airstrikes on the city of Raqqa “killed dozens of civilians and demolished residential areas.”………………….




28-11-2014: Syria hit by flesh-eating maggot disease (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)


Three cases of myiasis have been reported near Damascus, marking the first appearance of the flesh-eating maggot disease in Syria, UN health experts said Friday…………………….


Myiasis, an affliction caused when flies lay their eggs in wounds, is not lethal for humans, but its appearance says a lot about worsening living conditions in war-ravaged Syria, the World Health Organization said……………….


It has already issued an alert about the reappearance of polio in the north of the country, where tuberculosis, typhoid and scabies have again become endemic………….




28-11-2014: Pope Urges Solidarity to Stop Militants in Syria and Iraq (http://www.newsweek.com)


Speaking at the start of a three-day trip to Turkey, Francis said "terrorist violence" showed no sign of abating in Turkey's southern neighbors, where Islamist insurgents had declared a caliphate and persecuted Shi'ite Muslims, Christians and others who do not share their ultra-radical brand of Sunni Islam………………………..


Turkey has been a reluctant member of the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, refusing a frontline military role but backing the Syrian opposition and calling for President Bashar al-Assad to be toppled……………………………..




27-11-2014: Is Washington training an Insurgent Army to “Occupy” Syria? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The bombing of the ISIL or ISIS in Syria is part of a brinkmanship campaign leading up to a potential non-conventional invasion, parallel to the re-introduction of the US military to Iraq…….


A few days after the US began the bombing of Syria, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey made it clear that the Pentagon also planned on creating a viable anti-government army in Syria consisting of 12,000 to 15,000 insurgents…………………….


The US goal of training rebels in Saudi Arabia and Turkey is an indication of this too. On September 10, about two weeks before it started bombing Syria, Washington declared that Saudi Arabia had given it the green light to train a rebel army in the Arabian Peninsula………………




27-11-2014: Syria troops kill 50 terrorists near Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian government forces have killed at least 50 Takfiri terrorists in an ambush in the suburbs of the capital, Damascus, as they continue to make fresh gains against the foreign-backed militants……..




27-11-2014: Two British Brothers Jailed for Training in Syria (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Mohommod Nawaz and Hamza Nawaz from London become the first Britons to be jailed for terrorism training in Syria……………….


Mohommod Nawaz, 30, and Hamza Nawaz, 24, both from Stratford, east London, were sentenced to four-and-a-half years and three years respectively……………


Thousands of European Muslims have reportedly flocked to join the Islamic State terror group in Iraq and Syria, at least several hundred from the UK - although some estimates put that figure at 1,000, and officials have admitted the precise figure is not yet known……………………….




26-11-2014: Qatar runs covert desert training camp for Syrian rebels (http://uk.reuters.com)


At a desert base, Gulf state Qatar is covertly training moderate Syrian rebels with U.S. help to fight both President Bashar al-Assad and Islamic State and may include more overtly Islamist insurgent groups, sources close to the matter say……………….


The camp, south of the capital between Saudi Arabia's border and Al Udeid, the largest U.S. air base in the Middle East, is being used to train the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other moderate rebels, the sources said……………………




26-11-2014: 'IS' supply channels through Turkey (http://www.dw.de)


Every day, trucks laden with food, clothing, and other supplies cross the border from Turkey to Syria. It is unclear who is picking up the goods. The haulers believe most of the cargo is going to the "Islamic State" militia. Oil, weapons, and soldiers are also being smuggled over the border, and Kurdish volunteers are now patrolling the area in a bid to stem the supplies…………………




26-11-2014: Syria's civil war still rages in the heart of the old Christian world (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Despite being in the heart of the Syrian capital, the Old City - a Unesco World Heritage site and stronghold of the country's Christians - is one of the last parts of government-held Damascus still afflicted by the civil war………………………


The Old City has been inhabited for more than 4,000 years, and today residents still try to go about their daily business. But they do so knowing that their lives are in constant danger……………..


Many Christians see it as part of an offensive against their sect by jihadist groups. While Christians tried to remain neutral in the war, many have been kidnapped and churches have been desecrated by extremist members of the opposition…………………………




26-11-2014: Syria militants trained on Qatari soil: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


According to a new report, militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria are being covertly trained on the Qatari soil with the help of the United States……..


The sources noted that militants from the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) were among those receiving training as part of a program which has been running for almost a year………………..




26-11-2014: Jihadists funded by welfare benefits, senior police officer warns (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Britain's benefits system is being abused to fund terrorism, a senior police officer has warned…….


Terri Nicholson, from the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism command unit, said that taxpayers’ money was being claimed fraudulently and used by terrorists in countries such as Iraq and Syria…………..


She also said women were being used to smuggle money out of Britain to fund terrorists abroad, as it is believed they will arouse less suspicion…………




26-11-2014: Christians stand fast against ISIL terror in Syria's Aleppo (http://www.presstv.ir/)


“A lot of members of our community have left because they lost their jobs and because of terror of Daesh (ISIL)," said Georges Bakhache, public relations officer for Aleppo's Christians, adding that "Despite it all, we will not leave our land. Impossible."…………………


"We will celebrate Christmas … We will celebrate with a mass for peace," he said……………




25-11-2014: Jihadist training camps expand across Syria and Iraq (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Jihadist organisations in Iraq and in Syria are operating at least 46 military training camps, designed to indoctrinate and train recruits, an investigation has found…………..


The Islamic State has operated 25 camps: 14 in Syria and 11 in Iraq. Al Qaeda's Al Nusrah Front has nine camps in Syria. Various allied jihadist groups, including Ansar al Islam, Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar, and Junud al Sham, have operated 12 camps (11 in Syria and one in Iraq).




24-11-2014: As Syrian army closes in, Douma residents turn against rebels (http://www.al-monitor.com)


For the first time in two years, protests broke out Nov.15 in the rebel-held stronghold of Douma, 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) northeast of Damascus. Yet, this time the demonstrations weren’t held against the Syrian regime, but against Jaish al-Islam and the traders collaborating with it. The protests have been dubbed “The Hunger Demonstrations.”………………




24-11-2014: US-led air strikes in Syria encouraging anti-Assad forces to join hands with ISIS (http://www.business-standard.com)


According to a series of interviews conducted by The Guardian, fighters from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other Islamic military groups have either shifted their loyalty to the IS or have formed tactical alliances and struck truce deals with it……………………




23-11-2014: Group: Death toll of U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria tops 900 (http://edition.cnn.com)


In the two months since the United States and coalition allies first launched airstrikes against ISIS targets inside of Syria, the missions have killed more than 900 people, nearly all militants, a monitoring group said Saturday……………….


Of the 910 deaths the observatory has linked to the airstrikes, some 785 were ISIS fighters. That number is likely even higher because of incidents in which the group had difficulty documenting……….




23-11-2014: The Islamic State (ISIS), The Boogeymen of Our Times: Justifying US Hegemony and “Humanitarian Warfare” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


23-11-2014: Muslim MP: 2,000 Britons fighting for Islamic State (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


As many as 2,000 Britons are fighting alongside Islamist militants in Syria and Iraq, a senior Muslim MP has claimed…………..




22-11-2014: Syrian Christians: 'Help us to stay - stop arming terrorists' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


During the past four years of Syria's war, its Christian population has largely stayed put, despite the war destroying much of the surrounding province of Deraa……………………..


Some of the rebels were vetted by the CIA as "moderate Muslims" and subsequently trained and armed in Jordan, as part of a US-led program to bolster a non-sectarian opposition to President Bashar-Assad.


"If the West wants Syria to remain a country for Christian people, then help us to stay here; stop arming terrorists.”………………………..


Exactly how many Christians have left Syria is difficult to say, but according to the Christian charity Open Doors, some 700,000 have left the country, which equates to some 40 per cent of Syria's pre-war Christian population………………..


Looking around his 1,500 year old church, Mr Hanout warned: "In this land the Word started. And if you delete the Word here, then Christianity across the world will have no future.”


Residents from other sects have been able to return to their homes, even when they are in rebel control, but Christians fear that if they leave and their town is then captured by the opposition - even one led by western trained groups - they will never be able to return………………..




22-11-2014: Inside Syria's 1,500-year-old Christian community (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Exactly how many Christians have left Syria is difficult to say, but according to the Christian charity Open Doors, some 700,000 have left the country, which equates to some 40 per cent of Syria's pre-war Christian population………………..


Looking around Izraa's 1,500 year old church, Father Elias Hanout warned: "In this land the Word started. And if you delete the Word here, then Christianity across the world will have no future."……




21-11-2014: British jihadi reportedly killed in Syria fighting for Isis (http://www.theguardian.com)


21-11-2014: ISIS suffers setback in drive for Syria-Turkey border city Kobani (http://www.cbc.ca)


Kobani-based activists say Kurdish fighters have made small but steady advances in the past two weeks following the arrival of the peshmerga forces………………..


"The front lines are more defined now. We have a more organized and coherent defence strategy, and Daesh advances have been halted — but the danger remains,"…………………..




20-11-2014: War with Isis: A Catholic convert and a pizza delivery man reveal the disturbing face of French jihadists (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Two members of a column of killers seen cutting the throats of 12 captured Syrian pilots in the Isis video released this week were French. Both have been identified. Both are 22. Both are European……..


One is Maxime Hauchard, a former cinema lover and pizza delivery man from suburban Normandy. The other is Mickael dos Santos, a French-born, once devoutly Catholic son of a Portuguese immigrant family settled near Paris…………………..




20-11-2014: Syria refugees 'shot and killed by Turkey border guards' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Turkish border guards have abused – and even killed – refugees trying to escape the fighting in Syria, according to an Amnesty International report…..


"Turkey is clearly struggling to meet even the most basic needs of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. The result is that many of those who have made it across the border have been abandoned to a life of destitution,"……………………


More than 1 million Syrian refugees who have flocked to Turkey are struggling to survive on their own as overfilled government-run refugee camps operate at full capacity, the report finds………..


The remaining 1.38 million – more than 85 per cent – are living outside the camps, mostly in communities along the Turkey-Syrian border. An estimated 330,000 live in Istanbul, the Turkish commercial capital………………………….




20-11-2014: Amnesty report reveals desperate plight of Syrian refugees in Turkey (http://www.theguardian.com)


More than 1 million Syrian refugees who have flocked to Turkey to escape fighting at home are struggling to survive on their own,………………….


In many cities and towns bordering Syria, tension is rising due to an ever-increasing Syrian population. Turkey does not grant Syrians official refugee status, labelling them as “guests” who enjoy temporary protection, but in many Turkish cities with a large Syrian population, local people increasingly feel that refugees have outstayed their welcome,……………………………….


The report points out that the estimated 1.38 million Syrians who live outside the government-run refugee camps struggle to secure a minimum of social and economic rights, such as education, housing and healthcare………………




19-11-2014: Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The counter-terrorism mandate is a fiction. America is the Number One “State Sponsor of Terrorism”


The Islamic State is protected by the US and its allies. If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State brigades, they could have “carpet” bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from Syria into Iraq in June





19-11-2014: FBI tracking 150 people who may have travelled to Syria 'to fight' (http://www.theguardian.com)


The US is tracking as many as 150 people who traveled from the United States to Syria in recent months, “a significant number of them to fight”, FBI director James Comey told reporters at a briefing in Boston on Tuesday……………………..


In October, the UN security council said 15,000 fighters from 80 countries have flooded into Syria and Iraq to fight alongside Isis and other militant groups……………….




18-11-2014: Kurdish fighters advance in heart of Kobani: Group (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A rights group says the Kurdish forces battling the Takfiri ISIL militants in the northern Syrian city of Kobani have advanced in the heart of the flashpoint city and expelled the terrorists from several buildings………………….


The Kurds “captured a large amount of weapons and ammunition, including RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) rounds, light weapons, sniper guns and thousands of heavy machine gun rounds,” the Britain-based group said……………….




18-11-2014: Kurds seize ISIS arms near Kobani, Syria: activists (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Kurdish fighters captured six buildings used by ISIS militants besieging the Syrian town of Kobani Tuesday, and seized a large amount of the jihadist group's weapons and ammunition, an activist group monitoring the war said…………………………….


The buildings were in a strategic location close to Kobani's Security Square where the main municipal buildings are based………………………………….




17-11-2014: ISIL militants massacred 1,500 Syrians over 5 months: Group (http://www.presstv.ir)


The ISIL Takfiri terrorists have executed nearly 1,500 people in Syria in five months, as they continue committing crimes against humanity on a large scale in the country, says a UK-based group……………………….


He added that four ISIL militants, 43 members of the rival militant groups, including the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front, and 483 Syrian army soldiers were also among those massacred……..




16-11-2014: ISIS Has An Army Of 200,000 Militants, Six Times Larger Than What The West Believes It To Be, Senior Leader Reveals (http://www.hngn.com)


At least 200,000 Islamic State militants are reportedly fighting in Iraq and Syria against the international coalition, far larger than what has previously been estimated by the CIA, a senior Kurdish leader revealed………………


"I am talking about hundreds of thousands of fighters because they are able to mobilize Arab young men in the territory they have taken,"………………….




16-11-2014: ISIL militant beheads US aid worker: Video (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The ISIL terrorist group has released a video apparently showing the beheading of US aid worker Peter Kassig by a Takfiri militant


The ISIL militants first showed Kassig in the video of the beheading of British aid worker Alan Henning in early October. The terror group has posted numerous videos of its atrocities as a terror tactic




16-11-2014: Iraq Intel Report: US Planes Supplying ISIL with Weapons, Foodstuff (http://english.farsnews.com)


The Iraqi forces have found out that the US aircraft usually airdrop arms and food cargoes for ISIL militants who collect them on the ground, Asia news agency quoted Iraqi army's intelligence officers as saying……………………………..


On Saturday, Iraqi security sources disclosed that the ISIL terrorist group is using the state-of-the-art weapons which are only manufactured by the US and each of their bullets are worth thousands of dollars……………..




15-11-2014: Turkey, US plan to train 2,000 militants fighting Syria govt (http://www.presstv.ir)


Turkey and the US have agreed to train some 2,000 militants fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a report says……………..


Washington will supply weapons for the militants and is also expected to pay for the training,……




14-11-2014: U.S. weighs expanded CIA training, arming of Syrian allies struggling against Assad (http://www.washingtonpost.com/)


The Obama administration has been weighing plans to escalate the CIA’s role in arming and training fighters in Syria, a move aimed at accelerating covert U.S. support to moderate rebel factions while the Pentagon is preparing to establish its own training bases, U.S. officials said……


The agency now vets and trains about 400 fighters each month — as many as are expected to be trained by the Pentagon when its program reaches full strength late next year…..


A decision to expand the CIA program would deepen U.S. involvement in Syria, where the United Nations says 200,000 people have been killed during more than three years of civil war……




14-11-2014: ISIL committing war crimes in Syria: United Nations (http://www.presstv.ir)


14-11-2014: U.S. says it has targeted Khorasan Group again in Syria with airstrike (http://www.latimes.com/)


A single airstrike targeted the Khorasan group, Centcom said in a statement, referring to a network of senior Al Qaeda operatives that U.S. officials have said is plotting terrorist attacks against targets in the West………………


Syrian opposition activists said, however, that the true target of the strikes against Khorasan is Al Nusra Front, which has considerable support in Syrian opposition zones……………


Many opposition activists in Syria and elsewhere doubt the existence of  Khorasan, contending that the targets being attacked are actually Al Nusra Front strongholds…..




13-11-2014: War with Isis: The forgotten, plucky Kurds under siege in their enclave on Syria’s border with Turkey (http://www.independent.co.uk)


13-11-2014: Interview with Henry Kissinger: 'Do We Achieve World Order Through Chaos or Insight?' (http://www.spiegel.de)


First of all, I don't agree that the Syrian crisis can be interpreted as a ruthless dictator against a helpless population and that the population will become democratic if you remove the dictator………………


We could never fight with Assad. That would be a denial of years of what we have done and asserted. But frankly, I think we should have had a dialogue with Russia and asked what outcome we want in Syria, and formulate a strategy together. It was wrong to say from the beginning that Assad must go -- although it is a desirable ultimate goal. Now that we are locked into that conflict with Russia, a deal regarding the Iranian nuclear program becomes more difficult……………




13-11-2014: Kurd fighters cut off ISIL key supply road to Kobani (http://www.presstv.ir)


Kurdish fighters with the assistance of Iraqi Peshmerga fighters, who crossed into Kobani on October 31, managed to retake the strategic hill of Mistanour and the road that runs along the side of the hill on Wednesday……………….


The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday that at least 1,013 people had been killed in the fighting in Kobani, known as Ain al-Arab in Arabic, since the beginning of the offensive two months ago……………………….




13-11-2014: Informal Patrols on Turkey's Border With Syria (http://abcnews.go.com/)


They are some of the hundreds of volunteers, predominantly Turkish Kurds, who have traveled from villages, towns and cities across southeastern Turkey and even from Istanbul, to keep watch on the border. They are on the lookout for potential fighters of the extremist Islamic State group attempting to cross into Kobani, besieged since mid-September by IS and defended by Kurdish Syrian fighters known as the People's Protection Units………………………


"To be honest, we don't trust (the Turkish border guards), because we have seen many occasions that the Turkish government has loosened its borders for ISIS fighters, weapons and logistical support to cross," said Ibrahim Binici,…………………




12-11-2014: ISIS Boot Camp Syria: Children as Young as 10 Forced to Behead Syrian Soldiers (http://www.ibtimes.co.in)


Reports from the city of Raqqa have said that children as young as 10 were made to behead captured Syrian soldiers, as a compulsory test to graduate from the ISIS boot camp………………


The Islamic State militants, who have been running several boot camps referred to as 'Cubs of Islamic State' or 'Cubs of al-Baghdadi', brought in a fresh batch of graduating students and told them to perform the beheadings……………..


Over 100 captured Syrian soldiers loyal to President Bashar al-Assad were executed by the 'Cubs of Islamic State.'…………………




12-11-2014: Isis in Syria: In the shadow of death, a few thousand Christians remain to defy militants (http://www.independent.co.uk)



The city, isolated in the far north-east of Syria, has a cordon of army regiments and local militias to defend it, and the land to the east is held by armed Syrian Kurds. But the Turkish border is closed, and the rest of the land around the city is held by Isis and its fellow Islamists……………….


This exodus of Christians from the Middle East – as they themselves attest – only began after the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, whose architects, as we all know, are born-again Christians….


They all condemned Isis and several claimed – as many Syrian government supporters often suggest – that the “Islamic State” is an American “product”, intended to break up the countries of the Middle East………………


“This loss of Christians is a very negative thing. The countries which encourage them to leave do not have their best interests at heart. They want to dissolve them in their societies. The Orient is a mosaic of different peoples and the West does not like this. If the West really wants to help us, they should help us to stay here and live in dignity. But as long as there is a crisis, our people want to leave.”…………………..


In central Syria, these clergymen estimate that as many as 80 Christian Syriacs have been murdered, and a far larger number were killed serving in the Syrian government army……………………


“The West is not receiving us because they are Christian countries. They are secular countries. They want to destroy the Christian community here because they know that the Syriacs have deep roots here. In a couple of generations, the Syriacs in the European communities will have disappeared




12-11-2014: ISIL suffers reverses in Iraq and Syria (http://www.euronews.com)


12-11-2014: Kurds gain ground but not control in struggle for Syrian border town (http://www.reuters.com)


Syrian Kurds backed by fighters from northern Iraq have gained ground towards breaking the siege of the Syrian border town of Kobani but are drawing heavy fire from Islamic State insurgents and have yet to win back control…………


Idris Nassan, a local official in Kobani, estimated that Islamic State now controlled less than 20 percent of the town and that heavy artillery salvoes by peshmerga had helped the Kurds to advance to the south and east………………




12-11-2014: More Than 20 US-Led Air Strikes Hit Near Kobani, N. Iraq (http://www.voanews.com/)


Syrian activists say seven weeks of U.S.-led airstrikes have killed at least 860 people in Syria, most of them Islamic State militants…………………………




11-11-2014: Syria Kurds 'recapture' areas of Kobani from ISIS (http://www.dailystar.com.lb/)


Kurds battling ISIS in Kobani were making advances in the flashpoint Syrian town on the border with Turkey, local officials and an activist group said………………


Kobani has been under siege from ISIS since mid-September and more than 1,000 people have been killed in the fighting, most of them jihadists…………….




11-11-2014: Has America decided it must work with Assad to defeat Isil? (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


11-11-2014: Syria, Iraq conflicts displaced 13.6 million: UNHCR (http://www.presstv.ir)


The United Nations refugee agency says the conflicts in Syria and Iraq have roughly displaced 13.6 million people, bemoaning poor humanitarian assistance on the part of some countries…..




11-11-2014: War against Isis: PKK commander tasked with the defence of Syrian Kurds claims 'we will save Kobani' (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Mr Bayik accuses Turkey of having covert links with Jabhat al-Nusra and encouraging the jihadis to threaten Afrin……………..


He believes that Turkey has sufficient influence over Jabhat al-Nusra to prevent it attacking Afrin. “Kurds will not accept Kobani and Afrin being under threat of genocide and massacre.”……….


The battle for Kobani and the PKK’s role in helping the Yazidis trapped on Mount Sinjar resist Isis has increased the movement’s popularity and prestige among Kurds in Turkey and elsewhere. The determination of their fighters to resist Isis successfully is in contrast to the failure of the Iraqi army, Syrian army, Syrian rebels and Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga, all of whom had been routed over the last five months by the jihadis…………………………


Mr Bayik sees much of what happens in the region through the prism of Turkish-Kurd relations and is convinced Turkey has a strong influence over Isis and Jabhat al-Nusra and has been able to manipulate them against the Kurds…………………….




10-11-2014: Bodyguard of Syrian rebel who defected to Isil reveals secrets of the jihadist leadership (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Before joining Isil, Jamal had been a drug dealer, then a commander in the western-backed Free Syrian Army, claiming contacts in the CIA……………….


But much of the fighting is led by warriors from a variety of backgrounds, including Saddam Hussein’s dismantled army. Some have an even shadier past………….




10-11-2014: Syrian rebel leader: US-led attacks on Isis are undermining anti-Assad forces (http://www.theguardian.com)


Hadi al-Bahra, president of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), warned in an interview on Monday that air strikes against Isis by the international coalition assembled by Barack Obama were weakening support inside Syria for already embattled non-extremist anti-Assad forces……


“The FSA is being ignored completely and this is weakening the international coalition operation because it is not able to achieve results on the ground,” he said. “


Its position has worsened recently because the Isis security threat has led some western governments to consider reopening channels to Assad and dealing with him as the “lesser evil” to the jihadis…………………




10-11-2014: Jabhat al-Nusra blows up Armenian church in Deir el-Zour: A savage blow that echoes through Armenian history (http://www.independent.co.uk)


In the most savage act of vandalism against Syria’s Christians, Islamists have blown up the great Armenian church in Deir el-Zour, which is dedicated to the one and a half million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks during the 1915 genocide………………..


Jabhat al-Nusra rebels appear to have been the culprits this time, but since many Syrians believe that the group has received arms from Turkey, the destruction will be regarded by many Armenians as a further stage in their historical annihilation by the descendants of those who perpetrated the genocide 99 years ago………………..




9-11-2014: Over 1,000 killed since ISIL launched Kobani attack: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


“At least 1,013 people have been killed in fighting in Ain al-Arab from the beginning of the offensive till last night,”………………………..


More than 360 people who lost their lives in the battle over Kobani were said to be members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). The so-called monitoring group added that 16 volunteers who joined the Kurdish fighters and 24 civilians are also among the dead………..




8-11-2014: ISIL shuts down all schools in eastern Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The ISIL Takfiri terrorists have shut all schools in areas they control in eastern Syria, pending a revision of the curriculum, residents say…………..


“ISIS informed them that teachers shall undergo a religious instructional course for one month, and that ISIS officials were currently developing a new curriculum instead of the current infidel education,”………………………..


The militants have already annulled history, literature and Christianity courses in the Iraqi city of Mosul, situated some 400 kilometers (250 miles) northwest of the capital, Baghdad…………….




6-11-2014: Islamic State: US-led air strikes target Al Nusra Front in Syria, human rights group says (http://www.abc.net.au/)


5-11-2014: Al-Qaida Affiliate Gains Ground Against U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebels (http://www.syriadeeply.org)


This past weekend, Jabhat al-Nusra made sweeping gains in Idlib province, taking key towns and villages controlled by two U.S.-backed rebel groups:……………


Jabhat al-Nusra's leader, Abu Mohammad al-Golani, said that his fighters intend to eliminate the Syria Revolutionaries' Front (SRF) and released a video message saying the ‘'so-called moderate (Syrian) factions are better called (Western) collaborators."……………………




4-11-2014: 'We don't feel anger, only sadness': The forgotten victims of the Syrian conflict with Isis (http://www.independent.co.uk)


4-11-2014: ISIL abuses, tortures detained Kurdish children: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


The ISIL Takfiri militants have tortured and abused children whom they detained near the northern Syrian city of Kobani earlier this year, an international rights group says……………………


According to the US-based group, the ISIL kept 153 boys at a school in Manbij, a town 55 kilometers southwest of Kobani……………………




3-11-2014: Tragic Setbacks for U.S. Allies in Iraq and Syria (http://www.theatlantic.com)


Western Iraq saw more brutal bloodshed this weekend after the Islamic State massacred 322 people of the Albu Nimr tribe, a Sunni group, including women and children………………..


In Syria, the United States faced another setback in its battle against terrorist groups, when weapons distributed to anti-government rebels ended up in the hands of an al-Qaeda splinter group, Jabhat al-Nusra…………….


It is unclear if the moderate rebels who had been trained by the United States surrendered or defected to the terrorist group……………………


…………………..northern Syria is in danger of becoming fully ISIS-controlled.


3-11-2014: Islamic State: Is the US-led war really helping Syria's Assad? Maybe. (+video) (http://www.csmonitor.com)


Now, the rise of the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq has dragged the US and its allies into what appears to be an open-ended conflict……………………


Many Syrian activists and rebels complain that the tempo of the Syrian Air Force’s strikes in opposition areas has increased since the start of US-led air strikes. In the past fortnight, the Assad regime undertook nearly 800 aerial bombardments, dropping no fewer than 401 barrel bombs across the country…………………………..


The airstrikes, limited in scope and largely centered in Kobane, have had little impact on the Islamic State’s command and control structure, or its ability to operate in Syria and Iraq……………….


In the northwestern province of Idlib, US-backed moderate rebels have lost men and ground to Al Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra. In a major blow to Jamal Maarouf, commander of the Syria Revolutionaries Front, dozens of his men allegedly defected to join al Nusra, triggering fighting that culminated in the loss of his hometown. Al-Nusra also seized military bases in Idlib from major US arms recipient, Haraket Hazm…………………




3-11-2014: In Assad's Syria, death notices litter the walls - and life goes on (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


2-11-2014: Syrian rebels armed and trained by US surrender to al-Qaeda (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Two of the main rebel groups receiving weapons from the United States to fight both the regime and jihadist groups in Syria have surrendered to al-Qaeda…………..


But on Saturday night Harakat Hazm surrendered military bases and weapons supplies to Jabhat al-Nusra, when the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria stormed villages they controlled in northern Idlib province………………


2-11-2014: How did Islamists receive American weapons? See the evidence from guided missile that exploded near Syrian front line (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Syria’s special forces troops are strung out across a pinnacle of hills here just north east of Lattakia on one of the country’s most dangerous front lines, under daily missile attack from reinforced rebel forces now supported by Isis……………




2-11-2014: Syrian rebels use US supplied anti-tank missiles (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


There are concerns that weapons supplied by the US to Syrian rebels may have fallen into al-Qaeda's hands following reports that two of the main rebel groups receiving arms in Syria have surrendered to the terror group……………………..




1-11-2014: Iraqi Kurds reinforce Kobani; U.S. planes pound Islamic State targets (http://www.reuters.com/)


Syrian Kurds welcomed the arrival in Kobani of Iraqi Kurdish fighters with their heavy weapons, hoping they might tip the balance in the battle to defend the town against Islamic State, as U.S.-led air strikes continued to bomb the ultra-hardline group in Iraq and Syria……………..




1-11-2014: ‘SAND PIRATES’: Are ISIS America’s 21st Century Terror Privateers? (http://21stcenturywire.com/)


On closer inspection, these marauding paramilitary ISIS gangs are nothing new. They’re being paid for, and directed at the highest levels by powers outside of Iraq and Syria. So it’s no surprise that the US, UK, Saudi, Qatar and Turkey all share the exact same objective as ISIS – the destabilization of secular nation states in the Middle East and the removal of Bashar al Assad in Syria. With the same objectives and agenda, the Western Coalition and ISIS work together like a well-oiled machine…………………………




1-11-2014: US Destroying Syria’s Oil Infrastructure Under Guise of Fighting ISIS (http://journal-neo.org)


The trouble with this justification for destroying Syria’s oil pipelines, is that ISIS does not have the capability to use the pipelines to transfer oil. ISIS transports the stolen oil on the back of trucks, and sells it on the black market in Turkey……………..


If the US truly intended to stop ISIS oil profits, they would bomb these oil convoys, which are easily spotted via conventional surveillance flights already allegedly taking place as part of ongoing Western operations………………




1-11-2014: Kobani fighting leaves 100 militants dead in 3 days (http://www.presstv.ir/)


At least 100 militants from the ISIL terror group have been killed in three days of clashes over Syria's border city of Kobani, also known as Ain al-Arab in Arabic


Fifteen YPG fighters, meanwhile, lost their lives in skirmishes in Kobani on Friday, while another 11 Takfiris were killed in air raids by a US-led coalition in both Kobani and Raqa province…..




31-10-2014: Iraqi Peshmerga forces leave Turkey, enter Kobani (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Iraq’s Kurdish Peshmerga fighters have reportedly entered the northern Syrian border town of Kobani to join the fight against the ISIL Takfiri militants……………


The Syrian Kurdish fighters in Kobani said a group of 10 Peshmerga fighters had entered the besieged town on Thursday through the border crossing with Turkey to study the geography of the area…………………..




31-10-2014: Jihadists from around the world flock to fight with Isil: UN (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Foreign fighters are continuing to pour into Syria and Iraq at the rate of 1,000 a month in a global movement of jihadists that exceeds even that into Afghanistan in the 1980s, new assessments from the United Nations and US intelligence have shown…………………..




30-10-2014: U.S. airstrikes probably didn't take out terror targets in Syria, officials say (http://edition.cnn.com)


The U.S. intelligence community now believes two key terrorist operatives targeted by the United States in the opening night of attacks in Syria are still alive and could be actively plotting, ……… … …………………




30-10-2014: Syrian regime denounces Turkey for allowing foreign fighters to enter Kobane (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Ten Iraqi Kurdish fighters crossed into the embattled Syrian border town of Kobane from Turkey on Thursday, drawing an angry response from the Damascus government, which accused Ankara of violating national sovereignty by allowing foreign troops to enter Syria………………….


“The peshmerga won’t change the military balance,” said Kurdish activist Barzan Iso, speaking from the Turkish border. “But it shows that Kurds are not alone, and that we are united in the fight against terrorism and the Islamic State.”………………………


…………..this is the first time foreign troops will be deployed publicly to Syria since the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad began in 2011……………




30-10-2014: Foreign jihadists flocking to Iraq and Syria on 'unprecedented scale' – UN (http://www.theguardian.com)


A report by the UN security council, obtained by the Guardian, finds that 15,000 people have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the Islamic State (Isis) and similar extremist groups. They come from more than 80 countries, the report states, “including a tail of countries that have not previously faced challenges relating to al-Qaida.”




29-10-2014: 12 killed, dozens injured in Syria’s Homs car bombing (http://www.presstv.ir/)


29-10-2014: Australian ISIS Leader Killed in the Middle East (http://www.theatlantic.com)


…………….as the infamous Australian terrorist Mohammad Ali Baryalei has reportedly been killed in Syria. His last known location was Raqqa, which has become the home base of ISIS


A former bouncer and actor, Baryalei reportedly became a devoted Muslim after suffering from depression…………………….


In September, Baryalei was implicated as the mastermind of a terrorist plot to be carried out back in Australia…………………….




29-10-2014: Whose side is Qatar really on in the war against Islamic State (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Qatar’s tilt towards radical Islamist groups started in 2009 when, in protest at Israel’s military incursion against Hamas extremists in Gaza, Doha broke its trade ties with Israel, having earlier enjoyed the distinction of being the first Gulf sheikhdom to have official relations with the Jewish state………………..


But by far the most damaging allegations of Qatari support for radical Islamic groups have been made in Washington, where Treasury officials have publicly “outed” a number of prominent Qataris whom they accuse of channelling funds to Isil militants – the very militants that the Qatari regime is supposed to be fighting




28-10-2014: ISIS: America’s Terrorist Mercenaries (http://journal-neo.org)


Clearly, the rise of the so-called “Islamic State” or ISIS, did not happen overnight, nor by accident. It was not only the logical result of the United States continuing its strategy of proxy warfare it had carried out against Libya, now unfolding in Syria, it was also the premeditated, documented result of what veteran journalist Seymour Hersh had warned about in 2007………………


The US has found itself revising history, attempting to explain the existence of ISIS lurking in the footprints of its massive support of so-called “moderates” in Syria’s ongoing conflict. The US has attempted to claim ISIS has built itself on “donations,” selling oil to the black market, and by taking hostages for ransom. If only building a multinational terrorist mercenary force was that easy, we could imagine Syria, Iraq, and Iran would likewise have vast mercenary armies to outmatch ISIS in an afternoon……………….




28-10-2014: Striking out on their own (http://www.economist.com)


But now that Syria’s Kurds are leading the fight in northern Syria against the jihadists calling themselves Islamic State (IS), they are gaining support. The American air force has repeatedly bombed IS forces besieging the Kurdish border town of Kobane (Ain al-Arab in Arabic, pictured above) and is providing weapons to Syria’s Kurds to help the fight……………….


All this could boost Syrian Kurds' campaign to establish greater self-rule over the three Kurdish-majority enclaves in northern Syria………………….


Schools are open and although lessons are still taught in Arabic, the administration plans to introduce a new curriculum—possibly to be taught in Kurdish, Arabic and Syriac………




28-10-2014: A month ago, ISIS’s advance looked unstoppable. Now it’s been stopped (http://www.vox.com)


The truth is that ISIS's momentum is stalled: in both Iraq and Syria, the group is being beaten back at key points. There are initial signs — uncertain, sketchy, but hopeful — that the group is hurting more than you may think, and has stalled out in the war it was for so long winning. ISIS isn't close to being destroyed……………..


In late October, ISIS suffered a defeat in an even more crucial area. Iraqi government forces took Jurf al-Sakhar, a town (in the area labeled Northern Babil………………………..


The loss of prestige and of personnel compound one another. The more people ISIS loses, the more it needs new fighters. But the defeats make people less likely to volunteer…………..




27-10-2014: Kobani Kurdish forces repel ISIL attack (http://www.presstv.ir)


According to Kurdish officials and the London-based so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the ISIL terrorists attempted to seize Kobani’s border post with neighboring Turkey late Saturday…………..


The militants were, however, pushed back by the Kurdish fighters in the south and west, guarding the only official gateway from Kobani to Turkey…………………..




27-10-2014: Kurds reject Erdogan report of deal with Syrian rebels to aid besieged Kobani (http://www.reuters.com)


A senior Syrian Kurdish official on Friday rejected a report from Turkey's president that Syrian Kurds had agreed to let Free Syrian Army fighters enter the border town of Kobani to help them push back besieging Islamic State insurgents………………..


"We have already established a connection with FSA but no such agreement has been reached yet as Mr. Erdogan has mentioned," Moslem told Reuters by telephone from Brussels


Turkey's unwillingness to send its powerful army across the Syrian border to break the siege of Kobani has angered Kurds, and seems rooted in a concern not to strengthen Kurds who seek autonomy in adjoining regions of Turkey, Iraq and Syria……………………..




26-10-2014: Saudi clerics financing terrorists in Syria: Nusra ex-commander (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A former commander of a Takfiri group in Syria has shed light on the financial resources of the militants fighting against the Syrian government


Abu Leith al-Tabouki, who used to be a leader of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, has said that some Saudi clerics play a great role in providing the financial resources of the militants




26-10-2014: Big Oil, Qataris, Saudis Lick Lips As US 'Fights ISIS' By Bombing Syrian Pipelines (http://www.activistpost.com/)


26-10-2014: Jordanian Special Forces are secretly fighting ISIS in Iraq, Syria, sources say (http://thearabdailynews.com)


Sources in Jordan have told the Arab Daily News in Amman that Jordan has dispatched 4000 of its special forces to fight the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL………………


…………………….the Jordanian Special Forces were battling ISIS while wearing military fatigues with Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmerga insignias around Baghdad, and in the Kurdish region in the north………………………




26-10-2014: Death toll from Kobani ground battles ‘over 800’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


25-10-2014: Kurdish fighters regain ground in Kobane (http://www.aljazeera.com/)


Kurdish fighters have retaken a hill near Kobane from ISIL fighters that could prove essential if further supply airdrops are made by the US and its allies………………




24-10-2014: Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani (http://www.theguardian.com)


Kurds battling Islamic State militants for control of Kobani fear the extremist group may have used an unidentified chemical weapon, according to officials and one of the few doctors still working in the besieged Syrian town…………………….


“Some had red patches and blisters on their skins, others had difficulties breathing and others were vomiting, with painful throats, and others with burning eyes and noses. There was one patient, all his body was covered in red patches and blisters.”……………………………




24-10-2014: Journalists under attack, hypocritical Western media remains silent (http://rt.com)


The suspicious death of US-born journalist Serena Shim, and the deafening silence on the story in the US, is merely the latest example of the blatant double standard employed by the Western media


While Turkish authorities quickly contended that her death was an accident, many around the world, including executives and senior staff members of Press TV – the Iranian news agency for which Shim was working – have expressed doubts about the circumstances of her death, describing it as “suspicious.”


This revealing interview highlights the fact that Shim, unlike many Western journalists reporting on the Syrian conflict, was actually involved in a serious investigation, including documenting the collusion between Turkish intelligence and militant extremists to smuggle fighters and weapons into Syria………………




24-10-2014: The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com)


The details are emerging of a new secret and quite stupid Saudi-US deal on Syria and the so-called IS. It involves oil and gas control of the entire region and the weakening of Russia and Iran by Saudi Arabian flooding the world market with cheap oil. Details were concluded in the September meeting by US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Saudi King. ………………


What has happened is that the long-time US ally inside OPEC, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has been flooding the market with deep discounted oil, triggering a price war within OPEC, with Iran following suit and panic selling short in oil futures markets………………..




23-10-2014: Fighting resumes between Kurdish fighters and ISIL terrorists in Kobani (http://www.presstv.ir/)


23-10-2014: .US.-led air strikes killed 521 fighters, 32 civilians in Syria: monitor (http://www.reuters.com)


Air strikes by U.S.-led forces have killed 521 Islamist fighters and 32 civilians during a month-long campaign in Syria, a monitoring group which tracks the violence said on Thursday………..


The attacks also killed 57 members of the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front, the Observatory said. Six of the civilians were children and five were women, it added


Close to 200,000 people have been killed in Syria's three-year civil war, according to the United Nations




23-10-2014: How the US Supports the Islamic State (ISIS): One “Accidental Airdrop” vs Billions in Covert Military Aid (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


23-10-2014: Turkey says help coming for Kurds battling ISIS (http://www.cbsnews.com)


21-10-2014: ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S. (http://www.cbsnews.com)


……………….the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claims it has captured weapons and ammunition dropped by the U.S. military that was intended for Kurdish forces defending an embattled Syrian city near the Turkish border………………….


Idris Nassan, a senior Kurdish official from Kobani who is now in the Turkish town of Mursitpinar, confirmed the Kurdish fighters received the airdrop and asked for more weapons……




21-10-2014: New report further exposes Turkey links to ISIL militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


A reporter working for Britain’s Sky News has obtained documents showing that the Turkish government has stamped passports of foreign militants seeking to cross the Turkey border into Syria to join the ISIL terrorists


Passports from different countries were recovered in a village near Syria’s strategic town of Kobani across the Turkish border




21-10-2014: 700 'beheaded, crucified and shot' after revolt against militants (http://www.msn.com/)


The cost of turning against the Islamic State was made brutally apparent in the streets of a dusty backwater town in eastern Syria in early August. Over a three-day period, vengeful fighters shelled, beheaded, crucified and shot hundreds of members of the Shaitat tribe after they dared to rise up against the extremists……………..


“We saw what the Americans did to help the Yazidis and the Kurds. But they have done nothing to help the Sunnis against the Islamic State,” he said………….


A photo essay on an Islamic State blog boasted of the different ways tribesmen were killed, including beheadings, mass shootings and a crucifixion….




21-10-2014: Video: 15-year-old ISIS fighter describes atrocities


21-10-2014: Middle East Updates / Syria air force strikes 200 times in 36 hours, monitor says (http://www.haaretz.com/)


20-10-2014: US makes arms and aids drops to Kurdish fighters (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The US military said it has air-dropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to the Kurdish fighters battling Isis to retain the key Syrian town of Kobani………….


Central Command said Isis’s advance to Kobani had been slowed by 135 US airstrikes in the area in recent days, which it claimed had killed hundreds of the terror group’s fighters…………….


The aid drops are likely to anger US ally Turkey, which has strongly opposed arming the Syrian Kurds and reportedly bombed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) positions last week…..




19-10-2014: U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


While U.S. warplanes strike at the militants of the so-called Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq, truckloads of U.S. and Western aid has been flowing into territory controlled by the jihadists, assisting them to build their terror-inspiring “caliphate.”


And there are fears the aid itself isn’t carefully monitored enough, with some sold off on the black market or used by ISIS to win hearts and minds by feeding its fighters and its subjects. At a minimum, the aid means ISIS doesn’t have to divert cash from its war budget to help feed the local population or the displaced persons, allowing it to focus its resources exclusively on fighters and war-making, say critics of the aid………………


“I am alarmed that we are providing support for ISIS governance,” says Jonathan Schanzer, a Mideast expert with the Washington D.C.-based think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “By doing so we are indemnifying the militants by satisfying the core demands of local people, who could turn on ISIS if they got frustrated.”




18-10-2014: Kurds gain ground against ISIL in Kobani (http://www.presstv.ir)


A Kurdish military commander says Kurdish fighters are gaining more ground against the ISIL Takfiri militants in and around the Syrian city of Kobani


Reports say Kurdish fighters are currently engaged in heavy fighting with the Takfiri militants in the eastern side of the strategic city


Turkey continues to block any delivery of military, medical or humanitarian assistance into Kobani where the ISIL terrorists are feared to be aiming at massive bloodletting……………..




17-10-2014: Kurds are repelling Isis attack on Kobani with help of US air strikes (http://www.independent.co.uk)


After weeks of what seemed to be an unstoppable Isis onslaught, Kobani’s fighters are steadily pushing back to save their town


In part due to US-led coalition air strikes, the Kurdish forces, who are outgunned and outmanned, have made progress and are now holding their positions, despite Isis using suicide bombers to infiltrate the city. All three of the city’s hospitals have been destroyed, according to sources inside Kobani. They wounded now rely on a mobile clinic, which has run out of medicine………………


While Isis retains approximately 30 to 40 per cent of the eastern part of the town, Kurdish forces have pushed the militants back to the western side and now control a hill to the west called Tel Shair and battles continue in the surrounding villages




17-10-2014: ISIS in Jets for First Time, US Reportedly Trains Rebel Pilots (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


……………..that the brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terror group has begun training pilots on three captured fighter jets, relying on the knowledge of Iraqi pilots who have joined the group……..


The report in Al Mayadeen on Friday cited "reliable sources" saying America is training pilots "from countries in the Middle East" to conduct airstrikes in Syria……………………………




17-10-2014: ISIL jihadists training to fly Syria warplanes: monitor (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com)


Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) jihadists are being trained by Saddam Hussein's former pilots to fly three fighter jets captured from the Syrian military, a monitoring group said Oct. 16……


Witnesses have reported seeing planes flying at a low altitude to avoid detection by radar after taking off from Jarrah…………..




16-10-2014: Islamic State 'retreating' in key Syria town of Kobane (http://www.bbc.com)


Islamic State militants are retreating in parts of the northern Syrian town of Kobane in the face of US-led air strikes, a Kurdish official has said…………………..


Activists say more than 600 people have been killed since the jihadist group launched its assault a month ago…………………..




16-10-2014: U.S.- led air strikes intensify as Syria conflict destabilises Turkey (http://uk.reuters.com)


The plight of the Syrian Kurds in Kobani provoked riots among Turkey's 15 million Kurds last week in which at least 35 people were killed………………………


Turkish warplanes were reported to have attacked Kurdish rebel targets in southeast Turkey after the army said it had been attacked by the banned PKK Kurdish militant group, risking reigniting a three-decade conflict that killed 40,000 people before a cease-fire was declared two years ago………….


In particular, U.S. officials have expressed frustration at Turkey's refusal to help them fight against Islamic State. Washington has said Turkey has agreed to let it strike from Turkish air base. Ankara has said that is still under discussion……………………




16-10-2014: With friends like Turkey, who needs enemies? (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


And yet, rather than helping its Western allies, the Turks seem to be doing everything in their power to frustrate the international effort to eradicate the Isil threat – a campaign that politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have warned could last for many years to come……………..


The same obstructive attitude can be seen in Ankara’s less-than-enthusiastic response to Washington’s repeated requests for permission to mount air strikes against Isil positions from Turkish bases. As a result, US fighters are inconveniently operating from aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean, which severely impedes their ability to respond quickly to the constantly changing battle landscape


Claims that the Turks are actively supporting Isil fighters with arms and training indicates that there now exists a sharp divergence between Turkey’s priorities in the conflict and those of the Western powers




16-10-2014: Old rivalries keeping Turkey on sidelines of Syria fight, analysts say (http://www.foxnews.com)


Old geopolitical rivalries are throwing a wrench into U.S. efforts to bring Turkey on board with the mission to "degrade and destroy" the Islamic State in a Syrian border town………………………


To do so, Turkey would have to attack the group fighting its biggest enemy in the region -- the Syrian president. And it would have to help a group -- the Kurdish fighters -- tied to the PKK, which in turn allegedly is backed by Assad……………….




15-10-2014: Up to 30 British jihadists now dead in Syria but toll will rise with Isil lure (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


Up to 30 British jihadists are now believed to have died fighting alongside Isil and other terror groups in Syria, latest estimates suggest……………………


More than 500 Britons are believed to have travelled to Syria to fight, half of which may have already returned……………….




14-10-2014: Kurdish fighters recapture strategic hill from ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir)


Kurdish fighters have taken back a strategically significant hill west of the Syrian border town of Kobani from Takfiri ISIL militants


The Tall Shair hill, captured by the ISIL terrorists over 10 days ago, was retaken by Kurdish forces on Tuesday, the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) said




14-10-2014: Now ISIS is under attack from guerrillas itself: Ultra-secret White Shroud group strike fear into terrorists by picking off fighters one by one (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Terrorist organisation Islamic State is now under attack from guerrillas itself, it was revealed today. Small groups of Syrians are hunting down ISIS fighters in one of their main strongholds in eastern Syria in a new guerrilla campaign that has emerged as a response to the Islamists' growing brutality.




14-10-2014: ISIS threatens to conquer the Vatican, 'break the crosses of the infidels' (http://www.jpost.com)


Islamic State is eying Rome as the latest installment to its self-declared caliphate, which now covers large chunks of territory in northern Iraq and Syria……………….


The Islamist organization claims it will one day conquer Rome, threatening to "break [the] crosses" of infidels and sell and trade their women……………….


Islamic State has killed and driven out large numbers of Christians and other religious groups in area they've seized – including Shi'ite Muslims – who do not abide by their strict version of Sunni Islam……………..




14-10-2014: CIA already present inside Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley said at a Press TV debate that the US mercenaries have been working closely with the terrorist groups fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government……………………..


“We do have boots on the ground but they are wearing black masks and black uniforms, so they look just like ISIL fighters,” Kelley said


Kelley also noted that the US has shipped billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia in recent years with the knowledge that the ammunition would end up in the hands of ISIL……………




13-9-2014: ISIL used chemical weapons against Kobani Kurdish fighters: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Recent photos of Kurdish fighters killed in battles with ISIL Takfiri militants in the Syrian town of Kobani suggest that the terrorists have used chemical weapons against the Kurds……………


The photographs, published by the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) on Sunday, show that the bodies of three Kurdish fighters were not damaged by bullets, but instead were marked by burns and white spots without any visible wounds or external bleeding……….




13-10-2014: Isis brings back slavery: Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters as concubines for $1,000 (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Isis has boasted that it had enslaved women from an Iraqi minority group to use as concubines, as a human rights organisation reported teenagers being bought and sold by fighters for $1,000 (£622)……




13-10-2014: Islamic State: Training of moderate Syrian rebels 'allowed in Turkey' (http://www.bbc.com)


We knew last week that Turkey would get involved in training moderate Syrian opposition groups - but at the time it seemed that would take place in Saudi Arabia………………..


The training is a long-term goal. The coalition's immediate concern is the fate of Kobane and, on that, Turkey is still unwilling to intervene militarily……………………




13-10-2014: US air raids against ISIL deliberately ineffective: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Scott Rickard, a former American intelligence linguist, from Orlando told Press TV that the airstrikes by the US-led coalition against the ISIL have not been “effective,” as “the bombing campaign” does not target the militants’ positions……


Rickard added that there has been an understanding between Washington and Ankara not to lend any kind of support to the Kurdish fighters battling the ISIL militants in the northern part of Syria……..


“Turkey alongside NATO and [Persian] Gulf partners is responsible of building this mercenary force that has been operating with impunity along the Turkish border for well over three years,”…..




13-10-2014: Gruesome photos may show ISIS using chemical weapons on Kurds, report says (http://www.foxnews.com)


Disturbing new photos of ethnic Kurds killed by Islamic State fighters are stoking fears the terrorist army may be using chemical weapons seized from Saddam Hussein’s old arsenals, according to a Middle East watchdog………………………




12-10-2014: We enslaved Iraq’s Izadi Kurd women, kids: ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir)


12-10-2014: 'There are hundreds of bodies with their heads cut off... they put their heads on display to scare us': Survivors of Kobane massacre reveal the brutality of ISIS rampage in Syrian border town (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Thirteen-year-old Dillyar cannot get the image of his cousin being beheaded out of his mind. The pair were fleeing Kobane and running down a street when Islamic State fighters blocked their exit


Dillyar managed to slip through their grasp but his cousin Mohammed, 20, was seized, and gave a blood-curdling scream as one of the black-clad maniacs drew out a knife


'They pushed him to the ground and sawed his head off, shouting 'Allahu Akbar',' the schoolboy told me yesterday. 'I see it in my dreams every night and every morning I wake up and remember everything




12-10-2014: German deputy speaker: NATO must stop Turkey support for ISIS (http://rudaw.net/)


Erdogan’s “dealings with the ISIS are unacceptable. I could not believe that Turkey harbors an ISIS militant camp in Istanbul,” Roth said. “Turkey has also allowed weapons to be transported into Syria through its borders. Also that the ISIS has been able to sell its oil via Turkey is extraordinary,” she added……………………….


Turkey categorically denies any dealings with ISIS. But there are many reported accounts of foreign jihadi fighters crossing from Turkey to Syria, wounded militants treated in Turkish hospitals and Ankara turning a blind eye to ISIS selling smuggled oil………………….




12-10-2014: Turkey, Saudi Arabia giving terrorists WMDs, Syria claims (http://rt.com/)


Syria’s UN envoy has accused Turkey and Saudi Arabia of giving weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to terrorist groups fighting in the country. The charge precedes reports Kurdish fighters battling ISIS militants have been attacked with chemical weapons…………..


He further accused the countries of helping finance groups attempting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad. He singled out Turkey in particular for allegedly supporting over 100 militant organizations currently active in Syria…………………




12-10-2014: ISIL-Kurds urban warfare rages on in Kobani (http://www.presstv.ir)


The urban warfare between Kurdish fighters and the ISIL Takfiri militants rages on in Syria’s border town of Ain al-Arab, also known as Kobani…………………..


According to reports on Sunday, fierce battles continued in Syria's Kobani, as Kurdish resistance fighters pushed back the ISIL militants from some areas in the besieged town


The militants are facing fierce resistance from the Kurdish fighters. The fighters defending the town have inflicted heavy losses on the Takfiri militants, killing at least 36 of them on Saturday




11-10-2014: Turkey, Saudis give chemical weapons to militants: Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Speaking before the First Committee on Disarmament and International Security at the UN General Assembly on Friday, al-Jaafari further censured the two regional countries for supplying weapons and funds to the foreign-backed militants in his country, alleging that Turkey alone has been backing 106 militant groups operating within Syria……………..




11-10-2014: Kobane: Islamic State battles to encircle Syrian Kurds (http://www.bbc.com)


10-10-2014: ISIL gains more ground in Kobani despite US-led airstrikes (http://www.presstv.ir)


The ISIL terrorists have advanced deeper into the flashpoint city of Kobani, capturing the “security quarter” which includes several headquarters and administrative buildings belonging to the local Kurdish government, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Friday……




9-10-2014: ‘ISIL seizes one third of Syria’s Kobani’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The ISIL terrorists have taken control of more than a third of the Syrian border city of Kobani, a monitoring group says


According to a UK-based Syrian opposition group, over 400 people have been killed in the three weeks of battle in the border city. The fatalities reportedly include 220 ISIL terrorists, 170 Kurdish fighters and over 20 civilians


According to reports, the intense fighting for the strategic town has also forced nearly 200,000 people to take refuge in Turkey…………………..




8-10-2014: How the ISIL fire in Syria burned 22 Turkish cities: In four questions (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/)


At least 26 people were killed and scores of protesters, as well as policemen, were injured in clashes throughout Turkey on Oct. 7. The highest toll was in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır with eight deaths. Other eastern provinces including Van, Batman, Siirt, Muş, Mardin, Şanlurfa, Bitlis, Adıyaman, Hakkari, Tunceli and Şırnak also witnessed protests that led to casualties and arrests




7-10-2014: Kobane: Islamic State widens attack on border town (http://www.bbc.com)


At least 400 people have died in three weeks of fighting for Kobane, monitors say, and 160,000 Syrians have fled


The town is now besieged on three sides. A humanitarian mission to evacuate the few thousand civilians left in Kobane continued on Tuesday




7-10-2014: Most recent ISIS munitions US-made during Iraq occupation – study (http://rt.com)


An analysis of cartridges used by Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria shows that their newest ammunition is of American origin. China and the Soviet Union were identified as the biggest sources of munitions, but with bullets made 25 years ago………………..




7-10-2014: Massacre looms over Syrian refuge (http://www.jpost.com/)


Carnage may soon befall the people of Kobani, a Syrian enclave hosting Christian, Kurdish and Turkmen refugees of the Syrian civil war, as Islamic State fighters pincered the city limits on Tuesday with the stated intention of killing its inhabitants….


Up to 45,000 civilians are reportedly besieged there without an escape route, raising fears in Western capitals of a massacre should Islamic State take the city in the coming hours………….




7-10-2014: Bishop Khazen confirms: a priest and twenty Christians of the village of Knayeh have been kidnapped (http://www.fides.org)


"Unfortunately I have to confirm the news of the kidnapping of Father Hanna Jallouf OFM, Syrian parish priest in the village of Knayeh, who was kidnapped along with about twenty Christians".




6-10-2014: Islamic State militants using some U.S.-made ammunition, report says (http://news.yahoo.com)


Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria have been using bullets manufactured in the United States and 20 other countries, a new report from a weapons tracking research group says………




5-10-2014: 'US-trained ISIS militants used to reorganize Middle East' (http://rt.com)


ISIS militants trained by US Special Forces have been used as a lever to create disorder and organize a Sharia state along the lines of an Islamic caliphate to the advantage of the US military……….


Look at what General Petraeus did in Iraq to create this holy war between Shia and Sunni there – with his strategic Hamlet-kind of insurgency, trainings, secret police, and what not. And now we are reaping the result. ISIS has been trained by US Special Forces in Georgia. They’ve recruited Chechens as soldiers, they trained them in secret NATO bases inside Turkey and Jordan. For the last year and a half, they have been developing what we now call ISIS (IS, ISIL or DASH) or whatever moniker you want to give it. It’s all made in Langley, Virginia (the CIA’s seat) and [by] the affiliates of Langley inside the Pentagon……………………………..




4-10-2014: ISIS beheads British hostage Alan Henning in video; says US vet is next (http://www.foxnews.com)


4-10-2014: Battle for Kobane: Turkey fires tear gas at activists trying to enter Syria (VIDEO) (http://rt.com)


Turkey’s security forces have fired tear gas at dozens of Turkish and Kurdish activists trying to cross into Syria. On the other side of the border, a major city in Syrian Kurdistan is under increased assault from Islamic State militants…………………..


The activists were reportedly trying to cross the border into Syria to help defend the city of Kobane against IS militants. The border city, located in Syria's north, is a strategic point for the jihadists; if the city falls to the militants, it would provide a direct link to their captured territories in Aleppo and Raqqa………………..


The Kurdistan Workers' Party announced general mobilization to defend Kobane on Friday, as the city was under heavy shelling from IS, the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel reported. It also said that IS fighters claimed the southern and eastern approaches to the city……………


Turkey has been widely criticized for turning a blind eye to foreign radicals passing through the country en route to Syria………………..




3-10-2014: Biden blames US allies in Middle East for rise of ISIS (http://rt.com)


US Vice-President Joe Biden has accused America’s key allies in the Middle East of allowing the rise of the Islamic State (IS), saying they supported extremists with money and weapons in their eagerness to oust the Assad regime in Syria……………


“Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria he said, explaining that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE were “so determined to take down Assad,” that in a sense they started a “proxy Sunni-Shia war” by pouring “hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons” towards anyone who would fight against Assad…………………….


And we could not convince our colleagues to stop supplying them,” said Biden, thus disassociating the US from unleashing the civil war in Syria……………..





3-10-2014: Ex-US Army soldier joins 'private army' to fight against ISIS: One of three Americans fighting with Kurds in Syria identified (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Wisconsin high school graduate is reportedly in the Middle East with two other Americans, fighting ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).


Jordan Matson of Wisconsin, a former American solder, has joined the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), who are mainly battling advances by Islamic State militants close to Syria's borders with Turkey and Iraq, a spokesman for the Kurdish group said on Thursday


U.S. officials say about 100 Americans have gone to Syria to join groups fighting there against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Those groups include the extremist Islamic State as well as a U.S.-backed rebel force and the al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front……………….




3-10-2014: Turkey approves military action against ISIS, NATO eyes involvement (http://rt.com/)


The Turkish army received the go-ahead from the country’s parliament to engage in military action against Islamic State insurgents in Syria and Iraq………………


Part of the mandate dealing with foreign troops in Turkey directly references US pressure on Ankara to permit the use of Incirlik air base in the Adana region, located in the south of the country…..


Syria has warned Turkey that it will regard deploying troops inside its borders as an “aggression” – “against a founding member of the United Nations.”……………..




1-10-2014: ISIS Militants Reportedly Behead Kurds In Northern Syria (http://www.npr.org)


A human rights group reports that Islamic State militants in a Kurdish area of northern Syria have beheaded seven men and three women as part of an apparent campaign to quell resistance to the group……………………….




30-9-2014: ISIS closes in on Kurdish town in Syria; Turkey debates sending troops (http://edition.cnn.com/)


Turkish soldiers and tanks took up position along the border with Syria on Tuesday as its government debated whether to deploy troops to battle the Islamic State terror group, a move that comes as tens of thousands pour into the country to escape ISIS fighters………


…….as ISIS fighters armed with tanks and heavy weapons advance on the predominantly Kurdish town of Kobani, known in Arabic as Ayn al Arab, destroying villages in their path…….


ISIS fighters were just three kilometers (nearly two miles) east of the northern Syria town late Monday, a civilian in Kobani told CNN on condition of anonymity………………




30-9-2014: 'Khorasan Group' is new name coined by Obama for old foe, critics claim (http://www.foxnews.com)


The Obama administration is being accused of coining a new name for an old nemesis by dubbing an Al Qaeda offshoot “The Khorasan Group.”


"You haven't heard of the Khorasan Group because there isn't one," he wrote. "It is a name the administration came up with, calculating that Khorasan — the Iranian-Afghan border region — had sufficient connection to jihadist lore that no one would call the president on it."


“The bombing of the so-called Khorasan-group in Syria is a mystery to the world,” said Moussa, according to an English translation. “The only thing we know is the location and that at least two main Al Qaeda operatives, top sniper Abu Yousef Al Turki and Abu Hajar Al Masri, were killed.”




29-9-2014: Islamic State was born in NATO camps (http://rt.com)


Yet, the US and the UK make no secret that this is not just a campaign to debilitate ISIS positions. The US is openly declaring alliance with the “moderate opposition forces” inside Syria, which essentially means those forces that are fighting to overthrow the government of President Assad…..


Now when the ISIS went “out of control,” and began gaining territory in both Iraq and Syria, their brutality and military success are used as justification for direct intervention in Syria……


Several pro-Western Arab regimes that are co-responsible for the situation in Syria and Iraq - Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - have joined the “campaign,” by offering their jets. This way, there is some illusion of legitimacy - their handlers in Washington can trumpet to the world that “they are not in it alone


ISIS did not fall from the sky. They were armed, financed and trained in the refugee camps built for “Syrian refugees,” in Turkey and Jordan. Both countries are staunch allies of the West; Turkey is on top of it a member of NATO


“Of course you do realize that those people are not really ‘Syrian opposition.’ They are modern-day legionnaires collected from various Arab countries, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia, paid by Western imperialist powers. Some are members of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. Most are militant Sunni Muslims. One could describe them as rogue elements hired to fight the Assad government.”


All this is not unlike how al-Qaida was born. It mutated from Western-trained and financed Mujahedeen that were first involved in the fighting against the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) and later the Soviet Union…………………….






29-9-2014: US plans massive military escalation in Syria and Iraq (http://www.wsws.org/)


At a Pentagon press conference, both Major General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and defense secretary Chuck Hagel said that a no-fly zone over Syria was under consideration, along with a buffer zone on the Turkish-Syrian border near the town of Kobani, the scene of mass flight by Syrian Kurds under attack by ISIS forces……………..


There is a glaring contradiction between Obama’s claims to be fighting ISIS, and discussion of a no-fly zone, since this would be directed against the Assad regime, which controls the Syrian Air Force. ISIS has no planes, no helicopters and no aerial assets of any kind. A no-fly zone would mean scrapping the pretense of a war with ISIS and openly acknowledging the real purpose of the US intervention all along: the destruction of the Assad government and the establishment of a US puppet regime in Damascus………………….


“We should make no bones about it,” he said. “It first entails killing a lot of people and destroying the Syrian air defenses and those people who are manning those systems. And then it entails destroying the Syrian air force, preferably on the ground, in the air if necessary. This is a violent combat action that results in lots of casualties……….”




29-9-2014: Turn the Tables: Stopping Western Aggression in Syria (http://journal-neo.org)


Now the US claims it must raise another army of “moderate” ground troops to augment its aerial bombardment of “ISIS.” But in reality, attacks on phantom enemies in the desert serve the singular purpose of creating a no-fly zone and no-drive zone for Syria’s military, preventing the final annihilation of the West’s terrorist mercenaries in Syrian territory and in fact giving them a second chance to finally march on the gates of Damascus with US airpower in tow


For all intents and purposes, the US through its airstrikes has carved out a defacto buffer zone protected by US airpower……………..


While in all actuality ISIS and other extremist factions already constitute the ground component of the West’s campaign against Damascus, now enjoying sanctuary under the cover of US airpower, the general public neither knows this, nor would ever accept this should they find out…….




29-9-2014: US Airstrikes Hitting Syrian Civilians Hard (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


In addition to harming civilians by raising the price of gas, New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Sunday accused America of killing seven civilians in Syria's northern Idlib province last Tuesday…………………..




29-9-2014: US double standards recipe for terrorism: Syria FM (http://www.presstv.ir)


"This is a real recipe for the increase of violence and terrorism, shedding of Syrian blood, [and] prolonging of the Syrian crisis," Muallem said, adding, "This behavior creates a fertile ground for the growth of these terrorist groups that commit the most heinous crimes on Syrian territory.


Muallem added that some of the key supporters of "armed terrorist groups” are among the countries which have joined the so-called coalition led by the US against ISIL, adding that the foreign-backed militants have been "unleashed like a monster" against Syria, Iraq and Lebanon




29-9-2014: US-led strikes hit Syria infrastructure, kill civilians (http://www.presstv.ir)


US-led airstrikes continue to target Syrian infrastructure under the control of ISIL terrorists in northern and eastern Syria, reportedly leading to more civilian deaths……


US-led forces attacked ISIL-controlled facilities overnight in Aleppo, Raqqa, Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor provinces, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Monday…………




29-9-2014: ISIS threat: Syrian town fears massacre as Obama admits underestimating rise (http://edition.cnn.com)


Dozens of bombings from U.S.-led warplanes haven't stopped ISIS from advancing toward Turkey, leading one town in the path of its bloody march to fear a massacre………………


Despite airstrikes in the area, witnesses said the attacks are too few and too far back from the front lines to slow the ISIS momentum………………


"We've been ready for this for some time," Abu Talha said. "We know that our bases are known because they're tracking us with radars and satellites, so we had backup locations”…..




28-9-2014: US-led coalition against ISIL: Front for regime change (http://www.presstv.ir/)


This is a massive public relations scam to burnish the image of America and Britain – the two countries that, rightly, are most associated with illegal war making over the past decade, from Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011) to ongoing deadly drone warfare in Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia. Between them, Washington and London are responsible for the deaths of more than 1.5 million people over the past 13 years……………………


Yes, you heard right, the country that helped to destroy Afghanistan and Iraq based on wholesale lies, is telling you that it will do its part for “the cause of freedom, democracy and justice – as ever.”


…………the extremists in the “network of death” are the creation of American and British intelligence, evolving out of the covert war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan during the 1980s when al-Qaeda was formed………………


……………the “evil” that Washington and London have so pontificated about in self-serving moralistic terms can best be illustrated by the destruction of Syria over the past three years. IS and related Western-sponsored proxy armies have terrorized the entire Syrian population by waging a war that would not have happened without the overarching direction of Washington and London…..


The Arab component of the anti-ISIS coalition is the material and ideological wellspring for IS and related extremist groups; so while America’s despotic Arab friends may be bombing their surrogates on the ground – for now – such action does not bestow any integrity or lawfulness. ……………..


The campaign against IS is a front for the criminal agenda of regime change in Syria and the region. This real, criminal agenda should be exposed and condemned at every opportunity. To consort with this mob is to corrupt international law and morality……………..




27-9-2014: Syria Kurds continue fleeing homes for Turkey (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian Kurdish refugees continue to struggle for survival in Turkey after being forced from their homes by the Takfiri ISIL militants in Syria……..


They took our villages. They took our houses. They took everything that belongs to us. We barely manage to save our children and bring them here,” said a refugee…………………


According to the UN refugee agency, more than 144,000 Syrian refugees, mostly Kurds, have sought refuge in southern Turkey since September 19……………..


The ISIL has captured some 60 Kurdish villages around the city of Kobani in the Aleppo countryside……………..




27-9-2014: Arab nations join Syria strikes as Nusra front threatens retaliation (http://www.theguardian.com)


27-9-2014: Obama’s “Secret Backdoor Deal With Saudi Arabia” which Preceeded the US Airstrikes against Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


27-9-2014: US-led coalition attacks Isis positions in Homs and Raqqa (http://www.independent.co.uk)


US-led air strikes have targeted Isis fighters and other Islamist groups in Syria's Homs province, activists said on Saturday morning……………………..


The US and Arab coalition, which began its aerial campaign against Islamic State fighters in Syria early Tuesday, aims to roll back and ultimately crush the extremist group, which has created a proto-state spanning the Syria-Iraq border…………………….




26-9-2014: The west has no plan for winning the war against Isis – only avoiding defeat (http://www.theguardian.com)


26-9-2014: ISIS and the USA: Expansion and Resistance by Decapitation (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The Western mass media are silent in the face of the Saudi Kingdom’s common practice of public decapitation.  Not one among the major news corporations, the BBC, the Financial Times, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, CBS and NPR, have questioned the moral authority of a US President who engages in selective condemnation of ISIS while ignoring the official Saudi state beheadings and the amputations………………..


Obama’s hysterical and very selective presentation of ISIS crimes forms the pretext for launching another war against a predominantly Muslim country, Syria, while shielding his close ally, the royal Saudi decapitator from US public outrage.  ISIS crimes have become another excuse to launch a campaign of ‘mass decapitation by drones and bombers’.  The mass propaganda campaign over one crime against humanity becomes the basis for perpetrating even worse crimes against humanity……………




26-9-2014: ‘US funded and trained jihadists in Syria – and now it wants to fight them’ (http://rt.com)


The US is creating in Syria a perpetual state of war, funding jihadists on one side and then attacking them on the other, while the civilian casualties are just a part of the game, ……………..


In the long term, it is going to have a very strong effect. I heard someone said yesterday that the administration should just come out and say what they are trying to do, which is go ahead and launch the strikes against Assad as well because that is what they are really there for……..


The US, and there is plenty on the record to demonstrate on the record that the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have all been financing these rebel forces that have then been turning and defecting to ISIS. And they have been doing this in Syria for about three years, over the last year we have seen a large number of defections to ISIS…………………




26-9-2014: ”Their fight is our fight’: Kurds rush from across Turkey to defend Kobani (http://www.theguardian.com)


“We have come here to protect Kobani and to watch over this border,” Nasrettin, 47, says. “We don’t trust Turkey to do this right. They would be happy if Isis wiped Kurdistan from the map


Like the majority of Kurds here he firmly believes that Ankara is actively supporting Isis with heavy weaponry, medical care and money – a charge that the Turkish government vehemently denies………………..


The PKK said 400 of its fighters from Qandil in northern Iraq have joined the armed resistance in Kobani, and hundreds of young men and women from Turkey are thought to have crossed the border to fight………………




25-9-2014: “The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


What is not mentioned in the media reports is that the heads of State and heads of government  who have endorsed America’s campaign against the Islamic State, advised by their respective secret services,  are fully aware that US intelligence is the unspoken architect of the Islamic State, which is part of a vast network of  US supported “jihadist” terrorist entities.  Countries are either coerced into supporting the US sponsored resolution or they are complicit in the US terror agenda……..


Lest we forget, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,  have been financing and training the ISIL terrorists on behalf of the United States.  Israel is harboring the Islamic State (ISIL) in the Golan Heights, NATO in liaison with the Turkish high command has since March 2011 been involved in coordinating the recruitment of  the jihadist fighters dispatched to Syria. Moreover, the ISIL brigades in both Syria and Iraq are integrated by Western special forces and military advisers


“Forbidden Truth” is that the Islamic State is an instrument of Washington, a US ” intelligence asset”. ISIL is not an independent entity, nor is it an “outside enemy” which threatens global security, as conveyed by the Western media……………………………


The ISIL are the foot soldiers  of the Western military alliance. Their unspoken mandate is to wreck havoc and destruction in Syria and Iraq, acting on behalf of their US sponsors. The endgame is to transform countries into territories…………………..


Turkey and Jordan have borders with Syria. Saudi Arabia and Turkey have borders with Iraq.  The direct military involvement of these countries points to a scenario of escalation and sectarian warfare extending from the Mediterranean to Central Asia……………


What is at stake is a so-called “no fly zone” in disguise, a justification  to bomb Iraq and Syria under a counter-terrorism mandate, largely targeting economic infrastructure as well as the civilian population. The political architects of the Islamic State including president Obama, prime minister Cameron and their counterparts in France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, et al, are now waging a  military campaign against the Islamic State, which they themselves created. Boots on the ground are also contemplated. According to Iraqi government sources, the US will sending some 13000 troops to Iraq……………………………




25-9-2014: The Lies and Deceit of President Barack Obama (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


25-9-2014: Syrian army retakes area northeast of Damascus (http://www.jpost.com)


The Syrian army has taken full control of a formerly insurgent-held area northeast of Damascus….


The area - Adra al-Omalia - is around 30 km (19 miles) from central Damascus but far from parts of Syria where the United States has launched air strikes against Islamic State militants………




25-9-2014: There are no moderate terrorists: Syria UN envoy (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Addressing a UN General Assembly during a meeting on Wednesday, Bashar Ja'afari spoke against “dividing terrorists into good terrorists and bad terrorists and distinguishing moderate terrorism from extremist terrorism,” saying, “Terrorism is terrorism.” …………..


Ja'afari further blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the flow of foreign terrorists to Iraq and Syria……..




25-9-2014: Turkey Preparing for Syria Occupation? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


25-9-2014: Selling the Syrian Airstrikes (http://dissidentvoice.org)


The flagrant deception of claiming and camouflaging the fact that the militant jihadist groups are a tool of U.S. foreign policy and claiming that NATO and five Arab Nations, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates must stop ISIS after the CIA armed the group utilizing Saudi and Qatari military cargo aircraft and, along with Al Nusrah, used the se militants for several years to attack Bashar Al Assad and cut the heads off of supporters of his government, shows the deadly hypocrisy of the American exceptionalist foreign policy to which Barack Obama so rigidly adheres. U.S. Special Forces trained ISIS fighters in Jordan. Some would call this the doctrine of hypocrisy and others would say it is just plain criminal. U.S war criminals and Arab petro-monarchy capitalist elite terrorist financer nations now conduct airstrikes in Syria to brutalize civilians including half a dozen victims that include three children who are now dead and certainly many more will die in the days and weeks to follow. Aren’t these deaths of innocents just as bad as the purported beheadings we have seen of western journalists over and over in the corporate mainstream media to engineer support for yet another deadly futile war




25-9-2014: Iraq and Syria crisis: Iran's President Rouhani accuses West of turning Middle East into 'haven for terrorists' (http://www.independent.co.uk)


“Certain intelligence agencies have put blades in the hand of madmen, who now spare no one,” Mr. Rouhani told the United Nations General Assembly. “Currently our peoples are paying the price. Today’s anti-Westernism is the offspring of yesterday's colonialism. Today's anti-Westemism is a reaction to yesterday’s racism.”…………………….


“The strategic blunders of the West in the Middle-East, Central Asia, and the Caucuses have turned these parts of the world into a haven for terrorists and extremists,’ President Rouhani declared. “Military aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and improper interference in the developments in Syria are clear examples of this erroneous strategic approach in the Middle East.”……




25-9-2014: FBI Director: We have identified man in ISIS beheading videos (http://rt.com)


The FBI believes it has identified the masked Islamic State militant responsible for beheading Westerners in ISIS videos, but law enforcement will not reveal the identity of the man known only as “Jihadi John,” agency director James Comey told reporters……………


A former hostage told the Guardian in August that the English-speaking militant was the ringleader of three British jihadists thought to be the main guards of foreign nationals in Raqqa, a stronghold of Islamic State rebels…………………………….




25-9-2014: Mother of British teenage jihadi killed in Syria: 'I pray for him' – video (http://www.theguardian.com)


25-9-2014: Children in Raqqa forced to train as Isis fighters and executioners (http://www.independent.co.uk)


In a special camp in Syria’s Raqqa province, between 200 and 300 children are understood to be receiving training by Isis militants to become fighters and executioners for the terrorist group……


The Al Sharea’l camp is reserved for children under the age of 16 who are taught to support Isis’ (also known as Islamic State) militant ideology, and are reportedly trained to handle Kalashnikov rifles and RPGs as part of their initial training…….




24-9-2014: US Aggression against Syria and Iraq Drags the World into an Age of Global Anarchy (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


24-9-2014: 'US seeks to target Syrian govt.' (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The extremists that Washington is supposedly hunting now down are the progeny of American covert war in Syria that the Syrian government has been battling against for the past three years. The Saudi and Qatari allies now joining US warplanes to pound Syria are the financiers and weapons suppliers of the very terrorist networks that they are claiming to attack…………………..


The Persian Gulf monarchies have funneled over $10 billion into arming the mercenary networks that have descended on Syria since March 2011, according to a Financial Times report……………


The overt US-led war on Syria has begun despite its flagrant criminality and fraudulence. Thanks to the Western and Arab-sponsored terror networks in Syria and latterly Iraq, and the mendacity of Western media not highlighting this connection but rather saturating the airwaves with barbaric scare stories, the criminal US-led war on Syria is being conducted with a grotesque image of “humanitarianism and lawfulness




24-9-2014: US Bombed ‘Empty Buildings’ in Airstrikes on ISIL in Syria (http://21stcenturywire.com)


This surprising admission by CNN would mean that the US military may have only destroyed empty buildings in Raqqa, and that Washington’s inflated claims of dead ISIL fighters are probably exaggerated. In other words, it was all a big show, and ISIL’s capabilities were not degraded at all by Obama’s celebrated US blitzkrieg in Syria…………..


So how much can the public trust US reports of its own bombing campaigns? As far as gathering and verifying intelligence goes, how can we know if  US operatives knew who was where? Usually Washington can say anything and the mainstream press will not question it………………….




24-9-2014: UNSC approves resolution to end support for terrorists (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The UN Security Council has unanimously approved a resolution calling for an end to the arming and funding of terrorist groups worldwide……………………..


According to US intelligence estimates, some 15,000 foreign militants from 80 countries have poured into Syria to join the terrorist groups……………..




24-9-2014: First sponsoring, now fighting? Lavrov on West's anti-ISIS op (http://rt.com)


The Western powers that fostered Islamic extremists to incite them against Middle Eastern regimes should stop dividing terrorists into good and bad, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, said in a TV interview


“Now that the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant has been appointed United States’ archenemy, I’d like to recall that [ISIS militants] are the very same people that evolved and got powerful sponsorship and material support from abroad at the time of the regime change efforts in Libya and later on when the same process was attempted in Syria


“When we called their attention to the fact that there were a large number of terrorists and extremists fighting the regimes, [the Americans and Europeans] essentially told us that all such things would pass once they overthrew the regimes, and that they would deal with this later on,” Lavrov said. “But all this turned out to be wrong




24-9-2014: Air strikes will not beat Isis, but on the ground it’s hard to tell friend from foe (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The US plan to weaken and ultimately destroy Isis has several political and military weaknesses undermining its long-term success. Air campaigns not supported by ground forces can damage the other side but they do not win wars on their own………………………….


Turkey now says that it is joining the anti-Isis coalition, but it does not want to strengthen the Syrian Kurds and the YPG or help to keep the Assad government in power…………….


Isis is strong because of its military expertise and religious fanaticism but there are more general reasons why it will be difficult to defeat. Many Sunnis in the areas controlled by Isis do not like it, but they are terrified of the return of the Syrian or Iraqi armies and accompanying sectarian militias……………




24-9-2014: The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria (http://ronpaulinstitute.org)


Nothing better illustrates the bankruptcy of the Obama administration's foreign policy than funding groups that turn on the US again and again, a neo-con fueled cycle of profits for war makers and destruction of ever-shifting "enemies."…………….


This Frankenstein-like experiment of arming the alleged freedom-seeking Syrian opposition created the monster that roams the region. ISIS and the US have a curious relationship -- mortal enemies that, at the same time, benefit from some of the same events………………..


Phase two of the war against Syria is the introduction of 5,000 "moderate" mercenaries (as opposed to immoderate ones), who were trained in Saudi Arabia, the hotbed of Wahhabism, at an initial installment cost of $15 billion. These new "moderates" will replace the old "moderates," who became ISIS, just in time for Halloween…………………..


Qatar and Saudi Arabia can now overtly join with the US in striking Syria, after they have been covertly attempting for years to take down the last secular state in the region………………….


This attack on Syria, under the guise of striking ISIS, is by definition, a war of aggression. It is a violation of international law. It could lead to crimes against humanity and the deaths of untold numbers of innocent civilians. No amount of public relations or smooth talking can change that.




24-9-2014: US attacks are failing to slow Isis advance, say desperate Kurds in Kobane (http://www.independent.co.uk)


They described the desperate battle to stop the Isis advance on Kobane which shelters a population of at least 200,000………………….


But the US-led air strikes which began on Monday have been ineffective, according to the chief of defence for Kobane, Ismat Sheikh Hassan, speaking to The Independent by phone from his base inside Kobane. “They struck empty buildings. Isis fighters used to be there but they left, so they haven’t helped us. If anything, they are now fighting harder to push forward before there are more strikes,” he said………………………………..


“We only heard they had happened on the public radio - behind Isis lines the villages are empty,” said Mr Hassan. “The people who stayed have been killed and everybody else has left”




24-9-2014: Is Obama misleading the world to war? Depends how you define 'misleading' (http://www.theguardian.com)


So when you hear the words “imminent attack”, “civilians”, militants” or “ground troops” from now on, be careful: if the government says they’re not misleading you, it might only be because they’ve secretly changed the definition of “misleading”……




24-9-2014: 'Peace' President? How Obama came to bomb seven countries in six years (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


Barack Obama, the man many hoped would be the 'peace President' when he was elected, has bombed seven countries during his six years in office………………




23-9-2014: U.S. military leaders: Strikes in Syria are just the start of a prolonged campaign (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


U.S. military leaders said Tuesday their aerial bombardment of Syria was only the beginning of a prolonged campaign that will continue intermittently for months and will become more difficult as targeted militants seek refuge in populated areas…………………..


At the same time, as the U.S. military and its Arab partners prepare more airstrikes in Syria in the coming days, they will have to contend with another adversary: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…………………




23-9-2014: Turkey ready to aid US air strikes against Isis jihadis in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


Nato ally Turkey, which is alarmed by Isis but also worried about Kurdish fighters and opposed to any action that might help the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, had so far refused a military role in the coalition……………………..


“At minimum, we certainly want their full cooperation and effort to crack down on the flow of foreign fighters in and out of Syria and Iraq


He said Turkey had been a transit point for foreign fighters “so we’ve had discussions with them on that issue”.




23-9-2014: U.S. Air Strikes Hit ISIS Training Camps and Supplies in Syria (http://www.newsweek.com)


The United States and Arab allies hit Islamic State targets including training camps, headquarters and weapon supplies in northern and eastern Syria in dozens of air and missile strikes on Tuesday, the U.S. military and a monitoring group said………………..


Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had "also participated in or supported the air strikes against (Islamic State) targets," it said. "All aircraft safely exited the strike areas.”




23-9-2014: US Strikes ISIS Targets in Syria With Tomahawk Missiles and Stealth F-22 Raptor (http://abcnews.go.com)


The United States and its allies carried out 14 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, according to a Centcom statement released early this morning. The operation marks the first time the United States has launched strikes in Syria, a new front in the battle against the terror group………………….


Several Arab nations are involved in the ongoing U.S.-led operation. Centcom, or U.S. Central Command, identified the nations as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates…………………




22-9-2014: Isis urges more attacks on Western ‘disbelievers’ (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Abu Mohammed al Adnani urged the group’s supporters: “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way, however it may be,” he said………………………


“Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”…………………………..




22-9-2014: Obama Administration Is Paying Monthly Salaries to “Thousands” of ISIS and Al Nusrah Syrian Rebels (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


22-9-2014: Kurds say they have halted Islamic State advance on Syrian town (http://www.reuters.com)


Syrian Kurdish fighters have halted an advance by Islamic State fighters to the east of a predominantly Kurdish town near the border with Turkey, a spokesman for the main armed Kurdish group said……………………




22-9-2014: Thousands Are Fleeing From Syria to Turkey to Escape the Latest ISIS Onslaught (http://time.com/)


At least 100,000 Syrian refugees flooded across the border into Turkey over the weekend as Sunni extremist fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) launched an offensive against Kurdish communities in northern Syria………………….


“[ISIS] are continuing to advance,” Welat Avar, a doctor, told Reuters from Kobani. “Every place they pass through they kill, wound and kidnap people. Many people are missing and we believe they were kidnapped.”




22-9-2014: New ISIS Recording Urges Muslims to Kill Civilians in US-Led Coalition Countries (http://abcnews.go.com)


"If you can kill a disbelieving American or European, especially the spiteful and filthy French, or an Australian, or a Canadian or any other disbeliever, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be,"………………….




21-9-2014: Turkey accused of colluding with Isis to oppose Syrian Kurds and Assad following surprise release of 49 hostages (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The freeing of the hostages comes at the same moment as 70,000 Syrian Kurds have fled across the border into Turkey to escape an Isis offensive against the enclave of Kobani, also known as Ayn al-Arab, which has seen the capture of many villages………………………


Many Kurds are expressing bitterness towards the Turkish government, claiming that it is colluding with Isis to destroy the independent enclaves of the Syrian Kurds, who number 2.5 million, along the Turkish border………………………..


Nevertheless, the strange circumstances of both the capture of the 49 Turks and their release shows that Ankara has a different and more intimate relationship with Isis than other countries……




21-9-2014: Sanction-Drunk West Forgets to Target ISIS Sponsors (http://journal-neo.org)


21-9-2014: Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That CIA and the Islamic State Are United (http://www.ndtv.com/)


Sadr publicly blamed the CIA for creating the Islamic State in a speech last week,…..


The prevalence of the theory in the streets underscored the deep suspicions of the U.S. military's return to Iraq more than a decade after its invasion, in 2003……………………


"The Islamic State is a clear creation of the United States, and the United States is trying to intervene again using the excuse of the Islamic State,"……………………




21-9-2014: Kurds flee into Turkey in their thousands to escape Isis offensive (http://www.theguardian.com)


More than 70,000 Kurds fled from northern Syria into Turkey at the weekend and tens of thousands more are trying to cross the border as the terror group Islamic State (Isis) intensified its assault on a crucial Kurdish safe haven near the border……………….




20-9-2014: IS Attacks Send Thousands of Syrian Kurds Fleeing to Turkey (http://www.voanews.com)


Tens of thousands of Syrian Kurds have crossed into Turkey in the past 24 hours, fleeing an advance by Islamic State fighters who have seized dozens of villages close to the border and are advancing on a Syrian town………………………..


The Islamic State group's advances in northern Syria have prompted calls for help by the region's Kurds who fear a massacre in Kobani…………….


Kurdish lawyer Farhad Bakr said up to 60,000 refugees may have already fled their villages through the Kurdish town of Ain al-Arab and into Turkey……………………..




20-9-2014: Over 300 Kurd fighters enter Syria from Turkey to fight ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Over 300 Kurdish fighters have crossed into Syria from Turkey to battle the Takfiri ISIL militants operating inside the Arab country…………


The ISIL Takfiris have been seeking to capture the strategic border town since Tuesday and have seized 60 Kurdish villages in the region……………..


It added that ISIL militants have executed at least 11 Kurds, among them two teenagers, in an area around the town………………………




19-9-2014: Islamic State Conquering Syria's Turkish Border (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group has been conquering massive swathes of Syria and Iraq, and recently extended a foothold in Lebanon - now the push of the group's over 30,000 jihadsts has brought them to the very gates of Turkey in Syria's north………………


The ISIS fighters also beseiged the Kurdish city Ayn al-Arab (Kobani in Kurdish) located a mere 12 miles from the Turkish border, reports Al Jazeera as cited by Walla!.


In conquering the villages IS reportedly attacked with heavy weaponry including tanks, according the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




19-9-2014: CIA is training and at once combating ISIL: Former CIA contractor (http://www.presstv.ir)


The US Central Intelligence Agency is frustrated for being asked to train the ISIL terrorist group and at the very same time to combat it, a former CIA contractor says………………….


The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, control large parts of Syria's northern territory. ISIL sent its fighters into Iraq in June, quickly seizing large swaths of land straddling the border between the two countries………


“They [the CIA] are very openly still supporting the very same group that they are trying to combat, and this is why they’re showing such exasperation for being asked to combat the group and at the very same time feeding it with the other hand,”……………………………….




19-9-2014: France supports US with first air strikes on Isis depot in Iraq (http://www.independent.co.uk)


France has becoame the second Western country after the US to attack Isis militants in Iraq


Two Rafale fighter-bombers, accompanied by two support aircraft, attacked an Isis ammunition depot near Mosul in north-eastern Iraq




19-9-2014: ISIL steps up offensive in Syria’s Kobane (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The Takfiri militants managed to seize 40 villages within hours during Friday by launching a lightning advance in the Kurdish region……………..


More than 191,000 people have been killed in over three years of fighting in the war-ravaged country, says the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), calling the figure a probable “underestimate of the real total number of people killed…………………


19-9-2014: U.S. Goal Is to Make Syrian Rebels Viable (http://www.nytimes.com/)


In a secret office near the Syrian border here, intelligence agents from the United States and its allies are laying the groundwork for what they hope will become an effective force of Syrian rebels to serve as ground troops in the international battle against the extremist Islamic State


“Just as the priority of the international community is to fight ISIS, our priority is to fight Assad,” said Hamza al-Shimali, the head of the Hazm Movement, which has received arms and salaries from the Military Operations Command……………


So far, the program has focused on a small number of vetted rebel groups from the hundreds that are fighting across Syria, providing them with military and financial help, according to rebel commanders who have received support


The process is run by intelligence officials from a number of countries. The United States provides overall guidance, while Turkey manages the border, and Persian Gulf states like Saudi Arabia provide much of the funding………………………




18-9-2014: U.S. ready to strike ISIS in Syria, military officials say (http://edition.cnn.com/)


The U.S. military has everything it needs to strike ISIS inside Syria and is awaiting President Barack Obama's authorization to do so, U.S. military officials tell CNN………………………


“CENTCOM's plan includes targeted actions against ISIL safe havens in Syria -- including its command and control, logistics capabilities, and infrastructure," Hagel said. "Our actions will not be restrained by a border that exists in name only."


The United States has been flying drones over Syria, looking at areas where ISIS operates. The drones are looking for personnel, equipment depots, training camps, and the locations of the group's leaders. U.S. officials tell………………………………


Intelligence is also collected by intercepting cell phone calls and monitoring social media sites that ISIS frequents…………………




18-9-2014: US’s 'Coalition of the Guilty' part of Iraq, Syria problem (http://rt.com)


The US is creating an alliance to end the pandemonium in Iraq and Syria. What America has assembled is a “coalition of the guilty”, the same players that created the forces menacing Iraq and Syria, and hides America’s role creating the disorder


This whole coalition-building process is a disingenuous deception. Two of the major regional players, which are at the forefront of fighting the cross-border insurgencies in Syria and Iraq, did not even attend the gathering. …………..


Were the head choppers, cannibals, rapists, and criminals that are trying to fragment Iraq and Syria—whatever you want to call them: Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra/ISIL/ISIS/DAISH/IS/DI—not trained by the US and its allies in places like Jordan and Turkey?...............


These fighters are the same foreign-supported forces that the US, Britain, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Israel have been propping up against the Syrians since 2011 as part of their bid for regime change in Damascus……………………




18-9-2014: US Senate passes bill to authorise arms and training for Syrian rebels (http://www.theguardian.com)


Senators gave tacit blessing to president Barack Obama’s strategy for fighting the Islamic State on Thursday, overwhelmingly passing a budget bill that also granted him authority to arm and train rival Syrian rebel groups…………………




18-9-2014: Syrian Child Soldier 'Feels Nothing' Killing Soldiers (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


18-9-2014: Islamic State militants seize Kurdish villages in northern Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


Islamic State (Isis) fighters have captured villages and besieged a Kurdish city in northern Syria near the border with Turkey in a major assault that prompted a commander to appeal for military aid from other Kurds in the region……………….


In an advance near the border with Turkey, Isis fighters using heavy weaponry including tanks seized a group of Kurdish villages near the city of Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobani. The Observatory said 21 villages had fallen to Isis fighters advancing on the city




18-9-2014: Women and girls ‘failed’ by international response in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


The report published by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) details chronic abuse and harassment experienced by women and girls over the past three years. One in three of those interviewed said they felt too scared or overwhelmed to leave their homes


“Women told us they fear for the safety of their daughters and often make choices meant to protect them in the short-term, knowing these decisions could harm them in the long-term. The reality is these women do not have clear or easy choices to make for themselves or for their children. Safety eludes women and girls, as violence and the ever-present threat of violence follow them from the conflict into their place of refuge - the home




17-9-2014: House Passes Bill To Arm Syrian Rebels Despite Evidence of ISIS Ties (http://eyesopenreport.com)


17-9-2014: Six arrested in France over female jihadi recruitment (http://www.theguardian.com)


French police have arrested six people – including two minors – suspected of recruiting female jihadis to fight in Syria……………..


There are fears they may carry out terrorist attacks in their home countries or in Europe when they return. Frenchman Mehdi Nemmouche, who has been charged with killing four people in an attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May, is believed to have fought with Isis in Syria




17-9-2014: Dozens of Children Dead After UN Gives Tainted Vaccine in “Rebel” Held Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


A United Nations sponsored measles vaccine program in northern Syria resulted in 36 children suffering “excruciating deaths,” according to doctors in the area held by U.S. and Saudi mercenaries who are administering the program………….


“It’s very bad. The figures of dead we are getting go into the 30s. Children are dying very quickly,” said the coordinator of the medical charity, Uossm. “We think it will get worse.”




17-9-2014: Nurse says she's tired of treating ISIL terrorists (http://www.todayszaman.com)


A nurse who works at a private hospital in Mersin, a city and province on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, has told Turkish authorities and Parliament that she is sick and tired of treating members of the terrorist organization the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which now calls itself the "Islamic State.”


“We treat them, and they go on to decapitate people. I am sick of treating wounded ISIL militants.” E.G. has also written a letter to Parliament and the National Police Department, saying she and her colleagues are extremely disturbed by the fact that they have to treat people “who chop off heads.”




16-9-2014: Islamic State goes underground in Syrian stronghold (http://www.ynetnews.com)


Islamic State has gone underground in its Syrian stronghold since President Barack Obama authorized US air strikes on the group in Syria, disappearing from the streets, redeploying weapons and fighters, and cutting down its media exposure………….


Facing US air strikes in Iraq, Islamic State fighters abandoned heavy weaponry that made them easy targets and tried to blend into civilian areas. In anticipation of similar raids in Syria, the group may already be doing the same…………….


In Raqqa, the group has evacuated buildings it was using as offices, redeployed its heavy weaponry, and moved fighters' families out of the city…………




16-9-2014: Top U.S. Military Official: Our Arab “Allies” Support ISIS (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)



16-9-2014: Islamic State: Pope is 'being targeted by Isis', Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See warns (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The Islamic State (Isis) is intent on killing the Pope, the Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See has warned the Vatican


Mr Al-Sadr confirmed he did not have any specific intelligence on an impending attack but said that their "genocide" of Yazidi Christians and destruction of holy Islamic sites was an indication of their intent




16-9-2014: Russia wary about American intentions in Syria (http://english.alarabiya.net)


The decision announced by the U.S. president cannot be taken out context of America’s intense tensions with Russia…………


The criticism is based on one key point: without the Syrian government’s agreement and a UNSC mandate, the U.S. strikes in Syria would be a gross violation of international law and should be considered an act of aggression………….


But now there are deep concerns that the U.S. will bomb not only ISIS positions in Syria, but also the Syrian government forces………….




15-9-2014: Kurdish fighters advance against ISIL in Syriahttp://www.presstv.ir/ ()


Kurdish forces have made fresh advances as they are fighting a fierce battle against the ISIL militants in northeastern Syria………………….




15-9-2014: Isis: leaders gather in Paris as UK edges towards military action (http://www.theguardian.com)


Leaders and diplomats from more than 20 countries have gathered for a crisis meeting in Paris as the prospect of Britain joining military action against the Islamic State (Isis) jihadi group moves closer…




15-9-2014: Establishment Media: Attacking ISIS Will Turn Syria Into a Failed State (http://www.infowars.com)


In fact, the United States, Britain and Israel have colluded for years to turn the Middle East into a collection of failed states unable to rise above ethnic and tribal conflict………………


“Great Britain and France transformed what had been relatively quiet provinces of the Ottoman Empire into some of the least stable and internationally explosive states in the world,”……




15-9-2014: Commander: Fighting ISIL No Excuse for Violating Sovereignty of Syria, Iraq (http://english.farsnews.com)


"The US attempts to create an anti-terrorism coalition in collaboration with certain states which are themselves the main sponsors and suppliers of the terrorists are suspicious and lack transparency," Shamkhani said, addressing a gathering of Iranian clerics in the Central city of Qom


"The US seeks to continue its unilateralism and violate the countries' sovereignty under the pretext of fighting terrorism,"……………………..




15-9-2014: ISIL executions ordered from US, UK? (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Some analysts have cast doubt on the veracity of these videos, claiming that they are fakes. But the foreboding demeanour of the victims and their final words spoken to the camera lend authenticity to the recordings…………


But ISIL is a creation of American, British and Saudi covert intelligence, stemming from the early years of US-led occupation in Iraq from 2003 when the network stoked sectarian strife to the advantage of the occupying armies…………………


But that does not lessen the grim conclusion that Washington and London are complicit in murdering their own citizens in order to facilitate geopolitical objectives…………




15-9-2014: Video: Middle Eastern Church Leaders Highlight Christians’ Plight


15-9-2014: Russia will help in the fight against ISIS: Lavrov (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


"We have got a contribution to make to the joint efforts in the specific area of ensuring security in Iraq through consolidating society and mobilizing it in a fight with terrorism and extremism,"…….


"We are also providing military and other assistance to Syria and other countries in the region which face -maybe to a lesser extent - a serious terrorist threat," Lavrov added…………..




14-9-2014: Isis videos 'excite' group's supporters (http://www.theguardian.com)


Graphic videos showing British and American hostages being murdered by Islamic State (Isis) fighters are stirring support among foreign jihadis who are excited by a new confrontation with the west, monitoring of Islamists' social media activity suggests……


"Your evil alliance with America, which continues to strike the Muslims of Iraq and most recently bombed the Haditha dam, will only accelerate your destruction," the masked man said




13-9-2014: Arrested ISIL militant says Turkey territory still used by terrorists (http://www.presstv.ir)


A member of the ISIL terrorist group arrested by the Iraqi troops has confessed that the Turkish territory is still used by militants as the main route into Syria………………


The 18-year-old Hamad al-Tamimi says he was recruited online by ISIL when he was a religious studies student in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia………………………….




13-9-2014: ISIS and moderate Syrian rebels strike truce… with Al Qaeda’s help – reports (http://rt.com/)


The militants of Islamic State have reportedly struck a deal with moderate Syrian rebels not to fight each other and focus on toppling the government. Some reports say the deal was brokered by the Al-Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda branch in Syria………………




12-9-2014: ISIS neighbors have cold feet over US bombing plans (http://rt.com/)


Ankara is a notable absentee among the nations that signed a joint communiquι at a Thursday meeting in Saudi Arabia, where US Secretary of State John Kerry was drumming up support for the US anti-Islamist effort. Turkey refused to join 10 Arab nations, who vowed to contribute “as appropriate” to the fight against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) militants, who have taken over swathes of Syria and Iraq in a bid to create a fundamentalist Islamist caliphate


There is also a more strategic consideration for Ankara to weigh up amid the anti-IS campaign. The US and some European countries have started arming Iraqi Kurd militias, who found themselves one of the few armed forces on the ground that can fight back the Islamists………………….




12-9-2014: Isis air strikes: Obama's plan condemned by Syria, Russia and Iran (http://www.theguardian.com/)


The Syrian government and its close allies in Moscow and Tehran warned Barack Obama that an offensive against Islamic State (Isis) within Syria would violate international law yesterday, hours after the US president announced that he was authorising an open-ended campaign of air strikes against militants on both sides of the border with Iraq




12-9-2014: US Will Use ‘ISIS Airstrikes’ in Syria as Aircover for Rebels, Hit Syrian Military Targets (http://21stcenturywire.com/)


Yes, US and NATO guns and equipment have moved from FSA hands to ISIS hands, and US special forces have knowingly or unknowingly (only they know) trained and armed future ISIS terrorists in Jordan. That’s not a theory, that’s a fact. Still, no comment from Washington…..




12-9-2014: Syria airstrikes need boots on the ground, AF officer says (http://www.usatoday.com)


U.S. special operations forces will be needed on the ground in Syria to make the expanded air war President Obama has ordered there more effective, a senior Air Force commander told USA TODAY…………….


Meanwhile, U.S. commandos have been in Syria as recently as July. They took part in a failed attempt to rescue American hostages held by ISIL terrorists. It's not clear if the White House defines them as "combat troops”…………………………




************Middle Eastern Christian leaders meet Obama**********


12-9-2014: Christian leaders meet Obama, discuss concerns for Mideast minorities (http://ncronline.org)


Eight Eastern Christian leaders spent 40 minutes talking to President Barack Obama about the situation of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East


The Christian leaders who met with Obama and rice were Cardinal Rai; Catholicos Aram of Cilicia, patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church; Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan; Melkite Catholic Patriarch Gregoire III Laham; Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II; Bishop Angaelos, general bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria; retired Chaldean Bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit; and Antiochian Orthodox Metropolitan Joseph of New York and All North America


12-9-2014: Obama: Assad Protected Christians In Syria (http://www.mintpressnews.com)


Obama met with the delegation in the White House for 35 minutes, during which the patriarchs presented a paper in which they exposed the situation of Christians in the Middle East and the threats and challenges they are facing, due in part to the expansion of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group………………….


US President Barack Obama surprised his visitors, the delegation of Eastern Christians patriarchs, on Thursday when he told them that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “protected the Christians in Syria.”………………….




12-9-2014: Christian leaders meet Obama, discuss concerns for Mideast minorities (http://www.catholicnews.com)


12-9-2014: Eastern Christians meet with Obama, call for solidarity in the face of persecution (http://www.catholicworldreport.com)


11-9-2014: Middle Eastern Church Leaders Highlight Christians’ Plight (http://www.voanews.com/)




11-9-2014: The impossible war: Isis 'cannot be beaten' as long as there is civil war in Syria (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


11-9-2014: CIA: As Many as 31,000 Islamic State Fighters in Iraq, Syria (http://www.voanews.com)


U.S. intelligence says the Islamic State militant group has between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters on the ground in Iraq and Syria……………….


Earlier Thursday, ministers from 10 Gulf and Arab nations said Thursday they are committed to joining the United States in a "coordinated military campaign" against Islamic State fighters who have seized large swaths of Iraq and Syria…………




11-9-2014: Neocons Revive Syria ‘Regime Change’ Plan (http://consortiumnews.com)


Official Washington’s ever-influential neoconservatives and their “liberal interventionist” allies see President Barack Obama’s decision to extend U.S. airstrikes against Islamic State terrorists into Syria as a new chance to achieve the long-treasured neocon goal of “regime change” in Damascus…….


That would get the neocons back on their original track of forcing “regime change” in countries seen as hostile to Israel. The first target was Iraq with Syria and Iran to follow………………….




11-9-2014: Syria, Russia oppose unilateral US strikes against ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Damascus and Moscow have denounced possible unilateral US air raids against ISIL terrorists in Syria, saying the attacks without a UN mandate would constitute an act of aggression………..


“In the absence of an appropriate decision of the UN Security Council, such a step would become an act of aggression, a crude violation of the norms of international law,” Lukashevich said while referring to an announcement by US President Barack Obama on the possibility of strikes in Syria




10-9-2014: Bombing kills head, leaders of Syrian rebel group (http://gulfnews.com)


An ultraconservative Syrian rebel group named a new leader and military chief on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after an explosion killed nearly a dozen of its senior figures in a potentially fatal blow to one of the most powerful factions in the country’s armed opposition…..




10-9-2014: The American fear-mongering machine is about to scare us back into war again (http://www.theguardian.com)


Did you know that the US government’s counterterrorism chief Matthew Olson said last week that “there’s no credible information” that the Islamic State (Isis) is planning an attack on America and that there’s “no indication at this point of a cell of foreign fighters operating in the United States”? Or that, as the Associated Press reported, “The FBI and Homeland Security Department say there are no specific or credible terror threats to the US homeland from the Islamic State militant group”?


Facts or consequences have never gotten in the way of Congress’ lust for war before – this political body was,………………




9-9-2014: Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syrian govt forces (http://rt.com/)


There are reasons to suspect that air strikes on Syrian territory may target not only areas controlled by Islamic State militants, but the government troops may also be attacked on the quiet to weaken the positions of Bashar Assad’s army,” Lavrov said Tuesday


Up until the Syrian conflict, Russia and the West were unanimous that terrorism cannot be justified “no matter what motive was behind them,” Lavrov said. But in case with Syria the West had a “different, two-faced stance.” It was only when the terrorism threat which originated in Libya crept to Lebanon and then Iraq that Western countries realized it was time to deal with that, Lavrov said……




9-9-2014: A Time for Unity: Widespread Support for Washington Summit On Plight of Middle Eastern Christians (http://news.yahoo.com)


9-9-2014: American imperialism and the rise of Islamic extremism in Syria and Iraq (http://www.wsws.org)


ISIS is not, as the American government and mainstream media insist, an inexplicable “evil” force or a “cancer.” The success of ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups in Syria and Iraq is very much a product of American foreign policy in the Middle East


The relationship of the American government to ISIS follows a traditional pattern, including its relationship to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden………………


The US, the major European powers, and their regional allies such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have all lent substantial military, political and financial support to anti-Assad groups in Syria, much to the benefit of ISIS and other extremist outfits




9-9-2014: UN Security Council's plan to stop foreign fighters joining extremist groups (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The UN Security Council plans to demand countries "prevent and suppress" the recruitment and travel of foreign fighters to join extremist militant groups like Islamic State by ensuring it is considered a serious criminal offence under domestic laws……………………..


It would compel countries to make it illegal for citizens to travel abroad, collect funds or facilitate the travel of other individuals abroad "for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts, or the providing or receiving of terrorist training.”




8-9-2014: Syria's refugees: fears of abuse grow as Turkish men snap up wives (http://www.theguardian.com)


…….All they think about is how to feed their family, how to make ends meet. These arrangements might seem like the only way out, and men exploit this," says one activist from Gaziantep, who wished to remain anonymous. "At the same time, local women feel helpless and anxious about their own families breaking apart. Women on both sides of the border become victims this way."


"Human trafficking and all problems associated with it – abuse, rape and exploitation – have increased since 2012," says the women's rights activist from Gaziantep. "We hear of more and more cases of 'temporary marriages', basically sex work, but women are afraid to talk about this openly. It is worrying that the idea of temporary marriages is now being normalised in Turkey. It puts the veneer of respectability and religious approval on sexual abuse and exploitation."




7-9-2014: Syria rebels, once hopeful of U.S. weapons, lament lack of firepower (http://www.latimes.com)


"You can't defeat ISIS with airstrikes only in Iraq; ISIS has a stronger base in Syria and controls large parts of the country,"


Fighters who have been trained covertly in Qatar by the CIA spend days if not weeks scoping out a target for the TOWs….


But the attack merely delayed the government advance. In July, government forces seized control of the strategic Industrial City neighborhood and are now only a few miles from surrounding rebel neighborhoods……………………..




7-9-2014: Islamic State: Turkish Kurds help their Iraqi brothers to resist Isis advance (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The troops were defending a UN-run refugee camp in Makhmour, which has been home to more than 12,000 Turkish Kurds for the last 15 years. The refugees had to flee their own country because of their allegiance to the PKK, which Turkey – like the US, EU and Nato –considers a terrorist organisation………………


"Now there are no borders between the different parts of Kurdistan. Kurds from Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq are here. We've all crossed the borders to fight the Isis. The Kurds are united to bring our land back under our control."………………………


Kurdish forces successfully retook Makhmour a few days later and the PKK have now deployed to Sinjar and Jalawla, Kurdish areas in the west and east of the country where extensive fighting continues. But divisions between the different factions are starting to re-emerge, with the Kurdish authorities apparently distancing themselves from the PKK……………………




6-9-2014: The British women married to jihad (http://www.theguardian.com)


As alarm mounts about British men who have joined the militants, including the man thought to have murdered the journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, experts say much less attention is being paid to an explicit recruitment drive by Islamic State members at the behest of their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, to lure women and girls to the cause. And that too little is being done to challenge online accounts such as the one above on the frontline of this propaganda war……………..




6-9-2014: Aljazeera Questions Legitimacy of Foley and Sotloff Beheading Videos (http://www.infowars.com)


5-9-2014: The Atlantic Alliance’s “Holy War” against the Islamic State (ISIS): NATO’s Role in the Recruitment of Islamic Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


What they are proposing is an all encompassing NATO mandate to “Go after Terrorist Entities” which they themselves created as part of an insidious intelligence operation to destabilize and destroy both Syria and Iraq…………………..


What we are dealing with is a criminal agenda under NATO auspices. The evidence amply confirms that the US and Britain in liaison with the Atlantic Alliance have relentlessly supported both the creation as well as development of an Islamic Terror Network which now extends from the Middle East and North Africa into sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia




6-9-2014: Al-Qaeda closes in on Syrian Christian stronghold (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Al-Qaeda's branch in Syria is attacking one of the country's remaining Christian strongholds, as it presses its offensive against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad……………..


However, in addition to Mhardeh, Christian residents Suqalbiyeh and other Christian settlements in the province are also being threatened, Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Assistant Bishop Luca al- Khouri told The Telegraph………………….




6-9-2014: ISIL attacks protesters in Syria town (http://www.presstv.ir/)


ISIL Takfiri militants have opened fire on hundreds of people protesting against occupation of the Syrian town of Ashara in the eastern province of Deir ez-Zor……………………


The observatory says ISIL publicly executed and crucified Khalaf, accusing him of “heresy and apostasy.”

“Though he had nothing to do with yesterday’s protests, they executed him publicly in Ashara in order to terrorize people into not taking any kind of action against the ISIL,”




5-9-2014: British jihadists becoming disillusioned with fighting rival rebels and want to come home (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


British jihadists fighting in Syria are increasingly disillusioned and want to come home, it has been reported


The jihadists have become frustrated that instead of fighting President Assad’s forces they are finding themselves in fire fights with rival rebel groups


“We came to fight the regime and instead we are involved in gang warfare. It’s not what we came for but if we go back [to Britain] we will go to jail,”


More than 500 British citizens are believed to have travelled to Syria as jihadists and 20 have been killed there, at least six of them in fighting between rebel factions. About 260 have returned, with 40 awaiting trial………………………….




4-9-2014: In northeast Syria, Islamic State builds a government (http://www.reuters.com)


In the cities and towns across the desert plains of northeast Syria, the ultra-hardline al Qaeda offshoot Islamic State has insinuated itself into nearly every aspect of daily life…………………..


While its merciless battlefield tactics and its imposition of its austere vision of Islamic law have won the group headlines, residents say much of its power lies in its efficient and often deeply pragmatic ability to govern……………………….


Activists critical of the group were killed, disappeared, or escaped to Turkey. Alcohol was banned. Shops closed by afternoon and streets were empty by nightfall. Communication with the outside world - including nearby cities and towns - was allowed only through the Islamic State media center…………………..


Residents say Baghdadi also approves beheadings and other executions and punishments for criminals convicted by the group's Islamic courts………………………


According to sources in Raqqa, the group maintains three weapons factories mainly designed to develop missiles. Foreign scientists - including Muslims from China, fighters claim - are kept in a private location with bodyguards…………………..




4-9-2014: US warns ISIS could get ahold of Syria's chemical weapons (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


The United States is concerned that the Islamic State group and other terrorists could get a hold of chemical weapons if Syria is hiding any stockpiles, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Thursday




3-9-2014: Steven Sotloff: Isis video claims to show beheading of US journalist (http://www.theguardian.com/)


The video, released by the Islamic State (Isis) on Tuesday, features a voiceover delivered by a British jihadi with a ­distinctive London accent, apparently the same man who was filmed beheading Foley two weeks ago. It ends with the killer threatening another hostage, identified as a Briton……………..




3-9-2014: ISIS Beheading Video Prompts Criticism Of Obama's Foreign Policy In Syria (http://www.ibtimes.com/)


After ISIS released the second video Tuesday, Obama authorized an additional 350 military personnel to be sent to Iraq, but has yet to make a decision about ISIS strongholds in Syria. Both beheading videos appear to have been shot in Syria and multiple U.S. military authorities have said attacking ISIS in Syria is the only way to defeat the militant group……………….




3-9-2014: ISIS Beheadings of Journalists: CIA Admitted to Staging Fake Jihadist Videos in 2010 (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


2-9-2014: Syrian refugees trigger child labour boom in Turkey (http://www.theguardian.com)


"I really want to go to school, I like school," he says, now balancing a basket full of firewood. "But my mother won't enrol me. She says we need the money to eat."


His two child colleagues, brothers from Hama, are 12 and 13. Both have been working in the bakery ever since they came to Turkey more than six months ago. "I would rather go to school," said 12-year-old Nasir


"There is a massive increase in child labour here. It didn't used to be that way. The authorities try to fight against it, but in many cases families have little choice," said a Turkish human rights activist who wished to remain anonymous…………………


Almost 900,000 children are estimated to be working in Turkey, around 300,000 of them between the ages of six and 14, according to official figures. The legal working age is 15. Hakan Acar, a children's rights expert from Kocaeli University, underlined that the real numbers were probably much higher: "Children working on the streets are not included in these statistics, for example – children selling water, tissues or those who are begging."




31-9-2014: France to blame for ISIL bloodshed: Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The French president's insistence on pursuing his campaign of lies since the beginning of the crisis in Syria ... has made his country ... responsible for the bloodshed in Syria," the ministry said in a statement on Sunday


The latest developments come after the French President Francois Hollande rejected cooperation with Damascus in the fight against the ISIL. Hollande also called Syrian President Bashar Assad an ally of the terrorists.


Latest figures show at least 3,000 militants of European origin had been active in several militancy-riddled regions across Syria.




30-9-2014: 12,000 militants from 81 nationalities fighting in Syria: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


A recent US Intelligence report says 12,000 militants from 81 nationalities, including Americans and Europeans, have joined terrorist groups fighting against the Syrian government


The Soufan Group, a New York-based intelligence firm, estimated in June that at least 3,000 militants of European origin had been active in several militancy-riddled regions across the Arab country, Washington Post reported


US media reports say more than 100 US citizens have also traveled to Syria to fight President Bashar al-Assad’s government




30-8-2014: Video: ISIS selling women in Syria (http://www.cnn.com/)


30-8-2014: Syrian rebels attack peacekeepers in Golan Heights (http://news.yahoo.com/)


The clashes came after Syrian rebel groups, including the Nusra Front, overran the Quneitra crossing — located on the frontier between Syrian and Israeli controlled parts of the Golan Heights — on Wednesday, seizing at least 44 Fijian peacekeepers




29-8-2014: Three million refugees have fled Syria, says UN (http://www.theguardian.com)


“Syria's intensifying refugee crisis will today [Friday] surpass a record three million people," the UN's refugee agency said in a statement,……………..


The increasingly fragmented conflict raging in Syria has claimed more than 191,000 lives since erupting in March 2011


Most of the Syrian refugees have found their way to neighbouring countries, with Lebanon hosting 1.14 million, Jordan 608,000 and Turkey 815,000……………..




29-8-2014: Number of Syrian refugees passes three millions: UN (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria is now “the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era” with almost half of all Syrians forced to flee their homes, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said


“One in every eight Syrians has fled across the border, fully a million people more than a year ago. A further 6.5 million are displaced within Syria. Over half of those uprooted are children,” it said




28-8-2014: Marched to their deaths: Sickening ISIS slaughter continues as 250 soldiers captured at Syrian airbase are stripped then led to the desert for mass execution (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Sickening footage appears to show Islamic State militants parading around 250 captured soldiers through the desert in their underwear before they are killed and their bodies piled on the bare earth……..


An Islamic State fighter claimed the men were from the Syrian government's Tabqa air base which extremists seized on Sunday, potentially handing them warplanes, tanks, artillery and ammunition……


As the horrific footage progresses it pans slowly across a vast line of men who appear to be dead, and whose bodies have been laid out one by one….




28-8-2014: Why Obama Backed Off More ISIS Strikes: His Own Team Couldn’t Agree on a Syria Strategy (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


The President said that although he had ordered up options for striking ISIS in Syria, the administration’s priority was shoring up the integrity of Iraq, instead. Syria would have to wait. He also said he would send Secretary of State John Kerry to the region because “We don’t have a strategy yet,” to confront ISIS on a regional level…………….


There were deep divisions inside the administration's deliberations over Syria….


Inside the intelligence community, there is a dispute about whether the Free Syrian Army, which has been fighting ISIS in Syria all year with little international support, can be a reliable partner for any military mission inside Syria………………..




28-8-2014: Sources say second American killed fighting with ISIS in Syria identified as Abdirahmaan Muhumed (http://www.foxnews.com)


A second American reportedly killed fighting with the Islamic State group in Syria has been identified as Abdirahmaan Muhumed, of Minneapolis………………………….




27-8-2014: Syria crisis: Rebels seize border crossing with Israel in the Golan Heights (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Syrian rebels, including fighters from an al-Qa’ida-linked group, have seized control of a frontier crossing with Israel in the Golan Heights after heavy clashes with President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, activists and rebels said……………………….




27-8-2014: 'Executions, amputations and lashings': ISIS commits war crimes in Syria, UN says (http://rt.com)


In areas of Syria under ISIS control, particularly in the north and northeast of the country, Fridays are regularly marked by executions, amputations and lashings in public squares," the four-member commission said in a statement. “Bodies of those killed are placed on display for several days, terrorizing the local population. Women have been lashed for not abiding by ISIS’s dress code. In Ar-Raqqah, children as young as 10 are being recruited and trained at ISIS camps. ISIS has forcibly displaced Kurdish communities in northern Syria. Journalists and other media workers are systematically targeted




26-8-2014: ISIS by the numbers: How big, strong and rich the militant organization may be (http://www.cbc.ca)


…………the ISIS fighting force at around 10,000, a far cry from some estimates that have placed that number as high as 80,000…………………………


But there are also those who are part of the fighting because they see ISIS as "the  winning team," which he said could put the force at around 15,000, although he says 20,000 is also possible……..


How much it has and how much it takes in is again difficult to discern. Some estimates believe ISIS takes in around $1 million a day, while others estimate around $25 million to $30 million a year….




26-8-2014: US prepares military options in Syria against Islamic State (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The United States is preparing military options, including surveillance flights, to pressure Islamic State in Syria, US officials said last night, but they cautioned no decision had been made to expand US action beyond the limited airstrikes under way in Iraq………………….


"With Central Command, (Gen. Dempsey) is preparing options to address ISIS both in Iraq and Syria with a variety of military tools including airstrikes,"




26-8-2014: US forces move into Syria: Obama paves way for airstrikes on ISIS after sending in spy planes - despite Assad warning that any attack will be seen as 'aggression' (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Barack Obama has paved the way for airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria after spy planes started operating in the country on his command, according to U.S officials……………..




25-8-2014: Islamic State might have taken advanced MANPADS from Syrian airfield (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


“What we do know from previous airfield seizures is that these places are a source of MANPADS and similar weapons,”………….


The SA-18 is one of eight MANPADS variants in militant hands that have been documented by Small Arms Survey. While most are Soviet-era models, the Russian Federation SA-24 and Chinese FN-6 have been sighted in the almost four-year-old conflict……………..




25-8-2014: Syria Declares Its Readiness in Backing Efforts to Fight Jihadists (http://www.nytimes.com)


The United States has been conducting airstrikes on ISIS positions in Iraq — an effort that officials have suggested could extend into Syria………………….




25-8-2014: Over 500 killed in Syria air base fighting (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Some 350 ISIL militants and more than 170 Syrian army soldiers have been killed after Takfiri militants seized an air base in northeast Syria following days of fierce clashes……………


According to witnesses, the militants displayed the severed heads of government forces in the nearby city of Raqqa, also held by the Takfiri group…………………….




25-8-2014: Foley murder video 'may have been staged' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The video of James Foley’s execution may have been staged, with the actual murder taking place off-camera, it has emerged


“After enhancements, the knife can be seen to be drawn across the upper neck at least six times, with no blood evidence to the point the picture fades to black,”




24-8-2014: Isil fighters capture key Syrian air base in sign of growing strength (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Jihadist fighters captured a major military air base in northeastern Syria on Sunday, removing the last government-held post in a province the extremists claim as part of their new "Islamic State"


The storming of Tabqa air field, a major government military facility containing several squadrons of planes, helicopters, tanks and artillery, is a significant victory for the Islamic State of the Iraq and the Levant (Isil).




23-8-2014: Isis surges towards the borders of Turkey as west mulls options (http://www.theguardian.com/)


Large numbers of jihadists from Islamic State (formerly Isis) are moving this weekend towards the Turkish border area, about 60 miles north of Aleppo, in columns of armoured trucks that they looted from abandoned Iraqi military bases. The area is now one of the most active front lines in the group's attempt to redraw the borders of the Levant, a campaign that will have huge ramifications for Turkey…………………


"The Turkish border is the only way to smuggle oil, weapons and foreign fighters into [Iraq and Syria],"………………………. "If it's closed, it will cut three things: funding, an entrance for the foreign fighters and links to Europe which they are trying to open. If those plans are destroyed, they will aim for another gate to Lebanon."


"This time Turkey will do something and block the borders because they don't trust Isis any more after they attacked Kurdistan. They understand now that Isis could turn on them."……………..




23-8-2014: White House hints airstrikes in Syria possible (http://bostonherald.com/)


22-8-2014: Britain urged to reforge alliance with Syria (http://www.independent.co.uk)


22-8-2014: The British jihadis (http://www.theguardian.com/)


“We’re not going to be restricted by borders,” said Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, speaking on Martha’s Vineyard, where the president is vacationing


But faced with the Islamic terrorists, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL, making gains across the region and the beheading of Boston-based journalist James Foley this week, the administration appears to be looking to extend their assaults…………………..




22-8-2014: Syrian civil war death toll rises to more than 191,300, according to UN (http://www.theguardian.com/)


The death toll from Syria's civil war has risen to more than 191,300 people, the United Nations has said…………………




22-8-2014: West poised to join forces with President Assad in face of Islamic State (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The US has already covertly assisted the Assad government by passing on intelligence about the exact location of jihadi leaders through the BND, the German intelligence service,……..


Determined to get rid of President Assad, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has kept Turkey’s 550-mile border with Syria open, giving the jihadists, including Isis, a safe haven over the last three years. The Turks are now saying Isis is no longer welcome, but Ankara has not moved seriously to close the border by deploying troops in large numbers




22-8-2014: US Begins Selling “Syria Intervention” Using ISIS Pretext (http://www.infowars.com)


In reality, US special forces and other Western operatives have been inside and operating in Syria for years. The only missing ingredient the US seeks to justify is direct, open military intervention including airstrikes on Syrian territory……………………………


It was the United States itself that intentionally created ISIS, beginning as early as 2007 for the expressed purpose of overthrowing the government of Syria and confronting pro-Iranian forces across the Middle East from Lebanon to Iran’s very doorstep………………………..


The United States has intentionally created regional genocide and now proposes direct military intervention across multiple national borders as the solution – an arsonist left to fight fires of their own creation……………………..


That the public never asks just how ISIS could achieve such regional prominence despite hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, weapons, and military backing allegedly being funneled to “moderate opposition” in Syria indicates a vast chasm between reality and where public opinion stands…….




21-8-2014: Growing Mayhem - US Operating on Both Sides of Syrian-Iraqi Border (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.nl/)


......................the "sudden" appearance of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) in northern Iraq weeks ago, has created the rhetorical framework within which the United States and its regional partners will attempt to militarily intervene in both Iraq and Syria.


It should be remembered that ISIS itself is a creation of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, and has been harbored and provided material assistance by NATO-member Turkey for years……………….


21-8-2014: Chuck Hagel Goes Full Fearmonger: "ISIS Poses Greater Threat Than 9/11, Prepare For Everything" (http://www.zerohedge.com)

US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel talks about the "imminent threat" ISIS poses to the US and the World.. .and pulls no punches in his total fearmongery..."ISIL poses a threat greater than 9/11. ISIL is as sophisticated and well funded as any group we have seen. They're beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology with a sophisticated strategic and tactical military prowess and they're tremendously well-funded. This is way beyond anything we have seen. We must prepare for everything. Get Ready!" Time for some QE-funded deficit-busting war spending




21-8-2014: Hagel and Dempsey: We Must Attack Syria! Get Ready! (http://ronpaulinstitute.org)


The US war machine is accelerating at a lightening pace. As in the 2003 attack on Iraq, there are few voices of caution, and those who do speak out are drowned out by the many screaming that we must crush ISIS now! ISIS is the greatest threat to the United States, and so on, they say. Precisely the things they said about Saddam Hussein just 12 years ago


Then, suddenly there emerged a single unifying event that horrified even many skeptics into calling for a US war on ISIS: a dramatic video purporting to be of a British ISIS member beheading American journalist James Foley. It was a strange and suspicious video, however. We are told on the one hand that ISIS is the most ruthless and bloodthirsty organization the world has seen. We are told they were kicked out of al-Qaeda for being too brutal. But somehow the actual decapitation of the journalist is edited from the film which was purportedly shot by ISIS itself. That sequence begins with the knife applied to the throat and then skips to a still shot of what appears to be a dead body with a head resting on its chest.




21-8-2014: Hollande says France recently armed Syria Takfiris (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The French leader said on Thursday that Paris delivered weapons to the Takfiri terrorists in Syria “a few months ago,” stressing, “We should not stop” supporting the anti-Damascus militants…………..




21-8-2014: Top General Says ISIS Cannot Be Defeated Without Striking Syria (http://www.slate.com)


“This is an organization that has an apocalyptic end-of-days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated,” the chairman, Gen. Martin Dempsey, said in his most expansive public remarks on the crisis since American airstrikes began in Iraq. “Can they be defeated without addressing that part of the organization that resides in Syria? The answer is no.”……………..




21-8-2014: James Foley’s brutal death shows that the west can’t solve the Iraq crisis (http://www.theguardian.com)


Last week I spoke with an Islamic State official, a man inflicting his corrupted religious beliefs on hundreds of kidnapped Yazidi women and children. He calmly explained his organisation’s aims: to drive non-Muslims out of its self-declared caliphate and fight the US because it was using Arab rulers to attack them. He was polite, refusing only to discuss the foreign fighters thought to make up one-third of their forces, but chilling as he discussed the sale of women as slaves and the theft of children for conversion……………………


Yes, it makes sense to use western special forces on the ground, not least to shore up the beleaguered Kurds whose accidental state is the one beneficial thing to have emerged from recent incursions. But we must banish for ever the idea that we can impose simplistic solutions……………………..


21-8-2014: Iraq Crisis: Some Islamic State Commanders Retreat Back to Syria (http://online.wsj.com)


Iraqi officials say U.S. airstrikes have driven some ground commanders of the Sunni radical group Islamic State from northern Iraq across the border into Syria……………….


Some Iraqi military and security officials say they believe he recently did go to Syria. U.S. officials believe his movements are fluid………………….


Gen. Barzani referenced intelligence reports from Mosul that he said pointed to a split in the group on how to proceed now that American airstrikes were in the mix. Most of the Islamic State fighters retreating from the dam took refuge in Mosul……………….




20-8-2014: Staged Provocations Ahead Possible US-Syrian War (http://journal-neo.org)


One is to create plausible deniability for the West which created the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS), the other is to create a further pretext to justify a resurgence of direct US military intervention across the region…………….


While the West feigns an adversarial position regarding ISIS, it was the West itself that created it, specifically to confront the Iranian arc of influence stretching from Tehran, through Baghdad, Damascus and along the Mediterranean in Lebanon.




20-8-2014: Islamic State: British fighters make up a quarter of foreign jihadists (http://www.independent.co.uk)


20-8-2014: ISIL claims to have beheaded US journalist, holds another (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The terrorist group posted a gruesome video on social media on Tuesday titled “A Message to America,” allegedly showing the decapitation of James Foley, 40, who was abducted by unknown gunmen on November 22, 2012. He had reported in the Middle East for five years…………….


“This is James Wright Foley, an American citizen, of your country. As a government, you have been at the forefront of the aggression towards the Islamic State,” the masked man said with a British accent, using the name that the ISIL terror group took on after announcing a so-called caliphate in the swathes they have overrun in Iraq and Syria




20-8-2014: British extremists among 'most vicious' in Isis, expert says (http://www.theguardian.com)


20-8-2014: Accent of James Foley’s executioner prompts a reckoning in Britain (http://www.washingtonpost.com/)


The beheading of an American journalist by an extremist with a London accent prompted deep reckoning among Britons on Wednesday over the particularly vicious role their countrymen are playing in the destabilization of the Middle East………………………….


“Foreign fighters are often used for the most brutal acts because they are the most ideologically motivated,” said Peter Neumann, director of the International Center for the Study of Radicalization. “The locals may say, ‘That’s not the kind of thing we do here.’ But the outsiders don’t know that.”




20-8-2014: Islamic State militants seize four more foreign hostages in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


19-8-2014: Over 50,000 ISIL terrorists fight in Syria: UK-based NGO (http://www.presstv.ir/)


19-8-2014: James Foley, missing U.S. journalist, believed dead in ISIS beheading (http://www.cbc.ca/)


James Foley, an American journalist who had gone missing in Syria nearly two years ago, is presumed dead after Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants posted a video online Tuesday that it said was of his execution………………




19-8-2014: Over 700 militants in Syria surrender to authorities (http://www.presstv.ir)


More than 700 foreign-sponsored militants fighting the Syrian government have turned themselves in to authorities


As many as 525 militants, who were from Daraa, Sweida, Damascus, Homs, Qunaitera, Hama, Lattakia, Deir Ezzor, Idlib and Raqqa, submitted their weapons to the Syrian army on Monday,


According to the report, 180 other militants from al-Zabadani area in the countryside of the Syrian capital Damascus also handed their guns to Syrian authorities




17-8-2014: Kurdish militants train hundreds of Yazidis to fight Islamic State (http://in.reuters.com)


Kurdish militants have trained hundreds of Yazidi volunteers at several camps inside Syria to fight Islamic State forces in Iraq, a member of the armed Kurdish YPG and a Reuters photographer who visited a training camp said on Sunday


In Syria, the Yazidi volunteers train in weapon use and fighting tactics for several days before being sent back to Mount Sinjar to fight, a member from the media office of the Kurdish YPG told Reuters…………………..


"On the top of the Singar mountains, in cooperation with locals and the YPG, the Yazidis have established what they call the Singar Resistance Units,"…………………..


The YPG are one of the few militant groups that have been able to stem the advance of the Islamic State, the most powerful rebel group in Syria and Iraq…………………..




16-8-2014: Rebels ask for Iraq-style strikes in Syria (http://www.aljazeera.com)


16-8-2014: Islamic State executed 700 people from Syrian tribe: monitoring group (http://www.reuters.com)


The Islamic State militant group has executed 700 members of a tribe it has been battling in eastern Syria during the past two weeks, the majority of them civilians…………………


An activist in Deir al-Zor who spoke on condition of anonymity told Reuters that 300 men were executed in one day in the town of Ghraneij, one of the three main towns of the al-Sheitaat tribal heartland, when Islamic State stormed the town earlier this week……………………


“We appeal to the other tribes to stand by us because it will be their turn next ... If (Islamic State) are done with us the other tribes will be targeted after al-Sheitaat. They are the next target,”……..




15-8-2014: Security Council Adopts Resolution 2170 (2014) Condemning Gross, Widespread Abuse Of Human Rights by Extremist Groups in Iraq, Syria (http://www.un.org)


Calling on all United Nations Member States to act to suppress the flow of foreign fighters, financing and other support to Islamist extremist groups in Iraq and Syria, the Security Council this afternoon put six persons affiliated to those groups on its terrorist sanctions list


Through the resolution, the Council demanded that ISIL, Al-Nusra Front and all other entities associated with Al-Qaida cease all violence and terrorist acts, and immediately disarm and disband.  Recalling that their attacks against civilians on the basis of ethnic or religious identity might constitute crimes against humanity, it stressed the need to bring those perpetrators, including foreign fighters, to justice




14-8-2014: Syria crisis: Assad forces retake key Damascus district (http://www.bbc.com/)


Security forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad moved in on Mleiha, which is 10km (6 miles) from the centre of the capital, on Thursday morning………………………




14-8-2014: Syria troops retake key town outside Damascus (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Syrian government forces retook a key town on the outskirts of the capital Damascus Thursday after a months-long battle against rebels, a military source and state television said


"The army, with the cooperation of the National Defense Forces (militia), has accomplished its mission of restoring stability and security to Mliha," the army command said in a statement




13-8-2014: To fight ISIS, make peace with Syria's Assad: Column (http://www.usatoday.com)


To disrupt al-Baghdadi's advance, the United States and its allies should start by addressing the source of the problem — the conflict in Syria. They can begin by negotiating a truce with President Bashar Assad to stop the fighting in Syria. At the same time, an international stabilization force should be mobilized to create humanitarian safe zones in Syria so humanitarian aid can be delivered. This force, made up of NATO and Arab forces, could also be instrumental in taking back territory lost to the Islamic State, and in countering the spread of jihadist influence by the Jabhat al-Nusra front and its al-Qaeda affiliates. This will show the people of the region that al-Baghdadi's new Islamic State is not invincible and that it does not speak for the majority of other Muslims in the region or beyond. Assad might accept such an arrangement because it would allow him to retain power over at least a portion of Syria




13-8-2014: 'I'm getting good with these bombs': British Jihadi shows off on Twitter with before and after pictures of an Syrian army base he blew up with his homemade explosives (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


A young British jihadist who appeared in a chilling ISIS recruitment video has posted photographs of the destruction caused to a Syrian army base by one of his homemade bombs…………………


Nasser Muthana - the 20-year-old former Cardiff schoolboy who featured prominently in ISIS' first professionally produced English language propaganda video - uploaded before and after images of a military building being destroyed in an ISIS-controlled area in the north of the country……………..


'Kuffar [non-believers] are afraid we will slaughter Yazidis, our deen [religious path] is clear we will kill their men, take their women and children as slaves insha Allah,' he posted on Twitter……



12-8-2014: In Turkey, a late crackdown on Islamist fighters (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Wounded jihadists from the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front — an al-Qaeda offshoot also fighting the Syrian government — were treated at Turkish hospitals. Most important, the Turks winked as Reyhanli and other Turkish towns became way stations for moving foreign fighters and arms across the border……………………………………..


“Turkey welcomed anyone against Assad, and now they are killing, spreading their disease, and we are all paying the price,”…………………..


Alarmed by the growing might of the Islamic State, Turkey has started cracking down. Working with the United States and European governments, Turkish officials have enacted new safeguards to detain foreign fighters trying to get into Syria and launched a military offensive aimed at curtailing the smuggling of weapons and supplies across the border………………


But in a region engulfed by a broadening conflict, Turkey is also reaping what it sowed. It is engaging in border shootouts with rebels it once tactically aided………………..


Of massive concern are thousands of increasingly radicalized foreign fighters, including many carrying U.S. and European passports, who have gone to fight in Syria……………….




12-8-2014: Kerry condemns Syria decapitation photo (http://www.aljazeera.com)


US Secretary of State John Kerry has described a photograph of a Sydney-born seven-year-old boy clutching the severed head of a Syrian soldier as "disturbing" and "grotesque," and called for international co-operation against the threat posed by foreign fighters returning home from Iraq and Syria


Australian police announced last month that they had arrest warrants for Sharrouf and his companion Mohamed Elomar, another former Sydney resident, for "terrorism-related activity".




11-8-2014: Islamic State 'crucifies and beheads' opponents in eastern Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Islamist fighters execute 25 people as they crush resistance and tighten grip in Syria, where they now control around a third of country's territory in addition to much of neighbouring Iraq……


……………Islamic State beheaded two men from the al-Sheitaat clan on Sunday, the Observatory said, and gave residents a 12-hour deadline on Monday to hand over members of the tribe……


In other parts of Deir al-Zor province, the militants crucified two men for the crime of "dealing with apostates" in the city of Mayadin, and two others for blasphemy in the nearby town of al-Bulel, ………………




11-8-2014: 'I'm sure you've seen much worse than that': Uncle of Australian SEVEN-YEAR-OLD boy who was photographed brandishing the head of a Syrian soldier - taken by his jihadist father - says the image should be dismissed (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


The uncle of a young boy who was photographed gripping the severed head of a slain Syrian soldier  says Australia should 'forget' the image which has caused outrage among authoritie.


'He's gone, forget about it. He's forgotten about youse. I'm sure you've seen much worse than that,' Mostafa Sharrouf told the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday.


Khaled Sharrouf's son, believed to be aged seven, used both hands to hoist the decapitated head up as he posed for a chilling photo.


His proud father, one of Australia's most-wanted terrorists and a suspected war criminal, posted the photo to Twitter on August 8 with the caption: 'Thats my boy!'.




10-8-2014: British jihadi who went to fight for ISIS after he was sacked from Primark is killed in Syria (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Muhammad Hamidur Rahman one of around 500 Britons who went to Syria He joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham which in now the Islamic State Rahman, from Portsmouth, was shot dead in a gun fight a fortnight ago His father said family received text message from a friend of Rahman in Syria Rahman is the second British jihadist from Portsmouth to die in Syria The first was his friend Iftekhar Jaman, 23, who died in December




9-8-2014: Women stoned to death for 'adultery' in Syria as jihadi rebels impose strict shariah law on areas under their control (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


A cleric read the verdict before the truck came and dumped a large pile of stones near the municipal garden. Jihadi fighters brought in the woman, clad head to toe in black, and half buried her in the ground


Then they told residents who had gathered around the scene to carry out the sentence: Stoning to death for the alleged adulteress


The July 18 stoning was the second in a span of 24 hours. A day earlier, 26-year-old Shamseh Abdullah was killed in a similar way in the nearby town of Tabqa by IS fighters…………….


The jihadis recently tied a 14-year-old boy to a cross-like structure and left him for several hours in the scorching summer sun before bringing him down - punishment for not fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan……………..


'People were shocked and couldn't understand what was going on. Many were disturbed by the idea that Saudis and Tunisians were issuing (such) orders,' ……………….




8-8-2014: BARBARIC! Photos Surface of ISIS Crucifying Youths (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com)


8-8-2014: ISIS storms one of last Syria army bases in Raqqa (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) militants stormed one of the Syrian government’s last outposts in the northern province of Raqqa in an overnight attack and battled troops holed up in the area Thursday, killing dozens of soldiers, activists said…………………….


Raqqa is a major stronghold of ISIS, which took control of the provincial capital and expelled rival Syrian rebel groups at the start of the year……………..


ISIS fighters killed at least 50 soldiers when they took over a base outside Raqqa city about two weeks ago. They also killed around 270 soldiers, guards and staff when they overran a gas field in central Syria about a week before that, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights………………………..




6-8-2014: 100 Syrians killed in five days in N Lebanon: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


6-8-2014: Takfiri militants kills16, injure dozens in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


5-8-2014: Violent clashes between rebels and regime in Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The jihadist Islamic State group executed seven members of a single family from the Ismaili minority in the central Syrian province of Hama overnight, state media and a monitor said Monday…….


Fighting between the tribe and IS broke out last week after the jihadist group detained three tribal members "violating an agreement"…………..


The tribe has taken back control of three villages from IS, but fighting was ongoing,….




4-8-2014: How ISIS Could Turn Assad Into A Western Ally (http://www.worldcrunch.com)


What is happening today is precisely that scenario. ISIS started targeting the Syrian regime after it no longer needed Assad. So, what's next? Above all, support for Assad will increase in Syria. With a growing fear of ISIS, people may settle to live under his rule. The Syrian opposition might also compromise as jihadists gain more and more power…………………….


Iran, Turkey and the U.S. may soon find themselves with Assad on their side………………




3-8-2014: Militants’ mortar attacks kill 12 in Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


3-8-2014: Assessing the State of the Syrian Army as ISIS Advances (http://abcnews.go.com)


The regime's strategy was to ignore ISIS and allow it to take over the east in the hopes it would horrify and spook the West into supporting Assad. But now that ISIS has gotten its feet on the ground and consolidated its hold, it's become a real danger in a way the other militias never were


The Syrian army will eventually defeat ISIS, because they're a real army, and because most of the world is spooked by ISIS. ISIS has taken the logic of the Syrian army, which is a sectarian logic, and a take-no-prisoners logic that you have to destroy your enemy, which the Syrian army embraced early on………………………




3-8-2014: 1000s of ISIL terrorists flee from Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Thousands of al-Qaeda-linked militants are said to have infiltrated into Lebanon after suffering defeats in Syria’s Qalamoun region, which is near the Lebanese border…………..




2-8-2014: Syria tribesmen push out terrorists in east (http://www.presstv.ir)


Tribal fighters in eastern Syria have reportedly managed to drive out ISIL Takfiris from several villages in Deir al-Zour Province


Reports say the tribesmen also set fire to an ISIL headquarters in a fourth village and that the terrorists had fled from a fifth village in the area




1-8-2014: Leaked document proves Syria-bound Turkish trucks were carrying arms (http://www.todayszaman.com/)


The trucks that were intercepted by security services on Jan. 19 in Ceyhan district of Adana have been hotly debated in Turkey, only months before key local elections, and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan described the incident as "treason." Turkish prime minister and President Abdullah Gόl said what the trucks were carrying is a "state secret," but said it was only humanitarian aid to Turkmens in Syria…………………..


The truck incident in Adana resulted in a separate investigation and Erdoğan publicly lashed out at a court, which released detained members of police officers who participated in the raid of the trucks. Prosecutors who ordered the interception of trucks were later removed from their posts and appointed several times to less influential positions, a widely used tactic by Ankara to force bureaucrats to resign……………………




1-8-2014: Muslims Cut Countless Heads, And Hang The Heads On Electric Wires Throughout The City (http://shoebat.com/)


Muslims, in Raqqa, Syria, all members of ISIS, have cut countless heads and have hung the heads on electric wires all throughout the city in celebration of the Islamic holiday of ‘Eid. ……………




31-7-2014: Isis winning its war on two fronts: Militants conquered Sunni regions of Iraq and are now consolidating hold on north-east Syria (http://www.independent.co.uk)


31-7-2014: Turkey Fears ISIL Radicalism Could Spill Over From Syria, Iraq (http://www.voanews.com)


“Some of these militants groups have been able to establish their networks over the years, at the time the Turkish government turned (a) blind eye to many of these opposition groups. It just shows you Turkey is not going to be safe from all the instability from Syria."


Turkey's ruling Islamist-rooted AK Party is one of the main supporters of the rebel groups fighting the Syrian regime. The arson attack on the Istanbul mosque has not been the only such incident. Shi'ites in Istanbul claim they have been the target of increasing sectarian violence


Still, ISIL flags and bandanas are increasingly visible at protests organized by Islamic groups, indicating that at least some Sunnis in Turkey have sympathy for the group. Analysts warn that ISIL's increasing presence is likely to test the cohesiveness of Turkish society




31-7-2014: Syrian city of Homs shows signs of life amid moonscape of devastation (http://www.theguardian.com)


Every room in his second-floor apartment in the old city of Homs bears the scars of war……


On the street outside, a poster warns returning residents to beware if they come across any of the many kinds of munitions and weapons – mortar bombs, rockets, grenades…………………..


Still, milestones of recovery are being marked. This month the first wedding since what Assad loyalists call the liberation was celebrated in the quarter’s first-century Syriac Orthodox church, Umm al-Zennar………………………….




31-7-2014: Jihadists order total cover-up for Syrian women (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


The jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) has imposed a strict dress code for women in eastern Syria, forbidding them from showing any part of their bodies,…………..


"Women... are completely forbidden from showing their eyes,"…………………….





29-8-2014: Children of Syria review – 'I hate the future so much' (http://www.theguardian.com/)


28-7-2014: ISIL launches centers for recruiting sex slaves (http://www.presstv.ir)


According to reports on Monday, the Takfiri terrorists have opened what they call “a marriage bureau” to arrange so-called marriages between women and ISIL militants fighting in Iraq and Syria…..


The UK-based group said that the ISIL militants have urged single women and widows to provide their names and addresses


In June, ISIL militants in Iraq called on the residents of the country’s major northern city of Mosul to offer their women to the Takfiri militants for sex




28-7-2014: Islamic State jihadists open 'marriage bureau' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


27-7-2014: Syrian jihadi video shows first American suicide bomber (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


27-7-2014: Syria Retakes Homs Gas Field from Hardline Group (http://www.voanews.com/)


Syrian army said on Sunday it recaptured a gas field east of the central city of Homs that was seized by hardline Islamic State fighters earlier this month……………………




27-7-2014: New U.S. help arrives for Syrian rebels as government, extremists gain (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The latest effort to supply the rebels is part of a covert support program, authorized by President Obama last year, under which the United States participates alongside Persian Gulf Arab and European allies in sending deliveries of arms, ammunition and money across the Turkish and Jordanian borders. A separate, openly acknowledged program to provide nonlethal aid such as vehicles, food and medicine has also gathered pace in recent months, U.S. officials say




27-7-2014: 7 killed, 23 injured in terrorist bombing and rocket attacks in Homs (http://www.sana.sy)


26-7-2014: UN commission proposes blacklisting ISIL leaders (http://www.presstv.ir/)


“We are gathering as much information as we can about ISIS (ISIL) and about the violations they commit in the same way that we do about everyone else, by interviewing people who have been their victims. And we do have information on all of these things. It’s a bit newer, so we have a bit less information than about earlier groups, but I am assuming that it will accumulate quickly,”


According to the UN commission, there are between 10,000 and 15,000 foreigners working with militant groups fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad




26-7-2014: Video shows first American suicide bomber in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


An al-Qaida-linked group fighting in Syria has released video of the first American to carry out a suicide attack in the country's civil war, showing him smiling and saying he looked forward to going to heaven


"I want to rest in the afterlife, in heaven. There is nothing here and the heart is not resting," ….. "Heaven is better. When people die they either go to heaven or hell. There is happiness beyond explanation."


The conflict has killed at least 170,000 people, nearly a third of them civilians, according to activists. Nearly 3 million Syrians have fled the country




*********Beheading Syrian soldiers in Raqqa*******



27-7-2014: Heads on sticks: Sick ISIS video emerges showing 50 beheaded Syrian soldiers being impaled on poles and held aloft in Raqqa city (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


26-7-2014: ISIL terrorists execute 50 government forces in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


26-7-2014: ISIS ‘beheads scores of Syrian soldiers’ after daring assault on army base (GRAPHIC) (http://rt.com)


25-7-2014: Syria conflict: Isis 'overruns' Raqqa military base (http://www.bbc.com)


The Islamist fighters have released images of captured soldiers being beheaded after the battle for the base


The Raqqa base, manned by Division 17 of the Syrian army, is said to have been captured overnight after coming under siege from Isis fighters


Scores of Isis fighters and government soldiers were killed or hurt in the attack, the group said. The base is the largest of its kind in north-eastern Syria, and is said to be well-stocked with weapons and ammunition




24-7-2014: Syrian Islamist group planning terror attack on Norway in days, warns country's intelligence service (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Norway's intelligence service today said it has received information about an imminent 'concrete threat' against Norway from people with links to Islamic fighters in Syria………………


According to PST's assessment last month, about 50 people have travelled to Syria from Norway as foreign fighters, half of whom have now returned to Norway……………………




23-7-2014: The end of Christianity in the Middle East could mean the demise of Arab secularism (http://www.theguardian.com)


The past decade has been catastrophic for the Arab world's beleaguered 12 million strong Christian minority………………


In Syria most of the violence is along the Sunni-Alawite fault line, but stories of rape and murder directed at the Christian minority, …………………


Even before this latest exodus, at least two-thirds of Iraqi Christians had fled since the fall of Saddam. Christians were concentrated in Mosul, Basra and, especially, Baghdad – which before the US invasion had the largest Christian population in the Middle East. Although Iraq's 750,000 Christians made up only 7% of the pre-war population, they were a prosperous minority under the Ba'athists, as symbolised by the high profile of Tariq Aziz, Saddam's foreign minister,………




23-7-2014: Will the young Britons fighting in Syria be allowed to return home and resume their lives? (http://www.independent.co.uk)


22-7-2014: Europe must give Syrian refugees a home (http://www.theguardian.com)


19-7-2014: ISIL reportedly kills 270 in Syrian gas field massacre (http://www.presstv.ir/)


19-7-2014: Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for 'adultery' (http://www.standardmedia.co.ke)


"The Islamic State carried out its first sentence of death by stoning against a woman in Tabaqa, accusing her of adultery," said the Britain-based Observatory, referring to a town in Raqa province, most of which is under IS control


"The situation is unbearable. Stoning is the worst punishment history has known. A quick death is more merciful," Salameh told AFP via the Internet, using a pseudonym for security reasons




18-7-2014: While Iraq burns, Isis takes advantage in Syria (http://www.bbc.com)


While international attention has been fixated on the disintegration of Iraq and the expansion of the so-called caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Sunni insurgents have moved their offensive back into Syria with a newly acquired haul of US-made weapons and cash……………


"The attacks from Isis have reached an acute level following their recent acquisition of heavy artillery," warned the presidency of the three Syrian Kurdish cantons


"We know that some 300-400 Turkish Kurds are fighting with us in Syria against Isis," said Mr Muslim. "It is very difficult. We are short on weapons and our rocket-propelled grenades are not effective against [Isis'] tanks




17-7-2014: Syria Kurds impose military service amid civil war (http://www.whdh.com)


Syria's Kurds imposed compulsory military service for their men to ward off a push by Islamic extremists in the predominantly Kurdish areas in northern Syria,………………………


The fighting between the Syrian Kurds and the jihadis, which broke out on July 2, left dozens dead on both sides, according to activists. Hundreds of Kurds have flocked from neighboring Turkey to help their brethren, the activists said……………




17-7-2014: Child marriage doubles among Syrian girls in Jordan: NGO (http://www.presstv.ir/)


"Early and forced marriage among Syrian refugee girls in Jordan has doubled since the onset of war," said the report, adding that 48 percent of them were forced to marry men at least 10 years older than them


"Child marriage is devastating for those girls concerned," said Saba al-Mobaslat, the NGO’s country director in Jordan, noting, "Girls who marry before 18 are more likely to experience domestic violence than their peers who marry later, and they have much more limited access to sexual and reproductive health, putting their young bodies at extreme risk if and when they become pregnant."




16-7-2014: Child marriage soars among Syrian refugees in Jordan (http://www.theguardian.com)


16-7-2014: Western countries sending millions of pounds in aid to Isis-controlled regions (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


Western governments are sending millions of pounds of aid to areas held by the radical Islamic group Isis in northern Syria………..


The aid, which is paid for by the UK, European and US governments, consists of food, medicine and hygiene kits. It is brought into the country through the war-torn north from the two last remaining border posts open with Turkey in Reyhanli and Kilis………………….




16-7-2014: EU dreading terrorism spillover from ME: Spanish MP (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A Spanish lawmaker says threats emanating from terrorism and extremism in the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Syria, are a source of concern for the European Union (EU).




15-7-2014: Assad inauguration to take place Wednesday (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


14-7-2014: UK policy of supporting Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad 'stupid' (http://www.theguardian.com)


Britain's policy towards Syria has been "stupid" and it should apologise for supporting rebels who are fighting to overthrow president Bashar al-Assad, and work with him to combat terrorism, the country's deputy foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, has said. Mekdad told the Guardian that it was up to David Cameron to stop Britons coming to fight in Syria – an increasing preoccupation for UK authorities in recent months. "We regret that British people are coming here to be killed and to kill Syrians," he said. "But we believe it is the responsibility of the British government to stop such an onslaught."……………..


"The British government is extremist in its views on Syria and they are still thinking and dreaming that their agents, the Muslim Brotherhood and the other takfiris (violent jihadis) can make the change they want…………………




13-7-2014: Battle over Syria's Aleppo nears (http://www.usatoday.com)


………..government troops are advancing to retake Aleppo, the country's largest city, and possibly deliver a crushing blow to the rebellion against the regime of President Bashar Assad.


………..If the rebels are ousted, that could end the uprising that began in March 2011 against Assad's rule and quickly turned into a civil war that has killed more than 100,000 civilians




11-7-2014: Over 170,000 people killed in Syria crisis: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


More than 170,000 people, one-third of them civilians, have been killed in the ongoing foreign-sponsored crisis in Syria, a report says.


In a new report released on Thursday, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the total deaths of 171,509 people have been documented as a result of the unrelenting conflict in Syria


The report said that 46,301 militants, including those from the Takfiri ISIL terrorists, were among the dead.


A total of 65,803 Syrian troops and pro-Damascus forces have also been killed in the conflict, it added




10-7-2014: How should we understand the teenage jihadists' mind? (http://www.theguardian.com)


What could have induced two teenage boys from Cardiff and two 16-year-old Manchester girls to go to Syria? Young people have long felt the romance of distant wars – Spain in the 1930s or the French Foreign Legion – but surely not a Salafist dispute with the Alawite faction of Shiaism over the control of the caliphate……………………….


When I used to visit Muslim countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Syria and Iraq, I was impressed at how far their secular regimes, however dictatorial, guarded religious tolerance. The Ba'athists and others might be politically brutal, but they were foes of religious extremism: from Ataturk and Nasser to Assad and Saddam, they held the fundamentalists at bay………………..


The Islamic scholar Malise Ruthven has warned that while most religions tend to mature out of textual literalism, the idea of the Qur'an as a handbook of pluralism and democracy is fanciful. It is permeated with the language of struggle (jihad) and victory over unbelievers. It insists on the oneness of the political and the religious realm, of this world and "the next"…………


Another writer in the same vein, Hans Kόng, points out that jihad was never just a defensive concept but "a struggle to advance God's cause among the unbelievers"…………


The imperial revivalism of George Bush, Tony Blair and the neocons was catastrophic. After a trillion dollars of intervention, America and Britain have left the Muslim world as far from liberal democracy as ever. It is easy to say the agonies now being experienced from the shores of Lebanon to the borders of Pakistan and India are self-inflicted and "Muslim on Muslim", but all have been fuelled by western meddling………………….




9-7-2014: Singapore says citizens participate in Syria conflict (http://www.reuters.com)


A handful of Singaporean citizens have gone to Syria to participate in the conflict there, raising concern about a terrorist threat in the city-state, a senior government official was quoted by a state-owned TV network as saying……………………..


A female Singaporean is also believed to have gone to Syria with her husband and two teenage children. Several others, including Abdul Basheer Abdul Kader, Zakaria Rosdan and Khairul Sofri Osman, were stopped before they could leave, Teo added……………………………


9-7-2014: Counter-terrorism squad to track down missing Manchester girls (http://www.theguardian.com)


Counter-terrorism officers are investigating the disappearance of two 16-year-old girls who they believe have travelled to war-torn Syria




9-7-2014: Missing teenage sisters are 'now in Syria', police say (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


Two 16 year-old twin girls who have travelled to Syria to join the jihad have told their families they have no intention of returning home


The girls, said to be deeply religious, have ignored the largely Somalian family’s pleas for them to return home and are believed to have joined an older brother who joined the extremist militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis).




9-7-014: Foreign-backed Syrian opposition picks new head (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria’s foreign-backed opposition group the so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) has elected a new head following a three-day meeting in the Turkish city of Istanbul


On Wednesday, the SNC declared Hadi al-Bahra as the group’s new head.


SNC members started the meeting in the Turkish city on Sunday. Bahra and Muwaffaq Nairabiyeh were the candidates for the post.




8-7-2014: Syria militants receive 2nd batch of US arms (http://www.presstv.ir/)


8-7-2014: Why it’s OK to arm ‘Moderate’ jihadists in Syria (http://ronpaulinstitute.org)

Here’s the truth people: the term "moderate" when applied to the violence in Syria is a piece of meaningless fiction…………..


No party in the Syrian conflict has a squeaky-clean record in that regard. Is it meant to signify that these people make a principled distinction between civilians and combatants? Not a chance!.......


The moderates are just as extreme in their violence as those we condemn and oppose, and I’m pretty sure that they are just as religious or irreligious as killers. The term "moderate" then translates simply as "someone we support," in contrast to the people of Syria who made it abundantly clear in their recent election that they don’t support the rebels at all – moderate or otherwise!




8-7-2014: Floodgates open as ISIS bridges victories between Syria and Iraq (http://www.cnn.com/)


The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has gained notoriety in recent weeks as the group captured city after city in Iraq. Its goal: To create a caliphate, or Islamic state, spanning Iraq and Syria


All the cities between Deir Ezzor city and the Iraq border -- a stretch of 90 miles (150 kilometers) -- have fallen to ISIS, said Omar Abu Leila, a spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army


The captures include the al-Omar oil field, Syria's largest oil facility that can produce 75,000 barrels of oil a day. ISIS has also seized a military airport and a local army base.

The land grabs by ISIS now stretch from Syria's Deir Ezzor province to the group's recently gained territories in Iraq's Sunni heartland, the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said




8-7-2014: Syria's female refugees facing poverty, harassment and isolation (http://www.theguardian.com)


8-7-2014: Two British men admit to linking up with extremist group in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


Two Birmingham men admitted on Tuesday to linking up with an extremist group fighting jihad in Syria, after a family member reported them to the police.


School friends Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Ahmed, both 22, pleaded guilty to terrorism offences before their trial could start at Woolwich crown court


The pair admitted preparing to carry out terrorist acts and the maximum sentence they face is life imprisonment…………………………..


Both travelled to Syria via Turkey. Sarwar, a computer science student at Birmingham City University, even faked a leaflet for his family saying the trip was part of his studies. Ahmed, a former postal worker, was unemployed. They had spent months planning the trip, buying one-way tickets and paying off debts




Foreign-backed militants fighting against the Syrian government say they have received the second batch of US-made anti-tank missiles.


The Takfiri militants have reportedly received TOW anti-tank rockets in the strategic Qalamoun region




7-7-2014: British Isis fighter in Syria says he is willing to die: 'I left with the intention not to go back' (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


A British jihadist who is fighting for Isis in Syria has said he is willing to die for his cause -  and that there is no turning back


Abdul Raqib Amin, who was born in Bangladesh but grew up in Aberdeen, was among five men who appeared in a recruitment video by the Islamic militant group last month




7-7-2014: France targets Syria recruits with new law (http://www.aljazeera.com)


France plans to ban citizens suspected of links to armed groups from leaving the country in a new bill aimed at strengthening "anti-terrorist" legislation.


The draft bill unveiled on Wednesday would allow authorities to stop French nationals from travelling if they were suspected of having links to banned groups




7-7-2014: On the frontline in Syria: the Danish gangster who turned jihadi (http://www.theguardian.com)


Two Danes lie in the back of a pickup truck on the Turkish-Syrian border waiting for a call. They're with a young British jihadi and a group of ultra-conservative Syrian Salafi Islamists. Soon they'll be smuggled into Syria to join the fight against the Assad regime……………..


Back in the Danish capital, Benarabe collects about £50,000 through donations and, it is rumoured, through "taxing" local drug dealers. He buys three mini-vans and fills them mostly with medical equipment, but he also says he's transporting some hi-tech military paraphernalia, including night-vision goggles and heat sensors……………




5-7-2014: Over 6mn Syrian kids need aid: UNICEF (http://www.presstv.ir/)


More than six million Syrian children are in need of humanitarian aid due to violence in the crisis-hit country, says the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).`


On Friday, UNICEF spokesman Simon Ingram said at a press conference in Geneva that 6.6 million are in need of help




4-7-2014: UK trained terrorists to topple Syrian president: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


The United Kingdom drew up plans to train and equip thousands of militants at bases across Turkey and Jordan to fight against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, reports say…….


The scheme was reportedly similar to the one that toppled former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. However, it was put aside after being considered too risky.


Sources have also revealed that US military instructors trained Takfiri militants of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) at a secret base in Jordan in 2012.  At least one of the ISIL training camps is in the vicinity of Turkish air base, Incirlik, which houses American personnel and equipment






4-7-2014: British jihadist warns of 'black flag of Islam' over Downing Street (http://www.theguardian.com/)


A Briton who claims he has been fighting alongside jihadist militants in Syria has told the BBC he would not return to the UK until he could raise "the black flag of Islam" over Downing Street and Buckingham Palace.


The comments were broadcast as religious leaders called on British Muslims not to travel to Syria and Iraq, amid fears of jihadists fleeing the country to take part in terrorism


Concerns have also been raised about homegrown involvement in terrorism after Britons appeared in a propaganda video for insurgent group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis).




3-7-2014: Syria conflict: Britain 'planned to train 100,000-strong rebel army to take on Assad' (http://www.independent.co.uk)


A secret plan to train a 100,000-strong rebel army to wage war on Syria's President Bashar Assad was drawn up by a leading British general, according to a report…………..


Extreme Islamist militants have gained strength within the rebel force, partly because they are well equipped using funds sent from like-minded people and groups in the Middle East. Isis recently moved into Iraq, taking significant territory……………..




3-7-2014: Colorado woman accused of trying to help ISIS (http://edition.cnn.com)


A Colorado woman was arrested at the Denver airport in April and charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, according to court documents that were unsealed Wednesday




2-7-2014: Suspected Syria jihadist fundraiser arrested (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)




2-7-2014: Syrian rebels threaten to quit fight against ISIS (http://english.alarabiya.net)


“We, the leaders of the brigades and battalions... give the National Coalition, the (opposition) interim government, the (rebel) Supreme Military Council and all the leading bodies of the Syrian revolution a week to send reinforcements and complete aid,” the statement said


Should our call not be heard, we will lay down our weapons and pull out our fighters


The factions that signed the statement are local rebel groups based in Raqa, Deir Ezzor and parts of Aleppo province where fighting against ISIS has been most intense, and which are now under ISIS control


ISIS has kidnapped thousands of Syrians, many of them political activists and rebels, and carries out summary executions in areas under its control



 2-7-2014: British jihadist: UK should be afraid of terror skills I've learnt (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


2-7-2014: Libyans’ war without end: Battle-hardened soldiers who ousted Gaddafi recruited to help jihadis in Syria and Iraq (http://www.independent.co.uk)


1-7-2014: Faces of war: The reality facing children in Iraq and Syria (http://www.news.com.au)


The UN Refugee agency estimates that there are 1 million internally displaced people and 110,000 stateless people in Iraq alone, and the Red Crescent Society pegs over 80 per cent of them as women and young children




30-6-2014: Syrian foreign fighters’ vow: Endless war (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


30-6-2014: US to call for worldwide tightening of airport security measures over fears of ‘new generation’ of Syrian terror attacks ((http://www.independent.co.uk)


30-6-2014: Isis announces Islamic caliphate in area straddling Iraq and Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


Islamist militants have declared an Islamic "caliphate" in an area straddling Iraq and Syria, trumpeting the declaration in several videos……………………….


He is filmed showing abandoned Iraqi army badges and vehicles left by fleeing soldiers. "There is no army in the world that can withstand the soldiers of Islam,"…………………


Adnani said the group's chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the leader of the new caliphate and called on Muslims everywhere, not just those in areas under the organisation's control, to swear loyalty to him………………………


……………………Islamic State fighters crucified eight men said to be rival rebel fighters in the town square of Deir Hafer in Syria's Aleppo province on Saturday as a warning to others…….




30-6-2014: Islamic bogeyman in Syria strikes fear in Washington (http://rt.com/)


In the same week that US President Barack Obama asked Congress to fork over $500 million to support the Syrian opposition in its three-year battle to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, the American leader also warned on the possibility of European passport holders in Syria slipping into America to wreak unholy havoc………………..


“We have seen Europeans who are sympathetic to their cause traveling into Syria and now may travel into Iraq, getting battle-hardened,” Obama told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday. “Then they come back. They've got European passports. They don't need a visa to get into the United States


Why Syrian rebels would attempt an attack on US interests at the same time Washington is supporting their anti-government efforts was not touched upon in the interview. In fact, much of Obama’s anxiety over some imminent attack on the US homeland appears to stem less from solid evidence out of Syria and more from Republican doom-mongering………………………..


Right now, sources tell us, at this moment in Syria, Al-Qaeda bomb makers are trying to design a new generation of explosives, including nonmetallic bombs. And the US government is wrestling with how to respond,” Pierre Thomas, ABC senior justice correspondent, warned out of the gates.




30-6-2014: ISIS fanatics publicly crucify nine men in Syria as rival militias in Iraq prove just as brutal (http://www.news.com.au/)


The fiends of ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIL) publicly hung nine men on crosses at the weekend in Syria………..


The crucifxions came amid fierce clashes on the outskirts of Damascus between ISIS and other anti-Assad rebels, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said………


“ISIL executed eight men in Deir Hafer in the east of Aleppo province” on Saturday because they belonged to rebel groups that had fought against the jihadists as well as Assad’s forces, it said. The group then “crucified them in the main square of the village, where their bodies will remain for three days.”


They have become so important to the official fightback effort that some say the government is afraid to stand up to them, leaving the shady militiamen free to wreak their own brand of sectarian havoc




29-6-2014: Syria militant infighting leaves 7000 dead (http://www.presstv.ir/)


More than 7,000 people have been killed since January in infighting among foreign-backed Takfiri militants who are wreaking havoc on Syria, a report says


the deaths include 650 civilians who lost their lives in the fighting between militants from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front in the north of the crisis-hit country.


The Britain-based group further reported that the names of 5,641 militants have been confirmed while the names of another 1,200 dead militants have not been verified




28-6-2014: ISIS Crucifies One of Its Own in Syria (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/)


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) on Friday executed and crucified one of its own men for corruption in Syria, a watchdog and jihadist sites said………………….


ISIS, the most radical jihadist group fighting in Syria, has been accused of countless atrocities since joining the civil war. These include torturing and murdering prisoners, among them children and teenagers, and forcing Druze men to convert to Islam or die………………………….


Earlier this month, ISIS killed a 102-year-old man along with his whole family. In one case, members of the group beheaded a person they said was a member of an Iraqi Shiite militia fighting for Assad, only to discover they had accidentally beheaded a fighter belonging to an allied rebel group.




27-6-2014: We Shouldn’t Throw Good Money After Bad in Syria (http://www.slate.com/)


27-6-2014: ISIS fanatics hurl public execution victims into deep ravine in Syria (http://www.news.com.au/)


The shocking video — of which we have published just a few still frames, below — reveals the fate of three such men….


Captured army troops were shown being bundled into the back of trucks before being lined up in front of pits cut from the desert’s sands. While the ensuing massacre of 1700 troops has not yet been verified, ISIS’s own boasts and high-definition video recordings of the event appear damning


“They will kill every Shiite man, and they will burn every Shiite house. Nobody has stayed in Quba. Every single Shiite has left,’………………




26-6-2014: Why America favors ‘religious’ extremists(http://www.presstv.ir)


The most vicious and unnerving US support of religious extremists goes to the “Sunni” militants in the Middle East who the Americans have been funding in order to destabilize otherwise functional governments. During the Iraq war, the Bush administration began paying Sunni militants to work with the US in a program called “Sons of Iraq.”………………………..




26-6-2014: Iraq latest: Syria airstrikes on Isis 'threat to region' as Christians flee northern Iraq (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


Meanwhile, a new insurgent artillery offensive against Christian villages in the north of Iraq sent thousands of Christians fleeing from their homes, seeking sanctuary in Kurdish-controlled territory,……………….


The involvement of Syria and Iran in Iraq suggests a growing cooperation among the three Shiite-led governments in response to the raging Sunni insurgency. And in an unusual twist, the US, Iran and Syria now find themselves with an overlapping interest in stabilising Iraq’s government




26-6-2014: Up to 186 Kurdish students kidnapped by Isis in northern Syria (http://www.theguardian.com/)


“They asked us whether we wanted to join jihadis or not, to join Isis," Mustafa recalls. "No one did. If the students were loud or chaotic, they were beaten with an electrical cable.


"Ten boys were beaten every day. But most of us were well behaved, to not get beaten. Some of the boys were crying, some turned yellow with fear. They showed us a documentary film from Iraq: of people being slaughtered."


The kidnapping of 186 teenage boys in Syria on 30 May has gone largely unreported in the wider world, a curious omission given the outcry over the teenage girls in Nigeria. The abduction was no less sinister……………..




26-6-2014: Obama administration seeking $500m to train 'moderate' Syrian rebels (http://www.theguardian.com)


26-6-2014: Two children killed, 9 others injured in terrorist mortar attacks in Damascus (http://www.sana.sy)


26-6-2014: Endowments Ministry: ISIL acts in Iraq aimed at distorting Islam and destroying country (http://www.sana.sy)


Ministry of Endowments stressed on Thursday that the so-called “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” and all takfiri terrorist organizations are trying to mislead many youngsters with their extremist thought under the title of religion and other sectarian titles and they are seeking to establish their “Islamic state” while in fact it is an attempt to distort religion and destroy countries….




24-6-2014: Syrian Fighter: We Are the Western Front Against ISIL (http://mashable.com)


“Executions became normal; daily life became a scary film said Abdullah, an officer with the Tawhid Brigade of the Islamic Front, who preferred to go by his first name only for security reasons. “They created rules with no purpose. They just wanted to see how much we would obey to feed their power.”


“We beat [ISIL] — and we can do it again, if we have the right weapons,” Abdullah said, scratching his head with the barrel of his rusty Kalashnikov…………………





24-6-2014: Iraq crisis: British jihadi fighting for Isis in Syria was ‘radicalised by imam at Coventry mosque’, father says (http://www.independent.co.uk)


A British teenager who went to fight for Sunni militants in Syria was radicalised by an imam at his local mosque in Coventry, the boy’s father has claimed………….


“He [the imam] encourage them and sent them down this road,” Mr Kalantar said. The imam reportedly told the BBC he “completely denied” the allegations………………..


Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood warned that at least 1,500 British nationals were likely to have been recruited by extremists to fight in Iraq and Syria……………….




24-6-2014: What makes young British Muslims want to go to Syria? (http://www.theguardian.com/)

The Isis recruitment video that emerged on the internet last week featuring two men from Cardiff and another from Aberdeen has caught the media's attention across the UK. However, the issue of young British Muslims travelling to Syria has been a real concern to those working on the counter-terrorism agenda for many months now…………………..


………………………….Well, it is not something that happens overnight. It is a process of influence and persuasion that eventually leads to a change in world view and beliefs. It is an extremely complex phenomenon, and many factors are likely likely to play a role in it




24-6-2014: Terrorists Team Up in Syria to Build Next Generation of Bombs (http://abcnews.go.com)

An alliance has been building inside war-ravaged Syria, with al Qaeda-linked terrorists there now working alongside hardened operatives from the prolific al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen to develop a new generation of bombs that could be smuggled aboard commercial planes, ABC News has learned……………




23-6-2014: Father of Cardiff jihadists says his sons were radicalised in 'pop-up' schools (http://www.theguardian.com)


23-6-2014: 'Not possible' to monitor all UK Syria fighters (http://www.bbc.com)


The security services will not be able to monitor all of the Britons who return to the country after fighting in Syria, a former MI6 director has said.


With reports that up to 500 Britons may be fighting in Syria, Richard Barrett said the number who would return to pose a terror threat was unpredictable




23-6-2014: Jihadists in UK deterred by Syria and Iraq war images, says Cressida Dick (http://www.theguardian.com)


The horrors of Syria and Iraq are helping shake Britain's Muslims and other communities out of the "complacency and passivity" that has allowed young Britons to be radicalised and has led to hundreds of jihadists travelling to the conflict, Britain's top counter-terrorism police officer has said…….


Downing Street said that as many as 15,000 items of "jihadist propaganda" had been taken down from the internet as a result of government pressure since December 2013…………




23-6-2014: Report: Syria rebels send children into war (http://www.aljazeera.com)


According to the 31-page report, various factions in the country’s compex civil war have recruited minors, including the Western-backed Free Syrian Army, the Islamic Front, the Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant………………


"Syrian armed groups should not prey on vulnerable children who have seen their relatives killed, schools shelled, and communities destroyed by enlisting them in their forces," said Priyanka Motaparthy, the author of the report.


"The horrors of Syria's armed conflict are only made worse by throwing children into the front lines."




22-6-2014: Father of Isis volunteer: 'My son has betrayed Britain' (http://www.theguardian.com)


The father of one of the British men who appeared in a video urging westerners to join him and his colleagues to fight in Syria has spoken of his devastation after seeing the film and said that his son had betrayed Britain……………


According to Muthana, Nasser left the family's yellow-brick maisonette in Butetown – a multicultural area between the city centre and Cardiff Bay – in November. He told his family he was going to an Islamic seminar in Shrewsbury. "That was normal," explained Muthana. "He said, 'Goodbye, goodbye', and off he went. He's done that several times before. It was a public open meeting to hear a visiting cleric from Saudi or the Emirates, there was nothing radical about it. If there had been, I would not have let him go."…………….




22-6-2014: Syria civil war: Hundreds of radicalised fighters are already back in the UK, warns former MI6 chief (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Hundreds of veteran fighters from Syria and Iraq are already back in Britain, among them radicalised jihadists intent on mounting terror attacks………………….


Further evidence of the British links with jihadists in Iraq emerged yesterday with confirmation that gap-year student Nasser Muthana, 20, from Cardiff, was one of a number of Britons who feature in a film posted online to recruit fighters………………….





22-6-2014: UK will count cost of Islamic extremism for 'many years', says Cressida Dick (http://www.theguardian.com/)

Britain will feel the repercussions of Syria and the rise of Islamic extremism within its own borders for "many years" to come, a leading police officer has said……………..




21-6-2014: Millions of Syrian refugees in dire need of aid: UN (http://www.presstv.ir)


UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says nearly 11 million Syrians are in urgent need of humanitarian aid


According to the report, 4.7 million Syrians are in areas that are difficult or impossible to reach and about 6.4 million of those requiring aid are internally-displaced……………….




21-6-2014: From Cardiff bedroom to Syrian battlefield: trail of jihad brothers (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


21-6-2014: Jihadi recruitment video for Islamist terror group Isis features three Britons (http://www.theguardian.com)


21-6-2014: Takfiri ISIL militants threaten to attack Kurds (http://www.presstv.ir)


In a statement, ISIL Takfiri terrorists warned that they would soon launch an attack on Kurds in al-Baraka region, especially the town of Qameshli in northeast Syria, to punish them.


This came after the Kurdish National Council in Syria convened a meeting in the city of Amouda in north of al-Hasakah Province in Syria to elect a ruler in a bid to secure their rule in Kurdish-inhabited areas. Kurdish groups had in July announced plans to create an autonomous government




21-6-2014: Are the British jihadists going to turn their guns on us? (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


21-6-2014: US vs Syria: How to Lose a War in 3 Years (http://journal-neo.org)


The narrative, repeated across the Western media, illustrates how the US finishes up a lost war. First, it makes excuses as to why deviations from the West’s original narrative have manifested themselves in demonstrable and undeniable events, like Syria’s elections and the overwhelming support Damascus visibly commands across the country. Next it revises history to account for how and why events unfolded differently than expected. In Syria, the protracted warfare that eventually revealed Syria’s “freedom fighters” to be armies of foreign-funded terrorists flowing over the nation’s borders is explained as extremists “hijacking” or “derailing” the “revolution………….


The third and final step the US must take upon losing a war is to leave chaos where victory was denied, and attach responsibility for the conflict to a disposable elected politician – in this case US President Barack Obama………………………..


The insidious, premeditated nature of Syria’s destabilization and destruction is a hard lesson learned for the Syrian people, and a lesson other nations around the world must learn from in order to prevent a similar scenario from unfolding within their borders. While the US may have lost its proxy war with Syria, the Syrian people’s victory has come at a great cost.




21-6-2014: Iraq and Syria in the Crosshairs of US-NATO Sponsored Terrorism (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


20-6-2014: ISIS seizes key towns in eastern Syria (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) captured Friday key towns in eastern Syria adjoining territory the Al-Qaeda splinter group has seized in Iraq, a monitoring organization said.


The Islamists, whose stated aim is to create a strict Islamic state straddling national borders, took over the towns of Muhasan, Alboulil and Alboumar, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said


A car bomb in Syria's western Hama province Friday killed 34 and wounded more than 50, ………




20-6-2014: Syria’s Press Conference the United Nations Doesn’t Want You To See (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


20-6-2014: Car bomb blast kills 34 Syrians in Hama (http://www.presstv.ir)


19-6-2014: British jihadist in Syria calls on his ISIS comrades to kill in Britain (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk)


A hate-filled British jihadist fighting with Isis in Syria has called on his crazed comrades to wreak havoc when they return to the UK………….


He has claimed that he and other Brits fighting in Syria intend to cause mayhem in the UK under orders from Isis warlord Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi……………….


Kurdish intelligence chief Lahoor Talabani, director of counter-terrorism for the Kurdistan Regional Government, said as many as 450 British extremists have joined Isis, which is waging a bloody assault across Iraq as well as battling in Syria……………….




19-6-2014: Texas man arrested on terrorism charges 'wanted to fight in Syria' (http://www.theguardian.com)


Two men in central Texas have been arrested on charges of trying "to provide material support to terrorists", with one of the pair seeking to aid extremist groups fighting in Syria, US prosecutors said this week………………….




19-6-2014: Syrian refugees in Turkey exceed 1 million mark (http://www.theguardian.com)


The number of Syrians in neighbouring Turkey has surpassed 1 million, the Turkish deputy prime minister has said.


There are more than 20 refugee camps in Turkey near the roughly 500-mile border with Syria housing more than 220,000 people. But the bulk of people who have crossed the border are living in Turkish cities, mostly in the provinces of Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa. They have taken advantage of the "open border" policy maintained by Turkey, a staunch opponent of the regime in Damascus, towards Syrian refugees……………………




18-6-2014: ISIS breach of Iraq-Syria border merges two wars into one 'nightmarish reality' (http://www.theguardian.com/)


………………………also ensuring that the wars for Syria and Iraq have merged into one, each feeding on, affecting and sustaining the other…………………..


Control of territory in north-eastern Syria helped Isis capture Mosul, Iraq's third-largest city. Money and arms flow easily. Croatian-made anti-tank weapons sent by Saudi Arabia via Jordan to mainstream rebel forces in southern Syria found their way to Isis fighters in Anbar province in Iraq…………………


Iraq Shia militiamen deployed to Damascus to guard the revered Sayyida Zeinab shrine — along with Iranian revolutionary guards - are soon likely to be protecting the Shia holy places of Najaf and Karbala from Isis and other Sunni groups seeking to ignite a sectarian civil war………….


In another twist in the fast-moving situation, last weekend the Syrian air force staged its first raids on Isis bases in Raqqa, Hassakeh and Deir al-Zor. That was noteworthy because Assad's enemies have often accused him of tolerating Isis or tacitly cooperating with it in order to split rebel ranks and present himself as a secular bulwark against al-Qaida and jihadi fanaticism




18-6-2014: Iraq, Syria and the rise of the Islamic militants (http://www.theguardian.com)


Syrian regime has funded Isis by buying oil from its fields in northern Syria; and the Syrian military have refrained from attacking Isis, allowing it to consolidate control of the regional capital of Raqqa and turn it into a "safe haven" from which to launch recent operations…………….




17-6-2014: Blowback! U.S. trained ISIS at secret Jordan base (http://www.wnd.com)


Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials……..


Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors………………….


WND reported last week that, according to Jordanian and Syrian regime sources, Saudi Arabia has been arming the ISIS and that the Saudis are a driving force in supporting the al-Qaida-linked group…………


………………the Obama administration has been aware for two months that the al-Qaida-inspired group that has taken over two Iraqi cities and now is threatening Baghdad also was training fighters in Turkey………….


………… at least one of the training camps of the group Iraq of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria, the ISIS, is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey, where American personnel and equipment are located………………………….




17-6-2014: ‘Up to 400 Britons fighting in Syria’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


UK’s Foreign Secretary William Hague has revealed that as many as 400 British citizens may be fighting for terrorist groups in Syria………………..


Hague made the announcement while speaking in the Commons on Monday, adding that a number of the 400 British nationals may be going back and forth from Syria to Iraq, where the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is also carrying out acts of terror………………..




17-6-2014: ISIL Moving Seized U.S. Tanks, Humvees to Syria (http://freebeacon.com)


Syrian and Iraqi terrorist forces obtained significant numbers of tanks, trucks, and U.S.-origin Humvees in recent military operations in Iraq and those arms are being shipped to al Qaeda rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials…………………..


The insurgents raided all the arms depots and vehicles belonging to Iraq’s Second Division, based in Mosul, which included a motorized brigade and several infantry brigades…………


Iraqi military forces, many of them trained by the U.S. military prior to the pullout of forces in December 2011, suffered widespread desertions during the ISIL invasion. Iraqi special operations forces, however, are said to be engaged in fighting the terrorist group……………..


The initial group that took over Mosul included between 3,000 and 4,000 militants led by former senior officers of the Iraqi military………………




16-6-2014: Syrian war planes strike inside Iraq, sources say (http://www.foxnews.com/)


Syria war planes struck two separate Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) convoys near the town of Al Qaim just inside Iraq over the weekend………………….




16-6-2014: ISIS jihadis not to be underestimated, Syrian commanders warn Iraq (http://www.cbc.ca/)


"These people use different names, so if one is defeated the other can claim victory," says Col. Mohamed Saleh of the Syrian army as he surveys the wreckage of a factory in which 27 of his soldiers were killed.


"They call themselves ISIL, al-Nusrah Front, Deach, but they are all the same."


Their aim: to establish an Islamic state across both Iraq and Syria, hence the name ISIS (though some call them ISIL for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, one of the initial translations)….


"We're fighting an organized army, an elite army, with advanced weapons."


In some of the areas it lost to the Syrian army, the local population had revolted against ISIS and the al-Nusra Front. Even though Syrian civilians had suffered under Assad's rule, they appeared to prefer the ruthless Syrian government over the establishment of an Islamic caliphate……..




16-6-2014: Up to 400 British citizens may be fighting in Syria, says William Hague (http://www.theguardian.com)


The foreign secretary, William Hague, has said that as many as 400 British citizens may be fighting in Syria, including some fighting with Isis, the terrorist force sweeping into Iraq…..




15-6-2014: Senator Says ISIS Held Territory in Iraq Will Be Next 9/11 “Staging Area”


“Iraq and Syria combined are going to be the staging area for the next 9/11 if we don’t do anything about it,” Senator Lindsey Graham told CNN Sunday.


The Obama administration may use the turmoil in Iraq as a pretext to launch attacks in Syria. Pentagon officials told The Guardian on Friday the administration is looking at air strikes on targets in both Iraq and Syria………………


15-6-2014: 2 killed, several injured in Damascus mortar attacks (http://www.presstv.ir/)


14-6-2014: Israel, West against solidarity in Mideast: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Israel and the West have been propping up terrorism in the Middle East to create hurdles in the path of solidarity among regional nations, a political analyst tells Press TV.


In a Saturday interview, Randy Short criticized the global powers for sponsoring terrorism in the Middle East, adding, “Israel, the UK, the United States and those parties do not want a unified Middle East. And of course that would include stability for Syria.”


He pointed to the long lasting problems in the Middle Eastern countries and noted, “The imperialism and injustice of external forces make any existing problem worse.”




13-6-2014: Obama 'urgently' considering air assault on targets in Syria and Iraq (http://www.theguardian.com/)


The Obama administration is urgently considering an air assault on Islamic extremists that officials told the Guardian could be directed at targets in Syria as well as Iraq……………………


Options under discussion include an air campaign, using either or both air force or navy warplanes, the potential duration of which has yet to be determined. Drone strikes remain under consideration,…..




13-6-2014: FBI probes Somali-Americans fighting in Syria (http://www.aljazeera.com)


The FBI is investigating men of Somali background who have travelled from the United States to Syria to fight with rebel groups against President Bashar al-Assad


Another US official said most Americans and many other foreigners who had gone to Syria to fight had joined one of the two rival self-declared jihadist groups, the official al-Qaeda affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a former al-Qaeda affiliate which lately had been denounced by al-Qaeda leaders for excessive violence




12-6-2014: 7 killed, scores injured in Homs car bombing (http://www.presstv.ir)


12-6-2014: Syrian refugee children in Lebanon forced to seek work – in pictures (http://www.theguardian.com)


Although illegal in Lebanon, child labour is becoming increasingly common. Many of the large numbers of refugees who have fled the conflict in Syria are very poor, and forced to rely on sending their children out to work……………………..


‘Farmers prefer to hire kids because they can do anything they want to them. They can hit them if they want, they can make them work long hours………………..




11-6-2014: Assad says West changing position on Syria war (http://www.arabnews.com)


11-6-2014: US inciting terrorism in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The US government is encouraging terrorism in Syria by supplying arms to foreign-backed militants operating in the conflict-stricken country, an analyst tells Press TV.


“The US and its NATO allies are actually instigating terrorism in Syria. The policy is extremely aggressive and extremely criminal,” Scott Rickard told Press TV in an interview




10-6-2014: Assad announces wide prisoner amnesty (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


10-6-2014: Over 600 dead in ISIS offensive in east Syria (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Fighting is raging in eastern Syria as a jihadist group rooted in neighbouring Iraq pushes a fresh bid to create an "Islamic state" along the border, an activist group said Tuesday.


Since the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) launched a new offensive in Deir Al-Zor province 40 days ago, 634 people, mainly fighters, have been killed, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said……………………..




10-6-2014: US arms could turn Syria into next Somalia: FSA (http://www.presstv.ir)


The head of the so-called Free Syrian Army has warned that the US arms supplies to militants in Syria could turn the Arab country into the next Somalia……………..


"The Americans are leading the distribution of weapons on the northern front and in the southern front. We demand that we be responsible," Bashir said……………


"Providing support to individual battalions could turn the commanders of these battalions into warlords and they will be difficult to control in future,"……………..




9-6-2014: 45 dead in clashes between jihadists in Syria (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Fresh fighting between the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), a coalition of rebels and an Al-Qaeda affiliate in eastern Syria has left at least 45 fighters dead, an activist group said Monday………….


8-6-2014: US admits sending ‘lethal aid’ to Syrian rebels (http://rt.com)


7-6-2014: Syrian Kurds Increasingly Pressured by Jihadists (http://www.voanews.com)


…………….the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant known as ISIS, which was disowned earlier this year by the al-Qaida leadership, has launched an offensive against Syrian Kurds, both in the far northeast adjacent to the borders with Iraq and Turkey, and in Kurdish areas in Aleppo province…..


But just days ago, ISIS fighters abducted 193 Kurds, mainly teenagers and students, from the village of Al Qbasin northeast of Aleppo……………


Much of the fighting between the jihadists and Kurds is centered on strategic towns along the border with Turkey and Iraq………………….




7-6-2014: Susan Rice Hints U.S. Providing Weapons to Syrian Rebels (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


President Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, hinted on Friday that the United States was sending weapons to the Syrian rebels, when she said Washington was taking important steps in Syria by offering both "lethal and non-lethal" aid to the moderate opposition…………….


The comments appear to confirm recent speculations that Washington was ready to arm the Syrian rebels fighting to oust President Bashar Al-Assad………………………….




===============Syria election===============


6-6-2014: Why Syria’s people want Assad (http://rt.com/)


The sweeping election victory of Bashar Assad not only shows the depth and breadth of popular support for his government, but also it demands an objective interpretation of events inside Syria……..


There are many reasons to explain why Assad – though internationally condemned and characterized as a dictator – is able to conjure up mass support at the ballot box. After three years of brutal fighting that has left many areas of the country devastated, Assad is seen as the only figure that can stabilize the country and ensure a stable, secular rule that respects all minority communities………………….


Countries that have supported the rebellion against Assad, including the United States, along with several European and Gulf countries, entirely reject the elections and argue that the results are illegitimate………………


Despite the clear majority support that Assad enjoys, the Obama administration is ramping up efforts to aid Syrian rebel groups with a $27 million aid package, and by granting formal diplomatic mission status to the Syrian Opposition Council’s offices inside the US……….


While Western countries shed crocodile tears over the dead in Syria, their policies further prolongs the conflict and endangers more civilian lives. The armed opposition isn’t winning on the battlefield, and they do not have popular support………………




6-6-2014: Syria's election shows depth of support for Assad: US news agency (http://en.alalam.ir)


Syria's presidential election has underscored the considerable support that President Bashar Assad still enjoys from the population, including many in the majority Sunni Muslim community


Without Sunni support, however, Assad's rule would have collapsed long ago amid a civil war that activists say has killed more than 160,000, displaced at least a third of Syria's prewar population of 23 million, and destroyed wide swaths of the country


"But because the majority (Sunnis) are standing behind him, they have kept Syria standing," she said at a voting booth set up in Damascus' ornate, century-old Hijaz train station.


Assad's supporters offered insights into why they still back him. These include fatigue over the conflict, mistrust among many toward a disorganized opposition, and the growing power of terrorist groups in the rebel ranks


Many credit the 48-year-old British-trained eye doctor with opening up the economy. Under free-market reforms, Damascus and other cities saw a flourishing of malls, restaurants and consumer goods, increasing tourism………………


Before the uprising, "we would have been embarrassed to ask somebody what their religion was. We aren't raised that way in Syria," Saleh said. "We are like a mosaic (of faiths) in Syria."




6-6-2014: President al-Assad re-election celebrated with unbridled outpourings of joy (http://sana.sy)


Victory celebrations erupted all over the country as Bashar al-Assad was re-elected for a third seven-year term, with joy welling up in the Syrians who took to the streets and thronged into squares exalting the success of Syria's first multi-candidate presidential elections……………….




5-6-2014: Assad wins Syrian presidential election (http://www.presstv.ir/)


On Wednesday, Syrian People's Assembly speaker Jihad al-Laham announced that Assad won 88.7 percent of the vote, or 10,319,723 of 11,634,412 votes cast in Tuesday’s election, the official SANA news agency reported.


The country’s Supreme Constitutional Court also announced that 73.42% of the 15.8 million eligible voters had taken part in the election




5-6-2014: Assad re-elected in wartime election (http://www.aljazeera.com)


5-6-2014: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wins third term (http://www.bbc.com)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has won a third term in office after securing 88.7% of votes in Tuesday's presidential election, the parliamentary speaker has announced………


It was the first time in decades that someone other than a member of the Assad family had been allowed to stand for president in Syria…



4-6-2014: Bashar al-Assad wins re-election in Syria as uprising against him rages on (http://www.theguardian.com)


4-6-2014: Syrian President al-Assad re-elected easily, state media reports (http://edition.cnn.com)


3-6-2014: Syria elections 2014: Voters turn out for ballot denounced as a 'sham' by West (http://www.independent.co.uk)


3-6-2014: Syrian election sends powerful signal of Assad’s control (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Syrians voted on in a tightly controlled election Tuesday that reinforced President Bashar al-Assad’s tenacious hold on power, underscoring the failure of U.S. policies aimed at inducing him to step down……………………….


Obama announced an unspecified increase in aid to moderate rebels in his foreign policy address last week. But Ford said he saw no evidence the extra support would make a difference to the rebels’ ability to confront the better-armed government forces…………………….


But the live footage of enthusiastic voters proclaiming their love for Assad in various locations nonetheless served as a reminder that he still controls much of the country, along with the loyalties of at least some of its citizens……………………….




3-6-2014: Syrians vote in wartime election set to extend Assad’s rule (http://www.reuters.com/)




5-6-2014: Ex-US envoy criticizes Obama policy on Syria (http://en.alalam.ir/)


“I was no longer in a position where I felt I could defend the American policy,” he said. “We have been unable to address either the root causes of the conflict in terms of the fighting on the ground and the balance on the ground, and we have a growing extremism threat.”


“The United States and our friends, we have tools that could put greater pressure on Bashar al-Assad,” Ford claimed. “Especially as the extremist threat to the United States and to our friends emanating out of Syria grows, I think we really must consider carefully whether or not we are doing all we can to help our friends in Syria.”




5-6-2014: Over 30 French nationals killed in Syria: Hollande (http://www.presstv.ir)


French President Francois Hollande has announced that over 30 French nationals fighting alongside militants in Syria have been killed………….


The warning followed the recent arrest of a French national suspected of murdering three people at a museum in Brussels after spending a year fighting in Syria……………………………




5-6-2014: Turkey finally lists al-Nusra Front as terrorist Group (http://en.alalam.ir/)


Turkey listed the al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda operating in Syria and Lebanon, as a terrorist organization in a sign that it is growing more concerned about the rise of radical militants across its border.


Turkey has long championed robust support for Syria's fragmented militant groups, but the growing influence of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in the war-torn country has left it open to accusations that it is backing terrorist groups.


Lale Kemal, a security expert from Ankara, said that Turkey has provided at least tacit support to terrorist groups like al-Nusra by treating their wounded and providing logistic support, as well as by allowing their forces to use Turkish territory to regroup.


But these groups have now started posing threats to Turkey itself and Turkey has already suffered from their activities, she added.


"Jabhat al-Nusra was a terrorist group, no doubt. They were killing people. And [it is a] radical group. What is the explanation? In my understanding, Turkish government is under very big pressure from international community because of authoritarian debate, its foreign policy. So the government is trying to change its image by giving this kind of symbol," said Bacik.




4-6-2014: ‘Above 800 French jihadists in Syria’ (http://www.thehindu.com)


France on Tuesday increased its estimate of the number of its nationals embroiled in Syria’s civil war to more than 800 and warned that they pose an unprecedented security threat………….




4-6-2014: Syria conflict: The silence in Homs emphasises the city’s fate. There’s barely a breath of wind (http://www.independent.co.uk)



3-6-2014: After Guantanamo, Freed Detainees Returned to Violence in Syria Battlefields (http://online.wsj.com)


3-6-2014: US, KSA funding Takfiri extremists in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


The US has helped Qatar and Saudi Arabia to fund Takfiri extremist groups in Syria which are currently considered a “huge problem and an enormous monster” causing deep concern for Washington, a political analyst tells Press TV.


“Obviously, the United States supported Osama bin Laden and his people during the Soviet occupation and it wasn’t just his organization, it was many such organizations.… The United States did nothing to stop the Saudis from doing this,” Tehran University Professor Dr. Mohammad Marandi said in an interview with Press TV.




3-6-2014: US confirms American carried out Syria suicide bombing (http://www.dailytimes.com.pk)


An American citizen fighting for a hardline Islamist group carried out a deadly suicide bombing in Syria, US officials confirmed Friday, in the first such case in the war. The State Department did not identify the man, said to have been behind a truck bombing on Sunday in the northern province of Idlib, but acknowledged concerns about the flow of foreign fighters into Syria.


“I can confirm that this individual was a US citizen involved in a suicide bombing in Syria. We don’t have further information beyond that to share at this time,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said




2-6-2014: American suicide bomber in Syria raises fears for U.S. (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


As Moner Mohammad Abusalha packed explosives into a truck last month to embark on a suicide attack, his family in Florida was apparently unaware that he had even wandered into Syria’s civil war……………………..


U.S. officials said that dozens of fighters from the United States, and much larger numbers from Europe and the Middle East, all but disappear from view once they are inside Syria’s borders………


Amid estimates that as many as 12,000 foreigners have flocked to Syria, the opaque nature of the conflict has complicated efforts to determine how many might have become dangerously radicalized or to account for them if and when they return home……………………….




2-6-2014: Bomb explosion kills ten in Syria’s Homs (http://english.irib.ir/)


2-6-2014: 27 killed in Aleppo violence (http://tribune-intl.com)


At least 27 people have been killed in a shelling carried out by militants in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.


Some 80 more people were also injured on Monday after the militants fired more than 50 shells into al-Jamiliyah, al-Meridian and Sa’adallah al-Jabiri neighborhoods in Aleppo




2-6-2014: Four arrested as French police swoop on jihadist recruiters (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


2-6-2014: The jiahdists of ISIL in Raqqa confiscate the property of Christians (http://www.fides.org)


The militiamen of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a Sunni jiahdist formation acting on the scenario of the Syrian conflict, confiscated houses and land belonging to Christian families in the area of Ein al-Issa, the area in the province of Raqqa inhabited mainly by Armenian Christians on Sunday, June 1st. According to Kurdish sources consulted by Fides Agency, the owners of the property confiscated by the Islamists were forced to leave the area




1-6-2014: British Muslim unmasked as a terrorist fighting in Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


A young Muslim from London has boasted of becoming the “British Bin Laden” after being unmasked as the leader of a fanatical terrorist group in Syria.


Ismail Jabbar, 22, was yesterday revealed as a fighter with the extremist cell ‘Unit Bin Laden’ in Aleppo, where he brags about killing non-Muslims and incites other Briton’s to join his jihad.




31-5-2014: Suicide bomber in Syria identified as Fla. Man (http://www.bostonglobe.com)


An American who blew himself up in an attack in Syria on Sunday has been identified by law enforcement officials as Moner Mohammad Abusalha, a man who grew up in Florida and traveled to Syria late last year……………………………….


A statement posted online by the Nusra Front said that Abu Huraira had been one of four suicide bombers sent to open a rebel assault on government forces near the city of Ariha in northern Syria




31-5-2014: Syrian rebels kill at least 20 with tunnel bomb in Aleppo - where 2,000 have died since January (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


At least 20 government fighters and militia have been killed in an attack by Syrian rebels, after they tunnelled under an army position and detonated an underground bomb.


The explosion took place in the historic old city of Aleppo, an area which has seen horrific violence ever since a major rebel offensive in July 2012.


A powerful rebel alliance called the Islamic Front claimed responsibility for the tunnel blast on Saturday and tweeted a video of the explosion




30-5-2014: Video shows ISIL Takfiris executing teen in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Newly-released video footage shows al-Qaeda-affiliated militants executing a teenager for alleged robbery in eastern Syria as foreign-backed Takfiri groups continue their atrocities against Syrians.


The video, recently surfaced on the Internet, shows militants belonging to the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) shooting dead a teenage boy in public in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor




30-5-2014: Jihadists kidnap nearly 200 Kurds in Syria: NGO (http://news.yahoo.com/)


Syria's most extremist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have kidnapped nearly 200 Kurdish civilians from the Aleppo area, a monitor said on Friday.


"Fighters from ISIL on Thursday kidnapped at least 193 Kurdish civilians aged from 17 to 70 years from the village of Qabasin in Aleppo province," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




30-5-2014: Syria Takfiris selling oil to Turkey: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign-backed Takfiri militants operating in Syria are selling oil to Turkey to finance their attacks against the Syrian government, an analyst tells Press TV.


“They (the militants) are getting a lot of revenues from oil. They are selling it to the Turks; they sell to anybody that buys the oil that belongs to the Syrian people to finance their operations,” Franklin Lamb told Press TV in an interview




29-5-2014: Virginia senator heaps praise on Assad (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


A Virginia Senator has sent a letter of support to Syrian President Bashar Assad, thanking him for “rescuing” Christians in the Qalamoun region, fighting militants affiliated with Al-Qaeda and maintaining peace with Israel.


“I write to thank the Syrian Arab Army for its heroic rescue of Christians in the Qalamoun Mountain Range. I am especially grateful for the spectacular victory in Yabroud,” Richard Black wrote




28-5-2014: American Said To Have Carried Out Suicide Bombing In Syria (http://www.npr.org)


U.S. officials are investigating claims circulated on social media sites that an American fighting with Syria's rebels helped carry out a suicide truck bombing in the war-torn country over the weekend.


Al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaida-linked rebel group, announced via Twitter the "martyrdom" of Abu Hurayra al-Amriki (Abu Hurayra the American), releasing what it said was a photo of the bomber as well as a video of the attack.











28-5-2014: AP sources: US may decide to train Syrian rebels (http://www.washingtontimes.com)


The White House soon may sign off on a project to train and equip moderate Syrian rebel forces, according to Obama administration officials………………………………..


The proposed mission would be coordinated by the U.S. but involve many of the regional players active in assisting the rebels, including Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, the officials said




28-5-2014: Syria militants receive US training in Qatar: Documentary (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The United States trains foreign-backed Takfiri militants operating inside Syria in Qatar, a new documentary reveals………………


According to the documentary, militants meet their “American handlers” in Turkey before traveling to Qatar



27-5-2014: US nears decision on training Syrian rebels (http://www.theguardian.com)


President Barack Obama may soon sign off on a project to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels, in an open move that would significantly boost US support to forces who have been asking for three years for military help in their quest to oust President Bashar Assad, administration officials said Tuesday……………………………


The US already has covert support operations in place for the Syrian opposition, and it is not yet clear how the new program would work……………..


The proposed mission would be coordinated by the US but involve many of the regional players that are already active in assisting the rebels, including Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates,………………






26-5-2014: ‘Intelligence officials from several states to discuss anti-Syria plans in Turkey’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


Intelligence officials from several countries are reportedly scheduled to meet in the city of Antakya in Turkey to discuss plans aimed at stopping the progress of the Syrian army in its battle against the militants in Syria.


The meeting between intelligence officials from the US, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey will take place in Antakya, which is located near the border with Syria, next week




26-5-2014: Syria crisis: Britons accused of brutal killings (http://www.bbc.com)


Britons make up most of the foreign members in Syria's most violent terror group, a senior rebel leader says………………..


UK fighters are involved in activities including beheadings, crucifixions and ill-treatment of women, he adds……………..


We the Syrian people now experience beheadings, crucifixions, beatings, murders, outdated methods of treating women, an obsolete approach to governing society…………………….




26-5-2014: Al-Nusra Front claims car bombings in Syria's Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


The al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front has claimed responsibility for two deadly car bombings in residential areas of the Syrian city of Homs………………




26-5-2014: Syria’s bloodthirsty Brits blamed for beheadings (http://www.theweek.co.uk/)


Bloodthirsty British jihadists in Syria are responsible for a string of atrocities including beheadings and crucifixions, claims a senior rebel commander…………………………




26-5-2014: Hundreds of Britons with ultra-extremist Islamists fighting in Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


26-5-2014: Syria militants to receive more foreign support (http://www.presstv.ir/)


In a continuation of foreign support for the militants wreaking havoc inside Syria, the UK has announced that a number of foreign governments plan to further prop up the militants in the Arab country…………………….




25-5-2014: Sharia Law Interrupts a Woman's Wedding In Deir Ezzor, Syria (http://abcnews.go.com)


Seventeen women were detained for several hours. The team of men who held them gave the reason as listening to loud music and not wearing Islamic dress……………………….




25-5-2014: Car bomb explosion kills 10 civilians in Syria's Homs (http://www.presstv.ir/)


24-5-3014: Toll from mortar attack in Syria’s Dara’a hits 39 (http://www.presstv.ir/)


23-5-2014: Militant mortar attack kills over 20 in southern Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


22-5-2014: U.S. steps up scrutiny of American fighters in Syria (http://www.reuters.com)


The FBI also has formed a special team to identify U.S. citizens traveling to Syria to fight with anti-government groups,………………….


U.S. security agencies have expressed growing anxiety for months about a steady stream of Western militants heading to Syria. Most of the foreigners join up with the most extreme factions trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, including Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant…………………




21-5-2014: 'So many ways to die in Syria now': Neil Gaiman visits a refugee camp in Jordan (http://www.theguardian.com)


More than two and a half million people have fled the country in the past two years, and more than 600,000 of them have gone to Jordan…………………….




21-5-2014: Militant mortar attack kills 5 Syrian civilians (http://www.presstv.ir/)


21-5-2014: How the West miscalculated in Syria (http://en.trend.az/)


21-5-2014: Report reveals former US official devised plan to aid Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A new report has revealed that a group led by a former high-ranking Pentagon official planned in 2013 to supply the foreign-backed militants operating inside Syria with weapons that were to be financed by a Saudi prince.


According to a report published by the Wall Street Journal on May 18, Washington decided it would press ahead with plans to support the militants in Syria after they faced serious setbacks in the Arab country in summer 2013………………………..




20-5-2014: Anti-terrorism police search four homes on south coast (http://www.theguardian.com/)


20-5-2014: Syria civil war deaths top 160,000, opposition group says (http://edition.cnn.com)


The three-year war in Syria has claimed 162,402 lives, an opposition group said Monday, as the raging conflict shows no signs of abating…………….


The dead include 8,607 children, according to the the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It said the total numbers included civilians, military members, defected soldiers and foreign fighters, among others…………………




20-5-2014: First British conviction for Syria-related terror offence (http://www.theguardian.com)


A father of two has been convicted of a terror offence for arranging to travel to Syria to join a jihadist training camp.


Mashudur Choudhury, 31, is one of at least five men from Portsmouth who travelled to the conflict last October with the alleged intention of joining al-Qaida-inspired rebel groups fighting Bashar al-Assad's forces. He is the first British man to be convicted of a Syria-related terror offence since the conflict began………………





20-5-2014: U.S.-armed rebel group seeks ‘all Syrian land occupied by Israel’ (http://www.washingtontimes.com)


One of the militant Syrian rebel groups provided access to advanced U.S. missiles said that it is seeking “the return of all Syrian land occupied by Israel,” a stance that could potentially complicate U.S. military support to the armed rebel group……………………




19-5-2014: Syrian Elections: Democratic Reform Undermines US-NATO Agenda (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


It is precisely because of the constitutional changes in 2012 that Syrian voters now have presidential choices, apart from the incumbent. The other candidates are Maher Hajjar, an independent communist from Aleppo, and businessman Hassan al-Nouri…………………….


Syria’s democratic reform process is advancing, despite the ongoing terrorist war, and it threatens to derail the western ‘regime change’ agenda…………………………




18-5-2014: Private Group Sought to Arm Syrian Rebels (http://online.wsj.com/)


18-5-2014: KSA, Qatar, Turkey officers among Syria militants: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Officers from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have been among militants leaving the Syrian city of Homs, a report says.


According to the report by a news agency close to the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, as many as six Saudi officers, four Qatari officers and a number of Turkish officers have left the Old City of Homs following a deal between the government and the militants on May 4




18-5-2014: Street by street, Assad extends grip in central Syria (http://english.alarabiya.net)


Powerful foreign allies have helped Assad hold or retake a chain of cities which form the north-south backbone of the country, keep his grip on the Mediterranean coast to the west and restore control over the Lebanese border……………………..


Assad’s enemies make much of the fact that the territory under his control may only account for a third of the country, but it forms an increasingly coherent core, linked by secure road connections, where a semblances of normality exists and the great majority of the population now lives……


In reality multiple battles are fought on a local level, the small scale of their ebb and flow making little impact on the broader war……………………..




17-5-2014: Britain supports covert terrorism in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


16-5-2014: Syria: Light at the End of the Tunnel (http://journal-neo.org/)


Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, still suffers under heavily contested occupation by foreign militants emanating from and receiving support by NATO-member Turkey………


…………….which included several sorties by Israeli warplanes directly on Damascus, as well as high-level assassinations, economic warfare, and a steady stream of billions of dollars in arms and equipment over Syria’s borders in the hands of foreign terrorists, facilitated by NATO and its regional partners………………………….


The growing backlash is compounded by the West’s inability to concede defeat, or even partial defeat and withdrawal. Just as Adolf Hitler’s Blitzkrieg, the West’s global arch of chaos will end inevitably in failure with a host of enemies following it when it finally has no other choice but to retreat back to its own doorstep…………………




16-5-2014: Syria rebels shoot, beat UK journalists (http://www.presstv.ir)


16-5-2014: Bomb kills 43 near border crossing in northern Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


A massive car bomb ripped through a crowded garage on Thursday near a rebel-held border crossing between Syria and Turkey, killing at least 43 people in an area that has seen fierce fighting between rival rebel groups………………………….


Car bombings have become common in Syria as the influence of Islamic extremist groups has risen, dampening the support of the U.S. and its European allies for the opposition seeking to oust Assad…………….




15-5-2014: Washington-led world project is on the offensive (http://rt.com/)


Both in Syria and eastern Ukraine people have mounted a courageous stand against a determined assault by the West………………………


The evacuation of Homs by rebel fighters in Syria recently marks a significant milestone in the life and death struggle for the future of the country, and the wider region……………


But the Syrian people, Syrian Arab Army, and Syrian government have proved resolute in their determination to resist the Western-supported chaos that has engulfed their country, and to stand firm in the face of one of the most brutal and savage conflicts of recent times……


The West has blood on its hands in Syria and Ukraine. In pursuit of its wider geopolitical objectives – in other words global hegemony – it is willing to unleash carnage and chaos on an unimaginable scale. We only have to consider the most recent disasters to befall the people of Iraq and Libya for evidence of this




15-5-2014: ‘US against elections in Syria fearing Assad might win’ (http://rt.com)


The victory by Assad in Syria’s elections will give him additional democratic, electorally-bestowed legitimacy and that is the real reason why the US government doesn't want an elected government


And by the way, who are they? Who is the US government to determine which governments leave and which governments fall as if the US has some universal prerogative to determine destiny of other countries? They just do not have those rights. Certainly they do not have the legal right for it


They are just making things up as they go along. This is the propaganda script. France is the ex-colonizer of Syria, along with the US it represents the most militaristic interventionist wing of the Western military powers.




15-5-2014: Syria tunnel bomb: rebels detonate 60 tonnes of explosives under army base (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Rebels in Syria have detonated 60 tonnes of explosives packed underneath a large army base, blowing a hillside hundreds of metres into the air, an insurgent involved in the operation said on Thursday




14-5-2014: Obama meets Syria opposition leader Jarba (http://www.aljazeera.com/)


US President Barack Obama has met Syrian opposition leader Ahmad Jarba in a show of support for the embattled foes of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad


A statement by the White House said that Jarba thanked the US for its aid to opposition rebels and its humanitarian help to Syrian refugees, which totals $1.7bn




14-5-2014: ‘US needs oil wars to topple Middle East chessboard’ (http://rt.com/)


It certainly does, especially one of the crucial issues of the Syrian war and of the foreign intervention into Syria from Saudi Arabia, from Qatar, from the US and others is the fact that the Bashar Assad government signed an agreement with Iraq and Iran to bring a pipeline from Iran’s South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf, one of the largest gas fields in the world, up through Iraq and into Syria and on into the Mediterranean, where it would go to the European gas market and in direct competition with Qatar which wants to be a dominant gas player in the European market. The entire Middle East conflict, the attempt to destroy Syria is an attempt to get control of that potential pipeline route in the hands of the Saudi Arabia, Qatar and certainly the Gulf Emirates there…………………………..




13-5-2014: Militant bombing kills 7 in Damascus countryside (http://www.presstv.ir/)


13-5-2014: Syrian Jihadists Ban Mannequins in Shops (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Syria's most extreme jihadist faction on Monday issued a ban on mannequins in shop displays and the sale of women's underwear to male customers


ISIS has been accused of torturing and murdering prisoners, among them children and teenagers, and forcing Druze men to convert to Islam or die.




13-5-2014: Kuwait official quits post; U.S. accused him of funding extremist fighters in Syria (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


A Kuwaiti cabinet minister has resigned his post following U.S. allegations that he has been a fundraiser for al-Qaeda-linked extremist fighters in Syria, according to Kuwaiti media reports…..




13-5-2014: Six arrested in France on Syria terror grounds (http://www.presstv.ir)


French interior minister has announced that the country’s anti-terror police have arrested six people on suspicion of Syria-related terrorism offenses


On November 15, 2013, French police arrested four men suspected of belonging to a militant cell channeling fighters to Syria to join militant groups battling President Bashar al-Assad's government




12-5-2014: Germany to disrupt Syria's presidential election (http://www.presstv.ir)


Germany has joined the choir of countries that are trying to disrupt the presidential election in Syria, Syrian Foreign Ministry says……………….




12-5-2014: Syria Homs returning to normal condition (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian city of Homs is returning to a normal condition after foreign-backed militants evacuated the city under a deal with the government, Press TV reports.


According to the report on Sunday, thousands of people marched toward the western city as the Syrian army units combed the streets and residential apartments which had turned into headquarters for the militants




11-5-2014: Eyewitness: Homs city, Syria (http://www.theguardian.com/)


11-5-2014: Syrians enter Homs after militants’ evacuation (http://www.presstv.ir)


11-5-2014: Syria: Residents return to devastated Homs to salvage what remains (http://www.latimes.com)


Thousands have been making the trek in recent days since the rebels exited the sprawling area and it was declared safe. On Sunday, an almost festive air was evident, despite the sense of disbelief and gloom at the utter scale of the destruction………………


Christians, who formed a significant part of the Old City population, held a celebratory Mass at the renowned Our Lady of the Belt Syriac Orthodox Church, which was badly damaged but is still standing……………………….


“I know there is damage, but this is the happiest moment in my life, to be back in the church where I was baptized and my son was baptized,” said Sawsan Hanoon, 40, standing in the debris-filled patio of the church. “We will rebuild it with our own hands.”………………..




10-5-2014: 100,000 people flee militant infighting in E Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Over 100,000 civilians have fled fierce fighting between militant groups in Syria’s eastern province of Deir Ezzor, opposition sources say…………………….


The oil-rich province of Deir Ezzor that borders Iraq has been the scene of fierce clashes between the two militant groups since late April………………………..




8-5-2014: Hundreds of Syrians return to Homs to find a city of death (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)



8-5-2014: Increase in numbers of British men going to Syria to fight ‘poses terrorist threat to UK’ (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The number of young men travelling to Syria to fight has reached alarming levels and threatens years of domestic terror plots by battle-hardened jihadists on their return to Britain, MPs said in a report today……………….


Studies by various groups suggest there are up to 2,000 European fighters in Syria, and Scotland Yard last  month put the number of  Britons travelling to Syria in the “mid-hundreds……………….


At least 20 Britons are believed to have died fighting in Syria,…………………………..




9-5-2014: Syria: Scorched Earth, War Crimes And Victory (http://www.strategypage.com)


The biggest advantage the Syrian government currently has, besides the Iranian mercenaries is the civil war among the rebel Islamic terrorist groups that broke out in January. This is mainly ISIL (the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, also called ISIS) versus all the other rebels (especially al Nusra, the official al Qaeda franchise in Syria)…………………..


Al Nusra and other mainstream rebels continue to fight ISIL throughout Syria. This includes a growing number of assassination and kidnapping attacks against leaders. ISIL is still strong in the east because western Iraq (Anbar province) is also an ISIL stronghold.


The Syrian civil war is entering its fourth year. So far over 150,000 have died and been documented but the true figure may be 30-50 percent higher…………………


The Islamic radicals have problems, the main one being that they don’t get along with each other. The Islamic radical groups continue to gain recruits and comprise about half of rebel manpower. The SOC and its largely secular attitudes are at odds with the Islamic radical groups, who have their fans among the Syrian population, if only because they are more fanatic fighters.




8-5-2014: Syria conflict: Government troops retake Homs Old City (http://www.bbc.com/)


Syrian government forces have retaken control of the Old City of Homs after the evacuation of rebel troops


Government forces took full control of the heart of Homs on Thursday, state media said, after rebels in the Old City boarded buses and were transported to rebel-held territory to the north




8-5-2014: Syrian rebels tunnel under Aleppo front line to bomb government hotel (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)



Syrian rebels have reverted to the tactics of the First World War after they tunnelled underneath a luxury hotel being used by government troops in Aleppo to plant explosives that destroyed the building……………………


A rebel grouping called the Islamic Front claimed responsibility for the bombing, posting a video of an explosion that it said was Thursday morning’s attack………………..




7-5-2014: The Simpsons used in Egyptian TV channel as proof of US conspiracy to incite Syria's civil war (http://www.independent.co.uk)


An Egyptian television channel has claimed the United States is behind Syria's civil war citing an episode of the popular American sitcom The Simpsons………………………………….




7-5-2014: Rebels Blow up Historic Aleppo Hotel in Syria (http://abcnews.go.com)


Syrian rebels bombed a once luxurious, historic hotel being used as a government army base in the northern city of Aleppo on Thursday, levelling the building and causing multiple casualties in a giant explosion carried off by digging tunnels under the complex, activists and militants said…..


The Islamic Front, Syria's biggest rebel alliance which claimed the attack, claimed to have killed 50 soldiers. …………………….




6-5-2014: United States approves diplomatic mission for Syria opposition (http://www.dailystar.com.lb/)


The Obama administration gave approval Monday for the Syrian opposition to open a formal diplomatic mission in Washington, on the first day of a visit to the American capital by National Coalition leader Ahmad Jarba………………


The steps announced by the State Department to upgrade the status of the coalition, which had been represented by an informal liaison office, and increase nonlethal assistance to the opposition by $27 million……………….




5-5-2014: Turkey building wall to counter Syria militants’ threats (http://en.alalam.ir)


Turkey has started building a new wall along a fragment of its southeastern border with Syria as it struggles against threats from Syria based al-Qaeda militant groups……..




5-5-2014: Syria's historic Crusader castle damaged by war (http://english.ahram.org.eg)


"The terrorists killed and kidnapped people and even chopped off their heads," said a Syrian army officer,”……..


Among them were dozens of rebel fighters who occasionally lobbed mortar shells from inside the tall walls, hitting nearby Christian villages, government soldiers and locals say………




4-5-2014: Foreign jihadis in Syria pledge their own 9/11 (http://www.independent.co.uk)


It is only a matter of time before jihadis in al-Qa'ida-type groups that have taken over much of eastern Syria and western Iraq have a violent impact on the world outside these two countries……


Jordan is also showing signs of extreme nervousness over support being given to the Syrian armed opposition, just across its border in southern Syria………………………


They worry about an estimated 2,000 Jordanian jihadis in Syria, and what happens when they return to Jordan. There was a mysterious Jordanian airforce attack destroying vehicles entering Jordan from Syria on 16 April in which the Syrian government denied any involvement. The Jordanians also forbade an opposition offensive at Daraa timed to coincide with a rebel assault in Aleppo…….


In reality, the situation is worse than the State Department admits, since over the last year Isis has taken over much of Sunni Iraq. It levies taxes in cities such as Mosul and Tikrit and has substantial control in Fallujah and along the Euphrates valley, through western Iraq and eastern Syria up to the Turkish border……………………




4-5-2014: Terrorist attacks in Syria kill 14, injure dozens (http://www.presstv.ir)


3-5-2014: UK to resume aid to Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir/)



British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Friday that the one-million-pound aid package includes communications equipment, vehicles, generators and medical kits.


“I am now lifting the hold on those plans to deliver equipment to the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army in Syria,” Hague said in a written statement to the UK parliament




2-5-2014: Syria truce 'to let rebels withdraw from besieged Homs' (http://www.bbc.com)


2-5-2014: British citizen in Syria ‘war crime’ as video of prisoner shooting appears (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


British citizen fighting in Syria is believed to have committed a war crime by taking part in the execution of a prisoner………………..


It is thought the incident took place within the last two weeks near the Isis stronghold of Raqqa, in northern Syria………………..


“We don’t know if the prisoner was alive or dead when he fired, but he did partake in the execution, he did fire shots at the individual from his weapon, and we believe he is a British citizen,”……


As jihadist groups have come under greater pressure from other rebels, many foreign fighters have fled Syria and returned to their country of origin. Security officials have said around 250 British “extremist tourists” have returned home,…………………………




2-5-2014: Car bomb attacks in Syria kill 18, including 11 children (http://www.latimes.com)


A pair of car bombs in Syria’s central Hama province killed 18 people, including 11 children, state media reported Friday


Most of the casualties were in the town of Jidreen, west of Hama, the provincial capital, state media said. A suicide bomber there detonated a booby-trapped car, killing 17, including 11 children,  and injuring 50 others, Syrian media reported




1-5-2014: Syria opposition says Aleppo airstrike kills 33 (http://www.presstv.ir/)


1-5-2014: Syrian rebels crucified: Islamic extremists execute two men in the most public way for 'fighting against Muslims' (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)


Islamic extremists have publicly crucified two Syrian rebels in northeastern Syria in revenge for a grenade attack on members of their group.


The jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant said it had executed a total of seven prisoners who it claimed had carried out a grenade attack on one of its fighters earlier this month in the Euphrates Valley city of Raqqa




1-5-2014: Muslims Crucify Two People, And Mockingly Say, “become new false jesus.” (https://shoebat.com)


1-5-2014: Takfiris crucify two Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir/)


An al-Qaeda-linked Takfiri group says it has publicly crucified two militants in northeastern Syria in retaliation for an earlier grenade attack on its members.


The terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) said the two were among a total of seven prisoners put to death in connection with a grenade attack in the Euphrates Valley city of Raqqa earlier this month




29-4-2014: The other side of the Syrian crisis: Stunning photos from inside Syria's largest refugee camp (http://www.independent.co.uk)


29-4-2014: Al Qaeda-linked jihadists accused of hanging victims on crosses (http://www.foxnews.com)


Al Qaeda-backed jihadists are hanging the bodies of executed enemies on crosses crucifixion-style in a town in Northern Syria, according to a Syrian opposition group


The executions reportedly took place Tuesday in Raqqa, where the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS,…………




29-4-2014: Attacks kill nearly 60 in Homs, Damascus, Syrian media report (http://edition.cnn.com)


28-4-2014: Turkey gave Syria militants anti-tank missiles: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) provided foreign-backed militants in Syria with US-made anti-tank missiles, a local daily reports.


The Turkish daily Aydinlik said in a report that the former commander of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), Salim Idris, acted as a middleman in the transfer of the TOW anti-tank missiles from Turkey to the militants in Syria.




28-2-2014: Syrian rebels who received first U.S. missiles of war see shipment as ‘an important first step’ (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


But the arrival at the base last month of U.S.-made TOW antitank missiles, the first advanced American weaponry to be dispatched to Syria since the conflict began, has reignited long-abandoned hopes among the rebels…………………………..


………………..will not change the game in the fight against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the fighters say……………..




26-4-2014: Kuwait, a U.S. ally on Syria, is also the leading funder of extremist rebels (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The amount of money that has flowed from Kuwaiti individuals and through organized charities to Syrian rebel groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra totals in the hundreds of millions of dollars, according to experts whose estimates are endorsed by the Treasury Department……


Treasury Undersecretary David S. Cohen called Kuwait “the epicenter of fundraising for terrorist groups in Syria.”……………….




24-4-2014: Up to 700 Britons feared to be in Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Up to 700 Britons could now be fighting or based in Syria and police are powerless to stop would-be jihadists heading there, the UK’s counter-terrorism chief has admitted




23-4-2014: Propaganda alert: US and UN object to the holding of Presidential Elections in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


23-4-2014: France: Syria becomes terrorist training ground for attacks on Europe (http://en.alalam.ir)


France is trying to prevent French nationals from traveling to Syria to join terrorist groups fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, underscoring concerns across Europe that Syria has become an incubator for future terrorist attacks on European soil.


French President Franηois Hollande said his government will adopt a series of measures Wednesday aimed at stemming the flow of French residents who join al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups in Syria. Paris is also sharpening its crackdown on French nationals who return home from Syria after taking part in armed conflicts there, The Wall Street Journal reported


More than 500 French nationals are fighting in Syria, according to French officials who worry the conflict has become a recruitment tool and training ground for terrorist groups that aim to radicalize people who carry European passports




22-4-2014: ‘Saudi Arabia, France plan to disrupt Syria presidential election’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Saudi and French intelligence authorities are reportedly working on a plan to disrupt forthcoming presidential election in Syria, which may award President Bashar al-Assad a new term in office.


Informed sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity, stated that the plan is being devised by agents from Saudi and French intelligence services in a border region between Syria and Jordan, Lebanon’s al-Manar television network reported.




22-4-2014: Eyewitness to the Syrian Rebellion: Late Father Frans Denounced a Violent “Opposition, Instigated and Paid by Foreign Interests” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


22-4-2014: Australia voices concern about foreign militants fighting in Syria (http://en.alalam.ir)


21-4-2014: British teenager posts Facebook photo of brother's body after Syria battle death (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)



21-4-2014: Huffington Post Uncritically Trumpets Obama-Republican Big Lie About the Syrian War (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


21-4-2014: Takfiris destroy Syria to pursue KSA plot: Ex-US official (http://www.presstv.ir)


Takfiri terrorists are destroying Syria’s infrastructure as part of Saudi Arabia’s agenda to topple the Syrian government, a former Pentagon official tells Press TV……………………


“The reason for this is that they really wanted to destroy the entire country as part of an ultimate plan that Saudi Arabia has had and that is to oust that government of Bashar al-Assad,” he said………





20-4-2014: British extremist in Syria says 'this is no five-star Jihad' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


20-4-2014: Syrian president visits Christian town of Ma'loula on Easter (http://www.presstv.ir/)


"On the day of the resurrection of Christ, and from the heart of Ma’loula, President Assad hopes all Syrians have a happy Easter, and for the reestablishment of peace and security throughout Syria," state television said on Sunday


The visit came nearly a week after Syrian armed forces retook full control of the ancient town in Qalamoun region as the army continues to gain more ground in its fight against Takfiri militants




20-4-2014: Syria Christians won't succumb: Orthodox Patriarch (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syria’s Greek Orthodox Patriarch says Christians in the country will not “submit and yield” to foreign-backed Takfiri extremists fighting against the Syrian government……………


The foreign-backed Takfiri groups captured the Christian town of Ma’loula, which is regarded as a symbol of the ancient Christian presence in Syria, last December. However Syrian armed forces succeeded in retaking full control of the town on April 14…………………




20-4-2014: Ahead of vote, Syria's Assad visits seized village (http://bostonherald.com)


Syria's embattled president marked Easter with a tour Sunday of an ancient Christian village recently recaptured by his forces, an important symbolic prize for his government ahead of coming presidential elections he appears poised to contest……………..


Rebels, including fighters from the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front, seized Maaloula several times late last year, most recently in December. Government troops swept through the village on Monday, sending rebel fighters fleeing to nearby hills…………………………..




19-4-2014: 13 die in fresh bout of mortar, bomb attacks in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


19-4-2014: How the West Gassed Thousands to Death in Damascus (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


19-4-2014: British national fighting for militants killed in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


18-4-2014: Advanced U.S. Weapons Flow to Syrian Rebels (http://online.wsj.com)


The U.S. and Saudi Arabia have supplied Syrian rebel groups with a small number of advanced American antitank missiles for the first time in a pilot program that could lead to larger flows of sophisticated weaponry, people briefed on the effort said………………..




17-4-2014: Militant mortar attack kills 40 in Aleppo (http://www.presstv.ir)


17-4-2014: Moscow voices concern over arming Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir/)


16-4-2014: The Middle East War on Christians (http://online.wsj.com)


In the rubble of Syrian cities like Aleppo and Damascus, Christians who refused to convert to Islam have been kidnapped, shot and beheaded by Islamist opposition fighters………


Christians are losing their lives, liberties, businesses and their houses of worship across the Middle East………………..


Last year in Saudi Arabia, two men were prosecuted for the "crime" of converting a woman to Christianity and helping her flee the Islamic kingdom……………………




16-4-2014: Syria conflict: A shift for fading insurgency as foreign backers look to reverse months of military defeats at the hands of government soldiers (http://www.independent.co.uk)


In the wake of a series of battlefield defeats for the Syrian rebels over the past few months, there are signs that the opposition’s foreign backers are trying to reverse the tide and salvage what is left of the waning insurgency………………………..


Some American-made anti-tank missiles have been seen in the hands of rebels in northern and southern Syria in recent days, going by on-line videos…………………..




16-4-2015: Syria fighting leaves Maaloula, a historic Christian town, in ruins (http://www.latimes.com)


Assad's government has presented itself as a staunch defender of religious tolerance and minorities in the face of Islamic militants who make up some of the strongest rebel forces. Recapturing Maaloula helps reinforce that message…………..


Christian clerics and historians fear that priceless medieval icons and other works of art may have been destroyed or looted and will never be recovered………….




15-4-2014: Syria war: Maaloula's monastery destroyed after Assad forces drive rebels out (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


But on Tuesday, as Syrian army officers showed off their latest conquest in the long back-and-forth war with the country's rebels, the monastery of St Sergius was a sorry sight…..


"I can't describe my feelings because the terrorists are destroying the Christian religion," said Imad,…………….




15-4-2014: Syria troops retake Christian town of Maalula (https://au.news.yahoo.com)


Syrian troops retook the ancient Christian town of Maalula from rebels Monday, a day after President Bashar al-Assad said the three-year old civil war was turning in his favour……..




14-4-2014: Syrian extremists threaten to ‘destroy’ Canada in online video (http://news.nationalpost.com)


14-4-2014: Turkey 'aided Islamist fighters' in attack on Syrian town (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Turkey facilitated an attack carried out by Islamist fighters against the Armenian town of Kasab inside Syria, eyewitnesses have told the Telegraph……


"Turkey did us a big favour," said a Syrian activist with the rebel group, whose name the Telegraph knows but has been asked not to reveal. "They allowed our guys to enter from their border post…..


"It is not feasible that these groups could have crossed into Syria from where they did without the knowledge of the Turks," Lama Fakih, the Syria and Lebanon researcher at HRW told the Telegraph……………….


The attack on Kasab sparked dark memories of the Ottoman massacres for its inhabitants, and a hysterical flurry across social media from pro-government sources claiming horrific massacres in the town…………………..




13-4-2014: MI6, the CIA and Turkey's rogue game in Syria: World View: New claims say Ankara worked with the US and Britain to smuggle Gaddafi's guns to rebel groups (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


This is despite strong evidence that the Syrian armed opposition are, more than ever, dominated by jihadi fighters similar in their beliefs and methods to al-Qa'ida. The recent attack by rebel forces around Latakia, northern Syria, which initially had a measure of success, was led by Chechen and Moroccan jihadis…………………..


It is this which makes Seymour Hersh's article "The Red Line and The Rat Line: Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels" published last week in the London Review of Books, so interesting……..


The annex deals with an operation in which the CIA, in cooperation with MI6, arranged the dispatch of arms from Mu'ammer Gaddafi's arsenals to Turkey and then across the 500-mile long Turkish southern frontier with Syria. The annex refers to an agreement reached in early 2012 between Obama and Erdogan with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplying funding………


It was evident that al-Qa'ida-type fighters, including Jahat al-Nusra, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) and Ahrar al-Sham were highly dependent on Turkish border crossings for supplies, recruits and the ability to reach safety……………………………..


The Hersh article alleges that the MIT went further and instructed Jabhat al-Nusra on how to stage a sarin gas attack in Damascus……………..




13-4-2014: Syria hell: Fear and famine stalk a war-ravaged land (http://www.worldtribune.com)


With over nine million Syrian civilians already refugees or internally displaced since the conflict started three years ago, the UN’s World Food Program (WFP) warns that “Low production scenarios combined with the ongoing conflict, will further strain Syria’s already fragile food security situation……………..




12-4-2014: Death toll in Syria rebel infighting rises to 68 (http://www.arabnews.com)


The death toll from infighting between rival rebel groups in an eastern Syrian town has risen 68 killed, with some shot after being captured alive, activists said Friday………….


Rebels from the ISI and fighters of the Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front and other rebel groups have been fighting each other in the province for weeks over territory previously captured from President Bashar Assad’s forces, including oil fields………………………




12-4-2014: Thousands of US-NATO Backed Mercenaries Join Rebels in Northern Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


“We have witnessed the arrival of around 5,000 foreign-backed terrorists fully equipped with various types of military equipment, including heavy weaponry, in the city of Aleppo after crossing the border at Bab Al-Hava crossing in the Northern parts of Aleppo province,” an informed military source told FNA today…………………..




10-4-2014: Robert Fisk: Has Recep Tayyip Erdogan gone from model Middle East 'strongman' to tin-pot dictator? (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Was a nation which still mistreated its Kurds, acted as a holocaust denier in refusing to acknowledge the 1915 Armenian genocide, and which even trashed the trial of those who  killed the Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in an Istanbul street in 2007, really the kind of mirror into which the Muslim world should stare with approval? ………………….


But there is growing evidence that Turkey's - or rather Erdogan's - involvement with the revolt against Assad is critical to his relationship with Obama………………..


………………….no heed was paid to public evidence that sarin gas was being transported through part of Turkey for rebels in the north of Syria…………………..


…………………………..and that British intelligence confirmed to the Americans that the gas did not come from stocks in the Syrian army's chemical weapons' arsenal……………………………


The Turks - and here comes the Erdogan connection - were outraged that the Americans had not fallen into their trap of destroying Assad……………….




9-4-2014: Pope Francis condemns killing of Jesuit priest in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


Francis referred to the killing of his "Jesuit brother" at the end of his general audience on Wednesday: "His brutal slaying filled me with profound pain and made me think again about the many people who are suffering and dying in that martyred country, my beloved Syria





9-4-2014: Syria’s sarin whodunit: Assigning responsibility for war crime (http://rt.com/)


Contrary to the official US stance, which claimed that Assad’s forces were the only party with the capability to launch sarin attacks, intelligence circles in Britain and the US became aware that rebel units in Syria such as the Al-Nusra Front had been developing chemical weapons since the spring of 2013……………..


Hersh’s sources also claim that US intelligence officials were aware since spring of 2013 that the Turkish government and its intelligence services were working directly with Al-Nusra Front and its allies to develop a chemical warfare capability……….


As a key actor in the destabilization of Syria, the government of Turkey has materially assisted and trained various rebel factions, allowing militias to be based in and around southern Turkey near the border with Syria. Erdogan was known to be increasingly frustrated by the rebels’ inability to hold their ground on the battlefield, and irritated by the CIA’s inconsistent stream of weapon shipments and supplies.




9-4-2014: Al-Jaafari: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights “biased” (http://sana.sy)


Syria’s Permanent Representative to UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari stressed the existence of a close offensive alliance among Turkish, Israeli, Qatari and Saudi authorities for sending takfiri terrorists to Syria to commit terrorist acts against Syrian people…………..


He added that Pillay didn’t touch on significant information unveiled by the US writer Seymour Hersh on the direct involvement of Turkish government in the use of chemical weapon in Damascus Countryside in 2013




8-4-2014: NATO and Turkey’s Genocidal War on Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


In the early stages of the covert war on Syria, Erdogan’s government rendered the entire 877 kilometres-long border with Syria porous for the NATO-backed mercenaries who have been using it as a highway. In many areas along the Syrian border, fences and concrete barriers were removed and roads were stabilized to allow the passage of all sorts of vehicles, including those rigged with bombs……………………


Furthermore, with hindsight, the motive behind the removal of some 615,000 landmines on the Syrian border was to ease the passage of mercenaries as well as military and intelligence officials of Turkey’s and allied NATO countries’ security forces…………………………


Over the few months, mercenaries from Kosovo, the Balkans and other European countries had been deployed in Yayladagi and Samandag countryside in preparation for a cross-border offensive on the predominantly Armenian town of Kasab.15 Seven villages on Turkey’s border with Syria were evacuated and allocated to the mercenaries……………………


Turkish Armed Forces are giving cover to the mercenaries through mortar, artillery and rocket shelling across the border by armored vehicles and coordinated heavy machine-gun fire by helicopters………………………..


The majority of the mercenaries fighting in Kasab are of Chetchen, Albanian, Saudi and Turkish origin.18 Ambulances are regularly crossing Turkey’s border with Syria to collect the wounded mercenaries and transport them to hospitals across Turkey’s Hatay province…………………


“These terrorist groups came from Turkish territories and were covered by Turkish artillery, tanks and aircrafts so that they aren’t engaged by the Syrian Army in that area, with the purpose of the Turkish military involvement being an attempt to distract the Syrian Army form these terrorist groups so that they may commit their heinous acts,”……………………………….


In fact, Turkey has a long history of false flag attacks on Syria, including a failed assassination attempt on the then-President Hafez al-Assad in 1996.47 A selection of news reports from 2011 and 2013 below offer a glimpse of Turkey’s utmost criminality……………………………….


All the available evidence indicates that U.S., U.K., Israel, Turkey, France and Saudi Arabia meticulously planned the genocidal covert war on Syria for years before actually launching it in 2011. Right from the beginning, Turkey has been at the epicenter of this war in every possible respect. In the face of the increasingly brutal and reckless attacks across all of its land borders, the Syrian state, army and people have been displaying an outstanding resistance, courage and solidarity………………………..




8-4-2014: UN food aid agency warns of drought crisis in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


8-4-2014: NATO Members Conduct False Flag Terror In Attempt to Whip Up War (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


8-4-2014: Syria false flag could have triggered WWIII: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


8-4-2014: US supply of heavy weapons to Syria will ‘escalate slaughter’ (http://rt.com/)


The sudden shipment of anti-tank missiles to Syrian rebels from the US, which has so far been reluctant to supply any heavy weapons, is Washington's way of getting back at Russia by hitting the Assad government……………….


But it will ring alarm bells in Russia and elsewhere around the world that actually the Americans are once again intervening in the Syrian conflict after the debacle of what took place last summer when Obama was stopped in his tracks from military intervention in Syria……..




7-4-2014: ‘Turkey follows consistent policy to undermine Syrian sovereignty’ (http://rt.com/)


Turkey is pursuing a NATO strategy, largely coordinated by the Obama Administration, aimed at destabilizing Syria and indeed bringing down the government of President Bashar Assad………




7-4-2014: Sy Hersh Reveals Potential Turkish Role in Syria Chemical Strike That Almost Sparked U.S. Bombing (http://www.democracynow.org)


Was Turkey behind last year’s Syrian chemical weapons attack? That is the question raised in a new exposι by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh on the intelligence debate over the deaths of hundreds of Syrians in Ghouta last year…………….




7-4-2014: Syria: Militants Equipped with US-Made TOW Missiles (http://english.farsnews.com)


Different Internet websites, including AlHadathnews, have released photos and videos of the US supplied BGM-71 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) anti-tank missiles now being used by the militants


The missiles have been seen at the hands of Hazem militants, who are loyal to former head of the military council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) Salim Idris, in Idlib countryside in Northwestern Syria


The Syrian army has on several occasions seized foreign-made, including US-made and Israeli-made, weapons from the terrorists in Syria




7-4-2014: US reportedly starts supplying Syrian rebels with anti-tank weapons (http://rt.com)


Rebels embattled against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad have reportedly come into possession of high-powered anti-tank weaponry, the likes of which may have been supplied by the United States……


Images of rebels equipped with heavy arms have begun to circulate in recent days, and at least one news site has claimed that the source responsible is the US government…………….




7-4-2014: US arms Syrian rebels with first heavy weapons, anti-tank BGM-71 TOW missiles - raising war stakes (http://www.debka.com)


Two Syrian rebel militias judged moderate in Washington have in the last few days taken delivery and begun using – mostly in the Idlib region - the first advanced US weapon to be deployed in more than three years of civil war…………………..


It is the heavy anti-tank, optically-tracked, wire-guided BGM-71 TOW, which is capable of piercing 500mm thickness of Syrian tank armor and Syrian fortifications at a range of 4 kilometers…………………………………




6-4-2014: Militant mortar shells kill two Syrians in Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


5-4-2014: Can the West Get Out of Its (Self-Made) Cul-de-Sac in Syria? (http://goingtotehran.com)


Since protests broke out in parts of Syria in March 2011, Western policy has focused on destabilizing President Assad and his government…….


But, to paraphrase Talleyrand, Western strategy toward the Syrian conflict is worse than a crime; it’s a mistake.  From the start, anyone prepared to look soberly at on-the-ground reality in Syria could see that arming a deeply divided opposition would not bring down Assad…………..


America and its British and French partners have not paid in blood or (much) treasure for their proxy intervention in Syria.  They are, however, suffering various forms of self-inflicted damage to their own regional position—like the accelerating proliferation of violent jihadis………


America and its European allies have experience working with Saudi Arabia to fund jihadis willing to target a perceived common enemy


And today, the U.S. Intelligence Community estimates that 26,000 “extremists” are now fighting in Syria—more than 7,000 of them brought in from outside the country………………….




5-4-2014: US to boost arms shipments to Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


4-4-2014: The Red Line and the Rat Line. Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels (http://www.lrb.co.uk)


British intelligence had obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21 August attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn’t match the batches known to exist in the Syrian army’s chemical weapons arsenal……


For months there had been acute concern among senior military leaders and the intelligence community about the role in the war of Syria’s neighbours, especially Turkey. Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan was known to be supporting the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist faction among the rebel opposition, as well as other Islamist rebel groups…….


A series of chemical weapon attacks in March and April 2013 was investigated over the next few months by a special UN mission to Syria. A person with close knowledge of the UN’s activity in Syria told me that there was evidence linking the Syrian opposition to the first gas attack, on 19 March in Khan Al-Assal, a village near Aleppo………


An American foreign policy expert who speaks regularly with officials in Washington and Ankara told me about a working dinner Obama held for Erdoğan during his May visit. The meal was dominated by the Turks’ insistence that Syria had crossed the red line and their complaints that Obama was reluctant to do anything about it………..


A US intelligence consultant told me that a few weeks before 21 August he saw a highly classified briefing prepared for Dempsey and the defense secretary, Chuck Hagel, which described ‘the acute anxiety’ of the Erdoğan administration about the rebels’ dwindling prospects. The analysis warned that the Turkish leadership had expressed ‘the need to do something that would precipitate a US military response’……..


As intercepts and other data related to the 21 August attacks were gathered, the intelligence community saw evidence to support its suspicions. ‘We now know it was a covert action planned by Erdoğan’s people to push Obama over the red line,’ the former intelligence official said…………………….


The deal was to do something spectacular. Our senior military officers have been told by the DIA and other intelligence assets that the sarin was supplied through Turkey – that it could only have gotten there with Turkish support. The Turks also provided the training in producing the sarin and handling it.’…….


There has not been one single piece of additional evidence of Syrian involvement in the sarin attack produced by the White House since the bombing raid was called off. My government can’t say anything because we have acted so irresponsibly. And since we blamed Assad, we can’t go back and blame Erdoğan…………..


‘I asked my colleagues if there was any way to stop Erdoğan’s continued support for the rebels, especially now that it’s going so wrong,’ the former intelligence official told me. ‘The answer was: “We’re screwed.””’…………………………..




3-4-2014: Armenia slams Kasab attack in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian has censured a militant attack from Turkey on the Syrian town of Kasab, expressing serious concern on the fate of hundreds of Armenians that were forced to flee the town


“Al Qaeda-linked armed groups have penetrated into Kasab from Turkey. We should prevent terrorists from penetrating into Syria and attacking peaceful civilians,”……………….




3-4-2014: Syria refugees in Lebanon exceed 1 million: UN (http://www.presstv.ir)


1-4-2014: Syria death toll over 150,000, says human rights body (http://www.theguardian.com)


1-4-2014: Militants in Syria prepare chemical attack in Damascus – UN envoy (http://rt.com)


Armed gangs in Syria are conspiring to stage a chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs in order to later lay the blame on the Bashar Assad’s government,…………………..


Back in March, Jaafari informed the Security Council that a person named Haytham Salahuddin Qassab “transported chemical substances from Turkey on behalf of the terrorist organization known as Ahrar al-Sham……………………….




1-4-2014: Mortar attacks in various cities claim 6 civilian lives (http://sana.sy/)


31-3-2014: Syria’s Victory, Setback For US-NATO, Turning Point For Western Global Hegemony (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Syria’s destabilization was ongoing alongside other Arab nations, including Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.....................


The West is unable to portray their militant proxies as a viable opposition force, politically, socially, and now strategically..........................................................


According to several sources, there has still been an uptick in support to rebels in the south since late February, with large amounts of money spent on rebel salaries and Saudi trucks moving cargo toward the Jordan-Syria border...................................................


It appears to be the last desperate push by a depleted force against a well entrenched and capable Syrian military. While the West is no doubt still trying to fuel unrest in Syria, it appears that gains by the Syrian military have reached a tipping point that no amount of indirect support can turn back.


The West’s failure in Syria is an indicator that its power and influence is on the decline and provides a modern illustration of the dangers historically faced by empire as it overreaches.




31-3-2014: Turkey easing entry of militants into Syria: Zoubi (http://www.presstv.ir/)


30-3-2014: ‘Turkish elections deferred false flag operation against Syria’ (http://rt.com)


The US is behind Turkey's plans to launch a false flag attack to create a rationale for an assault against Syria………………………….


But it is no question that Turkey has been part in parcel of this whole conspiracy against the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad…………………..


The US, which founded NATO and in many ways still coordinates its activity, has been pressurizing all of the [NATO] member states to take a hostile position against Syria…….


…………it appears that was the strategy – to provoke an attack from Syrian territory into Turkey, therefore providing a rationale not only for the Turkish government and the military to launch a counterattack but also to draw in the support of the US and perhaps Israel as well as Britain and other states that are part of the NATO alliance…………………




29-3-2014: NATO Wages Desperate Last Battle in Northern Syria (http://journal-neo.org)


Clearly the Turkish government knew Syrian forces were engaging militants Ankara itself was harboring in its territory and any cross-border pursuits carried out by Syria posed no threat to the security of Turkey any more than the cross-boarder pursuits the Turkish government regularly conducts in northern Iraq against Kurdish militants....................


A NATO member providing air support for Al Qaeda incursions into a neighboring country could not be a more egregious violation of national sovereignty or international law.........................


The astounding revelation has been all but buried by the Western media who has instead intentionally focused solely on Turkey’s banning of Facebook and Twitter to cover up what it only refers to as “corruption.” Turkey’s use of a self-inflicted attack to justify direct military involvement in Syria risks triggering a greater regional conflict involving Turkey and by extension, NATO’s primarily Western membership – a scenario the West has been seeking almost as soon as the conflict in Syria first started in 2011




29-3-2014: Historic Day: “Al-Qaida’s flag now flies on the Mediterranean Sea” with NATO member help (http://levantreport.com)


It is not merely that the Turkish authorities have failed to seal off the border, but that Turkey is actively engaged in a rear support capacity for Al-Qaida operations in Syria.


Multiple reports and photos are circulating of beheadings, church desecrations, and the raising of Al-Qaida flags over churches and public buildings........................




28-3-2014: YouTube ban: How Turkish officials conspired to stage Syria attack to provoke war (http://rt.com)

“I'll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey.” This leaked conversation is coming back to haunt the highest echelons of the Turkish government as it plans a provocation in Syria, while scrambling to contain social media internally……………….


"I'll send 4 men from Syria, if that's what it takes. I'll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary."……


OK, but we're gonna have to prepare somehow. To avoid any shorts on regarding international law. I just realised when I was talking to the president (Abdullah Gόl), if the Turkish tanks go in there, it means we're in there in any case, right?.......................




28-3-2014: NATO Backed Al Qaeda Atrocities Continue in Northern Syria. UN Turns a Blind Eye (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


The Al Qaeda affiliated insurgents launching the offensive have ransacked churches (as they have in other areas of Syria), removing all crosses and removing the faces from many statues. The insurgents also began seizing and destroying alcohol citing that it is now contraband under their version of “Sharia law.” Early signs of the Sharia courts have been seen in other rebel held areas in the country.........................




28-3-2014: Erdogan wants to drag Turkey into war against Syria: Opposition party (http://en.alalam.ir)


“The world’s most immoral man is currently occupying the Turkish prime minister’s seat. He wants to drag Turkey into a war against Syria,” said Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), in an interview with al-Monitor on Thursday


Kilicdaroglu also noted that Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is playing good-cop, bad-cop with the foreign-backed militants fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.................................................




28-3-2014: Is Pakistan aiding Syrian rebels? (http://www.dw.de)


Pakistani and international media have reported about Pakistan-based Wahhabi militant groups, including al Qaeda and the Taliban, sending their members to Syria to fight against President Bashar Assad's forces. Some observers claim these fighters are also getting some kind of state support


A number of political experts in Pakistan also disagree with the government's stance that it did not get itself involved in the violent Syrian conflict on Saudi Arabia's request


...............................told DW that Saudi-Pakistani alliance is decades-long, and that it is highly likely that Riyadh could have asked for Islamabad's assistance in turning the tide in Syria................................


"The Pakistani government can deny it, but everyone knows what is going on. Pakistan's respectable journalists have written about the matter," Naqvi told DW, adding that Pakistan had put its relations with Iran at stake in order to please Saudi Arabia............................


Some experts argue that the alleged Saudi-Pakistani deal on Syria was a result of Sharif's personal connections with the Saudi rulers.....................


"A large number of foreign fighters are based in Pakistan's northern Waziristan area, which shares border with Afghanistan. Some of them are now migrating to Syria. The Pakistani Taliban have actually established a cell to monitor the Syrian situation.............................




28-3-2014: Obama appears ready to expand covert assistance to Syrian opposition (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The Obama administration, stung by reversals in Ukraine and Syria, appears to have decided to expand its covert program of training and assistance for the Syrian opposition, deepening U.S. involvement in that brutal and stalemated civil war


Obama appears more comfortable with a covert approach than with direct military intervention, as in Iraq and Afghanistan........................


Syrian opposition forces would be trained in camps in Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The number of Syrian opposition fighters who would receive training would roughly double, to about 600 per month..........................




28-3-2014: Syrian Children exploited in sale of smuggled cigarettes in Turkey (http://sana.sy)


Syrian children, who have left their home country due to practices of the armed terrorist groups, are being exploited for the sale of bootlegged cigarettes in southeastern Turkey, a destination full of cigarettes smuggled in from several countries.................................




28-3-2014: Obama seeks to reassure Saudi Arabia over Iran, Syria (http://www.reuters.com)


President Barack Obama sought to reassure Saudi King Abdullah on Friday that he would support moderate Syrian rebels and reject a bad nuclear deal with Iran, during a visit designed to allay the kingdom's concerns that its decades-old U.S. alliance had frayed


Riyadh has long differed from Washington about Obama's reluctance to supply rebels with surface-to-air missiles, sometimes known as MANPADS




28-3-2014: CHP : Erdogan is responsible for the blood that is shed in Syria (http://sana.sy)


Head of Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP) Kemal Klichdar Oglu said that Prime Minister of Justice and Development Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan is fabricating pretexts and justifications to drag Turkey into a war against Syria.


" Erdogan is responsible for all the blood that is shed in Syria, " Klichdar Oglu said in a statement quoted by Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper Friday.


" Erdogan provided all kinds of direct and indirect military support to the armed terrorist groups in Syria," " Klichdar Oglu added




28-3-2014: UN warns of links between Iraq, Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


The United Nations has voiced alarm over the threat of growing links between militant networks across the border of Syria and Iraq, saying the Syria crisis is fueling tensions in the Middle East.


In a Thursday briefing at the Security Council, UN special envoy to Iraq Nickolay Mladenov said the ongoing turmoil gripping Syria is “affording terrorist networks the occasion to forge links across the border and expand their support base.”




27-3-2014: Armenians Accuse Turkey of Aiding Al-Qaeda Rebels in Attack on Syrian Christian Village (http://www.algemeiner.com)


Armenian leaders have accused Turkey of aiding al-Qaeda-affiliated rebel groups during their attack on a largely Armenian Christian village in northern Syria.....................


Last weekend, rebel forces from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria took control of the small Armenian Christian village in northern Syria during fighting with the Syrian army, forcing most of the residents to flee...............................




27-3-2014: Civilian killed in Homs car bomb explosion (http://www.presstv.ir)



27-3-2014: Syria complains to UN over Turkey (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria has formally called on the United Nations to take all essential measures to halt Turkish involvement in backing military offensives by anti-Damascus militants from its Liwa Iskenderun area against Syria’s Kasab district


In the official protest letters, the Syrian ministry also alleges that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued “instructions to launch flagrant aggression on Syria as the Turkish army tanks and artillery took part directly in the attack on Kasab, north of Syria, and its surrounding




27-3-2014: This Is The Ottoman Tomb That Turkish Officials Discussed Entering Syria To Defend (http://www.businessinsider.com)


The latest leak against the government of Turkish Prime Miniter Tayyip Erdogan involves a high-level discussion about possible military operations in Syria to secure the tomb of a Turkish icon.........


"An operation against ISIL [the radical jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] has international legitimacy. We will define it as al Qaeda. There are no issues on the al Qaeda framework," a voice presented as that of foreign ministry undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu says. "When it comes to the Suleyman Shah tomb, it's about the protection of national soil........




27-3-2014: Turkey in league with Israel against Syria: Ja’afari (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Ja’afari told reporters outside the UN Security Council on Wednesday that Turkey was facilitating attacks against Syrian forces by al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups through the country’s northern borders and the Israeli regime was doing the same in the occupied Golan Heights...........................




********False Flag preparations by Turkey against Syria......********


9-4-2014: Syria’s sarin whodunit: Assigning responsibility for war crime (http://rt.com/)


8-4-2014: Syria false flag could have triggered WWIII: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


4-4-2014: The Red Line and the Rat Line. Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels (http://www.lrb.co.uk)


30-3-2014: ‘Turkish elections deferred false flag operation against Syria’ (http://rt.com)


30-3-2014: Suleiman Shah and Turkey’s Election Invasion of Syria: Wag the Dog Turkish-Style? (http://www.strategic-culture.org/)


29-3-2014: Leaked Audio Recording: Turkey Plans False Flag Attacks to Create Pretext for “Humanitarian” War on Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


28-3-2014: YouTube ban: How Turkish officials conspired to stage Syria attack to provoke war (http://rt.com)


28-3-2014: Media Neglect Turkish False Flag Attack Leak And Its Implications (http://www.moonofalabama.org)


28-3-2014: Turkey Blocks YouTube After Syria Incursion Plans Leaked (http://www.bloomberg.com)


The leaked tape is the latest in a series of recordings posted anonymously on the Internet since December, some of them allegedly from a police investigation, which have embroiled Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a corruption scandal and led to the departure of four cabinet ministers..............................


Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the main opposition party, said at a rally in Hatay, near the Syrian border, that the government is responsible for arming and training militants in Syria, which it has denied. He accused the government of “preparing provocations” that would open the way for military intervention, Haberturk news service reported




27-3-2014: Turkish Political and Military Leaders Admit to Planning False Flag Terror to Justify a War with Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


27-3-2014: Turkey shuts off YouTube after 'Syria invasion plan' leak (http://rt.com)


The latest leaked audio recording, which reportedly led to the ban, appears to show top government officials discussing a potential attack on the tomb of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire...................................................


On the tape, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu is heard saying that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sees any attack as an "opportunity" to increase Turkish presence in Syria, where it has staunchly supported the anti-Assad rebels. Security chief Hakan Fidan then goes one step further, and suggests staging a fake attack to give Turkey a casus belli to intervene in the conflict.


"I'll send 4 men from Syria, if that's what it takes. I'll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary," the security chief said




27-3-2014: Turkey YouTube Ban: Full Transcript of Leaked Syria 'War' Conversation Between Erdogan Officials (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk)




26-3-2014: Turkey Vs. Syria: NATO’s Last Gasp? (http://journal-neo.org)


Turkey’s renewed vigor appears to be in part a result of pressure placed on Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan by US-backed mobs who have been taking to the streets for months seeking his ouster........................


That the plane was shot down while conducting air raids against militants crossing over the Syrian-Turkish border, and even fell within Syrian territory – suggests that not only did Turkey unreasonably target a Syrian warplane it knew posed no threat to Turkey, but did so while providing anti-air support for internationally designated terrorists it is harboring within its territory........


However, despite the renewed rhetorical vigor, the West has been directing a torrent of cash, weapons, equipment, and even foreign fighters over Syria’s borders since 2011 to no avail.........


Second, as a NATO member for decades, Turkey’s role in aiding and abetting Al Qaeda terrorists, including harboring them within its territory, providing them with material support, and even coordinating its military assets including its air force during this latest incursion into neighboring Syria – all while NATO is allegedly fighting “Al Qaeda” in Afghanistan, further illustrates the profound hypocrisy of not only Turkey’s foreign policy, but undermines utterly both NATO’s legitimacy and the legitimacy of each nation’s foreign policy counted among its membership........


Turkey’s recent obstruction of Syria in its battle against internationally designated terrorist groups within and along its borders will give the enemies of Ankara the ability to further leverage the Kurdish struggle for independence against Turkish interests. On a more international scale, Turkey’s behavior, particularly as a member of NATO, could be cited by nations such as Pakistan in regards to NATO’s cross-border incursions from Afghanistan........................


The West’s legitimacy and reputation continues to suffer as a direct result of its systematic and increasingly overt hypocrisy..........................




26-3-2014: Takfiri militants damage Shia shrine in north Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


26-3-2014: Al Qaeda militants moving from Pakistan to set up in Syria: NYT (http://www.dawn.com)


A New York Times report has claimed that Al Qaeda militants and planners travelled from Pakistan to Syria where they are seeking to establish a base in order to carry out strikes against the United States and Europe in the future


Senior US counter-terror officials have also voiced fears that western fighters could be radicalised and used by the outlawed outfit for carrying out attacks in their home countries upon their return from Syria




26-3-2014: Saudi Arabia arming, financing lunatic militants: Kevin Barrett (http://www.presstv.ir)


“The Saudis are trying to throw money and weapons at all of these people, mainly at the lunatics hoping that they will go and overthrow somebody else’s government over in Syria,” Kevin Barrett said in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday


He added that the Saudi regime has requested the Western governments to “hand over large numbers of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to these [militant] groups in Syria




25-3-2014: Turkey Shoots Down Syrian Jet to Support AlQaeda Offensive (http://www.syrianews.cc)


The downing of a Syrian jet by Turkey was not an isolated incident but part of a major offensive by AlQaeda affiliated groups Jabhat Al Nusra and Ahrar Al Sham against a Syria-Turkey border crossing.  Turkey has been supporting AlQaeda’s attack on the Kassab border crossing, the only crossing that was still held by the Syrian Military..........................




25-3-2014: Crown Prince says world betrayed Syrian opposition (http://www.arabnews.com)


The prince called for changing the balance of power on the ground in Syria,......................................


Prince Salman said terrorism, especially in the region, poses serious threat to the peoples of the region, their stsbaility and development.


“We are required to be cautious and take necessary measures to combat and uproot terrorism….terrorism has become a tool to spread chaos, division and sow seeds of sedition, which necessitates a joint, unified stand to face it,” Prince Salman said in his address




24-3-2014: Clashes Spread Near Syria's Border With Turkey (http://abcnews.go.com)



24-3-2014: Moscow: Escalation on Syrian-Turkish borders requires efforts unification to combat terrorism (http://sana.sy)


Moscow affirmed Monday that the arising situation on the Syrian-Turkish borders requires unification of different sides' efforts to combat terrorism decisively, calling for self-restraint and non escalation.............................




23-3-2014: Syrian Rebels Capture Town Near Turkish Border (http://abcnews.go.com/)


Hard-line Islamic rebels captured a small town in northwestern Syria near the Turkish border ..............


Fighters from an array of armed opposition groups seized the predominantly Armenian Christian town of Kassab on Sunday. The rebels, including militant from the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front, have also wrested control of a nearby border crossing to Turkey




23-3-2014: Syria slams Saudi support for militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria has once again complained to the United Nations about Saudi Arabia’s role in supporting foreign-backed militants operating against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.


In letters to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and President of the Security Council Sylvie Lucas, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said Riyadh is still fanning the flames of turmoil in Syria



23-3-2014: ISIL radicals execute and crucify man in Syria’s Raqqa: Video (http://en.alalam.ir)


The extremist militant group of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) have crucified a civilian after executing him in Syria’s Raqqa, where the group has been holding a permanent base


A video was circulated over the internet showing a man’s corpse fastened to a cross with a banner hanged above his head which read the man was killed because he had murdered someone to still his assets


There are many reports of tortures, radical punishments and public executions coming from Raqqa, while many incidents remain unreported because people fear they may get caught by ISIL members


23-3-2014: From Turkey’s Covert War on Syria to the “Crimea Connection” (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


PM Erdogan for his part, did his best to aid and abet the United States, England, and their regional collaborators in the Middle East to destabilize and overthrow the government of neighboring Syria..............................


Erdogan would even go as far as harboring terrorists within Turkish territory, providing them with logistical support, and even helping steer vast quantities of cash and arms into their hands...............................


In addition to the squandering of Turkey’s political capital and global reputation during its involvement in the Syrian conflict, the West now appears to be positioning Turkey as a potential battering ram against Russia regarding the Crimea standoff.............................




22-3-2014: UK citizen invites Britons to battle in Syria, video shows (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A British man operating alongside militants in Syria has called on fellow citizens in a recruitment video to join armed groups in the Arab country.


In the video, released by an al-Qaeda-linked group, the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a masked man with a London accent encourages “brothers and sisters” back home to rush to Syria to engage in what he calls the “holy war.................................................................




22-3-2014: Syria Crusader castle Krak des Chevaliers has war scars (http://www.bbc.com)


Government troops in Syria have recaptured the historic Crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers from rebels, close to the border with Lebanon..................


An officer said the army had killed 93 rebels in fierce fighting in the area on Thursday, while there appeared to be heavy damage to a nearby village........




22-3-2014: Al-Jaafari: Turkish army covered and facilitated terrorists’ attack on Syrian-Turkish borders (http://sana.sy)


In the letters, al-Jaafari said “following up on our letters directed to you on terrorist activities carried out by terrorist groups and entities linked to Al Qaeda in the Syrian Arab Republic and the direct involvement of the Turkish government in supporting said activities, and based on instructions from the Syrian government, I would like to bring to your attention the following: ..................................


Al-Jaafari said that this position shows the continuation of Turkey’s role in supporting terrorism in the region, proving that it provides military support to Al Qaeda and affiliated organizations regardless of the names they operate under, in addition to constituting a violation of international law, the UN charter, and the basis of friendly and good neighbor relations among countries.........................




21-3-2014: UN agency says number of Syria refugees doubled in 2013 (http://www.presstv.ir)


The UN refugee agency says the number of Syrian asylum seekers in developed countries doubled last year from 2012, as the turmoil in the Arab country entered its fourth year


The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in a report on Friday that the number of Syrians seeking asylum in 44 industrialized countries increased to 56,400 in 2013 from 25,200 in 2012 and 8,500 in 2011




20-3-2014: Viral Photo Of Syrian War Victims Comes To Times Square (http://www.npr.org)


The image is epic. It shows thousands of desperate people waiting in a gray canyon of rubble framed by shattered buildings to receive food aid in Yarmouk camp, near Damascus....................................


"A lot of children that I saw, their hands were completely black," says an aid worker who wants her name withheld...................




20-3-2014: Mortar shells hit school in Homs, kill 4 kids (http://www.presstv.ir/)


19-3-2014: Takfiris carry out mass murders in Syria: UN (http://www.presstv.ir/)


18-3-2014: Disillusioned foreign fighters abandon rebel ranks in Syria (http://www.ft.com)


Hundreds of foreign fighters have abandoned rebel ranks in northern Syria as frustration rises over bloody infighting there..........................


More than 4,000 people have died in three months of rebel-on-rebel clashes across opposition-held territories in northern and eastern Syria..........................


Activists and rebels say Saudis, Kuwaitis, Libyans, Tunisians, Yemenis and European fighters have been among those who have returned home, with a few headed to other battlefields.......


An estimated 11,000 foreign fighters remain in Syria and European intelligence analysts say the number of militants leaving is small – and fighters are still coming......................




18-3-2014: Syria conflict: UN reports mass executions by ISIS (http://www.bbc.com)


Jihadist rebels have carried out mass executions of detainees in Syria, UN human rights investigators say.........................


The report by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria covers what it says were the "most egregious violations" of human rights committed between 20 January and 10 March.................




17-3-2014: Car bomb attack kills 6, injures 20 in Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


16-3-2014: Tunisian terrorist admits to destroying Syria mosques (http://en.alalam.ir)


Tunisian mercenary that was fighting along with foreign-backed insurgents in Syria has made a televised confession upon his return to Tunisia, admitting to destroying mosques while in Syria with the objective of blaming it on the Syrian army and demonize government forces in the eyes of the public..........................




16-3-2014: Syria: Destruction and Murder Funded by Foreign Forces: Mother Agnes Mariam Challenges the UNHRC (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


We have just arrived from Syria. Syria, where there is evidence of death, destruction and outright murder, in all cities, villages and regions of the country..................


Saudi Arabia  has acknowledged that these groups belong to terrorist organizations;  yet at the same time Saudi Arabia is training the terrorists and funding them in order to destroy Syria...............


Al Raqqa is governed by Daash [a terrorist organization] with iron and fire. A girl was killed there just because she possessed an account on Facebook. Churches in Al-Raqqa have become the headquarters for Daash.............................


Who are the leaders of Daash and Al-Nusrah? Qataris, Saudis, Chechens, Afghans, and even Chinese!................................................


Ismailis, in contrast, who usually were the masters of the opposition in Syria, are exposed today to a form of genocide just because they Ismailis.................................


Ismailis suffered in Adra the worst kind of genocide. They have been also subjected in Alcavat to a terrorist attack that resulted in the killing of innocent people. This is also the case of Tal Aldoura and Salamieh........................




15-3-2014: SYRIA: Who is Behind The Protest Movement? Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO “Humanitarian Intervention” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


14-3-2014: Al-Qaeda splinter group in Syria leaves two provinces: activists (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


An al Qaeda splinter group in Syria pulled out of two provinces in the country's northwest on Friday and headed to its eastern strongholds after months of clashes with rival rebels, activists said...............................


The infighting has nevertheless further complicated a war that has killed over 140,000 people and forced millions to flee their homes. The war enters its fourth year this month..............




12-3-2014: UN refugee chief warns of 'total disaster' in Syria (http://www.jpost.com)


"We see the war going on and on and on, not only with tragic humanitarian consequences with suffering of Syrian people that is unimaginable, but also becoming a serious threat to global peace and security, not only to regional stability but also to global peace and security................




11-3-2014: Syria war: new push against Assad being planned, reports suggest (http://www.theguardian.com)


After months of battlefield stalemate in Syria, a flurry of reports from Washington, Jerusalem, Amman and the Gulf suggests a major new clandestine effort is under way to open up a "southern front" against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.........................


...............................is set against a backdrop of secret talks in the US last month between Susan Rice, Barack Obama's national security adviser, and Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the Saudi interior minister in charge of covert action programmes in Syria..................




11-3-2014: Al Qaeda hijacks spirit of Syria revolt three years on (http://www.trust.org)


In interviews with Reuters, Syrians who have escaped areas that have fallen under the control of al Qaeda-linked groups have spoken of the way the jihadists have imposed their harsh and often violent version of Islam on their fellow Muslims.....................


Many of those who initially succeeded in liberating large parts of northern Syria from government control soon found themselves under the yoke of foreign jihadists......................


....................Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as one of its fighters told Reuters, is to set up an Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East and on the doorstep of Europe, rather than fight the Assads



Syrians, according to the U.N., are about to replace Afghans as the world's largest refugee population. So far 2.4 million have fled a conflict that has killed 140,000 people....................


Gulf official said world powers now realised that inaction had been a mistake, increasing the numbers of potential terrorists who are a threat to the region and beyond.......................


"They told us: 'you are infidels who want to sin, you don't want to apply sharia'," said Khalil. "Islam is strongly present in Syria but not this kind of Islam. They disfigured the religion and the revolution.........................


They forced Christians to pay protection taxes, activists said. They beheaded men in public squares because they fought for the mainstream rebel Free Syrian Army........................


................. describes his home as an ISIL province, ruled by terror. He said every Friday they executed activists, Free Syrian Army fighters and also looters in the public square, either by the sword or by gunfire...............




11-3-2014: Four arrested on suspicion of helping extremists go to Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Three men and a woman have been arrested on suspicion of helping fanatics travel to Syria to fight........


10-3-2014: Released nuns arrive in Damascus amid popular and religious reception (http://sana.sy)


10-3-2014: Other side of war; Horrible report of health condition in Syria (http://en.alalam.ir/)


Syria’s healthcare system has crushed down to highly concerning levels with unheard diseases getting epidemic, doctors running away, and medicine shortage so dire that people get unconscious for medical treatments with metal bars................................




10-3-2014: Charity tells of healthcare disaster in Syria (http://www.aljazeera.com)


Syria's civil conflict has left the country's health system so severely crippled that some patients are "opting to be knocked out with metal bars for lack of anaesthesia," a new report by the Save the Children charity says


The charity said more than 10,000 young lives had been lost as a direct result of the violence


"The extent of the decline in Syria’s health system is demonstrated in many horrific ways, including children having limbs amputated because the clinics they present to don't have necessary equipment to treat them,"




10-3-2014: Syria Is One of the Most Dangerous Places on Earth for Children (http://time.com)


A United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report published Monday calls Syria one of the most dangerous places in the world for children, 5.5 million of whom have been affected by the country’s three-year war........................................


At least 10,000 children are estimated to have been killed during the war in Syria.......................




10-3-2014: Kidnapped nuns thank negotiators after being freed in Syria (http://www.theguardian.com)


10-3-2014: Syrian rebels release 13 nuns after three month ordeal (http://www.irishtimes.com)


Syrian insurgents released 13 nuns and three attendants who disappeared three months ago from their monastery in the ancient Christian town of Maaloula...........


Their release came after negotiations that, according to official media and Syrian insurgents, involved Lebanese and Syrian officials, the intelligence chief of Qatar, a country that has supported the revolt in Syria, and members of the radical Islamist insurgent group the Nusra Front.............


A Damascus priest, Makaious Kalloumah, said on Syrian television that the Qataris aimed to “shine their image” after Saudi Arabia and other allies withdrew their ambassadors last week in a dispute over regional politics..............................




9-3-2014: Wealthy Saudis sexually abuse young Syrian girls: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


A report says young Syrian girls whose families have lost everything due to three years of turmoil in Syria are being sexually exploited in neighboring countries, especially by wealthy Saudis




9-3-2014: Annan: Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey supplied Syrian opposition with money and arms (http://sana.sy)


Former UN Secretary General and former international envoy to Syria Kofi Annan said Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have supplied the “Syrian opposition” with money and arms.


In an interview with the Austrian Die Presse newspaper, Annan noted that some regional and Western countries rejected the six-point plan which he presented for solving the crisis in Syria because they had differences with the Syrian leadership or with Iran, Russia and China, adding that those countries then formed the so-called “Friends of Syria” group




9-3-2014: Syria Christian nuns held by militants freed: Sources (http://www.presstv.ir/)


About a dozen Christian nuns held by foreign-backed militants in Syria for over three months have been freed and are on their way to Damascus via Lebanon, a Lebanese security source says.


The security source said the nuns had been taken to the Lebanese town of Arsal earlier in the week and were on their way to Syria on Sunday




9-3-2014: Easy prey: The sexual exploitation of Syria's female refugees (http://www.independent.co.uk)


8-3-2014: Syria's road to hell: A hair-raising journey between Damascus and Tartous (http://www.independent.co.uk)


8-3-2014: Terrorists slaughter 10 citizens in Daraa (http://sana.sy/)


Terrorists of foreign nationalities slaughtered 10 citizens, among them an elderly man and a 10 year-old child in Daraa province......


A videotape circulated on websites showed gruesome scenes of terrorists speaking foreign languages, picking hostages and forcing them to kneel in a row




7-3-2014: ISIL kills civilians, including kids, in Syria: Video (http://www.presstv.ir/)


New video footage has emerged showing execution of a group of civilians, including several children, by al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria.


The video, posted online on Friday, showed the Takfiri militants committing the war crime near the northern city of Aleppo




6-3-2014: Archbishop Hindo: Christians do not support the Kurdish autonomous entity (http://www.fides.org)


Christians in the north-eastern Syrian province of Jazira have ruled out any support regarding the creation of an autonomous Kurdish region in the area surrounding the towns of Qamishli and Hassakι.........................




6-3-2014: 15 killed, 12 injured in car bomb attack in Syria's Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


6-3-2014: Syria militants move kidnapped nuns (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign-backed militants have reportedly moved a group of Christian nuns they kidnapped last year as negotiators lost contact with the group.


The militants abducted 13 nuns and three maids from the ancient Christian town of Ma’loula on December 2, 2013 and transported them to the nearby town of Yabroud, which is a militant stronghold that government forces are fighting to retake




6-3-2014: Five killed, 20 injured in Syria's Hama bomb blast (http://www.presstv.ir)


6-3-2014: Syria is top training ground for al Qaeda, Senate is told (http://security.blogs.cnn.com)


"Syria has become the pre-eminent location for al Qaeda-aligned groups to recruit, to train and to equip what is now a growing number of extremists, some of who seek to conduct external attacks," Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told a congressional hearing on Thursday...........................


Foreign fighters attracted to the Syrian battleground "represent a long-term threat to U.S. national security interests," Burns said while likening the environment to an "incubator for extremism" on both sides of the Sunni and Shiite sectarian divide.................




6-3-2014: ‘ISIL militants ruin religious sites in Syria’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Members of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were blamed on Wednesday by a Western-sponsored pro-opposition rights group for detonating a bomb at the tomb of a religious figure in the rural town of Manbij on the outskirts of Aleppo, in northwestern Syria......


The paper further cited other regional media outlets as saying that a female unit of the ISIL, which is widely believed to be sponsored by Saudi Arabia, detained 10 female high school students in the city of Raqqa




6-3-2014: UN rights investigators slam Syria militants for crimes (http://www.presstv.ir/)


5-3-2014: People rally across Syria, voice support for army (http://www.presstv.ir/)


People across Syria have held massive rallies to voice their support for the country’s army which has been battling foreign-backed militants over the past three years.....................




4-3-2014: Over 350,000 families internally displaced in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


4-3-2014: SNC head, US officials met in Jordan: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


3-3-2014: Saudi calls on all foreign fighters to leave Syria (http://www.kcautv.com)


Saudi Arabia's Cabinet has called for the withdrawal of all foreign fighters from Syria and is demanding they face international justice if they committed war crimes there


Riyadh is concerned that Saudi militants in Syria could turn their weapons on the kingdom




3-3-2014: Militants destroy religious site in north Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria have destroyed a religious shrine in a village in the country’s north and kidnapped dozens of its inhabitants.


Militants from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attacked the village of Tel Marouf, located near the city of Qamishli, and burned houses along with a Sufi shrine belonging to Sheikh Khaznawi




1-3-2014: Russia hits out at West for 'flirting' with Islamist groups in Syria (http://voiceofrussia.com)


"Syrian government troops are waging an uncompromising fight against extremists and terrorists throughout the country. .....................


"Moreover, Christians are prohibited from building new and repairing old churches and monasteries. They cannot put crosses on their churches, conduct services outside their places of worship, ring bells, or hold cross processions. Christians cannot disseminate religious symbols or religious literature. Women are ordered to wear traditional Muslim clothes and cover their head. All these prescriptions threaten to throw modern Syrian society, which has always been known for its peaceful and respectful coexistence of different ethnic and religious groups, back to the Middle Ages,"




2-3-2014: The nature of war has changed, which is bleak news for Syria’s minorities (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The al-Qa’ida type Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (Isil) recently showed its intentions by posting a video on YouTube of its gunmen stopping trucks on a road, asking the drivers to prove their familiarity with Sunni rituals and shooting them dead when they fail the test. The killers never ask the drivers if they are Alawites, Shia, Christians, Druze or Ishmaili; simply not being Sunni gets a death sentence.................


The jihadi groups that now dominate the armed opposition automatically kill non-Sunnis, who make up some 25 per cent of Syria’s population. In other words, at least five million Syrians have good reason to fear that they will be slaughtered if the rebels win the civil war


The atrocities of the rebels do not exculpate the government or vice versa. But when politicians such as William Hague and the US Secretary of State demonise only government actions, they give a false picture of what is happening in Syria.........................................


As paymasters, the Sunni oil states of the Gulf set the agenda and it is a deeply reactionary one. It is hypocritical and absurd for Western powers to pretend that they are seeking to build secular democracies in alliance with theocratic absolute monarchies in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf......



28-2-2014: Syria On Track To Become World's Largest Source Of Refugees (http://www.npr.org)


28-2-2014: Syrian extremist group posts hand amputation photos on Twitter (http://www.foxnews.com)


An extremist Syrian group took to Twitter Friday to live-tweet pictures of rebels helping to chop off the hand of an alleged thief...................


The first photo showed rebels positioning the hand of a blindfolded man on a table as a large crowd looked on, the Washington Post reported Friday. A masked man nearby is holding a large sword. Another man, wearing the traditional white robe favored in Arab Gulf countries, reads from a paper statement....................................................




28-2-2014: Generations on, Christians fleeing Syria return to Turkish homeland (http://www.reuters.com/)


The sectarian strife that has rent apart Syria's delicate multi-ethnic fabric has spawned a severe humanitarian crisis and driven 2.5 million refugees into neighboring countries.........


..................figure for Christians who have left, but estimates vary between 300,000 and 500,000, says Mark Ohanian, director of programs of the International Orthodox Christian Charities, which works inside Syria...........


.............................have been targeted by rebels in some parts of Syria and feel threatened by increasingly hardline Islamist fighters


He estimates more than 5,000 Syriacs have passed through Turkey but the precise number is unknown...............................


Hardline Islamists are said to be behind attacks on Christians, spurred by politics or money......


"Middle Eastern Christians are going through the period of their biggest decline, and it is irreversible," he said, pointing to the nearly 70 percent drop in Iraq's Christian population since the U.S. invasion of 2003


It depicts "Seyfo," the Year of the Sword in 1915, when historians say 250,000 Syriacs were slaughtered by Ottoman Turks during World War One.....................




27-2-2014: ISIL extorts gold from Christians in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


27-2-2014: Syria and Washington’s Plan B: Building a Case for “Humanitarian” Military Intervention, Again (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


With the predictable failure of the Syrian peace conference, the call for the Obama administration to wage a humanitarian war to save civilians in Syria is once again being championed by some elements of the mainstream media in the U.S


As I have argued since the beginning of this manufactured conflict, peace and particularly the humanity of the Syrian people are the last things on the minds of U.S. policy-makers


That is why the Islamic fundamentalist groups that U.S. intelligence services helped to arm, train and deploy with destructive efficiency (without much real concern if they were affiliated with al-Qaeda) have targeted all of the institutions of the Syrian state – schools, hospitals, government agencies, electrical stations, water and sanitation facilities, food distribution networks – as part of their strategy.




27-2-2014: 25 killed in explosions in Syria's Idlib, Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


27-2-2014: Jihadists subjugate Christians in captured Syrian city (http://www.haaretz.com)


A jihadist group in Syria has demanded that Christians in the city of Raqqa pay a levy in gold and curb displays of their faith in return for protection, according to a statement posted online on Wednesday..................................


The directive from ISIS, which cites the Islamic concept of "dhimma," requires Christians in the city to pay tax of around half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety................


It says Christians must not make renovations to churches, display crosses or other religious symbols outside churches, ring church bells or pray in public.  Christians must not carry arms, and must follow other rules imposed by ISIS on their daily lives.................................


26-2-2014: Turkish foreign minister says world has failed Syria (http://www.reuters.com)


The crisis was "a threat to all", he said in an interview, pointing to what he called the totalitarian nature of the Assad government and the presence of al Qaeda-linked armed groups.................


But a long-simmering internal debate over Turkey's policy on Syria and other Arab Spring countries is starting to boil up once more, as fears grow of blowback from Ankara's support for Syrian rebels increasingly dominated by Islamist factions...........




24-2-2014: Russia worried by Saudi’s plan for Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir/)


"We are seriously concerned about the mass media reports citing gulfnews.com and saying that Saudi Arabia is willing to provide the Syrian opposition with MPADS and anti-tank systems made in Pakistan,”...........................................


“If this sensitive weapon falls into the hands of extremists and terrorists who have flooded Syria, there is a great probability that in the end it will be used far from the borders of this Middle Eastern country,”...................................




24-2-2014: Car bomb kills 14 on Syria-Turkey border (http://www.haaretz.com)


At least 14 people were killed and 70 wounded in a car bombing on Sunday near a field hospital in a Syrian town on the border with Turkey that serves as a main supply line for rebels fighting President Bashar Assad, activists said


The bomb exploded in the town of Atmeh, situated amid olive groves opposite the Turkish village of Bukulmez in the province of Hatay…………………………….




24-2-2014: Syria rebel leader Abu Khaled al-Suri killed in Aleppo (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


A rebel leader linked to al-Qaeda has been killed in a suicide bomb attack in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.


Abu Khaled al-Suri was among several people who died when a base of Ahrar al-Sham, part of the Islamic Front, was targeted on Sunday, activists said.


The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a jihadist rebel group, is thought to have been responsible.





23-2-2014: Saudi 'seeking Pakistani arms for Syrian rebels'


Saudi Arabia is in talks with Pakistan to provide anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets to Syrian rebels to try to tip the balance in the war to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, a Saudi source said Sunday........................


Jordan will be providing facilities to store the weapons before they are delivered to rebels within Syria, the same source said...................


Saudi Arabia has a strong influence on Syria's southern front, where it coordinates with Jordan, and has helped unite the rebel fighters in the area, according to Syrian opposition sources..............




23-2-2014: 'No one cares': The tragic truth of Syria's 500,000 refugee children (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


22-2-2014: KSA main sponsor of terror in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


A political analyst has warned against the continuation of militancy in Syria, saying Saudi Arabia is the main sponsor of terrorism in the crisis-hit country.


“Those militant groups [in Syria] are…simply fighting for resources, for territory and financing, which is coming from the Saudi regime, which has become, the main financer and has actually set up the arming, funding, logistical support and [is] actually paying salaries




21-2-2014: US Syria policy encourages extremists: Russia (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russia has accused the United States of observing a political approach towards Syria that encourages “extremists”.


US policy "encourages extremists who are financing terrorism and supplying terrorist organizations and groups with weapons," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said ……….




21-2-2014: Fears of Syria militancy expand influence of Saudi prince (http://www.reuters.com/)


Saudi Interior Minister Mohammed bin Nayef, perhaps the most powerful younger prince in the ruling al-Saud family, is shaping Riyadh's new emphasis on protecting the kingdom from a fresh wave of Islamist militancy inspired by the war in Syria………………….




21-2-2014: 52 more Syrians evacuated from war-torn Homs (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Evacuations continue from the Syrian flashpoint city of Homs under a deal that allows civilians to leave the ancient parts of the central city.


Fourteen civilians were evacuated on Friday from the besieged parts of the city known as Old Homs by the United Nations and the Red Crescent.


Thirty-eight other men held at a processing center were also allowed to leave Homs following routine investigations into their identity by the United Nation's Refugee Agency (UNHCR




20-2-2014: Syrians across the country say no to terrorism and yes to the Syrian Arab army (http://syria360.wordpress.com)


Thousands from Qudsayya, al-Dimas and al-Sabboura areas in Damascus countryside gathered in a massive popular rally in Qudsayya area to show support to the Syrian army operations against the armed terrorist groups and national principles


Residents of Misyaf city and its countryside in Hama province also went out in thousands in a rally during which they held up banners that glorify martyrdom and the martyrs and the heroic achievements of the Armed Forces


In Tartous province, a million man march  was organized on the Cornish where the masses expressed support to the firm national principles and Syrian Army


Residents of al-Haffeh city in Lattakia province staged a huge march in support of the national principles and the Syrian Arab Army………………………….




20-2-2014: British teen 'missing in Syria' after travelling to country with friend later killed in gun battle (http://www.mirror.co.uk)


A British teen is believed to have gone missing in Syria, after travelling to the country with a friend who was later killed in a gun battle.


The BBC reports that 19-year-old Azzam Javeed, from Levenshulme in Manchester, is understood to have gone to the war-torn country along with "suspected jihadist" Anil Khalil Raoufi last autumn




20-2-104: Moscow says U.S. policy on Syria aids 'terrorism' (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Moscow accused Washington Thursday of prolonging the Syrian conflict by supporting the opposition, on the eve of a UN Security Council vote that threatens to further deepen big power divisions......................


And Syria's government media said Jordan was seeking to stir up the southern front in the country's conflict after a stalemate in peace talks held in Geneva this month............................




19-2-2014: Spymasters gather to discuss Syria (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Western and Arab intelligence services that support Syria’s struggling opposition gathered for a two-day strategy meeting in Washington last week that appears to signal a stronger effort to back the rebels........................................................


The Washington gathering was also attended by spy chiefs from Turkey, Qatar, Jordan and other key regional powers that have been supporting the rebels........................


The intelligence chiefs discussed whether to supply more advanced weapons to the rebels, such as shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. The Saudis have stockpiles of such weapons and are ready to ship them,....................................


The CIA has organized the training effort. Currently, the camps, mostly in Jordan, can handle about 250 fighters a month, and many more than 1,000 fighters have come through this program.......




19-2-2014: US and allies in covert meetings to help regime change in Syria (http://en.alalam.ir)


Intelligence agents from the United States and its Arab allies in the Middle East are making secret arrangements to increase support for Syria militants to topple the Syrian government.


Western and Arab spy chiefs gathered for a meeting in Washington last week to discuss providing more advanced weapons and special training to the militants, The Washington Post reported in an article on Wednesday…………………….




19-2-2014: Letting warlords dominate the Syria agenda a disaster (http://gulfnews.com)


 18-2-2014: Syria’s refugees despair while the world is indifferent (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Refugees from besieged areas of Daraa, Homs, Aleppo and the suburbs of Damascus skirt government-held regions, pay middlemen for transport, provide bribes at checkpoints and finally walk across a desert no man’s land to arrive in Jordan with little but poignant bundles of blankets and clothing......................................


The refugees report increasing hunger in parts of Syria. “We were eating grass like goats,” a woman named Rwan told me before boarding a truck...........................




18-2-2014: Valued ‘Ally’ Saudi Arabia Supports Terrorism, Urges US War in Syria (http://antiwar.com)


Saudi Arabia, the brutal authoritarian theocracy that the democracy-promoting Washington claims as one of its closest allies, has a bit of a history of pressuring the U.S. into Middle East wars…..


Saudi Arabia also has a rather incriminating and duplicitous history of harboring Islamic extremists of the al-Qaeda, jihadist type. They helped the U.S. fund the mujahideen in Afghanistan……..


Estimates of the number of Saudis fighting in Syria range as high as 2,500. Some are hardened veterans of earlier jihads in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq. A few are compatriots of Osama bin Laden. Others traveled to Syria from the kingdom, despite individual travel bans imposed for dissident activities at home…………………………..


To sum up, Saudi Arabia’s policy on Syria amounts to funding groups considered by Washington to be terrorists and to lobbying the President of the United States to destroy the Damascus government.




18-2-2014: Young girl stoned to death by religious extremists in Syria for using Facebook (http://www.sundayworld.com)


A young girl, whose age is the subject of debate, has been stoned to death in Syria for something the majority of women worldwide do on a daily basis.


Fatoum Al-Jassem, thought to be 14 or 15, was caught using Facebook and brought before a Sharia court in the northern city of Ar Raqqah.


There, she was found guilty under Shariah, mediated by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) faction, and sentenced to death by stoning




18-2-2014: Israel and Saudi Arabia’s Priorities in Syria. Covert Militarism and the “Lebanonization Strategy (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Current developments both inside and outside of Syria have shown that the primary sponsors of the extremist-dominated insurgency – namely, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and Turkey – aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel


Since the US took the typically reckless decision to support, widen and exacerbate the militant elements, the policy has been an abject failure. Clearly, from the tone espoused by Western diplomats and propagandists, and the oft-repeated slogan of “Assad’s days are numbered”, they expected swift regime change………………………………….


As is proving to be the case, if the United States and its allies are incapable of removing the Syrian government via proxy forces without an increasingly unpopular Western military intervention, and Assad’s position and domestic support remain steadfast, then a Lebanonization strategy may well be the substitute “optimal scenario” the US and its allies are now working toward…………




18-2-2014: Western Imperialism’s Creative Destruction in Syria (http://www.strategic-culture.org)


US-led Western regime change in Syria might be described as a process of creative destruction……


We begin with the premise that the humanitarian crisis in Syria over the past nearly three years is largely as a result of a Western covert proxy war inflicted on that country. The objective is to destabilize, terrorize and eventuate regime change in the Arab country…………


The highly criminal process has attempted to destroy a sovereign country in order to create a new political order, one that is bereft of the existing political establishment under President Bashar Al Assad……………….


But which party is responsible for the sieges and the humanitarian suffering? Typically, the Western governments and the Western news media are blaming the Syrian authorities and army for imposing blockades. As with much of their narrative, there is scant factual evidence to support and it seems to rely on assertion and innuendo


As it turns out in fact, Russia and China are correct in their assessment of the civilian sieges in Syria. Both tend to substantially agree with the Syrian government’s account that the humanitarian suffering of civilians trapped within Homs Old City, as well as in parts of Damascus and Aleppo, are the result of the Western-backed mercenaries


Now think about that. If the Syrian government forces were really imposing a barbaric siege on citizens in the Old City district, as the Western media maintain, would those emerging starving citizens then voluntarily go to government-held areas for refuge and respite?




17-2-2014: CNN Exclusive: Videos show brutality of radical group ISIS in Syria (http://edition.cnn.com)


This video clip was one of a variety recently obtained by CNN from Syrian activists. They document atrocities committed not by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, but rather by members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS, which emerged last year as a major power in opposition-controlled parts of northern Syria…………….




17-2-2014: ‘US to ship arms to Syria militants via Jordan’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The United States and its allies are planning to use Jordan as their main base for sending state-of-art weaponry to foreign-backed militants fighting against the Syrian government, Western diplomatic sources say……………


American and European security and intelligence experts are in Jordan to develop two scenarios, the first of which would facilitate the deployment of US and British forces in Syria, the sources said………….




17-2-2014: What's happening in Syria is an abomination (http://www.theguardian.com/)


What's happening in Syria is an abomination, one that the world is watching coldly from a distance. Where is our emotional intelligence, our sense of collective justice?.....................


We must work together to end this war and to protect the children of Syria. The international community has watched from the sidelines for three years as this conflict rages, engulfing all hope. As a father and grandfather I watch the suffering of Syria's children and must now say: no more…..




16-2-2014: US, UK main architects of Syria crisis: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Britain and the US are the main orchestrators of the devastation scenario in Syria as the neocolonialist agenda of the duet focuses on supporting terrorism and divisions in different countries, a political analyst tells Press TV……..




15-2-2014: Saudi Arabia to supply Syrian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles – report (http://rt.com)


Frustrated by the deadlock of the second round of Geneva 2 talks, Saudi Arabia has reportedly offered to supply the rebels with anti-aircraft missiles. Meanwhile Russia has accused the US of once again hijacking peace talks and pushing for regime change…….


According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Russian-made antitank guided missiles and Chinese man-portable air-defense systems are up for grabs, already waiting in warehouses in Jordan and Turkey………………….


The Wall Street Journal also reports that their rebel sources claimed the US government is paying their salaries to fight the Assad forces. The Southern Front brigades allegedly received $3 million in cash in salaries during the two meetings in Jordan, one held on January 30 and the other late last year


“The only thing they want to talk about is the establishment of a transitional governing body Sergey Lavrov said Friday after meeting with the German foreign minister in Moscow. “Only after that are they ready to discuss the urgent and most pressing problems, like terrorism……


“Now they are saying that to keep talking is senseless, because the government (of Syria) doesn't want to agree about the makeup of a transitional governing body. We are going in circles,” Lavrov said




14-2-2014: Saudis Agree to Provide Syrian Rebels With Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles (http://online.wsj.com)


Washington's Arab allies, disappointed with Syria peace talks, have agreed to provide rebels there with more sophisticated weaponry……..


Saudi Arabia has offered to give the opposition for the first time Chinese man-portable air defense systems, or Manpads, and antitank guided missiles from Russia, according to an Arab diplomat and several opposition figures with knowledge of the efforts. Saudi officials couldn't be reached to comment…………….


The U.S. for its part has stepped up financial support, handing over millions of dollars in new aid to pay fighters' salaries, said rebel commanders who received some of the money. The U.S. wouldn't comment on any payments……………….


The focus of the new rebel military push is to retake the southern suburbs of Damascus in hopes of forcing the regime to accept a political resolution to the war by agreeing to a transitional government without President Bashar al-Assad


"New stuff is arriving imminently," said a Western diplomat with knowledge of the weapons deliveries


The weapons will flow across the border into southern Syria from the warehouses in Jordan and across the northern border from Turkey, the Western diplomat said




12-2-2014: US/UN Fears Assad Win in Free Syrian Election? (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/)


[U.N. Undersecretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey] Feltman, during a visit to Iran last summer, asked officials to convince Assad not to run in the elections. The Iranian officials asked him: ‘What’s the problem if he runs,' to which Feltman responded: ‘If he runs, he will win the elections………………………..


Feltman is not just any UN bureaucrat. In the revolving door between the UN and US government, he previously served as US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs from August 2009 to June 2012 and as United States Ambassador to Lebanon from July 2004 to January 2008. Before that he served in post-"liberation" Iraq


More recently, Feltman was an important cast member in the above-mentioned "Ukraine-gate" phone call between US undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. In the Ukraine drama, his former State Department colleagues agreed that Feltman could be trusted to appoint a UN official to "glue" together the deal they were cooking up




11-2-2014: Suicide terrorism thriving in Syria, is threat to West, Israel new report warns (http://www.jpost.com)


Suicide terrorism is thriving in Syria, is spreading and destabilizing neighboring Lebanon and threatens the security of Western states, a study published this week warned…………


………..found that 15 percent of all suicide bombings in the world in 2013 took place in Syria, and noted a surge of similar attacks in Lebanon since the start of 2014


………suicide bombings were imported into Syria by terrorists copying al-Qaida attacks in Iraq and other Islamic battle arenas




11-2-2014: Syria militants rely on foreign funds: Russian official (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Head of the Russian parliament’s international affairs committee says the fate of Syria militants depends on their foreign sponsors…………………………………………………………


 10-2-2014: Nurturing the impulse to save Syria’s millions (http://www.csmonitor.com/)


Besides hosting the Winter Olympics, Russia has played another role on the world scene in recent days. It has pushed its ally, Syria, to allow in United Nations buses to rescue hundreds of starving people in the besieged city of Homs……………………




10-2-2014: Rebel attack on Syrian Alawite village kills 40 (http://news.yahoo.com)


Extremist Islamic rebels who overran a village in central Syria populated by the Alawite minority have killed at least 40 people, activists said Monday…………….


Half of the victims in the attack, which occurred on Sunday, were civilians, including women, ……………….


Islamic extremists, including foreign fighters and Syrian rebels who have taken up hard-line al-Qaida-style ideologies , have played an increasingly prominent role among the rebel fighters fighting forces loyal to Assad, who is a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam……


A video uploaded by the rebels of the Jund al-Aqsa Brigade, which said it overran the village, showed them waving a black jihadi flag over the village rooftops as bearded, grinning men looted homes………….


10-2-2014: Terrorism with a “Human Face”: Syria Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” are “Not Killing Civilians” (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


The attacks by opposition forces largely integrated by Al Qaeda terrorists can no longer be denied.


What is now occurring is a re-branding of the various terrorist formations covertly support by Western intelligence.


The latest slur of media disinformation consists in providing a “human face” to Al Qaeda.


While the media acknowledges that the Al Nusrah front is integrated by Al Qaeda affiliated rebels, the  Islamist rebels affiliated with the New Islamic Front –which has received Washington’s ascent– are now portrayed as “freedom fighters” involved strictly in para-military operations




10-2-2014: Saidnaya under rebel attack: Christian locals believe they are targets of imminent insurgent ground invasion, CNN justifies rebel assault (http://levantreport.com)


It appears that the Islamist opposition forces who wrecked [sic] havoc in Maaloula may be preparing for a similar assault on the equally important Christian village of Saidnaya


Since October, insurgents have mounted multiple unsuccessful attempts to capture the mountaintop which overlooks Saidnaya – a strategic place from which they could destroy the city below


It is important to remember that the United States and other governments officially finance and supply weapons to some of these very groups


Shamefully, multiple Western mainstream media outlets uncritically reported opposition claims that the nuns were actually “rescued” from Syrian Army forces as a result of the rebel takeover of Maaloula.


Similar propaganda has already begun regarding the ongoing insurgent raids on Saidnaya. In a recent January 24 CNN exclusive report from Saidnaya, the CNN correspondent declared that “Cherubim Monastery is not a civilian target these days” – this because Syrian Army tanks and soldiers are protecting the monastery and the city below.




“The Syrian militants will endure as long as they keep receiving funding from abroad. They do not have any resources of their own. Their fate depends on their sponsors,”




10-2-2014: More Syrians flee besieged Homs Old City (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


Some 300 Syrians have fled Homs after both sides agreed to extend a three-day truce in the Old City, which has been under siege for 18 months…………………




10-2-2014: Militants seek ethnic cleansing in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The foreign-backed terrorists in Syria have orchestrated an ethnic cleansing scenario as they seek to establish a radical dictatorship in the country, a political analyst tells Press TV


“These terrorists and insurgents are opposed to any form of democracy as we understand it and they just want to establish radical dictatorship in Syria in which people are deprived, especially women, of their most fundamental rights that they enjoy right now,” he added.




10-2-2014: Takfiri militants in Syria slay 40 villagers (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed militants have carried out another slaughter in Syria, killing at least 40 people in an Alawite village in the country’s west-central province of Hama……………………




9-2-2014: Syria nuns taken from Maaloula in new video: Al-Jazeera (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


A group of nuns from the historic Christian-majority town of Maalula in Syria appeared in a new video broadcast by the Qatar-based satellite news channel Al-Jazeera on Sunday


The women are reportedly 12 nuns from a Greek Orthodox convent of Mar Takla in Maalula who were taken by gunmen in early December. Al-Jazeera said the video it broadcast on Sunday was recorded on February 5.




9-2-2014: 800 civilians evacuated from Syrian city of Homs (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Hundreds of Syrians have been evacuated by aid teams from besieged districts in the western city of Homs as operations to save civilians continue.


More than 800 civilians, mostly women and children, have been evacuated from the ancient parts of the city, known as Old Homs, despite raging fire from the militants, Syrian state media reported on Sunday




9-2-2014: 1,400 Saudi militants fight in Syria: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


6-2-2014: Some 50 Americans fighting alongside Syrian rebels and Al Qaeda – US officials (http://voiceofrussia.com)


According to the US official, Americans go to Syria for different reasons, "some are defending their family, some fighting perceived Shiite [Muslim] aggression, some are seeking the fall of Assad, some are going for humanitarian reasons and they get sucked into the extremism, some want to participate in global jihad, and some are just adventure seekers."


More than a dozen people who have returned to the US are under FBI surveillance, and even some of the returnees were ruled out as a threat, one senior official said on condition of anonymity, the LA Times reports.




5-2-2014: Fanatics in Syria vow to bring terror home to UK: Terrorists say they will attack public transport and financial centres (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


A group of Britons waging jihad in Syria have threatened to carry out terror attacks in the UK.

The extremists warned of atrocities on London’s public transport, at financial centres and also at the White House in the US.


They are believed to be the first direct threats of terrorist strikes in the West to emerge from Syria, where hundreds of Britons are among thousands of foreign fighters who have joined jihadist rebel groups.




5-2-2014: Tensions Grow Between Turkey, Radical Islamist Group Fighting in Syria (http://www.voanews.com)







5-2-2014: Children Conscripted, Tortured and Executed in Syria War: Report (http://www.nbcnews.com)


Children have been subjected to extreme torture during the Syrian Civil War -- including electric shocks, sexual violence and other tactics such as ripping out fingernails, a United Nations report says


Children died in mass killings allegedly committed by government forces in Dar'a, Hama, Homs and Tartus in 2012 and 2013, while rebels, who use young teenagers as fighters, have killed children in summary executions, the report says…………..




4-2-2014: Australian fighters in Syria alarm officials: The Australian government has confiscated passports in an effort to prevent attacks by returning fighters (http://www.aljazeera.com)


With estimates of up to 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria, Western powers are increasingly worried about the potential national security threat posed by returning fighters…………………


While there is no exact figure on the number of Australians who have gone to Syria, rough estimates suggest about 200 have fought in the nearly three-year war that has seen more than 130,000 people killed…………………………..


"The majority of Australians heading to Syria are from Lebanese backgrounds. The Lebanese youth here feel disadvantaged, isolated and discriminated against. Many [are] unemployed and have turned to religion as a result,"…………………………..


Immigration Minister Scott Morrison signalled that those who fight in Syria could be at risk of losing their citizenship, while the Australian Federal Police have said anyone returning from fighting there would be treated as a national security threat.




2-2-2014: War Machine Again Gearing Up to Bomb Syria (http://www.lewrockwell.com)


The warmongers clearly have been seeding the press and politics in order to get their war against Syria………………………..


All the moves are aimed to manipulate public opinion and justify war against the Assad government.




2-2-2014: Al-Qaeda fighters kill Syrian rebel leaders: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant attack and kill commanders of rivals in escalation of infighting among rebels (http://www.aljazeera.com)


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which has links with al-Qaeda, said it carried out the attack on Tawhid, a brigade aligned to the Islamic Front coalition, a group fighing the ISIL in Aleppo and beyond.


In another attack late on Saturday in Hama, the leader of the powerful Suqour al-Sham group, Abu Hussein al-Dik, was killed by the ISIL, according to sources spoken to by Al Jazeera




1-2-2014: Indonesian militants fighting in Syria: Report (http://english.ahram.org.eg)


"The conflict in Syria has captured the imagination of Indonesian extremists in a way no foreign war has before," ……………………..


"The enthusiasm for Syria is directly linked to predictions in Islamic eschatology that the final battle at the end of time will take place in Sham, the region sometimes called Greater Syria, or the Levant, encompassing Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel,"…………………


This notion has attracted Indonesians from different radical streams to go or try to go to Syria, including the Jemaah Islamiyah, or JI, ……………………




30-1-2014: US spy chief warns of Syria terror backlash (http://www.presstv.ir)


29-1-2014: Takfiri supporters not willing to end Syria crisis: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


29-1-2014: US spy chiefs say number of foreign militants in Syria rises (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/)


More than 7,000 foreign militants are fighting for the rebels in Syria's civil war and some are being trained to return home and conduct attacks, U.S. spy chiefs told lawmakers on Wednesday


"We estimate, at this point, an excess of 7,000 foreign fighters have been attracted from some 50 countries, many of them in Europe and the Mideast," James Clapper, the U.S. director of national intelligence, told the hearing.


"And this is of great concern not only to us, but to those countries," he said at the Senate Intelligence Committee's annual hearing on global security threats




29-1-2014: West ups arms supplies to Syria militants: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Western nations have doubled arms supplies to militants fighting the Syrian government, says one report amid ongoing talks on the Arab country’s crisis


"We have seen twice the amount of arms deliveries from the US, France, Saudi Arabia and Qatar," Abu Mohammed al-Quneitri, head of FSA intelligence in southern Syria also said.




28-1-2014: Congress Approves 'Light Weapons' to 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Light arms supplied by the United States are flowing to "moderate" Syrian rebel factions in the south of the country, officials said on Monday, according to Reuters.


American funding for months of further deliveries has been approved by Congress, U.S. and European security officials cited in the report said.




28-1-2014: Washington’s New Islamic Front: Expanded U.S. Support to Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


From the outset, the Western military alliance has (covertly) supported the terrorists with a view to destabilizing Syria as a nation state.


Lest we forget, Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA


The US, NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have channeled most of their support to the Al Qaeda brigades, which are also integrated by Western Special Forces.


British and French Special Forces have been actively training opposition rebels from a base in Turkey.


Israel has provided a safe have to Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in the occupied Golan Heights.


Western special forces have been training the rebels in the use of chemical weapons in Jordan.


The Al Qaeda fighters integrated by mercenaries, trained in Saudi Arabia and Qatar constitute the mainstay of so-called opposition forces, which have been involved in countless atrocities and  terrorist acts directed against the civilian population from the outset in March 2011






28-1-2014: Syria: Innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of the siege of Adra as Islamist rebels are accused of massacre (http://www.independent.co.u)


27-1-2014: Malnourished but defiant, Syrians under siege in Homs demand end to suffering (http://www.cnn.com)


27-1-2014: Video shows mutilated bodies in Syria; Militants to blame (http://www.presstv.ir)


New video footage has emerged on the Internet showing atrocities committed by foreign-backed Takfiri militants who are fighting against the Syrian government.


The video, which was posted online on Sunday, shows several bodies that reportedly belong to the civilians who were executed by militants from the al-Qaeda-linked group of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).




27-1-2014: Patriarchs Kirill and Yohanna X’s appeal at Geneva 2: only dialogue among Syrians can open glimmers of peace (http://www.fides.org/)


On Sunday, January 26th Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill and the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, Yohanna X Yazigi made a joint appeal to the "Geneva II" international Conference on the Syrian conflict, which is currently underway in Switzerland, in order to invite all participants at the summit to "reject extremist demonstrations" and to put an end to "intolerance and political ultimatums". Only free and fraternal dialogue within the Syrian community - say the two Patriarchs in the letter - can pave the way to a peaceful solution of the crisis




27-1-2014: The Syria Peace Talks: When the “International Community” Supports Terrorism (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The negotiations started on Wednesday in an ambience charged with vitriol and spite. While Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem was trying to clarify the real situation in Syria and give a “Syrian version of facts,” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon interrupted him and tried to deny him the chance to continue with his speech……………………….


…………..In other words, they were there to resolve a West-fomented crisis and the Syrian foreign minister was utterly entitled to finish his speech………………….




26-1-2014: Syrians return to their badly damaged homes as ceasefire makes streets safe again (http://www.independent.co.uk/)


26-1-2014: Police: UK volunteers going to Syria war will face arrest (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


26-1-2014: SNC serves US goal of regime change in Syria talks: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


An analyst says the so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) has attended the Geneva II peace conference as the “political front” representing the US and its allies to pursue “regime change” in Syria, Press TV reports…………………….




26-1-2014: Syria's heritage in ruins: before-and-after pictures (http://www.theguardian.com)


The war in Syria has claimed more than 130,000 lives and, as these images reveal, it is also laying waste to its historic buildings and Unesco-listed sites……………


The destruction of towns and villages is regularly revealed by raw, and often revolting, videos uploaded to the web, which many people stopped watching long ago. Only seldomly do the shaky images reveal the damage being done beyond the battle – to ancient churches, stone Crusader fortresses and ruins that have stood firm during several millennia of insurrection and purge but are being withered away by this unforgiving war




25-1-2014: Syria: Who are the Real War Criminals? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The Western media, Amnesty International and various other self proclaimed humanitarian organizations are running a war propaganda campaign against Syria following the release of thousands of photographs……………………


Western governments and their allies –including the US, Britain, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar– have blood on their hands. They are directly responsible for triggering a humanitarian disaster. This is a war of aggression using terrorism as a diabolical instrument of conquest


We are dealing with staged intelligence ops: The atrocities committed by the various Al Qaeda terrorist entities integrated by foreign mercenary forces were ordered by their Western handlers who share full responsibility for these horrendous crimes…………………………


Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA. Terrorism is used as an instrument to destabilize and destroy countries




25-1-2014: Fears grow in UK over militants returning from Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Fears grow in the United Kingdom that British extremists operating alongside al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria could pose a threat when they return home.


Reports say British police have started a fresh crackdown on terror suspects amid fears of an increasing flow of young Britons into Syria




25-1-2014: Child exploitation by ISIL terror group in Syria war (http://en.alalam.ir)


The notorious al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has lately released a video footage of a young child proclaiming membership in the radical militant gang, raising suspicions that the terror group is also engaged in child abuse practices……………




25-1-2014: Over 30,000 al-Qaeda linked fighters' in Syria, Israeli official claims (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The number of al-Qaeda linked fighters active in Syria has mushroomed from 2,000 to more than 30,000 in just two years, a senior Israeli intelligence official has warned, prompting the Jewish state to re-evaluate its policy of neutrality in the conflict which now threatens to spill over the borders.




24-1-2014: Geneva II: US Orwellian Subterfuge – Al-Qaeda Acts as America’s Boots on the Ground in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)



24-1-2014: Syrian opposition, the US attempt 'to scrap Geneva 2 talks and make them meaningless' (http://rt.com/)


The Syrian opposition and the US government have placed a condition on the Assad government, which they know in advance will be impossible for it to meet……………….


They don’t really want to be there because there is nothing that they think that they can get from the conference. The Syrian opposition only wants one thing which is to replace Assad’s government with their own government…………………


No, you can see that there are forces within the Syrian armed opposition, those affiliated with Al-Qaeda, those who are getting the bulk of their arms from Saudi Arabia and from other regimes in the Middle East. They are there in order to create an Islamic state, they don’t look for a negotiated settlement,…………………………..




24-1-2014: Syrian women in Jordan at risk of sexual exploitation at refugee camps (http://www.theguardian.com)


A nightclub manager in Amman greets his guests with a warm welcome and, unusually for Jordan, an alcoholic drink. He tells them the girls will arrive shortly.


A man on a microphone introduces the women, who make their way into the club through a cloud of thick cigarette smoke. "Aaliyah" introduces herself, explaining that she is not allowed to sit down, only to stand and dance.


"I left my family and my son in Syria, and I met a man from Palestine who brought me to Amman. In the first three months he treated me well, but then he started forcing me to work in bars and in illegal activities…………………………….




24-1-2014: 16 arrested amid fears Britons linked to Syria violence (http://www.independent.co.uk)


24-1-2014: Saudi royal calls for UN resolution to pull militias from Syria (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


A senior member of the Saudi royal family attacked the United States on Friday over its policy on Syria, and called for a U.N. resolution to pull "Iraqi and Lebanese Shiite militia" out of the Middle Eastern country.


Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former intelligence chief and an outspoken critic of President Barack Obama's administration since it started secret nuclear talks with Iran, said the world was disappointed with the "sense of no direction" in U.S. foreign policy




23-1-2014: KSA seeks total destruction of Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


I think the interest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar is to prolong the war in Syria, so they have their own plan to come to a total destruction of Syria


As you know, the Saudis have played a very bad part and the Qataris also in the beginning. Now the Saudis took over lately by supplying those gangs. As we see, the gangs or what they call themselves the free fighters or the FSA or whatever, they are acting like criminals doing everything without any law, a lawless territory




23-1-2014: Terror chief warns of threat from Syria jihadists (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


23-1-2014: Nearly 1,400 people killed in Syria infighting (http://www.presstv.ir)


British Muslims fighting in Syria are highly likely to attempt terrorist attacks on British soil, the country’s most senior counter-terrorism police officer has warned


He warned that a “shocking” number of British children are being lured into the conflict, and disclosed two teenage girls were arrested attempting to travel to Syria earlier this month, although no charges were brought





23-1-2014: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) vs. Syria’s “Moderate” Al Qaeda Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


The insurgency is controlled by the Western military alliance. NATO and the Turkish high command have been involved in the recruitment of Mujahideen since mid-2011. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are involved in financing and training the terrorists in liaison with WashingtonThe US and the Western military alliance are firmly behind the terrorists. They are responsible for crimes against humanity committed against the people of Syria……………….




23-1-2014: Footage shows Syria ‘FSA’ militants defecting ranks (http://www.presstv.ir)


Militants from the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) are defecting from their ranks and joining the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, new footage coming out of Syria shows


The defectors reveal that weapons supplied to foreign-backed militants fighting against the Syrian government were smuggled into the country through Jordan and were paid for by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.




************Syrian Kurds Declare Autonomy************


23-1-2014: Syria’s Kurds will declare self-rule in all Kurdish regions within a week (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com)


23-1-2014: Real solution for Syria is in Rojava model, says Muslim (http://en.firatnews.com)


Representatives of the Kurdish and Assyrian (Aramean) communities, who were not invited to the Geneva II Conference, are holding a press conference in Geneva at which they are putting forward the message that "the solution in Syria is in the Rojava autonomous administration that combines the communities of Syria in a shared government."


İlham Ehmed, a member of the Kurdish Supreme Council, PYD Co-chair Salih Mόslim, Assyrian (Aramean) Union Assembly President Basan İshak, Hanibal Yakup from the Assyrian (Aramean) Unity Party and Peter Bronsweld are holding a joint press conference in Geneva.




22-1-2014: Syria Kurds declare autonomy ahead of Geneva II (http://en.alalam.ir/)


Reports say a municipal council will run the territory’s affairs from one of three administrative districts. The body - The Cizire Canton of West (Syrian) Kurdistan - will have its own president and 22 ministries, including foreign affairs, defense, justice and education. Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian (Aramean) representatives will be appointed to each ministry. Kurdish, Arabic, and Syrian have been designated as the canton’s official languages. Elections will be held in four months, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights……………




22-1-2014: Syrian Kurds declare autonomy days before Geneva 2 (http://voiceofrussia.com/)


Syrian Kurds declared an autonomous provincial government in the country’s northern territory on Tuesday, according to reports. This step comes ahead of Geneva 2 peace conference, where they have no presentation




22-1-2014: Syria Kurds Declare Autonomy Ahead of Geneva II (http://english.farsnews.com)


Reports say a municipal council will run the territory’s affairs from one of three administrative districts. The body - The Cizire Canton of West (Syrian) Kurdistan - will have its own president and 22 ministries, including foreign affairs, defense, justice and education. Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian (Aramean) representatives will be appointed to each ministry. Kurdish, Arabic, and Syrian have been designated as the canton’s official languages. Elections will be held in four months, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights…….




21-1-2014: Syrian Kurds declare autonomy on eve of Geneva 2 (http://rt.com/)


Syrian Kurds declared an autonomous provincial government in the country’s northern territory on Tuesday, according to reports. …………………


The body - The Cizξre Canton of West (Syrian) Kurdistan - will have its own president and 22 ministries, including foreign affairs, defense, justice and education. Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian (Aramean) representatives will be appointed to each ministry. Kurdish, Arabic, and Syriac have been designated as the canton’s official languages. ……………….




21-1-2014: Syrian Kurds Declare Autonomous Region in Northeast (http://news.antiwar.com/)


Dubbed Rojava (the traditional Kurdish name for the region), the Kurdish government will be centered in the capital city of Qamishli, along the border with Turkey, and is preparing a new constitution……………




21-1-2014: Kurds declare autonomy in northern Syria ahead of Geneva II (http://www.todayszaman.com)


Syrians Kurds on Tuesday declared an autonomous administration in the northern part of civil war-torn Syria ahead of the international peace conference for Syria, according to news outlets


According to the Fırat News Agency, a tripartite model was adopted for the administration, and if the president is a Kurd, its deputies should be an Arab and an Assyrian (Aramean). On Tuesday, Kurds elected an Assyrian (Aramean), Elizabeth Gawriya, and an Arab, Hussein Azam, as deputies, according to the agency…..




21-1-2014: Cizξre Canton declared democratic autonomy –NEW (http://en.firatajans.com)


The Cizξre Canton of West (Syrian) Kurdistan has declared democratic autonomy following the Legislative Assembly of the Democratic Autonomous Government of Western Kurdistan meeting in Amϋde on Tuesday. The meeting was attended by all members of the Assembly which is made up of 52 parties, civil society organizations, youth and women's movements and 15 independent individuals………………


Cizξre Canton which will be ruled by presidential system and 22 ministries has adopted for the President and ministers a third management model according to which Kurdish, Arab and Syriac representatives will be appointed to each one of all ministries in the canton.


Kurdish, Arabic and Syriac have been designated as official languages of the canton……..






21-1-2014: Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists impose Islamic rules, ban music, shisha in Syrian province (http://rt.com)


An Al-Qaeda-linked group has issued new decrees restricting the personal freedoms of the Syrians in the areas under its control in Raqqa province. New laws prohibit music and smoking cigarettes and shisha. Violators will be “punished by sharia law.”


Starting on that day, women are obliged to wear the niqab, or full face veil, and cover their hands with gloves. They will also not be allowed in public without a male guardian. Walking late at night will also be prohibited for the women of Raqqa, the first and only city to have fallen completely under the jihadist group’s control…………………………………




21-1-2014: Syria Christian town still under militant attack (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign-backed militants continue attacks on a Christian town on the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus, Press TV reports.


Militants targeted Cherubim Monastery, which is located on top of a mountain in Qalamoun region.


The armed militants continuously attack the monastery from Rankus village in an effort to reach and take over the town of Saidnaya




20-1-2014: 16 killed in car bomb attacks in Syria Idlib (http://www.presstv.ir/)


At least 16 people have been killed in two car bomb attacks in Syria’s Idlib Province near a border post with Turkey………………………..




20-1-2014: Turkish intelligence service trucks reveal secrets (http://www.al-monitor.com)


Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT), which has bloomed as a parallel Foreign Ministry under Justice and Development Party (AKP) rule after years of keeping a low public profile, was again caught transporting weapons to Syrian opposition forces……………..


After explosives-detecting dogs gave appropriate signals, the prosecutor allowed steel containers in the trucks to be opened. In six metal crates, concealed among medical supplies, were mortar shells, rockets and various other ammunition…………….


Then Cos wrote to the Ceyhan district governor and the Adana Provincial Gendarmerie Command, warning that the MIT was attached directly to the prime minister and searching MIT vehicles without the permission of the prime minister’s office would be an offense. ……..




20-1-2014: Two mortar shells strike Syria Christian town: Reports (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign-backed militants in Syria have launched an attack on the Christian town of Saidnaya near the capital, Damascus, reports say.


The attack was carried out on Monday when two mortar shells fired by the militants hit a school and St. Georges Monastery in the town, which is located in the countryside of Damascus




19-1-2014: Syria militants threaten UK, France: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign militants, of British and French nationalities, fighting against President Bashar al-Assad in Syria will endanger the interests of Britain and France once they are back home, an analyst says.


“They come back that they might be involved in terrorist activities against the British, French states,” Chris Bambery told Press TV on Saturday




18-1-2014: Lavrov: Attempts underway to justify Syria intervention (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that attempts are being made to ‘justify intervention’ in Syria.


“Attempts are made, including through UN mechanisms, to build up tension around the humanitarian situation in Syria in order to create another pretext to push forward the idea of so-called humanitarian corridors, no-fly zones and, eventually, to justify a humanitarian intervention,” the Russian foreign minister said at a news conference with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem in the Russian capital, Moscow, on Friday




18-1-2014: EU militants in Syria threat to Europe: EU official (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The EU Home Affairs Chief has warned that European states are at risk of terror attacks from extremists, including EU nationals, fighting in Syria.


Cecilia Malmstrom said that Europeans who travel abroad to fight in combat zone would “become more radicalized in the process.”


“Some of these young men have joined groups with terrorist agendas, they have been trained and hardened in war, and could pose a threat to our security upon their return from a conflict zone. In the longer term they could act as catalysts for terrorism,” she said.




17-1-2014: Weapons Inspectors: Syrian Chemical Weapons Fired from REBEL-HELD Territory (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


The head of the UN weapons inspectors said that the American case for Syrian government firing chemical weapons was weak, because the rockets can only go 2 miles … but government-held territory is much further away……………..




16-1-2014: Syria militants vandalize churches near Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria have vandalized churches in Ma'loula on the outskirts of the capital Damascus.


The secretariat of the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Melkite Greek Catholic Church said on Wednesday that the militants removed the bells of all the churches, burned the crosses, and stole a bronze statue of Christ.


The ancient Christian town of Ma'loula has been a scene of fierce fighting for months and many of its citizens have escaped to safer parts of the country including Damascus




16-1-2014: Mass executions in Syria amount to war crimes: UN (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The United Nations human rights office says a “soaring” number of executions in Syria’s north could amount to war crimes.


In a statement on Thursday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay warned militants and armed opposition groups that such executions violate international humanitarian law.


Pillay said her office had recently received reports of a series of “mass executions of civilians and soldiers who were no longer participating in hostilities in Aleppo, and Raqqa by hardline armed opposition groups in Syria,” in particular by the al-Qaeda-affiliated the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).




14-1-2014: Syria’s Raqqa has fallen to al-Qaeda again: report (http://en.alalam.ir)


Syrian opposition sources say al-Qaeda-linked militants from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have recaptured Raqqah, where their main base is located, from other militant forces………………..





14-1-2014: Al-Qaeda Syria branch executes dozens of rival Islamists (http://rt.com/): Activists


The Islamist State of Iraq and the Levant has killed dozens of rival Islamist rebels in Syria over the last couple of days as the Al-Qaeda-linked group regained most of the territory it lost in the northeastern Raqqa province, according to activists………………..


Up to 100 rebel fighters from the Nusra Front, another Al-Qaeda-linked group, and Ahrar al-Sham brigade were executed after being captured by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the town of Tel Abiad, on the border with Turkey, Reuters quoted activists as saying




14-1-2014: Newspaper: Saudi Arabia leads secret communications to derail political settlement to crisis in Syria (http://sana.sy/)


The Palestinian al-Manar newspaper said that secret meetings have been held over two weeks in Paris and Riyadh with the participation of USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, France, Turkey and Qatar with the aim of derailing the political efforts to solve the crisis in Syria…………..




14-1-2013: Sadly, the West can’t stop Syria’s suffering (http://www.telegraph.co.u)


Another, from Aleppo, was told that, unless her husband gave himself up for arrest, she and her daughters would be raped. He came home, and was raped and shot in front of her.


The horrors of Syria are literally unthinkable. Try to hold in your mind a picture of what I have just written and you will soon find your thoughts swerving away. ………………..




14-1-2014: Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT))


The Syrian Improvised Chemical Munitions that Were Used in the August 21, Nerve Agent Attack in Damascus Have a Range of About 2 Kilometers


This Indicates That These Munitions Could Not Possibly Have Been Fired at East Ghouta from the “Heart” or the Eastern Edge of the Syrian Government Controlled Area Depicted in the Intelligence Map Published by the White House on August 30, 2013.


This faulty Intelligence Could Have Led to an Unjustified US Military Action Based on False Intelligence.


A Proper Vetting of the Fact That the Munition Was of Such Short Range Would Have Led to a Completely Different Assessment of the Situation from the Gathered Data


Whatever the Reasons for the Egregious Errors in the Intelligence, the Source of These Errors Needs to Be Explained.




14-1-2014: Germany: Extremists who go to Syria source of concern (http://sana.sy/)


"It is known that nearly 240 extremists left Germany and went to Syria during the last year... we fear they would return with combatant experience and international communication to carry out attacks in Germany," De Maiziere said in a statement on Tuesday……………….




13-1-2014: Islamists execute up to 100 rivals as Raqqa falls (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


Islamist rebels in Syria have executed up to 100 fighters from a rival group near the city of Raqqa, as it becomes increasingly unclear who has the upper hand in the civil war.


The al Qaeda-linked Islamist State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) executed dozens of rival Islamists over the last two days as the group recaptured most territory it had lost in the northeastern Syrian province




13-1-2014: US-Backed Islamic Terrorism: Dividing the Arab World, Weakening Russia and China (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


According to Shamseddin Yusef, one of Chechen leaders, the former Foreign Secretary in Dudaev’s government, bin Laden visited Chechnya in 1992 holding a US passport. He said it was later when bin Laden fell out with the United States government……………….


The «Bosnian pattern» described in the 1997 Congressional RPC report was replicated in Kosovo with the complicity of NATO and the US State Department. Mujahedeen mercenaries from the Middle East and Central Asia were recruited to fight in the ranks of the KLA in 1998-99, largely supporting NATO’s war effort……………


According to John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the United States has paid more than $150 million to companies in Afghanistan that are accused of helping to finance terrorist attacks on American soldiers and facilities………………


In his Islam and the Arab Awakening Tariq Ramadan adduces examples of professional training received by Arab youth in special facilities at the expense of US budget. As far back as 2007 such training facilities appeared in the Caucasus and Serbia………………


Today Al-Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliated armed group, formally listed as a terrorist organization by US State Department, is a United States leading partner in Syria………………




13-1-2014: Syrian Orthodox Priest: young Christians flee. Only the elderly will remain in the city (http://www.fides.org)


"The exodus from the city is in full swing. Every day individuals and families in our community flee, especially young people, who are our hope and our future"……………..




13-1-2014: Militants kill 19 civilians in western Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed militants in Syria have killed at least 19 civilians and injured several more in the western city of Homs, reports say.


On Sunday, the militants fired rockets on the neighborhood of al-Ghouta of Homs, claiming the lives of 13 civilians and injuring 18 others, official Syrian news agency SANA quoted military sources as saying


The terrorists also fired mortar shells into the city’s Karm al-Shami neighborhood, killing six people and injuring several others, the sources added




13-1-2014: Syria: dozens die of starvation in Damascus after being 'denied food' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


Dozens of people in the southern suburbs of Damascus have died of starvation after spending months living on scraps of food, trapped in one of the worst sieges of the civil war, activists claim……..




12-1-2014: Mortar Attack in Central Syria Kills at Least 19 (http://abcnews.go.com)


Syrian state media and anti-government activists say a mortar attack has killed at least 19 people in the central city of Homs………………………….




12-1-2014: 700 killed in Syria infighting: Foreign-backed group (http://www.presstv.ir)


A foreign-sponsored rights group says nine days of infighting among foreign-sponsored militants in Syria have left at least 700 people dead.


The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies heavily on a network of spies working for the foreign-backed opposition, said on Sunday that the infighting, which involved mostly car bombings, has left dozens of foreign-backed militants dead




11-1-2014: Christian Courage in Syria The pattern in Iraq is now being replicated in Syria’s shadow war against Christians (http://www.nationalreview.com)


In the car with Fathallah were Bishop John Ibrahim and Bishop Boulos Yazigi. Bishop Yazigi, brother of the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Antioch, had decided only hours before to join Bishop Ibrahim on this trip, an attempt to secure the release of two priests who had been kidnapped……….


………………Foreign jihadists were already flocking to Syria, many of them war-hardened men from Central Asia and the Caucasus — among them Chechens who found in Syria a familiar maelstrom of blood and chaos in which they could thrive……………..


………………These fighters are supported by the Sunni Gulf Arab states, which are eager to overthrow the Alawi regime of Syrian president Bashar Assad, an ally of Iran. They bring with them a new breed of barbarism. …………….




10-1-2014: Is Obama Trying to Resolve or Prolong the Conflict in Syria? (http://goingtotehran.com)


10-1-2014: FBI fears US militants returning from Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


The director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has said he is worried that Americans going to Syria to fight against the Syrian government would be radicalized after returning to the US………….


“My concern is that people can go to Syria, develop new relationships, learn new techniques and become far more dangerous, and then flow back” to the US, he added.




10-1-2014: Tables Turning: Al-Qaeda pushing Syrian opposition back to Assad? (http://rt.com)


With Al-Qaeda’s and Al-Nusra’s growing influence in the region, Syrian opposition is having second thoughts about being opposed to Bashar Assad, security analyst, Michael Maloof……….


……So now you have Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia pushing the US to back its Islamic Front, which is comprised of some 75,000 troops and have about a dozen different Islamist, extremist groups within Syria…….


………..I know that Bashar Assad has many issues and many problems but he was also for reforms. He is also the only individual who could actually protect the minorities that we have in the country. Even the Syrian opposition now is having second thoughts about being opposed to him. And some in the US are even suggesting that the Free Syrian Army should rejoin the Syrian Army and fight Al-Qaeda because Al-Qaeda along with Al-Nusra is regarded now as the main threat not just to Syria but to the region………………….




10-1-2014: Dozens of Syrian Rebels Killed in Besieged City of Homs (http://www.voanews.com)


Syrian activists say nearly 500 people, including 85 civilians, have been killed in fighting among Syrian rebels and hardline Islamist State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL……




10-1-2014: Rebel Infighting Kills Nearly 500 People Over The Past Week (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)


An activist group says rebel infighting in northern Syria has killed nearly 500 people over the past week.


The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says at least 482 people have been killed in the fighting that has pitted a loose alliance of ultraconservative rebel brigades and more moderate factions against the fighters of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant…………..




9-1-2014: 16 killed, dozens injured in Syria car bomb blast (http://www.presstv.ir/)


At least 16 people have been killed and over a dozen wounded in a massive car bomb explosion in Syria's central Hama Province, local media said.


The blast took place on Thursday near a school at al-Kafat village, the Syrian television said, adding that it caused extensive damage




8-1-2014: Stretched thin, Syrian extremists are pressured (http://www.washingtonpost.com/)


Just a week ago, al-Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria enjoyed an arc of dominance across the country’s north and east, ruling with brutality.


But a series of stunning reversals in recent days has made clear that the militant group may be more vulnerable than it seemed, in part because its frequent kidnappings and attacks on fellow rebels have won it few allies………………………………………




8-1-2014: Saudi Arabia intent on seizing Syria: J. Petras (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The big problem is that the opposition includes a very important contingent of terrorists with enormous financing – hundreds of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, which is intent on seizing power and displacing not only the Bashar al-Assad government, denying the Syrian people an electoral option; but it is also after the Western-backed armed groups


And that means that France has to top handshakes with the Saudi despotism and sit down and negotiate on real terms in Syria and not be pandering to the Saudis and as a result of pandering to the Saudis putting up with the terrorist groups... that are rampaging not only Syria, but Iraq




7-1-2014: Extremist Syria rebel group accused of mass executing prisoners (http://www.latimes.com)


An extremist rebel faction operating in Syria is reported to have killed an unknown number of prisoners it abducted near the contested city of Aleppo as its forces came under fire from rival opposition groups, activists said…………………….


Many of the victims of the execution-style killings by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the most extreme of the Islamist groups……………..


"The number of dead is unknown," he said, although others put the figure at 50………




6-1-2013: Al Qaida rebels leave mass grave behind as they desert base in Syria (http://www.mcclatchydc.com)


Islamist extremists forced to abandon their base in Syria’s central Hama province left behind a mass grave with a dozen corpses, mostly civilians, including four women, local activists reported Monday.


The discovery at Kafr Zeta was likely to fuel the drive to force foreign fighters from the Islamist State of Iraq and Syria out of the conflict and, most probably, Syria……………………


…………..a Washington-based group that raises money for the rebels, said that rebels formerly identified with the FSA were now fighting in one of two groups, the Syrian Revolutionary Front, with 10,000 to 15,000 fighters, and the Jaysh al Mujahideen, or Mujahideen Army, which has about 12,000 fighters……………..




5-1-2014: Infighting kills 50 militants across Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Infighting between foreign-backed militants across Syria has killed at least 50 and injured dozens since Friday, a Britain-based group says………….


A recent British defense study showed that about 100,000 militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, are fighting in Syria against the government and people……….




5-1-2014: Kurdish fighters recapture Tal Hamis in NE Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


According to the report, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, known as YPG, regained control of Tal Hamis near the Turkish border on Sunday……………………….




4-1-2014: New militant group kills 36 Qaeda rebels in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least 36 members and supporters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have been killed since Friday in Idlib and more than 100 have been captured by rebels," said the London-based observatory




4-1-2014: Syrians hold rally against foreign-backed militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


People have taken to the streets in militant-held areas in northern Syria to protest against the foreign-backed militants operating inside the country.


During the Friday protest, the demonstrators chanted slogans against the terrorist groups including the al-Qaeda-affiliated so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).




4-1-2014: Syrian rebel bloc to reject Geneva peace talks (http://www.jpost.com)


An influential bloc within the Western-backed Syrian opposition is expected to vote on Saturday against participating in talks aimed at ending the nearly three-year conflict, members said………..




3-1-2014: Syria’s Hospitals targeted by NATO-backed Armed Groups (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Since 2011 NATO-backed armed groups have systematically attacked more than two thirds of Syria’s public hospitals, and have murdered, kidnapped or injured more than 300 health workers…..


The BBC double-speak needs a little translation. These “rebels” were the mostly non-Syrian troops of the al Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al Nusra, funded and armed by Saudi Arabia and allowed free entry into northern Syria by the government of Turkey. The “Assad loyalists” were the staff of a large public hospital……………..


The scale of destruction of health facilities, combined with attacks on schools, universities and massacres of civilians (often falsely blamed on the government), shows the NATO-backed armed groups have been intent on destroying a functioning state, and have no interest in trying to win public support……………..




3-1-2014: Syrian opposition turns on al-Qaida-affiliated Isis jihadists near Aleppo (http://www.theguardian.com)


The most serious clashes yet between the Syrian opposition and a prominent al-Qaida group erupted in the north of the country on Friday as a tribal revolt against the same organisation continued to rage in Iraq's Anbar province…………..




3-1-2014: Five Doctors Without Borders workers abducted in Syria (http://edition.cnn.com)


Five workers for Doctors Without Borders were abducted from a house the organization was using in northern Syria, the group said Friday………………..




3-1-2014: Turkish governor blocks search of Syria-bound truck: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


The governor of Turkey’s southern province of Hatay has prevented police from investigating a Syria-bound truck which was reportedly carrying weapons………………………….


“Weapons and ammunitions are being sent to Syria under the control of the government and MIT (National Intelligence Organization) and no one is stopping it,” Akgol said……………..




2-1-2014: Up to 7,000 foreign jihadis fighting in Syria, new study finds (http://www.jpost.com)


Between 6,000 and 7,000 foreign fighters have arrived in Syria to take up arms with rebels against the Assad regime, with a large majority of them joining jihadi organizations, the Nusra Front being foremost among them, a study released Thursday said……………


Researchers who spent several months putting together the study warned that in Syria, foreign jihadis gain military experience, and undergo a process of radicalization…………………….


The two central jihadi organizations, the Nusra Front, headed by al-Qaida’s central leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and its competitor, the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria, a branch of al-Qaida in Iraq, have a combined membership of 9,000, of which an estimated 6,000 are foreign volunteers, according to the study





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