Welcome to the website of Aramean Christians of Syria


Following Iraq, now the Aramean indigenous nation of Syria will be exterminated and forced into Diaspora by the Western colonial powers.



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The area of southeastern of Turkey and north of Syria, roughly speaking the area of Paddan-Aram, is being considered as the cradle of the Aramean nation (see more on this.....)


Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are the only countries where the Arameans and non-Arameans can practice their religion in freedom. Iraq has already been destroyed by the Western colonial powers, Syria is in the process of destructions, what remains is Lebanon.


===================Arameans of Syria===================


It is estimated that there are around 2.0 million Aramean and non-Aramean Christians in Syria. Below we will provide our beloved reader with some background information on the various Aramean denominations present in Syria.


At the early beginning of Christianity, the Aramean nation was geographically termed as West- Arameans and East-Arameans. Roughly speaking, river the Euphrates was de border. The Arameans living Eastern of Euphrates, the Persian Empire, were called “East- Arameans” or “East- Syrians”; thus "Nestorians" who later became known as “Chaldeans” (1553) and again later as “Assyrians” (19th century).


The Arameans living Western of Euphrates, the Roman Empire, were called “West- Arameans” or “West- Syrians” or in short just “Syrians”. And sometimes both the East- as well as the West- Arameans are called “Syrians”; if not specifically indicated! In Syria the following Aramean denominations are present:


West- Arameans: Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Syrian Maronites, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Catholics

East- Arameans: Chaldeans, Nestorians ("Assyrians")


In the 16th century, the colonial powers started to interfere with the Middle-East and in particular to create divisions within the Aramean nation and incite them against one another.


Imaginable and unimaginable methods were employed to incite the Arameans against one another on the national as well as on the religious level. To explain this, below we present to you some events as observed by the American Presbyterian Rev. Justin Perkins who visited the East- Aramean Nestorians of Urmia in 1833.


In the report of Perkins, who lived for 8 years in Persia among the East- Aramean Nestorians, we read about the activities of Vatican among the Aramnean Nestorians: "No measure will be left untried by them, for leading away the Nestorians from the religion of their fathers and subjecting them to Papal control. A few years ago, a Jesuit offered to the Nestorian Patriarch $10.000, on condition that he would acknowledge allegiance to the Pope; to whom the patriarch replied, in the emphatic language of Peter to Simon Magus, "Thy money perish with thee."(Acts 8:20) (Justin Perkings, A Residence Of Eight Years In Persia Among The Nestorian Christians, 1843, page. 23).


On page 278 he mentions more examples, saying: "The Nestorians often relate the particulars of their past conflicts with Papists,-particularly the career of the last one who has visited them on this side of the Koordish mountains. His first attempt - daring one- was to bribe the Nestorian Patriarch. He went directly to his residence, in the Koordish mountains, and as a fully empowered legate, promised him, as I have elsewhere stated, four thousand tomans, ( $ 10,000,) on condition that he would declare himself and his people subjects of the Pope.

Finding mercenary motives ineffectual to accomplish his object, the Jesuit next appealed to the ambition of the Patriarch, telling him that should he become allied to Rome, he would be exalted to be the Pope's lieutenant in all the East. "Tell your master," said the Patriarch, "that I shall never become a Catholic; and should you even induce my whole people, to the last man, to do so, I would sooner become a Dervish, or a Koordish Moollah, than degrade myself by alliance with the Pope.


Finding the Patriarch inflexible, the Romish emissary next tried his artifices on the people of this province. A prince, a brother of Abbas Meerza, was then governor of Oroomiah, and had in his employ an old French lady in the capacity of an instructress of European languages. This old lady had acquired a measure of influence with her royal pupil, and the Jesuit found it very convenient to make her his coadjutor. When therefore the Nestorians spurned the rites of Rome as urged upon them by the Papal legate, the old lady, at his instigation, was accustomed to petition the prince to coerce them to submit to the 'Jesuit's dictation. This system was pursued, until the Nestorians were on the point of rising in determined resistance, and the prince was thus deterred from his oppression.


In some instances, the Papal emissary entered Nestorian churches, declared them the property of the Pope, and hung their walls with images and pictures, which the Nestorians as often indignantly tore down and destroyed. In one case, the Jesuit paid a yet dearer price for his temerity than the loss of his" gods." Entering a church in Geog-tapa, he commenced adorning it witb Romish tapestry, when Mar Elias, the venerable Nestorian bishop resident in that village, came into his church and ordered the intruder to desist. The Jesuit told the bishop that the church was not his, but the Pope's, and in the name of "his holiness," commanded Mar Elias to go out. The worthy Nestorian prelate, though aware that a bishop must be" no striker," yet regarding the emergency such as to justify an exception, took the Jesuit in hand, and gave him such a corporeal castigation, that he was glad to to escape with broken images and torn pictures; and this was the last attempt to establish the reign of Popery at Oroomiah before our arrival. Since that period, similar efforts have been renewed, but hitherto with as little success, as we shall have occasion to notice, in subsequent chapters. "


The events mentioned above are written down by a Protestant. And most probably Mr. Perkins was very well pleased to be informed about  and to be witness of such events  in order to discredit the other party. The Protestants however have availed themselves of such nasty methods as well and continue to do so until today.


It does not mean however that this kind of unholy and extremely harmful technology unfortunately was employed to not only brainwash, blackmail, bribe, and persecute the East- Aramean Nestorians, but also other Aramean churches like the West- Aramean Syrian orthodox and West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox church. As a result of this kind of unholy and nasty "evangelizing", the following Aramean Catholic groups were created:

  • West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church (1662)

  • West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church (1724)

  • West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church (1182)

  • East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon (1553)

In addition to that, the majority of Catholics in the Western world are deliberately being kept blind and this important information withheld from them on the unholy and nasty methods that have been employed on their behalf to divide, incite against one another and finally exterminate other nations. For this reason, this faithful Western Christian Catholics have all the rights to be informed about what has been done to other nations in their behalf and with their money.


The majority of Catholic schools, Seminars and Universities withhold deliberately students of this unsavory events taken place in the past. On the contrary, in these institutions, the "good works" of missionaries are emphasized on the fact that these "lost sheep" have come back to the "only holy Catholic Church" and that these "Unites" should be offered aid and assistance. They rather would prefer to bring back "the rest of the lost sheep" to the "only truthfully holy Catholic Church".


And the madness of all this is that this kind of blackmail, bribe, persecutions, brainwash and sorcery is placed under the umbrella of "Christianity", while in reality, it totally has nothing to do with Christian faith as explained in the Bible. And this kind of evilness is continued until our days and is the cause of the misery our people is facing in the Middle-East and has resulted in their Diaspora. See more on this horrific spiritual genocide of jesus of the west: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


============Aramean denominations================


West- Aramean Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Patriarch: Zekka Iwas. Residence in Damascus, Syria.


This Church was the first Church established outside Israel and is the mother of all the Syrian Churches. Unfortunately this church has also immensely been terrorized by the Western Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church. In the Western literature you will frequently come across the heretical terms "Jacobite Church" and " Monofysite Church" with which the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch is being demonized.


See more on this: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


On the terms Jacobite and Monofysite: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/MonofysiteJacobite%20.htm


West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Joseph Younan. Residence in Beirut, Lebanon

The Syrian Catholic Church was split off from the Syrian Orthodox Church in the 17th century. On this separation, Sebastien de Courtois writes: " The first [Syrian] Catholic Patriarch had been consecrated in Aleppo in 1662 with French help through the mediation of Ambassador Francois Picquet (page 33)…. .. which was encouraged by French diplomats present in Aleppo at that time. The diplomats favored the separation in the hope of one day uniting the Eastern Churches with that of Rome (XiX).. The Catholic mission activities were strongly supported by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs policy, which had been reinforced in the region by creation in 1856 of a vice-consulate in Diyarbekir at the request of the Vatican (page. 36) .


West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church.

Patriarch: John Yazigi. Residence in Damascus, Syria.

The West- Aramean Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox Church was established after the Council of Chalcedon held from 12 October - 1 November 451 AD. The Council was organized by the Pope and the Byzantine / Roman Emperor.


The Syrian Orthodox Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church rejected Chalcedon. That is why these Churches are being called " Anti - Chalcedonian Churches".


The Arameans who did accept the decisions made in Chalcedon became allies of Byzantine /Roman Emperor and implemented in later times (from 11th century on) the Byzantine liturgical rite. Hence the name "Greek Orthodox Church".


These Arameans became known as " Melkites"; this term is derived from the Aramaic word "Malko", that means " King/ Emperor"; thus those who went along with the king/emperor, his followers. This Church is sometimes also called " Antiochian Orthodox Church".


The term "Greek" is only ecclesial term, not ethical one.


In the Middle-East, sometimes also the term " Rum" is being used in reference to these Churches, that is abbreviation of " Rumoyee" a reference to Byzantine Orthodox rite.

The on 18th of July 2012 killed Syrian minister of defense, general Dawoud Raja, was a West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox.

West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Gregorios III Laham. Residence in Damascus, Syria.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Vatican, as explained above, to divide, to weaken and finally finish off, the West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church was split off in 1724 and consequently the Melkite Greek Catholic Church was established.


There is no one Catholic Syrian church established without blackmail, bribe and brainwashing (Needless to says of course, however, this has nothing to do with Christianity).



West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church

Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi . Residence in Bkerke, Libanon

This Church was named after the Aramean ascetic St. Maron and was established in 410 AD. The Aramean Maronites are subjected to the pope since 1182 AD. The Aramean Maronites are in terms of numbers, the biggest Aramean denomination.





East- Arameans

East- Aramean "Nestorian" Apostolic Assyrian Catholic Church of the East.

Patriarch: Dinkha. Residence in Chicago, United States.

The East- Aramean Church is the famous Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon (32 km northeastern of Baghdad).


Until 424 A.D. the East- Arameans were connected with the ecclesiastical seat of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. However for reasons of persecutions, geography and politics, during the synod of 424 the East- Arameans decided to take independent position towards Antioch and from then on they themselves took care for ecclesiastical matters.


The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became strong and dedicated missionary church that enlightened many nations with the message of Jesus Christ. The  church produced spiritual giants who passionately spread the torch of Christianity. One of them is Patriarch Timothy I from eight century. Professor Sebastian Brock writes on page 194, Volume II, of Hidden Pearl this about Timothy I: "The key figure of the Eight- Century Persian Church was their extraordinary Patriarch Timothy I, who was not only a fine scholar of gentle temperament whose defense of the Christian faith earned him the respect of the Abbasid caliph with whom he debated, but who was also passionate supporter of Christian evangelism. In 781 Timothy could write to a Maronite correspondent that:

the king of the Turks, with nearly all (the inhabitants of) his country, has left his ancient idolatry and has become Christian, and he has requested us in his letters to create Metropolitan for his country, and this we have done."


Satan of course was not happy with the activities of this church and tried in many ways to destroy the church by means of persecutions, massacres, implementation of fake teachings, fake identities etc.. etc..


The deathblow that effectuated the downfall of this, once majestic church, was interference of colonial powers and in particular the United Kingdom and diffusion and implementation of colonial fake name "Assyrians" on religious, national, academic, social and cultural level through which the rich glorious history of this church was destroyed. And with that Satan achieved his goal and finalized the downfall of the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon.


Being Western- Aramean or Eastern- Aramean, one gets tears in the eyes and our heart is burning of what satan has done to this magnificent Church and degraded the church to the present hopeless state where even the colonial name "Assyrian" has been added to the name of the Church. There is a Aramaic saying from Tur Abdin that sounds like this: "The foundation laid by Lions has been turned into chaos by foxes"

(No, beloved reader no! The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon had originally nothing to do with Nestorios and his teaching, it was latter implemented and accepted. The same is true for the colonial fake name "Assyrians")


In the course of time the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became known under various name, namely:


"The Nestorian Church"

"The Church of Persia"

"The East- Syrian Church".

" The Church of the East" and more recently (since 1976) as:

" The Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East"


The term "Catholic" has no relation with Rome. It means something like " General/ Universal".


From this Church split off:


The Chaldean Catholic Church of Babylon in 1553 AD.

The Ancient Church of the East since 1968.


East- Aramean "Nestorian"Ancient Church of the East.

Patriarch: Addai II. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Ancient Church of the East was established in 1968 by the East- Aramean "Nestorian" bishop Toma Darmo. The reason had to do with the tradition of patriarchal succession within the East- Syrian Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon and with decisions taken during a synod.


Within the East-Aramean nation a tradition was crept in whereby succession of Patriarch took place within the same family. And this caused church problems, amongst others the split off in 1968.


The Ancient Church of the East is sometimes also referred to as " Assyrian orthodoxe Church". "Orthodox", because the church rejects the teaching of Nestorios. The Ancient Church of the East is independent Church.


East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon.

Patriarch: Louis Raphaël I Sako. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Chaldean " Nestorian" Church of Babylon was established in 1553 following the activities of the Catholic missionaries among the East- Aramean "Nestorians". The Chaldeans are subjected to the Pope of Rome.


The East- Aramean " Chaldeans", the west-Aramean Syrian Maronites, the West-Aramean Syrian Catholics and the West- Aramean Syrian Melkite Catholics are called "Unites" in the Catholic literature, that means something like " Those who came back to the True Catholic Mother Church". Of course they will never say a word about the way these churches were established.


Indirectly of course this implies that the rest which has not joined the "true Catholic Church" is heretic. Beloved reader, please do not be fooled by words like " Christian cooperation", " Christian unity", "ecumenism" and other terms that should give the reader the feeling as if talking or discussing about these words they are very serious about the Christian cause, while in reality it is not.


The antichrist will also use these "nice" terms to unify "Christianity" to accept him. Without acceptance of antichrist by the majority of "Christianity", he will not be able to start his work on this world. Those among Christians who refuse and revolt against him will be labeled as "antichristians" and killed by the antichrist.


The abhorrent demonic hatred injected in the hearts of Aramean Catholics prevents any kind of cooperation. To the Aramean Catholics the Vatican is above everything whereby Jesus Christ totally is not of interest. These are the fruits of  the way these churches came into being.


A message to the Aramean Orthodox and East- Arameans, that is to say:


The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, The Syrian Melkite Greek orthodox Church, The Ancient Church of the East and The Assyrian Apostolic Catholic Church of the East, is this one:


From the very beginning of Christianity until today you constantly are flying at each other, whereby you have put aside Jesus Christ. You think that it is okay and nobody cares about what you are doing? And that the Lord God can't see your quarrel whereby you all have created your own private kingdoms and don't care about the real King, namely Jesus Christ? The God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says, " Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 23:24)


All this is okay, nothing to worry about? How can you complain that you are being persecuted, killed, your churches blown up, burned, your sons killed, your daughters and wives dishonored and assumed by strangers while you have completely put aside Christ Jesus, the Holy and Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?


The Almighty God YAHWEH, Gloria to His Holy Name, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob says:


1. Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2)


2. Shameless nation, come to your senses   2 before you are driven away like chaff blown by the wind, before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the day when he shows his fury” (Zephaniah 2:1-2)


3. "However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country." (2 Chronicle 7:14)


It was because of our iniquities that the horrible jesus of the West was able to fragmentize us, to diffuse fake names within our nation, to destroy our heritage and faith and to cause our nation into Diaspora. No, don't blame others for this and other misfortunes. We are only and exclusively the guilty ones, and no one else. We are responsible for what is happening to us! The Lord God had blessed the Arameans of Aram-Nahrin to be the first nation to accept Christ Jesus and together with the apostles of the Lord Jesus and the converted Jews they established the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. What is left of the original glorious church of Antioch? Nothing, completely destroyed because of internal quarrel and centuries old hatred and imputations.


A message to the Aramean Catholics, that is to say:


The Syrian Catholic Church, The Syrian Melkite Greek Catholic Church, The Syrian Chaldean Catholic Church, The Syrian Maronite Catholic Church , is this one:


You may call yourself whatever you want to, but please do not lose your senses. There are thousands Western Catholics who refuse to be manipulated by the Vatican. They are Catholics, but they take independent position, they read and study the Bible on daily basis and try to dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ. These are the true Christian Catholics.


You as Aramean Catholics will definitely not go to the hell if you set yourself a bit free from Vatican and take more independent position. And please stop immediately to be used as remote control. The salvation of your soul does not come from Vatican, but from Jesus Christ. The Bible says: " .........for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you] [as] a chaste virgin to Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:2). Therefore, please put Jesus Christ on the first place and read the Bible in which He reveals Himself.


For those among the Aramean Catholics who want to know more about the covenant they have made, we refer to a top specialist on this field, Mr. William (Bill) Schnoebelen who has produced a DVD on this matter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuTwsQNzmQs


Appeal to all the Aramean denominations


Please have a detailed look at the decadent behavior of your children, men and women in Diaspora. No sense of shame! One would think that when a person has escaped war, bloodbaths and massacres, he would behave modest and respectable. Unfortunately, the real life is quite different than one would imagine and wish. They simply go with the decadence, immorality and enjoy thoroughly the “luxurious” life in the West.


On the broadcasting channels Ishtar, SuryoyoSat and SuroyoTv, sometimes wedding parties, new year, Christmas, eastern and other parties are broadcasted where you see some people dressed so perversely, that they look like prostitutes. They give the eyes the impression as if they have something to sell! The obnoxious behavior is that some of them wear a cross between their half-naked breasts. And the most ungodly is that these kind of people are being associated with Christianity. And that is absolutely no good advertisement, for other nations are watching us and judge us according our behavior!


The worst thing is that from child to adult they do not want to know anything about the errors and treason they committed towards the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and act as if nothing is wrong. Many of them are even boasting on their good deeds, Christian faith and self-satisfaction. What is worse is that many of them have removed Christ Jesus from their lives, without being aware of it, and call themselves "Christians" for the show.


Even now they are refugee at other man’s doors, they do not have slightest reason to ask themselves: Why did we become refugee at other man’s doors and make our hands open for them? Why did not our God protect us against evil forces that have invaded and assumed our indigenous homelands? What is the cause of our Diaspora and why we lost everything?  On the contrary, they enjoy the “luxurious” life in the West, act like drunkards, and do not want to be bothered with these difficult questions they simply don’t want to hear anything about!


The various Aramean Diaspora communities (including “Chaldeans”, “Assyrians”) in the West should not fool themselves and make any illusions for they have been entrapped by the “luxurious” decadent life in the West. For their survival it is necessary to wake up and reflect on what is coming. Thirty years ago nobody in Iraq would have imagined in their wildest dreams what is now happening to them, for they were entrapped in the carefree and “luxurious” life. Ten years ago nobody had imagined what is now happening with Syria. Therefore we appeal to all of the Aramean denominations as follows: "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Ephesians 5:14-15)


For those among you who want to learn more about centuries old persecutions, the lose of our ancestral homelands, and the reasons behind Diaspora, we refer to the following articles:






Articles concerning Aramean nation of Syria:


29-11-2013: Aramean bishop: What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half…….The such-and-such massacre of Arameans of Syria: Who is responsible?

7-10-2013: “Free Syria” according to the colonial model: Ritual slaughtering, ethnic cleansing, eating human lungs and feeding unclean and uncircumcised ones to dogs! 'Why don't you become a Muslim? Then you can be free'

27-6-2013: Aramean Catholic Priest Killed in Syria

16-5-2013: The mysterious kidnapping of the two Aramean bishops, the contradictory reports in some media, the possible responsible ones …. and the possible dénouement……

23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria

15-4-2013: The use of chemical weapons by the colonial powers supported death squads and terrorists in Syria (fake name: “liberators.”)


21-1-2013: Iraq: Aramean teacher and student killed in Mosul: Repetition of Iraq in Syria


19-12-2012: Syria: Has the time arrived to carry out a false flag attack with chemical weapons to be used by the colonial powers as pretext to invade Syria? http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Arameans_Syria_ChemicalWeapons_ColonialPowers_19_12_2012.htm

27-10-2012: Iraqi Aramean leader mourns on languishing away of Aramean presence… unseen hand… our concerns … the New World Order (NWO)… Paradigm Shift… Petrus Romanus…..


2-8-2012: Balkanization of Syria: Who will be the winners and who will be the losers?  What will happen with the indigenous Arameans present in this area since thousands of years?


23-7-2012: Syria: The good ones and the bad ones, which side do you support? The story of the Aramean sister Agnes Miriam


28-6-2102: ……………reported back that Western press was spreading disinformation about the real nature of the uprising in Syria and thereby prolonging and deepening the conflict………


18-5-2012: Is the colonial demonic plan being activated to ethnically cleanse Syria of its indigenous Aramean and other Christians?


13-12-2011: Climax of Madness: The unholy colonial product “Assyrians” wants together with Muslim brotherhood to topple the regime of Bashar Assad. How the odious demonic colonial powers maneuver their spiritual children and creation into the abyss to exterminate the Aramean nation of Syria


3-12-2011: “The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented,, Will the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Iraq serve as a example to the future ethnic cleansing of Arameans of Syria?


1-12-2011: Disposing the Middle-East of Aramean, Coptic and other Christians: a demonic plan concocted in the antichristian malignant laboratories of colonial powers


26-10-2011: “Liberation” Iraq: Extermination Aramean Christians “Liberation” Egypt: burning churches and slaughtering of Coptic Christians


24-9-2011: “Liberation” of Iraq: Extermination of Arameans of Iraq. “Liberation” of Syria…..?????......


24-4-2010: Shutting down of Aramaic institute: It would be a travesty for Syria

6-7-2009: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin Organisation sent a letter to the President of Syria, Dr. Bashar al- Assad on the situation of the Aramean indigenous people.



***************International media concerning Syria****************




31-12-2013: Syria’s legal action against Turkey, justified: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria’s call for the UN Security Council to prosecute Turkey for supporting militants operating against Damascus is a solid-based and comprehensible decision, an analyst tells Press TV……..


Weber, who is director of the US-based Institute for Historical Review, said Syria’s action will at least remind the world of “the hypocrisy” of Turkish leaders, who support “violent intervention” in Syria despite their claims of respecting other countries’ sovereignty…………………




31-12-2013: Syria asks UN Security Council to prosecute Turkey (http://www.presstv.ir)


Damascus has officially asked the UN Security Council to prosecute Turkey and all countries that support the militants operating in Syria


The Turkish authorities are systematically offering help in supplying arms to terrorists operating in a number of districts” in Syria, he said.


They support the groups which every day carry out terrorist attacks against the Syrian people, government buildings, and other infrastructure facilities,” the diplomat wrote


They were trained on the border with Syria, after which the Turkish authorities helped them penetrate the neighboring country,” the letter said



31-12-2013: Western-backed Syria crisis aims to weaken its army: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


A political analyst says the United Sates and its Western allies are fueling the deadly turmoil in Syria in an attempt to “weaken” the Arab state’s “very strong” army, Press TV reports


“Instead of Syria being able to protect itself from outside dangers, danger has been sent inside Syria, chaos has been created to basically weaken the Syrian military,” which “has always been perceived as a very strong” one, added the US-based analyst




31-12-2013: 3 killed, several injured in mortar attacks in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least three people have been killed and several others wounded after foreign-backed militants fired mortar shells at residential areas in the countryside of the Syrian capital Damascus and the western city of Homs………………………….




30-12-2013:  Assad urges confronting Takfiri, Wahhabi ideology (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has called for confronting the Takfiri and Wahhabi ideology in the region.


The Syrian president made the remarks in a meeting with a delegation from the Gathering of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon, headed by chairman of the Gathering's administrative board, Sheikh Hassan Abdullah, in Damascus on Monday.


Assad described the ideology as an alien element in the regional societies and said that it targets the history, future and coexistence of the people in the region.




30-12-2013: Saudi Arms Shipments Waiting behind Iraq's Borders with Syria (http://english.farsnews.com)


Tens of vehicles carrying arms shipments from Saudi Arabia failed to cross the Iraqi border into Syria due to the Iraqi army’s ongoing operations in the Western Al-Anbar province which borders Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia………………….


Nearly 70 2-ton vehicles are waiting for the Iraqi army forces to end its operation and withdraw from the region giving them a chance to cross the border with Syria……………………………..




30-12-2013: ‘West doesn’t want Syria crisis to end: Analyst’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


The West has no intention of helping to resolve the Syrian crisis as the dilemma has been created by Western states to protect Israel, a political analyst tells Press T


“I think they (the West) are just giving a whole lot of lip service to wanting to resolve the situation in Syria. I also believe they have [taken] Syria exactly where they wanted,”




29-12-2013:  New video shows atrocities committed by Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


A new video has emerged on the Internet, showing atrocities committed by foreign-backed militants fighting against the Syrian government.


The shocking footage showed militants who had cut off the head of a government soldier killed in the northern city of Aleppo.


The militants in the video said the man was hungry before he was decapitated……




26-12-2013: As time goes by: Turkey’s role in Syria’s unfolding crisis (http://rt.com)


Under Erdogan Turkey became directly involved in the Syrian crisis as his support for the Muslim Brotherhood brought an ideological context to Turkey’s hostile stance against Assad’s government………………


…………in the early years of its AKP government, “Turkey proved instrumental in breaking Syria’s international isolation, which paved the way for Assad’s visit to France in 2005. In 2007, a free trade agreement between Turkey and Syria boosted the bilateral trade volume from $796 million in 2006 to $2.5 billion in 2010. In 2008, Turkey even brokered peace talks between Syria and Israel. While the following year, Ankara and Damascus abolished the visa regime, thus far hampering the free movement of people and products between both countries………………..


In fact, Turkey’s greater direct involvement in Syria was then also confirmed by the news agency, Reuters. From Dubai, Reuters’ Regan Doherty and Amena Bakr reported that “Turkey has set up a secret base with allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar to direct vital military and communications aid to Syria’s rebels from a city near the border,”………………………..


Turkey’s unsuccessful attempts to initiate direct foreign intervention in Syria have since been made irrelevant by the use of “chemical weapons” in Syria……………………


Turkey’s thwarted attempts to play a major role in Syria appear to have led to its current demotion on the world stage…………..


In the end, one cannot but state that Turkey’s Syria policy has not led to any happy conclusions and that, in contrast, Turkey’s standing at home as well as abroad has suffered tremendously…….




25-12-2013: Al-Qaeda leader targeting U.N. workers (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


The shadowy leader of a powerful Al-Qaeda group fighting in Syria sought to kidnap United Nations workers and scrawled out plans for his aides to take over in the event of his death, according to excerpts of letters obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press…….




24-12-2013: West starting to realize they are aiding terrorists in Syria - Lavrov to RT (http://rt.com)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov believes Western politicians have started to realize that overthrowing Assad’s government might lead to a worsening of the Syrian crisis………………..


“The attitudes are changing in Western countries, they are becoming more realistic in their approach towards settling the Syrian crisis,” ………… The threat of terrorism in Syria, the threat of jihadists coming to power, the threat of creating a caliphate with extremist rules, the threat of violating the rights of minorities, or even depriving them of life, are the main problems.” He also said “understanding that changing the regime is not the way to solve this problem” but a way to “facilitate the arrival of jihadists to power."


23-12-2013: Case Against Syria’s Assad Falls Apart (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


20-12-2013: Video raises worries of Britons fighting with Syria militants (http://www.reuters.com)


An Internet video surfaced this week depicting a masked man in Syria with a working-class British accent, urging British Muslims to travel there and join one of the most radical Islamist rebel militias fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad………….


U.S. and British officials say the number of British citizens who have traveled to Syria to join anti-government rebels - often the most radical factions - is in the "low hundreds," and that as many as 100 Britons are in Syria fighting with militants at any given time…………………




20-12-2013: ‘Over 1,000 Christians killed in Syria crisis’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Nearly 1,000 Christians have been killed and over 450,000 of them displaced in Syria due to the crisis plaguing the country, says a prominent Christian figure.


“As we know, there are 120,000 Syrians killed in the 3-year-long crisis, including Syrian Christians. Maybe the Christians among the killed amount to 1,000,” Patriarch of the Church of Antioch, Gregory III Laham, told Xinhua on Thursday.


“There are also nine million people displaced inside and outside Syria, 450,000 of whom were Christians,” added the Christian leader.




19-12-2013: 'With or without West': Saudi Arabia ready for unilateral action on Syria (http://rt.com)


Saudi Arabia intends to pursue an independent policy in the Arab world after the US resorted to a diplomatic solution to the Syria and Iran crises. The Saudi envoy to UK says the kingdom is ready to ensure “regional peace” without Western support……………………..


They also follow recent critical statements by some Western politicians and media, saying Saudi Arabia has already been providing military support to the Syrian rebels and thus fueling the raging conflict in the Arab country…………………………….


In November, The Washington Post citing senior Gulf officials, reported that Saudi Arabia was trying to independently provide military support to the rebels after previously aligning itself with US interests in the region.


“The Saudis plan to expand training facilities they operate in Jordan and increase the firepower of arms sent to rebel groups that are fighting extremist elements among them even as they battle the Syrian government,” the paper reported




19-12-2013: 11,000 foreign militants fight against Syria: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


A new report says up to 11, 000 militants from over 70 countries have joined the war against Syria.


According to the report by the International Center for the Study of Radicalization (ICSR) on Tuesday, between 3,300 and 11,000 militants have been fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from late 2011 to December 10, 2013.




19-12-2013: Syria Conflict: You Can’t Make Sound Policy by Disregarding Reality


It was extremely foolish for Obama to say in August 2011 that “Assad must go,” because it means that the United States cannot be serious about conflict resolution in Syria. Likewise, it was foolish for Obama to draw his “red line” about chemical weapons use during his reelection campaign. So when chemical weapons were used in Syria in August this year, Obama was trapped by his own rhetoric………………………


Assad will continue to strengthen his position on the ground. But as long as Saudi money and weapons get to the opposition groups, they will be able to continue a campaign—and so the violence will go on…………………………..




19-12-2013: 11,420 Children Dead In Syria's Civil War, So Far (http://www.npr.org)


19-12-2013: Whose sarin? (http://www.lrb.co.uk) Seymour M. Hersh


Barack Obama did not tell the whole story this autumn when he tried to make the case that Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack near Damascus on 21 August. In some instances, he omitted important intelligence, and in others he presented assumptions as facts………..


But in recent interviews with intelligence and military officers and consultants past and present, I found intense concern, and on occasion anger, over what was repeatedly seen as the deliberate manipulation of intelligence. One high-level intelligence officer, in an email to a colleague, called the administration’s assurances of Assad’s responsibility a ‘ruse’………………………..


A former senior intelligence official told me that the Obama administration had altered the available information – in terms of its timing and sequence – to enable the president and his advisers to make intelligence retrieved days after the attack look as if it had been picked up and analysed in real time, as the attack was happening……………







19-12-2013: Amnesty Int'l: Al-Qaeda in Syria kidnaps, tortures, executes prisoners in secret jails (http://rt.com)


Abductions, torture, killing, sharia courts, secret prisons with “inhuman” conditions – that’s what an Al-Qaeda-linked jihadist group in Syria is accused of in the latest report by Amnesty International. Victims included children as young as eight


Amnesty has called on Turkey and Gulf states that support the mainstream rebels to curb the flow of arms and aid to ISIS and other organizations accused of human rights violations.

“The Turkish government, in particular, should prevent its territory being used by ISIS to bring in arms and recruits to Syria. As well, Gulf states that have voiced support for the armed groups fighting against the Syrian government should take action to prevent arms flows, equipment or other support reaching ISIS in view of its appalling human rights record,”




18-12-2013: Al-Jaafari: Terrorists supported by Saudi, Qatari intelligence committed massacres in Adra (http://sana.sy)


Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari called for pressuring the governing regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to cease funding, supporting and providing facilitations to the terrorist groups which are committing barbaric massacres against civilians in Syria…………………………..




18-12-2013: Saudi Arabia arms al-Qaeda through back door: Expert (http://www.presstv.ir)


Saudi Arabia has been supplying terrorist al-Qaeda militants operating in Iraq and Syria with arms and money, Middle East expert Zayd al-Isa told Press TV.


“Saudi Arabia has been financing al-Qaeda in Iraq, arming it through the back door,” al-Isa said in a Wednesday interview.


The Saudi regime has basically focused from the beginning at Syria to see the Syria regime crumble or fall apart that would ultimately lead also to the toppling of the Iraqi fledgling democracy,” he added.



18-12-2013: Saudi Arabia warns it will act against West's policy in Middle East (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Saudi Arabia has warned it has been forced to go its own way in foreign policy as its Western allies seek diplomatic solutions to the war in Syria and crisis with Iran……….


Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz al-Saud said his country is determined to independently arm Syria rebels and could not stand idly by while thousands of children were being killed by Syria’s regime…………………


High level warnings from Saudi royals over the West’s betrayal of previously shared foreign policy goals have also included demands for the Gulf countries to have a seat at negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme……………….




18-12-2013: Intl Centre for Radicalization Study: Thousands of foreigners fight by armed terrorist groups' side (http://sana.sy)


The International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence in based in the British capital said that 3,300 to 11,000 foreigners from 70 countries headed to Syria for fighting by the side of the armed terrorist groups…………………




17-12-2013: US ‘manipulated public opinion,’ ignored appeals for Syria chem attack evidence – Churkin (http://rt.com)


While building up a case against the Syrian government, the US has relied on the sophisticated filtration of information and manipulation of public opinion through carefully weighted statements with no hard proof, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said.


“Our requests for additional information which could prove the Syrian government involvement in the use of chemical weapons were ignored by Washington,” Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said after a closed-door UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting on two UN chemical weapons reports by Ake Sellstrom


Why did those who accused the Syrian government of this act did their utmost to derail or at least delay such investigation? Churkin wondered, reminding how the dragging UN probe was interfered by the tragic events in Ghouta on August 21.


“As our experts concluded, sarin used on August 21 was of approximately the same type as the one used on March 19, though of a slightly better quality. It means that over a few months opposition chemists somewhat improved the quality of their product,” Churkin said




17-12-2013: Syria Atrocities: The US Directly Supports the Al Qaeda Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


But we must understand that from the very outset of this conflict, the Western military alliance has covertly supported the terrorists with a view of destabilizing Syria as a nation state. There’s ample evidence to the fact that the United States, NATO and Israel are behind the rebels, and that these rebels are trained in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and then they come in and commit atrocities…………


We now have evidence that in the face of the defeat of rebel forces by the Syrian government forces and the pacification of large parts of the country the western military alliance and its Persian Gulf allies, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are now envisaging the recruitment of a new wave of Al-Qaeda brigades which they are sending in……………………..


………………….because they have information on the fact that these terrorists have been recruited by NATO, by the Turkish high command, in liaison with the United States……………..




17-12-2013: Saudis want to turn Syria into ‘graveyard for minorities’ (http://rt.com)


Saudi Arabia is trying to unite radical extremist rebel forces fighting in Syria after US rapprochement with Iran, with the aim to create a regional “graveyard” for both Muslim and non-Muslim minorities, journalist John Wight told RT………………..


Well the consolidation is being driven by Riyadh who now has stepped into the breach. The Saudis are clearly unhappy with Washington’s policy of conciliation towards Iran and the fact that they turned back from mounting a full military intervention in Syria as I’ve just mentioned…………..




17-12-2013:Slaughtered like sheep’: Eyewitnesses recount massacre in Adra, Syria (http://rt.com)


New details of atrocities carried out by Islamist rebel fighters in the town of Adra, 20 kilometers north of Damascus, continue to pour in from survivors of the massacre there, in which reportedly at least 80 people lost their lives.


"The decapitators" is how the Adra residents, who managed to flee the violence there, now call the people who currently have the town under their control. Adra, a town with a population of 20,000, was captured by Islamist rebels from the Al-Nusra front and the Army of Islam last week, following fierce fighting with the government forces. The town’s seizure was accompanied by mass executions of civilians


There was slaughter everywhere,” ……. “The eldest was only 20 years old; he was slaughtered. They were all children. I saw them with my own eyes. They killed fourteen people with a machete. I don’t know if these people were Alawites. I don’t know why they were slaughtered. They grabbed them by their heads and slaughtered them like sheep………………..


It’s been reported that 80 civilians were killed in the massacre. The death toll could still grow, as currently the information coming from Adra is scarce. The town has been surrounded and isolated by the Syrian army, who have been trying to force the extremists out




17-12-2013: Sit-in organized in Hasaka in solidarity with abducted bishops and nuns (http://sana.sy)


Social, civil and political sides organized a sit-in on Tuesday in front of St. George Church in Hasaka city to demand the release of all people abducted and detained by terrorists, including Bishop John Ibrhaim, Bishop Paul Yazigi and the nuns from St. Thecla Convent………………….




17-12-2013: Militants behind Syria CW attack: Russia (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russia has reiterated that foreign-backed militants in Syria were behind a chemical weapons attack in August in the Arab country.


"It is absolutely obvious that on August 21 a wide scale provocation was staged" by the militants "to provoke foreign military intervention," said Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin on Monday following a UN Security Council meeting,………….




17-12-2013: Russia accuses US of ignoring calls for more proof Syrian regime used chemical weapons (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Russia on Monday accused Washington of ignoring Moscow's appeals for proof of Syrian government involvement in chemical weapons attacks in Syria during the country's more than 2-1/2-year-old civil war………………………………………..


"Our requests for additional information which could prove the Syrian government involvement in the use of chemical weapons were ignored by Washington," Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told reporters after a closed-door meeting on chief U.N. chemical arms investigator Ake Sellstrom's final report…………………………….


The lack of any proof (about Syrian government use of chemical arms) was particularly strange because as the public learned from the media reports based on Edward Snowden's materials the United States had powerful intelligence assets in Syria," Churkin said…….




17-12-2013: West signals to Syrian opposition Assad may stay (http://www.jpost.com)


Western nations have indicated to the Syrian opposition that peace talks next month may not lead to the removal of President Bashar Assad and that his Alawite minority will remain key in any transitional administration, opposition sources said.


The message, delivered to senior members of the Syrian National Coalition at a meeting of the anti-Assad Friends of Syria alliance in London last week, was prompted by rise of al-Qaida and other militant groups, and their takeover of a border crossing and arms depots near Turkey belonging to the moderate Free Syrian Army…………..




16-12-2013: Documents show Turkey sent guns to Syrian rebels (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com)


Turkey has sent over 47 tons of weaponry to the Syrian rebels since June, according to documents filed under the United Nations trade records, despite repeated denials from government ranks.


The U.N. records show that Turkey has sent varying amounts of guns to the Syrian rebels over the past few months, with the highest amount reaching nearly 29 tons of weaponry in September alone. The numbers are found in the U.N. Comtrade, a database of international trade statistics detailed according to commodities and partner countries…………….




16-12-2013: The Chechen Jihadists fighting in Syria (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


As the fighting in Syria continues, battles are increasingly being fought by foreign militants.


Evidence has emerged that a number of these fighters come from a small, remote valley in Georgia - home to just 15,000 ethnic Chechens




16-12-2013: Syria: Turkey Supplied 47 Tons of Weapons to Islamist Rebels (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The Turkish government has supplied Syrian rebel forces with more than 47 tons of weapons in the past few months it has been revealed - this despite the Islamist government strenuously denying such charges in the past.


According to official documents filed under UN Comtrade (the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database), Turkish arms have been flowing into Syria since June. Recent months have seen the highest volume of traffic, with almost 29 tons of weaponry transferred in September alone




16-12-2013: Syria’s Saudi Jihadist Problem (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


Saudi Arabia is playing a dangerous double game—turning a blind eye to the jihadists flocking from Riyadh to Syria while assuring the West of its commitment to fighting terror.


Saudi jihadists are flocking in growing numbers to join al-Qaeda affiliates in northern Syria and despite public expressions of disquiet, Saudi Arabian officials are doing little to try to stop them flying out from the Riyadh airport—a further sign, say Western diplomats, of the Kingdom throwing caution to the wind when it comes to the Syrian civil war…………….





16-12-2013: Kanayé, another Christian village invaded by jihadists that impose the Islamic law (http://www.fides.org)


The Christian village of Kanayé, Orontes River, in the Governorate of Idlib, has been invaded by Islamist militants that terrorize the population, threaten a massacre and have imposed the Islamic law……………………………….


"We are facing what they have already done in the nearby village of Ghassanieh for over a year. In Ghassanieh they warned the residents to leave the village immediately, otherwise they would have killed them, and they got the desired result: to occupy the village with what Christians possessed. In Kanayé, they have not imposed on the population to leave but to live according to the Islamic law". According to the vicar emeritus, "this could be the first step: tomorrow they will force them to convert to Islam"………………………….




16-12-2013: ‘Turkey sent tons of arms into Syria’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


Turkey has sent over 47 tons of weaponry to the foreign-sponsored militants operating inside Syria since June, according to a UN report.


Based on data from the UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade), Turkey sent different amounts of guns, including shotguns and hunting rifles, to the militants, with the highest reaching nearly 29 tons in September alone.




16-12-2013: Archbishop Nassar: Syrian children envy the stable where Jesus was born (http://www.fides.org)


"In Syria thousands of children who have lost their homes are living in poor tents just like the stable in Bethlehem…………………………



16-12-2013: ‘Aleppo attack death toll climbs to 76’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


14-12-2013: Syrian children face sharpest decline in education (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian children have faced the sharpest decline in education in the history of the Middle East, the United Nations and international aid agencies say.


The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, and refugee agency, UNHCR, in addition to Save the Children and the World Vision aid groups made the remarks in a report published on Thursday




15-12-2013: Rise of Islamic Front a disaster for Syria (http://www.al-monitor.com)


14-12-2013: Growing strength of Syria's Islamist groups undermines hopes of ousting Assad (http://www.theguardian.com)


The west is being forced to rethink its support for rebel alliance in civil war as forces linked to al-Qaida gain ground……………………………….




14-12-2013: Syrian Islamist rebels to meet US officials, say oppositions sources (http://www.jpost.com)


Talks in Turkey expected to focus on whether US will aid radical front, which has eclipsed Free Syrian Army, says source…………….


Syrian rebel commanders from the Islamic Front which seized control of bases belonging to Western-backed rebels last week are due to hold talks with US officials in Turkey in coming days, rebel and opposition sources said on Saturday…………………


The expected contacts between Washington and the radical fighters reflect the extent to which the Islamic Front alliance has eclipsed the more moderate Free Syrian Army brigades - which Western and Arab powers tried in vain to build into a force able to topple President Bashar Assad………




13-12-2013: Russia voices concern over arms capture in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concerns over reports that a powerful foreign-backed militant group has captured arms depots of a rival militant group in northern Syria.


Citing Western media reports in connection with an al-Qaeda-linked militant group’s capture of more than 10 major warehouses storing non-lethal military supplies belonging to Western-backed ‘Free Syrian Army’ (FSA) opposition group in the town of Atme, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a Thursday statement that such “developments cause concern, especially in the context of the preparation for the Geneva-2 peace conference.”




13-12-2013: Al-Qaeda-linked rebels kidnap 120 Syrian Kurds – watchdog (http://rt.com)


Al-Qaeda linked Islamists have kidnapped at least 120 Kurdish civilians from a village in Aleppo province near the border with Turkey, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, citing its sources.


The fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), an insurgent group active in Iraq and Syria, entered the village of Ihras, 20 kilometers south of the border town of Azaz, taking the civilians hostage and transporting them to an unknown location, said the British-based Observatory




12-12-2013: UN concerned about Syrian refugees (http://www.presstv.ir/)


12-12-2013: Syrian refugees facing extreme hardship as blizzards hit region (http://www.theguardian.com)


Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees are enduring blizzards, biting winds and freezing rain as the worst winter storm for decades sweeps across the Middle East.


Aid agencies are warning of extreme hardship, particularly among families living in flimsy tents.


The United Nations has said it is extremely concerned about the plight of refugees. Aid agencies are trying to distribute thermal blankets, heaters, clothing and tarpaulin sheeting but are facing logistical difficulties in some areas due to severe weather conditions




12-12-2013: Ad shows Syrian girls being sold in KSA (http://www.presstv.ir/)

A controversial advertisement promoting Syrian girls for sale has been published in the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, reports say.


According to reports on Wednesday by Iran’s Arabic-language news networkal-Alam the detailed advertisement even embodies a telephone number belonging to someone enlisted as being a “family counselor.”




12-12-2013: Exposed: Qatar trains death warriors for Syria war (http://www.presstv.ir)


Informed sources have recently exposed that in the heart of Doha stand centers for training assassins of different nationalities who are dispatched to Syria to fight against the government of Bashar al-Assad. These would-be assassins are subjected to heavy military training as well as Wahhabi teachings……………


In point of fact, Qatari elements have ratcheted up their activities in several countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Chechnya and embarked on an intensive recruitment of ready-to-combat warriors………………….




12-12-2013: Top Western-backed rebel commander denies reports of fleeing Syria (http://rt.com)


The top Western-backed commander of the opposition forces in Syria, General Salim Idris, has denied US claims that he was run out of the country by Islamist militants……………




12-12-2013: Al Qaeda Pushes Kurdish Population Transfer in Syria (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The Syrian human rights organization Al Masrad reports that Al Qaeda affiliated Da'ash (the Islamic state in Iraq in Syria) fighters are expelling Kurdish families from their homes in a number of north Syrian communities, settling families of the organization's fighters in their stead.


According to eye witnesses, Da'ash fighters gave the families short notice to abandon their homes, leaving many of them without a roof over their heads and in difficult conditions




12-12-2013: US tweaks Syria policy after Western backed rebels suffer setback to Islamists (http://www.jpost.com)


The fundamentalist Islamic Front in Syria seized the headquarters and warehouses of the Western-backed Supreme Military Council of opposition forces this week, prompting the United States to suspend the delivery of all non-lethal assistance into the country's north…….




12-12-2013: U.S.-backed Syrian rebel commander flees country (http://www.upi.com)


The top Western-backed Syrian rebel commander fled the country after Islamist militant fighters ran him out of his headquarters, U.S. officials said.


Free Syrian Army Gen. Salim Idris flew to the Qatari capital of Doha Sunday after fleeing to Turkey, the officials told the Wall Street Journal.


"He fled as a result of the Islamic Front taking over his headquarters," a senior U.S. official said




11-12-2013: Insiders Reveal Obama Framed Assad for Chemical Weapons Attack (http://www.westernjournalism.com)


Top Secrets documents and high-level insiders in the Pentagon and CIA reveal that Obama, using doctored Syrian army communications, framed Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad for the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack.


According to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Seymour Hersh, it was actually the al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebel group al-Nusra—funded by Obamatrained by none other than our own CIA—and not al-Assad—who was behind the attack…………………………….




11-12-2013: Former IDF Head: Israel Prefers Assad to Islamist Rebels (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Former Israeli Chief of Staff Dan Halutz has said that Israel prefers the Assad regime to an alternative that would see Al Qaeda-style Islamists taking control of Syria.


……….. "but we have to recognize that the opposition in Syria is made up primarily of Muslim extremists like Al Qaeda."




10-12-2013: Video Former French fighter in Syria: 'We are all al-Qaeda' (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


The BBC has obtained an exclusive face-to-face interview with a 25-year-old student from France who travelled to Syria to fight as part of the biggest brigade of foreign jihadists.


He says he has now left the brigade because it recently pledged full allegiance to an organisation called the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria or ISIS - the most hardline group linked to al-Qaeda




10-12-2013: Obama admin 'cherry-picked intelligence' to justify Syria strike (http://rt.com/)


Washington knew Syrian rebels could produce sarin gas but “cherry-picked” intel to blame President Assad for the Aug. 21 attack on Ghouta, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed, citing senior US security sources




9-12-2013: Obama lied about Syrian chemical attack, ‘cherry-picked’ intelligence: report (http://www.washingtontimes.com)


The Obama administration quashed intelligence reports that suggested an al Qaeda-linked group could have been responsible for the sarin gas attack carried out in Syria last August, according to a news report published in London on Sunday….


What they kept secret, according to an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, was the belief of U.S. spy agencies that military forces loyal to Mr. Assad were not ones in Syria’s civil war to have access to sarin




9-12-2013: Christians Are Being Burned Alive, Beheaded, Crucified, Tortured To Death And Imprisoned In Metal Shipping Containers (http://endoftheamericandream.com)


But very few Americans are even aware that it has been estimated that 100 million Christians are currently facing persecution and that approximately 100,000 Christians die for their faith each year.  As you are about to see, Christians all over the world are being burned alive, beheaded, crucified, tortured to death and imprisoned in metal shipping containers just because of what they believe.  This persecution goes on year after year and it is steadily intensifying.  But the governments of the western world and the mainstream media are almost entirely ignoring what is happening…………………..




9-12-2013: Militants losing battle in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign backed militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria are losing the battle in the Arab country, a political analyst tells Press TV.


Clearly the President of Syria has gained the upper hand here. If we think back over the last three years, the decline in the amount of violence that has taken place, and not that the violence taking place presently is acceptable, but [there has been] a serious decline in the amount of daily attacks on the part of these terrorists,


The entire world knows that America has funded this terrorist group and all of the atrocities that have come from this. And so, what we see taking place now is that this is the death rows of this conspiracy against the nation of Syria….




8-12-2013: Prince Bandar behind effort to topple Assad: Ralph Schoenman (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Well, as a matter of fact The Wall Street Journal article is very specific, “Inside the Central Intelligence Agency everyone knows Saudi Arabia is serious about toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Saudi king named Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz al-Saud to lead this effort.


The CIA has been involved with the Saudis in providing plane loads of money and arms and Prince Bandar has been jetting from coverts to manned centers near Syrian front lines to the Elysee Palace in Paris; the Kremlin in Moscow, seeking to organize the undermining of the Assad regime according to Arab American European officials.”




8-12-2013: How the USA Lost Its Syrian Allies (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


As the United States moves forward with a summit it hopes will end the civil war in Syria, the Obama administration finds itself alienated from the opposition forces it tried and failed to cultivate for the last two years.


In turn, the Obama administration has begun reaching out to Syrian rebels who espouse an Islamist agenda and draw support from American allies in the region like Saudi Arabia as opposed to the United States directly




7-12-2013: Saudis plan major offensive against Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Surprise, surprise... The new Israeli-Saudi Alliance has rolled out its response to the hard-fought de-escalation of the Syrian killing fields. They want to try to knock off Assad while the stage two of the Iran negotiations are going on. The Israelis have a key role. They don’t fight, don’t die, or pay for anything. They just watch everybody else do it while screaming they fear for their existence…..





7-12-2013: Syria conflict: Foreign jihadists 'use Turkey safe houses' (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


Foreign jihadist fighters are using safe houses in southern Turkey to cross into Syria to fight against government forces, the BBC has learnt.


A man running one such house near the border town of Reyhanli said more than 150 people - including up to 20 Britons - had used it in the past three months


"We made the revolution for freedom and equality but the jihadists don't want this. They've come to destroy Syria."……………………………………




7-12-2013: Militants Behead 7 Syrian Christians in Reef Homs (http://english.farsnews.com)


The bodies of the beheaded Christians have been found in the town of Al-Hasn in Homs countryside on Saturday.


The militants had abducted the Christians from Wadi al-Nassara (Valley of Christians) village, also in Homs countryside, a while ago.


The armed rebels had severely tortured the Christians before beheading them, FNA's regional bureau in Syria reported.



4-12-2013: Foreign intelligence services back militants: FSA (http://www.presstv.ir)


One of the former commanders of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) says militants in Syria are supported by foreign intelligence agencies, including Israeli services, a Syrian TV channel says.


Saddam al Jamal, former leader of the FSA Eastern Front and a member of the FSA Staff Board or Supreme Military Council, said in a sound bite broadcast by the Syrian channel that intelligence agencies from Britain, the US, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan as well as Israel support the militants




4-12-2013: Syria conflict: Aleppo rocket attack 'kills at least 18' (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


4-12-2013: Mortar attacks kill nearly 20 in Syria’s Aleppo (http://www.presstv.ir)


4-12-2013: Syria militants to use kidnapped nuns as human shields (http://www.presstv.ir)


Latest media reports from Syria say foreign-sponsored militants fighting against the government plan to use a group of nuns they kidnapped from their convent in the town of Ma'loula as “human shields.”


Twelve Syrian and Lebanese nuns were kidnapped from a Greek Orthodox convent after foreign-backed militants, including members of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, moved into the center of Ma'loula on Monday following several days of fighting




4-12-2013: Jihadists Returning Home to Europe From Syria Pose New Terror Threat (http://online.wsj.com)


Scores of jihadist fighters from Europe who streamed to Syria to join Islamic extremist rebels have begun returning home, where some are suspected of plotting terror attacks, according to U.S. and European intelligence and security officials……………………


The total number of fighters from Europe is difficult to track, but officials and academics estimate it at about 1,000 or more, including from Germany, France and the Netherlands. Dozens have traveled to Syria from the U.S…………………




4-12-2013: Al-Jaafari: Saudis which fight in Syria came with knowledge of Saudi intelligence (http://sana.sy)


Syria's permanent Envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said that all the Saudis who traveled to fight in Syria had come with the acknowledge of the Saudi intelligence, and a large number of them have been sentenced to death or to life imprisionment and they were released in return for going to "jihad" in Syria and kill the Syrians.


"The Saudi authorities release those criminals, the majority of them are affiliated to extremist, terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda, to send them to Syria through hidden agreements through which they are given amnesty in return for their travelling to Syria to kill the Syrians," al-Jaafari said at a press statement following a security council's session in New York


He added that the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments are directly involved in supporting the terrorists in Syria………………………..




3-12-2013: Syrian opposition fighters seize 12 nuns from Christian village (http://www.theguardian.com)


Opposition fighters have abducted 12 nuns from a predominantly Christian village near Damascus and taken them to a rebel-held town, the mother superior of a Syrian convent said on Tuesday…………….




3-12-2013: Big concern over destiny of the abducted nuns (http://sana.sy)


Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and all East for Greek Orthodox condemned holding the nuns who were kidnapped by the armed terrorist groups as hostages at St. Thecla Convent in Maloula town in Damascus countryside,………………………….


On the nuns who were kidnapped by the armed terorist groups in Maloula, Patriarch Laham said that the nuns were in the Convent and then they were transported by bus, adding that no one knows where they are and they might be in Yabroud……………………………….




3-12-2013: Syria foreign-backed militants kidnap 12 nuns in Ma'loula (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed militants operating inside Syria have kidnapped 12 nuns from a convent in the Christian town of Ma'loula.


According to local authorities on Tuesday, the militants took the nuns to the nearby town of Yabrud after they stormed the convent on Monday.


There is no word on the fate of the nuns, but militants are usually known to kill people they kidnap




3-12-2013: Congress Backs Terrorists In Syria … Then Says We Need NSA Spying Because There are Terrorists In Syria (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


However, the U.S. has been funding the Syrian opposition since 2006 … and arming the opposition since 2007.   (In reality, the U.S. and Britain considered attacking Syrians and then blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime change … 50 years ago (the U.S. just admitted that they did this to Iran) . And the U.S. has been planning regime change in Syria for 20 years straight. And see this.)


The New York Times, (and here and here) , Wall Street Journal, USA TodayCNN, McClatchy (and here), AP, Time, Reuters, BBC, the Independent, the Telegraph, Agence France-PresseAsia Times, and the Star (and here) confirm that  supporting the rebels means supporting Al Qaeda and two other terrorist groups………………………




3-12-2013: Patriarch Gregory III: "True martyrs in Maalula" (http://www.fides.org)


We are determined to remain in this blessed land even at the cost of martyrdom and martyrdom of blood. This has already happened to some of our faithful, such as the three men from Maalula, Michael Taalab, Antonios Taalab and Sarkis Zakhem. They are true martyrs killed for refusing to renounce their faith"……………………….




3-12-2013: Syria Patriarch, Mother Superior Appeal for Release of Kidnapped Nuns (http://www.theepochtimes.com)


A Syrian mother superior on Tuesday accused opposition fighters of abducting 12 nuns from a predominantly Christian village near the capital that was overrun by rebels, and Syria’s Greek Orthodox patriarch appealed for their quick release………………….


Syrian rebels captured large parts of Maaloula, some 60 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of the capital, on Monday after three days of fighting. Activists say the rebels who stormed the town included members of the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra or Nusra Front……………………..




2-12-2013: Video FSA-Nusra Invade Ancient Maaloula Again and Abduct Nuns and Orphans from St. Thecla Convent


2-12-2013: Maalula again occupied by the rebels (http://www.fides.org)


The predominantly Christian village of Maalula, 60km west of Damascus, was again attacked by rebel militias on Saturday, November 30………….




2-12-2013: Mother Agnes Mariam: Exposing the Syrian Chemical Hoax (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


2-12-2013: Syrian hospitals and charities hampered by scarce resources and logistical challenges (http://www.irishtimes.com)


1-12-2013: US, Israel fed up with Syria insurgency: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The United States and Israel, both supporters of the insurgency in Syria, have been overwhelmed by the ongoing crisis in that country,…………………………….


The whole world knows what took place there, that this was not some grassroots insurgency on the part of a bunch of freedom fighters, that these were nothing but terrorists who were trained by the United States and Israel……………………………..




1-12-2013: American militants in Syria pose security threat: US (http://www.presstv.ir/)


US officials have warned that the American nationals who have joined the militancy inside Syria will pose a security threat to their home country………………..


Analysts from an arm of the British defense consultant IHS Jane’s and from a nonprofit think tank in London estimate that over 15,000 foreign militants, including Americans, are fighting in Syria………………..




30-9-2013: Mikati to Yaziji: Progress on freeing kidnapped bishops is made (http://www.nna-leb.gov.lb)


Progress on freeing both kidnapped bishops in Homs, is being made, caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati, reassured Greek Orthodox patriarch John Yaziji X during their meeting in Balamand today……………….




30-9-2013: Saudi royal guard killed in Syria’s Deir Attiya (http://en.alalam.ir)


A Saudi Royal Army commander has been killed along with 40 Saudi militants in Syria’s Deir Attiyeh during clashes that freed the strategic town from al-Qaeda-linked militants…..


……………..the Saudi Royal Army commander known as Abu Ubaida who led terrorist al-Nusra Front’s operations in the Christian town was killed in clashes with the Syrian army…………….




29-11-2013: Video: ISIL terrorists execute rival Syrian rebel commander, 6 militants (http://en.alalam.ir)


Al-Qaeda-linked militants have executed the commander of a rival rebel faction and six of his men, an amateur video of the public execution shows, part of their campaign to marginalize other groups in Syria………………….




29-11-2013: Syrian Kurds Take Steps Toward Self-Rule (http://www.voanews.com)


In much of Syria’s Kurdish-dominated northeast, basic services are functioning and schools are open in marked contrast to other areas of the war-torn country………………………………….


The city of Qamishli has become a center of that rule, carved out by Kurdish militias who ousted al-Qaeda-affiliated jihadists




29-11-2013: Syria war 'damaging a generation of children', UN warns (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


School-age refugees who have fled to neighbouring countries are increasingly cut off from education and forced to work to survive, the study found.


As many as 300,000 living in Lebanon and Jordan could be without schooling by the end of 2013, the UNHCR says


More than half of 2.2 million Syrian refugees are children, the UN says………..




29-11-2013: Syria's refugee children forced into work by poverty and family breakdown – interactive (http://www.theguardian.com)


The Syrian refugee crisis is taking a huge toll on children. Of the 2.2 million people who have left Syria since the war began, more than a million of them are under 18. In Jordan, children can be found working in cafes or selling drinks or flowers by the side of the road……………………




29-11-2013: Four killed, 26 injured in Damascus mortar attack (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Four people have been killed and 26 others injured in a mortar attack targeting the historical Umayyad Mosque in the Syrian capital, Damascus.


The incident occurred on Friday when foreign-backed militants on the outskirts of the capital fired mortar rounds near the Umayyad Mosque in the city center, the Syrian state TV reported………..




29-11-2013: Syrian refugee children face 'catastrophic' life in exile, UN says (http://www.theguardian.com)


Hundreds of thousands of Syrian children already traumatised by war are facing a life of "catastrophe" in exile, without education or normal childhood freedoms, the UN refugee agency has warned…………………………


More than a million Syrian children are refugees, most of them in neighbouring countries……..


As families fall apart, tens of thousands of Syrian children are living without their fathers……….




29-11-2013: Syria Jihadists Execute Members of Rival Faction (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a jihadist group fighting to overthrow President Bashar Al-Assad, has taken advantage of a power vacuum in rebel-held areas to assert its authority over more moderate elements of the armed opposition…………..


A masked man on the video identifies seven men kneeling as members of the Ghurabaa al-Sham brigade, a moderate Islamist group that was one of the first to fight Assad. A man who appeared to be the group’s commander, Hassan Jazera, was among them………………




29-11-2013: UNHCR: Number of Syria refugees passes 3 mn (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has announced that the number of Syrian refugees, who have fled to neighboring countries, has passed the three million mark.


In a statement released on Thursday, the agency also said, an additional 6.5 million people have been displaced inside Syria since the outbreak of the foreign-sponsored militancy in the country




28-11-2013: CNN cuts off Russian diplomat’s remarks in favor of Syria rebels (http://en.alalam.ir)


The American CNN TV channel has cut out parts of its interview with the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin about Syrian people support to their president and human rights violations committed by the US-backed Syrian opposition………………………….




28-11-2013: A parish priest: "The exodus of civil Christians from Qara, invaded by foreign jihadists" (http://www.fides.org)


"Maalula, Sednaya, Sadad, then Qara and Deir Atieh, now Nebek: the armed jihadist apply the same model: they target a village, invade it, kill, burn and devastate. For Christians or non-Christians, life is always more difficult………………….


The Greek Catholic church of St. Michael was devastated and burned. Other Catholic Orthodox churches in Der Athie suffered the same fate as well as some mosques: is a warning to moderate Muslims.


Fr. George explains: "These are extremist foreign fighters, who want to sow hatred and sectarian violence , wanton destruction, mo respect for civilians. I am not in the FSA. We do nothing but pray. In this exodus, we tried the beautiful experience of solidarity and affection between Catholic and Orthodox Christians"…………………..




27-11-2013: Number of foreign fighters from Europe in Syria is historically unprecedented (http://www.washingtonpost.com/)


Since 2011, large numbers of European Muslims have gone to Syria to fight with the rebels……..


In the meantime, we can conclude from this simple exercise that the number of European foreign fighters in Syria is alarmingly high and historically unprecedented.  Moreover, France, Germany and the U.K. may have the largest foreign fighter contingents in Syria, but Denmark, Norway, Belgium and Austria have contributed a much higher proportion of their population…………




27-11-2013: Al-Qaeda's brutal tactics in Syria forces out moderates (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


But Mohammed says the jihadists' extremist ideology is not the only reason for doing that. He claims they are working with the government to undermine the rebellion…………………


"[In Raqqa], they have occupied the governor's house and other former Baath Party buildings. But when the city comes under bombardment, only schools, hospitals and residential areas are hit, and not any ISIS-occupied locations," he says………………….




27-11-2013: Kurdish Militias Drive Out Jihadists, Bring Stability Back to Parts of Syria (http://www.thedailybeast.com/)


27-11-2013: Hundreds of Turks join Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria


Five hundred Turks have crossed the border into Syria to fight with Al-Qaeda linked jihadists against the government, according to a Turkish interior ministry report…………..


It said another 75 Turkish citizens had been killed in the conflict which first erupted in March 2011……….




27-11-2013: 500 Turks fighting with al-Nusra Front in Syria: Turkey (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Turkey says approximately 500 Turkish citizens have joined the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front terrorists fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…………………




26-11-2013: Turks worried as sons leave home for Syria war (http://en.alalam.ir)


Turkey is witnessing a rising number of people heading to the south of the country to join extremist groups in their fight against Syria which the government in Ankara has been supporting for more than two years. Several hundred Turks are estimated to be among thousands of foreigners swelling the ranks of extremist militants…………………………………




26-11-2013: Car bomb blast kills 15 in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


At least 15 people have been killed after a car bomb exploded in an area near the Syrian capital city of Damascus.


Nine of those who lost their lives in Tuesday's explosion were civilians while the others are said to be Syrian army forces.


Reports say that more than 30 people were also injured in the attack………………………..




26-11-2013: 4 killed, 23 injured in Syria attacks (http://www.presstv.ir/)


At least four civilians have been killed and 23 others wounded after mortar rounds fired by foreign-sponsored militants hit several areas in the Syrian capital Damascus……………………….




26-11-2013: Mortar attack kills 11, injures several in Aleppo (http://www.presstv.ir/)


"Eleven killed and 20 others injured in a terrorist mortar attack on Jamilia district," the official news agency SANA cited a police source in the city as saying on Monday




25-11-2013: Sixth British jihadist reportedly killed in Syria (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The death follows a reports that four British men have died fighting for the al-Qa’ida linked al-Nusra Front in Syria over the summer.


Three of the men, all thought to have been from London, were killed as they attacked forces loyal to President Bashar Assad near Aleppo.


A fourth man, fighting for the same group was shot two weeks later during an ambush on an enemy position. He has been named by the Times as Mohammed el-Araj, 23, from Ladbroke Grove, west London




25-11-2013: The village of Deir Atieh invaded by Islamists: Christians identified and detained (http://www.fides.org)


Militants of Islamist factions have invaded the town of Deir Atieh, north of Damascus, spreading terror, death and destruction……… the attack took place on 22 November ……………….


The militiamen examine the identification documents of those who intend to leave the city and retain those who have Christian names……………………




25-11-2013: Al Qaeda advancing in Syria, one town at a time (http://edition.cnn.com)


Al Qaeda fighters in Syria have seized another town on the border with Turkey, consolidating their grip on a swath of northern Syria.


The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took control of the town of Atimah at the end of last week, further tilting the balance away from more moderate factions of the Free Syrian Army………………..


If ISIL's record elsewhere is any guide, the people of Atimah can expect the imposition of strict Islamic customs, with women and girls being coerced to dress more conservatively and Sharia, or religious, courts being established to dispense justice………………


Another jihadist group now controls one of Syria's main oilfields, according to the Observatory. It says Jabhat al Nusra (JaN) took over the al Omar field over the weekend,…………………




24-11-2013: More than 11,000 children killed in Syria: study (http://www.chicagotribune.com)


More than 11,000 children have been killed in Syria since the conflict there began over two and a half years ago, many of them summarily executed or targeted by snipers, a UK-based think tank said in a report published on Sunday………………..




23-11-2013: The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack and the Role of Saudi Intelligence. The Mint News Report (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


22-11-2013: Islamists forge Syria's biggest rebel alliance (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Islamists fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad forged Syria's largest rebel alliance Friday and pledged to work towards an Islamic state, as rebels seized a town on the Lebanese border…………………….


Among those joining are Aleppo's biggest fighting force, Liwa al-Tawhid, the Salafist Ahrar al-Sham and the Army of Islam, which is concentrated around Damascus…………………………



 21-11-2013: Four British jihadists 'killed fighting for al-Qaeda in Syria' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Home-grown extremists died battling President Bashar al-Assad's forces as fears grow that the Syrian conflict could be a breeding ground for British terrorists, it has been claimed……………..


Government estimates suggest as many as 300 Britons have joined the campaign to topple President Bashar al-Assad, elements of which have fallen under the influence of Islamic extremists……….




20-11-2013: UK jihadi fighting for al-Qaeda linked group in Syria (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


A British man in Syria has told the BBC he is fighting for a group linked to al-Qaeda.


Ifthekar Jaman, 23, from Southsea, Hampshire, told Newsnight the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) was engaged in a jihad to establish a state based on Islamic religious law……………….




20-11-2013: A Violent Year in the Life of the Syria-Turkey Border (http://online.wsj.com)


Along this porous frontier, Syria's conflict is increasingly migrating onto Turkish soil, reshaping communities and feeding fears that Ankara's support for rebel groups could backfire, igniting fresh violence on this side of the border………………………..


As the war has ravaged cross-border trade, new economic linkages have emerged. Turkish businessmen, Syrian rebels and residents of the north have joined forces to finance and build oil refineries and textile factories, moves that Turks and Syrians involved in these deals say ensures the Turkish partners a profit and an economic stake in Syria………………………..


Earlier this month, Turkey's general staff said they seized three vehicles loaded with 20 bags of sulfur and eight sealed barrels filled with an unidentified substance after a firefight with Syrians trying to smuggle the material into Syria. The military did not speculate on the intended use of the seized substances………………………….


The growing sway of extremist brigades has forced Ankara in recent months to dial back its efforts to funnel weapons to rebel groups for fear of emboldening radicals, according to senior U.S. officials…………………………..




19-11-2013: Syria’s Christians Flee Kidnappings, Rape, Executions (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


Traumatized by what they have endured inside Syria and fearful for their future, Christians fleeing the 32-month-long civil war say the persecution of Christians is worsening in rebel-held territories in the country’s north—and that the kidnapping, rape and executions of Christians aren’t just being carried out by jihadist groups, but also by other Sunni Muslim rebels, including those affiliated with the Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA)……………………………..


Many of the Christian refugees arriving in Lebanon are traumatized, says Najla Chahda of Caritas, the Catholic relief agency. “A lot of them are sharing with us some really horrible stories that some fundamentalists approached them, forced them to pay some rent, or amount of money that they don’t have,” Chahda said. “So they are just afraid and left.”……………..




18-11-2013: Mortar shells kill 2 civilians in Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least two civilians have been killed and several others wounded after mortar rounds fired by foreign-backed militants hit residential areas in the Syrian capital Damascus…………………




17-11-2013: 4 Syrian generals among 31 dead in rebel bomb attack (http://rt.com)


A rebel bomb attack killed 31 Syrian military troops on an army base near Damascus on Sunday. Four generals were among those killed. The attack came amid a major regime offensive against rebel positions around Damascus and Aleppo, AFP reported………………………….


The rebel group Direh al-Aasmeh (Shield of Damascus) brigade - which is part of the Western-backed Free Syrian Army - has claimed responsibility for the attack, posting a video of the blast on YouTube. ………………………….




17-11-2013: Syria fighting in Qalamoun triggers new exodus of refugees to Lebanon http://www.washingtonpost.com)


A thousand families sought shelter between Friday and Sunday in the eastern Lebanese town of Arsal………………………………………


Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have been gaining momentum on a number of fronts as they seek to reclaim rebel-held territory ahead of peace talks due to be held in the coming months in Geneva………………………………..




17-11-2013: ’31 troops killed in blast near Damascus’


At least 31 Syrian troops have been killed after a bomb blast rocked an army base near the capital Damascus, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says………………………..


Three generals and a brigadier-general were among 31 troops killed in a bomb attack that caused a building in the army transport base in Harasta to collapse,"………………………….




17-11-2013: 31 Syrian soldiers killed by rebel bomb blast (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


At least 31 Syrian soldiers have been killed by a rebel bomb attack on an army base near Damascus……..


A rebel group, the Direh al-Aasmeh (Shield of Damascus) brigade, claimed responsibility for the attack………………………….




17-11-2013: West financing, arming militants in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


“...We should understand that this is a proxy entity of the Western military alliance recruited by NATO and its allies including of course Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey,” Michel Chossudovsky said on Saturday……………………….


He added that the ongoing bloody unrest in Syria “is a US-NATO-Israeli-sponsored terrorist operation.”


Chossudovsky added that Syria is facing a “Western construct” militancy covertly supported and armed by Western intelligence…………………




17-11-2013: Mortar rounds kill 7, injure several in Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


On Sunday, a mortar shell fired by the militants struck areas near al-Sheikh Raslan Mosque in Damascus’ Bab Touma district, killing three people and injuring 15 others, including children, official SANA news agency reported…………………….




16-11-2013: West is the architect of terrorism in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


And we should emphasize that this insurgency is a US-NATO-Israeli-sponsored terrorist operation, which is being defeated. And we should understand that this is a proxy entity of the Western military alliance recruited by NATO and its allies including of course Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey………………………


We have a severe opposition and an insurgency, which is largely a Western construct - it’s a fake opposition and the military arm of this entity are the terrorists, which are supported covertly by Western intelligence, supplied and so on…………………….




14-11-2013: Syria Falls Apart: Kurds Declare Self-Rule, Assad Besieges Aleppo (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


A declaration by Syrian Kurds of a provisional regional government for Syria’s northeastern Kurdish areas has infuriated the mainly Sunni rebels battling to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. They accuse the Syrian Kurds of being in league with Assad……………………..


The announcement of self-rule from the Kurds came after Kurdish militias seized another group of villages this week in northeastern Syria from jihadists, adding to an impressive few weeks of territorial gains……………………


The PYD is a group hostile to the Syrian revolution,” the SNC said in a statement yesterday,….




 14-11-2013: Bomb blasts kill 2 in, around Syria Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least two people have been killed in two bomb blasts in and around the western Syrian city of Homs.


On Thursday, one person was killed and several others injured after a bomb, planted by militants fighting against the Syrian government, exploded near Mrimin-Qarmas road in the northern countryside of Homs, Syria's official SANA news agency reported…..




14-11-2013: Three dead, 22 injured in Damascus shelling, bomb attacks (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least three people have been killed and 22 others injured after shelling and bombings hit the Syrian capital, Damascus, Syrian media said…………………..


The attacks happened on Mardam Bek Street and in the Kalassa district of Damascus.


Foreign-backed militants, who have set up their positions on the outskirts of Damascus, have frequently fired mortar rounds and rockets into the center of the capital city……………………….




13-11-2013: Western-raised jihadists pouring into Syria could threaten US in the future (http://www.foxnews.com)


Most of the more than 1,000 jihadists who have poured into Syria to fight alongside Al Qaeda carry passports from North America and Europe, raising the possibility that they could easily bring terror back to the west,………………………..


"When it comes to the number of Salafist Jihadis who have traveled from the West to join the Syrian Jihad, it is difficult to pinpoint a solid figure,"……………………


Terrorists hardened on the battlefields of Syria would not even require passports to get into the U.S., if the border with Mexico is not better protected, argued the head of the House Homeland Security Committee,………………………




12-11-2013: Kurds declare interim admin. in NE Syria


The Democratic Union Party (PYD) made the announcement in a statement issued on Tuesday after holding a meeting with other Kurdish groups in a northeastern Syrian town earlier in the week……


The interim administration is formed by the PYD and some other smaller groupings, but the Kurdish National Council (KNC), which includes a broad spectrum of parties, has not joined the transitional authority……………………..


Since the end of July, al-Qaeda-linked militants have kidnapped hundreds of Kurds………………..


A recent British defense study shows that about 100,000 foreign-backed militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, are fighting in Syria against the government and people…………..




12-11-2013: Polio disables 13 children in Syria: WHO (http://www.presstv.ir)


The World Health Organization (WHO) says polio outbreak in Syria has paralyzed 13 children in the Arab country, warning against the international spread of the disease…..




12-11-2013: A resistance fighter returned: How a German teenager who left to fight Assad in Syria was snatched back by his family


The previous evening, Pero and 22 others, including at least four teenagers, took a budget flight to the Turkish resort city of Antalya and continued by road to the border with Syria. The group was part of an increasing number of European Muslims seeking to fight in the Syrian civil war alongside extremist groups, some of them linked to al-Qa’ida. And security officials worry that some of these volunteers will return radicalised and determined to strike in Europe………………………




12-11-2013: Syria's Kurds move towards autonomy with announcement of transitional government


The main Kurdish party in Syria has announced plans to create a transitional government in the areas dominated by Kurds in the north-east of the country…………….


The plan calls for the creation of a parliament of 82 members elected from three cantons across the region, which will each have their own local assemblies………………


The Kurdish people will govern themselves democratically alongside other ethnic minorities in the area. It will not be affected by whoever will run Damascus. Assad cannot enter our area again. We are protecting our area. We are not attacking anyone.”…………………………




12-11-2013: Kurds declare an interim administration in Syria (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com)


Syrian Kurds declared an interim administration in northeastern parts of the country (Rojava) on Nov. 12, further solidifying their geographic and political presence after driving out radical Islamist rebels………………


"We told them to avoid a de facto administration declaration that could divide Syria. We told them to put a distance between themselves and the [al-Assad] regime," Davutoğlu said during a live interview on private broadcaster NTV on Nov. 12……………………..




10-11-2013: Al-Qaeda in Syria raids wedding party, warns against music and singing (http://english.alarabiya.net)



8-11-2013: Beleagured Syrian Christians fear fall of Assad (http://chronicle.augusta.com)


The shelling and recent rebel assaults on predominantly Christian towns have fueled fears among Syria’s religious minorities about the growing role of Islamic extremists and foreign fighters among the rebels fighting against President Bashar Assad’s rule. Christians believe they are being targeted – in part because of the anti-Christian sentiment among extremists and in part as punishment for what is seen as their support for Assad………………………….


In October, rebels from the al-Qaida-linked group Jabhat al-Nusra attacked the Christian town of Sadad, north of Damascus, seizing control until they were driven out after fierce fighting with government forces. The rebels appear to have targeted the town because of its strategic location near the main highway north of Damascus, rather than because it is Christian……………………


Al-Qaida-linked fighters have damaged and desecrated churches in areas they have seized. In Raqqa, militants set fires in two churches and knocked the crosses off them, replacing them with the group’s black Islamic banner. Jihadis also torched an Armenian church in the northern town of Tel Abyad, …………………………..


Christians in Damascus are convinced that extremists are deliberately targeting their neighborhoods as rebels battle government forces trying to uproot them from the towns they control outside the capital…………………


Hundreds of Christians have fled al-Qassaa to other areas of the capital or into neighboring Lebanon. Nationwide, some 450,000 Christians have fled their homes, part of an exodus of some 7 million during the 2½-year civil war, according to Church officials……


Almost all the 50,000 Christians in the mixed city of Homs have fled, and another 200,000 have fled the northern city of Aleppo, both battleground cities……………





8-11-2013: MI5 chief says British militants operating in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


A senior UK intelligence official says hundreds of British residents have entered into operations against the Syrian government inside the country.


Andrew Parker, head of Britain’s domestic intelligence service, MI5, said on Thursday that the UK intelligence service has “seen low hundreds of people from this country go to Syria for periods and come back - some large numbers are still there - and get involved in fighting.”




7-11-2013: KSA trains Syria militants to topple Assad govt (http://www.presstv.ir)


Saudi Arabia is training foreign-backed militants in Syria as part of a new push to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad, a new report says.


The Kingdom has teamed up with Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and France in adopting the new policy to bolster militants in Syria, the Foreign Policy magazine reported.


This comes as Pakistani instructors are also involved in the new project with sources saying that Pakistan could be given the responsibility for training two militant brigades, with about 5,000-10,000 militants




7-11-2013: Turkish PM Erdogan denies support for Al-Qaeda in Syria (http://www.dailystar.com.lb/)


Turkey is not providing shelter or backing to Al-Qaeda-linked groups in Syria and will continue to exclude them from its broader support for the Syrian opposition, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday……………………………….


"It is out of the question that groups like al Nusra and Al-Qaeda can take shelter in our country," Erdogan told


"On the contrary, any such structures would be subject to the same fight we carry out against separatist terrorist groups. We have taken the necessary steps against them and we will continue to do so," he said




7-11-2013: Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train new rebel force (http://www.theguardian.com)


Saudi Arabia is preparing to spend millions of dollars to arm and train thousands of Syrian fighters in a new national rebel force to help defeat Bashar al-Assad and act as a counterweight to increasingly powerful jihadi organisations……………………..


Syrian, Arab and western sources say the intensifying Saudi effort is focused on Jaysh al-Islam (the Army of Islam or JAI), created in late September by a union of 43 Syrian groups…………….


Saudi Arabia has long called publicly for arming the anti-Assad rebels and has bridled at US caution. It has been playing a more assertive role since September's US-Russian agreement on chemical weapons…………………………


6-11-2013: Inside Syrian town living under al Qaeda reign of fear (http://www.cnn.com)


Raqqa was, a matter of months ago, one of Syria's most liberal cities. Now locals call it Tora Bora. They say it's as if the Taliban of Afghanistan have taken over…………………….


"They are closing hair salons, women can't go out at certain times. They spat on one girl for disobedience. It's like Afghanistan. Now people call Raqqa Tora Bora." The speed of change has overwhelmed many who notice that the city is becoming quieter and more conservative each week…………….


ISIS first came into town on May 15, and swiftly executed men they accused of working for the regime. At first, they seemed an Islamist but better-organized alternative to the rebels who had failed to bring governance or peace to the city for months. But slowly a broader agenda emerged and began to gather pace each week,…………………………..




6-11-2013: Official: Syrian government to attend Syria II talks without preconditions (http://www.cnn.com)


Syrian government officials will attend the international conference dubbed "Geneva II" that is charged with bringing about an end to the violence that has wracked the country since March 2011,…..


She ridiculed the opposition coalition as a front for Saudi intelligence. "Who does the coalition represent?" she asked rhetorically, and then cited two groups described as terrorist by the U.S. State Department. "Is it al Qaeda or Jabhat al-Nusra?"……………………..




6-11-2013: Al Qaeda-linked group strengthens hold in northern Syria (http://edition.cnn.com)


Al Qaeda has swept to power with the aim of imposing a strict Islamist ideology on Syrians across large swathes of Syria's rebel-held north, according to a CNN survey of towns, activists and analysts………………………


There are a number of smaller towns in northern Syria which -- activists and residents have told us -- are controlled entirely by ISIS: Keftin, Tal Rifat, Azaz, Ad Dana, Dar Ta Izzah, Binnish, Raqqa, Ma'arrat Misrin, Jarablus and Al-Bab…………………




6-11-2013: Deadly bomb blast hits Syrian capital (http://www.theguardian.com)


A bomb has exploded in a central district of Damascus, killing at least eight people, Syrian state media reported……………….




6-11-2013: Syria conflict: Damascus and Suweida hit by deadly blast (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


Eight people have been killed in a blast in the centre of the Syrian capital, Damascus, the Sana state news agency reports.


It said 50 were also wounded in the Hijaz Square explosion, which hit the offices of the railway company.


Eight people were also killed by a rare blast in the town of Suweida, home to Syria's Druze minority, say reports.




5-11-2013: How the war in Syria has become a terrible, tragic mess (http://www.globalpost.com)


Islamic rebel groups “have checkpoints on every road. Anyone Kurdish, any journalist, Syrian or foreign, is captured or killed no matter who they are or what they are doing there.”……………..


“There is no medicine. The economy is collapsing. There is food but it is limited,” …… “We rely on local agriculture. We can’t access any border crossing to Turkey because of the fighting. The only way to get supplies is by crossing illegally, but the Turkish government monitor the borders closely.”…………………………….




4-11-2013: Bomb goes off in Syria’s Homs, 7 killed (http://www.presstv.ir)


3-11-2013: Rebels lose ground to Assad forces in Syria war; Free Syrian Army official Akaidi resigns (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Forces loyal to Syria’s government are taking advantage of deepening rifts among the country’s rebels to advance into rebel-held territory in northern Syria, overturning some long-held assumptions about the war…………………………….




3-11-2013: Saudis, allies to boost aid to Takfiris, report says (http://www.presstv.ir)


Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies in the Persian Gulf region will ‘strengthen military support’ for the foreign-backed Takfiri militants in Syria, says a US daily………..




3-11-2013: Radicalisation in Syria poses growing threat to Europe, says Turkish leader (http://www.theguardian.com)


The Syrian nation is dying as an indifferent world looks on, and the territory it occupies risks becoming "Afghanistan on the shores of the Mediterranean", the Turkish president, Abdullah Gul, has said.


Radicalisation of ordinary people by Islamist jihadist groups was spreading across Syria and posed a growing risk to its neighbours and the countries of Europe, Gul said in an exclusive interview with the Guardian


With the conflict showing no sign of ending, Turkey faces extreme instability and dislocation along its 565-mile border with Syria, the prospective radicalisation of its Kurdish, Alevi and Sunni Muslim populations, the spread of infectious diseases such as polio, TB and measles, and many new additions to its current total of 500,000 Syrian refugees………………..




2-11-2013: Car bomb explosion kills 10 in Damascus suburb (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least 10 people have been killed after a car bomb exploded in an area in the suburbs of the Syrian capital city of Damascus…………………..




2-11-2013: Attempts made to distort meaning of Syria peace talks: Russia


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says numerous “attempts” have been made to “distort” the meaning of the Geneva 2 peace talks on Syria which are meant to find a political solution to the ongoing crisis in the country.


“There are too many games around this initiative. There are attempts if not to derail the process completely, then to distort the meaning, to send it off onto the path that is too unrealistic and will prove to be a dead end,” Lavrov said on Saturday




2-11-2013: Officers graduated in Jordan CIA spies: FSA cmdr (http://www.presstv.ir)


A senior commander of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) has revealed that the officers graduated in Jordan to serve the foreign-backed militant group are CIA spies……………




1-11-2013: US, allies to blame for chemical attack in Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


Chossudovsky noted that “Israeli sponsored rebels” backed by “Qatar, Turkey, [and] Saudi Arabia” staged the chemical attack and “then blamed it on the [Syrian] government.”


“And we know unequivocally that that event which used fake videos of children killed was there; it was a false flag and its objective was to blame the Syrian government when in fact those crimes were committed and ordered by the United States and its allies,” said Chossudovsky.




31-10-2013: Assad: Foreign powers must end rebel support (http://www.aljazeera.com)


The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, has said he is open to peace talks but insisted that they would not go ahead unless foreign nations stopped supporting rebel fighters…………………


"The Syrian people are the only ones who have the right to decide on Syria's future, and any solution or agreement must have the acceptance of the Syrian people, and reflect their desires,"…………




30-10-2013: Chief of the Lebanese Security: the two bishops kidnapped have been localized (http://www.fides.org)


The place where the two kidnapped bishops of Aleppo seem to be has been identified, and "indirect contact" has begun with the kidnappers in order to obtain their release. This was declared by General Abbas Ibrahim, head of the Lebanese General Security, who also confirmed some of his previous statements on the complexity of the case involving the two kidnapped bishops………….




30-10-2013: Syria terrorists shell Kafteen village, massacre 30 civilians (http://en.alalam.ir/)


Foreign-backed militants fighting government forces in Syria have reportedly killed at least 30 civilians in the northwestern province of Idlib.


Al-Qaeda-linked militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fired a series of mortar shells on Kafteen village, leaving 30 people dead and several others injured




30-10-2013: Why Saudi Arabia is no longer the powerhouse it once was (http://en.alalam.ir/)


Are the Saudis about to call it quits with America? They’re certainly trying to make President Obama think so. Last week Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief, Prince Bandar Sultan al-Saud, told European diplomats that the kingdom was losing trust in Obama’s judgment and may reassess the whole long and tight web of relations between the two governments………………………..




29-10-2013: Syria Kurdish Leader: Solution Must Include Assad (http://www.al-monitor.com)


Salih Muslim, co-chairman of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), said a solution in Syria without President Bashar al-Assad is not easy. “A solution without Assad means the death of 2 million Alawites," he said……………………………


Muslim claimed 400 Salafists who came from Turkey through the Kilis border crossing are fighting the Kurds in Azaz. He said: "We gave Turkey a list of 20 organizations that are supporting them [the Salafists]. ……………………..



29-10-2013: Turkey-Lebanon Detainee Swap Shows Lebanese State's Decline (http://www.al-monitor.com)


But why did those detainees return, and not the two captive bishops and the rest of the journalists detained in Syria?


What makes the wound even deeper is this sense of political suppression, the double-standard policy, and the concept that there are some external influential forces prevailing over the rule of law…………………………




29-10-2013: Syria polio cases confirmed by World Health Organisation (http://www.theguardian.com)


The World Health Organisation has confirmed 10 polio cases in north-east Syria, the first confirmed outbreak in the country in 14 years, and warned that the disease could spread across the region…………..




28-10-2013: Syria army retakes Christian town of Sadad (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian army has taken back control of the ancient Christian town of Sadad from al-Qaeda-linked militants operating inside the Arab country……………..


Militants from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front had recently captured key areas of the Christian town, including a checkpoint that gave them control of the western part……………




27-10-2013: Syrian rebels reject plans for Geneva peace conference (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


A coalition of the most powerful rebel fighting groups in Syria have rejected a planned peace conference in Geneva, accusing the country's political opposition of "treason" if they take part……




27-10-2013: Kurdish militants tighten grip on Syria's northeast (http://www.reuters.com)


Kurdish militants sought to consolidate their control of an oil-producing region in northeastern Syria on Sunday after seizing a border crossing with Iraq from Islamist rebels, activists said……




27-10-2013: Christians hold demo in Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


Christians in Damascus have held a demonstration to call for the release of relatives from the ‘hands of the armed groups…………….


One of the protesters said, “We are celebrating this mass and this sit-in for our families to be set free, our detained families who are being used as human shields, to be set free in peace.”…………………..


Father Gabriel Dawood, the priest of Syrian Orthodox Cathedral, told the demonstrators on Saturday, “We light candles for Sadad and Hafar,…………………..




26-10-2013: In Syrian civil war, emergence of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria boosts rival Jabhat al-Nusra (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Many Syrian rebels have grown concerned about the increasing role being played in the civil war by an al-Qaeda-linked group, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS……………………….


But the newcomer ISIS, with its high proportion of foreign fighters, has eclipsed Jabhat al-Nusra as it enforces bans on smoking, forces women to wear the veil, carries out public executions and clashes with other rebel groups to expand in opposition-held areas…………………….




25-10-2013: Syria crisis: Mosque car bomb 'kills 40' near Damascus (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


A car bomb outside a mosque near Damascus killed at least 40 people on Friday, an NGO said, as a top UN official expressed mounting concern over hundreds of thousands of trapped civilians…………………..




25-10-2013: Turkey joins Saudis in showing displeasure over US policy on Syria (http://www.jpost.com)


This comes after a recent report that Turkish intelligence head Hakan Fidan had disclosed sensitive Israeli and American information to Iran…………………..


The increased strain in Turkey’s relations with the US comes at the same time that Saudi Arabia is showing its displeasure with America’s Middle East policy, with leaks being published in the press describing the Saudi leadership’s frustrations with US policy………………….




25-10-2013: Syrian Orthodox Bishop: a humanitarian corridor to save civilians of Sadad is needed (http://www.fides.org)


The Metropolitan Silwanos Boutros Alnemeh, titular of the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Homs and Hama, has launched an appeal to institutions and international humanitarian organizations on behalf of the civilian population - about 3 thousand people – have remained besieged in the villages of Sadad and Hofar, in the region of Qualamun, about a hundred kilometers north-east of Damascus, where another front of the conflict between the government army and anti-Assad militias has opened………………………




25-10-2013: Christian book burning in Raqqa (http://www.fides.org)


The militia of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the faction that in several regions of Syria monopolized the armed insurrection against the regime in Damascus in recent days have organized a book burning of Bibles and Christian books in front of the Greek - Catholic church of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Raqqa, the Syrian city which has been for months under the control of anti-Assad militias……………………………




25-10-2013: KSA provided CW used in Ghouta attack: Syria UN envoy (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Ja’afari says Saudi Arabia has provided the militants in Syria with chemical weapons to carry out the deadly attack of August 21 in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta…………………….


It was “something that we warned against it six months before, in an official letter circulated to the Security Council members and to the [UN] Secretary-General, dated December 17,” he added……




25-10-2013: 2 car bombs go off near mosque in Damascus countryside (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Twin car bombs have detonated near a mosque in Damascus countryside, as fierce battles continue between the army and the foreign-backed militants across the country……………….




24-10-2013: Moscow slams 'Friends of Syria' for undermining Geneva peace talks (http://rt.com)


Moscow has blamed the ‘Friends of Syria’ group for attempting to revise the key elements of the Geneva communique of 2012 and influence the outcome of the Geneva 2 conference.


"We have to state that contrary to previously held understandings on how to resolve the crisis in Syria the final document issued after the meeting attempts to revise the key elements of the 30 June 2012 Geneva communique," Russian Foreign Ministry's spokesman said in a statement.


Moscow believes that the discussions violated the diplomatic effort and is seen as “an attempt to revise the communique according to the political needs [of the Syrian opposition]," to create a “regime change” in Damascus………………….


"We are clear that Syrian President Assad has no role in a peaceful and democratic Syria," British Foreign Secretary William Hague said after the meeting. ……………………




23-10-2013: Syria’s civil war will probably last at least another decade (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


23-10-2013: Incursion of the Islamist militias in the Christian city of Sadad (http://www.fides.org)


The Christian city of Sadad, situated in a strategic area along the road that joins Homs to Damascus, has been since yesterday at the center of the battle between the army of Assad and rebel militias hegemonized by Islamist groups.

The assault of Sadad by rebel militias took place on Monday afternoon, October 21.




Attack on the Aramean city of Sadad….. 45 innocent Arameans killed….






22-11-2013: West media ignore massacre of Christians in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Western media outlets have come under criticism from Christians in Syria for turning a blind eye to atrocities carried out by Takfiri terrorist groups against the Christian community in the war-torn country………………


A new report by the news service of the Pontifical Mission Societies highlights the massacre of 45 Christians in the village of Sadad, northeast of Damascus……………….


More Christians are now fleeing their homes as the persecution is worsening in militant-held territories in the north.


Christians say kidnapping, rape and execution of Christians are being carried out by Takfiri militants and those affiliated with the so-called Free Syrian Army……………..




19-11-2013: Syria: Opposition Abuses During Ground Offensive (http://www.hrw.org)


Opposition fighters in Syria apparently executed civilians and others in their custody during an offensive in the Christian village of Sadad from October 21 to 28, 2013. ………………………


Residents also said that opposition fighters also stole personal items, and vandalized, stole, and damaged property in at least three churches of local and historical significance……………


The groups involved in the operation include al-Maghaweer of the Dera’ al-Islam battalion of the Free Syrian Army (FSA),Ahel al-Athar battalion of the FSA, Liwa al-Huq, Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Khadra’ battalion, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS). According to a post by al-Khadra’ battalion on Twitter, al-Khadra’’s leader commanded al-Khadra’, ISIS, and Jabhat al-Nusra forces during the operation. Abu Ayham is the field commander of Dera’ al-Islam


Residents of Sadad said that over the week that opposition fighters were in the village, fighters mostly did not target or abuse residents, but that in some instances, they endangered and killed civilians and people in their custody and intentionally damaged and looted civilian sites, including churches…………………


Human Rights Watch identified the names of 46 people from Sadad killed in the village during the weeklong operation. Forty-one of the dead were civilians, residents told Human Rights Watch, including 14 women and two children. Three of the dead were police officers, one a soldier……..


………………………… A resident told Human Rights Watch that he saw rebel fighters occupy the church, and showed Human Rights Watch some food and personal items he said they left behind. Human Rights Watch observed destroyed religious icons, pews with smashed wooden legs, seats, and backs, and the church’s broken and empty collection box. A resident told Human Rights Watch that religious relics were also missing…………………




18-11-2013: Syria: Massacre of Christians In Sadad (http://www.americamagazine.org)


The Syrian Christian town of Sadad was taken over by Islamist militias in mid-October, then re-conquered by the Syrian army on Oct. 28. What the army discovered “is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half,”………………..




5-11-2013: Bishop Mourns: 'No One Has Listened to Us' After Syrian Christians Massacred (http://www.breitbart.com)


Islamist rebel forces in Syria have killed 45 Christians in the west-central town of Sadad, the largest massacre of Christians yet in the Syrian conflict……………………………….




5-11-2013: Slaughter in Syria: 45 Christians Killed by Islamists in Sadad and Thrown into Mass Graves (http://www.catholic.org/)


Christians preceded Muslims in calling Syria their home. They must not be forced to leave this ancient and holy land. We are living in a new missionary age and there is a growing persecution of the Church on a global scale. It has different faces……………………


It is important for us to remember that Christians in Syria were there long before the Muslims. We have a two thousand year history in the Middle East. Syria was the home of many monks, mystics and missionaries of the Gospel of Jesus Christ……………………….




5-11-2013: New Massacre Discovered in Sadad, Homs Countryside (http://www.syrianews.cc)


The Christian dominated town of Sadad, since its founding and it was the base for Christianity using its location on a crossroads to spread love and knowledge, had to pay heavily for that role when herds of NATO-backed anti-Islamic Wahhabi terrorists attacked the quiet remote town and slaughtered its people indiscriminately, elders, youngsters, women, men, anybody who couldn’t flee………………….




1-11-2013: Syria: Mass Graves With Dozens Of Christians Killed By Islamist Rebels Found In Sadad (http://midnightwatcher.wordpress.com)


3-11-2013: Destruction of the Christian Town of Sadad in Syria – Exclusive Images (http://theorthodoxchurch.info)


31-10-2013: Devastating Images & Report from the Christian Town of Sadad in Syria – Exclusive (http://theorthodoxchurch.info)


11-All the homes of Sadad have been robbed, their possessions looted, by all the forces which entered Sadad.  The commercial premises shared the same fate.


12- They destroyed the churches and stole some of their possessions, money and ancient books, and graphitized insults  against Christianity.


All government, school, and council buildings were destroyed, along with the post office, the hospital and clinic, as well as  the Finance and the Agricultural Ministry branches.


14- The crisis in Sadad led to the forced migration of some 500 families of al-Hafer, and the looting and destruction of some of their houses.




26-10-2013: Sadad, another Christian town falls to hand of terror (http://orontes.jimdo.com)


The Christian towns of Sadad and Hofar, situated in the region of Qualamun, in a strategic area along the road that joins Homs to Damascus, has been since 22/10/2013 at the centre of the battle between the Syrian army and rebel militias lead by terrorist groups………………………..


Several hundred men distributed among the elements of the extremists including the al-Qaeda terrorist linked Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant along with the Brigade Farouq entered in to Sadad from three directions, with thirty military vehicles. The extremist rebels tatgeted and occupied the police station, government centers, public facilities, the post office, and hospital where even the sick were taken hostage. The terrorists have caused the deaths of several local Christians and damaged several churches. On Tuesday, the army began a counteroffensive, intervening in support of the local police forces………………….




22-10-2013: Al-Qaeda-linked rebels launch assault on another Syrian Christian village (http://www.jns.org/)


The assault on Sadad began on Monday when rebels from the U.S. designated terrorist group Jadbat al-Nusra targeted the village’s hospital, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. Local police and the Syrian military fought back against the assault…………







21-10-2013: The 'German Camp': Jihadists from Germany Set up Base in Syria (http://www.spiegel.de)


A growing number of German jihadists are heading to Syria to join the rebels in their fight against President Bashar Assad. According to German intelligence, some 200 Islamists from across the country have gathered in northern Syria in what's been dubbed the "German Camp."……………………




21-10-2013: Syria's al-Qaeda-linked groups worry Turkey (http://www.aljazeera.com)


The Syrian government has accused Turkey of supporting rebel fighters to advance its own interests, a charge that Turkey denies……………………………..




21-10-2013: How al-Qaeda lures people into Syria war? Take a look (http://en.alalam.ir)


Al-Qaeda’s offshoot in Syria, the Islamic States of Iraq and Levant has published a video in which shows a 150-member Kazak family who have gone to fight in Syria “to go quickly to heaven”…..




20-10-2013: Polio cases in Syria spark alarm over rise in diseases including flesh-eating parasites due to civil war (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The World Health Organisation has recorded the first suspected outbreak of polio for 14 years in Syria, sparking renewed alarm at the collapse of health care caused by the country's civil war……


Some 22 people in the northeastern province of Deir Ezzor are now showing symptoms that are "very likely" to be polio………………….




20-10-2013: Syria: Suicide bombing kills 30 in city of Hama (http://www.independent.co.uk)


A suicide truck bomb attack on a government checkpoint on the edge of the city of Hama in central Syria has left 30 dead, according to state media and activists……………….




19-10-2013: Deadly blast hits Damascus suburb: Syria media (http://www.presstv.ir)


A blast hits a suburb of Syria's capital Damascus, leaving an unspecified number of casualties, according to state media…………………………..



19-10-2013: Record cruelty: Syrian rebels target foetuses (http://www.ynetnews.com)


As US slams Assad's forces attack on humanitarian aid, thus leaving children in malnutrition, UK report claims snipers in Syria involved in death game targeting pregnant women, unborn fetuses in return for cigarettes…………….




19-10-2013: ‘Liars, all of them’: Syrian rebels slam US, Gulf states following intl peace efforts (http://rt.com)


The Free Syrian Army soldiers admit they won’t be able to claim capital Damascus without foreign support, but their aren’t counting on it anymore as the US and the Gulf states are “liars,”………




18-10-2013: Syria civil war: British doctor claims snipers ‘shoot at pregnant women’ (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Snipers are deliberately shooting at pregnant women in Syria as they try to win packets of cigarettes for hitting their targets, a British doctor has said………………….




18-10-2013: UN peacekeeper flees Takfiri captivity (http://www.presstv.ir)


UN staffer with the peacekeeping mission in the Israeli occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights has managed to escape after nearly eight months of being held by Takfiris operating in Syria.


Carl Campeau, a Canadian national advising the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in Golan, said in an interview aired on Syria’s state television on Thursday that he was taken captive by the foreign-backed Takfiri militants in the suburbs of Damascus on February 27




17-10-2013: ‘Now it is impossible to defeat Syria’ (http://rt.com)


The situation in Syria showcases the US-Israel failure to pursue their plans on the ground, Lebanese military specialist, law professor, General Amine Hotait told RT…..


There are over 1,300,000 refugees total – about 350,000-400,000 Syrians in the south; 150,000 in Beirut and Saida each; 25,000-30,000 in the Christian areas, and 350,000 in the Beqaa Valley…..




16-10-2013: Minibus blast kills 21 in southern Syria: activists (http://www.reuters.com)


Twenty-one people, including four children and six women, were killed when a minibus hit a mine in the southern Syrian town of Noa on Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said……………………………..



15-10-2013: ISIS terrorists praise war, bloodshed in Syria: Video (http://en.alalam.ir)


A new video has emerged showing foreign terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) expressing their love for war and bloodshed in Syria……..


The Kosovar terrorist invites his Wahhabi brethren to come join him in Syria war that it sees as a precursor gift from God.




14-10-2013: Damascus car bombs seen on live TV news broadcast – video (http://www.theguardian.com)


14-10-2013: Deadly car bomb hits northern Syrian city (http://www.aljazeera.com/)


At least 39 people have been killed, and dozens more injured, in a powerful car bombing in northern Syria………………


The explosion happened on Monday in the main square in Darkoush, a rebel-held town in Idlib province, 2km from the Turkish border………….




14-10-2013: Key Syrian Rebel Group Turns Down Peace Talks (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


A key group within the opposition Syrian National Coalition said Sunday it would not attend proposed peace talks in Geneva and would quit the Coalition if it participated,……


"The Syrian National Council, which is the biggest bloc in the Coalition, has taken the firm decision... not to go to Geneva, under the present circumstances (on the ground)," George Sabra said…………………………




13-10-2013: Will Bishops Be Included in Deal To Release Lebanese Detainees? (http://www.al-monitor.com)


The third variable involves Qatar's changing role in the Syrian war, after Saudi Arabia took sole control of managing the Syrian opposition following the resignation of Qatar's former emir and the Qatari foreign minister on June 25. Saudi Arabia's monopolization of this role, the traditional and historical sensitivities between Riyadh and Doha, and the previously referenced climate of detente seem to have led to Qatar becoming a contributing factor in the Syrian issue,……………………


If these expectations are true, and the nine Lebanese citizens are released, what about the two Syrian bishops, Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi, who have been held by Syrian opposition militants since April 23?............................


Seeking to make his appeal on humanitarian grounds, and beyond national or sectarian loyalties, he instead claimed that the two bishops must be considered Lebanese citizens, given that they belong to two churches (the Syrian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Churches) which have headquarters in Lebanon as well in Syria. Then, according to the same sources, those involved in negotiations for the kidnapped Lebanese tried to play on sectarian issues. They said that since the bishops are Christians, why should their fate be included in negotiations on the kidnapped Lebanese Shiites? Why doesn't a Christian party negotiate their release?




13-10-2013: Gunmen abduct Red Cross workers in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Gunmen have kidnapped six workers of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) volunteer in northwestern Syria……………


Syrian state TV also confirmed the incident, saying it was done by foreign-backed militants operating in the Arab country. …………………


Kidnappings have become prevalent, particularly of aid workers and foreign journalists in northern part of Syria.




13-10-2013: U.S. allies let funds flow to al Qaeda in Syria (http://www.washingtontimes.com)


The United States has had limited success cutting off funding to the al Qaeda-linked fighters and foreign jihadists flowing into Syria — in part because of a lack of cooperation on the part of Middle Eastern allies, Intelligence and national security community sources say……………….


Officials say they are tracking the movements of funds from various wealthy individuals in the Persian Gulf, but the governments of key Gulf countries are reluctant to crack down………..


The extent to which that money is aiding the rise of extremists in Syria seemed to burst open last month when 11 Syrian rebel groups, including the Nusra Front — an organization U.S. officials link to al Qaedabanded together in a public rejection of the more secular political opposition groups outside the country that are receiving aid from Washington………………




13-10-2013: Car bombs go off in central Syrian capital (http://www.presstv.ir)


Explosives loaded on two cars have gone off simultaneously in central Damascus as fighting between government forces and foreign-sponsored militants rages on in Syria.


The explosions, which took place in front of Syria’s national television headquarters at the entrance of Ummayad square late on Sunday, "caused only material damage to the wall" of the national broadcaster's building, Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported




13-10-2013: Syria opposition divided over Geneva 2 conference (http://www.presstv.ir)


Divisions are deepening among foreign-sponsored Syrian opposition groups over their participation in the forthcoming Geneva 2 conference on the ongoing crisis in Syria.………………………


"The Syrian National Council, which is the biggest bloc in the coalition, has taken the firm decision ... not to go to Geneva, under the present circumstances," the Council president George Sabra said, adding, "This means that we will not stay in the coalition if it goes" to the peace talks in Geneva.




12-10-2013: Homs: a tale of two cities (http://www.theguardian.com)




11-10-2013: ‘They aren’t real Muslims’: Radical mercenaries kidnap, kill both Syria Christians and Muslims (http://rt.com)


They are allegedly Muslims but their actions contradict Islamic principles. Those people aren’t the real Muslims. They abducted faithful individuals who had been sharing love and peace, who were not military actors! 

Those people abduct civilians, Christians, Muslims, or pilgrims. All these things really remind of times when pagans used to kill believers…………….


Why did they occupy Maaloula? It’s a place where only civilians lived. There were no armed units or army troops there. Let the Arab countries answer this question – who are they sending to Syria, who are they arming………………


But those performing such atrocities are mere terrorists who do not recognize any religion. They don’t even recognize Muslims. We don’t know what their objective is. But we see that the very existence of Christians in the East is now jeopardized…………………..


These people come from Libya, Saudi Arabia, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tunisia – everywhere.


We are convinced that Syrians are the least aggressive nation in the East and they would never perpetrate such evil acts. We know the Syrian people very well


There has been too much devastation, too much misunderstanding between various groups. There are so many Sunni and Shia Muslims, Christians, Druse, Alawites who know too little about religion. And so when somebody tells them to view Muslims or Christians as their enemies who have connections with the West, labeling Christians as crusaders, these people take this message as an instruction manual and start maltreating Christians……………….




11-10-2013: Archbishop Hindo: does not want a "Kurdish State" in the Syrian province of Jazira (http://www.fides.org/)


"The only ones who want to create a Kurdish autonomous region in northern Syria are the militants of the PKK, the Abdullah Ocalan party. But the project does not even receive acclaim from other Kurds. Even less by Muslim tribes and us Christians". This is how the Syrian Catholic Archbishop Behnam Hindo describes to Fides Agency the reactions among the local population with regards to the rumors about the possible creation of an autonomous area in northeastern Syria, in fact subtracted by the control of the central government in Damascus.

 Recently, the Kurdish Democratic Party (PYD,…………………………..




11-10-2013: Syria extremists financed by private Gulf donors carried out mass killings – HRW (http://rt.com)


At least 190 people were killed and more than 200 taken hostage by Syrian rebels financed by private Gulf donors in an August 4 military offensive in the Latakia governorate, according to a Human Rights Watch report……………………


Torture and decapitations were also testament to the aggravated nature of the military offensive, proof of which was gathered by HRW through reports…………………


According to the human rights watchdog, the nature, scale and coordination of the abuses and killings elevate them to the status of crimes against humanity………………………


The attacks were found to have been planned and carried out by five distinct groups, including the Al- Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, as well as jihadists originating from outside Syria………………………




11-10-2013: Foreigners train Syrian rebels in Afghanistan to use chem weapons - Lavrov (http://rt.com)


There are reports that some third countries are training Syrian rebels to use chemical weapons in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. The intention is to put the skill to use in new false flag actions in Syria, he explained………………


“We are standing for conducting the work in a precise manner in accordance with the roadmap and without any hindrances. We warn against any possible provocation,”…………..




11-10-2013: Syrian Rebels Massacred Civilians, Says Human Rights Watch (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/)


Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported Friday that groups of Syrian rebel forces executed at least 190 civilians and seized over 200 as hostages during a military offensive on August 4.


According to the report, a majority of the massacres took place in the city of Latakia, predominantly inhabited by members of Bashar al-Assad's minority Alawite sect




8-10-2013: Growing Unease Over Turkish Jihadists in Syria (http://www.voanews.com)


Growing numbers of young Turks are crossing into Syria to join jihadist groups fighting the Assad regime raising fears in Turkey of a future national security risk for Ankara…………..


Al-Qaida affiliates in Syria such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra are making headway in persuading Turkish Sunnis to cross the border into Syria for jihad, Turkish officials acknowledge……………………


Turkish officials said that jihadists have recruited several hundred young Turks from the southeast of the country to fight in the civil war raging next door. And independent analysts estimate that as many as 500 Turks have been recruited since al-Nusra was formed in January 2012………………..


In recent weeks, as fighting has intensified between jihadists and Kurds in northern Syria, observers said wounded al-Nusra fighters have been transported by Turkish ambulances to hospitals in Urfa………


In September, Turkish prosecutors indicted six jihadists – five of them Turks – for trying to acquire chemicals with the intent to produce the nerve agent Sarin………………


Turkey’s Radikal newspaper said a lengthy investigation it carried out suggests 200 young Turks have been recruited alone from Adiyaman, a town in the southeast of the country…………..


……………………… There were young men from Adiyaman, Bitlis and Bingol in the camps. I found both my sons in a camp in Aleppo…………………….




8-10-2013: Paris, Riyadh to up aid to Syria rebels (http://www.presstv.ir)


France and Saudi Arabia have agreed to give more weapons to the foreign-backed Takfiri militants operating in Syria …………………………




6-10-2013: Mortar shells hit Damascus neighborhood, kill eight (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least eight people have been killed when foreign-sponsored militants operating inside Syria targeted a Christian neighborhood of the capital, Damascus ………………..




6-10-2013: 'British extremists use Syria as training ground before returning home' (http://rt.com)


British Home Secretary Theresa May has warned that extremists “of a Jihadi mindset” are using the Syrian civil war “as a nursery” before returning to Britain as trained terrorists.


“What we have seen for some time now, is that a number of British people traveling out to Somalia, we’re now seeing people travel out to Syria,” ……………………………………..


“There are now hundreds of foreign fighters from Europe in Syria. And when UK residents return here there is risk that they may carry out attacks using the skills that they have developed overseas,” the report said……………………….




6-10-2013: Israeli Arabs join Syrian civil war (http://www.israeltoday.co.il)


Israeli security experts are growing concerned by the recent documented participation by Israeli Arabs in Syria’s bloody civil war…………………


Hundreds of young Muslims from all over the Middle East and Europe have flocked to Syria to join the fighting. Most are between 20 and 30-years-old, and many are simply seeking adventure by deliberately risking their lives……………..




5-10-2013: CIA Activities in Syria: US Never Stops to Step on Same Rake (http://www.strategic-culture.org)


The CIA training effort is centered in Jordan. The program is aimed at shoring up the fighting power of units aligned with the Supreme Military Council, an umbrella organization led by General Idris, that is the main recipient of U.S. support…The training is led by small teams of operatives from the CIA’s Special Activities Division, a paramilitary branch that relies heavily on contractors and former members of U.S. Special Operations forces ……………………..


On Sept. 24, 2013 the death bell rang for the West-supported Syrian armed opposition. 13 of the leading armed opposition organizations inside Syria decided to unite their efforts under an Islamist-jihadist banner as the «Islamist Alliance»…………………


The US-led Western myope policy in Syria has resulted in radical Islam gaining the upper hand inside the Syria opposition to endanger Europe and the entire Mideast……………




5-10-2013: Syria: Al-Qaeda wants to control Iraq and Turkey border zones (http://mg.co.za)


Al-Qaeda is fighting to drive rivals out of areas bordering Turkey and Iraq in a bid to control territory stretching from Iraq into northern Syria………………..


"ISIL doesn't have an ideological problem with the Kurds or with anyone else. It just wants no other group to have any arms or self-sufficiency, to create a state that extends from northern Syria into Iraq,"……………………


A humanitarian aid worker based on the Turkish border with Syria warned that ISIL's strategy threatens the entire population…………




5-10-2013: Turkey will pay for harboring ‘terrorists’ – Assad (http://rt.com)


Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Turkey will pay a “heavy price” for harboring and backing “terrorists” in order to oust him, warning that soon enough the terrorists will turn on Turkey……………


"It is not possible to put terrorism in your pocket and use it as a card because it is like a scorpion which won't hesitate to sting you at the first opportunity," Assad said. "In the near future, these terrorists will have an impact on Turkey and Turkey will pay a heavy price for it." ……..


Assad claimed that Erdogan has a sectarian agenda, since his AK Party has origins in conservative Islamist politics. "Before the crisis, Erdogan had never mentioned reforms or democracy, he was never interested in these issues ... Erdogan only wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to return to Syria, that was his main and core aim," Assad said………………..




4-10-2013: Saudi black op team behind Damascus chem weapons attack – diplomatic sources (http://rt.com)


The August chemical weapons attack in the Syrian capital’s suburbs was done by a Saudi Arabian black operations team, Russian diplomatic sources have told a Russian news agency……..


“Based on data from a number of sources a picture can be pieced together. The criminal provocation in Eastern Ghouta was done by a black op team that the Saudi’s sent through Jordan and which acted with support of the Liwa Al-Islam group,” a source in the diplomatic circles told Interfax.




4-10-2013: Christians under threat in Syria as Islamist extremists gain influence (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


When radical Islamists tore down a cross and hoisted a black flag above a church in the northern Syrian city of Raqqah last week, their action underscored the increasingly hostile environment for the country’s Christians…………………………..


In Syria’s war, bishops have been kidnapped and priests have been killed. When the fighting last month reached the ancient town of Maaloula — where residents still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus — it struck at the heart of Syria’s Christian community……………….


The fighting in Maaloula was followed by the images from Raqqah, where the ISIS desecrated the Greek Catholic and Armenian Catholic churches, according to activist groups. The radical Islamist group also has attacked Shiite shrines and mosques……………..




3-10-2013: CIA ramping up covert training program for moderate Syrian rebels (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The CIA is expanding a clandestine effort to train opposition fighters in Syria amid concern that moderate, U.S.-backed militias are rapidly losing ground in the country’s civil war, U.S. officials said……………..


……………the agency has sent additional paramilitary teams to secret bases in Jordan in recent weeks in a push to double the number of rebel fighters getting CIA instruction and weapons before being sent back to Syria…………………………………..




1-10-2013: New incursions of armed gangs in sednaya; Christians turn to faith and prayer (http://www.fides.org)


After Maalula , now Sednaya, a village in the north of Damascus, known for its historical, cultural and religious heritage, characterized by a large presence of Christian churches and monasteries and a local community that speaks even Aramaic…………….


In yesterday’s raid a person died and one person was wounded among the local Christians. A religious from Sednaya , who requested anonymity, told Fides that "this is banditry but it is also a vendetta against Christians………………………..




29-9-2013: Syria militants possess chemical arms: Lavrov (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says there is growing evidence that proves foreign-backed militants in Syria possess chemical weapons………………….




29-9-2013: Syrian militants fight al-Qaeda-linked Group (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed militants in Syria have clashed with an al-Qaeda-linked group in the northwestern Syrian city of Aleppo as the infighting grows among the armed groups in the Arab country, Press TV reports………………………


The recent infighting took place as al-Nusra Front militants engaged in a fierce battle with members of the terrorist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), in the city situated 310 kilometers (193 miles) northwest of the capital, Damascus………………………………




28-9-2013: UN Security Council adopts Syria resolution (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Friday that demands the eradication of Syria’s chemical weapons but does not threaten automatic punitive action against Syrian President Assad's government if it does not comply………………………….


The unanimous vote by the 15-member Security Council capped weeks of intense diplomacy between Russia and the United States. It was based on a deal between the two countries reached in Geneva earlier this month following an August 21 sarin nerve gas attack on a Damascus suburb that killed hundreds………………………




28-9-2013: Syrian rebels face growing threat from foreign jihadists (http://www.foxnews.com)


28-9-2013: Christians are dying for us to help (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The West has been apathetic in its response to the persecution of Christians by Islamic extremists. But such apathy can have disastrous consequences………………………


But there is another question, concerning heightened responsibility: the minority Christians are attacked by Islamists, in large part, because of their perceived link to the West and western values…….


The current strategy of the West with regard to Islamist extremism seems utterly chaotic. The UK does the largest proportion of its arms trade with Saudi Arabia, the single country whose donors have done most to finance the spread of the country’s toxic Wahhabist ideology and the terrorist groups that endorse it……………………………….




28-9-2013: 30 rebel groups reject Syrian National Coalition, Free Syrian Army (http://www.presstv.ir)


Thirty foreign-backed militant groups in Syria have announced their separation from the so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) opposition group, and so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA)……..


A recent British defense study shows that about 100,000 foreign-backed militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, are fighting in Syria against the government and people……..




28-9-2013: Syria FSA militants declare war on al-Qaeda linked ISIL (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed militants of the Storm of the North Brigade belonging to the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) have declared war on the al-Qaeda affiliated militant group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS)……………………….


On September 25, thirteen foreign-backed militant groups in Syria announced they do not recognize the authority of the so-called Syrian National Coalition………………………..




27-9-2013: Syria becoming breeding ground for extremists: Rouhani (http://www.presstv.ir)


“I am concerned that certain parts of Syria have turned into a breeding ground for extremist ideologies and [a suitable place] for terrorists’ gathering, which is reminiscent of the situation in certain regions neighboring our eastern borders in the 1990s,” Rouhani said in an address to a gathering convened by Asia Society and the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Thursday.




27-9-2013: Al-Qaeda-linked militants give fellow FSA ultimatum in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


According to reports, al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) have set a two-day deadline for the Free Syrian Army to surrender amid escalating infighting among the militants in Syria……………………….


Opposition activists say clashes between Takfiri militants have increased in recent months…..




26-9-2013: Russia Says Sarin Gas in Aug. 21 Syria Attack Was 'Homemade' (http://en.rian.ru)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with a US newspaper published Thursday that homemade sarin nerve agent was used in a chemical weapons attack in Damascus on August 21, an attack that the United States maintains was carried out by the Syrian regime…………………………….




26-9-2013: New Information Indicates Kidnapped Syrian Bishops Still Alive (http://www.al-monitor.com)


Al-Monitor obtained official information confirming that the authorities in Beirut have received reliable reports that the two bishops who were kidnapped in northern Syria on April 23 — Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi — are still alive…………………………

This information indicated that Turkish governmental and intelligence agencies provided information to Beirut about the health of the abducted Christian clerics……………..


The official information provided to Al-Monitor revealed that the party who carried out the kidnapping on April 23 is the same group that is still holding the bishops now. It is an extremist Sunni group with links to Chechen jihadist groups that are now operating in Syria……………




26-9-2013: Fatwa of Ulema of Damascus: "It is legal to confiscate goods belonging to Christians, Alawites and Druze in order to buy weapons" (http://www.fides.org)


36 ulemas (Muslim religious leaders) of Douma, one of the largest suburbs of Damascus, issued a "fatwa" (a legal decree) that legitimizes the right of the faithful Sunni Muslims to seize and take possession of goods, homes, property belonging to Christians, Druze and Alawite and members of other religious minorities" who do not profess the Sunni religion of the Prophet"………..




25-9-2013: Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo: here are the figures of the Syrian disaster (http://www.fides.org/)


"In recent months, only in Aleppo", says the Archbishop "1400 factories and shops were looted, demolished or burned, while across the Country more than two thousand schools have been devastated or put out of use, 37 hospitals and a thousand small clinics and dispensaries have been vandalized. Most of the grain silos have been emptied, power stations sabotaged, railway lines dismantled and roads blocked and made impassable and dangerous because of armed gangs that terrorize travelers who dare to move and leave town………………..




25-9-2013: Islamist rebels in Syria reject National Coalition (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


Eleven Islamist rebel groups in Syria have announced they do not recognise the authority of the main opposition alliance, the National Coalition……………….


"Therefore the National Coalition and its transitional government led by Ahmed Tomeh do not represent it and will not be recognised."…………………




25-9-2013: Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda (http://www.infowars.com)


A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda………………


According to Plumlee, Steven was ordered to stand down after he asked the State Dept. what he should do about the American arm shipments to al-Qaeda……


“The ambassador and his people had written a series of field reports and cable dispatches advising our State Department that the rebel factions had been armed with U.S. weapons,”


Tying it all together, Plumlee stated that the weapons given to al-Qaeda were “U.S. made weapons that came from the DCS program, illegally transported by C-130s” into countries such as Turkey and Jordan and were “dispatched from CIA safe houses to the Syrian rebels.”……


Now it is known why the al-Nusra Front, and al-Qaeda worldwide, never seem to lack arms: they are receiving weapon shipments directly from the State Dept…………………….




25-9-2013: Christians now suffering mass martyrdom, says Archbishop of Canterbury (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Christians are being deliberately attacked because of their faith across parts of the Muslim world and even martyred for their faith in large numbers, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned………


Christian communities which have existed “in many cases since the days of Saint Paul” are now under threat in countries such as Syria and Egypt, he said………………………


Last month around 100 Christian sites were attacked amid the turmoil in Egypt, with 42 churches burnt to the ground. Ancient Christian communities in Syria have also been singled out for violence………………………………………………..




25-9-2013: Syrian opposition splits after Islamists push for sharia state (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Western hopes of building a moderate Syrian opposition to President Bashar al-Assad have been set back after the Islamist militias that dominate the rebel movement said they were "going it alone" and intended to establish a sharia state…………………………….


The new Islamist alliance includes Jabhat al-Nusra, a jihadist group that has sworn loyalty to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the head of al-Qaeda, Ahrar al-Sham, a hardline militant group, and a string of other brigades from across the country…………………………




25-9-2013: Key Syria Islamist rebels refuse to recognise National Coalition (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


"The National Coalition and the proposed government under (recently chosen) Ahmad Tomeh does not represent us, nor do we recognise it," said 13 of Syria's most powerful Islamist rebel groups.


The groups include members of the main rebel Free Syrian Army and more radical Islamists…….




25-9-2013: The Ghouta Chemical Attacks: US-Backed False Flag? Killing Syrian Children to Justify a “Humanitarian” Military Intervention (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The chemical attacks which took place in East Ghouta on August 21, 2013 could be the most horrific false flag operation in history.


To date, available evidence indicates that numerous children were killed by “opposition rebels”, their bodies manipulated and filmed with a view to blaming the Syrian government for the attacks, thus sparking outrage and galvanizing worldwide public opinion in favor of another bloody, imperial US-led war…………………….



25-9-2103: Al-Qaeda Rejects CIA’s National Coalition in Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


Al-Qaeda’s al-Nusra Front and other fanatical Islamic mercenaries fighting to overthrow the Syrian government have rejected the Syrian National Coaliton (SNC), the loosely organized front group cobbled together by the CIA and NATO.


“The National Coalition and the proposed government under [recently chosen] Ahmad Tomeh does not represent us, nor do we recognize it,” the Islamic groups said in a statement released late Tuesday………………………


A former al-Qaeda member, Sheikh Naiim, believes al-Jawlani works for the CIA. “I personally believe that the leader of the Nusra Army who declared his support for Ayman al-Zawahiri is a CIA operative,” Naiim said on April 10……………….




25-9-2013: United Nations chemical weapons inspectors arrive in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


A team of UN chemical weapons experts has arrived in Syria for further investigation into the use of banned arms in the Middle Eastern country.


The group, led by chief UN chemical weapons investigator Ake Sellstrom, arrived in Syria on Wednesday………………..




24-9-2013: Syria crisis: millions of children at risk of malnutrition, report finds (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


More than two million children are at risk of malnutrition in Syria, a leading charity has warned….


Those caught up in the conflict have been left unable to produce or buy enough food, while prices have soared and the food production industry has collapsed, Save the Children said…………….


Meanwhile Save the Children said Syria's agricultural output has dramatically decreased, with grain production falling to less than half of what was typical before the war…………………….




24-9-2013: All countries must stop fueling bloodshed in Syria: UN chief (http://www.presstv.ir)


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged all countries to stop fueling the bloodshed in Syria by dispatching weapons…………………


"I appeal to all states to stop fuelling the bloodshed and to end the arms flows to all parties,"


He said the war in Syria has so far claimed the lives of over 100,000 people and forced one-third of the country’s population to flee their homes………………………




24-9-2013: Militants destroy Jewish mausoleums in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria have destroyed several Jewish mausoleums in the historical town of Tadouf in the northern city of Aleppo……………….




24-9-2013: Chemical weapons held by all sides in Syria should be destroyed – Lavrov (http://rt.com)


“There are some serious concerns that the Syrian opposition may possess components of chemical weapons, Lavrov told the press after the meeting with his counterpart. All chemical weapons must be destroyed  in Syria including hazardous materials in possession of the opposition,” he was quoted by Interfax.




24-9-2013: World Food Program calls for humanitarian access to people inside Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


The World Food Program (WFP) has called on all the parties involved in the conflict in Syria to allow the affected people in the Arab country access to humanitarian…………………




23-9-2013: Foreign military intervention in Syria a form of aggression: Putin (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again called for a political solution to the Syrian unrest, describing any possible foreign military intervention in in the country as a form of "aggression."…….




23-9-2013: Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over The World And Obama Wants Us To Ally With Them (http://endoftheamericandream.com)


Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet……………………


Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism.  In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.  If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria,………………….


In Syria, radical jihadists are doing all of the same kinds of things that you just read about. As I have written about on numerous occasions, the Syrian “rebels” are savagely killing Christians, repeatedly using chemical weapons and dismembering little girls……………….




23-9-2013: Assad: Terrorists may attack chemical weapons inspectors, blame Damascus (http://rt.com)


Syrian armed opposition may be ordered by its foreign sponsors to stage a false flag operation against foreign inspectors when they arrive in the country to monitor destruction of the country’s chemical weapons stockpile, says the Syrian president……………………..


We know that these terrorists are obeying the orders of other countries and these countries do drive these terrorists to commit acts that could get the Syrian government blamed for hindering this agreement,”…………………………..




23-9-2013: Jihadist groups turn on each other in Syria (http://www.dailystar.com.lb/)


Members of two separate Al-Qaeda-linked rebel groups in Syria clashed in the country’s northeast Sunday…………………………….


Competition for territory, resources and influence, as well as ideological differences are contributing to the divisions


In Hasakeh, in the country’s northeast, fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), an Iraqi Al-Qaeda branch that has expanded into Syria, attacked the Nusra Front……


And in further signs that divisions between the rebel factions are hardening, FSA sources told The Daily Star ……………………..


They have their own agenda, they lied to us saying that they were coming to help us fight Assad, when they just want to build an Islamic state……………………………




22-9-2013: Lavrov: US pressuring Russia into passing UN resolution on Syria allowing military force (http://rt.com)


The US is pushing Russia into approving a UN resolution that would allow for military intervention in Syria, in exchange for American support of Syria’s accession to OPCW, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said…………………………


“Our partners are blinded by an ideological mission for regime change,” said Lavrov. “They cannot admit they have made another mistake.”…………………


According to Lavrov, some experts alleged that “someone is attempting to create a guided chaos” in the region for their own benefits…………….




22-9-2013: France, U.S. didn't provide proof regime used chemical weapons in Syria – Lavrov (http://rbth.co.uk)


France and the United States have not yet provided exhaustive data from their intelligence services to Moscow proving that chemical weapons were used by the Bashar al-Assad regime; the data submitted were not convincing, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov……………….


"Therefore, I was not surprised that a report by experts who did not make conclusions about who used the weapons, but only described the chemical agents and ammunition found, was instantly caught by the United States, France and other countries as proof allegedly confirming the regime's guilt,"………………………….




22-9-2013: US ‘Blackmails’ Russia over Syria Resolution – Lavrov (http://en.rian.ru)


"Our American partners are starting to blackmail us: if Russia does not support a resolution under Chapter VII in the UN Security Council, then we will stop the work in the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague," Lavrov said…………..


Lavrov said “this is an absolute withdrawal from” what had been agreed with US Secretary of State John Kerry earlier this month………………….




20-9-2013: Deadly tentacles of terrorism (http://www.brecorder.com)


Experts say that so-called military actions against al Qaeda and the Taliban - enjoying networking with many criminal groups having hubs in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere - by the United States and its allies are tainted with geopolitical motives as no serious effort has been made to cut their financial lifelines. Since terrorist groups have not been uprooted financially, they are wining more and more 'sympathisers' all over the world with money power……………


Once again, the Americans started showering praise, aid and support - the purpose was to make Pakistan a subservient state to the US interest,……………………


One thing is very clear that the wars in Afghanista,. Iraq and elsewhere have achieved everything for the USA and its allies - money, control and what not…………………….




20-9-2013: 'Sexual jihad': Tunisian women go to Syria to 'relieve' holy warriors, return pregnant (http://rt.com)


Tunisian women have traveled to Syria to wage 'sexual jihad', performing intercourse with dozens of Islamist fighters and returning home pregnant, Tunisia’s Interior Minister Lotfi ben Jeddou told MPs………………………….


Bin Omar told Al Arabiya that Al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar Shariah was offering minor girls with their faces covered as sexual offerings for jihadist fighters…………………………


Hundreds of Tunisian men have set off for Syria to wage jihad against the government of President Bashar Assad,…………………………




19-9-2013: Look With Your Own Eyes: The Videos of the Chemical Attacks in Syria Show Tampered Scenes (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


A detailed independent  report by Mother Agnes Mariam de la Croix and the International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria (ISTEAMS) makes some important observations about what happened in the Damascene suburb of East Ghouta on August 21, 2013.


The independent ISTEAMS study contradicts the assertions of the Obama Administration and the entire US Intelligence Community……………………..


Even if many of the observations and premises of the study are ignored, there are some observations that are irrefutable. The same corpses of children were found in different arrangements and in different places at different times in the footage used by the US Intelligence Community. This means that corpses were being staged in arrangements for propaganda purposes……


ISTEAMS also mentions that that Syrians from Latakia have come forward claiming that their relatives were on display in the footage that the US Intelligence Community has showcased to justify bombing Syria…………………….




11-9-2013: Syria Christian 'made to convert at gunpoint' (AFP)


"They arrived in our town at dawn... and shouted 'We are from the Al-Nusra Front and have come to make lives miserable for the Crusaders," an Islamist term for Christians………….


“I saw people wearing Al-Nusra headbands who started shooting at crosses," said Nasrallah, a Christian”


“…..One of them "put a pistol to the head of my neighbour and forced him to convert to Islam by obliging him to repeat 'there is no God but God'."…………."Afterwards they joked, 'he's one of ours now'."




19-9-2013: Western lies, criminality unraveling in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


But it is increasingly clear that the Western “certainty” over Syrian chemical weapons is an edifice built on sand. The initial Western claims were never supported by verifiable evidence, only “secret intelligence”. Now it turns out that the UN inspectors’ report upon which the Western governments have rested their case is fatally flawed…………….

More damning is the new disclosure by the Syrian government purporting to show that the culpable party for the gas attack near Damascus is the insurgents. Syria shared this “factual evidence” with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who was in Damascus this week…………….


There are many other unanswered perturbing questions about the chemical weapons attack near Damascus last month. Who were those dead children in the videos that the West has based so much of its emotive claims on? Why were they dressed in day clothes if they were supposedly killed in the middle of the night when they should have been in their beds? Why were their corpses arranged in such an orderly way, suggesting the scene was organized for an anticipated video recording? Why are there so few adult female victims in the apparent gas attack? Where are the grieving mothers and fathers of the little ones whose bodies are stacked up in death shrouds?........




19-9-2013: Russia: UN inspectors ignored evidence on Syria chemical attacks (http://rt.com)


UN inspectors ignored evidence on chemical weapons use in Syria secretly passed to them by Damascus, said Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister………………


“This is new material - new material for us. But this is not already completely new material for the UN, Ryabkov specified, revealing that there were actually several chemical attacks in Syria in August and that the UN inspectors, headed by Swedish scientist Dr. Ake Salstrom, were informed about this, but ignored the information in their report…………………


“We are concerned about possible provocations. We have seen it before that the moment something better, positive is out there, is looming, you will always find skurks [sic] who would try immediately to change these dynamics and establish a new reality, so to say, through a provocation,”……




19-9-2013: Islamist blitzkrieg in Syria: Jihadists wiping out moderate rebels (http://rt.com)


Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists in Syria have begun an offensive against former allies, wrestling moderate FSA rebels out of the controlled areas…………………………


On Wednesday militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the town of Azaz controlled by the anti-Assad Storm of the North Brigade, affiliated with the Free Syrian Army…………………


The Bab Al Salama is one of the few still operable crossings used by the Syrian opposition to deliver weapons, fighters and humanitarian aid from neighboring Turkey………………..


In yet another shootout, fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group clashed with FSA’s Rasoul group rebels and drove them out of the town of Raqqah in Syria’s north last Wednesday…………………………..


Al-Qaeda associates might really succeed in squeezing FSA moderates out of Syria which would automatically put Russia in an awkward position of conducting useless negotiations………………




18-9-2013: video Unverified videos allegedly show Syria rebels using chemical weapons


18-9-2013: Video Shows Syrian Rebels Firing Chemical Weapons (http://www.infowars.com)


A new video purportedly shows jihadist rebels in Syria firing chemical weapons just hours after the August 21 attack on the Damascus suburb of Ghouta, an incident which stoked global condemnation and was blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces……………


The footage shows opposition militants firing shells and rockets at night. They are wearing gas masks and are surrounded by jihadist garb. The video was shot in the early hours of August 21, coinciding with the alleged chemical weapons attack on Ghouta……………….


Maaloula – a mountain village of 2,000 residents 60km northeast of Damascus - is home to some of the most ancient Orthodox Christian relics and is a major pilgrimage destination. It’s also one of the very few places in the world where people still speak Aramaic, a biblical-era language Jesus is believed to have spoken…………………………..




18-9-2013: Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria (http://online.wsj.com)


Across northern and eastern Syria, units of the jihadist group known as ISIS are seizing territory—on the battlefield and behind the front lines—from Western-backed rebels……….


Al Qaeda militants from central command in Pakistan and Pakistani Taliban fighters have also set up operational bases in northern Syria, people familiar with their operations said…………..


Summary executions of Alawites and Shiites, who are seen as apostates, attacks on Shiite shrines, and kidnappings and assassinations of pro-Western rebels are on the rise


The chaos of the Syrian battlefield, where those fighting to overthrow Mr. Assad sometimes fight side-by-side with those who see Syria as a springboard for global jihad, has compounded U.S. concerns over this process………………..


These jihadists see a long-term mission in Syria. Foreign fighters have begun to move their families to Turkish border areas, locals said…………………..





17-9-2013: Syrian chemical attack used sarin and was worst in 25 years, says UN (http://www.theguardian.com)


The UN has confirmed that the worst chemical weapons attack in 25 years took place in eastern Damascus last month, involving specially designed rockets that spread sarin nerve agent over rebel-held suburbs of the Syrian capital.


The report did not assign blame for the attack but the US, Britain and France said the details on the sarin, the rockets used and their trajectories all proved that Bashar al-Assad's regime was responsible.


However, Russia argued that the western powers had "jumped to conclusions" and said claims of rebel use against their own supporters to provoke foreign intervention "should not be shrugged off".




16-9-2013: Syria: more than half of hospitals destroyed or damaged (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Medical experts, including the chiefs of major international aid agencies and three Nobel Prize winners, made a heartfelt appeal urging all combatants in Syria to spare hospitals and clinics and to allow doctors and nurses to operate freely, in what they called "the worst humanitarian crises since the end of the Cold War".


"Systematic assaults on medical professionals, facilities and patients are breaking Syria's health-care system and making it nearly impossible for civilians to receive essential medical services,"……….




16-9-2013: West vows to boost Syria rebels, Russia says they should be 'compelled' to join peace talks (http://rt.com)


The US, UK and France have agreed to bolster Syrian rebels by providing more help, press Syria into delivering on its promise to hand over chemical weapons and seek an end to the conflict, which would involve ousting of President Bashar Assad…………………….




16-9-2013: Syria gas attacks: the clear and concise evidence from UN chemical weapons inspectors (http://www.independent.co.uk)


A grim United Nations inspectors’ report offered “clear and convincing evidence” on Monday that poison gas was used “on a relatively large scale” in the Ghouta suburbs of Damascus on 21 August when weather conditions – cold, falling air – ensured it would cause maximum death and suffering, seeping silently into basements and underground shelters………………


But yesterday was the first time in a quarter of a century that the United Nations formally declared the deliberate deployment of prohibited chemical weapons against soldiers or civilians……




16-9-2013: Syria CW attack scene may have been manipulated, UN report says (http://www.presstv.ir)


UN inspectors who investigated the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria say that suspicious individuals have traveled to the attack sites before the UN team……..


The report did not elaborate on who the individuals were; however, the areas were under the control of foreign-backed militants………..




15-9-2013: Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands……..


Another 30,000 to 35,000 are hardline Islamists who share much of the outlook of the jihadists, but are focused purely on the Syrian war rather than a wider international struggle……..




15-9-2013: Pro-Syria war senators' campaigns better funded by military complex: Study (http://www.presstv.ir)


A new study has revealed that the US senators who approved a recent resolution authorizing war on Syria received 83 percent more campaign money from military contractors than the opponents of the plan………………


On September 3, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 10-7 to pass a resolution that would allow US President Barack Obama to resort to military action against Syria when needed….


From among the proponents of the resolution in the committee, Senator John McCain was the top receiver of donations from military contractors and defense interests, receiving USD 176,300 from the industry………………..




14-9-2013: Obama welcomes Syria chemical weapons deal but retains strikes option (http://www.theguardian.com)


President Barack Obama has welcomed an agreement to disarm Syria of its chemical arsenal as an "important, concrete" step that could prevent the weapons from being used elsewhere in the world. However, he also signalled that he was still prepared to launch military strikes if the disarmament plan failed……………………………..


"This framework provides the opportunity for the elimination of Syrian chemical weapons in a transparent, expeditious, and verifiable manner, which could end the threat these weapons pose not only to the Syrian people but to the region and the world," the US president said. "The international community expects the Assad regime to live up to its public commitments."


14-9-2013: Video Syria: US and Russia agree deal to eliminate chemical weapons - video (http://www.theguardian.com)




14-9-2013: US and Russia agree deal over Syria's chemical weapons (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


John Kerry, the US secretary of state, and Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, said that if the Assad regime fails to hand over its chemcial weapons, they will seek a Security Council resolution that could authorise future military action.


The deal reached includes a timetable and how Syria must comply. Mr Kerry said arms inspectors must be on the ground in Syria by November and the weapons must all be handed over by mid-2014……………………………




14-9-2013: Syrian army makes strategic advancement in Aleppo (http://en.alalam.ir)


Syrian soldiers have successfully retaken Jabal Arbaeen region in the province of Aleppo, as they were advancing from the western city of Idlib.


According to al-Alam reporter on Friday, Jabal Arbaeen was strategically significant to the army as it was a bastion for militants to dispatch armed groups to different parts of the country


Al-Nusra and its affiliated groups keep a strong hold of the province, occupying several towns and keeping them under strict siege which have deprived people from humanitarian supplies for months………………


Maaloula residents, which are mostly Christians, have been joining the army in its operations against terrorist groups, according to our reporter.


The town was one of the last areas affected by the bloody foreign-backed insurgency in Syria which has gripped the country since March 2011




14-9-2013: FSA rejects US-Russia deal on Syria chemical weapons (http://www.presstv.ir)


Selim Idris, the chief of the FSA, told reporters in Istanbul on Saturday that the foreign-backed group does not accept any part of the initiative, and that the group will continue to fight to topple the Syrian government……………………….


The war rhetoric against Syria first gained momentum on August 21, when the militants operating inside the country and the foreign-backed Syrian opposition claimed that over a thousand people had been killed in a government chemical attack on militant strongholds on the outskirts of Damascus……………………..




14-9-2013: Syria rebels may get air defense missiles for 1st time: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


Amid a recent report about the US lethal aid for militants in Syria, a retired Lebanese general says the rebels in the Arab country may receive air defense missiles for the first time, Press TV reports…………………..


Head of the so-called Syrian National Council (SNC) media office Khalid Saleh said on Friday that the group has received lethal aid from the United States to launch more attacks against the Syrian government…………………..




13-9-2013: U.S. Military: Al-Qaeda Rebels Produced Sarin Gas For Chemical Attacks In Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


A leaked U.S. military document reveals that Al-Qaeda possessed and produced “kitchen-grade” sarin gas for chemical attacks against the Syrian people, further adding to the evidence that the Al-Qaeda Syrian opposition launched the Aug. 21 chemical attack in Damascus as a false flag in order to frame Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad…………………………


The National Ground Intelligence Center report states that Al-Qaeda in Iraq produced the sarin gas and then shipped it to the al-Nusra Front for use in Syria……………………


Two months prior to the confiscation, 26 people and Syrian government forces died from exposure to sarin gas delivered in a rocket attack on Aleppo, a city in the northwestern region of Syria near the Turkish border.


“The rocket came from a place controlled by the terrorists and which is located close to the Turkish territory,” according to a Syrian government statement in response to the attack. “One can assume that the weapon came from Turkey.


High-level U.S. intelligence officials reinforce Bodansky’s conclusion, stating that they are not convinced that the Aug. 21 chemical attack was carried out per Assad’s orders or that it was even carried out by Assad’s government………………….


While the Obama administration continues to push our military into entering Syria as “al-Qaeda’s air force,” fighting alongside Islamic extremists recruited and armed by the CIA, the evidence strongly points to the al-Nusra Front, labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S., as responsible for the Aug. 21 chemical attack………………………………..




13-9-2013: Syrian Rebels Slit Throat of Christian Man Who Refused To Convert To Islam, Taunt Fiance, “Jesus Didn’t Come To Save Him” (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/)


U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel Support Al Qaeda Terrorists Who Are Brutally Persecuting Syrian Christians


And the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel  have been backing these guys for years.  Indeed, we’ve long known that most of the weapons we’re shipping to Syria are ending up in the hands of Al Qaeda. And they apparently have chemical weapons. ………….




13-9-2013: Syria rebels ordered 10 tons of sarin nerve agent in Turkey (http://en.alalam.ir)


A Turkish prosecutor has filed a report to the court in southern Turkish city of Adana, showing Syria militants have been ordering and receiving chemical material from Turkey.


On May 28 Turkish security forces found a 2-kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of terrorists from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front who were previously detained


The document says that radical Salafis groups set up a channel for carrying out terrorist attacks inside Turkey.


According to the document al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham group had tried to buy large amounts of sarin nerve gas and chemical substances used in manufacturing poisonous materials




13-9-2013: 'Utter cruelty' witnessed in Syria execution (http://en.alalam.ir)


The administration of US president Barack Obama is threatening to bomb Syria, setting conditions, lobbying almost everywhere, conducting TV interviews trying to get support from a widely opposing public opinion, and pushing hard to make the world believe a chemical attack was carried out by the Syrian government and now it should be punished, while extremist militants are taking more lives in the most brutal ways one can imagine, almost every single day.


There are many Syrian trapped in small towns and villages, ruled by al-Qaeda and other terrorist-in-nature groups, who witness cruel crimes which are setting new standards of brutality in people’s minds…………………………….


I saw a scene of utter cruelty: a human being treated in a way that no human being should ever be treated. But it seems to me that in two and a half years, the war has degraded people’s humanity. On this day the people at the execution had no control over their feelings, their desires, their anger. It was impossible to stop them………………………………..


At the moment of execution the rebels grasped his throat. The young man put up a struggle. Three or four rebels pinned him down. The man tried to protect his throat with his hands, which were still tied together. He tried to resist but they were stronger than he was and they cut his throat. They raised his head into the air. People waved their guns and cheered…………………….




13-9-2013: Syria: Al-Qaeda-linked rebels execute regime 'militia men' in front of children (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


It is one of the most chilling images to emerge from rebel-held Syria. In front of an audience of schoolchildren, the masked executioner pushes his trembling victim to the ground and slices his blade across the man’s throat…………………………..


A series of photographs, too graphic to publish in these pages, show the slaughter of four prisoners held by jihadist groups at different public execution sites outside Aleppo. Little is known about the victims; only that they were accused of being Shabiha – pro-government paramilitaries……….


Grim footage depicting a litany of crimes – murders, torture and mass killings – now emerge on YouTube on an almost daily basis from the Syrian civil war. Their authenticity is often impossible to verify, but these pictures, first published in the French magazine Paris Match, were taken by an independent photojournalist whose name, for his own safety, has not been publicly revealed……….




13-9-2013: ‘Either rebels are responsible for the chemical attack, or Assad’s forces lost their minds’ - French ex-hostage (http://rt.com)


A phone conversation between the opposition fighters may prove that it was opposition who used gas on civilians in Syria – that’s according to Belgian teacher Pierre Piccinin da Prata, who had been held hostage by rebels for months………………….


They were talking about the events of Al-Ghouta in the Damascus suburb and from the conversation it was clear that the Syrian government wasn't behind the attack… It was about gas, sure. They talked about the gas sarin, that’s what we learned later………………….


Their motivation wasn't clear from the conversation, but we figured that it would have been absurd for the Syrian government to use chemical weapons. The regime had nothing to gain from the Al-Ghouta massacre. On the contrary, it played into the hands of its enemies – the US, France and the UK………………..


And it is clear that the rebels are the ones who wanted to benefit from the situation. Let us remind you that the rebels already tried to simulate a gas attack a year ago in Homs, they made a video showing people on the ground acting as if they had been victims of neurotic gas.  It’s clear that those who have something to gain were the rebels. We could also remember that the rebels were already thought responsible for a gas attack in Homs. A video emerged and turned out to be a staged thing……………




12-9-2013: Saudi Arabia bribing US, French lawmakers on Syria: American journalist (http://www.presstv.ir)


Saudi Arabian spy chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has paid to American and French lawmakers to get their support for a possible military strike against Syria, US investigative journalist Wayne Madsen says………………….


“Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Robert Menendez, House Speaker John Boehner, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers, New York’s Peter King, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and others have seen their campaign chests grow substantially as a result of Bandar’s financial largesse, according to Madsen’s multiple sources,” added Fetzer, who is a McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth………………………………




12-9-2013: U.S. weapons reaching Syrian rebels (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebels in Syria, ending months of delay in lethal aid that had been promised by the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials and Syrian figures. The shipments began streaming into the country over the past two weeks, along with separate deliveries by the State Department of vehicles and other gear — a flow of material that marks a major escalation of the U.S. role in Syria’s civil war……………………




12-9-2013: FSA rejects Russia proposal for Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


FSA military commander General Selim Idriss made the announcement in a video message posted on YouTube on Thursday.


The Free Syrian Army announces its categorical rejection of the Russian initiative that foresees placing chemical weapons under international control,” Idriss stated.


He called on countries supporting the militancy against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to increase the supply of arms to the militants




11-9-2013: Obama’s diplomatic path let us down, Syria’s foreign-backed militants say (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syria’s foreign-backed militants say they feel let down and more frustrated than ever because of US President Barack Obama's decision to consider a Russian proposal meant to find a diplomatic solution to the two and half years of violence in the Arab country……………………


In response, the US president asked Congress to delay a vote on authorizing military action against Syria in order to give the Russian proposal a chance to play out……


The Syrian government is “going to be stronger because while they've agreed to give up their chemical weapons, they get to keep everything else to fight the opposition that has lost territory in the past year and has now suffered a big blow," Ayham Kamel, a Middle East analyst at the Eurasia Group in London, said on Wednesday……………………………




11-9-2013: Russia gives UNSC proof of chemical weapons use by militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russia has passed proof of the use of chemical weapons by the militants inside Syria to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).


"There are suspicions that the militants have used these [chemical] weapons repeatedly," said the Head of Duma international affairs committee Alexei Pushkov on Wednesday, adding "Russia has just passed existing proof to the UN Security Council."


He also said that the militants have used chemical weapons near Aleppo in March, adding that Carla Del Ponte, who is a leading United Nations investigator, has also acknowledged it……….


Iran is in possession of strong evidence regarding the militant chemical attack in Syria and has handed on the evidence to the United Nations,” he said, adding “Last December, for example, we received news that two Sarin gas containers were being transferred to Syria. The containers were sent from an Arab country to a neighboring country, where it triggered security and political reactions.”




10-9-2013: Ex-captives reveal militants' involvement in August 21 Syria chemical raid (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Italian journalist Domenico Quirico and Belgian national Pierre Piccinin said they had heard their captors talking about the involvement of militants in the chemical attack that took place in Syria on August 21, the same attack that the US has blamed on the Syrian government and has planned to attack Syria as an act of “punishment” for………………..




10-9-2013: Chemical attack was Syria rebel provocation, former hostages say (http://rt.com)


Two Europeans who were abducted and held hostage for several months in Syria claim they overheard an exchange between their captors which proves that rebels were behind the recent chemical attack…………………..


It is a moral duty to say this. The government of Bashar al-Assad did not use sarin gas or other types of gas in the outskirts of Damascus,” Piccinin said during an interview with Belgium's RTL radio station…………………..


"In this conversation, they said that the gas attack on two neighborhoods of Damascus was launched by the rebels as a provocation to lead the West to intervene militarily,”…………………..


“I am extremely surprised that the United States could think about intervening, knowing very well how the Syrian revolution has become international jihadism – in other words Al-Qaeda," Quirico said, as quoted by Italy’s Quotidiano Nazionale


"We were moved around a lot...it was not always the same group that held us, there were very violent groups, very anti-West and some anti-Christian," Piccinin said………………….




10-9-2013: Intl experts have strong proof images of chemical victims fabricated – Moscow (http://rt.com)


Footage and photos of the alleged chemical attack in Syria, which the US cites as the reason for a planned military intervention, had been fabricated in advance, speakers told a UN human rights conference in Geneva………………………


The speakers argued that the suspected sarin gas attack near Damascus on August 21 was likely a provocation of the rebel forces and that a military action against the President Bashar Assad government will likely result in civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe affecting the entire region……………………


Russia is convinced that the chemical incident was a provocation by rebel forces, which staged a false flag attack to drag the US into the conflict and capitalize on the damage that the Syrian army is likely to sustain in the American intervention……………………


An increasing number of reports is backing Russia’s position, with local witnesses, US and British former intelligence professionals and Europeans recently released from rebel captivity all speaking for a provocation scenario……………………….




10-9-2013: Turkey’s Policies Defied By Latest Twists in Syria (http://www.al-monitor.com)


Erdogan and Davutoglu's position, however, appears increasingly unrealistic given that there is a world — including Islamic countries — that is not prepared to bloody its hands over Syria………


This poses a dilemma for the Erdogan government, which has started to criticize the Arab countries supporting the Egyptian military. The contradiction, however, is that while they criticize these powers over Egypt in the name of democracy, Ankara continues to rely on the support of the same powers for bringing down the Assad regime in the name of democracy………………………….



Many of his critics suspect, though, that he's relying on the ballot box in a country with an overwhelming Sunni majority to politically elevate his Islamist allies in the region……………………….




10-9-2013: Expert: Poison gas was 'kitchen' variety (http://www.wnd.com)


A top terrorism expert says that recent findings on the chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21 in a region on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, was “indeed a self-inflicted attack” by the Syrian opposition to provoke U.S. and military intervention in Syria……………..


Bodansky said that various tests suggest the nerve agent Sarin was used, reinforcing the conclusion that “kitchen Sarin” was used, although much will depend on the U.N.’s findings once all tests are completed………………




9-9-2013: White House: Evidence against Assad not ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ but passes ‘common-sense test’ (http://rt.com)


The White House says it has no “irrefutable” evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad was behind the August gas attack in a Damascus suburb, but that a “strong common-sense test irrespective of the intelligence” suggests the government is responsible…..


It is hard to explain why Assad would use chemical weapons on his own people at a time when his troops were doing so well on the ground - especially since UN observers were nearby at the time of the attack – former British military officer Charles Heyman told AP………………….


“ It doesn't surprise us that someone who would kill thousands of his own people, including hundreds of children with poison gas, would also lie about it," deputy spokesperson at the National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, told NBC News.


US Secretary of State John Kerry also dismissed Assad’s statements, saying on Sunday that "the evidence speaks for itself.”




9-9-2013: Kidnapped Teacher: Rebels Said Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack (http://www.infowars.com)


A Belgian teacher who was kidnapped by rebels in Syria said he overheard the militants acknowledging that President Bashar Al-Assad was not responsible for last month’s chemical weapons attack………………………..




9-9-2013: 'CIA fabricated evidence to lure US into war with Syria' (http://rt.com)


The intelligence gathered against Syria’s Assad was manufactured by elements within the spy community in order to mislead the US President to take punitive action, Ray McGovern, a veteran CIA analyst, told RT…………………….


I have to say that if you look at the ‘Cui Bono’ – the classic question: ‘who does this profit?’ The only state, the only country that it profits is Israel. As long as, there’s an unending… looks like it’s going to be a 30-year war in Syria, a Shia against Sunni contest, not only in Syria, but in the whole Middle East area, now that Israel feels that the Sunni and the Shia aren’t going to be turning their swords and their guns on Israel. It’s that simple………………………


Now, [US Secretary of State] John Kerry has amply demonstrated that he’s under the influence of [Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin] Netanyahu. He made believe he was talking about Palestine in the last couple of months, but what he was really talking about was Syria and that shows in his behavior and even his demeanor……………….




9-9-2013: What’s the Evidence Behind the Case for War? (http://www.theamericanconservative.com)


If Washington wishes to prevent possible weapons of mass destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, it should be doing everything it can to support the Syrian government. Any scenario that involves attacking the very soldiers who are presumably guarding the chemical weapons is a recipe for disaster……………………..


It should be no secret by now that much of the U.S. intelligence community is troubled by the quality of the information being used to justify a new war in the Middle East. It should also surprise no one to learn that former and current intelligence officers network and share information………


The several dissenters from that view agree that the administration argument as expressed in its brief “Government Assessment” is lacking in corroborative detail and is a poorly written political document that pretends to be an intelligence assessment…………………………………


Based on contributions that we had obtained through our contacts, which include a number of active-duty intelligence officers, we concluded that the admittedly fragmentary information that is currently available to us indicates that both British and American intelligence know that Bashar al-Assad did not carry out the chemical attack in Damascus on Aug. 21…………………………


Which, absent other information that is so far not forthcoming, means that the White House is either lying or cherry picking its evidence when it asserts that he did……..


There are other anomalies we mention in our letter that also have been noted by others, including the possibility that the attack was premeditated by the opposition and may have been part of a broader offensive on behalf of the rebels and their supporters, with prior planning involving Washington………………..


One intelligence source claims that Washington and London have also determined, but not publicly revealed, that the photographic and video evidence that has been produced to support claims surrounding the attack was essentially fabricated, presumably by the rebels and possibly with the assistance of a foreign intelligence service……………………..


There are reports that the Saudis and possibly the Turks provided chemicals to the insurgents that could be used to make crude weapons. Other reports suggest that the chemicals might have been combined by accident……………………………………..



9-9-2013: RT sources: Syrian rebels plan chem attack on Israel from Assad-controlled territories (http://rt.com)


A chemical attack may be launched on Israel by Syrian rebels from government-controlled territories as a "major provocation," multiple sources told RT………………………………




9-9-2013: U.S. on Syria chemical attack: What's the evidence? (http://edition.cnn.com)


But Kerry said last week, "We can tell you beyond any reasonable doubt that our evidence proves the Assad regime prepared for this attack, issued instructions to prepare for this attack, warned its own forces to use gas masks."……………………..


"Al Assad has no credible motivation to use these weapons at this stage, and in this phase of the conflict. He is not losing,"…………………….



9-9-2013: 'Turkey deploys anti-aircraft missiles on Syrian border' (http://www.jpost.com)


Turkey's army has deployed anti-aircraft missile batteries all along the country's southern border with Syria, Israel Radio quoted the Turkish media as saying Monday……………..




9-9-2013: Why the US, UK, EU & Israel hate Syria (http://rt.com)


8 reasons the New World Order hates Syria…………………





9-9-2013: Syria: If Bashar al-Assad hands over chemical weapons we will not attack, says John Kerry (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Mr Kerry was in London on Monday morning on the final leg of a whirlwind European tour to drum up support for intervention in Syria.


When asked by a reporter whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop an attack, Mr Kerry said: "Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week – turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting (of it).


"But he isn't about to do it and it can't be done."


Mr Kerry repeated his belief, stated on numerous occasions, that "the risk of not acting is greater than the risk of acting."




8-9-2013: Obama waging Zionists’ war on Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


A prominent analyst says by falling into the Zionist trap of war on Syria, US President Barack Obama will provoke an "irreversible crisis" in the Middle East, putting another stain on his criminal track record, Press TV reports.


In an article published on Press TV website on Saturday, Iranian author and academic Dr. Ismail Salami said the Zionist lobby, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) are behind Obama’s war campaign against Syria




8-9-2013: German jihadis kill Syrian Christians (http://www.jpost.com)


The magazine reported last week the involvement of nearly 100 “fanatical” German Muslims, including Germans who converted to Islam, in the Syrian civil war………………….


A German police official told the magazine that “the complicity of Germans in the extermination and ethnic cleansing in Syria is a sheer intolerable condition.’


The growing presence of German Islamists in Syria prompted the Federal Republic’s interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich to issue a warning in April about the “calls for those Europeans who have been trained in battle [in Syria] to return home and pursue jihad.”…………………





8-9-2013: As Syria's war rages, region's Christians hold their breath (http://www.csmonitor.com)


Anas, their son, says he got threatening messages back in Syria: “Your money is for us to take, your wife is for us to sleep with, and your children are for killing. This is all halal,” or permissible under Islamic law. He escaped with his wife and children to Jordan, but not before his liquor store had been burned down……………




7-9-2013: Direct link between Assad and gas attack elusive for U.S. (Reuters)


With the United States threatening to attack Syria, U.S. and allied intelligence services are still trying to work out who ordered the poison gas attack on rebel-held neighborhoods near Damascus.


No direct link to President Bashar al-Assad or his inner circle has been publicly demonstrated, and some U.S. sources say intelligence experts are not sure whether the Syrian leader knew of the attack before it was launched or was only informed about it afterward


The Syrian government, backed by Russia, blames Sunni rebels for the gas attack. Russia says Washington has not provided convincing proof that Assad's troops carried out the attack and called it a "provocation" by rebel forces hoping to encourage a military response by the United States……….


U.S. officials have not presented any evidence to the public of scientific samples or intelligence information proving that sarin gas was used or that the Syrian government used it……




7-9-2013: Syrian Christians pray for peace amid threats of military strikes by US (http://www.presstv.ir/)


On Saturday, Christians gathered at a cathedral in Damascus's Old City ahead of a vigil held by Pope Francis at the Vatican earlier in the day.


“We pray to God. Hallowed be thy name for peace to prevail in the whole world,” said one of the worshippers




7-9-2013: Syria chemical video is fake, just take a close look (http://en.alalam.ir/)


There is proof the footage of the alleged chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria says……….




7-9-2013: AIPAC to push Congress to authorize US strikes against Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A new report says the pro-Israel lobby group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is planning to launch a major campaign to push US lawmakers into backing White House plans for a strike against Syria.


Some 250 AIPAC leaders and activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill during the next week to persuade the US lawmakers to vote for a draft resolution authorizing strikes on Syria, the report quoted an AIPAC source who asked not to be named




7-9-2013: 12 U.S. Intelligence Officials Tell Obama It Wasn’t Assad (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)



7-9-2013: High-Level U.S. Intelligence Officers: Syrian Government Didn’t Launch Chemical Weapons (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


U.S. intelligence officials are not so certain that the suspected chemical attack was carried out on Assad’s orders, or even completely sure it was carried out by government forces, the officials said…….


No direct link to President Bashar al-Assad or his inner circle has been publicly demonstrated, and some U.S. sources say intelligence experts are not sure whether the Syrian leader knew of the attack before it was launched or was only informed about it afterward…………………


According to the transcript of the original Unit 8200 report, the major “hotly denied firing any of his missiles” and invited the general staff to come and verify that all his weapons were present……………


There is a growing body of evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its supporters — providing a strong circumstantial case that the August 21 chemical incident was a pre-planned provocation by the Syrian opposition and its Saudi and Turkish supporters………………………..


In addition, we have learned that on August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major, irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and Qatari, Turkish and U.S. intelligence officials took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, now used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors…………………





Wednesday september 4, 2013: Ancient Aramean City of Maaloula attacked by the Westeren backed jihadists and mercinaries....





20-9-2013: Tales from village-turned-battlefield: Maaloula siege survivors talk (http://rt.com)


Maaloula residents, forced to flee their homes when the Christian village was taken over by jihadists, have found refuge in Damascus……………. 

Antoinette Taaleb, a Maaloula resident, had three members of her family killed by jihadists on the first day of the village siege……………..


We were woken up in the morning by their ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts,”……………………


Maaloula – a mountain village of 2,000 residents 60km northeast of Damascus - is home to some of the most ancient Orthodox Christian relics and is a major pilgrimage destination. It’s also one of the very few places in the world where people still speak Aramaic, a biblical-era language Jesus is believed to have spoken…………………………..




20-9-2013: Video (RT) Christian village Maaloula falls into jihadists' hands as Al-Qaeda grows in Syria


14-9-2013: Maaloula's cathedral and churches empty of Christians as Syria's latest front-line fight takes its toll (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The rebels claim they took Maaloula to punish the Christians there for supporting the Assad government, a support that is real but tepid. For most Christians in Syria the fear of what Islamists might do if they win this war outweighs any dislike they have for Assad's system………………




14-9-2013: Syria army continues fighting militants in Ma’loula (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian army soldiers continue their battle against the foreign-backed militants in the Christian town of Ma’loula, near the capital Damascus, a new report says.


"The army is continuing its mission in Ma’loula. There are still some terrorist pockets in the north of the town, in the al-Safir hotel and its surroundings, as well as in the hills surrounding the town," AFP quoted a security official as saying on Saturday


12-9-2013: Maalula, land of martyrs: death in odium fidei of the young Sarkis (http://www.fides.org)


The Islamists warned everyone present to convert to Islam. Sarkis answered clearly: "I am a Christian and if you want to kill me because I am a Christian, do it". The young man together with the other two were killed cold bloodedly………………..




12-9-2013: Dramatic report: Inside the battle for Syria's ancient Christian village (VIDEO) (http://rt.com)


Anti-Assad rebels have been forced out of many parts of Syria’s ancient Christian village of Maaloula, but the fighting there remains heavy, RT correspondent Maria Finoshina reports from the scene…………………………………


Al-Nusra Front fighters first attacked the village last Wednesday. The following seven days saw Maaloula torn between the rebels and government forces, with both occasionally gaining control over the village………………………..


Some residents, who claim rebels have resorted to looting, executions and forcing residents to convert to Islam, chose to join the Army to defend their village…………………..


They sent terrorists here from all corners of the world to kill Syrian people and each other. Why? I ask the world, why?”…………………………..


Maaloula, a mountain village of 2,000 people, is the center of Christianity in the region. Alongside with Catholic and Orthodox monasteries there are the remains of numerous convents, churches, shrines and sanctuaries. It is also one of the very few places in the world where people still speak Western Aramaic, a Biblical language that Jesus is believed to have spoken………………….




11-9-2013: Syria Christian 'made to convert at gunpoint' (AFP)


Jihadists who overran Syria's ancient town of Maalula last week disparaged Christians as "Crusaders" and forced at least one person to convert to Islam at gunpoint, say residents who fled the town…………..


One of them "put a pistol to the head of my neighbour and forced him to convert to Islam by obliging him to repeat 'there is no God but God'."………………..


11-9-2013: RT live report: Syrian Army battles jihadists in ancient Christian village (http://rt.com)


Sporadic fighting continues after Syrian government troops have regained control of the village of Maaloula, a center of Christianity in the region. RT’s correspondent reports from the village, amid the shooting and fighter jets overhead……………………………………


On Saturday pro-Assad forces managed to regain control for a short period of time, however by in the early hours of Sunday morning militants had retaken the village………………………




11-9-2013: Syrian army retakes almost full control of Ma'loula (http://www.presstv.ir)


According to Press TV correspondent in Ma'loula, 90 percent of the town is now under government control and the militants have retreated to mountains surrounding Ma'loula.


Fierce clashes still continue in the town, which is reported to be almost empty of civilians.


Militants from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and the Qalamun Liberation Front attacked Ma'loula, which is located about 70 kilometers northeast of Damascus, last Wednesday and captured some parts of it………………..




9-9-2013: Syria army attacks militants in Ma’loula Christian village (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian troops have launched an attack on hills overlooking the Christian-majority village of Ma’loula, two days after militant groups captured parts of the ancient village………


Ma'loula is reported to be almost empty after most of its residents fled following the arrival of the foreign-backed militants last week. According to a resident, who left the area in the past days, only around 50 people remain there.


Militants from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and the Qalamun Liberation Front are reported to be in control of some parts of the historic village, which is located about 70 kilometers northeast of Damascus


Anti-Damascus militants attacked Ma'loula on Wednesday and briefly entered the village a day after……………….




9-9-2013: Syrian village is 'liberated' by rebels... who then forced Christians to convert to Islam (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)


Terrified Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’ their ancient village.


Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting with regime forces.


The reports have reignited fears about western support for the rebel groups, which are increasingly being infiltrated by Islamic extremists




8-9-2013: Syria Islamist rebels take control of historic Christian town of Maaloula (http://edition.cnn.com)


An al Qaeda-linked rebel group has wrested control of the historic Christian town of Maaloula from regime forces, opposition groups said Sunday……………


"We cleansed Maaloula from all the Assad dogs and all his thugs," a rebel commander shouts at the camera…………………..




8-9-2013: Syria Islamist rebels take control of historic Christian town of Maaloula (http://edition.cnn.com)


An al Qaeda-linked rebel group has wrested control of the historic Christian town of Maaloula from regime forces, opposition groups said Sunday……………


"We cleansed Maaloula from all the Assad dogs and all his thugs," a rebel commander shouts at the camera…………………..




8-9-2013: Militants take over Christian Syria town (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed al-Qaeda-linked terrorists fighting the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad have gained control over the Christian village of Maalula, reports say……………….


The reports come after days of clashes between Syrian army forces and militants mostly from the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front in the Christian village……………….


Many of the town’s 5,000 Aramaic-speaking residents have fled their homes since the militants, known for killing minorities, arrived in the area……..




8-9-2013: Jihaddists re-take historic Syrian Christian village as stand-off continues (http://rt.com)


Islamist Nusra Front forces have re-captured Syria’s oldest Christian community from government troops in a night of fighting. The small village of Maaloula, once a peaceful spiritual place, became a battlefield on Wednesday…………………..


"The rebels are inside Maaloula, all of Maaloula. The government troops have pulled out of Maaloula," a resident told the agency by phone………………………




8-9-2013: Video Maaloula CNN: Christians under attack in Syria

We want to clean here off all the Assad dogs.


7-9-2013: Syrian Christian village in crossfire as govt forces try to squeeze out Al Nusra rebels (http://rt.com)


Heavy fighting between rebels and regime forces continues in Syria’s predominately Christian village of Maaloula, which was earlier partially destroyed by Al-Qaeda affiliated rebels…….




7-9-2013: Video Syria government forces are conducting an operation against Al-Qaeda-affiliated rebel fighters, who have besieged the ancient Christian village of Maaloula

7-9-2013: Video: Syria Christian village Maaloula Raided by Al Nusra rebels


6-9-2013: Video mgr. Afrem Kerim Syrian civil war takes over small Christian village


5-9-2013: Al-Qaeda-linked rebels attack Christian village in Syria (http://rt.com)


The attack began at dawn when a Jabhat al-Nusra fighter blew himself up at a government checkpoint near the entrance to the  village of Maaloula, according to a Syrian official and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which collects information from anti-regime activists……


Maaloula – a mountain village of 2,000 residents 60km northeast of Damascus - is home to some of the most ancient Orthodox Christian relics and is a major pilgrimage destination. It’s also one of the very few places in the world where people still speak Aramaic, a biblical-era language Jesus is believed to have spoken………………




5-9-2013: Syria crisis: al-Qaeda seizes village that still speaks the ancient language of Christ (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The inhabitants are mostly Melkite Greek Catholic and Orthodox Christians, but have historically lived peacefully alongside a Sunni Muslim minority. It is one of only three places in the world where Western Aramaic, a dialect of the language spoken by Christ, is still used…………..


Christians, who make up approximately 10 per cent of Syria's population, have increasingly become targets in the conflict as sectarian-minded foreign jihadists gain influence in the opposition ranks. Almost a third of the Syriac Christian population has fled the rebel-held northern town of Hassakeh after Christians became targets for kidnappings and assassinations. ………….


"They have been annoying the Christian people of the village since then. A Christian farmer cannot go up there to his land unless he is accompanied by a Muslim resident of the village." ….




5-9-2013: Al-Qaeda-linked rebels attack Christian village in Syria (http://rt.com/)


An Al-Qaeda-linked group attacked a predominantly Christian village sympathetic to the Assad regime in western Syria on Wednesday while rebel and government forces clashed in Damascus……..




4-9-2013: Al-Qaida-Linked Rebels Attack Village In Syria (http://www.npr.org)


Al-Qaida-linked rebels launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday — part of a brutal battle of attrition each side believes it can win despite more than two years of deadlock.


In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals………………






6-9-2013: Top Obama aide: No US military action without okay from Congress (http://www.jpost.com)


US President Barack Obama does not intend to authorize US military force in Syria if lawmakers vote against his proposal seeking action amid allegations of chemical weapons use by Syrian President Bashar Assad, a top aide said on Friday…………………..




6-9-2013: 'Footage of chemical attack in Syria is fraud' (http://rt.com)


There is proof the footage of the alleged chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT. She says she is about to submit her findings to the UN……………….


I maintain that the whole affair was a frame-up. It had been staged and prepared in advance with the goal of framing the Syrian government as the perpetrator…………….


The key evidence is that Reuters made these files public at 6.05 in the morning. The chemical attack is said to have been launched between 3 and 5 o’clock in the morning in Guta. How is it even possible to collect a dozen different pieces of footage, get more than 200 kids and 300 young people together in one place, give them first aid and interview them on camera, and all that in less than three hours?............................


What I want to ask first of all is how the international community can ignore the brutal killing spree in Latakia on Laylat al-Qadr early in the morning of August 5, an attack that affected more than 500 people, including children, women and the elderly………………………


There is even a video that shows a girl being dismembered alive – alive! – by a frame saw…




6-9-2013: Who's Lying? Brennan, Obama, or Both? (http://warisacrime.org/)


There is a growing body of evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its supporters — providing a strong circumstantial case that the August 21 chemical incident was a pre-planned provocation by the Syrian opposition and its Saudi and Turkish supporters…………………


Senior opposition commanders who came from Istanbul pre-briefed the regional commanders on an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development,” which, in turn, would lead to a U.S.-led bombing of Syria………………………


At operations coordinating meetings at Antakya, attended by senior Turkish, Qatari and U.S. intelligence officials as well as senior commanders of the Syrian opposition, the Syrians were told that the bombing would start in a few days………………




6-9-2013: Vladimir Putin: Syria videos were 'provocation by militants' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


"I come from the standpoint that everything that happened with regards to the so-called use of chemical weapons was a provocation by militants, who were relying on support, help, from those countries that supported them from the start. Looked at in this way, the provocation makes sense,"…….




6-9-2013: Militants kill Syrian soldiers execution style: Video (http://www.presstv.ir)


A gruesome video has emerged which shows foreign-backed militants in Syria killing seven captured government soldiers execution style…………………………..


In the video, the rebels’ commander -- known as “the Uncle” -- is seen reading a bitter revolutionary verse and then fires a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly shooting all the men at their feet……………………




 5-9-2013: High-Level U.S. Intelligence Officers: Syrian Government Didn’t Launch Chemical Weapons (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)




5-9-2013: Syria: Pope warns Barack Obama that military strike would be 'futile' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


In a sharply-worded intervention in the debate on the Syrian conflict, Pope Francis also accused world leaders of having stood by and allowed a "senseless massacre" to unfold in the country…….




5-9-2013: The US Government Stands Revealed to the World as a Collection of War Criminals and Liars (http://www.infowars.com)


There is not a shred of integrity in the US government. No respect for truth, justice, morality or human life. Here are two people so evil that they want to repeat in Syria what the Bush war criminals did in Iraq……………….




5-9-2013: New problems for Syria strike push as video reportedly shows rebel-led executions (http://www.foxnews.com)


A new video smuggled out of Syria purportedly showing rebel fighters executing seven unarmed government soldiers is raising questions over whether the U.S. should intervene militarily in the ongoing Syrian conflict and the unintended consequences of instability in the region……….




5-9-2013: Exclusive: Top Chemical Weapons Expert Highly Skeptical of U.S. Case Against Syrian Government (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


Western Samples Were Selectively Chosen Without a Verifiable Chain of Custody … We Must Wait for UN Report Before Reaching Any Conclusions………………





5-9-2013: US, regional puppets teamed up to oust Assad: Dr. Salami (http://www.presstv.ir)


“US Secretary of State John Kerry has formed a union with regional puppet regimes including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Turkey and marshaled up their servile support for military action against the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad,” Iranian author and Middle East expert Dr. Ismail Salami wrote on Press TV website……………..




5-9-2013: US using chemical weapons as 'pretext' for Syria attack, Iran warns (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, has accused the US of using chemical weapons as a "pretext" to launch a military attack…………………..




5-9-2013: This bombardment of Syria with clichés shows no sign of stopping (http://www.independent.co.uk)



5-9-2013: Video: Syrian Rebel Admits Using Chemical Weapons (http://www.infowars.com)


A video has emerged of an opposition rebel militant in Syria apparently confessing to using chemical weapons in order to follow Osama Bin Laden’s mantra of killing women and children……………………………….


“We’ll kill their women and children like Sheikh Osama Bin Laden said – “until they cease killing our women and kids,” he states………………….


Despite the fact that the report was written by credible Associated Press and BBC correspondent Dale Gavlak, it has received virtually zero mainstream attention………………….




5-9-2013: Four killed, six injured in Damascus car bomb attack (http://www.presstv.ir/)


5-9-2013: Putin calls Kerry a liar (http://www.usatoday.com/)


Putin called Obama Secretary of State John Kerry a liar over Kerry's testimony this week before Congress……………..


Speaking to his human rights council Wednesday, Putin said, "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans), and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad."……………




5-9-2013: Al-Qaeda carried out August chemical attack in Syria: Assad adviser (http://www.presstv.ir)


A senior adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says al-Qaeda-linked terrorists were responsible for a deadly chemical attack in the country last month……


They are using the same lies, the same fabrications, the same claims, in order to target our country and our people,” Shaaban said, comparing the chemical weapons accusations against Syria to those used to justify the Iraq war, which ultimately proved false…………….




 5-9-2013: Russia gave UN 100-page report in July blaming Syrian rebels for Aleppo sarin attack (http://www.mcclatchydc.com)


Russia says a deadly March sarin attack in an Aleppo suburb was carried out by Syrian rebels, not forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, and it has delivered a 100-page report laying out its evidence to the United Nations…………….


Russia said its investigation of the March 19 incident was conducted under strict protocols established by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons……………………..




5-9-2013: Saudi Arabia’s 'Chemical Bandar' behind the Syrian chemical attacks? (http://rt.com)


Moreover, one of the main sources of the intelligence and communication interceptions that are supposed to be a smoking gun is none other than Israel, which is notorious for doctoring and falsifying evidence……………………


The US-supported anti-government forces fighting inside Syria are the ones that have a track record of using chemical weapons. Yet, Obama and company have said nothing……………….


The US must have invested quite a lot in training both anti-government brigades. If true, some may argue that their defeat prompted the chemical weapons attack in Damascus as a contingency plan to fall back on………………………


However, how they came by chemical weapons is another issue, but many trails lead to Saudi Arabia. According to the British Independent, it was Saudi Prince Bandar “that first alerted Western allies to the alleged use of sarin gas by the Syrian regime in February 2013.” ……………….


Yet, the insurgents launched a chemical weapon attack against the Syrian government’s forces in Khan Al-Assal on March 19, 2013. Turning the truth on its head, the insurgents and their foreign backers, including the US government, would try to blame the Syrian government for the chemical attack, but the UN’s investigator Carla Del Ponte would refute their claims as false in May after extensive work………………………..


Concerning the alleged August attack the Obama Administration has been lying and contradicting itself for days…………………..


American officials have a track record of lying to start wars against other countries. This has been the consistent modus operandi of the US from Vietnam to Yugoslavia, and from Iraq to Libya……




4-9-2013: US Senate panel approves use of force against Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved an amended resolution 10-7 that authorises US military intervention with a 90-day deadline and bans American boots on the ground for combat purposes……………….




4-9-2013: Syria intervention must be firm and fast, French prime minister tells MPs


4-9-2013: US Senate committee votes for military authorization in Syria - video (http://www.theguardian.com)

4-9-2013: Syria strikes: Senate committee approves resolution in boost for Obama (http://www.theguardian.com)


4-9-2013: Why No One Backs Washington's Push for Syria War (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/)


The reason Washington finds itself without allies (save for the French government, which lately puffs up with confidence when big brother Washington provides back-up) in its push for war on Syria is that all of its allies are genuinely embarrassed at how flimsy the case for war really is………..




4-9-2013: Liberals reject Obama's case for Syria strikes; believe Obama and Kerry are lying (http://www.washingtontimes.com/)


Indeed, a majority of the activists don’t believe Mr. Obama and Secretary of State John F. Kerry are being honest when they lay out their justifications for taking military action……………….




4-9-2013: Putin warns US over Syria 'aggression' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


4-9-2013: Russia releases key findings on chemical attack near Aleppo indicating similarity with rebel-made weapons (http://rt.com)


Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition, and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated……………..




4-9-2013: Vladimir Putin calls John Kerry a liar over al-Qaeda in Syria claims ()


Russian President Vladimir Putin called US Secretary of State John Kerry a liar, claiming he had denied that al-Qaeda was fighting with the Syrian opposition in that country's civil war….


Mr Putin said: "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad." ………..




4-9-2013: Ex-CIA Giraldi: Intel Colleagues Don't Buy Chemical Attack Story (http://ronpaulinstitute.org)


Giraldi, a unique and valuable source of information and insights on how the US intelligence community works, told Horton that he and his current and retired CIA buddies are not buying the Obama administration's Syria chemical attack story…………….




4-9-2013: Caucasian militants form own group in Syria (http://en.alalam.ir)


A foreign-backed militant in Syria has said militants from the Caucasus have formed an independent force to fight the Syrian army forces…………………..


The group is called “The Mujahedin of the Caucasus and the Levant”. ……………..


Over hundreds of Chechen and Caucasian militants have entered Syria via Turkey in order to kill Syrian government forces and civilians…………………..




4-9-2013: Syria crisis: US and Israel test defence missiles over Mediterranean as House backs military intervention (http://www.independent.co.uk)


4-9-2013: Putin warns against 'illegal' military action in Syria, bypassing UNSC (http://rt.com)


Russia needs convincing proof, not rumors, from UN experts that chemical weapons were used in Syria, said the Russian president in an interview with First Channel and AP………….


“We believe that at the very least we should wait for the results of the UN inspection commission in Syria,” Putin said,………….


“I’ve already said I find it absolutely ridiculous that [Syrian] government’s armed forces, which today are actually on an offense mission and in some regions have already encircled the so-called rebels and are finishing them off, that the Syrian army has used prohibited chemical weapons,” Putin said…………..


“They lie, plainly. I watched the Congressional debate……………….


“Well, he [Kerry] lies. And he knows that he lies. This is sad,” Putin remarked….




3-9-2013: Syria crisis: First CIA-trained rebel unit about to join fighting against Assad regime, says President Obama (http://www.independent.co.uk)


The first Syrian rebels to be trained by a CIA programme in Jordan are sneaking into the warzone and ready to strike back at the Assad regime, US President Barack Obama has reportedly said……


The first cell of 50 rebels trained and armed by the CIA, reportedly in Jordan, has begun to cross over into enemy lines……………….




3-9-2013: How Intelligence Was Twisted to Support an Attack on Syria (http://truth-out.or)


Nevertheless, the unclassified summary of the intelligence assessment made public August 30, 2013, utilizes misleading language evocative of the infamous Iraq estimate's deceptive phrasing………………..


But a careful examination of those claims reveals a series of convolutedly worded characterizations of the intelligence that don't really mean what they appear to say at first glance…………….


But former British Ambassador Craig Murray has pointed out on his blog August 31 that the Mount Troodos listening post in Cyprus is used by British and U.S. intelligence to monitor “all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East … ” and that “almost all landline telephone communications in this region is routed through microwave links at some stage [and] picked up on Troodos.”……………………………………………


The clumsy attempt to pass off intelligence claimed dubiously by the Israelis as a U.S. intercept raises a major question about the integrity of the entire document. The Israelis have an interest in promoting a U.S. attack on Syria, and the authenticity of the alleged intercept cannot be assumed. Murray believes that it is fraudulent……………………….


Another obvious case of a misleading description of intelligence in the summary involves information from US geospatial and signals intelligence purporting to show that the Assad regime was preparing for a chemical attack in the three days prior to August 21……………….


And as Kaszeta told the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, the fact that none of the people treating casualties were suffering obvious symptoms "would seem to rule out most types of military-grade chemical weapons.




3-9-2013: Rush Limbaugh Suspects Obama Conspired With Al-Qaeda to Frame Bashar al-Assad (http://www.infowars.com)


3-9-2013: CIA Trained Al-Qaeda Cell To Enter Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


The New York Times reports that a 50 man cell of “rebels” trained and armed by the CIA and US special forces is to sneak over the border from Jordan into Syria this week to begin fighting government forces there, a move that should prompt concern given that moderate rebel forces are now fully infiltrated by extremist al Qaeda linked terrorists…………………


“They’re not trying to replace one dictator, Assad, who has been brutal… to only have al-Qaeda run Syria,” Graham said…………………………..


The New York Times has reported that “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups………………..




3-9-2013: Point-By-Point Rebuttal of U.S. Case for War In Syria (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


3-9-2013: Russia warns US against adventurism in Syria (http://en.alalam.ir)


Russia has criticized the United States for sending warships close to Syria, saying the deployments would exacerbate tension in the region………………….


Russia opposes military intervention over an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria. Moscow is also sending new warships to the Mediterranean but says it is just rotating ships in the area…….




3-9-2013: Bombshell: Syria's 'chemical weapons' turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply and sold at Wal-Mart (http://www.naturalnews.com)


Natural News can now reveal that the Syria chemical weapons narrative being pushed by the White House is an outlandish hoax…………….


If these chemical names sound familiar, that's because sodium fluoride is the same toxic chemical that's routinely dumped into municipal water supplies all across the USA under the guise of "water fluoridation."……………………


In fact, the forced feeding of sodium fluoride to the U.S. population is called a "public health" victory by the CDC, FDA and dentists everywhere. Yet this same chemical, when sold to Syria, is openly and repeatedly referred to as a "chemical weapon." ………………….


But what, exactly, is he saying? That hair samples have tested positive for "signatures" of sarin, not sarin itself. What is a "signature" of sarin? The fluorine element, which is of course the basis for sodium fluoride.


In other words, this "evidence" of chemical weapons in Syria may be nothing more than a collection of hair samples taken from people who drank fluoride. ……………


Tests done on Syrian citizens using ICP-MS would not be able to distinguish between sodium fluoride and sarin exposure in terms of the detection of elemental fluorine………….




3-9-2013: Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer (http://www.infowars.com)


According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location ……………………


The fact is that they don’t move all of these assets unless they plan on using them. Nuclear warheads are not simply moved to the East Coast for no reason, and the bottom line is that these missiles are likely being used for something even much greater than Syria……………


There’s no question that the Syrian issue is huge, and it’s very possible that the US military is now under orders by Obama to prepare a strike, but the reality is that the much greater issue here is what’s going on with the US and Russia………………………………..


Why do you think Obama has been aiding in the training, funding, and supplying of the bloodthirsty Syrian rebels since 2011 through secret orders admitted by Reuters? The entire angle here is not to help the civilians of Syria, who the Obama-backed rebels already are beheading and murdering to cheering crowds. No, this has always been a buildup to a World War 3 scenario between Russia and the United States. And now, with the absolute insanity of Obama and the military industrial complex pushing these wars, it’s here……………………………..




3-9-2013: Video Prince Bandar and the Syrian Chemical False Flag


3-9-2013: France publishes intelligence brief for war in Syria based on lies (http://www.wsws.org)


Hollande’s intelligence brief is a collection of already-discredited lies, non sequiturs, and unsupported claims. Reviewing it makes clear that Hollande’s charges against the Syrian regime are as unsubstantiated as those of British Prime Minister David Cameron, who suffered a humiliating defeat when he tried to obtain parliamentary approval for war in Syria last week…….




3-9-2013: Video The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told


3-9-2013: Most in U.S. oppose Syria strike, Post-ABC poll finds (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


2-9-2013: US intelligence on Syria gas attack 'unconvincing', says Russia (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


2-9-2013: Politicians enraged that Britain gave export licenses to sell Syria 'nerve gas chemicals' (http://rt.com)


MPs demanded an explanation from government ministers Monday after finding out that the UK granted licenses to export chemicals to Syria that could have been used to produce nerve gas. The licenses were granted on the eve of the Syrian civil war………………


The Government is hypocritical to talk about chemical weapons if it’s granting licences to companies to export to regimes such as Syria,” he said…………




2-9-2013: To some, US case for Syrian gas attack, strike has too many holes (http://www.mcclatchydc.com)


The Obama administration’s public case for attacking Syria is riddled with inconsistencies and hinges mainly on circumstantial evidence, ……….


The case Secretary of State John Kerry laid out last Friday contained claims that were disputed by the United Nations, inconsistent in some details with British and French intelligence reports or lacking sufficient transparency for international chemical weapons experts to accept at face value…………………..


Another point of dispute is the death toll from the alleged attacks on Aug. 21. Neither Kerry’s …………


He criticized Kerry as being “sandbagged into using an absurdly over-precise number” of 1,429, and noted that the number didn’t agree with either the British assessment of “at least 350 fatalities” or other Syrian opposition sources, namely the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has confirmed 502 dead, including about 100 children and "tens" of rebel fighters, and has demanded that Kerry provide the names of the victims included in the U.S. tally.




2-9-2013: Syria Conflict: Opposition Leader Haytham Al-Manna Criticises Plans For US Military Intervention As 'Satanic' (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk)


"Our position is against any [western] aggression against Syria. There is no [option of] military aggression against the regime, it will be against.. the population." ………………….


…………………. US ordnance won't "make the distinction between military and civilian targets. I saw what happened in Iraq..and all the [previous] American interventions." …………………


Criticising the United States, Turkey, Israel and other regional powers, he said: "We are not in favour of a satanic intervention against a satanic regime."……………………….


For Manna, there is no alternative to negotiations. "The regime and the opposition must go to Geneva II without preconditions,"………………..




2-9-2013: US and Allied Warships off the Syrian Coastline: Naval Deployment Was Decided “Before” the August 21 Chemical Weapons Attack (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Yet in fact what was decided was to deploy all five destroyers along the Syrian coastline. This decision was taken by the Pentagon well in advance of the chemical attacks of August 21, which constitute Obama’s pretext to intervene on humanitarian grounds……………………….


This massive naval deployment which also includes strategic submarines was ordered prior to the tragic event of August 21, which begs the question:

If the chemical weapons attack is a justification for intervening, why was the order to launch an R2P “humanitarian” naval operation against Syria decided upon “Prior” to August 21?

Was there advanced knowledge or intelligence regarding the timing and occurrence of the 21 August Chemical Weapons attack?




2-9-2013: Yes, the Syrian Rebels DO Have Access to Chemical Weapons (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


2-9-2013: Are Spy Agencies Once Again Lying … this Time to Justify War Against Syria? (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

Congressman With Top-Secret Briefing Isn’t Impressed with Syrian War Claims


2-9-2013: Al-Qaeda militants kill 24 civilians near Ras al-Ain (http://en.alalam.ir)


Al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria have beheaded all 24 Syrian passengers traveling from Tartus to Ras al-Ain in northeast of Syria, among them a mother and a 40-days old infant…..


Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups operating in the country, including the al-Nusra Front, are trying to capture Kurdish territories and make them part of a state they want to create in the region…………….




2-9-2013: Video Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?


2-9-2013: Military Revolt Against Obama’s Attack on Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


The military revolt against the Obama administration’s plan to launch a potentially disastrous attack on Syria is gathering pace, with both top brass and regular servicemembers expressing their vehement opposition to the United States becoming entangled in the conflict……………………..




1-9-2013: The U.S. Military Does Not Want To Fight For Al-Qaeda Christian Killers In Syria (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com)


Why are we being told that the U.S. has "no choice" but to help rabid jihadist terrorists that are slaughtering entire Christian villages, brutally raping Christian women and joyfully beheading Christian prisoners?....................




1-9-2013: “We Informed US of Chemical Weapons Transfer to Syria 9 Months Ago” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic had sent an official memo to the United States through the Swiss Embassy in Tehran (which serves as the US interests section in Iran) last December, in which Washington had been forewarned that “handmade articles of chemical weapons, including sarin gas, are being transferred into Syria.”……..




1-9-2013: Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


There is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters — which makes a very strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition…………………….


The extent of US foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation because available data puts the “horror” of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing light.


More important were the military and operational coordination meetings at the Antakya garrison. Senior Turkish, Qatari, and US Intelligence officials attended in addition to the Syrian senior (opposition) commanders. The Syrians were informed that bombing would start in a few days…….


The descriptions of these meetings raise the question of the extent of foreknowledge of US Intelligence, and therefore, the Obama White House……………………….


Several Syrian leaders, many of whom are not Bashar al-Assad supporters and are even his sworn enemies, are now convinced that the Syrian opposition is responsible for the August 21, 2013, chemical attack in the Damascus area in order to provoke the US and the allies into bombing Assad’s Syria…………………….




31-8-2013: Saudi Prince Bandar Schemes in Syria (http://oilprice.com)


Saudi Prince Bandar, the man tasked with handling some very serious foreign affairs by the Saudi King, is behind much of what is happening in Syria right now. It is Bandar through which a lot of the weapons on both fronts are flowing. He’s a household name among intelligence communities, including the CIA, who use him to their own ends. In Syria, his goal is to get rid of Assad………………….


31-8-2013: Putin tells Obama: show us proof Assad behind chemical attacks (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)



31-8-2013: The Troodos Conundrum (http://www.craigmurray.org.uk)


The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well  placed source in the Washington intelligence community.  Intelligence provided by a third party is not automatically shared with the UK, and indeed Israel specifies it should not be……


How can Troodos have missed this if Mossad got it?  The only remote possibility is that all the conversations went on a purely landline route, on which Mossad have a physical wire tap, but that is very unlikely in a number of ways - not least nowadays the purely landline route….


The answer to the Troodos Conundrum is simple.  Troodos did not pick up the intercepts because they do not exist.  Mossad fabricated them……………….




30-8-2013: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack (http://www.infowars.com)


Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia……………………..


If accurate, this story could completely derail the United States’ rush to attack Syria which has been founded on the “undeniable” justification that Assad was behind the chemical weapons attack. Dale Gavlak’s credibility is very impressive. He has been a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press for two decades and has also worked for National Public Radio (NPR) and written articles for BBC News………………………..


Saudi Arabia’s alleged role in providing rebels, whom they have vehemently backed at every turn, with chemical weapons, is no surprise given the revelations earlier this week that the Saudis threatened Russia with terror attacks at next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi unless they abandoned support for the Syrian President……………………




30-8-2013: U.S. military officers have deep doubts about impact, wisdom of a U.S. strike on Syria (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


The Obama administration’s plan to launch a military strike against Syria is being received with serious reservations by many in the U.S. military…………………………..


Former and current officers, many with the painful lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan on their minds, said the main reservations concern the potential unintended consequences of launching cruise missiles against Syria……………………….


Still, many in the military are skeptical. Getting drawn into the Syrian war, they fear, could distract the Pentagon in the midst of a vexing mission: its exit from Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are still being killed regularly……………………………




29-8-2013: EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack (http://www.mintpressnews.com)


However, from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack……………………..


Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”………………………


“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” complained a female fighter named ‘K.’ “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”………………….




29-8-2013: Verify chemical weapons use before unleashing the dogs of war (http://dailycaller.com)


The Obama administration has selectively used intelligence to justify military strikes on Syria, former military officers with access to the original intelligence reports say, in a manner that goes far beyond what critics charged the Bush administration of doing in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war……..


According to these officers, who served in top positions in the United States, Britain, France, Israel, and Jordan, a Syrian military communication intercepted by Israel’s famed Unit 8200 electronic intelligence outfit has been doctored so that it leads a reader to just the opposite conclusion reached by the original report……………


According to the transcript of the original Unit 8200 report, the major “hotly denied firing any of his missiles” and invited the general staff to come and verify that all his weapons were present………….




29-8-2013: Report: Intelligence on Syrian Chemical Weapons No 'Slam Dunk' Despite Obama Statements (http://www.newsmax.com)


The intelligence linking Syrian President Bashar Assad or his inner circle to an alleged chemical weapons attack that killed at least 100 people is no "slam dunk,"…………………


"We have concluded that the Syrian government in fact carried these out," Obama said in an interview with "NewsHour" on PBS.

However, multiple U.S. officials used the phrase "not a slam dunk" to describe the intelligence picture - a reference to then-CIA Director George Tenet's insistence in 2002…………….


U.S. and allied spies have lost track of who controls some of the country's chemical weapons supplies, according to one senior U.S. intelligence official………………………….


So while Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that links between the attack and the Assad government are "undeniable," U.S. intelligence officials are not so certain……………….



29-8-2013: The rush to judgment on Syria is a catastrophic and deadly error (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Britain and America show contempt for the lessons of the past in pressing for action……


Consider this: the only beneficiaries from the atrocity were the rebels, previously losing the war, who now have Britain and America ready to intervene on their side. While there seems to be little doubt that chemical weapons were used, there is doubt about who deployed them…….


The rush to judgment by Britain and the US looks premature, especially in view of the record of our intelligence agencies in providing misleading and fabricated evidence as a justification for war before 2003…………………


The second question that Mr Cameron must answer is: why now? There have been numerous other atrocities, many far worse, carried out across the Middle East in the past few years……


They are showing the same contempt for evidence, for international institutions and for the lessons of history……..




29-8-2013: Not a ‘slam dunk’: US intelligence can’t prove Assad used chemical weapons ()


Only days after the White House suggested it was all but certain Syrian President Bashar Assad used chemical weapons to gas hundreds of civilians, United States intelligence officials briefed on the situation say the evidence isn’t all there……………………..


It is our firm conviction that the Assad regime is responsible” for gassing civilians on August 21, Carney added. “Logic dictates that conclusion, as well as the hard facts. And the president is working with his national security team to evaluate the options available to him to respond, as well as consulting with international allies and consulting with members of Congress.”……..


"We have concluded that the Syrian government in fact carried these out," Obama said of the assault. "And if that's so, then there need to be international consequences."……………




28-8-2013: Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' (http://www.theguardian.com/)


The bulk of evidence proving the Assad regime's deployment of chemical weapons – which would provide legal grounds essential to justify any western military action – has been provided by Israeli military intelligence………………………..


The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons………………




27-8-2013: Israel may have intercepted Syrian discussions about chemical attack (http://www.latimes.com)


An elite Israeli intelligence unit intercepted conversations among high ranking Syrian government officials discussing last week’s apparent chemical attack outside Damascus as it unfolded…….


………….that Israel’s secretive signals intelligence agency, Unit 8200, eavesdropped on a conversation between senior Syrian officials about use of chemical agents….


U.S. intelligence agencies long have relied on Israel to help provide intelligence about Syria……




27-8-2013: Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Leaked transcripts of a closed-door meeting between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan shed an extraordinary light on the hard-nosed Realpolitik of the two sides…..


Prince Bandar, head of Saudi intelligence, allegedly confronted the Kremlin with a mix of inducements and threats in a bid to break the deadlock over Syria..............


The details of the talks were first leaked to the Russian press. A more detailed version has since appeared in the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir, which has Hezbollah links and is hostile to the Saudis. …………


As-Safir said Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord. “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” he allegedly said…….




26-8-2013: Snipers shoot at UN chemical weapons team: Experts forced to suspend investigation


Snipers shot at a UN team set to inspect the site of a suspected deadly chemical weapons attack on Monday, further ratcheting up tensions as the West warned of possible military action against Damascus…………………..



26-8-2013: Syria, the Saudi connection: The Prince with close ties to Washington at the heart of the push for war (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Appointed by the Saudi king, his uncle, last year as the head of the Saudi General Intelligence Agency, Prince Bandar has reportedly for months been focused exclusively on garnering international support, including arms and training, for Syrian rebel factions in pursuit of the eventual toppling of President Bashar al-Assad……………………


It was Prince Bandar’s intelligence  agency that first alerted Western allies to the alleged use of sarin gas by the Syrian regime in February……………………


The Saudis are “indispensable partners on Syria” and have considerable influence on American thinking, a senior US official told The Wall Street Journal yesterday……………………




25-8-2013: A Veteran Saudi Power Player Works To Build Support to Topple Assad (http://online.wsj.com)


They believed that Prince Bandar, a veteran of the diplomatic intrigues of Washington and the Arab world, could deliver what the CIA couldn't: planeloads of money and arms, and, as one U.S. diplomat put it, wasta, Arabic for under-the-table clout…………….


The conflict there has become a proxy war for Middle East factions, and Saudi Arabia's efforts in Syria are just one sign of its broader effort to expand its regional influence. The Saudis also have been outspoken supporters of the Egyptian military in its drive to squelch the Muslim Brotherhood, backing that up with big chunks of cash……………………


As part of that, intelligence agents from Saudi Arabia, the U.S., Jordan and other allied states are working at a secret joint operations center in Jordan to train and arm handpicked Syrian rebels, according to current and former U.S. and Middle Eastern officials……………………


The CIA has put unspecified limits on its arming efforts. But the agency has been helping train rebels to better fight. Earlier this year it also began making salary payments to members of the Western-backed Free Syrian Army, U.S. and Arab officials said. There are now more CIA personnel at the Jordan base than Saudi personnel, according to Arab diplomats……………………..


The Saudis stepped up rebel support in early 2012, at first by joining forces with Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to fund what was then the main opposition group, the Syrian National Council……………………….




23-8-2013: Three citizens injured in mortar shell in Damascus (http://sana.sy)


Three citizens were injured Friday by a mortar shell fired by terrorists on al-Fahameh area in Damascus……………………


23-8-2013: Eight citizens martyred as terrorist blows himself up with explosive belt in Aleppo (http://sana.sy)


Eight citizens were martyred and many others wounded as a suicide terrorist blew himself up with an explosive belt at Capo Grillo restaurant in al-Basel Sport city in al-Mogambo neighborhood of Aleppo…………………………………………



22-8-2013: War Within A War: Kurds, Arabs Battle In Northern Syria (http://www.rferl.org)


Islamist and Kurdish militias are fighting a war within a war in Syria that is not just creating tens of thousands of new refugees. It's also increasingly becoming an ethnic-based conflict between Arabs and Kurds that gives new reasons to worry Syria will break apart………………….




21-8-2013: Russian President, Saudi Spy Chief Discussed Syria, Egypt (http://www.al-monitor.com)


As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.”…………………..


So you have to stop giving [the Syrian regime] political support, especially at the UN Security Council, as well as military and economic support. And we guarantee you that Russia’s interests in Syria and on the Mediterranean coast will not be affected one bit. In the future, Syria will be ruled by a moderate and democratic regime that will be directly sponsored by us and that will have an interest in understanding Russia's interests and role in the region.”………………


“Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters. ………………..




21-8-2013: Citizens martyred, including women and children, by mortar shells in Damascus and Homs (http://sana.sy)


Four citizens were martyred and others were injured by mortar shells fired by terrorists on Jaramana city and al-Dakhaniyeh area in Damascus Countryside…………….


21-8-2013: In Syria, seized weapons caches boost rebels’ hopes after weeks of setbacks (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Syrian rebels have received an unexpected windfall in the form of large weapons caches seized in fighting during the past three weeks, including stocks of heavy arms …………….





False Flag Attack by the Western death-squads and mercenaries in Ghouta, Damasucus.........


The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown………………..

The Forbidden Truth: The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria.......................



Colonial powers, accusations, their allies and saber rattling


2-9-2013: US aircraft carrier heading to Red Sea to support possible strike against Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

1-9-2013: John Kerry: US has proof that sarin gas used in Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

1-9-0213: France, following US and UK, applies brakes on Syrian war rhetoric   (http://rt.com)

31-8-2013: Turkey's PM Erdogan: Syrian Strike Should Topple Assad (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)

31-8-2013: Israel: The missing link in Syria puzzle (http://rt.com)

31-8-2013: Why does Turkey support intervention in Syria? (http://english.alarabiya.net)

31-8-2013: US set for Syria strikes after Kerry says evidence of chemical attack is 'clear' (http://www.theguardian.com)

31-8-2013: Syria is set to become a fractured state like the former Yugoslavia (http://www.theguardian.com)

31-8-2013: French oppose military intervention in Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

30-8-2013:Obama 'A crime against humanity': US makes the case for military action against Syria (http://www.independent.co.uk)

30-8-2013: Kerry: Syria gas attack cannot go unpunished (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

30-8-2013: Syria: BBC Panorama films 'napalm' incident (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

30-8-2013: Francois Hollande: France is ready to act, despite British vote (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)

30-8-2013: Obama considers 'limited' military action against Syria (http://rt.com)

30-8-2013: Saudi Prince Bandar behind chemical attack in Syria: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: US intel report stops short of confirming Assad is responsible for chemical attack (http://rt.com/)

30-8-2013: ‘Syria militants use Saudi-supplied gas’ (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: US, allies still mull war on Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: 'Americans sick of US warmongering' (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: World must act on Assad's gas attack outrage, says Kerry (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

30-8-2013: U.S. Prepares for Solo Strike On Syria After Britain Balks (http://online.wsj.com)

30-8-2013: ‘Canada has no Syria intervention plans’ (http://www.presstv.ir)

29-8-2013: France tones down Syria war rhetoric (http://www.presstv.ir/)

29-8-2013: UK forced to put off Syria war plans (http://www.presstv.ir/)

28-8-2013: ‘Troops deployed on Jordan-Syria border’(http://www.presstv.ir)

28-8-2013: US intelligence to justify looming missile strike against Syria (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)

28-8-2013: Syria: West planning military strike: live (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

28-8-2013: US, UK, France push for Syria response as UN chemical weapons probe delayed  (http://rt.com)

27-8-2013: Obama taps allies as US weighs action over 'moral obscenity' of Syria gas attack (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com)

27-8-2013: Obama Orders Legal Justification for Syria Strike (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)

27-8-2013: Britain Preparing Contingency Plan for Intervention in Syria (http://www.nytimes.com)

27-8-2013: West, Arabs reach ‘consensus’ on Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

27-8-2013: Syria: Russia’s warning falls on deaf ears as Britain and US prepare to bomb (http://www.independent.co.uk)

27-8-2013: US accuses Syrian government of using chemical weapons and destroying evidence (http://rt.com)

27-8-2013: Saudis Threaten Russia With Olympic Terrorist Attacks Unless It Abandons Syria Support (http://www.infowars.com)

26-8-2013: Kerry: Chemical weapons use in Syria is ‘undeniable,’ there must be accountability (http://www.jpost.com)

26-8-2013: Obama Seeks a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ on Syria (http://swampland.time.com)

26-8-2013: Western Warplanes Begin Arriving In Cyprus (http://www.zerohedge.com)

26-8-2013: Warplanes spotted in Cyprus as tensions rise in Damascus (http://www.theguardian.com)

26-8-2013: Syria, the Saudi connection: The Prince with close ties to Washington at the heart of the push for war (http://www.independent.co.uk)

26-8-2013: Kerry accuses Syria of using chemical agents; US preparing to release evidence (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/)

26-8-2013: Turkey used for arms transfer into Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)

26-8-2013: Kerry accuses Syria of using chemical agents; US preparing to release evidence (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com)

26-8-2013: Warplanes spotted in Cyprus as tensions rise in Damascus (http://www.theguardian.com)

26-8-2013: Britain, Turkey: Syria Intervention Possible without UN (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)

26-8-2013: Kerry accuses Syria of using chemical agents; US preparing to release evidence (http://www.theguardian.com)

25-8-2013: Israeli intelligence ties Syrian gas attack to Assad (http://dailycaller.com)

25-8-2013: Navy ready to launch first strike on Syria within days (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

25-8-2013: Moscow warns US over Syria as President Obama weighs strike options (http://www.independent.co.uk)

24-8-2013: US Naval forces move closer to Syria as options weighed (http://bostonherald.com)

24-8-2013: Obama summons top defense aides early on Saturday to discuss Syria options (http://www.jpost.com)

24-8-2013: US readies possible missile strike against Syria - report (http://rt.com)

23-8-2013: Syrian rebel forces trained by West are moving towards Damascus (http://www.jpost.com)

23-8-2013: Turkey calls for action after Syria attack (http://www.reuters.com)

23-8-2013: US weighing military response to Syria chemical assault (http://www.ynetnews.com)

23-8-2013: Obama: Syria chemicals grave concern (http://www.bbc.co.uk)

23-8-2013: Obama tells CNN key decisions nearing on Syria, Egypt  (http://edition.cnn.com)

22-8-2013: Turkey Joins In Calls for Action on Assad (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)

22-8-2013: French FM threatens ‘force’ over Syria chemical attack if UNSC fails to act (http://rt.com)


Syria denies:

31-8-2013: US claims on gas attack false: Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)

30-8-2013: US intel assessment based on ‘terrorist lies’ and ‘media hype’ – Syrian Foreign Ministry (http://rt.com)

27-8-2013: Syria Crisis: Foreign minister denies chemical attacks (http://www.bbc.co.uk)

27-8-2013: Assad: Syria Is A Sovereign Country Fighting al-Qaeda (http://www.infowars.com)

26-8-2013: Accusations that Syria used chemical weapon 'against logic' - Assad (http://rt.com)

26-8-2013: Assad Taunts U.S. Over Iraq, Vietnam (http://world.time.com)


Russia, China and others…..


2-9-2013: US intelligence on Syria gas attack 'unconvincing', says Russia (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

2-9-2013: Germany says won’t join attack on Syria  (http://www.presstv.ir/)

1-9-2013: War on Syria, Obama-Saudi plot to destabilize Mideast: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)

1-9-2013: ‘Syria militants use Saudi-supplied gas’ (http://www.presstv.ir)

31-8-2013: Putin: US evidence 'must be presented' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)

31-8-2013: No plans to attack Syria, NATO says (http://www.presstv.ir)

31-8-2013: Syria civil war: Obama chemical weapons claim 'utter nonsense', says Vlamidir Putin (http://www.independent.co.uk/)

31-8-2013: Syria crisis: Obama chemical weapons claim is 'utter nonsense', says Russian President Vlamidir Putin (http://www.independent.co.uk)

31-8-2013: 'Bombing Syria will make civil war worse': Army chiefs praise Parliament for voting against military strikes (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)

31-8-2013: Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council (http://rt.com)

31-8-2013: Anti-Syria CW claims nonsense: Putin (http://www.presstv.ir/)

31-8-2013: ‘World awakens against war on Syria’(http://www.presstv.ir)

31-8-2013: US attack on Syria, illegal: Russia (http://www.presstv.ir/)

31-8-2013: Pat Buchanan: Chemical Attack ‘Reeks Of False Flag Operation’ (http://www.storyleak.com)

31-8-2013: Putin urges U.S. to hold off on military action against Syria and says it would be 'utter nonsense' for Assad to use chemical weapons (http://www.dailymail.co.uk)

30-8-2013: US intel assessment based on ‘terrorist lies’ and ‘media hype’ – Syrian Foreign Ministry (http://rt.com)

30-8-2013: Saudi Prince Bandar behind chemical attack in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: China media warn against attack on Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: ‘Most Germans against attack on Syria’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)

30-8-2013: French People Oppose War Against Syria (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

30-8-2013: ‘Dangerous’ Syria talk concerns S Africa (http://www.presstv.ir)

30-8-2013: Kerry Lies About Number of Syrian Chemical War Dead (http://www.infowars.com)

30-8-2013: Bombshell: Kerry Caught Using Fake Photos to Fuel Syrian War (http://www.infowars.com)

30-8-2013: Experts: U.S. Case that Syrian Government Responsible for Chemical Weapons Is Weak (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

29-8-2013: UN Council must study Syria report’ (http://www.presstv.ir)

29-8-2013: Russia warships sent to Mediterranean (http://www.presstv.ir)

29-8-2013: Obama should be stripped of his Nobel Peace prize if he starts Syria war (http://rt.com)

29-8-2013: ‘Syria war aimed at bolstering al-Qaeda’ (http://www.presstv.ir)

29-8-2013: Poland says won’t intervene in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

29-8-2013: China calls for restraint over Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

29-8-2013: Syria crisis: President Obama lacks ‘smoking gun’ linking Assad to gas attacks (http://www.independent.co.uk)

28-9-2013: Bombing Syria would make US pilots ‘Al-Qaeda's air force’ – Kucinich (http://rt.com)

28-8-2013: CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.co.uk/)

28-8-2013: Iran, Russia to step up anti-war effort (http://www.presstv.ir )

28-8-2013: Intelligence Suggests Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack (http://www.infowars.com)

28-8-2013: 'West helped militants use CW' (http://www.presstv.ir)

28-8-2013: Pretext for war on Syria has no proof (http://www.presstv.ir)

27-8-2013: Syria crisis: Russia and China step up warning over strike (http://www.bbc.co.uk)

27-8-2013: Inspectors In Syria Forbidden From Finding Out WHO Used Chemical Weapons, Only IF They Were Used (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

27-8-2013: Russia warns West over Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

27-8-2013: US Attempts to Sabotage UN Chemical Weapons Investigation (http://www.infowars.com)

27-8-2013: The U.S. Has Repeatedly Falsely Accused Others of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

26-8-2013: Russia: 'No proof Syria used chemical arms' (http://www.presstv.ir)

26-8-2013: Syria Charade: West bent on war, UN investigation meaningless (http://rt.com)

26-8-2013: Putin to Cameron: No evidence Syria chemical weapons attack took place (http://rt.com)

26-8-2013: Italy warns against attack on Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

26-8-2013: Germany sees no intervention in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)

25-8-2013: Syrian warmongering turning Obama into Bush’s 'clone' – Russian MP (http://rt.com)

25-8-2013: ‘US fabricates pretexts to attack Syria’ (http://www.presstv.ir)

25-8-2013: Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying (http://davidswanson.org)

25-8-2013: Justifying the Unjustifiable: US Uses Past Crimes to Legalize Future Ones (http://ronpaulinstitute.org)

25-8-2013: Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

24-8-2013: Experts Doubt Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

23-8-2013: US-Trained Rebels Moved Towards Damascus Days Before ‘Chemical Attack’ (http://www.infowars.com)

23-8-2013: Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident (http://rt.com/news)

22-8-2013: Syrian Chemical Attack “A Provocation Planned in Advance” (http://www.infowars.com)

21-8-2013: Hundreds Dead In Syrian Chemical Attack As Even Impartial Experts Allege "False Flag" (http://www.zerohedge.com)

21-8-2013: US Has "Strong Indications" Assad Used Chemical Weapons (http://www.zerohedge.com)

21-8-2013: Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ was ‘planned provocation’ by rebels (http://rt.com)

30-3-2013: Syrian Rebels Caught on Tape Discussing Chemical Weapons Attack (http://www.infowars.com)

28-1-2013: Hacked Emails Reveal ‘Washington-Approved’ Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria (http://www.infowars.com)

10-7-2013: Russia Says Syrian Mercenaries Behind Chemical Attacks (http://www.infowars.com)


-8-2013: Experts Doubt Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


Preliminary Evidence Indicates that the Syrian Government Did NOT Launch a Chemical Weapon Attack Against Its People…………………


24-8-2013: Information Minister: We have incontrovertible proof that terrorists used chemical weapons (http://sana.sy)


In an interview given to al-Mayadeen TV on Saturday, Minister al-Zoubi said that Syria and its friends have incontrovertible proof that the projectiles in question were launched from sites controlled by terrorists on sites containing civilians, therefore terrorists are fully responsible for these actions and all their repercussions………………….


He pointed out that the Syrian armed forces seized a warehouse in Jobar area containing large containers of chemical materials manufactured in Saudi Arabia and certain European countries, medicine for protection from chemicals in case the terrorists were exposed to them, and equipment used in manufacturing chemicals, adding that this isn't the first time the army uncovered warehouses containing chemicals made in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and some European countries…………………..




24-8-2013: Syrian army finds chemicals in militants tunnels (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syrian army soldiers have found chemical agents in tunnels dug by the foreign-backed militants in a northeastern suburb of the capital, Damascus, Syrian TV says………………….


The Syrian government also stated that the foreign-backed militants had carried out the recent chemical attack in Damascus suburbs of Ain Tarma, Zamalka and Jobar………..




24-8-2013: Flashback: Yahoo Uncovered Syria Chemical Weapon False Flag in January (http://www.infowars.com)


24-8-2013: Syrian rebels use toxic chemicals against govt troops near Damascus - state media (http://rt.com)


Syrian rebels have used chemical weapons against regime forces in the Damascus suburb of Jobar, where soldiers discovered stockpiles of toxic poisoning antidotes, state media reports……


The US and European security sources have made a preliminary assessment that the Syrian government used chemical weapon, but still said they are seeking conclusive proof, which could take days, weeks or longer to gather…………..




23-8-2013: 'US going against democratic values in Syria to protect its oil industry' (http://rt.com)


The US is playing with fire, supporting Jihadists fighting democratic governments in Egypt, Iran, Syria, Colin Cavell, author of Exporting ‘Made in America’ Democracy, told RT………………


…………..whereby the King of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf Kingdoms are heavily funding Jihadist fighters to go in as foreign mercenaries, to infiltrate them into Syria through Turkey and wedge a war of terror against the local population…………………………………


Al-Qaeda is merely and instrument that the US has developed, utilized and facilitated since its origins, as former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, admitted publicly back in Afghanistan…………….


We funded these foreign mercenaries, these Jihadists because most  them come from impoverished  backgrounds and were told that the secular government are representatives of evil forces and they need money……………………


We are playing with fire. That is what the United States is currently finding out with the recent chemical killings. If you supply chemical weapons to these foreign fighters as it has been documented through Turkey, then you are going to get massive amounts of people who are killed, and if these Al-Qaeda forces, mercenary jihadists succeed in expanding their power in Syria then the consequences will be quite grave……………………….




23-8-2013: William Hague: 'We believe this was a chemical attack by Assad' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


"We do believe this is a chemical attack by the Assad regime on a large scale, but we would like the United Nations to be able to assess that," said Mr Hague…………………




23-8-2013: Syria: First independently verified pictures of 'chemical attack' scene (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Women and children can be seen lying in the rubble as well as an apparent missile that caused the alleged attack on Wednesday, which according to the opposition, has killed more than a thousand…..


Chemical weapons experts have agreed some kind of chemical attack took place, but are unsure whether it was caused by a nerve agent………………………




23-8-2013: Two phone calls affirm the use of chemical weapons in Homs by terrorists (http://sana.sy)


A phone call between a terrorist affiliated to the so-called "Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion" in Homs and his boss who was called Adulbasit from Saudi Arabia uncovered that terrorists used the chemical weapons in Deir Ballba in Homs countryside.


During a phone call broadcast on the Syrian TV Channel, the terrorist said that his group which comprises 200 terrorists escaped from al-Bayadah to al-Daar al-Kabera through a tunnel, adding that they needed to buy weapons to attack the City of Homs




23-8-2013: Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident – Russia (http://rt.com/)


Materials implicating the forces of Syrian president Bashar Assad in chemical weapons use near Damascus were prepared prior to the alleged incident on August 21, the Russian foreign ministry said………………….


Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich: “We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature,” he stressed. “In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action………………


But it’s alarming that the “same signals” aren’t coming from the Syrian opposition, which so far hasn’t displayed willingness to ensure the safety and efficient operations of UN investigators on the territory it controls, he said………..


Meanwhile, the UK has put the blame for the Damascus chemical attack on Assad’s forces, saying it thought the Syrian government had “something to hide.”


The reports of a chemical weapons use in the suburbs of the Ghouta region on the outskirts Damascus appeared in the pro-opposition media on Wednesday, August 21, coinciding with the arrival of the UN investigators to the Syrian capital……………………




23-8-2013: Syrian rebels control alleged chemical attack site: Govt can’t grant secure entry (http://rt.com)


In part it is because key Western governments, America, Britain and France, want to say “Gotcha”. They have been demanding the fall of Assad for more than two-and-a-half years now and it has become increasingly frustrating that his regime has shown much more resilience that they had expected, despite the resources that they and the Gulf Kingdoms have thrown into the war on the other side………………………….


You have to ask with any crime scene, to whose benefit is the crime? And the Syrian government would have to be not only very brutal, but very stupid to have done this in a period when UN chemical weapons inspectors are just down the road in Damascus……………..


One thing we have to remember is that amongst chemical weapons experts there are considerable suspicions about what exactly the weapon or the substance has been. If it is sarin gas, which was supposed to be one of the most deadly nerve gases - why do we see such various symptoms, why do we see so many people who do not seem to be affected by the weapon, why do we see people operating in the area without wearing protective clothing?...........


23-8-2013: Syria militants preventing chemical attack probe: Russia (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russia has accused Syria's opposition of preventing an objective investigation into an alleged chemical attack near the capital, Damascus…………….


Head of Syria's opposition National Coalition, George Sabra, told reporters in Istanbul that more than 1,300 people were killed in the alleged attack…………………


The Syrian army has vehemently denied allegations that it used chemical weapons against Takfiri militants in the suburbs of the Ghouta region, saying the accusations were fabricated to distract the visiting team of UN chemical weapons experts and to cover up militant losses………….




23-8-2013: Militants should ensure safe UN chemical probe in Syria: Russia (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russia has called on Takfiri militants operating in Syria to “ensure safe access” for the UN investigation team to the area where chemical weapons were allegedly used…………..


“It is now up to the opposition to ensure safe access for the mission to the site of the alleged incident,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a Friday statement……………..


23-8-2013: US weighing military response to Syria chemical assault (http://www.ynetnews.com)


Pentagon updating target lists for possible airstrikes on Syrian installations should allegations that Assad's regime used chemical weapons prove to be true, US papers report ……..




22-8-2013: 'Chemical attack' in Syria: As Damascus buries its dead, the world demands answers (http://www.independent.co.uk)


“This all smacks of an attempt, at any cost, to establish grounds for forwarding the demands of the enemies of the regime to the Security Council,”…………………..


The US, Britain, France and Germany have demanded that the inspectors should be immediately allowed to go to the area affected, Ghouta, east of Damascus……………


France, along with Britain, forced the lifting of the EU arms sanctions on Syria to enable weapons to be sent to the rebels……………………..




22-8-2013: News of chemical weapons attack in Syria published one day before massacre happened - Islamic Invitation Turkey (http://voiceofrussia.com)


The Islamic politics and cultural website Islamic Invitation Turkey claims that several videos were uploaded one day before the reports on chemical weapons use near Damascus in Syria. This evidence shows that the terrorists massacred people then recorded the scenes to deceive the world, but they gave themselves away. Terrorists in Syria uploaded the video of their crimes in East Ghouta, Damascus on August 20, 2013 and then blamed the Syrian government for the attack early on August 21, 2013, says the IIT website.



22-8-2013: Syrian chemical weapons use 'hard to prove' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Chemical weapons expert Dan Kaszeta doubts a nerve agent was used in the alleged attack in Syria, but says that some substance has clearly killed people in Damascus, although it will be tough to prove exactly what it was…………..


Earlier today, France's foreign minister raised the possibility of the international community using force if it is proven that Bashir Assad's regime used chemical weapons in an attack the Syrian opposition says killed over 100 people……………………………


Opposition forces and activists have said that at least 136 people, including many children, were killed in the Wednesday attack in which most bodies bore no sign of wounds…..




22-8-2013: Syria: France threatens military force in wake of chemical weapons claims (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Western leaders called for action anyway. On Thursday morning, Laurent Fabius, the foreign minister, said a military response, short of sending ground troops, was possible. "If it is proven, France's position is that there must be a reaction, a reaction that could take the form of a reaction with force," he said. "There are possibilities for responding." ………………




22-8-2013: French FM threatens ‘force’ over Syria chemical attack if UNSC fails to act (http://rt.com)


France has called the international community to respond with force if it is proved true that the Syrian government carried out a chemical attack on civilians…………….


"We believe a political solution is the best way to end the bloodshed," a spokesman from the British Foreign Office told Reuters. "However, the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary have said many times we cannot rule out any option ... that might save innocent lives in Syria."


It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,”………




22-8-2013: Turkey Joins In Calls for Action on Assad (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


A top Turkish official on Thursday added his country's voice to the condemnation of Syria in the wake of the alleged chemical attack by troops loyal to Bashar al-Assad on a suburb of Damascus…….


Davutoglu was one of several international officials to call for international action on Syria. France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called for the use of “force” against Syria………..




21-8-2013: Syrian Activists Claim Deadly 'Toxic Gas' Attack (http://www.military.com)


Syrian anti-government activists accused the regime of carrying out a toxic gas attack that killed at least 100 people, including many children as they slept, during intense artillery and rocket barrages Wednesday on the eastern suburbs of Damascus, part of a fierce government offensive in the area…….


The attack coincided with the visit by a 20-member U.N. chemical weapons team to Syria to investigate three sites where chemical weapons attacks allegedly occurred during the past year….




21-8-2013: Hundreds Dead In Syrian Chemical Attack As Even Impartial Experts Allege "False Flag" (http://www.zerohedge.com)


"It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country," said Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat……..


Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre, also said it made little sense for the Syrian government to use chemical agents now……..


Deaths are certainly tragic, but what would be just as tragic is if a western government is backstopping this wholesale murder of innocent civilians merely to promote its own petrodollar agenda…………….




21-8-2013: Dubious Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria Coincides With UN Visit (http://www.infowars.com)


Dubious claims that Bashar Al-Assad’s forces launched a massive chemical weapons attack near Damascus coincide with a team of UN investigators entering Syria and could provide the long awaited “red line” necessary to justify direct NATO military intervention…………………. 

Video also emerged last year showing opposition rebels killing rabbits after dispersing an unidentified chemical weapon into a glass box……………


Almost a year ago we wrote about a “false flag plot to frame President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces for launching a chemical weapons attack as a pre-cursor to a NATO intervention.”……..




21-8-2013: Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


At least 635 people have been killed in a nerve gas attack on Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, activists at the Local Coordinating Committees told Al Arabiya on Wednesday morning…….





21-8-2013: Information Minister: Syria has evidence on chemical weapons use by terrorists (http://sana.sy/)


He added that Syria has clear-cut evidence on the use of chemical weapons by the armed terrorist groups through eyewitnesses and soil and air samples, stressing that the Syrian state did not and will not use these weapons –in case they exist- under any circumstances…………


21-8-2013: Russia calls Syria’s chemical weapons use claims provocation (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russia has called the Syrian opposition claims about a chemical attack by the Syrian army near Damascus "premeditated provocation…….


The Syrian army has vehemently denied allegations that it used chemical weapons against Takfiri militants in the suburbs of the Ghouta region, saying the accusations were fabricated to distract the visiting team of the UN chemical weapons experts and to cover up militants losses………….


The US, UK, France, and Saudi Arabia have called for the UN Security Council to convene immediately to discuss the reports of the chemical attack……………….




21-8-2013: Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ was ‘planned provocation’ by rebels (http://rt.com)


Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich………………………


The Russian diplomat stated that it seems as though it was “a provocation planned in advance.” The “criminal action” near Damascus coincided with the beginning of UN experts’ work in Syria - which speaks in favor of such a conclusion………………………


Lukashevich pointed out that similar reports about Syrian authorities allegedly using chemical weapons have popped up before. However, the information has never been confirmed……


The UK, one of the five permanent members of the body, will demand that the UN team of investigators gets “unrestricted access” to the area of the alleged attack, Foreign Secretary William Hague told reporters…………………..




21-8-2013: Reports of massive chemical attack near Damascus as UN observers arrive in Syria (http://rt.com)


Conflicting reports emerged of recent chemical weapons use in Syria. This comes on the same day that the UN inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate allegations of use of toxic arms. The casualty figures range from dozens to almost 1,300 deaths…………….


George Sabra, the president of the Syrian National Council – Syria’s main opposition group – claimed that some 1,300 people were killed in government forces attacks near Damascus on Wednesday, and alleged that chemical weapons were used………………….


…………………Sabra also claimed it was not the first time the regime has used chemical weapons.”……………


America has always put the pretext of using chemical weapons on the top of its agenda as a means of intervention in Syria,” Azouz told Rossiya al-Yaum………………….


Media reports about Syrian government troops using chemical weapons near Damascus are aimed at misleading international observers, the Syrian ambassador in Russia, Riyadh Haddad told Interfax……………


In July, Russia submitted to the UN its analysis of samples taken west of Aleppo. Russia’s findings indicated that it was rebels behind the Khan al-Assal incident, in which more than 30 people died…..




21-8-2013: Syria gas attack story has whiff of Saudi war propaganda (http://rt.com)


The reports of massive chemical attacks in Syria might become the “red line” for the US for active military intervention. But even rudimentary analysis of the story shows it is too early to believe its credibility…………………….


Making the story more fishy by the minute were reports from different media of the alleged number of dead that changed by the minute - 635 then to 800 by USA Today and 1,300 by Rupert Murdoch’s SkyNews……………………………


Al Arabiya, the origin of the story, is not a neutral in the Syrian conflict. It was set up in 2002 by the Saudi Royal Family in Dubai. …………... Saudi Arabia is a major financial backer of the attempt to topple Syria’s government………………………..


When we examine the printed content of their story, it gets more suspicious still. First they cite “activists at the Syrian Revolutionary Command Council……………..


The story gets even murkier……………………


Now the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has been the source of every news report negative against the Syrian Assad government since the war began in 2011………….


Pending confirmation by genuinely independent judges of the latest allegations of Al Arabiya, we are well-advised to leave the reports in the category of war propaganda, in league with others such as the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964……………………



21-8-2013: US Has "Strong Indications" Assad Used Chemical Weapons; Russia Says Rebel False Flag (http://www.zerohedge.com)


……………………following the use of nerve gas in an area close to Damascus in an attack that the "democratic" media, and the Qatari mercenaries, scrambled to pin on the Assad regime. Just like in June the US "found" Assad had used chemcial weapons, only for the UN and Russia to accuse the US of fabricating the data, and for the chemical weapon warehouse of the rebels to be uncovered shortly thereafter, which meant the Syria narrative would have to be put on hiatus for a few months: after all the lies were getting perilously close to those used by Bush in the Iraqi WMD fiasco…………………………..


But why not go for round two of the false flag fabrication: maybe this time it will fly?.............


Ironically, one can use precisely that phrase to describe the entire history of US foreign policy, based almost exclusively on just this kind of false flag interventions…………………………..


21-8-2013: Syrian opposition is only beneficiary of chemical attack (http://rt.com)


It’s obvious the Syrian government does not benefit from the latest chemical attack in Syria, while for the opposition it would be a key to unlock airstrikes and a bombing campaign over Syria, a la Libya, geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen told RT………………….


There is no evidence to suggest exactly what happened, we only have reports from the opposition activists in Damascus. We don’t know what happened and how it happened………………….


They see this as a distraction and if we look at the history of this particular region where the attack is set to take place it is very active with Al-Nusra Front and they also have been implicated in using make shifts chlorine bombs in Aleppo back in March, so there is a track record there…………..


You have to consider the source. I believe Al-Arabiya has certain affiliations with certain Gulf states who might also have some interest in this particular conflict already so might see a more exaggerated report on different sides………………….




21-8-2013: Syria: 1,300 killed in gas attack, says Oppn (http://www.hindustantimes.com)


The claim of chemical weapons use, which could not be independently confirmed, was vehemently denied by the Syrian regime which said it was intended to hinder the work of the UN weapons inspectors already in the country……………..


John Hart, head of the Chemical and Biological Security Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said he had not seen the telltale evidence in the eyes of the victims that would be compelling evidence of chemical weapons use……………….


Gwyn Winfield, editor of CBRNe World magazine, which specialises in chemical weapons issues, said the evidence did not suggest that the chemicals used were of the weapons-grade that the Syrian army possesses in its stockpiles………………….


The opposition National Coalition's George Sabra, who spoke to reporters in Istanbul, said more than 1,300 people had been killed…………………………..




21-8-2013: Expert casts doubt on Syria chemical weapons footage (http://www.euronews.com/)


Stephen Johnson: “There are, within some of the videos, examples which seem a little hyper-real, and almost as if they’ve been set up. Which is not to say that they are fake but it does cause some concern. Some of the people with foaming, the foam seems to be too white, too pure, and not consistent with the sort of internal injury you might expect to see, which you’d expect to be bloodier or yellower,” …………………





21-8-2013: Mass grave discovered in Lattakia countryside (http://sana.sy)


An official source announced that army units discovered a mass grave containing bodies of citizens who were killed by terrorists in the northern countryside of Lattakia……………….




20-8-2013: Terrorist mortar shells wound 8 citizens in Damascus (http://sana.sy)


8 citizens, including a woman, were injured as terrorists fired mortar shells on al-Abbasiyeen, al-Qassa and al-Zablatani neighborhoods in Damascus………………..




20-8-2013: American, European Jihadists in Syria Raise New Domestic Terror Fears (http://freebeacon.com)


Significant numbers of American and European jihadists are traveling to Syria to join Islamist rebels, prompting new fears of a future wave of al Qaeda terror attacks in the United States and Europe, according to U.S. officials………………………..


Most are joining the al-Nusra Front, al Qaeda’s main terrorist group in Syria, along with smaller Islamist militias made up of nationals from more than a dozen foreign countries…………


There’s a real concern in the U.S. government about what happens to these guys when they are done and they come home,” this official said. “Right now they are getting training to be al Qaeda terrorists.”……………………




20-8-2013: Sectarianism worsens Syria conflict (http://www.aljazeera.com)


Human rights groups are accusing both sides in the Syrian conflict of targeting people based on their sect and religion………………….




20-8-2013: French brothers seek jihad in Syria (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


What makes a young middle-class man turn to Islam and want to risk "martyrdom" in Syria? A French father, who has just been bereaved, tells the BBC's Christian Fraser what happened to his sons…………………………




20-8-2013: American, European Jihadists in Syria Raise New Domestic Terror Fears (http://freebeacon.com)


Significant numbers of American and European jihadists are traveling to Syria to join Islamist rebels, prompting new fears of a future wave of al Qaeda terror attacks in the United States and Europe, according to U.S. officials……………………..


Most are joining the al-Nusra Front, al Qaeda’s main terrorist group in Syria, along with smaller Islamist militias made up of nationals from more than a dozen foreign countries……………


“There’s a real concern in the U.S. government about what happens to these guys when they are done and they come home,” this official said. “Right now they are getting training to be al Qaeda terrorists.”…………………….




19-8-2013: Foreigners join Syrian rebels to beat government of Bashar al-Assad (http://www.theaustralian.com.au)


SYRIA is now the world's foremost terrorist training ground, with as many as 10,000 foreigners fighting to overthrow President Assad, US intelligence sources say…………………..




19-8-2013: Assad's forces push back rebels in Syria's Alawite mountains (http://www.reuters.com)


Syrian army and militia troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad have pushed back a rebel offensive in the mountain heartlands of his Alawite sect,………………….


Rebels killed 200 people, mostly civilians, and drove hundreds from their villages in the first three days of the assault, activists said……………….


Fighters from al Qaeda's Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant have also increasingly clashed with Kurds in the north and northeast of the country……………….


More than 20,000 people have entered northern Iraq since Thursday in one of the largest crossings since the conflict erupted in March 2011………………….




19-8-2013: Syria Civil War Scars Seen from Space (http://news.yahoo.com/)


A brutal and ongoing civil war in Syria is leaving a heavy trail of destruction in its wake, with damage in the city of Aleppo so significant that scars from the conflict can be seen from space….



18-8-2013: Kurdish-jihadist clashes fracture Syria opposition (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


A number of fierce battles between jihadists and armed Kurdish groups in Syria have added another layer to what is increasingly being described as a civil war within a civil war…………………


Al-Qaeda linked groups have killed several commanders of the Free Syrian Army, most notably Kamal Hamami, a member of the Supreme Military Council, who died in early July…………


Turkish officials are also deeply uncomfortable with the gains of the PYD, which has close ties with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which fought decades of war against Turkey……………..


Syria's Kurds, for their part, accuse Turkey of assisting jihadist groups, which have a strong presence in areas closer to the Turkish border………………….




17-8-2013: 17 dead as Qaeda attacks Syria Kurd town: watchdog (http://www.foxnews.com)


Al-Qaeda loyalists attacked a mainly Kurdish town in northeastern Syria sparking fighting in which 17 people were killed, two of them ambulance crew, a watchdog said on Saturday………………


Elsewhere in Syria, rebels attacked a pro-regime militia checkpoint in a majority Christian area of Homs province, killing six civilians and five militiamen, the Observatory said……….




17-8-2013: As Islamist rebels rise in Syria, liberal activists take a step back (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


Like many youth activists who took to the streets to demand President Bashar al-Assad’s ouster in the spring of 2011, Ghaibeh, who is 28, says he feels as though the revolution has been hijacked, with al-Qaeda-linked foreign fighters playing an increasingly prominent role in challenging government forces……………………….


At a protest in Aleppo last week, demonstrators demanded the release of several activists detained by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the newly expanded al-Qaeda in Iraq……




17-8-2013: Syrian rebels kill 11, mainly Christians, in checkpoint attack (http://www.jpost.com)


Syrian rebels killed at least 11 people, including civilians, in an attack on a checkpoint west of the city of Homs on Saturday that official state media described as a massacre…………..


Many Christians fleeing the violence in Homs city over the past two years have settled in the Christian villages around the area where Saturday's attack took place……………………




17-8-2013: Thousands of Syrian refugees pour into Iraq (http://www.theguardian.com)


According to the UN many of the new arrivals, largely families, had travelled to border from Aleppo, Efrin, Hassake and Qamishly. Some families told UNHCR they had relatives residing in northern Iraq……………………………….




15-8-2013: With Eyes on Syria, U.S. Turns Warehouse Into Support Hub for Jordan (http://www.nytimes.com)


The American military support aims to help Jordan create a force so visibly competent that it can deter violence from Syria, although regional news media have speculated that the warehouse is an advance guard for direct American intervention in the civil war………………………………..




15-8-2013: Syria activists: Al-Qaida kills 2 Shiite teenagers (http://www.miamiherald.com)


Al-Qaida militants in northern Syria shot dead two Shiite teenagers whom they accused of being pro-government gunmen, filming video of the killing that was later posted to the Internet, an activist group said Thursday…………..


The masked gunman reads a statement by the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant saying the two "Nubul and Zahra shabiha," or pro-government gunmen, are to be killed …………..





14-8-2013: Syria's war has exposed the hypocrisy of western powers (http://www.theguardian.com)


Carr was rightly condemned for his comments, yet he ignored another harsh reality: when it comes to Syria, the US and its Saudi Arabian and Qatari allies are backing Islamic fundamentalism…………………………


Al-Qaida is now thriving, and the number of beheadings and other assorted acts of extreme sectarian violence have been steadily risingIt’s like the funding of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan never happened,…………………….


Meanwhile, foreign fighters are flooding into Syria – and they’ve become some of the fiercest and most successful insurgents against the Assad regime……………


At least a few hundred Australians are involved, causing growing sectarianism in Sydney between Sunni and Shia communities……………………..


And yet, he correctly said, the war in Syria has exposed the hypocrisy of the western powers. ……………..


The war in Syria has become an ugly proxy battle between innumerable outside forces, and virtually none of them care about the plight of the Syrian people……




13-8-2013: Iraqi forces repel terrorists' infiltration attempt to Syria (http://sana.sy)


Iraqi forces continued operations against terrorists' cells affiliated to al-Qaeda in Jazeret al-Anbar area and on Iraqi-Syrian borders and repelled an armed terrorist group's attempt to infiltrate from Syria to Iraq at Rabia'a border area, killing a large number of its members, while the others escaped………..




13-8-2013: Former Turkish Foreign Minister: Erdogan's government involved in supporting terrorism (http://sana.sy)


Former Turkish Foreign Minister Sukru Sina Gurel stressed that the government of Justice and development Party supports inciting the sectarian conflict in the Middle East through arming al –Qaeda terrorists and sending them to fight in Syria and Iraq against the legal government……..




13-8-2013: Foreign militants killed in Western Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian Army troops have killed twelve terrorists, including foreign militants from Jordan, Kuwait and Morocco, in the country’s western coastal province of Latakia………….


Over the past few days, Syrian forces have killed scores of Takfiri militants -- mostly foreign mercenaries -- in Latakia………………




12-8-2013: German militant leader killed in Western Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


German national Abu Zaid al-Almani who was a leader of foreign-backed militants in Syria has been killed in the country’s western coastal province of Latakia…


Earlier on Sunday, Syrian Army troops killed another commander of a foreign-sponsored militant group affiliated with the al-Qaeda, Abu Malik al-Shahri, during a mop-up operation in Latakia….




11-8-2013: Revealed: What the West has given Syria's rebels (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Now, documents obtained by The Independent and extensive talks on the ground have revealed the level of equipment sent by the West to Syria’s rebels…………………


The bulk of the arms that get into opposition areas in Syria go to Islamist rebels, courtesy of wealthy benefactors in the Gulf, especially Qatar……………..


France was instrumental, alongside the UK, in lifting the European Union arms embargo on Syria which would allow supplies to be sent to the rebels………….


Some Syrian opposition commanders in Jordan and Lebanon have claimed that French-supplied weapons – assault rifles, pistols and ammunition – have already arrived, although this is strongly denied by Paris………………………….


There is some evidence, however, of small quantities of missiles arriving in Syria for the opposition, some of them apparently obtained from Croatia in a shipment organised by the Americans and paid for by Gulf states earlier this year……………….


But the missiles are largely in the hands of Islamist groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham. …………….




11-8-2013: Video Destruction revealed: An entire Syrian district lies in ruin (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


11-8-2013: Syrian rebels accused of sectarian murders (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Hundreds of Alawite civilians have been killed, kidnapped or have disappeared during a rebel offensive on President Bashar al-Assad’s heartland province of Latakia, local residents have reported…………………..


"Until now 150 Alawites from the villages have been kidnapped. There are women and children among them. We have lost all contact with them.”





11-8-2013: Caught in the middle: Christians suffer amid Syria's civil war (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com)


George, a 51-year-old former car dealer who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of reprisals, said he originally supported Assad’s opponents, but that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) let him down once they took charge in Aleppo…………………..


“…………The FSA killed a lot of Syrian soldiers and civilians inside their prisons without enough evidence."



8-8-2013: Moscow ‘rejects’ Saudi ‘offer’ to drop Assad for rich arms deal (http://rt.com)


Moscow has said “no” to Saudi Arabia’s alleged proposal of a rich arms deal and protection of Russia’s gas interests in the Middle East in exchange for abandoning Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to Arab and European diplomats………………..


According to an undisclosed European diplomat, Prince Bandar proposed the deal and told Putin that "whatever regime comes after" Assad will be "completely" in Riyadh’s hands…………….


Some Russian experts say Saudi Arabia acted as a US proxy in the alleged proposal, as it has been doing for the past two years of the Syrian conflict………………….




8-8-2013: Syria: there is worse to come (http://www.theguardian.com)


The numbers continue to rise – over 4,400 killed in the holy fasting month of Ramadan alone, nearly 2 million refugees now in Jordan and Lebanon, and 7 million inside the country in need of urgent food aid……………………


Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have made similar investments. It is called the Free Syrian Army, but in reality it is a loose collection of militias under a command that is unified in name only……




7-8-2013: Al-Qaeda replacing Assad is the biggest threat to US security - CIA deputy director (http://rt.com)


The second-in-command of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) says that the toppling of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria is the largest threat to United States national security and may help al-Qaeda acquire chemical weapons…………………………




7-8-2013: UNSC should condemn crimes committed against Kurds in Syria – Lavrov (http://rt.com)


The UN Security Council must unambiguously condemn the reported killings of Kurds by radical forces, which try to establish an Islamist state in Syria, says Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov……………….


Lavrov added that the terrorists make no secret of their intention to establish an Islamist state in the territory of greater Syria…………………..




7-8-2013: Saudi Arabia dangles lucrative arms deal in front of Russia in exchange for dropping Assad – report (http://rt.com)


Saudi Arabia has reportedly offered to buy arms worth up to $15 billion from Russia, and provided a raft of economic and political concessions to the Kremlin - all in a bid to weaken Moscow’s endorsement of Syrian President Bashar Assad……………


A Western diplomat told Reuters that Russia’s position was more a matter of prestige and geopolitics, and that the country was unlikely to publicly back down for the sake of mere economic incentives……………….




7-8-2013: 'Killing of Kurds' in Syria: Not genocide, but a proxy war for power in the region (http://rt.com)


Al-Qaeda slaughtering hundreds of Kurds in Syria is a struggle for power in the region, as Al-Qaeda’s wannabe “Islamic state” will not tolerate any other power there, German journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter told RT………………………….


We have many of those cases where these Nusra Front militants are killing, and where they really commit very horrible war crimes…………………..


We see that the Syrian battleground is somehow a hotspot for Jihadists, for criminals, for terrorist from all over the world who join Islamism fighting groups who join especially the Nustra Front in their fight for establishing a sort of Al Qaeda state, especially now in North Syria…….


What we see with that massacre, and we have to say very clear what a massacre this was. The reports say now 120 children and 330 men and women were slaughtered by Al Qaeda fighters……………..…..




7-8-2013: Six citizens martyred by terrorist explosion in Qatana (http://sana.sy)


Six citizens were martyred and others were injured by a blast of an explosive device planted by terrorists near a school in Qatana in Damascus Countryside………………….




7-8-2013: CIA's #2: Syrian Rebels are the Top Threat to U.S (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


In such a scenario, the chemical weapons that the regime of Bashar Assad now possesses will fall into the hands of the Al Qaeda rebels………………………




7-8-2013: Syrian army kills 62 rebels east of Damascus (http://www.reuters.com)


Sixty-two rebel fighters were killed in a Syrian army ambush at dawn on Wednesday near the town of Adra, east of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group opposed to President Bashar al-Assad, said……………….


The state news agency SANA did not give a death toll for the ambush but said the rebels were from the al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front……………………….




6-8-2013: 'Syria is controlled chaos (http://www.dw.de)


A year after Syrian Kurds took over their areas, the region is experiencing unprecedented violence as al-Qaeda affiliates try to take over……………………………


In July 2012 we managed to take control of our areas but today we have clashes mainly with Jabat al Nusra and other al-Qaeda affiliates………………………………..


…………………….. Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians and Armenians have lived together and in harmony for centuries. From the beginning of the revolution we have vowed for a democratic and secular society that defends women's rights, boosts education……………………………………



6-8-2013: Eighteen citizens martyred, tens wounded of terrorist car explosion in Jaramana (http://sana.sy)


18 citizens, among them children, were martyred while tens others were wounded as a car bomb was exploded today at the crowded intersection of Khodr Street and al-Suyouf Square in Jaramana, Damascus Countryside…………………………….




5-8-2013: Militants kill 450 Kurdish civilians in northern Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-backed militants fighting against the Syrian government have killed 450 civilians, including 120 children, in a Kurdish-majority area in northern Syria.


According to al-Alam, militants from al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front attacked Tal Abyad district of Raqqa governorate on Monday, killing 330 women and elderly men as well as 120 children…………………………


According to the United Nations, more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million displaced due to the violence………………




5-8-2013: Militants set Syrian Kurds on fire, new video footage shows (http://www.presstv.ir)


A gruesome video has emerged on the Internet, showing foreign-backed militants in Syria setting three Syrian Kurds on fire…..


The video, which was posted online on Monday, shows the al-Qaeda-affiliated group al-Nusra Front militants pouring a flammable liquid on the hand-cuffed, blind-folded men who appear to be Syrian Kurd soldiers………




4-8-2013: CIA moved Libya missiles to Syria rebels: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


The CIA was transferring surface-to-air missiles from Libya to the rebels in Syria through Turkey when the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi took place, a report says.


As investigation into the death of US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans last September carries on, the CNN reported on Thursday that dozens of CIA spies were working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armories to Syrian rebels……………………………………………….




4-8-2013: Thirty killed in heavy fighting in Syrian mountains (http://www.reuters.com)


Syrian rebels battled forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in the Jabal Akrad mountains overlooking the Mediterranean on Sunday and a monitoring group said at least 30 people were killed……………………..




4-8-2013: 2 abducted Syrian priests alive in Turkey


An source in Aleppo, citing information from a British diplomat, told al-Alam on Sunday that two bishops abducted near Aleppo around four months ago are still alive and kept in Turkish soil.


Armed groups affiliated to Istanbul Council and Muslim Brotherhood are holding both bishops in Turkey, the diplomat said, adding they hatched the plot to appoint Yusuf Çetin, Istanbul Bishop, as a successor to Zakka Iwas, 122nd reigning Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and, as such, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church.




4-8-2013: Syria crisis can only be solved 'with iron fist': Assad (http://www.foxnews.com)


Syria's crisis will only be solved by stamping out "terror", President Bashar al-Assad said, in reference to rebels fighting his regime………………………….


"I don't think that any sane human being would think that terrorism can be dealt with via politics," he added……………………………….




3-8-2013: Geraldo: Benghazi Coverup Involved CIA Running Guns to Syria (http://politix.topix.co)


Geraldo said he personally was not surprised at the CIA news because he'd suspected months ago that the US government was covering up a CIA gun-running operation to transfer weapons to the Syrian rebels via Libya……………………….


…………….. that "speculation on Capitol Hill has included the possibility the US agencies operating in Benghazi were secretly helping to move surface-to-air missiles out of Libya, through Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels.”……………………….




2-8-2013: Syrian Christian towns emptied by sectarian violence (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Tens of thousands Syriac Christians – members of the oldest Christian community in the world – have fled their ancestral provinces of Deir al-Zour and Hasakah in northeastern Syria, residents have said………………………..


Conflict in the area, desperate economic conditions, lawlessness, and persecution by rebel groups born from the perception that Christians support the regime, remain the main reasons for why Christian families are fleeing the area………………………


"It began as kidnapping for money, but then they started telling me I should worship Allah," a male Christian resident of Hasakah who was kidnapped by jihadists said…………………….


Another Christian in Hasakah said he knew of "five forced conversions" in recent weeks…….


Hasakah and other towns in northeastern Syria have long been one of the main population centres for Christians, who make up approximately 10 per cent of the country's population. Residents estimate that at least a third of Christians in northeastern Syria have fled, with few expecting to return…………………….


The Arabs had arms coming from Saudi and Qatar, the Kurds had help from Kurdistan. We had no weapons at all…………………………


Local residents said many Christians had tried to join the rebellion against President Assad, but their efforts were marginalised early on by sectarian minded Sunni rebel groups……


Bassam Ishak, a Christian member of the main opposition bloc the Syrian National Coalition, who comes from Hasakah, said he and his colleagues had tried "several times" to approach western officials asking for weapons for Christian groups to defend their areas…………………..



2-8-2013: Reports: Deadly explosions hit Syria's Homs (http://www.aljazeera.com)


Forty people have been killed and at least 160 more wounded in explosions at a weapons cache in the central Syrian city of Homs, according to an activist group opposed to President Bashar al-Assad………………………………




1-8-2013: Kurdish Struggle Blurs Syria’s Battle Lines (http://www.nytimes.com)


Street names in Syria’s far northeastern corner have been changed from Arabic to Kurdish, schools openly teach the Kurdish language, and the country’s most powerful Kurdish militia flies its flag from checkpoints on main roads…………………………


The fight for a measure of autonomy by Syria’s Kurds is the newest conflict in a broader struggle in which Kurds, spread across Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran and oppressed for decades, are trying to take advantage of the chaos in the Middle East to achieve longstanding ambitions for self-government and democratic rights………………………………..




1-8-2013: EU lawmakers urged to back data list to track fighters to Syria (http://www.reuters.com)


EU governments say hundreds of their citizens are joining rebel forces battling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They fear some of these newly-trained fighters - estimated at up to 600 people - will return home to carry out attacks in Europe………………




1-8-2013: Syrian army turns focus to regaining full control of Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian army has turned its focus to regaining control over those last areas of the western city of Homs that are still under the control of the foreign-backed Takfiri militants………………..


The Syrian forces regained control of the strategic Khaldiyeh District of Homs on Wednesday. The army managed to recapture the district after one month of battle with the militants………………




1-8-2013: Syria's Assad says he certain to defeat rebels (http://www.reuters.com)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday he was confident of victory against rebels and made a symbolic visit to a town once overrun by insurgents and now mostly retaken by his army……..


"If we were not sure that we were going to win in Syria, we would not have the ability to resist and the ability to continue fighting for more than two years against the enemy.”……………..




30-7-2013: In Syria, battle for Damascus is also waged in suburbs (http://www.latimes.com)


A chaotic passageway through blasted walls, blood-spattered floors and bullet-pocked rooms leads to the narrow stairway where a teenager pokes his Kalashnikov rifle into a sliver of light slicing through the sandbags………………..


It is a street-by-street, building-by-building conflict that grinds on as daily life proceeds in the heart of the city…………………….




30-7-2013: West war crimes in Syria exposed (http://www.presstv.ir)


There was a time during the 30-month covert dirty war on Syria when the Western governments and mainstream media would make a clamor over reported massacres…..


……..it is increasingly clear that the groups committing these crimes against thousands of Syrian civilians are the foreign-backed mercenaries, whom the Western media and their governments have tried to lionize as “rebels” fighting for “democratic freedom”…..


………….exposing not just criminal Western governments sponsoring the violence against civilians, but an entire media industry that is also guilty of war crimes through its willful complicity………..


Similar Western silence followed another massacre last month in the village of Hatlah in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour……………………




30-7-2013: Saudi cleric urges support for Syria rebels (http://gulfnews.com)


A senior cleric in Islam’s holiest city Makkah exhorted followers on Friday to support Syrian rebels by “all means”, the latest in a series of rhetorical attacks on President Bashar Al Assad reflecting rising sectarian tension across the Middle East………………………..


“By God..., our brothers need more efforts and determination to be exerted to remove the merciless injustice and aggression through all means and with no exceptions,” he told followers. “We tell our brothers in the Levant to be patient.”………………………




30-7-2013: Syria: Jihadist Rebels Kidnap Priest (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Al Qaeda-linked rebels in the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa on Monday abducted a prominent Italian Jesuit priest who championed the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, activists told the Reuters news agency……………………………




30-7-2013: Syria army continues mop-up operations across country (http://www.presstv.ir)


On Tuesday, the Syrian army launched a counter-offensive against militants on the strategic district of al-Qaboun near Damascus.


“Some Takfiri groups tried to sneak into Damascus through the industrial zone of al-Qaboun. We stopped them and launched counterattack now. We are confident that we will be victorious,” a Syrian army commander said


In the northern city of Aleppo and its countryside, the army troops killed and wounded a number of Takfiri militants…………………………


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on July 25 that more than 100,000 people have been killed in Syria since the outbreak of foreign-sponsored militancy in the country. Millions of others have been also displaced in the violence……………………………..




30-7-2013: Syria’s Kurds mobilize to fight al-Qaida groups (http://www.sltrib.com)


A powerful Kurdish militia said Tuesday it is mobilizing against al-Qaida-linked rebels in northeastern Syria after a Kurdish opposition leader was killed in the area.


The fight between the Kurds and the extremists has become a war within a war in Syria’s oil-rich region. Clashes between Kurdish gunmen and members of al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant over the past weeks left dozens of gunmen dead from both sides……………………………………….




29-7-2013: No Safe Places In Syria: Photographer Abducted At Media Center (http://www.npr.org)


Photographer Marcin Suder was staying at a media center in the rebel-held town of Saraqeb in Idlib province when a group of masked men reportedly stormed in Wednesday morning. They beat a Syrian media activist, stole equipment and abducted Suder……………………….




 28-7-2013: Syrian rebels get Western recruits (http://www.bostonglobe.com)


A rising number of radicalized young Muslims with Western passports are traveling to Syria to fight with the rebels against the government of Bashar Assad, raising fears among US and European intelligence officials of a new terrorist threat when the fighters return home…………


But there is growing concern that they will come back with a burst of jihadist zeal, some semblance of military discipline, enhanced weapons and explosives skills, and, in the worst case, orders from affiliates of Al Qaeda to carry out terrorist strikes………………………


Most of the Westerners are self-radicalized and are traveling on their own initiative to Turkey, where rebel facilitators often link them up with specific groups, terrorism experts say. Many have joined ranks with the Al Qaeda-aligned Nusra Front, which US officials have designated as a terrorist group…………………..


………….. but their estimates include about 140 French citizens, 100 Britons, 75 Spaniards, 60 Germans, and as many as a few dozen Canadians and Australians……………..


There are also fighters from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands, ……………………………




28-7-2013: Information Minister: Terrorists who committed Khan al-Assal massacre and their supporters will pay dearly (http://sana.sy)


Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said that the terrorists who committed Khan al-Assal massacre and the countries which support, fund and arm them will be held accountable, and that they will pay dearly for this crime…….

He pointed out that the goal of the massacre is to terrorize the Syrian people and alter the situation on the ground, particularly since the Syrian Army is making headway in its operations………


He said that the takfiri Wahhabi mentality of the terrorist groups in Syria is unilateral, and in that it shares much with Zionist mentality, which is why Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel are united in hating the Syrian people as it is the natural enemy of unilateral thinking due to its history, culture, civilization and diversity………..




28-7-2013: Three killed in bomb attack in Syrian city of Homs (http://www.presstv.ir/)


A bomb explosion has killed at least three people in Syria’s western city of Homs, as the Arab country’s army continues to fight foreign-backed militants, Press TV reports…………

A car bomb went off near the city’s al-Mazraa square in al-Waer district on Sunday……




27-7-2013: Media source: 123 martyrs in Khan al-Assal massacre (http://sana.sy)


A media source said that the death toll from the massacre that armed terrorist groups committed in Khan al-Assal in Aleppo countryside reached 123 martyrs, with many others still missing………………


Gang of the so-called Ansar al-Khilafa Brigade admitted committing the terrorist massacre in Khan al-Assal, mutilating the bodies of the martyrs and throwing them in a big hole on the outskirts of the town, in addition to incinerating a number of the martyrs' bodies……………..





27-7-2013: Exclusive: Secret Turkish nerve center leads aid to Syria rebels (http://www.reuters.com)


Turkey has set up a secret base with allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar to direct vital military and communications aid to Syria's rebels from a city near the border, Gulf sources have told Reuters


"It's the Turks who are militarily controlling it. Turkey is the main co-ordinator/facilitator. Think of a triangle, with Turkey at the top and Saudi Arabia and Qatar at the bottom," said a Doha-based source…………………………………………………




27-7-2013: 123 people killed by foreign-backed militants in Aleppo (http://www.presstv.ir)


At least 123 people have been killed by foreign-backed militants in Syria’s northern governorate of Aleppo, official SANA news agency reported……………….


The armed terrorist group, Ansar al-Khalifa Brigade, admitted committing the massacre in Khan al-Assal. The group’s militants mutilated the dead bodies and threw them in a big hole outside the town. They also incinerated a number of the dead bodies……………..


A Russian-led inquiry has already revealed that militants carried out a chemical attack in Khan al-Assal on the edge of the northern city of Aleppo in March, which killed 26 people.


On May 6, UN investigator, Carla Del Ponte, said testimony from victims of the conflict in Syria suggests militants have used the nerve agent, sarin…………….




26-7-2013: Militants execute 51 civilians in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Foreign-sponsored militants in Syria have executed 51 civilians in Khan al-Assal, a strategic town close to the northern city of Aleppo………………………




26-7-2013: Militants kill seven people in northeast Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Reports coming out of Syria say at least seven people have been killed by foreign-backed militants in the country’s northeast.


Syria’s Radio Sham says the massacre took place on Friday in the town of Makbara, in the province of al-Hasakah………………




25-7-2013: Three people killed in mortar attack near Damascus (http://www.presstv.ir)


Three people have been killed and many others injured in a mortar attack in the Jaramana suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus.


The mortar shell landed in al-Janaien Street of Jaramana on Friday, Xinhua reported.


On Thursday, a car bomb exploded in the suburb, killing 17 people and injuring more than 70 others.




25-7-2013: Face the truth about President Bashar al-Assad: he’s not going (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


With bitter fighting continuing to afflict large tracts of Syria and an estimated 5,000 people losing their lives each month, predicting the outcome of the country’s brutal civil war might appear somewhat premature…………………………………


Rather than confidently predicting the president’s imminent demise, Western leaders must now reconcile themselves to the possibility that his regime will survive for years to come………


To date, an estimated two million refugees have fled the civil war, seeking sanctuary in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan,……………………..



25-7-2013: Syria, Iraq and Depleted Uranium (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


As the U.S.considers expanding its war on Syria to overt military aggression, Iraq provides some warning of the human cost of accepting the policies of madmen…………


Serbian sources claim that a UNEP 1999 Environmental Law report revealing the permanent damage to Yugoslavia was entirely suppressed, but with a portion leaked to an American journalist. In North America where the weapons are made, it’s not a welcome issue. Depleted uranium use indicates the intention of genocide against a people, their ability to reproduce, the health of their children, and continuation as a people…………………………………


The people of Syria are already plunged into disaster with UN assessment of the number of refugees the largest since the Rwandan genocide……………………………


25-7-2013: Thousands of Syrian police who joined the rebels are on U.S. payroll (http://www.worldtribune.com)


The United States has been paying thousands of Syrian police officers who deserted the regime of President Bashar Assad………………………………


There are literally thousands of defected police inside of Syria,” Assistant Secretary of State Rick Barton said. “They are credible in their communities because they’ve defected.”…….




24-7-2013: Video Inside Syria: Britain Violates Own Anti-Terrorist Legislation (http://tv.globalresearch.ca)


So in effect I think that Britain is simply towing the line in putting this terrorist organization on the blacklist while at the same time supporting them covertly in violation of their own anti-terrorist legislation……………………….


………….it's also true for the United States and several other countries, which openly support the al-Nusra affiliate to al-Qaeda via the so-called Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army…………………….


So, in effect, all or most of the military aid from US and allied forces including the United Kingdom is in fact channeled through the Supreme Military Council to al-Nusra………………




24-7-2013: UN: More 100,000 now dead in Syria's civil war (http://www.boston.com)


The number of dead in Syria’s civil war has passed 100,000, the U.N. chief said Thursday…….


‘‘There is no military solution to Syria,’’ U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters at the United Nations……………..




24-7-2013: Health Minister urges international organizations to help in rehabilitating damaged health institutions (http://sana.sy/)


During the meeting, minister al-Nayef reviewed the human and material losses of the health sector as a result of armed attacks against health establishments as ''87 workers were martyred, more than 100 injured and 21 kidnapped.''


482 ambulances were harmed with 176 put out of service, and 652 health centers were vandalized, 418 of which were put out of service, the minister pointed out, adding that 57 hospitals were destroyed with 37 out of service. 22 medical factories are now dysfunctional….




24-7-2013: Lavrov: Washington's decision to arm 'Syrian opposition' contradicts Russia-US initiative (http://sana.sy)


Washington's decision to arm the Syrian opposition contradicts the Russia-US initiative for organizing the international Syria conference in Geneva without preconditions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said………………………….



24-7-2013: Report: Assad Approached Israel for Alawite Safe Haven (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reportedly approached MK Avigdor Lieberman via a third party to ask Israel not to block his attempts to form an independent state for his Alawite brethren……..


23-7-2013: Gen. Martin Dempsey Warns U.S. Intervention in Syria Will Trigger Wider War (http://freebeacon.com)


U.S. military intervention in Syria on behalf of Syria rebels fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime risks embroiling the United States and states in the region in a wider conflict, …………………….


A U.S. official said the four star general’s warning about deeper involvement suggests that U.S. involvement in Syria will trigger a war with Iran…………………………….


The rebels also have begun to fracture into Islamist and secular camps, with al Qaeda-linked groups gaining power and turning against secular rebels…………………..




23-7-2013: U.S. Passport Found among Syria Jihadists (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


A passport said to belong to an American citizen was found at a base abandoned by an al Qaeda affiliate that operates in Syria, ……. The passport was found together with other identification documents belonging to foreign fighters who have been fighting against the forces of Bashar al Assad inside Syria, at a base abandoned by an al Qaeda affiliate named “the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant……..


If Ibrahim's identity as an American citizen is confirmed, it added, he would be the second American known to wage jihad in Syria in the ranks of al Qaeda. Eric Harroun, a former US soldier, is in US custody and is charged with fighting alongside the Al Nusrah Front, another al Qaeda affiliate in Syria…………….




23-7-2013: Syria conflict: Top US general outlines military options (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen Martin Dempsey offered five military options, including limited strikes and establishing a no-fly zone………………..




23-7-2013: US Intel committees approve arming Syrian rebels, top general warns of costs (http://rt.com)


The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have given a green light to arm Syrian rebels, as their concerns were alleviated. But a top US general warned that high costs of military options could reach billions……………………………………


The House and Senate intelligence committees gave a green light to send CIA weapons shipments to opposition fighters in Syria……………………………….


The infrastructure is already in place and arms are expected to start coming in the next several weeks………………………..




23-7-2013: In Syria, Dire Need for Humanitarian Help Exacerbated by Delivery Difficulties (http://www.pbs.org)


According to the United Nations, more than four million people are displaced inside Syria. An estimated three million more have fled to neighboring countries. But the U.N. reports it doesn't have enough international funding to meet the needs…………………




22-7-2013: US military intervention in Syria would create 'unintended consequences' (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


The top US military officer warned senators on Monday that taking military action to stop the bloodshed in Syria was likely to escalate quickly and result in "unintended consequences", ……………………


…………….once the US got involved militarily in the Syrian civil war, which the UN estimates to have killed about 93,000 people, "deeper involvement is hard to avoid"………….




22-7-2013: Russia urges all Syrian parties to oust terrorists (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Russia has urged both the Syrian government and the opposition to work together to force "terrorists and extremists" out of the Arab country…….


Jamil, for his part, said some Western countries were to blame for the lasting conflicts in his country and that their political and military attempts to overthrow the Syrian government in the past two years "have failed.”




22-7-2013: UK PM Cameron pledges not to arm 'bad guys' in Syria (http://rt.com)


Britain will not be supplying the Syrian opposition forces with arms amid fears it could fall into the hands “bad guys’, ………………………….


……………………Cameron’s rhetoric has slightly changed, but political analyst Deepak Tripathi believes that is only because the prime minister does not have enough support either in parliament or the international community to push through the idea of openly arming the rebels………………


Abroad it is being realized in the West that no matter how much there are assurances from western governments that only good guys will get help in terms of arms supplies, that’s not the case on the ground,” ……………………………………..




21-7-2013: What’s Next for Syria? The “Washington Consensus” for All Out War (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


They’re US proxy fighters. They’re imported from dozens of countries. They’re waging war against sovereign Syrian independence……………………….


Conflict can end soon. It can happen if Washington calls off its dogs…………….




21-7-2013: Top US General, “US is Preparing “Kinetic Strikes” against Syria” (http://nsnbc.me)


The United States highest-ranking military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, has said that the USA is deliberating whether it should or should not use military force in Syria, and that various scenarios, including “kinetic strikes” are being prepared….


Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and despite having received an 800 pages, official report from a Russian expert commission who investigated at the scene, and who had samples analyzed in internationally recognized laboratories, the Obama administration continues issuing blanketing accusations against the Syrian government……………………


……………according to which 300 of the U.S. troops, which are stationed in and near the Jordanian – Syrian border city of al-Mafraq are special forces, who are training foreign insurgents in special operations………………


The Sarin, which was originally manufactured in Germany, ……………. In Libya it had fallen into the hands of U.S. backed insurgents during the war on Libya in 2011. The Sarin was then shipped from Libya to Syria and delivered to foreign-backed insurgents there……………………..




20-7-2013: Competition among Islamists (http://www.economist.com)


UNTIL last month the leader of Ahrar al-Sham (the Free Men of Syria), a large Salafist rebel group, went by a nom de guerre. Then on June 8th Hassan Aboud revealed his real name in an interview with Al Jazeera,…………………….


Ahrar al-Sham’s success is partly due to its fighters’ discipline and ability, qualities that have enabled Syria’s Islamist rebels to outgrow the fractious secular ones……………………..


Politically Ahrar al-Sham has been clever. It sees the war in Syria as a battle between Sunnis and Shias and wants a Sunni-led Islamic state…………………..


Hitherto the most prominent of the extreme Islamist groups has been Jabhat al-Nusra, which may have 7,000 or so fighters. But recently it has been bogged down in a power struggle with al-Qaeda in Iraq, led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. After Jabhat al-Nusra’s leaders, led by Abu Muhammad al-Golani……………………




20-7-2013: Syrian Kurds plan self-government (http://www.france24.com)


Syria's most powerful Kurdish group on Friday unveiled plans for self-government in the regions it controls until the end of Syria's civil war, a move likely to alarm both neighbouring Turkey and Syrian rebels, both wary of a possible Kurdish state………………


The rebels oppose a separate Kurdish entity, as does their ally and neighbour Turkey, which believes the emergence of an autonomous Kurdish region in Syria could embolden home-grown PKK militants. Mainly Kurdish southeast Turkey is strategically located on the country’s borders with Syria, Iraq and Iran…………………………….




20-7-2013: Foreign Fighters Flocking to Syria Stirs Terror Concerns (http://www.bloomberg.com)


The U.S. and European Union are seeing an increasing number of radicalized young Muslims going to Syria to fight, a development that raises the danger that they will return to conduct terrorist attacks at home…………….


Their numbers are increasing and the radicals, such as those joining the al-Nusra Front, an offshoot of the terrorist group al-Qaeda in Iraq, are now “the most capable fighting force within the opposition” to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad………………..


About 600 fighters have gone to Syria from Europe, according to Gilles de Kerchove, the European Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator……………


The UN estimates that more than 93,000 people have died in Syria’s civil war, which began with peaceful protests in March 2011…………………







19-7-2013: Syria Army gains control over Aleppo’s al-Rashedin district (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian Army has gained full control over al-Rashedin District in the northern city of Aleppo following fresh advances in the strategic city……………….


Syrian soldiers seized al-Rashedin on Friday after fierce fighting with foreign-backed Takfiri militants across Aleppo, where they destroyed a hideout used by militants for rigging vehicles with explosives……………………..




18-7-2013: Obama considering military power in Syria, top general tells Senate (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


………..the Obama administration is deliberating whether to use military power in Syria, where a civil war entering its third year has killed almost 93,000 people….




18-7-2013: US preparing for military action in Syria, top US general says (http://rt.com)


President Barack Obama is considering using military force in Syria, and the Pentagon has prepared various scenarios for possible United States intervention…………………..


On his part, the retired lawmaker from Texas insisted that the administration’s lead up to possible intervention is “identical to the massive deception campaign that led us into the Iraq War.”……




17-7-2013: 3 citizens martyred in car bomb in Damascus countryside (http://sana.sy)


3 citizens were martyred and others wounded when terrorists detonated a car loaded with large amounts of explosives in Kanaker town in Damascus countryside………….




15-7-2013: Syria army marches on to clear Damascus suburbs of Takfiris (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian army is making progress in its operations against foreign-backed Takfiri militants in the suburbs of the capital, Damascus,………………………


Western powers and their regional allies including the Israeli regime, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supporting the anti-Syria militant groups, including al-Qaeda-linked terrorists……




15-7-2013: US and Qatar arm rival militant gangs in Syria amid slow delivery of arms (http://www.presstv.ir)


Pointing to American troubles in preventing its arms to fall into the hands of “extremists” such as the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra front, US daily New York Times further reports Sunday that Washington’s key Persian Gulf ally Qatar “is suspected” of supplying weapons to “more hard-line” groups in Syria, “despite assurances to the contrary from Qatari officials……………….


These officials say that the administration’s plans “to use the CIA to covertly train and arm the rebels could take months to have any impact on a chaotic battlefield……………….




15-7-2013: Assad's forces advance into rebel-held district of Damascus (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Syrian troops backed by tanks and artillery moved into a rebel-held district of Damascus on Monday, stepping up efforts to drive opposition fighters from the capital and build on battlefield gains elsewhere in the country, a rebel commander said………………..


……………. come amid growing signs of rebel infighting that has pitted Islamist fighters against the Western- and Arab-backed Free Syrian Army………………….




15-7-2013: Militants in Syria self-destructing through infighting: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


A political commentator says the plots by the US and its allies to destroy Syria through supporting militancy in the Arab country have failed as the foreign-backed terrorists are now “self-destructing,” Press TV reports……………………….


Qassem Saadeddine, a spokesman for the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants, said on July 11 that a splinter Takfiri group had killed their senior commander Kamal Hamami, known by his om de guerre Abu Bassel al-Ladkani, ………………




15-7-2013: Syria car bomb attack kills at least 13 (http://www.irishtimes.com)


At least 13 people, including 10 policemen, were killed when a car bomb exploded north of the Syrian capital Damascus, activists said today……………….




23-7-2013: Let's keep Syria's blood off America's hands: Column (http://www.usatoday.com)


The Senate and House Intelligence committees' about-facedecision this week to arm the rebels in Syria is dangerous and disconcerting. The weapons will assuredly end up in the wrong hands and will only escalate the slaughter in Syria………………………


Arming one side in Syria's vicious civil war undermines diplomatic opportunities and will inevitably harden the resolve of the Assad regime and the rebels to fight it out to the last Syrian…………


But when you lift the curtain on the armed groups with the most formidable military presence on the ground in Syria, you find the Al Nusra Front and Al Farough Brigades……….


Congress, for too long, has abdicated responsibility to prevent U.S. weapons from fueling conflicts around the world. Going forward, however, Congress can prevent U.S. weapons from escalating the bloodshed in Syria………………….




14-7-2013: Syrian rebels' Damascus chemical cache found by Assad army - State TV (http://rt.com)


The Syrian army has discovered a storehouse belonging to rebels in the Damascus area of Jobar, where toxic chemical substances - including chlorine………….


Earlier this week, Russia submitted to the UN its analysis of samples taken in Aleppo, where chemical weapons were allegedly used in March……………….


Russia’s findings indicated that it was rebels - not the Syrian army - behind the Khan al-Assal incident, in which more than 30 people died…………..


Meanwhile, the US, UK and France have submitted several reports in which they claim there is evidence that the Assad government used chemical weapons…………..




14-7-2013: Free Syrian army clashes with jihadists in wake of commander's assassination (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


The anger is centred towards foreign jihadists who, while still a minority among the myriad groups, are often aggressively operating outside the control structures of the Syrian extremists and the FSA……………


Jabhat al-Nusra, the main jihadist group, and the FSA had until recently worked alongside each other during major operations in the north. While relations between them have not yet broken down, the rise in prominence of fringe organisations is eroding discipline across opposition ranks……………




14-7-2013: Hundreds of Pakistan pro-Taliban militants join fight against Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


Hundreds of pro-Taliban terrorists in Pakistan have joined the foreign-backed militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad…………………


Western powers and their regional allies including the Israeli regime, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are partners in supporting anti-Syria militant groups, including al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, to destabilize Syria and overthrow the Syrian government……………….



14-7-2013: Syrian army finds chemical materials belonging to militants in Joubar (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The Syrian army has found toxic chemical agents after seizing a factory operated by foreign-backed militants fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad………..


Over the past months, Syrian soldiers and Takfiri militants have frequently accused one another of using chemical weapons…………………..




14-7-2013: Pakistan Taliban set up camps in Syria, join anti-Assad war (http://www.reuters.com)


The Pakistani Taliban have set up camps and sent hundreds of men to Syria to fight alongside rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad…………………………..


…………Syria has become a magnet for foreign Sunni fighters who have flocked to the Middle Eastern nation to join what they see as a holy war against Shi'ite oppressors……………….


Operating alongside militant groups such as the al Nusra Front, described by the United States as a branch of al Qaeda, they mainly come from nearby countries such as Libya and Tunisia……


Tensions erupted again on Thursday when an al-Qaeda linked militant group assassinated one of Free Syrian Army's top commanders after a dispute in the port city of Latakia…..




14-7-2013: Create A Desert And Call It Peace (http://www.strategypage.com)


Opinion polls in the U.S. indicate that about 60 percent of Americans oppose arming the Syrian rebels…………………..


For over a year now Syrians have been hearing of (or experiencing) Islamic radicals enforcing (often with the death penalty) Islamic lifestyle rules (how to dress, behave, and so on)…….


Meanwhile, the rebels are getting weapons, often with the help of the CIA, which helps arrange sellers for wealthy Arab Gulf states willing to pay for this stuff. The CIA also helps to arrange transport from where the supplier is (often Eastern Europe) to the Syrian border……..




 14-7-2013: Army discovers a factory of chemical materials inside a den near Damascus (http://sana.sy)


A unit of the armed forces discovered a factory to manufacture and store the toxic chemical weapons inside a terrorists' den in the area surrounding al-Manashir roundabout in Joubar neighborhood in Damascus Countryside…..




14-7-2013: Chemicals and Weapons seized from Insurgents in Damascus. Israeli Air Raid likely a Distraction (http://nsnbc.me)


The Syrian Armed forces have seized chemicals and weapons from insurgents in Damascus. The operation followed an operation last week, where Syrian armed forces seized 281 barrels with chemicals from foreign-backed insurgents, reportedly enough to destroy an entire city, if not the entire country…………………….



13-7-2013: Obama Sent Libyan Sarin to Syrian Rebels to Destroy Aleppo (http://nsnbc.me)


Vitaly Churkin, Russian UN envoy, told the UN that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) used the chemical weapon sarin in their attack last March in the city of Aleppo.


According to Churkin, investigators took samples from the site and analyzed them at a Russian laboratory which “established” that the FSA fired a rocket that was filled with sarin………


The sarin gas that the FSA used at Aleppo may have come from deals made by Donald Rumsfeld, future Defense Secretary under the George W. Bush administration, …….…….


Last May, The Obama administration has sent covert agents to deliver weapons purchased “from the stockpiles of Libya’s former dictator Muammar Gaddafi” to the Salafi extremists known as the FSA……………


The FSA are not just tied to al-Qaeda, the fake Islamic terrorist group, they ARE al-Qaeda. In a video of members of the FSA, these men are brandishing AK-47s provided to them by the CIA and have al-Qaeda flags flying in the background………………….



13-7-2013: Army retakes Damascus neighborhood (http://www.presstv.ir)


Syrian army forces have taken control of the al-Qaboun neighborhood of the capital Damascus and cleared the area of foreign-backed militants………..


Western powers and their regional allies including the Israeli regime, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supporting the anti-Syria militant groups, including al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, to overthrow the Syrian government…………….




12-7-2013: Those who say arm Syria's opposition are making a dangerous assumption (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


The killing of a leading Syrian opposition commander at the hands of al-Qaida affiliated rebels will add to the difficulties faced by western leaders over their policy for the country……………


The Syrian crisis is transforming the entire Arab Mashriq, encompassing Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and potentially Israel/Palestine into one vast arena for what is now a sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia Islam……………….


Those who hope that arming the opposition will help stem the regime's current resurgence and compel it to negotiate are making a dangerous assumption……………….


The killing of the FSA commander and a series of other similar recent clashes point to yet another layer of conflict that is only likely to be exacerbated as the war goes on…….




12-7-2013: Pakistan Taliban 'sets up a base in Syria' (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


The Pakistani Taliban have visited Syria to set up a base and to assess "the needs of the jihad",….


In the past, militant fighters from Pakistan have often gone to fight in Central Asia and the Balkans……..


In the 1990s, militant group Harkatul Mujahideen, was known to have sent a large number of men to fight in the Bosnian civil war of 1992-95…………….




12-7-2013: Free Syrian Army threatens blood feud after senior officer killed by jihadists (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


Commanders of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have reacted with fury to the assassination of a senior FSA officer by a jihadist group, warning that the killing would lead to further violence between the disparate factions………………………….


Since they entered northern Syria in mid-July last year, jihadist groups have become the most effective fighting force in the land, …………………..


………….This is now a land of warlords and clans, of foreigners with a perverse form of Islam that share neither our views or goals……………………….




12-7-2013: 1,500 foreign terrorists entered Syria during this week (http://sana.sy)


1500 foreign terrorists have entered Syria during this week via Turkey that facilitated their entry by a prior political decision, according to statements by sources attributed to the ''Free Army'' militias…………….




12-7-2013: Syrian rebel fighters' civil war within a civil war (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


A senior rebel commander with the Free Syrian Army has been shot and killed by jihadis. …………………… the killing is part of an escalating struggle within the armed uprising between moderates and Islamists linked to al-Qaeda……………………


He was describing a long-standing and often bloody enmity among those fighting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad - "secular" against jihadi, "moderate" versus "extremist”……………..


The FSA said the Islamic State had threatened to kill all of the other members of the Supreme Military Council - another sign of the escalating struggle within the armed uprising………………


The crucial difference, though, is that the "secular" FSA will accept a civil state while the jihadis are fighting to establish an Islamic theocracy…………………




11-7-2013: Inquiry on Aleppo chemical attack met int'l standards, unlike West’s – Lavrov (http://rt.com)


Russia’s inquiry into the use of chemical weapons on Syrian territory was carried out in full accordance with international standards, unlike a similar evaluation by Western countries, says Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov……………………….


Evidence studied by Russian scientists indicates that a projectile carrying the deadly nerve agent sarin was most likely fired at Khan al-Assal, west of Aleppo, by rebels, rather than government forces………….


Russia “guarantees” the quality of the analysis, which fully complies with the requirements set by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW),……………


The evidence of the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime – which was provided by the US, Britain and France – does not provide information on where and when the samples they used for analysis were taken, Lavrov noted…………….




11-7-2013: Hard evidence of chemical weapons use ‘does not solve Syrian issue’ (http://rt.com)


Moscow now appears to have conclusive evidence that it is the rebels who are guilty of the March chemical attack in Aleppo which killed dozens of Syrians. .………………….


The Foreign Secretary William Hague announced today that there will be no delivery of arms without the specific and stated approval of the British Parliament. There is a lot of opposition to British arms supplies going to the Syrian opposition, both within the ruling Conservative party……


That’s an interesting question. I can’t speak for the British or the US governments, but they made these allegations about the use of chemical weapons – and there are apparently stocks of chemical weapons being held in Syria, which may well have fallen into opposition hands, or may still be in government hands, or maybe both – but the assertion was made that they had been used. But no hard evidence came up, and indeed, there was a great deal of skepticism surrounding the evidence that was never presented…………………




11-7-2013: Assad’s narrative is making headway (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


But as we assess the balance of forces, the Syrian regime and its backers have gained the upper hand, while the Syrian opposition is now viewed with uneasiness because of its association with the jihadists………………………………………..


At the same time, the lack of credibility of the opposition in exile and the fact that armed opposition groups inside Syria remain divided thanks to political rivalries between their foreign sponsors has handed Assad a decisive advantage………………


Obama has subcontracted Syria to America’s regional allies such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who have become a major part of the problem there. ……………………..


The jihadists will surely contribute to this rearguard action, perhaps by planting more car bombs. Yet all this will do is strengthen Assad further, as he portrays himself as the purveyor of tranquility. ………………….




11-7-2013: MI6 warning: ‘Catastrophe’ if chemical weapons fall into Al-Qaeda hands (http://rt.com)


If Syrian rebels gain access to the vast stockpile of chemical weapons, it would have ‘catastrophic consequences,’ MI6 has warned. There are concerns a regime fall may trigger the proliferation of “the deadliest nerve agent ever created……………….


Lawmakers in the US are particular worried about weapons falling into the hands of Al-Qaeda-affiliated group Al-Nusra Front……………………….




10-7-2013: Chemical weapons 'clearly' used in Syria, likely by rebels, Russian experts tell UN (http://www.globalpost.com)


Chemical weapons were "clearly" used in Syria — but most likely by Syrian rebels, not the Syrian army, according to Moscow's ambassador to the United Nations.


A team of Russian experts made the assessment after visiting Khan al-Assal, near Aleppo, where Syria claimed rebels had used chemical weapons in a March attack, CNN reported…………..




10-7-2013: Congress: Stop Arming Syrian Rebels (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


The House and Senate intelligence committees voted to put severe restrictions on funding to the Syrian rebels in an effort to block President Obama from arming them, sources told The Hill on Wednesday……………………




10-7-2013: Syria's al-Nusra Front – ruthless, organised and taking control (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


The al-Nusra Front, the principle jihadi rebel group in Syria, defies the cliche of Islamist fighters around the Middle East plotting to establish Islamic caliphates from impoverished mountain hideaways………………….


“We can't topple Bashar and hand it to the FSA to establish the same apostate secularist state. We are not fighting against Bashar only; we are fighting the system.”………………..


The tactics with which al-Nusra is waging its war are no less brutal than those of its al-Qaida-affiliated counterparts in other areas of the Middle East. ………….……




9-7-2013: Russian inquiry to UN: Rebels, not Army, behind Syria Aleppo sarin attack (http://rt.com)


Samples taken at the Syrian town where chemical weapons were allegedly used indicate that it was rebels - not the Syrian army - behind the attack, Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin has said……


Evidence studied by Russian scientists indicates that a projectile carrying the deadly nerve agent sarin was most likely fired at Khan al-Assal by the rebels…………….


According to Moscow, the manufacture of the ‘Bashair-3’ warheads started in February, and is the work of Bashair al-Nasr, a brigade with close ties to the Free Syrian Army……


“The Syrian authorities have discovered yesterday in the city of Banias 281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials,” Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said, adding that the chemicals were “capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country.”………….


Following Churkin’s announcement, both US and UK officials voiced their disbelief over any evidence suggesting that Syrian rebels used chemical weapons, stating they have yet been unable to see the whole report of Russia’s UN envoy…………….



9-7-2013: US seeks to arm Syrian rebels through repeating chemical weapons fairy tale (http://www.globaltimes.cn)


Just weeks after these videos, a photograph surfaced showing a Jabhat al-Nusra militant in the town of Ras al-Ayn, in Syria's Al-Hasakah Province.


The militant has attached to his military assault vest the same type of device allegedly used by the Syrian government to deploy chemical weapons.


Despite the existence of the photograph, the US maintains that it has "no reliable, corroborated reporting to indicate that the opposition in Syria has acquired or used chemical weapons."


Having come just one week after the Syrian army's victory in the strategic Homs town of Al-Qusayr, the timing of the US accusations is significant.


Several tons of weapons delivered to insurgents sometime last year have seemingly failed to stem advances by Syrian troops across the country……………..


Musa al-Gharbi, research fellow at the US-based Southwest Initiative for the Study of Mideast Conflict, described the renewed accusations as a "transparent fabrication."


Al-Gharbi said, "The only countries to find this evidence compelling are those who have an expressed interest in intervening on behalf of the rebels: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Britain and France."………………………………..




9-7-2013: Europe's New 'Time Bomb' Is Ticking in Syria (http://www.foreignpolicy.com)


They come from the suburbs of Paris, from the East End of London, from the cities along Germany's Fulda River, and even from the small towns of Ireland: a small army of up to 1,000 European irregulars joining the Syrian civil war to help rebels topple President Bashar al-Assad…..


European, U.S., and Turkish intelligence agencies have been working together to try to track the individuals seeking to cross the border into Syria from Turkey………….


"Every Muslim trained to fight and capable of doing that [must] make himself available" to support the Syrian rebels, he said…………………




8-7-2013: Bashar Assad’s forces chip away at Syria rebels’ control of Homs (http://www.mcclatchydc.com)


Syrian government forces made significant progress Monday in recapturing Homs from the rebel forces that have held the country’s third largest city for more than a year, …………………




8-7-2013: Hardline Islamist rebel groups seek to impose Sharia law in Syria's north (http://www.abc.net.au)


Some rebel groups that have won ground militarily in the north are intent on turning Syria into an Islamic state…………………….


Last week, a fatwa was reportedly issued in Aleppo banning women from wearing makeup and tight clothing. There have also been reports of public executions and Sharia-inspired punishments……


This push to impose stricter interpretations of Islamic law is allegedly being driven by the al-Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham……………




7-7-2013: Syria's Brotherhood: West must arm rebels (http://www.iol.co.za)


The Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood called on Sunday for the United States and Europe to deliver the rebels promised military support …………….


We feel abandoned and disappointed that the United States and Europe have backed down from their position regarding arming the Free Syrian Army ………..”………………..


They are also concerned about the growing reach of radical rebel Islamist groups in Syria, some of them linked to al Qaeda, who could end up with Western weapons………………………




 6-7-2013: Takfiri cannibal militant threatens to commit worse crimes in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Takfiri militant who was seen eating an organ of a dead Syrian soldier in a recent video has threatened to commit more gruesome murders if foreign-backed terrorists in Syria do not receive more military aid from abroad……………


At the time of the filming, al Hamad reportedly believed that he was eating the man’s liver, but a surgeon who saw the video said the organ in question was actually a lung…..


“I have another video clip that I will send to them. In the clip I am sawing another Shabiha [pro-government militiaman] with a saw. The saw we use to cut trees. I sawed him in small pieces and large ones,” al Hamad said in his earlier interview with Time…………………….




5-7-2013: Syria's Homs ravaged, UN warns of food shortages (http://www.dw.de)


The UN said up to 4,000 civilians were trapped in Syria's central city of Homs on Friday during further bombardments from forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…..


Residents quoted by the news agency Reuters said fighters of Hezbollah, a Shiite group funded by Iran and based in Lebanon, together with pro-Assad militias were involved in the battle around Homs……………………………………


Two other UN agencies, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP), appealed on Friday for more funds to help feed 4 million Syrians….


5-7-2013: Face-to-face with Abu Sakkar, Syria's 'heart-eating cannibal' (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


It sounded like the most far-fetched propaganda claim - a Syrian rebel commander who cut out the heart of a fallen enemy soldier, and ate it before a cheering crowd of his men.


The story turned out to be true in its most important aspect - a ritual demonstration of cannibalism - though when I met the commander, Abu Sakkar, in Syria last week, he seemed hazy on the details……


"I didn't want to do this. I had to," he tells me. "We have to terrify the enemy, humiliate them, just as they do to us. Now, they won't dare be wherever Abu Sakkar is.”………………..


In February 2012, he was fighting with the Farouq Brigade, and they tried, and failed, to stop the regime taking Baba Amr……………………..




4-7-2013: West sends 'terrorists' to Syria to be rid of them: Assad (http://www.foxnews.com)


Syria's President Bashar al-Assad accused the West of sending "takfiri terrorist groups" to his country as a way to get rid of them……………………………….


Western countries believe that "these takfiri (extremist) terrorist groups that have been a security concern for decades will come to Syria and be killed and that way they will get rid of them…………




3-7-2013: Getting Laid For Allah: Fatwa for sex to improving moral (http://www.strategypage.com)


Several Sunni Moslem religious leaders have recently issued religious rulings (fatwas) that permit Moslem women to go to Syria and have sex with rebel soldiers to improve the moral of these holy warriors……………..


Some of these fatwas permit husbands to offer their wives to rebel fighters………………




2-7-2013: The boy killed for an off-hand remark about God - Sharia spreads in Syria (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


The murder of a boy accused of blasphemy has come to symbolise concerns about the power of Islamist radicals in Syria's armed uprising. ………………….


One day last month, someone asked him for a free cup. "Not even if the Prophet himself returns," he had replied, laughing. That remark was a death sentence……………….


It was overheard by three armed men. They dragged him to a car and took him away. Half-an-hour later, a badly beaten Mohammed was dumped back in the road by his cart……




2-7-2013: Syrian rebels ‘to target Aleppo Shiite villages’ (http://gulfnews.com)


Syrian rebels in the northern province of Aleppo on Monday threatened to seize two Shiite Muslim villages that back President Bashar Al Assad unless they surrendered to the opposition……………




2-7-2013: Fatwa for make-up: Islamists target women in rebel-controlled Syrian territories (http://rt.com)


Syrian rebels have issued a ban on women using make up or wearing “immodest dress” in a neighborhood in the city of Aleppo. Critics have blasted the move as another attempt by Islamists to impose Sharia in rebel-controlled territory………………


"Muslim women are banned from leaving the house in immodest dress, in tight clothing that shows off their bodies or wearing makeup on their face. It is incumbent on all our sisters to obey God and commit to Islamic etiquette," the statement on the Fardous council's Facebook…..




1-7-2013: Syrian terrorists behead Catholic priest accused of collaborating with the Assad regime (http://www.nydailynews.com)


A Catholic priest has been publicly beheaded by Syrian terrorists after accusations of collaborating with President Bashar Assad's regime………


Local sources told the Vatican the convent was ambushed by militants linked to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra…………………




1-7-2013: Car bomb attack hits Syria’s Hama, casualties feared (http://www.presstv.ir)


The booby-trapped car went off on Monday near a cultural center in the city, the state-run SANA news agency reported……


Anti-Syria Takfiri extremists have been behind many of the deadly bombings targeting both civilians and government institutions across the Arab state since the outbreak of the violence……..




1-7-2013: John McCain’s Middle East War Drumbeat: Iraq, Libya, and Now Syria (http://www.thedailybeast.com)


John McCain appears to be setting Obama’s foreign-policy agenda, and that is plenty of reason to worry……


Back in April, McCain called on the United States to arm the Syrian rebels, attack Assad’s forces from the air, and create a refugee haven……………




1-7-2013: Jordan air force captain joins Syria jihadists: sources (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


A Jordanian air force captain has allegedly "deserted" and joined Syria's jihadist Al-Nusra Front to fight against President Bashar al-Assad's forces, a member of his family and a Salafist leader said on Monday……………..


"Ahmad Atallah Shbeib al-Majali, born in 1984, took a leave from his job last Wednesday and travelled to Turkey on Friday and from there he went to Syria to join the rebels," the family member told AFP on condition of anonymity………………………….




30-6-2013: Tiny Qatar defies West on arming Syria rebels (http://www.nwaonline.com)


At the behest of a Qatar official, Syrian opposition representatives sit in seats reserved for Syria during an Arab League summit in March in Doha, Qatar. Qatar has been instrumental in getting weapons to Syrian rebels, U.S. officials say………………………




30-6-2013: Why Is The U.S. Arming Rebels That Eat Human Hearts And Massacre Entire Christian Villages? (http://endoftheamericandream.com)


Why would Barack Obama want to help al-Qaeda take over Syria?  Why in the world would he want to spend hard-earned U.S. tax dollars to arm jihadist rebels that eat human hearts and massacre entire Christian villages?...............


The truth is that “moderate” groups that plan to establish a “democracy” in Syria have been completely overwhelmed by al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups in territories that are controlled by rebels.  ……………….


29-6-2013: 4 citizens martyred, 15 injured in terrorist attacks (http://sana.sy)


One citizen was martyred and others injured Saturday night when an explosive device that terrorists planted near the Justice Palace in al-Hasaka city went off.


Three civilians were martyred and other 6 were injured by mortar shell launched by terrorist group on al-Abbasyeh neighborhood in Homs city…………….




29-6-2013: Zbigniew BrzezinskiSaudi Arabia, Qatar, their western allies orchestrated Syria crisis (http://www.presstv.ir)


The former US national security adviser says the ongoing crisis in Syria has been orchestrated by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and their western allies……………


“I think if we tackle the issue alone with the Russians, which I think has to be done because they’re involved partially, and if we do it relying primarily on the former colonial powers in the region-France and Great Britain, who are really hated in the region-the chances of success are not as high as if we do engage in it, somehow, with China, India and Japan, which have a stake in a more stable Middle East,” Brzezinski said………………….




28-6-2013: Assassination Attempt on Patriarch John X (Yazigi) of Antioch and All The East in Damascus (http://www.syrianews.cc).


On 27 June 2013 and just moments after Patriarch John X (Yazigi) of Antioch and All The East passed by a narrow street in the mostly Christian dominated Bab Touma neighborhood in Damascus heading towards Greek Orthodox Virgin Mary church, as some locals reported, a bombing occurred, initially reported as a suicide bomber before further investigation indicated to a mortar shell and after obtaining footage from a CCTV placed on one of the shops from the targeted location it was confirmed to be a mortar shell that missed the patriarch in moments but didn’t miss 4 civilians whom were killed a number of others injured, not to mention the destruction in properties………………………




28-6-2013: New video of ‘Islamist’ public beheadings of ‘Assad loyalists’ surfaces in Syria (GRAPHIC CONTENT) (http://rt.com)


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on its Facebook page that “perpetrators spoke with a classical Arabic accent and did not sound Arabic, they sounded Chechniyan (sic)”. All4Syria also claimed the executioners were fighters from the former Soviet Union, possibly Uzbekistan or Azerbaijan. Snippets of Russian can be heard in the video………………


Various local sources said the militia responsible may have been part of Jabhat al Nusra – the Al Qaeda-affiliated radical Islamist group that has swelled with foreign fighters and local recruits as the conflict has dragged on…………………




28-6-2013: US-backed Takfiri militants behead 2 Christians including priest in Homs (http://www.presstv.ir)


In the gruesome footage recently posted online, the militants who are said to be members of the terrorist al-Nusra Front, cut off the heads of two handcuffed men, including Father Francois Murad, with a small knife in front of a crowd of people.


This is not the first time that the US-backed terrorists who are fighting against the Syrian government commit such grisly crimes against innocent civilians in the war-torn country……….




28-6-2013: Crisis in Syria: This is one war we don’t need to get involved in (http://ca.news.yahoo.com)


27-6-2013: Syria war likely to drag on, Red Cross president says (http://www.reuters.com)


The Red Cross said on Thursday it was planning humanitarian operations for an extended conflict in Syria in the absence of any sign of a political solution and military stalemate between rebels and government troops……………….




27-6-2013: 4 citizens martyred, 8 wounded in suicide bombing in Damascus (http://sana.sy)


Four citizens were martyred and eight others wounded in a suicide bombing outside Dar al-Ihsan charity in Tale' al-Fidda Street in Bab Sharqi area in Damascus on Thursday…………….




27-6-2013: Outrage over Syrian rebels assaulting catholic monastery, killing hermit (http://rt.com)


A revered Syrian monk and hermit, Father Franҫois Mourad, has been killed during an assault of the Franciscan monastery in a predominantly Christian village in the north near the Turkish border, Vatican Radio reported…………


According to Father Pizzaballa, the Ghassanieh neighborhood "like other Christian villages, has been almost completely destroyed and is almost totally abandoned," adding that the only people left there were "the rebels with their families, rebels who are not from Syria and who are extremists……




26-6-2013: Syria: The Faces Behind The Terror (http://www.veteransnewsnow.com)


In her extraordinarily bold and direct speech addressed to the Irish Parliament, Clare Daly (TD, Dublin North) called Obama a “war criminal” and “hypocrite of the century”……………….


As previously stated (HERE and HERE), the chaos we witness in Syria today has been in the making for years with the aid and backing of Israel-firsters in order to accommodate Israel’s agenda – expansion and control of regional water supplies while weakening its adversary/ies…………..


What is most revealing about the abovementioned Time Magazine piece of 2006 is that America’s efforts to aid the opposition and undermine Assad were run through a foundation operated by Amar Abdulhamid, a Washington-based member of a Syrian umbrella opposition group known as the National Salvation Front (NSF…………………..




26-6-2013: Gulf monarchies fuel Syrian storm (http://www.atimes.com)


Of course Washington has hardly been a disinterested bystander in the Syrian civil war. For more than two years it has helped facilitate the flow of arms from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates across the Jordanian and Turkish borders, and the CIA is training insurgents in Jordan………………


Whether there is any truth to the charge is hard to tell since neither the British, the French, nor the Americans have released any findings……….


The French and the British are hardly neutral bystanders, with long and sordid track records in the region. It was Paris and London that secretly divvied up the Middle East in the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement, and who used divisions between Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Christians to keep their subject populations at one another's throats…………………..


Besides the growing butcher bill in Syria - according to the UN the death toll is now over 93,000, with a million and a half refugees………………



26-6-2013: Video Ex-Terrorist: Al-Qaeda In Syria Being Led by CIA (http://www.infowars.com)


Former Al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim has released astounding video testimony in which he asserts that the leader of Jabhat Al-Nusra, the primary fighting force in Syria attempting to topple President Bashar Al-Assad, is a CIA operative……………………..


He then turns his attention to Al-Nusra terrorists fighting to topple Assad in Syria, warning them, “You are fighting the war in Syria on America’s behalf” and that eventually they will “be called terrorists and you will be killed or put in prison just like what happened to us after Afghanistan………….




25-6-2013: 'Obama overtly supports Al-Qaeda, provides terrorists with chemical weapons' – expert (http://english.ruvr.ru)


If we look at various media reports, including CNN but it is also acknowledged in Israeli media, the rebels namely Al-Nusra are in possession of chemical weapons but moreover it is acknowledged that western forces are actually training Al-Nusra rebels in Jordan and Turkey and this is confirmed by December 9th CNN report………………..


I think that we are beyond the issue as to whether Obama is supporting Al-Qaeda. John Kerry is directly in contact with commanders, which are in link with Al-Qaeda rebels. We’ve got a fairly large documentation to the fact that weapons and money are being channeled to the rebels and that these rebels actually are on the US state department list of terrorist organizations………


So, what I am saying essentially is that these Al-Qaeda affiliated organizations are not longer supported covertly by the CIA, they are supported overtly by the US president and the Secretary of State is in touch with commanders of that terrorist force, in particular the main intermediary is a general Idris who is with the Free Syrian Army and which is in constant contact with the rebels…………….




25-6-2013: Henry Kissinger: Balkanized Syria Best Possible Outcome (http://www.infowars.com)


There are three possible outcomes. An Assad victory. A Sunni victory. Or an outcome in which the various nationalities agree to co-exist together but in more or less autonomous regions, so that they can’t oppress each other. That’s the outcome I would prefer to see. But that’s not the popular view……….


“First of all, Syria is not a historic state. It was created in its present shape in 1920, and it was given that shape in order to facilitate the control of the country by France, which happened to be after UN mandate. The neighboring country Iraq was also given an odd shape, that was to facilitate control by England. And the shape of both of the countries was designed to make it hard for either of them to dominate the region.”……………………


Kissinger has commented previously on the desirability of breaking up dissenting nations into smaller fragments, after which the emerging chaos may facilitate their introduction into a global order. This, in essence, is the rule of divide and conquer. These recent comments by Kissinger are in step with previous statements in which he promulgates the idea that social upheaval and mass civil unrest are to be used as a means of merging nations (including, by the way, the United States) into an “international system”……………….




25-6-2013: Al-Qaida's Syria rift may lead to open conflict among jihadis (http://www.jpost.com)


A rift between Syrian jihadis and their fellow fighters from al-Qaida's Iraqi wing may lead to internecine war among some of the most effective rebel groups in combatting President Bashar Assad……………………………




24-6-2013: Blasts in Syrian capital kill 8 (http://articles.philly.com)


Suicide bombers targeted security compounds in Damascus and a car bomb exploded in a pro-regime district there Sunday, killing at least eight people, the latest in a surge of civil war violence in the capital……………….




24-6-2013: A Catholic priest killed. Bishop Hindo: he offered his martyrdom for peace (http://www.fides.org)


On Sunday, June 23 the Syrian priest François Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria, in the convent of the Custody of the Holy Land where he had taken refuge. This is confirmed by a statement of the Custos of the Holy Land sent to Fides Agency. The circumstances of the death are not fully understood. According to local sources, the monastery where Fr. Murad was staying was attacked by militants linked to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra…………




23-6-2013: Qatari Officers Traced in Syria Chemical Attack (http://english.farsnews.com)


23-6-2013: Qatar behind transfer of chemicals to Syria militants: Report (http://www.presstv.ir/)


23-6-2013: Inching Into Syria (http://www.nytimes.com)


……………….But the rebels say they see Obama’s hand in some bigger, less-publicized developments: the arrival of more and better antitank weapons, and rumors of long-withheld antiaircraft weapons……………………..


…………..heavier ordnance is coming from Europe, the gulf and — as The Times reported Saturday — from Libya……………………


“These thing don’t happen without America’s permission,” said a logistics coordinator for a rebel unit fighting in Homs……………………………




22-6-2013: The Imperial Agenda in Syria. GRTV Feature Interview with Michel Chossudovsky (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The blowback thesis is now defunct. The US has never ceased to support Al Qaeda. These terrorist organizations were created by US intelligence and supported by Washington. The blowback thesis is refuted not only by Obama’s “overt support” of Al Nusrah but also with regard to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), an Al Qaeda affiliate, which was directly supported by NATO from the outset of the insurgency and Libya bombing campaign in 2011…………………..


President Obama’s “overt” support to Syria’s Al Qaeda rebels “opens up a can of worms”.


How are we to categorize an American President who says he is committed to fighting Al Qaeda, while at the same time supporting Al Qaeda?......................




22-6-2013: 700 US troops to stay in Jordan amid fears over Syria civil war (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com)


The United States has left about 700 combat-equipped troops in Jordan after a training exercise, President Barack Obama said Friday, amid concern about the civil war in neighboring Syria…………………..




22-6-2013: Israeli Intelligence News: Syria Rebels Possess Chemical Weapons, US-NATO Delivering Heavy Weapons to the Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Turkish police round up Al Qaeda-linked Syrian Al Nusra terrorists in raids in Istanbul and southern cities near the Syrian border, Turkey police Friday arrested 12 members of al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Al Nusra Front. Found in their possession were four and a half pounds of sarin nerve gas, hand guns, grenades, bullets and documents for what the Turkish daily Zaman reported was a bomb attack on the Turkish town of Adana……………….


Of significance, Debka also acknowledges that Al Nusrah –which is also supported covertly by Israel– is a terrorist organization. Moreover, Debka also confirms (without explicitly referring to Al Nusrah) that the US and NATO have delivered heavy weapons to the same Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in the Aleppo region bordering onto Turkey……………………




22-6-2013: 'Friends of Syria' debate arming rebels (http://www.aljazeera.com)


Saturday's meeting began only hours after Syrian rebels stated that they had received a new shipment of weapons from their allies and just days after the US announced its decision to deliver arms to the fighters……………….


The talks are being attended by ministers from Britain, France, the US, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Egypt……………


"We've received quantities of new types of weapons, including some that we asked for and that we believe will change the course of the battle on the ground," Louay Muqdad, a media spokesman for the Free Syrian Army (FSA),…………………..


The shipment follows reports of Saudi-funded small arms and anti-tank missiles being delivered to Aleppo………………….




21-6-2013: In Turnabout, Syria Rebels Get Libyan Weapons (http://www.nytimes.com)


Many of the same people who chased the colonel to his grave are busy shuttling his former arms stockpiles to rebels in Syria. The flow is an important source of weapons………………


Evidence gathered in Syria, along with flight-control data and interviews with militia members, smugglers, rebels, analysts and officials in several countries, offers a profile of a complex and active multinational effort, financed largely by Qatar, to transport arms from Libya to Syria’s opposition fighters………………………


As the United States and its Western allies move toward providing lethal aid to Syrian rebels, these secretive transfers give insight into an unregistered arms pipeline that is difficult to monitor or control…………………….


Those weapons, which slipped from state custody as Colonel Qaddafi’s people rose against him in 2011, are sent on ships or Qatar Emiri Air Force flights to a network of intelligence agencies and Syrian opposition leaders in Turkey……………………


On Friday, Syrian opposition officials said the rebels had received a new shipment of anti-tank weapons and other arms, although they give varying accounts of the sources of the recently received arms. The Central Intelligence Agency has already played at least a supporting role, the officials say………………………




21-6-2013: Russia Says U.S. Risks Al-Qaeda Boomerang With Syria Rebels (http://www.bloomberg.com)


Russia said the U.S., in deciding to arm Syrian rebels, is in danger of repeating the mistake it made in Afghanistan in the 1980s when it backed religious extremists who later formed the al-Qaeda terrorist network……………….


“Al-Qaeda was basically born from the Mujahedeen movement financed by the United States when the Soviets were in Afghanistan…………..”

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned last week at a joint press conference with U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron that the West shouldn’t be supporting people who “not only kill their enemies but cut open their bodies and eat their innards before the public and cameras……………




21-6-2013: Russia:”Syria Will Be Armed With Weapons That Have Never Been Seen Before In the Middle East (http://www.shtfplan.com)


This week, according to a British intelligence report, Putin reportedly passed on a diplomatic communique to the United States and France using British Prime Minister David Cameron as the intermediary………………………..


According to the report from Syrian-based Dam Press and the Dyar Newspaper, the Russians aren’t backing off their Syria policy and they are getting ready to double down by supplying Assad’s military with weapons the have never before been seen in the middle east………………….




21-6-2013: Iraq, Libya, Syria: Extensive US-NATO War Crimes. How the Media Buries “The Evidence” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


A natural counterpart to the burying of evidence of ‘our’ embarrassing crimes is the hyping of the crimes of official enemies……………………


As we noted last month, clearly inspired by the example of Iraq, Western governments and media have bombarded the public with claims of Syrian government use of chemical weapons. In April, the Independent’s Robert Fisk judged the claims ‘a load of old cobblers’………………….


‘Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front who were previously detained, Turkish media reports. The gas was reportedly going to be used in a bomb……………………..




21-6-2013: U.S. has secretly provided arms training to Syria rebels since 2012 (http://www.latimes.com)


CIA operatives and U.S. special operations troops have been secretly training Syrian rebels with anti-tank and antiaircraft weapons since late last year, months before President Obama approved plans to begin directly arming them, according to U.S. officials and rebel commanders….


The covert U.S. training at bases in Jordan and Turkey,…………………….


The two-week courses include training with Russian-designed 14.5-millimeter antitank rifles, anti-tank missiles and 23-millimeter antiaircraft weapons, according to a rebel commander in the Syrian province of Dara who…………………


Brig. Gen. Yahya Bittar, who defected as a fighter pilot from Assad's air force last year and is head of intelligence for the Free Syrian Army, said training for the last month or so had taken place in Jordan…………




21-6-2013: Putin claims proof Syrian rebels used chemical weapons (http://www.wnd.com)


“We know that opposition fighters were detained on Turkish territory with chemical weapons,” Putin said. “We have information out of Iraq that a laboratory was discovered there for the production of chemical weapons by the opposition. All this evidence needs to be studied most seriously.”……………..


U.N. investigators who accepted the French report reacted cautiously to the tests, saying that it was essential to know the chain of custody of the samples used for testing……………….


Last month, a U.N. team released a preliminary report, based on the results of a commission of inquiry, that suggested Syrian rebels had used Sarin, a nerve agent that can be delivered in artillery shells, among other means of delivery……………………..


This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities,” she added in a recent interview on Swiss-Italian television……………….


“There is no rational human being that would think the Syrian army would inflict casualties on itself,” he said, considering that some 15 Syrian army soldiers were killed in the explosion……………


He claimed that the weapons with Sarin were “manufactured in Turkey and funneled to the terrorists.”


He said that some 65,000 tons of heavy weapons have been funneled into Turkey from Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia……………….


Sources say that the chemical weapons used in this attack had been prepared by former Iraqi Military Industries Brig. Gen. Adnan al-Dulaimi and supplied to Baath-affiliated terrorists of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front in Aleppo through Turkey’s cooperation…………….


“The 80 mm mortar shells which landed in Khan al-Assal and killed dozens of people were armed with the latest product of Dulaimi’s hidden laboratories sent to the Nusra members for testing,” the source said


“Also at his order, several former Iraqi military industries engineers trained the Syrian terrorists on how to use these chemical weapons,” the source said …………………




21-6-2013: VIDEO: Syrian 'rebels' behead man, execute 2 women (http://www.wnd.com)


…………….. video on YouTube showing a group of Syrian “rebels” brutally beheading a man and shooting two women and tossing their bodies down a hole in the ground………………………


Reliable sources have identified the Syrian Islamic terrorists in the video as members of Syria’s al-Nusra Front, a group of radical Islamic terrorists that are allied with al-Qaida in Iraq……………..


These same sources explained to WND the man beheaded in the video and the two women shot were most likely supporters of the Syrian regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and/or secular Muslims who did not embrace the goal of the al-Nursa Front to establish a religious government in Syria after deposing the Assad regime……………………




19-6-2013: Special Report: Syria's Islamists seize control as moderates dither (http://www.reuters.com)


The Islamist ascendancy has amplified the sectarian nature of the war between Sunni Muslim rebels and the Shi'ite supporters of Assad……………


"We were looking for good people. But who was willing to work for me and help me? Those who used to go to bars, to fight with people and steal. Those are the people who allied with me and fought against the regime."………………..


"Our members in Aleppo were stealing openly. Others stole everything and were taking Syria's goods to sell outside the country. I was against any bad action committed by Ghurabaa al-Sham. However, things happened and opinion turned against us," he said……………..


The Islamists are more energetic and better organized. The main two hardline groups to emerge in Syria are Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra, an al Qaeda offshoot that has claimed responsibility for dozens of suicide bombings, including several in Damascus in which civilians were killed…..




19-6-2013: Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria: The Obama Administration is a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Known and documented, Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, which has covertly supported the “Islamic Terror Network” since the heyday of the Soviet Afghan war…………….


The support of Al Nusrah, an affiliate of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), is no longer channeled in secrecy as part of a CIA-MI6 covert operation, it is now being supported –in a semi-official fashion– as part of a US foreign policy agenda. The latter is also part of America’s diplomatic discourse, implemented in consultation with Britain, Canada, Germany and France….


While intelligence covert ops continue to perform an important role, Washington’s support to Al Qaeda in Syria is now “out in the open”, within the public domain. It is no longer part of a secret undertaking. It is part of the mainstay of US foreign policy, ………………….


Everybody knows that Al Qaeda is now directly supported by the US government………………


Moreover, it begs the embarrassing question: Why is the US president supporting Al Nusrah, which is on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations?............


The evidence amply confirms that the CIA never severed its ties to the “Islamic Militant Network”. Historically, US covert support to terrorists was a safely guarded secret, unknown to the broader public…………………


Paradoxically, covert support to the terrorists by Western intelligence agencies (including the CIA, MI6, Germany’s BND) is an essential instrument of the “Global War on Terrorism.” …..


Now let us examine in more detail the Al Nusrah Front, which constitutes the main rebel fighting force in Syria. Al Nusrah is affiliated to Al Qaeda. The leader of Al Nusra, Abu Mohammad al-Golani, has pledged his allegiance to Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who replaced Osama bin Laden after his death…………..


Al Nusrah is financed by Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel in close consultation with NATO and the Pentagon…………..


The Obama administration has openly confirmed its support for the Syrian rebels with most of this aid channeled to Al Nusrah…………….


…………. The US has never ceased to support Al Qaeda. These terrorist organizations were created by US intelligence and supported by Washington. The blowback thesis is refuted not only by Obama’s “overt support” of Al Nusrah but also with regard to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), an Al Qaeda affiliate, which was directly supported by NATO from the outset of the insurgency and Libya bombing campaign in 2011…..




19-6-2013: The Lies of Empire: Don’t Believe a Word They Say (http://www.blackagendareport.com)


Back in Syria, the reluctant domino, blood samples taken from alleged victims of chemical weapons are sent to the Americans by jihadists in their employ to prove that Assad really, really, must go. Obama announces that he is going to do what he has actually been doing for a very long time: send weapons to the “rebels.” ……………………..




19-6-2013: Western arms for Syrian rebels could end up in Europe: Putin (http://www.presstv.ir)


Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Western states against providing weapons to Syrian militants who have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, saying the arms could one day end up in Europe….


"Is it these people that the Europeans want to supply arms? What happens next with those weapons? Who will control in which hands they end up? They could possibly (end up) in Europe,"…….


"We are supplying weapons under legal contracts to the legal government. That is the government of President Assad. And if we are going to sign such contracts, we are going to deliver," he stated




19-6-2013: Al-Nusra Front assassinates Free Syrian Army officers: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


The al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front has assassinated a large number of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) officers, a report says….


Fearing the influence of al-Nusra Front, most FSA officers do not have the courage to speak out about numerous treasons committed by the al-Qaeda offshoot against the ongoing revolt in Syria…….




19-6-2013: Sending arms to Syria is irrational and dangerous (http://www.aljazeera.com)


Syria is an arena for competing foreign powers to fight for regional influence, and the Obama administration's dangerous escalation of US involvement in this sectarian powder keg holds the potential to trigger an even worse calamity………………………….


From very early on, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, with help from the US, Jordan and Turkey, reportedly funded and armed Syria's Sunni rebels in their quest to topple the Assad regime. This lethal support increased even as the make-up of Syria's rebel opposition became progressively foreign and extreme, with Sunni insurgents from Iraq crossing the border into Syria to fight………….


Indeed, some of the disparate factions of rebel fighters being supported indirectly by the US are thought to be the very same fighters the US fought as insurgents in Iraq. Al-Qaeda in Iraq crossed the border into Syria and formed Jabhat al-Nusra,………………..


Even if the pretext of chemical weapons use were totally credible, the Obama administration's response here is extraneous………………………………..




18-5-2013: People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian “Rebels” (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)

Americans, Britons, French, Turks Oppose War Against Syria………………………………


18-6-2013: Assad Warns Europe: Arm the Rebels and Pay the Price (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


“If the Europeans deliver weapons (to rebels), Europe’s backyard will become a terrorists’ place and Europe will pay the price for it,” …..


The Syrian President also insisted that European efforts to distinguish between “good” and “bad” rebels when it comes to shipping weapons would be like "differentiating between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban a few years ago, or a 'good' and 'bad' Al-Qaeda”……………..


"If Paris, London and Washington had only one piece of evidence backing up their allegations, they would have unveiled it to the world.”…………..




17-6-2013: Ron Paul: Obama's Syria Policy Looks Like Bush's 'Deception Campaign' Before Iraq War (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)


"The process was identical to the massive deception campaign that led us into the Iraq war," Paul wrote in his weekly column, pointing to a Washington Post report that revealed President Barack Obama's administration had decided to arm Syrian rebels before it had officially confirmed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces had used chemical weapons against them……


Paul urged readers not to believe the administration's promises of a "limited operation," saying that the initial steps sounded "an awful lot like how Vietnam started……………




17-6-2013: The Chemical Weapons Pretext for War on Syria: A Pack of Lies (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


And what a leap of faith to place one’s trust in the integrity of the U.S. intelligence community!  After all, that would be the very same intelligence community which claimed it a “slam dunk” that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction; the very same intelligence apparatus now snooping on the communications of virtually every American….




17-6-2013: Russia says it will not allow Syria no-fly zones (http://www.jpost.com)


"I think we fundamentally will not allow this scenario," Lukashevich told a news briefing, adding that calls for a no-fly zone showed disrespect for international law………………..


He said Russia did not want a scenario in Syria that resembled the events in Libya after the imposition of a no-fly zone which enabled NATO aircraft to help rebels overthrow Muammar Gaddafi……………….




17-6-2013: Syria: Putin backs Assad and berates west over proposal to arm rebels (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


Putin said: "You will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras. Are these the people you want to support? Is it them who you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to humanitarian values that have been preached in Europe for hundreds of years……………..




16-6-2013: Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid President Assad forces in Syria (http://www.independent.co.uk)


Washington’s excuse for its new Middle East adventure – that it must arm Assad’s enemies because the Damascus regime has used sarin gas against them – convinces no-one in the Middle East.  Final proof of the use of gas by either side in Syria remains almost as nebulous as President George W. Bush’s claim that Saddam’s Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction


For the real reason why America has thrown its military power behind Syria’s Sunni rebels is because those same rebels are now losing their war against Assad…………..




16-6-2013: UK PM to arm savage Syrian militants? (http://www.presstv.ir)


British Prime Minister David Cameron says it is vital to send arms to “moderate” militants in Syria despite confirmed evidence of savagery among the very groups the west tends to call moderate…..


Farouq Brigade is one of the two key military arms of the so-called Free Syrian Army….


The so-called Free Syrian Army is the group the western governments, including Britain, want to arm to oust and replace the government of Syrian president Bashar al-Asad…..




16-6-2013: Obama Has Crossed The “Red Line” on Syria: Interview with Michel Chossudovsky (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


………This is a nonsensical statement because all the evidence that we have to date points to the fact that the rebels, namely al-Nusra, which is a terrorist organization, has chemical weapons in its possession……


They said that there was no evidence to the effect that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons against the civilian population, but there was evidence to be confirmed that the rebels had chemical weapons and that they were using them against civilians…………………


So we have a lot of evidence which incriminates the US-NATO-Israeli backed al-Qaeda affiliated rebel forces, namely al-Nusra, which is also on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations….




16-6-2013: Putin says West arming Syrian rebels who eat human flesh (http://news.yahoo.com)


“One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras," Putin said ……


"Are these the people you want to support? Are they the ones you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to the humanitarian values preached in Europe for hundreds of years.”…………………





15-6-2013: Syria: The Libya II scenario (http://english.alarabiya.net)


Barack Obama surprised us by changing his stance and by adopting a more aggressive policy on Syria, one that is close to a declaration of war…………………


The focus will now shift towards the overthrow of the regime through a mixture of foreign interference and supporting the Syrian rebels on the battlefield……………..


At this point, the FSA received massive support mainly from Saudi Arabia, a country at the forefront of managing the crisis. The Jordanian front was opened to provide important humanitarian and logistic aid and huge amounts of arms were received by opposition fighters……………


The Gulf’s statements, in addition to Britain’s and France’s, sounded the alarm in Washington and relayed the idea that Iran’s occupation of such a big country as Syria would alter the entire region’s power structure…………………




15-6-2013: In Syria, do Americans hear echoes of Vietnam and Iraq? (http://www.csmonitor.com)


In deciding to provide weapons to rebels fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad – too late, in the view of many critics…………………




15-6-2013: Assad Prepares Offensive as Obama Promises Rebels Arms (http://www.bloomberg.com)


Arming the Syrian rebels is unlikely to tip the balance in their favor,” said Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Institution’s Doha Center. “It might have made a difference a year ago, but, today, the Assad regime -- particularly after re-taking Qusair -- has the advantage……


Worse, Syria now threatens to become a larger proxy war, said two administration officials familiar with the internal policy debate who asked not to be identified discussing the classified arms shipments. Iran, Hezbollah and Russia are allied with Assad, while the U.S., U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and other predominately Sunni nations are backing the rebels, they said………..


Ya’alon said the Syrian regime controls about 40 percent of the nation, with the rest in the hands of Sunnis and Kurds. The rebels are fragmented, with Muslim Brotherhood factions supported by Turkey and Qatar, others backed by Saudi Arabia, and al-Qaeda extremists coming in from Iraq with a goal of destabilizing the region extending to Lebanon, he said…….




15-6-2013: US to start arming Syrian rebels, but will it make much difference? (http://www.csmonitor.com)


Analysts and high-ranking military officials within the Pentagon, however, are warning that this plan may have dangerous and unintended consequences, including drawing the United States into another war in the Middle East……………..


Rebels have been supplied with arms from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other neighboring countries vying for influence in the region………………..




15-6-2013: No Evidence of Syria WMDs… And Still a Call for War? Again? Obama Pushes for a “No Fly Zone” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Whether it’s running guns and weapons into Syria or US and NATO soldiers (many already positioned around Syria’s borders), or implementing a “No Fly Zone” and bombing the country back to 1960, as was the case with Libya two years ago, the trifecta of the US, Great Britain and France (with Israel and Turkey hiding in the shadows) are determined to destroy Syria and increase the overall instability in the region………………..


…………. because in 2013, even the UN has already given its assessment that it was in fact those US and Saudi/Qatari-backed terrorist ‘rebels’ fighters – many professional foreign fighters working in Syria under the al Qaeda banner – who have been caught red-handed using a type of chemical weapon on the Syrian people – and not Bashar al Assad’s government forces……………


So where do the lies end and the truth begin with this administration in Washington? It’s so hard to tell right now, as telling the truth has become a taboo practice these days in Washington……………


Another pathetic President being used as a minion and tool of the global energy and defense industries and a pawn of the Israeli lobby running Washington’s foreign policy………..




15-6-2013: US arms will lead to ‘uncontrolled sectarian violence’ in Syria (http://rt.com)


Sending US weapons to the Syrian opposition will trigger a wave of chaotic violence, an ex-Pentagon official told RT. The arms could end up in the hands of Al-Qaeda or Al-Nusra Front and only serve to prolong the conflict…………….


In my view, we have to be very skeptical. I was at the Pentagon when intelligence assessments were made regarding Iraq and its WMD programs, and we know what the results were. A trillion dollars later, 4,500 [American] lives and we have nothing to show for it and there were no WMD. As previous commentators have pointed out, US intelligence assessments have to be looked at very, very carefully………………………..


I think the United States is acting at the behest of Qatar and Saudi Arabia in order to push the Sunni-Wahabi agenda into Syria and ultimately into Lebanon - and this is very, very dangerous…………


US allies, especially France and Britain, have been pushing the US and Mr. Obama in particular towards this decision. …………. In the past week, former President Clinton’s comments describing Mr. Obama as a "fool" if he didn’t intervene in Syria really hurt Obama’s pride, and I think he made this decision against the background of both domestic and foreign pressures……………….




15-6-2013: By arming al-Qaeda in Syria, Obama's transformation into Bush is now complete (http://www.naturalnews.com)


Obama's "chemical weapons" claims against Syria are woven from the same fabric as Bush's "weapons of mass destruction" claims against Iraq. That fabric is, of course, fiction. Neither claim has any basis in reality, but they make a great story that can be spoon-fed to the American people by CNN, the Comedy News Network………………..


The story CNN won't tell you, however, is that Obama has chosen to arm -- who else? -- al-Qaeda, ……


So now it's in your face, you see: Obama is arming terrorists. Not just any terrorists, but THE terrorists that Bush claimed justified the rise of the entire U.S. police state reach-down-your-pants spy grid security theater apparatus……………




14-6-2013: Syria chemical weapons accusations ‘a means of justifying further military action’


The ‘red line’ drawn by the US over chemical weapons usage is a standard not applied to Syrian rebels, despite the same ‘red line’ being used for the Syrian government, Abayomi Azikwe, editor of the pan-African news wire, tells RT……………….


I believe that this of course is being utilized to provide a rationale and a justification for the escalation of military, political as well as diplomatic pressure against the Syrian government…..


It’s no strange phenomenon that this is taking place right in the aftermath of the routing of the rebels in the Al Kussur just over a week ago. And of course these developments on the ground, inside Syria do not bode well for US interests which are exclusively designed to bring about the downfall of the government of President Bashar al-Assad…………..


Well, this is very interesting – the fact that this UN investigator is claiming that there is evidence that would suggest that the Western-backed opposition forces have been using sarin gas – we don’t hear hardly anything in this regard as it relates to the US State Department, the Department of Defense, or the White House…………………….


So they won’t take into consideration any human rights violations, any crimes against humanity that are being committed by the opposition forces. But any opportunity, whether it is justified or whether it’s a complete fabrication, that they can blame the Syrian government for committing crimes, they immediately move in that direction as a means of justifying further military action…………..




14-6-2013: Syria no-fly zone: US to throw 'gas on the flames'? (http://rt.com)


On Thursday, the Obama administration authorized the arming of rebels, and the Pentagon decided that it would keep its F-16 fighter jets and Patriot anti-aircraft missiles in Jordan after taking part in the drill, according to a US defense official, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity……………


It seems to me this is a very dangerous and ominous moment, particularly as Sunni clerics have just met in Cairo, Egypt and called for a holy war against the Assad regime. Instead of trying to calm things down, it seems to me the Obama administration is about to throw gas on the flames,” author and historian Gerald Horne told RT……………..


The US’s next steps are held with suspicion and apprehension in both Moscow and Beijing after the Libyan débâcle, in which a ‘no-fly zone’ erupted into a full-scale NATO bombing campaign, tipping the balance in favor of Libyan rebels and allowing them to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi…………………




14-6-2013: Decision to arm Syrian rebels was reached weeks ago, U.S. officials say (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


President Obama’s decision to begin arming the Syrian rebels followed more than a year of internal debate over whether it was worth the dual risks of involving the United States in another war and seeing U.S. weapons fall into the hands of extremist groups among the rebels…………..


But U.S. officials said that the determination to send weapons had been made weeks ago and that the chemical weapons finding provided fresh justification to act…………….


In taking a modest first step onto Syria’s battlefield, Obama is joining a proxy war far more complicated than it was even a few months ago…………………




14-6-2013: President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria (http://www.thenewamerican.com)


The "varying degrees of confidence" the Obama administration has claimed for intelligence reports of chemical weapons use by government forces in Syria may become more varied and less confident if evidence cited by a United Nations investigator is substantiated. Reuters reported from Geneva on Sunday that one member of a UN team looking into human rights violations in Syria's two-year-old civil war said the evidence pointed to use of sarin gas by the rebel forces……………….


While the United Nations has certainly not proven itself trustworthy, nor should its findings ever be accepted as persuasive by the government of the United States, the report it filed indicating possible use of sarin gas by the opposition army that the United States is now arming should be enough to give the president pause………………



14-6-2013: Syria: US 'to arm rebels' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)




14-6-2013: US Chemical Weapons Report in Syria ‘Fabricated’ – Russian MP (http://en.ria.ru)


A US government report concluding Syria has used chemical weapons against rebels, crossing what US President Barack Obama has previously described as a “red line,” is a fabrication, a senior Russian lawmaker said Friday….


“Information about the usage of chemical weapons by [Syrian President Bashar] Assad is fabricated in the same way as the lie about [Saddam] Hussein's weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq],” Alexei Pushkov,……




14-6-2013: Americans on Both Sides of the Aisle Oppose War In Syria (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


14-6-2013: Russia: US claims of Syria chemical arms use unconvincing (http://www.jpost.com)


Information the United States provided Russia over suspected use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces "does not look convincing," President Vladimir Putin's senior foreign policy adviser said on Friday……………….




14-6-2013: Man Behind Syrian ‘Chemical Weapons’ Claim Is Fiction Writer Who Ran Benghazi Cover-Up (http://www.infowars.com)


Ben Rhodes, the White House national security advisor behind the claim that President Bashar Al-Assad used chemical weapons in Syria, is a fiction writer with zero educational background in government, diplomacy or national security who also played a key role in covering up the truth behind the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi………………………..


As Stephen Hayes documents in a lengthy Weekly Standard piece, Rhodes was instrumental in altering CIA talking points to delete references to Islamic terrorists being involved in the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi……………….


“Just a few weeks ago the US Intelligence Community did not believe claims that the Syrian government used chemicals, then, after scolded by the Israelis they changed their tune to a very qualified “maybe.”…………………….


In pledging to increase military support for Syrian rebels and preparing a no fly zone, the Obama administration is openly aiding terrorists who have sworn allegiance to Al-Qaeda……


----- FSA rebels have vowed to “fight the U.S.” once they finish with Bashar Al-Assad




14-6-2013: U.S. mulling no-fly zone after Syria crosses 'red line' on chemical weapons (http://www.haaretz.com)


The United States is considering imposing a no-fly zone in Syria, its first direct military intervention of the two-year-old civil war…….


"Washington is considering a no-fly zone to help Assad's opponents," one diplomat said…….




14-6-2013: Arrest Obama Under NDAA For Supporting Terrorists in Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


Although the administration has attempted to differentiate between FSA militants and Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria, the two groups have become one and the same…………


By announcing that his administration will arm the Syrian rebels in anticipation of a no fly zone being imposed over areas of the country, President Barack Obama is giving direct support, aid and comfort to terrorists……………………..



----- FSA rebels have committed innumerable sectarian murders, including beheading a man for being a Christian and feeding him to the dogs……………..

----- FSA rebels have also forced children to behead people and carry out other atrocities

----- Earlier this week, FSA rebels slaughtered a 14-year-old boy for supposedly insulting Mohammed




14-6-2013: The Forbidden Truth: The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, Obama is a Liar and a Terrorist. Who has Crossed the "Red Line"? Barack Obama and John Kerry are Supporting a Terrorist Organization on the State Department List (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


A WMD saga modeled on Iraq based on fabricated evidence is unfolding. The Western media in chorus relentlessly accuse the Syrian government of premeditated mass-murder, calling upon the “international community” to come to the rescue of the Syrian people…………………..


The chemical weapons pretext is being used to justify further military aid to the rebels, which in large part have been decimated by Syrian government forces.


These defeated opposition rebel forces –largely composed of the Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusrah– are supported by Turkey, Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia……………………………..


US-NATO-Israel have lost the ground war. Their Al Nusrah Front fighters, which constitute the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, cannot, under any circumstances, be rapidly rebuilt through a renewed flow of US-NATO military aid…………………….


The chemical weapons accusations are fabricated. In a bitter irony, the evidence amply confirms that the chemical weapons are being used not by Syrian government forces but by the US supported Al Qaeda rebels……………………….


The Western media is feeding disinformation into the news chain, casually refuting its own news reports………………….


While president Obama accuses Bashar Al Assad, the US-NATO military alliance is channeling chemical weapons to Al Nusrah, a terrorist organization on the State Department blacklist………………..


While Washington points its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry confirmed in May 2013 that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in their possession and are using sarin nerve against the civilian population……………….


What is unfolding is a diabolical scenario –which is an integral part of US military planning– namely a situation where opposition terrorists of the al Nusrah Front advised by Western defense contractors are actually in possession of chemical weapons……………….


Washington’s “Go Between” is the Head of the FSA Supreme Military Council Brigadier General Salem Idriss [right], who is permanent liaison with the Al Nusrah military commanders….


Secretary of State John Kerry meets representatives of the Syrian opposition. US officials meet with General Idriss. The latter, acting on behalf of the Pentagon, channels money and weapons to the terrorists…………………..


US support to terrorists is always sent through a trusted intermediary……………..


Yet at the same time, the Security Council decision casually dismissed the fact, amply documented, that three permanent members of the Council, namely Britain, France and the US continue to provide military aid to the Jabbat Al Nusrah Front, in defiance of international law and the UN Charter…………….




13-6-2013: Rand Paul: No War On Middle Eastern Christianity (http://www.theamericanconservative.com)


“It is clear that American taxpayer dollars are being used to enable a war on Christianity in the Middle East and I believe that must end……………


Middle East Christian communities are anonymous in American political life. We never pay attention to them. American Jews understandably focus their concerns about the Middle East on the welfare of Israel. I don’t blame them…..


American intervention in Iraq has resulted in the destruction of many Christian communities, and their exile. As evil as Bashar Assad is, his regime has been a defender of Syrian Christians. If Assad falls, it will likely be a bloodbath for the country’s Christians, at the hands of Islamists……




12-6-2013: Syria Militants Massacre Christian Village Population (Graphic Images)


13-6-2013: France Channels Weapons to Syrian Al Qaeda Terrorists Involved in Massacre of Civilians in Hatlah village, Der Ezzor (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The Western press was mute on the Syrian war on June 12th as reports came of another massacre carried out by the so called ‘rebels’, who are in fact members of al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda affiliated groups. Among those massacred in the village of Hatlah in the region of Deir e Zohr were dozens of women and children. Reports of the massacre vary from 30 to 100……….


There was no condemnation of the massacre of Hatlah from the Quai D’Orsay either. Thousands of massacres have been committed by the western-backed terrorists since the outbreak of the conflict in Syria in 2011, most of not all have been ignored by the French government…………..


The killers posted a video on the internet where they boasted about their slaughter of civilians in the village, chanting ‘Allah akbar’ as they showed the remains of their ‘raafidis’(derogatory term for Shiite) victims. This is not the script Nato’s media agencies find useful……………………..


Syrian and Kuwaiti killers entered the village of Hatlah on Tuesday, June 11th, marked out Shiite houses for destruction and proceeded to burn them down. Ibrahim Said, a local cleric, his wife and two girls of 4 and 2 were taken out and butchered to death………………


According to reports, hundreds of the remaining inhabitants of the town were abducted by the terrorists, who call themselves the Al Mut’aa Brigade. The location of the abductees is currently unknown…………………..


It is possible that the leader of the death squad who murdered and abducted the citizens of Hatlah may some day meet his biggest French supporter, Laurent Fabius. Like his American colleague Senator John McCain, Fabius apparently met with Syrian terrorist Mohammad Noor recently. Noor is the leader of a terrorist group who kidnapped Christians in Lebanon last year. Their whereabouts remain unknown……………………


The French military-industrial-media complex is raging for the re-colonization of Syria, and its loyal public relations newsletter Le Monde is doing everything in its power to serve its war mongering masters. The butchered citizens of Hatlah failed to make headlines yesterday because there was good news for those Syrians who have not yet been killed by car bombs or massacred in their homes: the French government wants to give the terrorists more arms……………….




13-6-2013: UN: At least 93,000 people killed in Syria (http://www.aljazeera.com)


Almost 93,000 people were killed in Syria's conflict by the end of April this year, but the true number could be "potentially much higher", the United Nations human rights office says….


"The constant flow of killings continues at shockingly high levels," said Navi Pillay, the UN high commissioner for human rights. "This is most likely a minimum casualty figure. The true number of those killed is potentially much higher…………………..


An average of more than 5,000 people have been killed every month since last July,…..


"We've all seen videos and photos of children who have been tortured to death, children who have been summarily executed, "……………


"We've seen entire families that have been slaughtered, including babies……………..




13-6-2013: With Scandals Raging At Home, Obama (Conveniently) Discovers Chemical Weapons Use in Syria (http://www.lewrockwell.com)


The entirety of the US corporate media is breathlessly -- and, predictably, in lockstep -- amplifying the Obama administration's sudden amazingly convenient discovery that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons after all!.................................


Just a few weeks ago the US Intelligence Community did not believe claims that the Syrian government used chemicals, then, after scolded by the Israelis they changed their tune to a very qualified "maybe."……………………




13-6-2013: Syria: US Lying on Chemical Weapons Use (http://www.newsmax.com)


"The White House...relied on fabricated information in order to hold the Syrian government responsible for using these weapons, despite a series of statements that confirmed that terrorist groups in Syria have chemical weapons," it said……………




13-6-2013: Clinton calls on Obama to act forcefully in Syria (http://www.jpost.com)


Speaking to a private audience in New York on Wednesday, Bill Clinton said that US President Barack Obama risks looking like "a total fool" if he chooses to follow opinion polls on American involvement in Syria too closely when deciding US policy on the conflict………………


Clinton was speaking at an event with John McCain, who recently visited with rebel forces inside Syria………………




12-6-2013: Syria Militants Massacre Christian Village Population (Graphic Images)


The massacre, carried out by Free Syrian Army militants reportedly targeted men, women and children in the Christian village of al-Duwayr/Douar close to the city of Homs and the border with Lebanon. The incident received little media attention, having occurred at the same time as thousands of Syrian troops converged on the insurgent-occupied town of al-Qusayr………… ………………


According to sources, around 350 heavily armed militants entered the village, broke into homes and assembled residents in the main square of the village where they were executed. The final death toll is not known but photos show severe damage to property in the village……………….




12-6-2013: Video Hatlah massacre. Alert: NATO False Flags to Increase in Syria by Massacres (http://www.syrianews.cc)


More than 60 civilians mostly women and children were massacred by terrorists from one of the ‘Free Syrian Army’ branches, most likely the Wahhabi Nusra Front in the Hatlah town, Der Ezzor countryside, north of Syria. The town consists of mostly Shiite residents. Some of the top scholars and their families were among the slaughtered, many were kidnapped by the Wahhabi attackers………




12-6-2013: Syria opposition: Rebels kill 60 pro-regime Shi'ites (http://www.jpost.com)


Sunni Muslim insurgents have killed about 60 Shi'ite Muslims in a rebel-held eastern Syrian town where President Bashar Assad's agents had been trying to recruit and arm fighters for his cause, according to opposition sources on Wednesday………………………


"We have raised the banner 'There is no God but God' above the houses of the apostate rejectionists, the Shi'ites, and the holy warriors are celebrating," the voice of the cameraman says…………..


Three of the men killed were three Shi'ite clerics. They were executed and hung on the gates of the town,………………




11-6-2013: Syria crisis: Damascus hit by double 'suicide bombing' (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


Two suicide bombers have blown themselves up in the centre of the Syrian capital, Damascus, killing 14 people, Syrian state media says………………..


Since then, a major counteroffensive by regime forces has pushed the rebels back from the nearby suburbs, especially on the eastern and southern flanks of the capital………..


In view of the Syrian regime's advance, Washington could decide this week to start arming the rebels, US officials say…………………




11-6-2013: Syria War: Twin Bombings Strike Damascus (http://news.sky.com)


Two bombs have killed 14 people in Damascus amid reports that a teenage boy was executed in front of his family by Islamist militiamen accusing him of blasphemy…………


They exploded in Marjeh Square, located in the heart of the Syrian capital, which has been rocked several times by bombings during the two-year-old uprising against President Bashar al Assad…………..


Pictures purporting to show the boy's bloodied face were posted on the internet, prompting a strong condemnation of his killing from the mainstream opposition, which seeks to distance itself from Islamist fighters…………


11-6-2013: Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood: The Social Uprising against “Brother Erdogan” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Across North Africa—with the exception of Algeria—the Muslim Brotherhood have been placed in power by Hillary Clinton. Everywhere, Turkish communications advisors are on board, courtesy of the Erdogan government. Everywhere, “democracy” was a facade which allowed the Brothers to Islamize firms in exchange for embracing the pseudo-liberal capitalism of the United States…………….


Over the past ten years, the Brotherhood has stayed under the radar, leaving the transformation of public education in the hands of the sect run by Fethullah Gülen, of which President Abdullah Gül is a member……………….


The Brothers purveyed the ideology of Al-Qaeda, through one of their members: Ayman al-Zawahiri, the organizer President Sadat’s assassination and currently the leader of the terrorist organization……………………….


In addition, he put behind bars the highest number of journalists for an individual counry. This fact has been obscured by the Western media, unwilling to criticize a NATO member……………..


By overthrowing him, the Turks would be solving not only their own problems, but would also be putting an end to the war against Syria…………………….




10-6-2013: Israel avoids US debate on arming Syrian rebels (http://www.jpost.com)


With the Obama administration set to hold meetings this week on whether to arm opposition forces in Syria, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made clear on Monday that Israel was not getting involved in that discussion…………….


The official said that when asked, Netanyahu’s standard reply is that it is necessary to “think carefully about which arms, and which rebels……………….


Assad also said that he sees the balance of power in Syria shifting to the government’s side. And this is despite the fact that the “terrorists” are smuggling fighters and weapons through all of the borders………………….




10-6-2013: Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report


10-6-2013: Syrian rebels execute teenage boy for ‘heresy’ - report (GRAPHIC PHOTO) (http://rt.com)


An al-Qaeda-affiliated opposition group has allegedly executed a teenage boy in Syria in front of his family, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports. The boy was shot by the group for supposedly blaspheming…………..


15-year-old Mohammad Qataa was taken hostage by the extremist group and was then summarily executed in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday night…………..




10-6-2013: Steinitz: Assad may prevail in Syria's civil war (http://www.jpost.com)


Syrian President Bashar Assad, backed by Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah, may prevail in the more than two-year-old uprising against him, International Relations and Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said on Monday……………




10-6-2013: US speeds up decision for arming Syria militants with lethal weapons (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The US may approve delivery of lethal weapons to militants in Syria as soon as this week as Syrian army is making rapid advances against the foreign-backed militants, a new report says………….


The Syrian army has regained control of the strategic city of Qusayr near Lebanon's border with Syrian forces making significant advances against militants in other parts of the country ……………..




10-6-2013: Syria’s Qusair Victory Matters: US-NATO-Israel Supported Death Squads Defeated (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


“Whoever controls Qusair control the center of the country, and whoever controls the center of the country controls all of Syria………………….


A previous article cited a recent NATO study. It shows 70% of Syrians support Assad. They do so for good reason. They’re outraged about foreign intervention………………


Western-backed death squads are responsible for mass killing and destruction. They’ve committed appalling atrocities. Syrians want them routed and defeated. They want their sovereignty respected. They want peace and stability restored………………………..


LA Times writers said Syrians “view the president as holding back a wave of Islamic extremists funded by Turkey, Arab states and the West…………………….


Whether Washington plans US-led NATO intervention bears close watching. Israel’s very much involved. Netanyahu actively supports Al Qaeda and other extremist Islamists…….




9-6-2013: Humanitarian Crisis in Syria: “The West should Pay War Reparations to Syria”. Interview with Michel Chossudovsky (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


And essentially if Western powers put a moratorium on their support to these al-Qaeda affiliated rebels, the war is over – at least, the ground war is over……………..


And I think what we should be raising at this stage is that it is well established that this war was waged by the United States, NATO and Israel with the support of the [Persian] Gulf states, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in particular and that under international law what is now required is war reparations…………………..


let us put the “humanitarian dimension” aside and focus on the billions and billions of dollars of war reparations, which are due to the Syrian government as a result of the illegal support of these terrorist formations in Syria, which constitute essentially the ground forces – the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance……………………..


We’ve known from day one that Israel has supported al-Qaeda. And we also know that Israel has channeled weapons and logistic support to the rebels in the areas surrounding the occupied areas of the Golan Heights. And in fact Israel even established a hospital facility for the al-Qaeda rebels and was busing them back and forth, taking the wounded to the hospital and then sending them back to the war theatre……………………


Israel was involved in acts of aggression against a sovereign state together with NATO, particularly Turkey, Britain, France, the United States. French and British Special Forces, including SAS forces, MI6 and CIA agents were involved – We know it because it’s documented. Who is training the rebels in chemical weapons? The Western military alliance……………………..


……………….accusing the government of using chemical weapons against civilians when in fact CNN confirms that Western forces are training the rebels in the use of chemical weapons;……..


So we know that all this is fabrication, whereby the Western military alliance is accusing the government of committing atrocities, which they themselves have committed…………………


This war has reached a point of transition. If there is no intervention on the part of the Western military alliance, the war is over……………………………..




9-6-2013: Senator John McCain Meets Leaders of Terror Brigade in Syria. The NGOs that Made it Happen (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The recent furore surrounding US senator John McCain’s illegal trip inside Syria, and the supposed ‘rebels’ he was seen posing with alongside Supreme Military Council (SMC) Chief Salim Idriss, have shed further light on what appears to be another corrupt ‘NGO’ enterprise……


According to a source who had previously been in contact with the kidnappers, McCain was allegedly there “to obstruct the efforts…….


It seems that at least one of the organisers for McCains trip: Elizabeth Obagy, named as a “Political Director” of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, is also a “Syria specialist” at what appears to be a Neo-Con led US ‘NGO’ that propagates US militarism on behalf of huge military contractors and ‘defense’ corporations………………………




8-6-2013: Syrian forces capture final rebel stronghold in Qusair (http://www.jpost.com)


Syrian government forces backed by Hezbollah fighters captured on Saturday the village of Buwayda, the final rebel stronghold in the area surrounding the town of Qusair, that was seized earlier this week………………




8-6-2013: Assad aide: Signs indicate Israel's Mista'arvim aiding rebels (http://www.ynetnews.com)


In an interview to the Hezbollah affiliated Al Mayadeen network, Bouthaina Shaaban, the top political and media adviser to Syrian President Bashar Assad, claimed that the injured transferred to Israel during the fighting in Quneitra were Israeli soldiers and not rebels, which she called "armed gangs"…………..


"There is no doubt that Israel and the rebels share certain goals, at least in regard's to Israel's interests, and it is redundant to say that there is someone organizing and orchestrating these activities,"……




7-6-2013: Syrian Civil War Becomes a Religious Sectarian War (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The civil war in Syria is becoming a religious war which splits the Muslim world between Sunnis and Shiites, notes Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevi…..


Rebels in Deir ez-Zor proclaimed war against the Shiites following their defeat in the battle in Al-Qusayr. ………..…..


Senior clerics in Saudi Arabia have backed the position of Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, who attacked Iran and Hizbullah over their support of Assad and warned of the Shiites’ attempts to take over Sunni states…………




7-6-2013: US Marines deployed along Jordan border with Syria: Report (http://www.presstv.ir)


Over 1,000 US troops, who had arrived in the Jordanian port of Aqaba via Israel earlier in the week, have headed toward the kingdom's border area with Syria under heavy Jordanian military escort, Israeli sources reported on Friday…..




5-6-2013: U.N. cautious about French claims Syrian forces used nerve gas (http://www.reuters.com)


U.N. investigators reacted cautiously on Wednesday to France's announcement that laboratory tests proved that President Bashar al-Assad's forces had used nerve gas in Syria's civil war, saying it was vital to know the chain of custody of the samples………………


The White House also reacted cautiously to the French announcement, saying on Tuesday the United States was not ready to say the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the war-ravaged country……………………….


5-6-2013: Syrian rebels lose strategic town in boost for Assad (http://www.reuters.com/)


Syrian government forces and their Lebanese Hezbollah allies seized control of the border town of Qusair on Wednesday, a severe setback to rebel fighters battling to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad……………………….


The capture of Qusair secures an important corridor through the central province of Homs, which links the Syrian capital Damascus to the coastal heartland of Assad's minority Alawite sect…..


France and Britain last month forced the European Union to drop its ban on arming the rebels, but have not yet said if they plan to go down that path…..




5-6-2013: The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga: The Staging of a US-NATO Sponsored Humanitarian Disaster? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


While Washington  points its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry has confirmed [May 2013] that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in their possession and are using sarin nerve against the civilian population….


Ironically, when the chemical weapons pretext was first launched by the Pentagon in August 2012, the accusations were not directed against President Bashar al Assad…….. Quite the opposite. According to the Pentagon, the operation was to ensure that Syria’s WMDs, which allegedly had been “left unguarded” in military bunkers around the country would not fall in the hands of opposition jihadist rebels who are fighting government forces………………..


And once these Al Qaeda rebels had been supplied and trained in the use of WMDs by military contractors hired by the Pentagon, the Syrian government would then be held responsible for using the WMD against the Syrian people……………………….




5-6-2013: US and its Western allies threaten Syria with military action (http://www.presstv.ir)


The US and its Western allies are trying to pave the way for a possible military intervention in Syria, as the government has secured victories over foreign-backed militants on different fronts….


Meanwhile, France and the UK say the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against militants, a claim Damascus has rejected as “lies.” ……………..




5-6-2013: Syria: Victory in Qusair a message to Zionist enemy (http://www.jpost.com)


The Syrian army seized control of the strategic border town of Qusair on Wednesday, Syrian media and security sources said, in a major advance for President Bashar Assad's forces in the country's two-year civil war………………..


Rebels said they had pulled out of Qusair, which lies on a cross-border supply route with neighboring Lebanon and where they had fought fierce battles with government forces……………


Assad's forces fought hard to seize Qusair, which had been in rebel hands for over a year, to reassert control of a corridor through the central province of Homs which links Damascus to the coastal heartland of Assad's minority Alawites……………..




5-6-2013: Syrian rebels to Christians: Flee or die! (http://www.wnd.com)


The Christian residents were offered four choices: 1. renounce the ‘idolatry’ of Christianity and convert to Islam; 2. pay a heavy tribute to the Muslims for the privilege of keeping their heads and their Christian faith (this tribute is known as jizya); 3. be killed; 4. flee for their lives, leaving all their belongings behind…………………




5-6-2013: Video: John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, in Violation of US Anti-terrorism Laws (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The United States and its allies are not seeking a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis.


If they were seeking a solution they would disengage in terms of their support to al-Nusra, which is a terrorist organization. ……


And I should also mention that other countries in the region such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey are also recipients of US military aid and much of this military aid is also being used to threaten Syria and to fund the insurrection, which is composed as we know of terrorist death squads…..


4-6-2013: Putin warns against foreign military intervention in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir)


"We once again underscored that any attempts to influence the situation through force and direct military intervention are doomed to failure," Putin said……………….




4-6-2013: Syrian media: Rebels pushed out of Damascus suburb (http://www.kimt.com)


Syrian government forces have pushed rebels battling to topple President Bashar Assad out of a key district on the edge of Damascus, the country’s state news agency reported Tuesday………


The troops have flushed “terrorists” out of positions they have been using to fire mortars into Damascus’ residential areas, the report said but gave no further details………………..


The Syrian government has consistently denied it’s facing a popular uprising since the revolt against Assad’s rule erupted in March 2011, insisting that the army is fighting foreign-backed terrorists who want to destroy the country…………………….




3-6-2013: Doctor in Syria's Qusayr pleads for help (http://www.aljazeera.com)


A doctor in Qusayr told Al Jazeera there were now more than 1,000 injured people in the town and conditions were becoming increasingly dire…..




3-6-2013: Riots are making Turkey too dangerous - says war-torn Syria (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/)


Syria's Foreign Ministry said it advised Syrians "against travel to Turkey for the time being for their own safety, because of the deteriorating security situation in several Turkish cities…………


It has also been a base for Assad's military and political foes, as well as a transit point for weapon supplies flowing into northern Syria…………




2-6-2013: The Chemical Weapon Accusations against Syria are Overshadowing the Insurgent Retreat (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Turkey’s accusations against Syria are part of the Turkish government’s demonization campaign against Damascus that has been used to justify Turkey’s aggressive stance against the Syrians….


These Israeli offensives in Syria involved boots on the ground to gather intelligence and, according the Syrian government, involved Israeli collaboration with the anti-government forces fighting in Syria……………….


Tel Aviv has also been caught spying on the Russian military in the Mediterranean port of Tartous, where three large devices embedded with electronic transmission gear were found off an island monitoring Russian ships……………….


The Turkish government has been unsuccessfully been trying to galvanize the Turkish public to support its unpopular hostile policies against Syria………………………


Turkey’s AKP government has itself been actively supporting terrorism against Syria and allowing foreign forces to use Turkish soil as an infiltration point and logistics base………………


In fact, it turns out that Turkish officials were aware that the terrorist bombings were going to take place. Redhack, a Turkish activist group of internet hackers, released a series of cables revealing that Ankara’s Gendarmerie Intelligence, which is responsible to Turkey’s Ministry of the Interior, was aware that the attacks in Reyhanli were going to take place…………………


All the noise about the Syrian regime using chemical weapons that has been coming from American, Canadian, Israeli, Western European, Turkish, Saudi, and Qatari officials and mainstream media channels is part of the mix too………………………..


Despite the fact that chemical weapons have been used against government supporters in government-controlled areas, the insurgents and Syria’s enemies are trying to blame Damascus for the chemical attacks…………………..


Fingers have also been pointed at Turkey and Israel as suspects. Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff, has even said during an interview on Current TV that the use of chemical weapons in Syria could be the result of a false flag operation, which could have possibly been perpetrated by Israel…………………………


The creation of a new Mediterranean task force by Russia, through the permanent deployment of a contingent of Russian warships from the Russian Pacific Fleet to the Mediterranean Sea, is tied to preventing US and NATO military intervention in Syria…………………


………. the accusations of chemical weapons use that the US and its allies are making against the Syrian government has acted as a smokescreen for ending the European Union weapons embargo on Syria………………….



1-6-2013: Syria: Allow Civilians to Flee from al-Qusayr (http://www.hrw.org)


Syrian government forces and militia fighters are obligated to provide civilians safe passage out of al-Qusayr and surrounding towns……………….


Human Rights Watch expressed grave concern for the safety of the remaining civilian population as well as wounded and captured fighters on all sides…………..




1-6-2013: Video: Hillary Clinton: “We Created Al Qaeda”. The Protagonists of the “Global War on Terrorism” are the Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is led by the United States. It is not directed against Al Qaeda.


Quite the opposite: The “Global War on Terrorism” uses Al Qaeda terrorist operatives as their foot soldiers.


“Political Islam” and the imposition of  an “Islamic State” (modeled on Qatar or Saudi Arabia) is an integral part of US foreign policy.


America is the Terror State.


The GWOT is a diabolical instrument of Worldwide conquest.


It is a means to destabilizing sovereign countries and imposing “regime change”.




1-6-2013: 'UK ready to arm Syria rebels if peace talks fail' (http://www.jpost.com)


Britain is prepared to send arms to Syrian rebels should peace talks set for this month fail to bring about an end to the conflict, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing UK officials……….


France and Britain, the biggest supporters of scrapping the embargo, have officially said they had not yet decided to arm rebel forces in Syria……….


“What I expect is that over the next two or three months, Western powers will move low-grade arms supplies in bulk to the rebels. The rebels need ammunition, and a lot of it, just to keep fighting,”…………………




1-6-2013: American woman, UK man killed fighting alongside Syrian insurgency (http://rt.com/)


An American woman who converted to Islam after falling in love with an Arab immigrant has been killed fighting for opposition forces in Syria along with a UK national and another man, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed……




31-5-2013: Americans Oppose U.S. Military Involvement in Syria (http://www.gallup.com)


Sixty-eight percent of Americans say the United States should not use military action in Syria to attempt to end the civil war there if diplomatic and economic efforts fail, while 24% would favor U.S. military involvement……………………….



31-5-2013: The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis (http://www.strategic-culture.org)


What has one of the most democratic countries of the Middle East, Syria, done to tick off some of its neighbors in the West, the fierce fighters for democracy? The irrationality and unscrupulousness of the approaches Western countries have taken to the Syrian crisis, when the same people who in Europe are considered terrorists are declared «freedom fighters» when it comes to Syria, ……………………


A battle is raging over whether pipelines will go toward Europe from east to west, from Iran and Iraq to the Mediterranean coast of Syria, or take a more northbound route from Qatar and Saudi Arabia via Syria and Turkey……………………….


It is not difficult to notice that the rebellion in Syria began to grow two years ago, almost at the same time as the signing of a memorandum in Bushehr on June 25, 2011 regarding the construction of a new Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline…………


A gas pipeline from Iran would be highly profitable for Syria. Europe would gain from it as well, but clearly someone in the West didn't like it. The West's gas-supplying allies in the Persian Gulf weren't happy with it either, nor was would-be no. 1 gas transporter Turkey, as it would then be out of the game…………


But tiny Qatar, which is no match for Iran in power, makes active use of its connections with the military presence of the U.S. and NATO in the Persian Gulf. On the territory of Qatar are a command node of the Pentagon's Central Command of the U.S. Armed Forces, ………..……




31-5-2013: Will Syria give peace a chance? (http://articles.latimes.com)


Prospects for the proposed conference in Geneva, already uncertain, worsened Thursday when opposition leaders said they wouldn't send representatives until Iranian and Hezbollah fighters left the country and "massacres" stopped………….


Yet despite these obstacles, a conference might prove useful. Increasingly the Syrian conflict is involving other actors in the region — not just Hezbollah, the Islamist militia that wields political power in Lebanon, but also Iran and Israel…………….




31-5-2013: A Proxy War Is Raging In Syria (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


Not only did the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia largely create, sponsor and fund Al Qaeda, but also two other groups fighting on the side of the Syrian rebels: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood…..


As we’ve documented in detail, the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their allies back the Sunni jihadists against Shia Muslims…………………


Of course, the U.S. has been arming the Syrian opposition since 2006……………….




31-5-2013: Balance of power in Syria shifting Assad's way (http://news.yahoo.com)


Government forces have moved steadily against rebels in key areas of the country over the past two months, making strategic advances and considerably lowering the threat to the capital, Damascus……


Military analysts and activists on the ground in Syria say that Assad's forces have shown renewed determination since roughly the beginning of April, moving to recapture areas that had long fallen to rebels…………………..


The army has also successfully pushed back rebels in some areas around the capital. According to residents, that's led to a decline in mortar shells on the city center that only few weeks ago were a daily occurrence………………..




31-5-2013: 'Terrorists from Syria may sneak into Russia' (http://zeenews.india.com)


"We expect that amidst armed conflict in Syria the armed fighters and terrorists could infiltrate into our country inside the illegal immigrants flows," ……………………..




31-5-2013: Al-Nusra has used sarin gas in Syria before (http://www.presstv.ir/)


All investigations showed that those gases were used by the gangs of Jabhat al-Nusra and all of these investigations and reports to the UN [Security] Council approved that those gases was used by Jabhat al-Nusra……………


The question remains is where do they get those gases from and how do they transport those kind of gases and where they trained to use those gases? So actually the investigation must go further than that. Who is just supporting or delivering those kind of gases to the rebels? How can they transport them under the Turkish intelligence noses without even being stopped from that?..............



30-5-2013: Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria after UN inspector Carla Del Ponte’s recent statement confirming the use of chemical weapons by the Western-backed terrorists in Syria……………………………


This further confirmation that the Syrian ‘rebels’ are using chemical weapons while also using Turkey as a base of terrorist operations against Syria……………………..


In January 2013, Russian television station RT published leaked documents from British corporation Britam Defense, which revealed a plan by Qatar to deliver chemical weapons to Homs in Syria, with the aid of Britam Defense…………………


The British company was to provide Ukrainian personnel to act as Russian military advisors in order to implicate the Russian government in the crime……………………….


As the Western-backed terrorists lose ground to government forces in Syria, the likelihood of further massacres committed by the terrorists and blamed on the Syrian government grows




30-5-2013: Syria: The choice is simple: a secular Syria or chaos? (http://english.pravda.ru)


Looking at Libya, we can see Syria. Looking at what the west did in Iraq, we can see what side not to choose; looking at the proliferation of western concentration camps from Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo Bay and hearing their hypocrisy about human rights and freedom, we can read between the lines. The choice is simple: a secular Syria or chaos………………..


The west is not, and never has been, about the high moral ground. It is about gaining, by hook or by crook, markets for its products while simultaneously sabotaging any system which dares to compete with it………………..


Or shall we scroll back a couple of years and see the west's modus operandi in this new millennium, which the west raped with its wars and murderous campaigns against human rights, strafing kids with missiles, sodomising prisoners, destroying water supplies "to break their backs", spreading lies about chemical arms factories, about weapons of mass destruction……………….




30-5-2013: Russia: Assad exit demand thwarts peace effort (http://www.jpost.com)


Russia accused the opposition Syrian National Coalition on Thursday of seeking to thwart peace efforts by making President Bashar Assad's exit a condition for participating in a proposed international conference……………….


The opposition coalition said on Wednesday it would only take part in international peace talks the United States and Russia are trying to organize if a deadline was set for a settlement that forced Assad to leave power……………….




30-5-2013: Helping Syrian rebels a dangerous risk (http://edition.cnn.com)


Now we see the same enthusiasm for another U.S. intervention, this time in Syria. The Syria Transition Support Act approved last week by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of which I am a member, has the potential to create more problems for the United States than it would solve. It is unclear what national security interests we have in the civil war in Syria. It is very clear that any attempt to aid the Syrian rebels would be complicated and dangerous, precisely because we don't know who these people are…………………………


No one wants to see Syria become a bastion of extremism. But like other American interventions in the past, U.S. involvement could actually help the extremists……………..


Empowering Islamic extremists to achieve questionable short-term goals does not serve America's long-term security or interests………………..




30-5-2013: McCain insists US weapons would 'help the right people' in Syria war (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com)


U.S. Senator John McCain said on Wednesday, two days after meeting with rebels in Syria, that he is confident the United States can send weapons to fighters in Syria without the risk they will fall into the wrong hands…………………….


U.S. public opinion is strongly against direct military involvement in Syria……………………




30-5-2013: Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists – reports (http://rt.com)


Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front who were previously detained, Turkish media reports…………………………


On Monday, Turkish special anti-terror forces arrested 12 suspected members of the Al-Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda affiliated group……………………..


A day before the Reyhanlı bombing, Erdogan released a statement claiming he had evidence the Syrian government had had used chemical weapons, crossing the red line set by President Obama. The accusation contradicted a statement made at the time by a leading UN investigator Carla Del Ponte, who heads The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, said there were “concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas” in Syria…………………………….




30-5-2013: Obama asked Pentagon to prepare Syria no-fly zone plans – report (http://rt.com)


Officials from the Obama administration have revealed that the White House asked the Pentagon to outline plans for a military no-fly zone over Syria, continuing strategy discussions that have been ongoing for more than a year…………………


If enacted, the no-fly zone would be enforced by the US military with help from France, Great Britain and other allies……………………




30-5-2013: Video: Al-Qaeda's Jabhat al-Nusra Caught with Sarin Gas inside Turkey ()


30-5-2013: Hawkish US Senator McCain met with infamous kidnapper in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


……hawkish US Senator John McCain met with an infamous terrorist who has been involved in the abduction of a group of Lebanese pilgrims………..




29-5-2013: Russia slams US over 'odious' Syria resolution (http://www.jpost.com)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized a US-backed draft resolution condemning the Syrian government before a debate at the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, saying it was "odious" and would undermine peace efforts…………….


"The US delegation is very actively promoting this extremely unwholesome initiative," Lavrov told a news conference after talks with Latin American counterparts in Moscow………………




29-5-2013: Israel Channels Weapons and Military Aid to Al Qaeda in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Well, first I should say that Israel is supporting the insurgency. In other words, it is supporting al-Qaeda in Syria. This is not known to public opinion. Through the Golan Heights, it is supporting terrorist units of al-Nusrah, which are fighting the Syrian government. It has logistics, weapons supplies, Israeli vehicles going into Syrian territory; it also has a hospital facility for the rebels located in the Golan Heights………………….


The al-Nusrah rebels, which allegedly represent the opposition, are supported by the Western military alliance and Israel……………….


Well, John McCain is actually in blatant violation of the US’ guidelines on anti-terrorism…


So in other words these Western officials should be arrested on anti-terrorist charges because they are in violation of international law…………………..




29-5-2013: The Role of Turkey in the US-NATO-Israeli War on Syria. Turkey’s False-flag Operation against Syria Backfires: The Reyhanli bombing attacks in a larger context (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


………………..Turkey has been thoroughly complicit in monumental war crimes committed against the neighbouring people of Syria………………


As NATO’s international mercenary forces from 29 different countries started suffering heavy defeats against the Syrian Army, Israeli Air Forces came to their rescue by launching two separate air strikes in Syria, both of which were blatant acts of war…………………………


Four days after the second Israeli air attack on Damascus and United Nations’ statement on the mercenaries’ use of chemical weapons in Syria, Mr Erdogan gave an interview to the U.S. television channel NBC, where he said that if the U.S. were to launch a ground military invasion of Syria, then Turkey would support it……………………..


“When [Necdet] Ozel was the General Commander of the Gendarmerie, he was not only responsible for the death, torture and violence in the Kurdish region [of Turkey] . In 1999, he ordered the use of chemical weapons against Kurdish guerrillas [near the Ballikaya Village in Silopi] .”…………………………..


This is a rather interesting comment considering that until 2012, when al-Qaeda’s role in NATO’s covert war on Syria became fully exposed, Turkey’s political authorities were quite at ease in holding Al Qaeda responsible for any atrocity committed in Turkey or abroad……………………


The real terrorist is the government of Turkey under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It opened Turkey’s border with Syria to the terrorists. [Turkey] became a hub of international jihadi terrorism. It unleashed these terrorists on Turkish people’s houses and fields. It hosted terrorists coming from all over the world. Without any consideration, it provided them with all types of arms, bombs and explosive devices so that they could massacre people of Syria.……………………


On the day of the incident, which was a Saturday, the Government managed to get the local court of Reyhanli to issue a blanket censorship ban regarding the broadcasting of news about the bombing attacks in Reyhanli………………………..


Medical staff in the Hatay province, where Reyhanli is located, was ordered to “limit the death toll to 50”. Local authorities said they ‘were instructed not to give any statement to the press’. [35] Journalist Ferdi Ozmen revealed the actual figure by posting the number of deaths in seven local hospitals with a total of 177. He has been arrested for defying the blanket ban…………………….


Republican People’s Party (CHP) member of parliament Mevlut Dudu explains how the evidence was instantly destroyed after the incident………………………..


In fact, there is a long history of false-flag incidents occurring in Turkey ahead of almost every top level meeting between Turkey’s politicians and their U.S. or Israeli counterparts……………………


Furthermore, foreign intelligence agencies CIA (U.S.), Mossad (Israel), MI6 (Britain) and BND (Germany) have a very prominent presence across Turkey’s border region with Syria. …. .. …………………….


Instead of boosting Mr Erdogan’s standing, the false-flag bombing attacks in Reyhanli have actually unleashed a nationwide popular reaction against his total subservience to Western imperialism………………………….




29-5-2013: Report: US considering Syrian no-fly zone (http://www.jpost.com)


The Obama administration has reportedly requested the Pentagon draft a prospective no-fly zone inside Syria to be recognized by the US and other Western nations, the Daily Beast on Tuesday cited two White House official as saying…………………….




28-5-2013: How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


While it’s difficult to know if CIA trafficked guns are going directly or indirectly to al-Nursa, it’s extremely likely that these guns are going directly into the hands of ideological cousins of al-Nursa, since the Syrian rebels are completely dominated by Islamic extremists…..


Thus, the minority of secular rebel fighters are not leading the civil war and will not be in power if Assad falls. Instead, honest Syrian revolutionaries will instantly fall victim to the extremists…..


Many rebel-controlled areas in Syria are now new safe havens for terrorists, and there have been hundreds of terrorist bombing attacks against the Syrian government, many of which have targeted civilian areas. While the U.S. is pouring arms into the jihadist-controlled areas, they have also downplayed the atrocities committed by these rebels………………..


……………..since the extremists are empowered by U.S. support and are shielded in the U.S. media and protected from international political pressures.One question the U.S. media never thinks of asking is: Where did all these Islamic extremists come from and why?


With Saudi Arabia and Qatar providing guns to the Syrian rebels — with help from the CIA — the Saudi religious figures attached to the Saudi regime give religious/political support by misleading devout Muslims to flock to Syria to attack a country of Muslims, thus creating the giant sectarian divisions we now see throughout the Islamic world………………….


28-5-2013: European Powers Lift Embargo, Move to Arm Syrian Opposition. Direct Military Support to Al Nusra Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Europe’s former colonial powers in the Middle East, Britain and France, are leading the offensive to directly arm the Syrian rebels…………………


In fact, the EU has backed the Syrian opposition from the start, collaborating closely with US, Turkey and the Gulf States who are arming Islamist opposition fighters in Syria to the teeth and stationing Patriot anti-ballistic missile systems near Turkey’s border with Syria……………………


………….the European powers have lined up behind the war strategy of US imperialism to plunder the vast, resource-rich regions of the Middle East and Central Asia……………….


…………….. the imperialist powers are escalating their intervention in Syria and the entire Middle East…………….


Together with the Gulf sheikhdoms of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is one of imperialism’s key strategic allies for its offensive in the region……………………


The real intention of the War on Terror is not to stop terrorists, but to target nation states that are opposed to U.S. foreign policy: Iraq and Libya — like Syria……………………




28-5-2013: US backs EU step to arm Syrian rebels, Russia cites intl law against (http://rt.com)


The US has welcomed the EU’s decision to lift an arms embargo on Syria, as a show of “full support" for rebels fighting against President Assad. Russia branded the potential shipments as “unlawful”………………………


The country’s Foreign Ministry has accused the Union of giving “support and encouragement to terrorists by providing them with weapons in clear violation of international law and the UN Charter…………………




28-5-2013: Under the Disguise of The “Battle against Terrorism”: The U.S., Britain and France Support “Al Qaeda in Syria” The UK's intransigence in the EU show's the West's true intentions in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


……………. the most obvious issue with allowing the UK and France to freely arm ‘rebels’ of their choosing inside Syria is that this policy is against all international law, and will, as proven already to be the case, continue to vastly exacerbate the growing death toll and displacement in Syria….


Acting under the auspices, or “consultation” of Western intelligence services, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and non-state actors sending thousands of tonnes of arms and funds to extremist militants in Syria; is directly synonymous with both a huge increase in casualty numbers and civilian displacement………………………


But peace and harmony are not on either France, nor the UK’s list of priorities in the region…..


Libya, again, provides us with a recent, and very much relevant example of how the UK and France are free to manipulate what are, when first employed, supposedly ‘humanitarian’ measures to fit their own military and Imperial advantage….




27-5-2013: U.S.-backed Syrian rebels reportedly massacre Christian village (http://www.examiner.com)


Members of the Free Syrian Army reportedly attacked the Christian-dominated al-Duvair village in Reef on the outskirts of Homs on Monday, where they massacred its citizens, including women and children, before the Syrian Army interfered………..


However, al-Qaeda and other Islamic extremist groups have been at the front of the rebel movement since day one of the Syrian war that began two years ago. According to German intelligence, 95 percent of the rebels aren't even Syrian…………………………


Members of the FSA have admitted that their plan is to institute sharia law, and the rebels now have a brigade named the Osama bin Laden Brigade…………….




27-5-2013: Report on Syria – Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire: “The Syrian State is Under a Proxy War Led by Foreign Countries” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


…………..I have returned hopeful that peace is possible in Syria, if all outside interference is stopped and the Syrians are allowed to solve their own problems upholding  their right to  self-determination………………..


During our visit we went to refugee camps, affected communities, met religious leaders, combatants, government representatives, opposition delegations and many others, perpetrators and victims, in Lebanon and Syria…………………..




27-5-2013: Syria fighting rages, more chemical attacks reported (http://www.reuters.com)


While Britain and France say such a move could strengthen the rebels ahead of the peace talks, other countries oppose sending arms and EU diplomats said there was an agreement not to send weapons for now…….


27-5-2013: Syrian army gains more ground in Qusayr as EU discusses arms embargo (http://www.presstv.ir)


27-5-2013: Over 40 states to attend Syria conference in Tehran: Official (http://www.presstv.ir/)


An Iranian deputy foreign minister says more than 40 countries are expected to participate in the upcoming Friends of Syria Conference in Tehran, which aims to work out a peaceful settlement to the unrest in the Arab country……………..




25-5-2013: Syria fight rages amid pressure for talks (http://news.ninemsn.com.au)


The main opposition National Coalition has met in Istanbul for three days trying to overcome deep divisions over Russian and US proposals to convene a conference to which representatives of President Bashar al-Assad would be invited without any formal precondition for him to step down…….


Qusayr is a key prize for Assad's forces because of its strategic location between Damascus and the Mediterranean coast, the Alawite heartland of the embattled president's regime…….




25-5-2013: Boston and the CIA ‘Snafu’: The grey eminence behind Turkey’s Erdogan and AKP (http://www.voltairenet.org)


Herein—largely drawing on the revelations made by FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edwards—Engdahl throws the spotlight on the entire CIA-sponsored Islamic Jihadist operations run through Fetullah Gülen across Turkey into Central Asia and Russia and China……


A deeper look into Fuller’s role reveals him to be a key figure in what FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds terms American Deep State rogues……….


……………… when she uncovered damning email and other evidence of criminal networks linking the actors of 9/11, drug networks out of Turkey and terrorists in and around Al Qaeda together with senior Pentagon and other US Government officials…………..


In her classified translations Edmonds discovered that a criminal network had penetrated the highest levels of the US Government including Pentagon and FBI, and were engaged in illegal sales of weapons, including nuclear, of drugs and more……………………..


From his new luxurious heavily-guarded estate in Saylorsburg, a remote part of eastern Pennsylvania, Gülen launched a series of fundamentalist Salafist mosques and madrasses, not only in his native Turkey where he was the alleged power behind Turkey’s AKP regime of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, himself a product of Gülen’s schools, but across the Islamic regions of Central Asia as they separated from the Soviet Union in the chaos after 1991…………………….


A memoir by former head of Turkish intelligence, Osman Nuri Gundes, claims that Fethullah Gülen’s worldwide Islamic movement based in Pennsylvania has been providing cover for the CIA since the mid-1990s, and that in the 90s, the movement “sheltered 130 CIA agents” at its schools in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan alone…………………..




24-5-2013: UK double standards astonishing: Killing soldier in London comparared to bloodbtahs in Syria (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Why is it then that the deaths that occur in Syria, not much of a big deal is made out of that compared to what we have seen occur there in London?......


They are prepared to arm, provide the machetes to the Salafists or al-Qaeda elements, Saudi-backed elements who are in Syria seeking to destabilize the government of Syria, whilst they are condemning the same type of behavior in Woolwich………………..


The British people do not realize the sheer wickedness of the British government, the fact the government would actually want to kill or lead support to those who kill civilians in Syria…..


24-5-2013: Syria opposition struggles to forge transition plan before talks (http://www.reuters.com/)


Under intense international pressure to resolve internal divisions so it can play a meaningful role in the talks, Syria's Western-backed opposition National Coalition met in Istanbul to elect new leaders and broaden its membership….


Much to the frustration of its backers, the coalition has struggled to agree on a leader since the resignation in March of respected cleric Moaz Alkhatib, who had floated two initiatives for Assad to leave power peacefully….


Burhan Ghalioun, a strong candidate to become the new head of the opposition, said the coalition was likely to agree to go to Geneva because it did not want Assad to gain political advantage from the meeting, although, he said, it was unlikely to produce any deal for a transition of power….




24-5-2013: Experts deny Israel may directly intervene in Syria (http://www.jpost.com )


Several Israeli experts and ex-government officials told The Jerusalem Post that any direct intervention in Syria’s civil war by Israel is both unlikely and unwise…..


Commenting on what the future could hold in Syria, Rabinovich opines the longer the civil war lingers, the more danger it creates because the country could fall into the hands of jihadists and destabilize neighbors such as Jordan….


Gold noted that the French and British drew the modern map of the Middle East 97 years ago and it is not in Israel’s interest to get involved in these kinds of activities today as it will only make peace harder to achieve in the long run…………..




23-5-2013: Syria ends 1st phase of Qusayr operation (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The Syrian army has successfully concluded the first phase of its operation in the strategic western city of Qusayr.


According to reports from the city, an unknown number of security agents from different foreign countries have been detained or killed during the operation




23-5-2013: Israel maintaining intense intelligence activity in Syria (http://www.haaretz.com)


Several Israelis who follow Syria closely said Israeli security forces had already been quietly working with villagers who support neither the government nor the rebels, supplying moderate humanitarian aid and maintaining intense intelligence activity……..


Israel has said it does not want to intervene in its northern neighbors' civil war, but has maintained that it has the right to defend itself if attacked…….




23-5-2013: The Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan Roham: the people suffer even when there is no fighting (www.fides.org)


The suburban areas of northern Syria "are mostly controlled by various insurgent groups." The military government has abandoned the rural areas to concentrate its presence on the city of Hassaké and Kamishly. "But the people in these two cities have a great fear that fighting could start at any moment. In that case, a large number of children, girls, women and old people will cross the border with Turkey." This is how Eustathius Matta Roham, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Jazirah and Euphrates, describes the situation experienced by Syrian populations in the north-east governorate of Hassaké…………………………




22-5-2013: March of prayer for the Syrian bishops kidnapped. "May the Almighty safeguard the stability in the Hashemite Kingdom (www.fides.org)


More than two thousand people crossed Amman yesterday evening with candles in their hand to pray for the release of the bishops and priests kidnapped in Syria and ask for the gift of peace throughout the Middle East. The march of prayer started from the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple until the Syriac Orthodox Church of St. Ephrem, passing by the Catholic church of St Mary of Nazareth, at the Latin Vicariate……………




21-5-2013: Syria Rebels Threaten to Wipe Out Shiite, Alawite Town (http://www.bloomberg.com/)


Communities inhabited by Shiite Muslims and President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite minority will be “wiped off the map” if the strategic city of Al-Qusair in central Syria falls to government troops, rebel forces said….


Al-Qusair is close to the highway linking Damascus to the coast and has been a conduit for weapons from Lebanon to the rebels. The government offensive began with attacks on villages on the city’s outskirts last month……




21-5-2013: Russian confidence growing in its vision for ending Syrian war (http://www.csmonitor.com)


In Russia's view, peace would come through a negotiated settlement between the Bashar al-Assad regime and at least major elements of the anti-Assad rebels………..


The West seems to have thought that they could get [President Vladimir] Putin to pressure Assad into leaving, and all would be well," says Georgy Mirsky, an expert with the official Institute of World Economy and International Relations in Moscow……………………….




21-5-2013: Western, Saudi terror hits Syria, Iraq’ (http://www.presstv.ir/)


We are talking, of course, about Syria and Iraq - two countries that share so much of humanity’s heritage of ancient civilization - that are now each being ripped apart by mercenaries with guns and bombs who have no value for human life. It’s not just that the exact same heinous methodology of indiscriminate violence against civilians is being used in both countries. The protagonists of terror have themselves declared unity in organization, personnel, and ideology - the Al Nusra Front in Syria and al-Qaeda in Iraq………………


Advocating the illegal Western regime-change agenda in Syria are the Persian Gulf dictatorships, which have never had an election in their entire history as artificial colonial states ruled by absolute despots and corrupt family cronies………………….


As with Syria, the violence in Iraq is being driven by external forces with an agenda of subversion and regime change.


The common linkage here is the money, weapons, and Wahhabi ideology that is flowing from the Persian Gulf dictatorships of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates into Iraq and Syria………….




20-5-2013: Assad talks, Russia walks (http://www.atimes.com)


Well, by now everyone following the Syrian tragedy knows who most of them are. One knows that the Un-Free Syrian Cannibals, sorry, Army (FSA) is a ragged collection of warlords, gangsters and opportunists of every possible brand, intersecting with hardcore jihadis of the Jabhat al-Nusra kind (but also other al-Qaeda-linked or inspired outfits……………


Syria is now Militia Hell; much like Iraq in the mid-2000s, much like the Western-imposed, "liberated" Libyan failed state. This Afghanization/Somalization is a direct consequence of NATO-GCC-Israel axis interference. [2] So Assad is also right when he says the West is adding fuel to the fire, and is only interested in regime change, whatever the cost……………


Assad is not exactly a brilliant politician - so he wasted a golden opportunity to explain to Western public opinion, even briefly, why GCC petro-monarchies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, plus Turkey, have the hots for setting Syria on fire. He could have talked about Qatar wanting to hand over Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Saudi Arabia dreaming of a crypto-emirate colony. He could have talked about them both being terrified of Shi'ites in the Persian Gulf harboring legitimate Arab Spring ideals……………………..




20-5-2013: Christian leaders renew calls to free kidnapped Syria bishops (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


Christian politicians and religious figures renewed their calls Sunday to free two Greek Orthodox bishops who were kidnapped in Syria almost a month ago.Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Archbishop Paul Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim were kidnapped April 22 by armed men while en route to Aleppo from the Turkish border………………………




20-5-2013: Syrian army seizes half of al-Qusayr in Homs province (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian army has restored security in the western city of al-Qusayr in the central province of Homs, after taking back control of 50 percent of the city from foreign-backed militants…..


The army said it has killed two insurgent commanders during the operation in the strategic city, which is located near the border with Lebanon.




20-5-2013: Syria seizes Israeli army vehicle used by insurgents in al-Qusayr (http://www.presstv.ir)


The Syrian army has confiscated an Israeli military vehicle used by foreign-backed militants in Syria’s strategic western city of al-Qusayr………..




20-5-2013: Savagery now at heart of the Syrian revolution (http://english.alarabiya.net)


The barbaric act violated death's sanctity and revived notions of cannibalism, which we had put down as acts from historic legends. But Abu Saqqar's bite also bit off plenty of the Syrian revolution's values, sweeping the torment endured by victims of the uprising to one side……




19-5-2013: Bashar al-Assad Interview: Israel Supports Al Qaeda Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


This ultimately begs the question: what is the relationship between demanding reforms and adopting terrorism? Terrorism can never be the instrument to achieve reforms. What interest does an internationally listed terrorist from Chechnya or Afghanistan have with the internal political reform process in Syria? How is the legitimate demand for reform linked with terrorist activities adopted by radicalized foreign fighters? The same context applies to those external fighters from Iraq, Lebanon and others. Recent credible reports show that there are approximately 29 nationalities of foreign fighters engaged in terrorism activities within Syria’s borders…………..


Terrorism is a separate concern. Even when we succeed in reaching a Syrian-led political agreement, certain countries such as Qatar, Turkey and others will continue to work to fuel violence and terrorism in Syria. Therefore, our main precedence from an international conference is an immediate cessation of finance and weapons that are regularly streamed into Syria, placing emphasis on preventing the terrorists and fighters from being flooded into Syria principally through Turkey, with financial support primarily from Qatar and also from other Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia………………………..


Israel directly supports the terrorist movements in two ways. Firstly, through logistical means manifested by them publicly providing medical aid and hospital facilities to the injured terrorist fighters in the Golan Heights. Secondly, they provide them with directions and navigational support, regarding how to mount their attacks and which sites to target. For instance they attacked Radar sites, which are strictly related to the air defense systems that would detect and intercept any foreign air force activity. They have mobilized them to attack these air defense systems since they are an important deterrent in any military confrontation between Syria and Israel.


Therefore the Israeli support for the terrorists is twofold, logistical assistance and navigational help to direct the terrorist movements and operations on the ground.




19-5-2013: Israel Mulling Plot to Assassinate Syrian President Bashar Al Assad (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The Israeli Vala news website reported that the Israeli security and spy agencies were shocked at Assad’s resistance against two years of terrorist and sabotage operations against the country and are mulling other ways to topple him…….


Earlier, a documentary movie posted on a Lebanese website unveiled details of a plot by the French and Turkish intelligence services to assassinate President Bashar al-Assad and other senior officials of Syria….


The report noted that the Turkish and French spy agencies embarked on the establishment of a joint operation room to direct a well-concerted operation to carry out the mission after they failed in their earlier plot to overthrow Assad’s government, adding that their mission had overlaps with security services of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the US on many aspects………




18-5-2013: Al-Qaeda's Syrian wing takes over the oilfields once belonging to Assad (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Up to 380,000 barrels of crude oil were previously produced by wells around the city of Raqqa and in the desert region to its east that are now in rebel hands - in particular Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda off-shoot which is the strongest faction in this part of the country……


The ability of Jabhat al-Nusra to profit from the oil locally, despite international sanctions which have hindered its sale abroad, will be particularly worrying to the European Union, which has voted to ease the embargo but at the same time wants to marginalise the extremist group within the opposition………………




18-5-2013: Turkey bogged down in terror quagmire’ (http://www.presstv.ir)


Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Erdogan went to Washington this week with a shopping list for more direct American intervention in the NATO regime-change operation in Syria….


What better way for Erdogan to make his sales pitch for an American dig-out from the Syrian quagmire that his country has become embroiled in than to prelude his Washington visit with a heinous act of terrorism?.....


Within hours of the blasts, the Erdogan government was categorical in laying the blame on Syrian state forces. Erdogan and his foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, led the charge of accusation against Damascus………….


The rush to accuse Syria by Erdogan, regardless of hard evidence, strongly suggests that Ankara was at the very least using the Reyhanli bombings recklessly for political capital. But more than this, there is evidence that the Ankara authorities had foreknowledge of the atrocity………


It strains credulity that if the Turkish security services knew a bomb squad was about to wreak havoc in Ankara, the alleged terrorists were then able to evade surveillance and travel more than 600 kilometers to the southern town of Reyhanli on the border with Syria to carry out their heinous plan three days later………..


It seems more than reasonable that either the Turkish authorities deliberately let the Reyhanli massacre go ahead or that the Turkish military intelligence themselves carried out the atrocity………….



18-5-2013: Israeli official: Assad preferable to extremist rebels, The Times of London reports (http://www.haaretz.com/)


Israel prefers the regime of President Bashar Assad in Syria to continue than see a takeover of the country by rebel Islamist militants, The Times of London reported Friday, quoting an Israeli intelligence official….


We originally underestimated Assad’s staying power and overestimated the rebels’ fighting power,” the source said…..




17-5-2013: The CIA, Qatar, and the Creation of Syria’s Jabhat al Nusra (http://www.globalresearch.ca, Phil Greaves)


What we learn from the Reuters report is that until Qatar (acting directly under CIA auspices) chose to “tighten” the coordination of their arms supplies into Syria, there was no coherent or structured way of the arms being distributed once they reached the Syrian border………


We have long known, the main supplier of arms to ‘rebels’ was and still is Qatar, acting directly under the CIA’s “consultation”. We also know that these arms shipments became a considerable amount in “early 2012″ and continued to rise in both quantity and frequency……….


One other critical factor is directly synonymous with both the arms flow increase, (under CIA/Qatari auspices) and the huge rise in death toll. That being: the success, proliferation and bolstering of Jabhat al Nusra and similar Salafi/Jihaddi militant groups. Jabhat al Nusra, or, as they are now known: the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham, (ISIS) were active in Syria under their ‘parent’ group the Islamic State of Iraq’s (Al Qaeda in Iraq – AQI) auspices for years prior to the Syrian uprising. Indeed, ever since the formation of AQI itself the eastern regions of Syria, (bordering the west of Iraq and the Anbar province) have been a hotbed for Al Qaeda activity since its inception following the US invasion in 2003…………


For those that study the US governments unrelenting attempts of subversion and destabilization, this tactic of fomenting and supporting Islamic extremists militants will come as no surprise. It is not just Jabhat al Nusra’s (AQI) tactical capability and battle experience that has pushed them into the leadership role, without money and weapons, and indeed psychological appeal to win recruits, experience means nothing……………




17-5-2013: Al Qaeda in Iraq Are Getting More Involved in the Syrian Civil War (http://reason.com/)


One of the main reasons that an intervention in Syria has not begun is that politicians, diplomats, and intelligence officials are rightly concerned about the influence of jihadist fighters within Assad’s opposition……..




17-5-2013: Russia rejects creation of no-fly zone over Syria (http://english.pravda.ru)


Russia opposes the initiatives of the west to create a no-fly zone over Syria, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Tuesday. "Unfortunately, these destructive ideas keep popping up over time, but no one ever bothered to think about the consequences," said Gatilov………………


Damascus, besides having to deal with the terrorists, suffers interference from some western and regional countries through programs of financial support, weapons and logistics, thus seeking ways to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad




17-5-2013: U.N. and Russia call for urgent Syria conference (http://english.alarabiya.net/)


U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon and Russia agreed Friday that a peace conference on Syria should be held “as soon as possible” even as Moscow defied growing global pressure over its arms supplies to the Damascus regime…..




17-5-2013: Syria’s cannibal rebel defends himself (http://blogs.independent.co.uk/)


17-5-2013: Syrian regime's position strengthens as world pushes for diplomatic solution (http://www.cbc.ca/)


For more than two years, the Syrian president has defied predictions that his downfall is imminent. His regime has certainly suffered many setbacks during the brutal civil war that shows no signs of ending, but it's clear right now that Assad and his followers have been gaining momentum……..


All across Syria, Assad’s forces have launched intense offensives in recent weeks, successfully pushing the rebels back from hard-won positions………….


The number of soldiers defecting from the military has dropped recently, while the government has drafted new troops and recalled reserve forces to make up for losses……




17-5-2013: Russian Official: Missile Systems Sale ‘A Message to America’ (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/)


Russia’s decision to send S-300 missile systems to Syria is, in part, a message to the United States, according to the head of the Russian parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Alexei Pushkov……………………..




17-5-2013: Israeli official: We underestimated Assad (http://www.jpost.com/)


The debate over the situation in Syria and President Bashar Assad's chances for survival has sharpened recently within the Israeli defense establishment. A senior defense official claimed recently in closed conversations that Israel has erred in its estimates of how quickly Assad would fall from power in Syria…………………


The opinion that the fall of Assad and the assumption of power by the rebels would be good for Israel has become less popular recently, as it has emerged that the infiltration of extremist Jihad and al-Qaida elements is deeper and wider than was originally estimated…………..................




16-5-2013: U.S. announces new sanctions against Syria (http://www.latimes.com)


The U.S. Treasury Department announced new sanctions against the Syrian government Thursday, blacklisting four senior officials, a private television station that it said had colluded with Syrian authorities and an airline it accused of delivering weapons from Iran…………..




16-5-2013: Video shows Islamist rebels executing 11 Syrian soldiers (http://www.reuters.com)


A video published on Thursday showed fighters of the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in Syria executing 11 men they accused of taking part in massacres by President Bashar al-Assad's forces…………………..




16-5-2013: Heart-eating video raises pressure to end Syrian war (http://edition.cnn.com)


The horrifying video of a Syrian rebel leader apparently eating the heart of a dead government soldier, which has been circulating this week on the internet, has caused a storm of instantaneous outrage and disgust on social media such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook……


Pentagon officials have meanwhile indicated that the U.S. is moving closer to providing weapons and other lethal assistance to the rebels.................


The rebels were already facing an uphill battle for support. Republican members of the U.S. Congress and right-wing commentators have long warned that elements of the rebel forces are linked to al Qaeda, and that arming or otherwise supporting them would be to repeat the same mistake the U.S. made when it armed the Afghan mujahedeen in the 1980s (when Afghanistan was occupied by the Soviet Union………….




16-5-2013: Obama says U.S. won't act alone on chemical weapons in Syria


President Obama on Thursday ruled out any unilateral U.S action in response to the alleged Syrian use of chemical weapons, further reducing the chance of any forceful response to the crossing of what Obama had described as a “red line”………………….




16-5-2013: 5 reasons Turkey is unlikely to go to war with Syria. Lack of U.S. support and Kurdish peace process among factors, say experts (http://www.cbc.ca)


16-5-2013: As global powers squirm in indecision over Syria, Assad’s hand improves (http://www.haaretz.com/)


Confusion, controversy, helplessness, frustration and despair now describe not only the rebel forces but also the superpowers that are searching for an easy solution to the Syrian crisis……..




16-5-2013: Turkey: Global response to Syria limited to rhetoric (http://www.ynetnews.com/)


Turkey's President Abdullah Gul criticised the world's response to the Syria conflict on Thursday as limited to "rhetoric", saying his country had received little help in coping with a huge influx of Syrian refugees……




15-5-2013: For Syria, the civil war is still to come (http://www.guardian.co.uk/)


But the third reason is perhaps the most compelling. Whether or not the Assad regime falls, there is a civil war in Syria still to come. No obvious successor is in sight, which means a vacuum. Even in Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia and Libya, where the vacuums were at least filled by semi-responsible attempts to create government, the chances of disorder are very high. Syria cannot reach even their minimum levels of progress without strong and co-ordinated outside assistance




15-5-2013: Erdogan Rejects Joint Probe with Syria Into Terror Attack. Turkey's Prime Minister firmly rejects a Syrian proposal to hold a joint probe over a twin car bomb attack that killed 51 people (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


Syria said earlier Tuesday it was willing to carry out a joint investigation with Turkey into the deadly attacks in the border town of Reyhanli that Ankara has accused Damascus of masterminding…………..


On Sunday, Al-Zoubi blamed the attack on Turkey, saying the Turkish government turned the border areas with Syria into "international terrorist concentrations," and turned the Turkish civilians' houses, farms and properties into centers and passages for terrorist groups………….


He added that the Turkish government has been facilitating the delivery of weapons, explosive devices, car bombs, money and killers into Syria…….





15-5-2013: Why Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria has turned Pink (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Thus far we can point to three concerted attempts in 2013 by the US and its NATO allies to fabricate a case for chemical weapons in Syria……………..


The plan was to take old Gadaffi era chemical weapons stocks from Libya, transfer them out via Benghazi, and then plant them in Syria in order to blame the Assad government and thus open to door for western military intervention………………….


The UN’s own investigation into chemical weapons claims, led by Carla Del Ponte, has concluded that that witness and victim testimonies clearly show that Western and Gulf-backed Syrian rebels used chemical weapons such as the nerve gas sarin…………………..


Much more damaging than this however, is that Benghazi links the White House directly to the Syrian proxy war…………………………




15-5-2013: All sides in Syria have weapons 'except the good guys', says British official (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


All sides in the Syrian conflict have access to weapons "except the good guys," according to the official in charge of handling Britain's response to the crisis in Syria…..




15-5-2013: Confirming Syria poison gas use will be tough task (http://www.jpost.com/)


15-5-2013: Cannibal terrorist says video from Syria is real (http://www.presstv.ir)


“In an interview with Time magazine conducted via Skype on Tuesday, Khalid al Hamad, known by his nom de guerre Abu Sakkar, confirmed that the video is real and that he did indeed take a bite of the soldier’s lung. …..


The video shows him cutting out some of the soldier's organs and biting into one. At the time of the filming, al Hamad believed that he was eating the man’s liver, but A surgeon who saw the video said the organ in question was actually a lung”……




14-5-2013: Video: Syrian rebel cuts out soldier's heart, eats it (http://edition.cnn.com)


Aman, said to be a well-known rebel fighter, carves into the body of a government soldier and cuts out his heart and liver.


"I swear to God we will eat your hearts out, you soldiers of Bashar. You dogs. God is greater!" the man says. "Heroes of Baba Amr ... we will take out their hearts to eat them."


He then puts the heart in his mouth and takes a bite…………………………..



14-5-2013: Gruesome Syria video pinpoints West's dilemma (http://www.bbc.co.uk)


The video which appears to show a Syrian rebel taking a bite from the heart of a dead soldier provides a shocking punctuation mark in the more than two-year-long struggle for the future of Syria. It is a reminder of the horror and bestiality of warfare - especially civil warfare, waged within a society. But does it tell us anything more than this?...............


The individual involved - Abu Sakkar - is the leader of a group of fighters known as the Independent Omar al-Farouq Brigade. ("Brigade" in Syrian terms is an often-used title which does not necessarily denote the size of the formation)…………


The Farouq Brigades are a well-established element of the Free Syrian Army - the main grouping of rebel fighters backed by the West……




14-5-2013: Syrian Rebels in Cannibalistic Shock Video. Rebel eats heart of dead rival, as voices in Turkey criticize continued aid to rebel forces (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/)


“Rebels fighting against Syrian strongman Bashar Assad's forces have published a shock video showing one of them eating the heart of a dead rival…”




14-5-2013: Syria peace talks look doomed in advance (http://www.reuters.com/)


14-5-2013: Syria spurns efforts harming sovereignty (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoabi says his country will not be part of any effort that harms its sovereignty, in an apparent reference to an upcoming international conference on Syria due in Geneva…..



14-5-2013: Leave Syria or get killed, PM tells foreign militants (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi has told the foreign militants to leave Syria or the country’s armed forces will kill them…………….


Al-Halqi said on Monday that the "mercenary terrorist groups” have two options, "return to where they came from, or to be killed by the Syrian armed forces," Xinhua reported………..



14-5-2013: Arabs, Turkey see no role for Assad in future Syria ((http://www.dailystar.com.lb))


Five Arab countries and Turkey have reiterated that President Bashar al-Assad should have no role in the future of Syria, as Russia and the United States proposed a peace conference…….


The foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as that of Turkey -- all supporters of the Syrian opposition -- expressed their stand at a meeting late Monday in Abu Dhabi, WAM Emirati news agency said…………




14-5-2013: Syria wants peace conference details before deciding to attend (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


14-5-2013: Why the Syrian quagmire threatens Turkey (http://edition.cnn.com)


Turkey's tragic loss of at least 47 people in the car bombings in the border town of Reyhanli illustrates vividly that Turkey is not immune to the raging violence next door…..


Yet, so far, the U.S. and its European allies have publicly avoided implicating al-Assad in the attacks. U.S. reticence towards military involvement in Syria in the wake of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the fears of extremist groups dominating the Syrian insurgency is causing enormous consternation in Ankara…………….


It no longer affords protection against the instability ripping Syria apart and could in the future be a destabilizing influence to the immediate neighborhood, including Europe. Ankara lacked the intelligence capabilities to track the movement of the two bomb-laden vehicles near this frontier


Secondly, the domestic unpopularity of the Turkish government's stance on Syria may deepen even further. According to a recent poll by U.S.-based Pew Research, merely one-quarter of Turkish respondents favour either Turkey or Arab countries "sending arms to anti-government groups in Syria




13-5-2013: Syrian crisis part of Western geopolitical strategy, says patriarch (http://www.catholicnews.com)


Syriac Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan said the present situation in Syria is the result of Western nations carrying out a geopolitical strategy “to split Syria and other countries” in the Middle East…………………..


It’s not a question of promoting democracy or pluralism, as the West wants us to understand of its policies. This is a lie, this is hypocrisy,” the patriarch said in an interview with Catholic News Service


“The patriarch said the Western nations “just stood against the regime, calling it a dictatorship, saying the dictatorship must fall. Now it’s over 25 months, the conflict is getting worse, and the ones who are paying the price are the innocent people.”




13-5-2013: Bombings in Turkish Border City: “False Flag” Pretext to “Retaliate” against Syria? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Over the past week, Erdogan has demanded greater US-NATO efforts to topple Assad, cynically claiming that Obama’s “red line” on chemical weapons use has already been crossed by Assad. This stands in direct contradiction to last week’s revelations by UN investigator Carla del Ponte, who said that UN interviews with survivors of a chemical weapons attack showed that the poison gas was used by the US-backed opposition.…………………


Tough Al Qaeda-linked elements in the US- and Turkish-backed opposition forces have carried out hundreds of such terror bombings in neighboring Syria, the Turkish regime immediately placed the blame squarely on Assad………………


“They [the Turkish regime] turned houses of civilian Turks, their farms, their property into a centre and passageway for terrorist groups from all over the world,” Zoubi said. “They facilitated and still are the passage of weapons and explosives and money and murderers to Syria………………..


Cities have been pillaged, factories looted, and the economy is collapsing amid a raging civil war stoked by US imperialism. The Al Qaeda-affiliated Al Nusra Front, one of the key elements of the US-backed opposition, has carried out hundreds of terror bombings in Syria………………


Protests erupted in Reyhanli against the Turkish government’s participation in the US-led war against Syria, with marchers chanting, “Erdogan murderer!.......................


………………. failure of the US-backed opposition militias, who have very limited popular support, to topple the Assad regime, despite all the assistance they have received from US imperialism and its allies……………..




13-5-2013: Six ways Assad has turned the tide in Syria (http://www.washingtonpost.com)


13-5-2013: America’s War on Syria: Another Anti-Assad False Flag? (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


Since early 2011, Obama’s been waging proxy war on Syria. Imported death squads masquerade as freedom fighters. The scheme’s familiar. It repeats. It reflects US imperialism’s dark side


Syria is Washington’s latest target. Plans haven’t gone as expected. Ousting another government was supposed to be easy. US-enlisted terrorists are no match against Syria’s military superiority


“Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country…..


It wasn’t coincidental that bombings killed and injured Turkish citizens days before his arrival. It’s red meat for him and Obama to discuss




13-5-2013: Syria militants continue to suffer losses (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign-sponsored militant groups in Syria continue to suffer heavy losses as the Syrian army kills many militants during its operations on the outskirts of the capital, Damascus……


On Sunday, a number of militants were killed during intense clashes with Syrian troops near Samsam School in the town of Douma, located about ten kilometers (six miles) northeast of Damascus, Syria’s official news agency SANA reported…..




13-5-2013: Israeli minister says Russia destabilizing Mideast (http://www.foxnews.com/)


13-5-2013: Turkey and Syria: From friends to foes (http://rt.com/news/)


As Turkey and Syria trade blame for the twin bombings that killed 46 people in a Turkish border town, RT’s Maria Finoshina travels to the Turkey-Syria border to investigate how the former allies have become bitter enemies……………….




12-5-2013: Under the black flag of al-Qaeda, the Syrian city ruled by gangs of extremists (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


The Islamists smashed up one of the two shops that sold alcohol. That much was pretty inevitable, the locals agreed. The other off-licence had already closed, as had the casino on the outskirts of town…


He also said Jabhat al-Nusra was not as honest and Muslim as it seemed. He claimed it had stripped the town’s factories and smuggled their goods, including nearly 200 tons of sugar, to Turkey for profit………………




12-5-2013: Savage Online Videos Fuel Syria’s Descent Into Madness (http://world.time.com/)


…… But the next frame makes it clear why this video, smuggled out of the city of Homs and into Lebanon with a rebel fighter, and obtained by TIME in April, is particularly shocking. In the video a man who is believed to be a rebel commander named Khalid al-Hamad, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Sakkar, bends over the government soldier, knife in hand. With his right hand he moves what appears to be the dead man’s heart onto a flat piece of wood or metal lying across the body. With his left hand he pulls what appears to be a lung across the open cavity in the man’s chest. According to two of Abu Sakkar’s fellow rebels, who said they were present at the scene, Abu Sakkar had cut the organs out of the man’s body. The man believed to be Abu Sakkar then works his knife through the flesh of the dead man’s torso before he stands to face the camera, holding an organ in each hand. “I swear we will eat from your hearts and livers, you dogs of Bashar,” he says, referring to supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Off camera, a small crowd can be heard calling out “Allahu akbar” — God is great. Then the man raises one of the bloodied organs to his lips and starts to tear off a chunk with his teeth…..”


12-5-2013: Militants attack St. Elijah monastery in Syria (http://english.ruvr.ru)


The militants ransacked the cloister, destroyed the sanctuary, blew up the belfry and tore down the statue of St. Prophet Elijah who is equally revered in Syria by both Christians and Muslims, Syria’s SANA news agency reports, quoting the head of the monastery, hegumen Gadir Ibrahim………….




12-5-2013: Damascus denies responsibility for Turkey blasts (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


A Syrian minister on Sunday denied accusations that Damascus was behind a bomb attack in a Turkish town that left dozens dead, a day after Ankara blamed supporters of President Bashar al-Assad for the blasts


"Syria did not commit and would never commit such an act, not because we don't have the capacity, but because our values would not allow that," Information Minister Omran al-Zohbi said at a press conference broadcast by state television


"It is (Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdogan who should be asked about this act... He and his party bear direct responsibility," he added, describing the Turkish leader as an "assassin"




12-5-2013: Syria denies involvement in Turkey’s Reyhanli car bombings (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Syria Information Minister Omran al-Zohbi told a news conference on Sunday that his country "did not commit and would never commit such an act because our values would not allow that."


He blamed Ankara for the Saturday bombings in Reyhanli as well as the ongoing unrest in Syria by facilitating the flow of arms, explosives, vehicles, militants and money across the border into the Arab country.


"It is (Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdogan who should be asked about this act... He and his party bear direct responsibility," Zohbi said




12-5-2013: Turkey won’t act on Syria without US blessing’(http://rt.com/)


Despite harsh rhetoric, Turkey won’t take any action against the Syrian government of Bashar Assad without getting a go-ahead from Washington, Middle East expert, Jeremy Salt, told RT….


The Turkish government claims it arrested nine people and it claims to have evidence that they’re connected with the Syrian intelligence service. We haven’t seen that evidence yet. We’ll have to wait and see what it says. At this stage, it seems to me quite inconceivable that Syria would do that because if we look at what’s happening on the ground right now. The Syrian army is rolling back the insurgency. The insurgents have taken huge losses in the last few months, in particular, around Damascus, near the Lebanese border, and even around Halab – Aleppo – and in the North Syria. And along with this is the fact that the Americans are changing pace and are going into negotiations with Russia to come out with a solution. So it doesn’t make any sense that Syria would do that right now


One has to take it seriously, but the fact is that [Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan is going to Washington this week and Syria will be on top of the agenda and my feeling is that Turkey won’t do anything by itself – that if Obama won’t bite, if he won’t commit America to take a more involved position over Syria, I don’t think that Turkey will do anything………




12-5-2013:Damascus is not suicidal, picking fight with Turkey defies logic’(http://rt.com/news/)


The claim Damascus is behind the deadly blasts in Turkey should be taken with skepticism, believes Dr Hallinan of Foreign Policy in Focus, who says the Syrian govt is not suicidal and it makes no sense to pick a fight with the biggest NATO army in Europe……..


The timing is certainly very suspicious – a couple of weeks ago the Syrians were accused of using poison gas, and then Carla Del Ponte from the United Nations said recently that it appears that it was the insurgency used this poison gas. Suddenly the poison gas disappears, then this bombing happens. I think you have to ask, would the Assad government be stupid enough to pick an open fight with a country on its border that has the second largest army in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? I don’t see the sense in that; it would suggest that the Assad regime has a suicide complex, and they haven’t demonstrated any of that in the past……




11-5-2013: Another Syrian Insurgent Provocation? (http://www.lewrockwell.com/)


…..particularly as Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has dug a deep hole for himself through his support for the insurgents in Syria and has, as his strategy has collapsed, gone into full panic mode. Erdogan may hope to salvage some of his policy by accusing the Syrian government of bombing Turkey, internationalizing the conflict, and thereby inviting a Turkish military response…….


There is one problem: As the MoA blog has pointed out, Reyhanli is a town mostly populated by pro-Assad Alawites……..


11-5-2013: The Reyhanli Explosions (http://www.moonofalabama.org/)


We can expect the Turkish prime minister to accuse the Syrian government over this incident and to demand at least retaliation if not outright war.


But we do not know yet how those explosions happened. There is talk of Scud missile but that seems unlikely. As I said we have to very careful with attributions


This tweet by the Turkish journalist Mahir Zeynalov may help with assessing the incident:

Two explosions outside Reyhanlı municipality and post office, many wounded. This place is predominantly populated by pro-Assad Alawites…..




11-5-2013: Car bombs kill at least 40 near Turkey-Syria border (http://www.jpost.com/)


Turkey - Twin car bombs killed around 40 people and wounded many more in a Turkish town near the Syrian border on Saturday and Turkey said it suspected Syrian involvement…..


The bombing increased fears that Syria's civil war was dragging in neighboring states despite renewed diplomatic moves towards ending fighting in which more than 70,000 people have been killed…


Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said initial findings of an investigation into car bombs that killed at least 43 people on Saturday showed the attackers were linked to Syria's intelligence agency, broadcaster NTV reported……………….




11-5-2013: 43 killed, over 100 injured as blasts rock Turkish town on Syrian border (PHOTOS, VIDEO) (http://rt.com/news/)


Forty-three people were killed and over 100 injured when several explosions struck a city in southern Turkey, near the border with Syria, according to officials.


"Two car [bombs] were set off in front of the municipality," Interior Minister Muammer Güler said, adding that one of the car bombs exploded outside the city hall while the other went off outside the post office in the city of Reyhanli




10-5-2013: Erdogan: Assad Crossed Obama's Red Line Long Ago


10-5-2013: Turkey PM 'will support' Syria no-fly zone. Erdogan says Assad government's alleged use of chemical arms means it crossed Obama's red line "a long time ago


10-5-2013: Saudis, Qatar fire UN torpedo at Syrian peace (http://www.atimes.com/)


So why are the Qataris and their Saudi partners in such a rush to get the resolution adopted, when it is patently obvious that its strong language against the Syrian government and accusation against Damascus as the only culprit for chemical weapons use in Syria are bound to lessen rather than strengthen Damascus's interest in a dialogue clearly nuanced for the regime's downfall?.....


Their real fear, perhaps, is that the White House may be changing its tune on Syria, stepping back from the earlier calls for Bashar's immediate removal and now considering this as the likely end-result of intense negotiations - hardly a favorite option of the Qatar-Saudi duet, who want to act as kingmakers in troubled Syria………………..




10-5-2013: US Prepares War with Syria as Washington backed Al Qaeda Rebels Lose Ground (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Calls for a war with Syria mounted yesterday, despite mass popular opposition to war in the United States, amid reports that US-backed Islamist opposition forces fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have suffered serious reverses………………..


Erdogan dismissed out of hand reports that chemical weapons used in Syria were in fact used by the US-backed opposition…………….


He stressed that his government would support US imposition of a “no-fly zone” in Syria, which would involve destroying Syrian air defenses and shooting down any Syrian aircraft that took to the skies……………………


The calls for war come amid reports of major setbacks in Syria for the US-backed opposition, reflecting its small size and lack of popular support……………………




10-5-2013: Russia says it will keep selling missiles to Syria (http://www.wistv.com/)


Russia defended its sales of anti-aircraft systems to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, just days after joining forces with the U.S. for a new push to end Syria's civil war through negotiations……………..




10-5-2013: International day of prayer for peace (www.fides.org)


Saturday, May 11 the Syrian Christians of all Churches and ecclesial communities have organized a day of prayer to "pray God to grant mercy to Syria and to put an end to the violence." The appeal to pray for Syria, entitled "The prayer of a broken heart", has been extended to Christians throughout the world, causing extensive adhesions……………




9-5-2013: US and Russia team up to make fresh diplomatic push on Syria (http://www.csmonitor.com/)


Earlier this week, Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov. The two announced their hope to organize an international conference on Syria later this month…….




9-5-2013: US Ambassador Makes Secret Crossing Into Syria to Briefly Meet With Rebels (http://abcnews.go.com/)


U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford briefly crossed into northern Syria on Thursday to meet with Syrian opposition leaders…..


Since then, Ford has become the Obama administration’s point man on Syria and point of contact with the Syrian opposition……..


A U.S. official confirmed Ford’s secret visit, which occurred along the Turkey-Syria border.  He briefly crossed into Syria to meet with opposition leaders before returning to Turkey.  …………….




9-5-2013: Syria crisis: rebels defect to jihadi group; Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra


Syria's main armed opposition group, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), is losing fighters and capabilities to Jabhat al-Nusra, an Islamist organisation with links to al-Qaida that is emerging as the best-equipped, financed and motivated force fighting Bashar al-Assad's regime…..




8-5-2013: Russia, US Agree On Joint Push for Peace in Syria


8-5-2013: Pentagon Contractors Have Trained the Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca, Prof Michel Chossudovsky)


………And now we have a statement by a United Nations Independent Commission, which has confirmed unequivocally – and it was revealed on the same day – that the terrorists who are backed by the United States and its allies, are in possession of deadly sarin nerve gas, which they are using against the civilian population. So, we can talk about reaching a peaceful solution, but the issue is about those who are acting as self proclaimed mediators including Secretary of State John Kerry and I should also say Ban Ki-moon because the Secretary General of the United Nations has called on all sides to exercise maximum restraint……


The U.S. is an aggressor, financing and supporting the opposition terrorists as well as the Israeli bombings………..


What is unfolding is a diabolical scenario –which is an integral part of military planning– namely a situation where opposition terrorists advised by Western defense contractors are actually in possession of chemical weapons………..


what is contemplated as part of this covert operation is the possession of chemical weapons by the US-NATO sponsored terrorists, namely “by our” Al Qaeda affiliated operatives,  including the Al Nusra Front (see image on right), which constitutes the most effective Western financed and trained fighting group, largely integrated by foreign mercenaries. In a bitter twist, Jabhat al-Nusra, a US sponsored “intelligence asset”, was recently put on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations………




8-5-2013: See for Yourself: Syrian Government Likely Did Not Use Chemical Weapons


Neoconservatives planned regime change in Syria – and throughout the Middle East and North Africa – 20 years ago.   And carrying out acts of violence and blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime change – i.e. false flag terror – was discussed over 50 years ago by British and American leaders…………………


And the American government has previously falsely blamed its enemies for chemical weapons attacks.  For example, the American government gave chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein




8-5-2013: Syrians angry at Israel, say Jewish state clearly behind recent airstrikes


8-5-2013: Syrian army injures al-Nusra Front leader, report says (http://www.presstv.ir/)


The head of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front has been injured by the Syrian army near the capital, a report says………..


On Wednesday, Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani was wounded along with some other members of the terrorist group in the governorate of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, citing foreign-backed militants in the area………….




8-5-2013: A "Turkish plan" for Syriac Christians (www.fides.org)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey may offer Turkish citizenship to all Syriacs of the Christian community who are or have been related to former citizens of Turkey and who are now in a difficult situation in war-torn Syria. The hypothesis of a "Turkish plan" for Syrian Christians was outlined recently by Evgil Türker, head of the Federation of Syriac Associations in Turkey, during of a conference on relations between Turkey and Syriac Christians of Syrian nationality…………….


Turkey could recur as a new "homeland" for the many Syriac Christians now living in Syria and Europe, whose ancestors lived in Turkey…………




8-5-2013: Abducted Syrian bishops in good health, held by rebels (http://www.dailystar.com.lb/)


Acting President of the Syrian National Council George Sabra said Wednesday that the two Greek Orthodox bishops kidnapped in Syria are being held in a small village north west of Aleppo by a rebel group.


In a telephone conversation with Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel, Sabra said that Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Archbishop Boulos Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim were both in good health and still in the custody of a small group of rebels in the Syrian town of Bshaqtin.


The bishops are in good health and are being held by a small group in a town called Bshaqtin, 20 kilometers north west of Aleppo,” Sabra told Gemayel who was in a meeting with Syriac Orthodox bishops at the Kataeb Party’s headquarters in Saifi, according to Gemayel’s office.



8-5-2013: It’s Dishonest to Talk about Benghazi Without Talking About the Syrian War


Both parties are avoiding the bigger picture … The fact that Democrats and Republicans alike have been using Benghazi as the center of U.S. efforts to arm the Al Qaeda-affiliated Syrian rebels.


CNN, the Telegraph, the Washington Times, and many other mainstream sources confirm that Al Qaeda terrorists from Libya have since flooded into Syria to fight the Assad regime……


The U.S. has been arming the Syrian opposition since 2006. The post-Gaddafi Libyan government is also itself a top funder and arms supplier of the Syrian opposition……


That means that Ambassador Stevens had only one person—Belhadj—between himself and the Benghazi man who brought heavy weapons to Syria………………..


Furthermore, we know that jihadists are the best fighters in the Syrian opposition, but where did they come from?...............


Last week The Telegraph reported that a FSA commander called them “Libyans” when he explained that the FSA doesn’t “want these extremist people here………………..


In other words, ambassador Stevens may have been a key player in deploying Libyan terrorists and arms to fight the Syrian government………..




8-5-2013: US Presses for War on Syria, Dismisses Al Qaeda Rebels Use of Chemical Weapons (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Del Ponte’s comment, based on an investigation including extensive interviews by UN officials, tore to shreds the lie with which Washington has tried to justify its drive to war…………….


There is every reason to believe, in fact, that the opposition has used chemical weapons, as it has apparently received training on such weapons from the US or allied forces……………….


Opposition forces have received numerous shipments of weapons and equipment overseen by the United States and allied regimes such as Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia…….




8-5-2013: Israel Supports Al Qaeda Operatives in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


As one can see, the Pentagon has foreseen everything except the talks between the belligerents. Washington and the allies are reluctant to see any kind of negotiation process. They have their own reasons: the Assad government has proved its survivability, it will gain from armistice……


The Syrian armed forces gradually push the terrorists away, no matter the terror forces are backed up by an anti-Syrian international conspiracy. They get everything they need in any quantity: arms, money, and manpower……………………….


International bodies have no guts to state it straight that Turkey shoulders the burden of providing the Free Syrian Army with all it needs and fuels the fire by doing so. Saudi Arabia and Qatar pay for arms supplies destined to the rebels, so they are behind the genocide, being responsible for the deaths of dozens of thousand people. No guts because Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are linked to the US foreign policy pursuing the overthrow of Bashar Assad. ………………




8-5-2013: Syrian Government Likely Did Not Use Chemical Weapons: Who Should You Believe … The UN Investigator or the U.S.? (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


Summarizing media outlets:

Neoconservatives planned regime change in Syria – and throughout the Middle East and North Africa – 20 years ago.   And carrying out acts of violence and blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime change – i.e. false flag terror – was discussed over 50 years ago by British and American leaders………………………………………………….


A top Bush administration official says it’s hard to say who used chemical weapons – if anyone – and that the chemical weapons attack may have been an Israeli false flag attack…….


And the “rebels” in Syria that the U.S. has been arming and otherwise supporting are Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood.  Indeed, the New York Times reported last week that virtually all of the rebel fighters are Al Qaeda terrorist…….




8-5-2013: War and Moral Expediency: US and Israel Support Salafist-Jihadist Terrorists in Syria

Western efforts to bolster supposed ‘moderate rebels’ have clearly only bolstered what has always been the main demographic of the militant ‘opposition’: Salafi/Jihaddi inspired and fomented militias, that do not espouse anything close to democracy………………


Ideally, for Israel and the US the aim is a ‘Balkanized’ array of weak statelets. What Israel and the US do not want, is a strong and stable Syria, or Levant, or Greater Middle East for that matter; unless those ‘strong’ states fall under the auspices of the USA……………………


Most Syria analysts with an ounce of honesty now fully admit the vast majority of supposed “rebels” are Salafi/Jihaddi inspired militants, or at least under the leadership and funding of such ideologues. Indeed, the US terrorist designated-militant jiahddi group linked directly to Al Qaeda: Jahbat al Nusra, have long been the prominent fighting force in Syria……………………..




7-5-2013: UN says US-backed Opposition, not Syrian Regime, used Poison Gas

In a series of interviews, UN investigator Carla del Ponte said that sarin gas used in Syria was fired by the US-backed opposition, not the regime of President Bashar al-Assad……


She explained, “Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors, and field hospitals, and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated. This was on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”


“We collected some witness testimony that made it appear that some chemical weapons were used, in particular, nerve gas. What appeared to our investigation was that was used by the opponents, by the rebels. We have no, no indication at all that the government, the authorities of the Syrian government, had used chemical weapons.”………………………


These statements expose the US campaign over chemical weapons in Syria as a series of lies, concocted to justify another war of aggression in the Middle East………………..


Now the US media are burying news of del Ponte’s interview, as Washington moves towards direct intervention in Syria. Her interview was not mentioned in any of the three major network evening news programs yesterday………………….


The collective intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the media and the ruling elite accounts for the fact that del Ponte’s explosive revelations can be buried without comment. Drunk on its own lying propaganda, desperate to erase the conclusions the population has drawn from Washington’s last bloody debacle, the American ruling class is tobogganing towards a new catastrophe……




7-5-2013: Media’s Reporting on Syria as Terrible as It Was on Iraq


Common Dreams also points out that the U.S. claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons is highly dubious. Indeed, a U.N investigator said – and on-the-ground reports confirm – that the Syrian government likely did not use chemical weapons………………….




7-5-2013: Insiders: Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Does Not Yet Justify U.S. Military Intervention


7-5-2013: Turkey: IAF Attacks 'Unacceptable'


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said the Israeli air raids on Syria were "unacceptable”……………..




7-5-2013: International effort for the release of the Bishops kidnapped, but beware of fake mediators (www.fides.org)


A great international and ecumenical effort is in progress to try to save the lives and release the two Bishops of Aleppo in Syria kidnapped two weeks ago, the Syrian Orthodox Gregorios Yohannna Ibrahim and the Greek-Orthodox Boulos to -Yazigi. This was confirmed to Fides Agency by the Metropolitan Bishop Timoteo Matta Fadil Alkhouri, Patriarchal Assistant in the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, Bishop Gregory Yohanna Ibrahim’s confrere. "We are anxiously waiting - the Bishop says to Fides – we do not know where the Bishops are and with whom. Let us wait and pray. Let us hope they are still alive. We have just celebrated Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. We have entrusted the life of the Bishops to the Risen Christ………….




7-5-2013: Iraq, Syria and the death of the modern Middle East


7-5-2013: The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga: The Staging of a US-NATO Sponsored Humanitarian Disaster? (http://www.globalresearch.ca, Prof Michel Chossudovsky)


While Washington  points its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry has confirmed that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in their possession and are using sarin nerve against the civilian population……………….


Ironically, when the chemical weapons pretext was first launched by the Pentagon in August 2012, the accusations were not directed against President Bashar al Assad to the effect that he was underhandedly conniving to use WMD against Syrian civilians…….


What the Pentagon was saying in August 2012, is that these WMD could fall in the hands of  the “pro-democracy” Al Qaeda rebels recruited and financed by several of America’s close allies including Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, in liaison with Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels…………………………


And once these Al Qaeda rebels had been supplied and trained in the use of WMDs by military contractors hired by the Pentagon,  the Syrian government would then be held responsible for using the WMD against the Syrian people……………………




6-5-2013: In Wake of US-Israeli Attack on Syria, UN Reveals Terrorists Not Government Used Sarin Gas. So-called "red line" both drawn and then crossed by US-Saudi-Israeli axis and their terrorist proxies (http://www.globalresearch.ca, Tony Cartalucci)


Clearly, the minute amounts of sarin the West has accused the Syrian government of using, makes no tactical, political, or strategic sense. However, these small amounts of sarin gas, now suspected to be the work of Western-backed terrorists, would have been perfect for establishing a pretext for Western military intervention, and in fact, have been in part cited by the US and Israel in their latest, unprovoked aerial assault on Damascus.


The terrorists operating in Syria possess the means and motivation to carry out such an operation, as do their Western sponsors…………………….


A number of methods could have lent sarin gas to terrorists operating in Syria – from Turkey, Israel, and the US simply handing select units the chemical agent in a clandestine operation, to Libyan terrorists confirmed to have been flooding into Syria for the past 2 years, bringing looted chemical stockpiles with them after NATO’s disastrous invasion in 2011 left them in the hands of a sectarian extremist regime…………………….




6-5-2013: Just Like Iraq: U.S. Arms Butchers Who Use Chemical Weapons On Civilians … and Then Tries to Frame Someone Else


UN investigator Carla Del Ponte said that there is strong evidence that the rebels used chemical weapons, but that there is not evidence that the government used such weapons…….


The “rebels” in Syria that the U.S. has been arming and otherwise supporting are Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood….




6-5-2013: UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


Syrian rebels have made use of the deadly nerve agent sarin in their war-torn country's conflict, UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte has said…………………….


"According to the testimonies we have gathered, the rebels have used chemical weapons, making use of sarin gas," del Ponte, a former war crimes prosecutor, said in an interview with Swiss radio late on Sunday………………….


Top UN rights investigator Carla del Ponte said Sunday that according to testimony, rebels have been using sarin gas……………………..




6-5-2013: Syrian Kurds find safe haven in Iraq


Iraq's central government has closed its borders to most refugees but the Kurdish region has welcomed 90 percent of those seeking shelter in the country - almost all of them Syrian Kurds….




6-5-2013: Arabs, rebels condemn attacks on Syria


The Arab League, Lebanon and Egypt condemned Israel’s reported attacks on Syria on Sunday. The League called for the UN Security Council to act to stop “Israel’s aggression,” according to AFP. It said the attacks were a “dangerous violation of an Arab state’s sovereignty.”….


Following suit, the Syrian opposition condemned the air strikes. Israel had “taken advantage” of the conflict, the Syrian National Coalition said, AFP reported…..




6-5-2013: Obama urged to train, provide intelligence to Syria rebels


US lawmakers called on Sunday on President Barack Obama to provide intelligence and training to Syrian rebels through Arab states to speed the fall of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad…..




6-5-2013: 'Israel used depleted uranium shells in Syria


Israel used depleted uranium shells in the alleged strike in Syria on Sunday, a senior Syrian military source told Russia Today on Monday.


"When the explosion happened it felt like an earthquake, then a giant golden mushroom of fire appeared. This tells us that Israel used depleted uranium shells," the source said




6-5-2013: Report: Strike killed elite troops, hit chemical facility


New York Times quotes high-ranking Syrian military official as saying alleged Israeli strike in Damascus killed dozens of soldiers, hit Republican Guard bases, long-range missiles storehouses ……………..


Rebels, opposition activists and residents said the strikes hit bases of the elite Republican Guard and storehouses of long-range missiles, in addition to a military research center that American officials have called the country’s main chemical weapons facility, the report said…..


5-5-2013: U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator


U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria's civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday………..


"Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated," Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television………….




5-5-2013: U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator (http://articles.chicagotribune.com)


U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria's civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday……………..




5-5-2013: Syria threatens Israel, says airstrikes near Damascus open door to ‘all options’


Syrian state media said the air attack had targeted a military and scientific research facility. The Israeli military declined to comment on the strikes, but the Associated Press quoted an anonymous Middle East intelligence official as confirming that the research facility was hit………


“The Israeli attack on military sites in Syria is proof that there is communication between Israel and the terrorist groups who take their orders from al-Qaeda,” the ministry said in a statement broadcast on state television. ………………




5-5-2013: Report: Syria aims missile batteries at Israel


Syria has stationed missile batteries aimed at Israel in the aftermath of alleged Israeli air strikes in the country, the website of Lebanon's Al Mayadeen TV, considered close to the regime of President Bashar Assad, quoted a top Syrian official as saying on Sunday……………..




5-5-2013: Israel strikes Syria, says targeting Hezbollah arms


Israeli jets devastated Syrian targets near Damascus on Sunday in a heavy overnight air raid that Western and Israeli officials called a new strike on Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah…………


The Syrian government accused Israel of effectively helping al Qaeda Islamist "terrorists" and said the strikes "open the door to all possibilities"; but Israeli officials said that, as in January, they were calculating Assad would not pick a fight with a well-armed neighbor while facing defeat at home…………




5-5-2013: Israel Used Depleted Uranium on Syria


It has been disclosed that Israel has used depleted uranium in its recent missile attacks on a suburban Damascus area.


The first missile which hit Jamraya near al-Haviyeh in Reef (outskirts of) Damascus contained uranium substances, a correspondent of Russian television quoted some local sources as saying




5-5-2013: The European Union and the McJihad in Syria


The EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, then stated that about five hundred EU citizens—especially from Britain, France, and Ireland—were inside Syria fighting alongside the anti-government forces with the objective of toppling the government in Damascus……


The irony is that EU members—alongside their counterparts in the US, Turkey, Jordan  Saudi Arabia, and Qatar—contributed to and facilitated the entire Syrian McJihad enterprise with the ultimate aim of regime change in Damascus………………………..


From Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to Somalia, the so-called “failed states” are the handiwork of the US and this same group of countries that form the “Friends of Libya” and “Friends of the Syrian People” groups………………………………..


On the one hand people from countries like Britain and France flood into Syria as fighters against the Syrian government, while on the other hand they are scaring their own populations about these fighters with their scaremongering…………………


In most cases the foreign fighters from the EU that entered Syria were essentially given the green light and allowed by their own respective government to go fight there…..


Announcements about the use of chemical weapons by Syria have started being made in London, Paris, Tel Aviv, and Washington, DC. Despite the fact that anti-government forces have threatened to use chemical weapons………………………..




4-5-2013: US Backed Rebels in Syria Destroy Christian Monastery


They were the last remaining Christians in the area to leave. The church was completely destroyed, but until now it was not possible to know if the friary was hit or not, because there are no longer any Christians in Deir Ezzor,……………………….




4-5-2013: Turkish Officials are using Syrians for Organ Harvesting


The Lebanese ad-Diyar newspaper revealed that the Turkish authorities are involved in trafficking the body organs of injured Syrians who reach the Turkish territories…………..


The newspaper noted that the body organs of the injured people that are mostly trafficked are livers, kidneys and hearts to be given to people who are waiting for treatment in Turkey, according to confirmed information………………………


A French doctor confirmed to Ad-Diyar that stealing of human body organs of injured Syrians in Turkey has actually taken place…….


Ad-Diyar said the World Health Organization has started an immediate investigation into the issue and asked the Turkish Health Ministry to provide a list of the number of organ transplantation surgeries performed over many years for comparison and the names of the patients……




4-5-2013: Israel confirms airstrike inside Syria


Israeli officials have confirmed that the country's air force carried out a strike against Syria and say it targeted a shipment of advanced missiles……….




3-5-2013: Newsmax: US Hired Al-Qaeda-Linked Group to Defend Benghazi Mission


The Libyan militia group that the State Department hired to defend its embattled diplomatic mission in Benghazi had clear al-Qaida sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the deadly attack………………….


Several entries on the militia’s Facebook page openly profess sympathy for Ansar al-Sharia, the hardline Islamist extremist group widely blamed  for the deadly attack on the mission. The U.S. State Department did not respond to a Newsmax request for an explanation as to why the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was hired to protect the mission………………..




3-5-2013: Foreign-backed militants kill 20 Syrians in Aleppo (http://www.presstv.ir/)


Foreign-sponsored militants in Syria have carried out more deadly attacks in the northwestern governorate of Aleppo.


On Sunday, the militants fired rockets and artillery shells in the towns of Kafr Nabl and Zahra, killing 20 Syrians and injuring many others………………




3-5-2013: Vide: Ex-Bush II Administration Official: Israel could have used Chemical Weapons in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell has said that the use of chemical weapons in Syria could be the result of an Israeli false flag…………………


3-5-2013: The Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Kawak: Turkey help us to free the kidnapped bishops (www.fides.org)


"Turkey is important to resolve the situation of our two brother bishops of Aleppo kidnapped. The entire northern Syria is now somewhat under Turkish control, so it is important to talk with them. Every diplomatic and humanitarian initiative should point in that direction, also involving the Turkish leaders." This is what the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Jean Kawak, in charge of the patriarchal Office in Damascus told Fides Agency, about the kidnapping of the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim and the Greek-Orthodox Boulos al-Yazigi, in the hands of unknown kidnappers since April 22…………………….




3-5-2013: Obama won't rule out American boots on the ground in Syria


President Obama did not rule out sending U.S. troops to Syria on Friday but said he did “not foresee” such a scenario if his administration confirms that Bashar Assad's regime has used chemical weapons…………………….




3-5-2013: Little international support for arming Syria rebels


The lack of sustained public backing, both in America and in the region, is the political context in which the Obama White House will "rethink all options"……………..


This allied and regional reluctance to get involved in Syria poses a problem for the Obama administration…….




3-5-2013: Bush Official: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Could Be “Israeli False Flag Operation


It is likely that Al Qaeda rebels – and not the Syrian government – carried out the chemical weapons attack which the hawks in Washington are trying to use as a reason to invade….


Col. Lawrence Wilkerson – the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell under President George W. Bush – said yesterday that the Syrian chemical weapons could be a “Israeli false flag operation……




3-5-2013: Chemical weapon use in Syria could be an Israeli false flag


3-5-2013: Syria crisis: US admits arming rebels is 'an option'


2-5-2013: Was the Syria Chemical Weapons Probe “Torpedoed” by the West?


2-5-2013: Syria crisis: 'Government troops advance on Homs'


2-5-2013: Even With U.S. Guns, Syria’s Rebels Still Might Lose


As the Obama administration debates belatedly arming the Syrian opposition, military analysts are arriving at an uncomfortable conclusion: the U.S. can’t hand the rebels guns or rockets and expect them to topple dictator Bashar Assad. In fact, it may never happen….


“The Syrian regime is not collapsing, nor is it on the verge of collapse,” says Christopher Harmer, a former U.S. Navy officer and analyst with the Institute for the Study of War. “Everyone has been saying that for about 18 months. It has contracted, and may be forced to contract further; as long as they have control of their chemical weapons, I don’t think there is a collapse scenario…..


The open secret in Washington is that Syria is a war the U.S. military does not want to fight…..




1-5-2013: Most Americans do not want U.S. involved in Syria: Reuters/Ipsos poll


Only 10 percent of those surveyed in the online poll said the United States should intervene in the fighting. Sixty-one percent opposed getting involved…..




30-4-2013: Obama moving toward sending lethal arms to Syrian rebels, officials say


The administration has been edging toward the provision of weapons to the rebels for several months, first announcing that it would provide nonlethal assistance in the form of food and medical supplies directly to opposition military forces and more recently indicating that it would send defensive gear such as body armor and night-vision goggles……………………


Partner nations, including Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Britain, have urged the United States — and Obama directly in recent meetings — to take a more active role in helping the Syrian rebels and leading coordination of what has been a somewhat diffuse effort by governments that are providing substantial humanitarian or military aid, or both…………..




30-4-2013: Huge blast in Damascus kills 13, wounds 70


A powerful bomb rocked Damascus on Tuesday, killing 13 people and wounding 70, Syrian state TV reported, a day after the country's prime minister narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in the heart of the heavily protected capital…………




30-4-2013: Bomb blast kills 13 in center of Syrian capital


A bomb blast in the government-held center of Damascus killed 13 people on Tuesday, state television said, while rebels and loyalists to President Bashar al-Assad traded accusations over what they said was a chemical weapons attack the day before…..




30-3-2013: World Must Unite Against US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria


US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have conspired to destroy Syria by way of arming sectarian extremists since 2007….


The West now admits it, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have provided thousands of tons of weapons to militants in Syria - while also conceding that Al Qaeda's Syrian franchise, Jabhat al-Nusra is the best armed, most well equipped militant front in the conflict………………………


US, Saudi, Israeli-backed terrorists are now committing a myriad of horrific atrocities against all of Syria's population, including Sunni Muslims - meaning neither "democracy" nor even "sectarianism" drives the conflict, but rather the destruction of Syria in its entirety. …………………………


US State Department acknowledges Syria faces threat from Al Qaeda, demands blockade of arms/aid from reaching government to fight terrorists the US State Department admits are present in every major Syrian city………………………….




29-4-2013: Germany’s interior minister says Germans teamed up with Syria militants (http://www.presstv.ir)


In an exclusive interview with Germany’s Der Spiegel weekly magazine, Friedrich officially confirmed for the first time that there were German-born gunmen inside Syria fighting against the government………………………..


German officials say that 20 German nationals are currently fighting in Syria…..




29-4-2013: Holy Week of the Eastern Churches begins in the sign of the bishops kidnapped (www.fides.org)


The Christian communities in Syria are working together to plead for the release of the two bishops of Aleppo kidnapped – the Syrian-Orthodox Metropolitan Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim and the Greek-Orthodox Boulos al-Yazigi - through prayer vigils, liturgical celebrations, demonstrations and sit-ins, but also in the country torn by civil war the rites of Holy Week for the Eastern Churches have begun………………….




28-3-2013: Syrian Conflict: The Price of Defying the West


Syria obviously did not fall into the trap, and as a result, has been plunged into a destructive, spiteful war of proxy aggression by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their regional allies


Of course, while Haaretz admits that the so-called "Syrian rebels" are in fact vicious Al Qaeda terrorists with no intention of instituting anything resembling "freedom" or "democracy" in Syria, contrary to the West's own long-peddled narrative…………………….


28-4-2013: Report: Israeli Aircraft Spotted Over Assad’s Palace


A spokesman for the rebel military in Syria has said that Israeli Air Force jets were spotted flying over Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s palace in Damascus as well as over security and military installations, according to Israel’s Channel 2………………




27-4-2013: New York Times Tells Truth About Syria; Neo-Cons Unfazed


"Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of…….


The New York Times reveals the truth in Syria: the insurgents are al-Qaeda. But its conclusion is, predictably, that we need more intervention in Syria on behalf of the insurgents. Neo-cons smile and plot……………




27-4-2013: Anxiety for the bishops kidnapped. New details on the dynamics of the seizure (www.fides.org)


Sources resident in Turkey confirm to Fides Agency that the Metropolitan Boulos al-Yazigi since last February had left Syria to visit the Greek-Orthodox Christian communities in Turkish territory that fall under the jurisdiction of the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. A project of making his first return to Syria through Lebanon had proved impossible. At that point, the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim had offered his collaboration to allow Boulos al-Yazigi to return to the diocese and to share with his priests and faithful the suffering endured by all due to the civil war. On Monday morning Mar Gregorios had gone with his driver to the border with Turkey specifically to pick up the Greek-Orthodox bishop on his return to Syria and together were supposed to return to Aleppo, believing that they could travel on routes considered "safe", which on other occasions had allowed him to return to the Syrian city from the Turkish border. Shortly after confirming to some Greek-Orthodox priests living in Turkey their re-union in Syrian territory, the two bishops became untraceable………………..




27-4-2013: Christians have 'most to lose' in Syrian strife (http://www.wnd.com)


Though people from every political, ethnic, and religious background are suffering and targeted in Syria’s civil war, Christians have found themselves in a very unique and frightening situation, having widely chosen not to take up arms or to openly support either the rebels or the regime,” Clay said……………….


We remember the murder of Fadi Jamil Haddad, a Greek Orthodox priest, who had been killed outside of Damascus in September after trying to secure the release of a kidnapped victim,” Clay said……………….


Armenian priest Michel Kayyal and Greek Orthodox priest Maher Mahfouz were also kidnapped by armed rebels in February,” Clay said. “Moreover, there have been several prominent Muslim clerics who have been abducted and killed in the conflict ……………..




27-4-2013: NYT: "Nowhere in Rebel-Controlled Syria is There a Secular Fighting Force to Speak Of"


For the past two years the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and Turkey have sent billions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into Syria along side known-terrorists from Libya, Chechnya, neighboring Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. In the Telegraph’s article titled, “US and Europe in ‘major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb’,” it is reported


With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders…..


Across Syria, rebel-held areas are dotted with Islamic courts staffed by lawyers and clerics, and by fighting brigades led by extremists. Even the Supreme Military Council, the umbrella rebel organization whose formation the West had hoped would sideline radical groups, is stocked with commanders who want to infuse Islamic law into a future Syrian government……




26-4-2013: The 'Arab Spring' and the Christian Nightmare (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)


Since the war began in March of 2011, more than 70,000 people have died. A February estimate places the internally displaced at 3.6 million, and an additional 1.3 million have been forced to flee Syria for neighboring countries as refugees, all the while the government of the United States continues to support the very people responsible for the killing…………………….


……………... The irony of their kidnapping is that they were returning from a meeting to attempt the release of two priests Fr. Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Fr. Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox), kidnapped in February and still remaining in the hands of the kidnappers……




26-4-2013: "Evidence" of Syria chemical weapons use not up to U.N. standard


Assertions of chemical weapon use in Syria by Western and Israeli officials citing photos, sporadic shelling and traces of toxins do not meet the standard of proof needed for a U.N. team of experts waiting to gather their own field evidence…………


That type of evidence, needed to show definitively if banned chemicals were found, has not been presented by governments and intelligence agencies accusing Syria of using chemical weapons against insurgents……………..




26-4-2013: The 'Arab Spring' and the Christian Nightmare (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)


Since the war began in March of 2011, more than 70,000 people have died. A February estimate places the internally displaced at 3.6 million, and an additional 1.3 million have been forced to flee Syria for neighboring countries as refugees, all the while the government of the United States continues to support the very people responsible for the killing…………………….


……………... The irony of their kidnapping is that they were returning from a meeting to attempt the release of two priests Fr. Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Fr. Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox), kidnapped in February and still remaining in the hands of the kidnappers……




26-4-2013: Syrian bishops’ kidnap raises Christian fears (http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


The abduction of two Christian bishops in Aleppo earlier this week has heightened Christian fears and deepened sectarian tensions in Syria and the region, senior Christian leaders told The Daily Star Thursday…………….


The two were snatched by foreign gunmen – allegedly Chechens fighting with the Islamist opposition Nusra Front – after returning from a humanitarian mission to retrieve two other kidnapped priests, according to church sources and Syrian state media………..




24-4-2013: 500 Europeans fight against Assad in Syria – EU anti-terror chief


About 500 Europeans are now fighting for the rebels in Syria against Bashar al-Assad's regime, the EU's anti-terror chief told the BBC. He added the majority of those fighters are from the UK, Ireland and France………….


Intelligence agencies are now concerned that some of those currently in Syria could join Islamists groups linked to al-Qaeda and when they return to Europe may launch terrorist attacks….




24-4-2013: For Obama, proof of Syria WMDs hard to find


But so far, those assessments appear to lack the concrete proof Washington would need to accept the kind of deeper US involvement in Syria's civil war that Obama has resisted. That, in turn, raises questions about just how well-defined the US president's "red line" is……………..




24-4-2013: 'Kidnapped Syrian bishops still missing'


Two Syrian bishops kidnapped by gunmen on Monday are still missing, church sources in Damascus and Aleppo said on Wednesday, contradicting a report that the men had been freed…..




23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria by terrorists.


23-4-2013: Syria opposition names interim leader


The Syrian National Coalition has named veteran dissident George Sabra as caretaker leader of the main opposition grouping, following the resignation of Moaz al-Khatib…………….




23-4-2013: Syrian activist group: Record number of dead bodies found


The bodies of at least 566 people who were killed over a six-day period across Syria were found Sunday, according to Local Coordination Committees in Syria, an opposition group based in the country……………….




22-4-2013: EU eases Syria oil embargo to help opposition


EU member states have agreed to ease an oil embargo on Syria to allow opponents of President Bashar al-Assad to sell crude…………


European companies will now be able to import crude oil and petroleum products from opposition-held areas………




22-4-2013: 'Jordan opens skies for IAF drones flying to Syria


Jordan has opened two corridors of its airspace to Israeli Air Force drones seeking to monitor the ongoing conflict in Syria……..……….


Le Figaro quoted the military source as saying that the Israeli drones fly at night to avoid detection…….


The report comes as Israel has become increasingly concerned with jihadist elements of the Syrian opposition setting up in the Syrian Golan on the border and Syrian military artillery fire crossing the border into Israel…………..




22-4-2013: Army storms Damascus suburb, nearly 100 dead


Activists said Sunday they were still counting corpses discovered after Syrian troops stormed an area of Damascus suburbs, killing some 100 people amid a stepped-up government offensive against opposition rebels……………..


The intensified fighting comes as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. would double its nonlethal aid to opposition forces in Syria to $250 million……………..




21-4-2013: In Syria, kidnappings on the rise as lawlessness spreads


Kidnappings of ordinary Syrians are rising at an alarming rate, a stark sign of the spreading lawlessness in their country after two years of war…………….


“People are taken just for the money to release them,”…………


The situation has gotten so out of hand that, in early April, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued a decree ordering a death sentence for any kidnappers who maim, sexually abuse or kill their captives……………..


The kidnapping is either happening in areas outside government control or they’re happening in areas with tacit approval of the shabiha or members of the security services,” said Nadim Houry, the deputy Middle East director for Human Rights Watch………..




19-4-2013: Syria's Assad warns Jordan as southern border seethes


Bashar Assad's first public warning to Jordan over its role in channeling Islamist Sunni Muslim rebels to southern Syria, close to Damascus, points to a president increasingly rattled by the threat of a push against his stronghold in the capital……………




19-4-2013: UN condemns Syria violence as 'unacceptable'


The situation in Syria is a humanitarian catastrophe with ordinary people paying the price for the failure to end the conflict," Amos said………………


Russia, Syria’s ally, has faulted the Syrian rebels for civilians’ suffering, and has cast vetoes, along with China, to block draft council resolutions………..




19-4-2013: U.S. Investigating Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria


U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating accounts from European allies that Syria may have used chemical weapons in its war against opposition forces, a senior U.S. official said Thursday……………


Britain and France have presented information to the United Nations on allegations that Syrian regime forces fired chemical arms in the city of Homs in December and at Ataybah near Damascus last month……





18-3-2013: PM: Israel Has a Right to Prevent Syrian Weapons Flow


In an interview with the BBC, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that Israel was very concerned over the possibility that Syrian weapons would end up in the hands of terrorists, and that Israel had a right to prevent this from happening…..




18-4-2013: Assad warns ‘fire’ in Syria could reach Jordan


“I cannot believe that hundreds (of rebels) are entering Syria with their weapons while Jordan is capable of arresting any single person with a light arm for going to resist in Palestine,” Assad said…….


Assad, whose regime has been battling an uprising since March 2011, said the United States and Europe are playing with fire……………….


Last week, the jihadist rebel group al-Nusra Front pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, who had previously urged rebels to establish an Islamic state in Syria………..


“There is a bid to invade Syria with forces coming from the outside, of different nationalities, though they follow new, different tactics from those followed by those who came to colonize in the region, and from those used by the United States to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan.”……..




18-4-2013: Assad: The West Will Pay for Supporting Al-Qaeda


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned the West on Wednesday that it will pay a heavy price for its alleged support of Al-Qaeda in Syria…………….


The West has paid heavily for funding Al-Qaeda in its early stages. Today it is doing the same in Syria, Libya and other places, and will pay a heavy price in the heart of Europe and the United States," Assad said……………


"We are facing a new war, a new method" with fighters, some of whom are Arabs, not Syrians," the president said in the hour-long interview, adding that the "army is not fighting a war to liberate Syrian territory, but a war on terror”……………..




18-4-2013: U.S. to Deploy 200 Troops to Jordan over Syria War


The United States plans to deploy 200 troops in Jordan because of "the deteriorating situation" in war-torn Syria, Information Minister Mohammad Momani said on Wednesday………..




17-4-2013: EU to allow purchases of Syrian oil from opposition


European Union governments are expected to ease a Syrian oil embargo next week to allow for purchases of crude from the opposition, in an effort to tilt the balance of the conflict against President Bashar al-Assad……………




16-4-2013: U.S. Fears Syria Rebel Victory, for Now


Senior Obama administration officials have caught some lawmakers and allies by surprise in recent weeks with an amended approach to Syria: They don't want an outright rebel military victory right now because they believe, in the words of one senior official, that the "good guys" may not come out on top………………




16-4-2013: UN agencies call for end to Syria 'carnage'


Leaders of five UN agencies have appealed to the international community to stop the "cruelty and carnage" in Syria, warning they may soon be forced to suspend humanitarian aid to the war-torn country………….


The rare appeal from the UN agencies came on a day President Bashar al-Assad declared a general amnesty for crimes committed in the war-torn country prior to Tuesday, according to the official SANA news agency………..




15-4-2013: Assad's forces break rebel blockade in north Syria


Syrian government troops have broken through a six-month rebel blockade in northern Syria and are now fighting to recapture a vital highway, opposition and state media said on Monday…..


The insurgents counter-attacked on Monday but their front has been weakened in recent weeks due to infighting and the deployment of forces to other battles, activists said…….


Rebels had advanced in northern Syria, near Turkey, and southern Deraa province near Jordan. But government forces have kept the rebels out of central Damascus and hold more than half of Homs city………………


Western powers, who want to see the end of Assad but do not want to intervene militarily, have been alarmed by the advance of Islamist groups like the Nusra Front in a conflict which has deepened the Middle East's sectarian divide………………




13-4-2013: Report: Soil sample confirms WMD use in Syria


Evidence of the use of chemical weapons has been discovered in a soil sample smuggled out of Syria, The Times of London reported on Saturday…


Another diplomat said that "quite convincing" evidence was sent to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to back the accusations made against forces loyal to Assad……………


The Syrian government is only willing to allow the UN to investigate what it claims was a rebel chemical attack near Aleppo last month. The opposition has blamed Assad's forces for that strike and also wants the UN team to look into other alleged chemical attacks by the government. According to the the Saturday report in The Times, the soil sample was believed to be taken from an area near Damascus……………………………..




13-4-2013: Russia backs future Syria war crimes probe


Also on Friday, activists said rebels clashed with troops in the northeastern border city of Qamishli, two kilometers away from the border with Turkey…..


Syria's rebels have gained momentum and made significant gains in the past weeks, largely due to an influx of arms. Arab officials and Western military experts say Mideast powers opposed to Assad have stepped up weapons supplies to Syrian rebels, with Jordan opening up as a new route………




10-4-2013: Libyan arms fueling warfare in Syria, Mali, Gaza Strip – UN report


Arms out of post-Gaddafi Libya are empowering militant groups, including terrorists and criminal gangs across the Middle East and Africa, a UN report said. Twelve countries are involved in the illicit trade of weapons, including portable SAM missiles…….


Proliferation of portable surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) has long been deemed one of the most alarming consequences of the turmoil in Libya, as such weapons may be used by terrorists to shoot down civilian aircraft. Experts claim they have confidential information that 30 SAMs have been trafficked from Libya to Chad’s capital Ndjamena…….


Libyan arms in Egypt are then smuggled into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip; militants there purchased modern assault rifles and anti-tank weapons from Libya, the document warns……


The experts also said they found that Qatar and the United Arab Emirates had violated the arms embargo on Libya during the 2011 conflict, supplying weapons and ammunition to anti-Gaddafi forces……..




10-4-2103: Syria crisis: Al-Nusra pledges allegiance to al-Qaeda


The leader of the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group fighting in Syria, has pledged allegiance to the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri….


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the Islamic State in Iraq, which is the Iraqi wing of al-Qaeda, had said on Tuesday that his group would be joining with al-Nusra under the name The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant………….




9-4-2013: Al Qaeda group in Iraq unites with extremists in Syria


An Al Qaeda-affiliated militant group in Iraq has united with one of Syria’s most-feared Islamic opposition groups in a vivid display of how the two-year Syrian civil war has emboldened extremists across the two countries’ borders………………..


“The time has come to declare before the people of Syria and the whole world, that Jabhat al Nusra is nothing more than an extension of the Islamic State of Iraq…………




9-4-2013: The smoke that obscures the fire in Syria


The lesson is clear when it comes to Syria: Rushing to support the revolution as a Sunni revolt against Alawite dominance has greatly damaged the cause. Arabs could have supported Syrians by many means, but certainly not by casting a revolution for freedom and justice in a sectarian frame……..


This was the first deadly mistake. Many will say that this is just a side-effect of a spontaneous mass explosion. This is wrong. We are witnessing greater Al Qaida influence in some parts of the liberated cities and an escalation in human rights violations. This clearly shows that some of those fighting in Syria are no different from the regime……………


The latest incident was the killing of a pro-Bashar Al Assad cleric in Aleppo, whose body was dragged in the streets. This is not an act of freedom fighters……


The answer may come from the recent statements made by some Syrian opposition figures and the Free Syrian Army (FSA), accusing the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood of attempting to dominate the opposition and exclude other opposition figures and parties……………………


The reaction to Al Khatib’s call for negotiations with the regime, some weeks ago, will answer that question. The criticism came mainly from those who were close to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists outside Syria and implicitly from Turkey and Qatar, while those who welcomed it were ordinary Syrian citizens inside Syria. This may explain some of the forgotten facts when it comes to leading people in an armed conflict or revolution……………


Negotiations with dictators is not new and not a sin, but it seems that being the head of the Syrian opposition means nothing more than being a speaker, while others take the real decisions behind the scenes. This is exactly what the statement of the FSA pointed out………………




9-4-2013: Video: No-fly zone for Syria 'problematic'


Former UN humanitarian chief John Holmes has told HARDtalk proposals to establish humanitarian corridors in Syria sound easy to do, but in reality could "pose enormous problems…..




9-4-2013: Iraq's al-Qaida merges with Syria's militant group


The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq says it has merged with Syria's extremist Jabhat al-Nusra, which has sided with the rebels fighting President Bashar Assad's regime……


Al-Baghdadi says the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria's Jabhat al-Nusra will be known as the "Islamic State in Iraq and Sham. 




9-4-2013: Video: Syria rejects widening of UN chemical weapons probe


8-4-2013: Video: “Aleppo, the Castle”: Documentary on Atrocities Committed by US-NATO Sponsored Terrorists in Syria


8-4-2013: Al-Qaeda Chief Urges Syrian Rebels to Establish Islamic State


In an online audio message Sunday, Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri urged Syrian rebels to fight to establish an Islamic state in Syria…………………….


Assad's regime has long dismissed the rebels as "terror" groups backed by Western powers and driven by Al-Qaeda-style ideologies……………………………….




8-4-2013: UN: Chemical weapons team ready to deploy in Syria


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said a team to investigate claims of chemical weapons use in Syria was ready to deploy within 24 hours and urged the Syrian government to give the go-ahead so work could begin……




6-5-2013: Just Like Iraq: U.S. Arms Butchers Who Use Chemical Weapons On Civilians … and Then Tries to Frame Someone Else (http://www.washingtonsblog.com)


UN investigator Carla Del Ponte said that there is strong evidence that the rebels used chemical weapons, but that there is not evidence that the government used such weapons………………..


The “rebels” in Syria that the U.S. has been arming and otherwise supporting are Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood……………………




5-4-2013: Up to 600 European jihadist fighters among Syrian rebels – study (http://rt.com)


Hundreds of European Muslims have joined the Syrian rebels in their fight against the rule of Bashar Assad, the latest study reveals. Most of them hold UK passports………………..


An estimate of the International Centre of for the Study of Radicalization (ICRS), based on more than 450 open sources, has found that up to 5,500 foreign fighters have traveled to Syria………………….


Britain accounts for the biggest number of arrivals, with up to 134 people joining the cause. The Netherlands comes second with up to 107 people, next are France (up to 92), Belgium (up to 85) and Denmark (up to 78)…………………..




3-4-2013: ‘Brotherhood sowing subversion in Gulf states’


Sunni Muslim-ruled Gulf Arab states are often wary of subversion from their powerful Shi'ite neighbor Iran, but Dubai's veteran police chief reserves most of his wrath for the "dictators" of the Muslim Brotherhood……..


“The Brotherhood as a ruling party in Egypt has no right to interfere with other countries. They are no longer a political party and should respect the independence of other countries”……………..




While he says his tweets are personal views, diplomats say they reflect concerns among the UAE ruling elite about the regional popularity of Islamists and the possibility that the West will engage with them…


Asked to describe threats to the UAE, Khalfan said at least two Emiratis had gone to Syria to fight for rebels trying to depose President Bashar Assad, but suggested al-Qaida-style militants were not widely supported in the Emirates……




6-4-2013: Assad: Israel, Turkey made a pact against Syria


Israel's apology to Turkey over the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident was a result of a pact made between Jerusalem and Ankara against Syria, Syrian President President Bashar Assad said in an interview with Turkish Ulusal Kanal television channel that was aired on Friday……


"The question is why didn't [Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu] apologize in years passed. What has changed? It's the same Erdogan, it's the same Netanyahu. What has changed is the situation in Syria," Assad said


He appeared to be referring to Sunni Muslim Gulf states Saudi Arabia and Qatar, absolute monarchies which have supported efforts to arm insurgents in an uprising which began with peaceful protests for reform and spiraled into civil war…..




4-4-2013: Red Cross: Syria Humanitarian Crisis Worsening


The humanitarian situation in Syria is worsening rapidly with some areas a landscape of "devastation and destruction", the Red Cross said on Thursday after a month which activists said was the bloodiest yet in the conflict…………….




4-4-2013: No Agreement on Syria Access for UN Chemical Arms Inspectors


The United Nations and Syria have not yet agreed on how much access a team of chemical weapons inspectors will have to investigate allegations that such arms were used recently in the Syrian conflict, according to a letter to Syria's U.N. envoy…..


The French and British request enraged Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, who accused them of trying to "delay and possibly derail" the U.N. probe…..


The investigation will try to determine only if chemical weapons were used, not who used them. If it is confirmed that the weapons were used, it would be the first time in the two-year-old Syrian conflict. The United Nations estimates the conflict has resulted in the loss of more than 70,000 lives……




4-4-2013: Video: World's most powerful rifle raising fears in the wrong hands


4-4-2013: New video shows Syrian rebels using US SEALs' sniper rifle


The video showed Syrian rebels, who are aligned with al Qaeda, firing guns that look like the British- made AS-50 and shouted 'Alahu akbar'……………………


The Free Syrian Army has been receiving weapons from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey - all close allies of the US. But the US has repeatedly stated that it has sent no weapons to the opposition forces……………………………




4-4-2013: Syria criticizes Jordan for hosting US-backed Syrian rebel training


Syrian state media sharply criticized Jordan for hosting U.S.-backed training of Syrian rebels seeking to topple President Bashar Assad, warning Thursday that Amman risks falling into the "volcanic crater" of Syria's conflict……


U.S. and other Western and Arab officials say Jordan has been hosting training camps for Syrian rebels since last October……………………..


The officials said Jordan is also facilitating arms shipments to the same Syrian rebels


Syrian state television said information on the training leaked by U.S. media show that Jordan "has a hand in training terrorists and then facilitating their entry into Syria," while state radio accused Jordan of "playing with fire……




4-4-2013: Syria’s Media War


Now the Free Syrian Army—or at least the rebel brigades that control the main border crossing between Syria and Turkey—are adding to the challenges by demanding that foreign journalists going into Syria use translators and drivers provided by the rebels……..


Some war correspondents, however, are suspicious of the rebels’ stated motives and suggest that this is instead an attempt to make money from the journalists and/or control how the international press covers the war…….


In recent months, civilians living in rebel-held areas in northern Syria have become increasingly critical of the Free Syrian Army, a loose confederation of autonomous rebel brigades…..


The correspondents fear that the FSA-appointed translators will, in effect, become minders, controlling access and spinning stories…………….


The new FSA media requirements, however, will be onerous for freelancers if they are maintained. Using the media centers’ drivers and translators will increase costs at least fourfold—a significant jump for tight budgets. Already finding major media outlets closed to them, fewer freelancers are likely to go into Syria, reducing the independent reporting coming out………………..




3-4-2013: Syria conflict drawing hundreds of jihadists from Europe, says report (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


Up to 600 people from 14 European countries have taken part in fighting since 2011, finds King's College study…………


A year-long survey by King's College London of more than two hundred martyrdom posts on jihadist-linked websites and hundreds of Arab and western press reports found that up to 600 individuals from 14 countries including the UK, Austria, Spain, Sweden and Germany had taken part in the conflict since it began in 2011………………




1-4-2013: Syria’s Civil War: The Mystery Behind a Deadly Chemical Attack


Reports on bombings in Syria these days have become routine. But when Mohammad Sabbagh, an industrialist from Aleppo, heard about the attack near his hometown on March 19, the details stopped him cold......................


The attack killed 31 people, including 10 soldiers, and wounded scores more.................


In August rebel forces took Sabbagh’s factory by force, as part of a sweep that also netted them an electricity station and a military airport about 30 km from Aleppo. Sabbagh, who has since fled Aleppo for Beirut, says his factory is now occupied by Jabhat al-Nusra, a militant group with strong ties to al-Qaeda that has been designated a terrorist group by the U.S..............




30-3-2013: Turkey shot self in foot with its hostile anti-Syria policy'


The leader of Turkey’s main opposition party Kemal Kilicdaroglu says that Ankara has shot itself in the foot with its hostile anti-Syria policy.....


Kilicdaroglu accused Erdogan of siding with Saudi Arabia and Qatar against the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad........


The opposition leader further warned Ankara against anti-Syria policies by saying that they would leave Turkey isolated in the region. He said Turkey should focus on gaining allies in the region instead of turning them away..........




29-3-2013: Syria's Descent: a normal week of bloodshed


Missile and mortar attacks in Aleppo and Syria, fierce clashes and claims of chemical weapon use - a typical week in Syria paints a grim picture of a country at war............


Around 20 people are said to have died in the attack and tens more injured........




29-3-2013: How Obama Is Failing Syria


The Obama administration has pioneered a new role for a great power: We are now the traffic controllers, directing the flow of weapons to the rebels........


The money isn’t ours; it is Qatari and Saudi and Libyan. The planes hauling the weapons are Jordanian, Qatari and Saudi. And the risks are run by Syria’s neighbors, principally Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.........




29-3-2013: UK fears homecoming of ‘London boys’ fighting in Syria (http://rt.com)


British security services said that scores of UK citizens are fighting in Syria, and may use their military know-how to wreak havoc when they return home………………


“There are now hundreds of foreign fighters from Europe in Syria. And when UK residents return here there is risk that they may carry out attacks using the skills that they have developed overseas…………………


29-3-2013: Russia opposes Syrian opposition seat at UN


Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said on Thursday Moscow opposes any attempt to seat the Syrian opposition as the representative of Damascus in the world organization..........


"I think it's clear that the AL basically has taken itself off our joint efforts, joint efforts by the international community -- at least those who believe in the need to stop violence as quickly as possible and to work for a political settlement in Syria," Churkin said.........




28-3-2013: Officials: Arms shipments rise to Syrian rebels (http://www.ynetnews.com)


Mideast powers opposed to President Bashar Assad have dramatically stepped up weapons supplies to Syrian rebels in coordination with the US in preparation for a push on the capital of Damascus, officials and Western military experts said Wednesday


A carefully prepared covert operation is arming rebels, involving Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, with the United States and other Western governments consulting, and all parties hold veto power over where the shipments are directed, according to a senior Arab official whose government is participating. His account was corroborated by a diplomat and two military experts.......


The two military experts, who closely follow the traffic, said the weapons include more powerful, Croatian-made anti-tank guns and rockets than the rebels have had before.......


The four described a system in which Saudi Arabia and Qatar provide the funding for the weapons, while Jordan and Turkey provide the land channels for the shipments to reach the rebels, while all coordinate with the US and other Western governments on the shipments' destinations.............


Sweden-based arms trafficking expert Hugh Griffiths, who has been monitoring the arms flow and collecting independent data, said some 3,500 tons of military equipment have been shipped to the rebels since the traffic began in early 2012. He said there were at least 160 airlifts of weapons deliveries from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and later Jordan, with the most recent being a shipment of unspecified material from Qatar to Turkey on Sunday................




27-3-2013: Syrian gov't rejects AL's decision to grant seat to opposition


The 24th Arab League summit on Tuesday granted Damascus' seat to the exiled Syrian opposition coalition, a move rejected by Syrian government and some domestic opposition parties.......


It legitimizes terrorist acts that are committed overtly and blatantly against the Syrians, their institutions and properties, the state-run Al-Thawra newspaper said in a commentary...................


He also stressed that the Arab League's previous remarks about arming the rebels in Syria is dangerous and blatantly infringe upon the pan-Arab body's charters and internal system...................




27-3-2013: Syria poses problems from hell


There are mounting reports that the United States is getting more deeply involved in supporting the Syrian rebels trying to topple President Bashar Assad................


The Syrian Christians, who are 10 percent, and some secular Sunni Muslims, particularly merchants, have also thrown in their lot with Assad, because they believe that either he rules or chaos does. None of them believes the rebels can or will build a stable, secular, multisectarian democracy in Assad’s wake. Why do we think they are wrong?..............


What are Qatar’s and Saudi Arabia’s goals? Are we to believe that these two archrival Wahhabi fundamentalist monarchies, the two main funders and arms suppliers of the Syrian uprising, are really both interested in creating a multisectarian, multiparty democracy in Syria, which they would not tolerate in their own countries?


In time, though, can we expect the rebels to guarantee a future for Alawites and Christians in Syria, which is the only way the state can remain intact? Or are we fine with the Alawites carving out their own homeland in Syria, the Sunnis taking the rest and the Christians moving to Canada?.........




27-3-2013: IDF Allows More Wounded Syrians into Israel


The IDF has brought more wounded Syrians into Israel, after several appeared at the northern border early Wednesday morning...........


Two days ago, Colonel Riyad al-Assad, commander of the Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) was seriously wounded when a explosive device detonated while attached to the vehicle in which he was riding. An aide was also wounded in the attack.....


The rebel forces, which themselves are fragmented and which are now comprised of two factions, have largely taken over the sector that adjoins the no-man's-land buffer zone separating Syria from Israel..........




27-3-2013: Annan: Too late for military intervention in Syria


Former UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to Syria says it is too late for military intervention there and that arming President Bashar Assad's foes will not end the two-year-old crisis........


Further militarization of the conflict, I'm not sure that is the way to help the Syrian people. They are waiting for the killing to stop. You find some people far away from Syria are the ones very keen for putting in weapons........


The United Nations says about 70,000 people have been killed in Syria, a figure Annan called "a gross under-estimation.......




25-3-2013: Report: CIA Helping Boost Arms Shipments to Syrian Rebels


Assisted by the CIA, Arab nations and Turkey have dramatically increased military aid to Syrian rebels in recent months, The New York Times reported Monday...........


The airlift has increased to include more than 160 military cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi and Qatari military-style cargo planes landing at Esenboga Airport near Ankara, and at other Turkish and Jordanian airports, the report said..............


According to The Times, Turkey had overseen much of the program, fixing transponders to trucks ferrying the military goods through Turkey so it could monitor shipments.......




26-3-2013: Ban appoints Swedish scientist to lead probe into alleged chemical weapons use in Syria


Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Professor Åke Sellström of Sweden to head the United Nations fact-finding mission which will investigate allegations of the reported use of chemical weapons in Syria.............


The goal is difficult, but clear: an end to violence, a clean break with the past, and a transition to a new Syria in which the rights of all communities are protected and the legitimate aspirations of all Syrians for freedom, dignity and justice are met,” he stated.......




25-3-2013: Jordan shuts Syria border crossing, UN pulls staff


Jordan closed its main border crossing with Syria on Monday after two days of fighting there between Syrian troops and rebel fighters, Jordan's information minister said..........................




25-3-2013: UN to Move Staff Out of Conflict-Ridden Syria


The United Nations is moving about half of its 100 international staff still in Syria out of the country due to the growing danger, diplomats said Monday.......


The United Nations has a huge humanitarian operation in Syria aiming to feed and help more than two million Syrians caught in the two-year-old conflict pitting President Bashar al-Assad against rebels fighting to oust him..........




25-3-2013: Gantz: No escalation expected on Syria border


IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz said Monday he does not expect an escalation of violence along Israel's border with Syria and urged Israelis to travel to the Golan Heights during the Pesach holiday.........


"I do not expect any escalation at this point, certainly not in the near future. In the meantime, the people of Israel must remain strong and calm and travel to the Golan Heights, the north, south, anywhere. We are here to live," he added............




25-3-2013: Arms airlift to Syria rebels expands, with CIA aid


With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months.........


The airlift, which began on a small scale in early 2012 and continued intermittently through last fall, expanded into a steady and much heavier flow late last year..............


As it evolved, the airlift correlated with shifts in the war within Syria, as rebels drove Syria’s army from territory by the middle of last year..........................


From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity......................




25-3-2013: CONFIRMED: US Shipping Weapons to Syria - Al Nusra's "Mystery" Sponsors Revealed


While US President Barack Obama and the Western media lied in concert to the world regarding America's role in supporting terrorists operating in Syria, it is now revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been shipping weapons to Syria via NATO-member Turkey and Jordan since at least early 2012...............


With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months......


Already, in 2007, US officials had divulged plans to destroy Syria by arming sectarian extremists, using Saudi Arabia and other regional actors as proxies to launder US and Israel support through - maintaining a degree of credibility amongst the terrorist receiving the aid, as well as a degree of plausible deniabiliy for Washington and Tel Aviv politically................


The confirmed admission implicates NATO directly in militarily intervening in Syria's ongoing conflict and reveals the source of arms and cash that have ended up primarily in the hands of Al Qaeda's Syrian franchise, US designated terror front, Jabhat al-Nusra...........


The CIA, Western media, and Western politicians insist that they have taken every precaution to ensure the now admitted torrent of cash and weapons that have been flowing into Syria to compound and perpetuate the bloodbath, did not end up in the hands of terrorists.........


It is now admitted that thousands of tons of weapons have been smuggled into Syria by the US and its regional allies. While the Western media has attempted in the past to feign ignorance as to where Al Qaeda's al-Nusra was getting their weapons from, it is now abundantly clear - al-Nusra's power has expanded across Syria in tandem with the CIA's ever-expanding operations along the nation's borders. If the US is working directly with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, to arm militants, who else could possibly be working to arm and fund al-Nusra on a greater scale if not this axis itself?.........




24-3-2013: West Drops Syria WMD Narrative As Evidence Points to Western-Armed Terrorists


For the US, UK, France, and its regional partners including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, nothing would have suited their interests more than if the recent chemical attack reported in Aleppo Syria turned out to be (or could have been portrayed as being) the work of the Syrian government, or even "loose" weapons that had fallen into the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists the West both arms and condemns simultaneously..........


The West’s silence in the face of an otherwise spectacular opportunity to advance its agenda may also indicate its faltering legitimacy and the loss of confidence that it can rewrite, at will, reality to suit its agenda – as it has done so many times in the past.............


As the West’s credibility crumbles regarding Syria, and as its “success” in Libya continues to burn, its arming, training, aiding and abetting of terrorists carrying out increasingly horrific atrocities which now appear to include the use of chemical weapons, will haunt them not only in their pursuit of transforming the Levant, but in many years to come, in regards to all of their geopolitical ambitions..........




24-3-2013: Syria opposition in disarray as head resigns


Opposition chief Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib on Sunday announced his resignation from the National Coalition, throwing Syria's divided opposition into disarray ahead of an Arab summit.........................


"I announce my resignation from the National Coalition, so that I can work with a freedom that cannot possibly be had in an official institution," Khatib said in a statement posted on his Facebook page..................


An opposition source in Doha, where the Arab League is to hold a summit on Tuesday, told AFP that Khatib accused "certain countries, notably Qatar, of wanting to control the opposition" and of having imposed Hitto.....


"We in the Free Syrian Army do not recognise Ghassan Hitto as prime minister," said FSA political and media coordinator Louay Muqdad.......


"I speak on behalf of the (rebel) military councils and the chief of staff when I say that we cannot recognise a prime minister who was forced on the National Coalition, rather than chosen by consensus," Muqdad said.........




23-3-2013: US Sponsored Terror: Syria Teeters on Obama’s “Red Line"


No matter the political outcome of this horrible war, a once tolerant and diverse state has been shattered and terror itself has eaten into the destiny of Syria’s people, inexorably changing the courses of their lives forever..........................


Spokesmen of the Assad government recently accused foreign-backed militants of launching scud missiles containing chemical weapons in the city of Aleppo, killing dozens. Witnesses claim to have seen powder emanate from the rocket, causing those who inhaled the substance to suffocate or require immediate medical attention...............


The way in which mainstream media sources have covered the Syrian conflict, perhaps more so than any other topic in recent times, shows unequivocally how certain content providers have moved in step with the foreign policy of the Western and Gulf states who have enabled insurgent groups and provided diplomatic cover for opposition politicians who represent their economic and strategic interests.......


There are a myriad of reasons why Bashar al-Assad must go in the eyes of policy makers in Washington and Tel Aviv, and the destruction of his tenure could not have been possible without the financial muscle of Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s wretchedly opulent Sunni Monarchs........


These glittering kingdoms of disaster-capitalism are not only responsible for supplying weapons and cash; a major incentive of theirs is exporting the Wahhabist and Salafist ideologies that many of Syria’s imported jihadists subscribe to, a warped and primal interpretation of Islam that has fueled the sectarian nature of the Syrian conflict and deepened social divisions to their most dangerous point – in a country that was once renowned for its tolerance of religious diversity. These Gulf kingdoms, which are more-or-less given a trump card to commit deplorable human rights violations institutionally, are also responsible for propping up the political arm of their militant foot soldiers, and that comes in the form of the Muslim Brotherhood...........


Ghassan Hitto, a virtually unknown political novice with a US passport and a computer science degree from Purdue University. Hitto is an Islamist Kurd with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has politically dominated the Syrian National Council since its creation, in addition to organizing tactical elements of the insurgency....................


Western states want to install proxy leaders who will grovel to their multinationals and swallow IMF medicine, Gulf states seek unfettered hegemony in their own backyards, and they all want to see the Shi’a resistance smashed to pieces..................




23-3-2013: Obama warns of ‘enclave for extremism’ in Syria


President Barack Obama warned Friday that an “enclave for extremism” could fill a leadership void in war-torn Syria, a chilling scenario for an already tumultuous region, especially for Jordan, Syria’s neighbor and a nation at the crossroads of the struggle for stability in the Middle East........


“I am very concerned about Syria becoming an enclave for extremism, because extremists thrive in chaos,” Obama said during a joint news conference with Jordan’s King Abdullah II. “They thrive in failed states, they thrive in power vacuums......




23-3-2013: Fearing stark future, Syrian Alawites meet in Cairo


The two-day meeting in Cairo, the first by Alawites supportive of the revolt, will draft a declaration committing to a united Syria and inviting the mainstream opposition to cooperate on preventing sectarian bloodletting if Assad falls and agree on a transitional justice framework, organizers said...................


At least 70,000 people have been killed since a peaceful protest movement led by Syria’s Sunni Muslim majority broke out against four decades of family rule by Assad and his father, members of the Alawite sect.........................


Assad has said he is fighting a foreign-backed conspiracy to divide Syria and that the rebel forces are Islamist “terrorists.".................




23-3-2013: Report: CIA provides intelligence to Syrian rebels


The US Central Intelligence Agency has been feeding information to select rebel fighters in Syria to try to make them more effective against government troops, The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.....................................


In Iraq, the CIA has been directed by the White House to work with elite counterterrorism units to help the Iraqis counter the flow of al-Qaeda-linked fighters across the border with Syria, The Journal said.............................




23-3-2013: Syria chemical weapons: finger pointed at jihadists


The Syrian military is said to believe that a home-made locally-manufactured rocket was fired, containing a form of chlorine known as CL17, easily available as a swimming pool cleaner. They claim that the warhead contained a quantity of the gas, dissolved in saline solution...........


The military's version of events is that the home-made rocket was fired at a military checkpoint situated at the entrance to the town. The immediate effects were to induce vomiting, fainting , suffocation and seizures among those in the immediate area..........


A second source - a medic at the local civilian hospital - said that he personally witnessed Syrian army helping those wounded and dealing with fatalities at the scene..................


The military source who spoke to Channel 4 News confirmed that artillery reports from the Syrian Army suggest a small rocket was fired from the vicinity of Al-Bab, a district close to Aleppo that is controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra - a jihadist group said to be linked with al-Qaeda and deemed a "terrorist organisation" by the US....................


So it is likely only to produce limited casualties. In this case there were only 26 fatalities, far fewer than would be expected from a full chemical weapon attack. In short, it is easily improvised into a chemical device but not one that would be used by an army seeking mass-casualty effects......


All claims by all sides in war need to be checked against available evidence. But what is clear in this case is that the Syrian claims do tally with some key agreed facts: the small number of casualties; proven availability of the chemical in the area; relatively low casualties; and a complaint taken seriously and acted upon by the UN with uncharacteristic speed.................




22-3-2013: Syria's Assad vows to cleanse nation of extremis


President Bashar Assad vowed Friday to "wipe out" Muslim extremists in Syria, blaming them for a suicide bombing at a mosque that killed dozens of people, including a top cleric who supported the embattled regime in the civil war.........................


Sheik Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Buti, a top Sunni preacher, was killed as he was giving a sermon in the mosque in the heart of the capital, Damascus............................


The preacher supported the regime since the early days of Assad's father and predecessor, the late President Hafez Assad, providing a Sunni cover and legitimacy to their rule......................




22-3-2013: UN to Investigate Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria


The United Nations will investigate whether chemical weapons have been used in the Syria conflict, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced on Thursday.........................


The Syrian government accuses opposition rebels of using chemical weapons in Khan al-Assal near Aleppo on Tuesday and says that more than 30 people died. The opposition said the government staged the attack and also used banned chemical weapons in another incident near Damascus.....................


Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin welcomed the announcement made by Ban, calling it "a very good, courageous decision......


On Wednesday, Minister of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs Yuval Steinitz said in an interview that it is “apparently clear” that either Syrian rebels or the Damascus regime have used chemical weapons in the country's two-year civil war.......................




21-3-2013: US assessment: No chemical weapons used in Syria


The US now has strong indications that chemical weapons were not used in the attack in north Syria Tuesday, a senior American official said......


The Russian foreign ministry has claimed that such weapons were in fact used, and similar claims were made by Israel – although Israel claimed the amount of chemicals involved was minor...................


There are also concerns that al-Qaeda-linked rebels might obtain and use these weapons as Assad's regime continues to deteriorate......




21-3-2013: A pro Assad cleric killed in suicide bomb inside a mosque


A suicide bomber has blown himself up during evening prayers inside a mosque in Damascus, killing a prominent Sunni Muslim preacher and longtime supporter of President Bashar Assad, state TV has reported.............


Sheikh Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Buti, an 84-year-old cleric known to all Syrians as a religious scholar who often appeared on TV, was killed in the explosion in the Eman mosque in the central Mazraa district................




21-3-2013: Experts doubt Syria has used chemical weapons


The United Nations announced Thursday that it will investigate the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria, which would amount to a crime against humanity, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said.........................


Israel seemed convinced something had occurred. Yuval Steinitz, minister of intelligence and strategic affairs, said it is "apparently clear" that chemical weapons were used. A Reuters photographer said victims he had visited in Aleppo hospitals were suffering breathing problems


While it's unlikely that Assad or anyone else used chemical weapons such as nerve or mustard gas, videos of the attack and victims appear to show some kind of chemical agent was used, said Tony Badran.......


Robert Ford, U.S. ambassador to Syria, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday that there was "no evidence to substantiate the reports that chemical weapons were used yesterday...............




20-3-2013: Syrian Rebels Caught on Tape Discussing Chemical Weapons Attack


An alleged audio recording of a phone conversation between two members of the Free Syrian Army contains details of a plan to carry out a chemical weapons attack capable of impacting an area the size of one kilometer........................


The video also contains footage of western-backed FSA rebels announcing their intention to carry out chemical weapons attacks while surrounded with bottles of nitric acid and other substances............................


The clip also shows some form of nerve gas or poison being used against rabbits, mirroring a video released last year which showed rebels killing rabbits after dispersing an unidentified chemical weapon into a glass box......................


Evidence clearly indicating that NATO-backed rebels have planned and carried out attacks using chemical weapons in Syria is important because it was this very scenario that the Obama administration said represented its “red line” on military intervention in Syria........


However, the fact that the biological attacks are seemingly being prepared and launched by FSA militants and not by Bashar Al-Assad’s troops exposes a fundamental hypocrisy that lies at the heart of western support for insurgents who have repeatedly carried out terrorist attacks against innocent civilians.............................


In the aftermath of yesterday’s chemical weapons rocket attack in Aleppo which killed up to 25 people, including 16 Syrian soldiers, the US government denied that chemical weapons had been used once it became clear that US-backed rebels were responsible for the incident. Israeli intelligence sources confirming that chemical weapons had indeed been deployed did nothing to shift the Obama administration’s position




20-3-2013: Syria asks U.N. to look into alleged chemical attack


Syria asked U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday to appoint an independent mission to investigate an alleged chemical weapons attack that the regime has blamed on rebels in northern Syria................


The U.S. ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, said Wednesday the Obama administration has no evidence so far to support Syria's accusations, or that a chemical weapons attack occurred at all..............


The Syrian government, which refers to the rebels as "terrorists," said 31 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in the missile attack.......




20-3-2013: UK: Syria chemical attack boosts case for rebels


Britain and France urge ease of EU ban of supplying arms to opposition in light of reports of chemical weapon attack in Syria.......


Britain and France are pushing for the EU ban to be eased to allow a flow of arms to outgunned rebels waging a two-year-old uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad, but several EU countries and Russia oppose the move........


The French president is concerned and I am concerned that we should not be restricted for months and months ahead when we don't know exactly what could happen in Syria, including the very worrying reports of use of chemical weapons," British Prime Minister David Cameron told parliament........




20-3-2013: Iran says Syrian rebels used chemical weapons


Iran on Wednesday accused "armed opposition groups" in Syria of having used chemical weapons on the city of Aleppo, warning against a recurrence of such attacks, the official IRNA news agency reported....................


Syrian officials and media said 31 people had been killed in the attack, and that around 100 more were injured.......................




19-3-2013: Syrians trade Khan al-Assal chemical weapons claims


Syrian rebels and the government have accused each other of firing chemical weapons, reportedly killing at least 25 people in the north of the country.......


Both sides say the attack happened in the Khan al-Assal region north of the second city, Aleppo...........


There have been periodic "scares" when Western intelligence agencies claimed to see activity at weapons depots, but so far there has been no hard evidence that chemical warheads have been delivered to the units that might fire them...................




19-3-2013: Syria: regime accuses rebels of killing 25 in chemical weapons attack


Chemical weapons were suspected to have been deployed for the first time in the Syrian civil war, it was claimed, as the warring sides accused each other of a poison gas attack that killed at least 25 near Aleppo.....


Russia's foreign ministry said it had information that the rebel Free Syrian army units fighting in the south-west of the second city had used chemical weapons captured from the government in an attack on Assad forces............


The US said the incident was under investigation but rebuffed the accusation the rebels used weapons of mass destruction.................




19-3-2013: US faces new pressure to act amid charges of chemical attacks in Syria


The Assad regime and Syrian rebels traded accusations Tuesday of launching a chemical attack -- in an escalation that, if confirmed, would mark the first known use of chemical weapons in the civil war and could pressure the U.S. to consider military action after two years on the sidelines......


Obama administration officials were pressed repeatedly Tuesday on whether the use of chemical weapons by either side would compel any action by the U.S., which has kept its distance from the civil war.....................


"If today's reports are substantiated, the President's red line has been crossed, and we would urge him to take immediate action to impose the consequences he has promised,".................




19-3-2013: At least 25 dead in Syrian 'chemical' attack as govt and rebels trade blame


Syrian rebels have used a rocket chemical warhead in Aleppo, killing 25 people and injuring 86, says Syria's Information Minister. The attack escalates the Syrian conflict and brings the violence to a new level, believe Russian diplomats........


The Obama administration announced it is looking carefully at the chemical warfare allegation coming from Syria, but instantly called into question the possible use of such weapons by opposition groups.


"We are looking carefully at the information as it comes in," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters


Fears that Syria’s chemical weapons could fall into militant hands have been a source of constant concern for the international community over the past few months. The US and the UN have repeatedly warned President Bashar Assad’s government against deploying its own chemical arms stockpile......




19-3-2013: NATO Proxies Using WMD's in Syria - Dozens Dead


....it is outrageous hypocrisy to see the West arming, funding, and politically backing terrorists in Syria who in fact both possess, and are now using such weapons against the Syrian people............


At least 25 are reported dead after a chemical weapons attack targeting Syrian soldiers was carried out by NATO-backed terrorists in the northern city of Aleppo.......


Worse yet, any chemical weapons imported into the country would implicate NATO either directly or through gross negligence, as the weapons would have passed through NATO-member Turkey, past US CIA agents admittedly operating along the border and along side Western-backed terrorists inside Syria.................


The implications of Western-backed terrorists using chemical weapons, regardless of their origin, has cost the West its already floundering legitimacy, jeopardized its institutions, and has further shook the confidence of the many shareholders invested in them - politically, financially, industrially, and strategically. Such shareholders would be wise to begin looking for exits and cultivating alternatives outside the Wall Street-London international order..............................




19-3-2013: US' New "Syrian PM" Yet Another Muslim Brotherhood Extremist


Ghassan Hitto, a Kurd with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, was elected in the early hours of Tuesday at a meeting of leading opposition figures of the Syrian National Coalition.......


Hitto takes the reins of this Western-contrived front from fellow sectarian extremist, Moaz al-Khatib, also an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood and an unabashed defender of Al Qaeda's al-Nusra front, who frequently takes credit for the indiscriminate bombings, murder and maiming of civilians across Syria.................


Since long before the 2011 violence began, the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia had conspired to use sectarian extremists, specifically the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups linked directly to Al Qaeda as the main force with which to overthrow the Syrian government, not for "spreading democracy," but specifically to undermine and destroy neighboring Iran and reassert Western hegemony across the Middle East....................




19-3-2013: Ghassan Hitto voted premier of Syria's rebel territory


Syria's main opposition National Coalition early Tuesday elected Ghassan Hitto, a former US-based IT executive with Islamist leanings, as prime minister for Syrian rebel-held territory.........


But some of the 70-odd Coalition members withdrew from the consultations before the vote could take place, accusing opposition heavyweight Muslim Brotherhood of imposing Hitto as a candidate.................


We don't want what happened in Egypt to happen in Syria. They hijacked the revolution," Coalition member Kamal Labwani, who walked out of the vote..........




19-3-2013: Russia says Syria rebels used chemical weapons


Russia's foreign ministry said on Tuesday it had information that Syrian rebels used chemical weapons that killed 16 people and injured 100 in Aleppo province.........




19-3-2013: Video Syria condemns rebels' 'chemical weapon attack'


Syria's information minister, Omran al-Zoabi, says Syrian rebels fired rockets containing chemical agents on Tuesday. He says the attack breaches international law, and says President Bashar al-Assad's forces would never use chemical weapons. The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says at least 26 people died in the attack near Aleppo, but the use of chemical weapons has not been confirmed


19-3-2013: Syria: Rebels used chemical weapons, killing 26


Information Minister Omran al-Zoabi said rebels fired a rocket with chemical weapons at the town of Khan al-Assal, southwest of Aleppo, in what he called a "dangerous escalation............................


Washington has also expressed concern about chemical weapons falling into the hands of militant groups - either hardline Islamist rebels fighting to topple Assad or his regional allies...................




19-3-2013: Syrian National Council Elects Prime Minister


Syria's main opposition National Council on Monday elected Ghassan Hitto, a communications executive who has lived in the United States for decades, as premier for large swathes of rebel-held territory mired in chaos and poverty..........................


But other Coalition members withdrew from the consultations before the vote could take place, reflecting divisions within Syria's opposition.......





16-3-2013: Syria, Under the Banner of “Democratization”: Shipping Weapons to Al Nusra Terrorists, Encouraging the Establishment of Sharia Law


Many readers are already aware that the ‘al Nusrah Front’, one of the dominant ‘al Qaeda’ groups currently being supported by the US and Britain in Syria, is being funded and steered by Saudi Arabia’s intelligence agency. But few are aware of why Saudi is so keen to transform the sovereign – and secular state of Syria, towards a more extremist Wahabi-style Islamic society............


Saudi intelligence, led by Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, is bringing the militants fighting the Syrian forces under the umbrella of the al-Nusra Front. The report said Prince Bandar is organizing these terrorists through Jordan and Lebanon.........


Saudi Prince Bandar of the Bush Family’s Carlyle Group and his involvement in the destruction of Syria was quite a revelation back in Janurary, but with the evidence coming through about NATO’s own ‘Fast and Furious’ illegal weapons transfer into Syria via Europe, the totality of the Gulf and NATO’s Syrian Project has now become clearer.............


Recent human rights reports out of Syria also confirm what many have suspected all along, that most of the real war crimes and atrocities carried out during this conflict have been done by the confab of rebels and terrorist paramilitary gangs throughout the country..........


Now, both Britain and France are scrambling to cover their legal tracks as is evidenced by David Cameron and Francois Hollande’s hijacking of the EU economic summit today which saw both leaders publicly begging fellow EU representatives to lift the European arms embargo to the Syrian terrorist armies wanting to overthrow the Assad government..................


With so many foreign fighters and terrorist organisations flooding into Syria, it has become almost impossible for the western media to grasp the enormity of the proxy war, let alone analyse it............




16-3-2013: Assad asks BRICS ‘to intervene’ in Syria crisis – aid


"Today I passed a message from President Bashar al-Assad to President Jacob Zuma, who will preside over the March 26 BRICS summit, on the subject of the situation in Syria," senior adviser Bouthaina Shaaban told AFP..............




16-3-2013: Real steps for a post-Assad Syria


This idea of a stable transition is easier to preach than to practice, especially when Syria has been fragmented by two years of civil war. .......


The United States is also warily considering ways to provide security from air attacks for the liberated, self-governing areas. Already, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are providing some shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, with the United States’ tacit blessing.........




15-3-2013: The Destruction of a Nation: Syria’s War Revealed in Satellite Image


15-3-2013: EU rejects Franco-British push to arm Syrian rebels


European Union governments on Friday rejected Franco-British efforts to lift an EU arms embargo to allow weapons supplies to Syrian rebels, saying this could spark an arms race and worsen regional instability.....




15-3-2013: CIA begins sizing up Islamic extremists in Syria for drone strikes


The CIA has stepped up secret contingency planning to protect the United States and its allies as the turmoil expands in Syria, including collecting intelligence on Islamic extremists for the first time for possible lethal drone strikes, according to current and former U.S. officials.........


The targeting officers have formed a unit with colleagues who were tracking Al Qaeda operatives and fighters in Iraq. U.S. officials believe that some of these operatives have moved to Syria and joined Islamic militias battling to overthrow President Bashar Assad.........




15-3-2013: Syrian uprising marks second anniversary


Syria's devastating conflict entered its third year on Friday with EU leaders frustrated over the failure of diplomacy to end the bloodshed. Western countries are now upping pressure to arm rebels despite the United Nations’ and Russia's objections........


The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says over one million Syrians have fled to neighboring countries to escape the violence, creating an economic and humanitarian disaster.......


Syria’s armed rebels have seized large swathes of territory, but growing tensions between the ideologically splintered rebels, some of whom belong to al-Qaeda-linked groups, have raised fears of a collapse into a new sectarian bloodbath........


"Our goal is to convince our partners at the end of May, and if possible before.... If by chance there is a blockage by one or two countries, then France will take its responsibilities," French President Francois Hollande said on Thursday.......




14-3-2013: Syrian rebels often kill captives, rights group says


Syrian rebels routinely kill captured soldiers and suspected regime informers....................


Still, rebel fighters, who have generally enjoyed public sympathy in the West, must also be held accountable, said Cilina Nasser of Amnesty......


Rebel groups, including some affiliated with the FSA, "are summarily killing people with a chilling sense of impunity, and the death toll continues to rise as more towns and villages come under the control of armed opposition groups,".......................


A video said to have been taken March 9 in Raqqa, a city overrun last week by the rebels, showed three bodies lying in a city square in pools of blood. One of the dead was face down, his hands tied behind his back.......................




14-3-2013: France, UK push EU to end Syria arms ban


France and Britain will urge European Union governments to lift an embargo on supplying weapons to the Syrian opposition, President Francois Hollande said on Thursday, warning that France could go it alone if no EU agreement is reached......................




14-3-2013: France backs ending EU arms embargo on Syria


He told reporters that France and the UK agreed on the issue but that other countries would have to be convinced........


France's view is that arms are being delivered to Syria - but to the regime of Bashar [al-Assad], in particular by the Russians,"


French officials said on Thursday that they would press for EU talks on the embargo to be brought forward, because of the situation's urgency




13-3-2013: How the Muslim Brotherhood Hijacked Syria's Revolution


Throughout the Syrian uprising, I have had discussions with opposition figures, activists, and foreign diplomats about how the Brotherhood has built influence within the emerging opposition forces. It has been a dizzying rise for the Islamist movement........


The Brotherhood subsequently organized several conferences that formed opposition groups to serve as fronts for the movement, allowing it to beef up its presence in political bodies..........




13-3-2013: Syria's war affects generation of children


Aid groups warn that some two million children in Syria are facing, among other things, malnutrition, disease, early marriage and severe trauma as a result of the civil war..........


Similarly, a report issued by UNICEF Tuesday said unrelenting violence, massive population displacement, and damage to infrastructure and essential services caused by the Syrian conflict risk leaving an entire generation of children scarred for life........




13-3-2013: Syria Ready to Fight Rebels 'For Years'


President Bashar Al-Assad's regime, which has consistently blamed foreign powers for the violence, also sent letters to the UN urging "pressure on certain Arab and Western countries that supply aid to terrorism.................




12-3-2013: Why Doesn’t Obama Drone Strike This Terrorist?


Since the Obama administration seems so keen to entrench its authority to kill Americans deemed “terrorists” on foreign soil, why has it failed to drone strike former US Army soldier Eric Harroun, who is now fighting with the Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria?.......


He’s a U.S.-trained soldier turned Muslim warrior who moves between America and countries where the winds of the Arab spring blow, fighting alongside jihadists and America-hating terrorists while celebrating his bloody exploits on YouTube videos...............................


30-year-old Phoenix-born Harroun aided in the toppling of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak before traveling to Syria to join an organization – Jabhat al-Nusra – that has been listed by the State Department as a terrorist group as a result of its involvement in numerous bloody attacks that have killed civilians.....................


Numerous reports confirm that Al Nusra is the leading front line fighting force in Syria and is commanding other rebel groups. Al Nusra is also closely tied with Al Qaeda in Iraq, recently responsible for the slaughter of US-trained troops in Iraq...........................


Another American who fought alongside Al-Qaeda terrorists in both Libya and Syria, Matthew VanDyke, recently returned to the United States and is set to give lectures in Washington DC this weekend. VanDyke admitted that he originally wanted to join the CIA but later became a self-described “freedom fighter”...............


Eric Harroun’s presence in Syria serves as yet another reminder that US taxpayer dollars are being used to fund an insurrection led by Al-Qaeda terrorists who openly espouse their hatred for America as they ransack Christian churches, burn US flags, chant anti-American slogans and sing the praises of Osama Bin Laden while glorifying the 9/11 attacks.......................




12-3-2013: UN rights panel collects evidence on Syrian massacres


A UN-appointed commission is collecting evidence on 20 massacres in Syria, a reflection of the civil war’s growing brutality, the panel’s chairman said Monday.......


Commission member Vitit Muntarbhorn told reporters that both sides are committing war crimes, but it appears that ‘‘government authorities have been involved more in regard to crimes against humanity..................




11-3-2013: US, UK and France training Syrian rebels in Jordan - report (http://rt.com)


Foreign instructors are training Syrian rebels in modern warfare in Jordan, suggest media reports from Europe. Sources claim the trainees will be the security force if Assad goes, while the combat skills they are being taught distort the picture.................


When it comes to technical assistance, what it means in practice depends on who you ask. The Brits and the French, for example, are much more forward-leaning than others. The principle is that the assistance should be for the protection of civilians, but as we saw in Libya, that can be interpreted in different ways,” the source said......................


Jordanian intelligence is also taking part in training the Syrian rebels, busy filtering off radical Islamists (Salafists) from the candidates for advanced foreign training. The foreign instructors particularly prefer to choose former officers who have defected from the Syrian regular troops............




11-3-2013: Report: U.S. Training Syrian Rebels in Jordan (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The United States is training Syrian rebels in Jordan.......................


Some 200 men have already received such training over the past three months and there are plans in the future to provide training for a total 1,200 members of the "Free Syrian Army" in two camps in the south and the east of the country..................


Meanwhile, a report last week in Foreign Policy magazine said that Turkey, a member of NATO and an ally of the United States, is supporting an effort by Arab nations and NGOs to fund radical Islamist rebel forces in Syria..........




10-3-2013: Americans are training Syria rebels in Jordan: Spiegel (http://www.reuters.com)


Americans are training Syrian anti-government fighters in Jordan, the German weekly Der Spiegel said on Sunday, quoting what it said were participants and organizers…………


Some 200 men have already received such training over the past three months and there are plans in the future to provide training for a total 1,200 members of the "Free Syrian Army" in two camps in the south and the east of the country…………………………….




10-3-2013: Open War Crimes: US and British-Backed Weapons Airlift From Croatia to Terrorists in Syria (http://21stcenturywire.com)


It can now be revealed that NATO allied nations were busy using proxy states to drive their war in Syria – putting together one of the biggest international black operation transfers of military supplies in recent history. So it’s official: large caches of hardware from the West have been transferred to the Syrian jihadist mercenary collective known as the ‘Free Syrian Army’ , ‘Syrian Rebels’, or ‘Syrian Opposition’ – depending on who you ask, a brash move which may be vehemently opposed by other UN Security Council members – namely Russia and China……


It is also confirmed from these reports that Saudi Arabia has financed a large portion of this purchase secretly transported to al Qaeda and other FSA fighters – who are working with the support of the CIA, MI6 and others, along with other financial and material support of Qatar and Saudi, to further destabilise and overthrow the Assad government in Syria…………


“From the start of November last year, till February this year, 75 planes flew out from Zagreb Airport with over 3,000 tons of weapons and ammunition bound for Syrian rebels…


The newspaper, quoting diplomatic sources, says that besides Croatian weapons the planes were full with weapons from other European countries including the UK. The weapons were organised by the United States of America.


Sources say that the first few flights to leave Croatia bound for Syria with weapons were operated by Turkish Cargo, which is owned by Turkish Airlines. After those flights, Jordanian International Air Cargo took over the flights. The deal to provide arms to the rebels was made between American officials and the Croatian Ambassador to the US.”,…………..




9-3-2013: Document Reveals How Turkish Intelligence Recruits Al Nusra Terrorists to Fight in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca/)


Turkey also relies on these forms to specify the individuals that it could take to military training camps in Turkey, as well as those who could form military and security cells inside Syria.......


He added that “all the supervisors of this center are from the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and they personally lead Al-Nusra Front.”.........


Moreover, Turkey presents for each individual, who could find 60 people to fill forms in Syria, a large sum of money.............




8-3-2013: West training Syrian rebels in Jordan (http://www.guardian.co.uk)


Western training of Syrian rebels is under way in Jordan in an effort to strengthen secular elements in the opposition as a bulwark against Islamic extremism, and to begin building security forces to maintain order in the event of Bashar al-Assad's fall.........


British officials have made it clear that they believe new EU rules have now given the UK the green light to start providing military training for rebel fighters with the aim of containing the spread of chaos and extremism in areas outside the Syrian regime's control...................


A Jordanian source familiar with the training operations said: "It's the Americans, Brits and French with some of the Syrian generals who defected. But we're not talking about a huge operation.................


For western and Saudi backers of the opposition, Jordan has become a preferable option through which to channel aid than Turkey. Ankara has been criticised for allowing extremist groups, such as the al-Nusra Front, become dominant on the northern front while it focused on what it sees as the growing threat of Kurdish secessionism...................




8-3-2013: Syria: how jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra is taking over Syria's revolution (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)


And in recent weeks it is Jabhat al-Nusra, a radical jihadist group blacklisted by the US as terrorists and a group that wants Syria to be an uncompromising Islamic state governed by sharia, that is holding sway.............


The group is well funded – probably through established global jihadist networks – in comparison to moderates................


The Nusra Front is known for some of the bravest fighters on the front lines. But the fundamentalist movement is now focusing on highly effective humanitarian programs that are quickly winning the loyalty of Aleppo’s residents................


For many Syrians Nusra is synonymous with al-Qaeda. Many of their fighters are foreign jihadists; some fought with al-Qaeda in Iraq. Mr Rasoul sought to deny that they were extremists: “There is a wrong image in the West that Jabhat al-Nusra is Scarface. Jabhat al Nusra is human and we don’t hate anyone. We don’t hate Christians..................




8-3-2013: US and Europe in 'major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb' (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)


The story confirmed the origins of ex-Yugoslav weapons seen in growing numbers in rebel hands in online videos, as described last month by The Daily Telegraph and other newspapers....................


The shipments were allegedly paid for by Saudi Arabia at the bidding of the United States, with assistance on supplying the weapons organised through Turkey and Jordan, Syria's neighbours...................


British military advisers however are known to be operating in countries bordering Syria alongside French and Americans, offering training to rebel leaders and former Syrian army officers. The Americans are also believed to be providing training on securing chemical weapons sites inside Syria ..................


The weapons, including rocket launchers, recoil-less guns and the M79 anti-tank weapon, have been seen in rebel hands in numerous videos, and were first spotted by an arms expert Eliot Higgins..........................


The British involvement fits with the government's policy of doing all it can to help the rebels within the EU arms embargo, which was modified but not dropped at the start of this month. Croatia, a close western ally, does not join the EU until July 1..............


According to the Croat newspaper, the first cargo planes involved with the shipment were from Turkey.................




8-3-2013: Philippines: Syrian Rebels Remain Firm on Hostage Demands (http://www.israelnationalnews.com)


The Philippines said on Friday that rebels who are holding 21 Filipino peacekeepers hostage in the Golan Heights are insisting Syrian troops leave the area before releasing their captives,..............


The demand of the rebels for the re-positioning of Syrian forces in the area of Jamla is still outstanding so this is still being worked out,".......


The 21 Filipino troops, members of the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) observing a 1974 ceasefire between Syria and Israel, were abducted on Wednesday by the rebels..............




8-3-2013: Syria crisis: Russia won't pressure Assad, says Lavrov



Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says there is "absolutely" no chance of Moscow telling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stand down..........


"I can only say it is not for us to decide who should lead Syria. It is for the Syrians to decide,"


The UN estimates that about 70,000 people have died since the uprising against President Assad began nearly two years ago.......




7-3-2013: Abduction illustrates UN vulnerability in Syria



New video Thursday of U.N. peacekeepers held captive by Syrian rebels illustrates the sudden vulnerability of a U.N. force that had patrolled a cease-fire line between Israel and Syria without incident for nearly four decades........


The 21 peacekeepers were seized Wednesday near the Syrian village of Jamlah, just a mile from the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights,........


However, a rebel spokesman seemed to suggest the hostages were also serving as human shields. If the U.N. troops are released and leave the area, the regime could kill "as many as 1,000 people," said the spokesman, who spoke via Skype and did not give his name for fear of reprisals




6-3-2013: West wants Syria destroyed: Jumblatt



The West will not change its position on what is going on in Syria. They want it destroyed,” Jumblatt told the local daily Al-Akhbar........


“Arms to the opposition only enters in trickles and only aims to prolong the war, which means more destruction,” he added




5-3-2013: United Kingdom Funds Al Qaeda Syria Terrorists (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


So long in fact, that the entire world is now acutely aware of the so-called “rebels,” their overt affiliations and membership amongst Al Qaeda, the serial atrocities they’ve committed, and the draconian, barbaric sectarian (and quite “undemocratic”) rule they plan on imposing, already on display in northern Syria where extremist cleric, Moaz al-Khatib, designated by the West as the “opposition leader,”..........


Of course, his carefully crafted image and rhetoric is overshadowed by his actual deeds, which included his openly embracing Al Qaeda in December of 2012..........


More recently, Al-Khatib, even as he prepared to receive millions in aid from the West, including the US and UK, reiterated his support for Al Qaeda............


Al-Khatib’s history as a “cleric,” and his continuous, open, and adamant support for Al Qaeda, even in the wake of repeated atrocities, should be a prompt for the West to add him and his “opposition” organization to its list of foreign terrorist organizations........


William Hague and John Kerry can deny, spin, and coverup the fact that they are funding and arming Al Qaeda either directly or through a series of increasingly obvious proxies, millions to overthrow the Syrian government, but Syrian President Assad is by no means “delusional” as Hague childishly accused, for pointing out this documented and increasingly transparent conspiracy......




3-3-2013: Syrian war is everybody's problem



Last week, a huge explosion rocked the Syrian capital of Damascus, killing more than 50 people and injuring hundreds. The victims of the blast in a busy downtown street were mostly civilians, including schoolchildren. Each side in the Syrian civil war blamed the other.......


The extent of human suffering is beyond comprehension. That alone should be reason enough to encourage a determined effort to bring this conflict to a quick resolution..............


U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has just announced that the U.S. will provide an additional $60 million in non-lethal assistance to the opposition............


The U.S. State Department recently listed the Nusra Front, which has close ties to al Qaeda in Iraq and a strong anti-Western ideology, as a terrorist organization...................




2-3-2013: Russian Arms Trade Czar Says "War" Declared on Weapon Supplies to Syria



Russia is facing a ‘real war’ aimed at hampering the country’s legal deliveries of weapons to Syria, the head of the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation has said.....................




2-3-2013: Syria and Iran condemn U.S. plan to aid anti-Assad rebels



"I do not understand how the United States can give support to groups that kill the Syrian people," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem....................


"If you really feel sorry about the ongoing situation in Syria you should force the opposition to sit at the negotiation table with the Syrian government and put an end to bloodshed," he said.........




2-3-2013: Syrian rebel chief: Fighters desperate for weapons



"We don't want food and drink, and we don't want bandages. When we're wounded, we want to die. The only thing we want is weapons," Gen. Salim Idris, chief of staff of the opposition's Supreme Military Council,.....................


The international community remains reluctant to send weapons, fearing they may fall into the hands of extremists increasingly gaining ground among the rebels...............


We need anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to stop Bashar Assad's criminal, murderous regime from annihilating the Syrian people," he said. .................


Russia, meanwhile, sharply criticized the decision by Western powers to boost support for Syrian opposition forces, saying the promised assistance would only intensify the conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said the moves announced in Rome "encourage extremists to seize power by force..................




2-3-2013: Obama, Putin discuss Syria, Iran



The White House added that Putin and Obama welcome "substantive and constructive consultations" by Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov over a political transition in Syria....................




1-3-2013: John Kerry holds talks on Syria crisis in Ankara



In Rome on Thursday, Mr Kerry promised direct aid to Syrian rebels in the form of food and medical supplies, but not the weapons they say they need to win...........


Turkey wants the Syrian rebels to win the war as soon as possible and will be keen to convey its sense of frustration to Mr Kerry................


On Thursday in Rome, Mr Kerry promised an additional $60m (£40m) in aid to the opposition Syrian National Coalition to help it deliver basic governance and other services in rebel-controlled areas.......................


Russia - a close ally of President Assad - has said the promises of aid to the opposition made by the US and other countries in the "Friends of Syria" group will encourage further violence rather than a negotiated solution.................




1-3-2013: US help might see Syrian rebels form alternate govt



The long-term US funding of anti-government programs in Syria has raised questions about the types of groups being supported, and the benefits and arms supplied to militant groups; establishing political stability requires considered dialogue.............................


The argument that the US and its allies have only armed the “moderate” rebels is a deeply flawed one; weapons are in high demand by all rebel factions and there is little means to effectively prevent arms from gravitating toward hardcore Al-Qaeda fighters...................


Yet Western and Gulf states have proven their double standards by enabling radicals elsewhere – lest we forget the presence of Libyan military commander Abdulhakim Belhadj, former leader of the militant Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (officially designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department), who was sent to Syria to aid the Free Syrian Army on orders of the entity formerly known as the Libyan National Transition Council (NTC). The track record of allied Western and Gulf states shows that they are more interested in enabling terrorism for their own purposes rather than preventing it....................


Since the eruption of violence in March 2011, Syria has endured targeted assassination campaigns, ceaseless suicide bombings and shelling, and massacres where infants have had their throats slit to the spine – the time has come for the opposition to engage the Assad government in dialogue and finally bring about a ceasefire and the total cessation of violence and insurgency........................


Western capitals have provided logistics, coordination, political support, and non-lethal aid, Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar have openly provided weapons and monthly salaries for rebel fighters, and Turkey has allowed rebel fighters to receive training and arms from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the southeastern part of the country, allowing militants to pass into Syria freely...............


The article describes how Washington funnelled about $12 million to anti-government programs in Syria between 2005 and 2010 to recipients affiliated with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. ...................


Reports published in 2007 in the New Yorker by veteran journalist Seymour Hersh detail how the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia supported a regional network of extremist fighters and terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda with the aim of stomping out Hezbollah and Syria’s Assad in a bid to isolate Iran, who is viewed as an existential threat to the US and its allies in the region..........................


While many Western media outlets once likened Syria’s rebels to pro-democracy freedom fighters, it has become more challenging to view them as anything other than Salafist radicals – the former’s existence was amplified specifically to provide cover and legitimacy for the violence and subversion of the latter




1-3-2013: Russia: 'Friends of Syria' encouraging extremists



Russia said on Friday that decisions made at a "Friends of Syria" meeting in Rome, at which Western and Arab states pledged aid for Syrian rebels, would embolden Syrian President Bashar Assad's foes seeking his overthrow.......................


the United States said it would give non-lethal aid directly to rebels for the first time and would more than double its support to Syria's civilian opposition, but Western powers did not offer weapons..............




28-2-2013: US to Give Aid Directly to Syrian Rebels for 1st Time



The US will send the Syrian opposition an additional $60 million and for the first time, provide rebel forces with direct aid meant to pressure Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday....................




27-2-2013: Six Syrian rebels hospitalized in Israel returned to Syria



Six wounded Syrian rebels that were treated in an Israeli hospital after being wounded in their country's civil war were repatriated........




27-2-2013: Syria claims Turkey enabling al-Qaida



Syria submitted a letter of complaint last week to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon alleging that Turkey is enabling “Al-Qaida, as well as the Nusra Front and other terrorist organizations, to assemble, take refuge, receive funding and arms, engage in smuggling, and enter Syrian territory.........


The Syrian delegation, representing the regime of President Bashar Assad, claims those same organizations are responsible for the killing of civilians and the destruction of public and private property in Syrian lands. ........................


By any objective measure, Turkey has become a state-sponsor of terrorism for its support not only of Hamas, but also of al-Qaida affiliates and the Nusra Front,” ..................




27-2-2013: Syria crisis: US considers more support for rebels -



Turkish and Qatari support for Syrian rebels is tantamount to a declaration of war against Iraq, according to member of Iraq's Shia-led government........


Hadi al-Amiri, transport minister and head of the formerly armed Badr Organisation, accused Ankara and Doha, which support the opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, of arming jihadi groups in Syria, where many Sunni militants are fighting, including the Qaida-approved Jabhat al-Nusra.....................




26-2-2013: Saudis buying Balkan arms for Syrian rebels: Report




25-2-2013: Dead French Photographer was State Department-Funded – Embedded With Al Qaeda



Further indication of the depraved nature of the West’s campaign against Syria, and the depraved nature of its institutions, methods, and faux-NGOs, vindicating a growing trend of ejecting Western “journalists” and NGO’s from an ever increasing number of nations, it is revealed that a French photographer recently killed in Syria was embedded with terrorist militants in Idlib, northern Syria, and was working on behalf of the US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funded “Reporters Without Borders.......................




25-2-2013: NATO Using Al Qaeda Rat Lines to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists



What Fares actually revealed however, was an invisible state within Syria, one composed of Saudi-aligned, sectarian extremism, operating not only independently of the government of President Assad, but in violent opposition to it.............


A similar scenario is now playing out in Syria, where the West, despite acknowledging the existence of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, Libya, is using these militants, and the exact same networks used to send fighters to Iraq, to flood into and overrun Syria. This, after these very same Libyan militants were implicated in an attack that left a US ambassador dead on September 11, 2012...............


Abdulhakim Belhadj, head of the Tripoli Military Council and the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, "met with Free Syrian Army leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey," said a military official working with Mr Belhadj. "Mustafa Abdul Jalil (the interim Libyan president) sent him there.........................




25-2-2013: US Congress: Fight Terrorism, Arm Terrorists



If anything demonstrates the real depths of the insanity that is US foreign policy, it is when lawmakers try to outflank the executive branch by indignantly proposing something even more destructive and outright stupid than the existing policy..............


What will Mr. Engel then propose when the bearded radicals finally overthrow the secular Assad and install Sharia rule in Syria? Does Mr. Engel support Sharia? Or will such a worse turn of events help ignite passions in the US for yet more military action in the Middle East to root out the problems caused by the victory of Mr. Engel's allies in Syria? Then of course it will be "on to Iran"! The worse the better..........




25-2-2013: Gregory III appeals: "the sending of arms to Syria must be stopped"



"We appeal to the whole world to stop arms from being sent to Syria". This call was part of a statement sent to Fides by His Beatitude, Greek Catholic Melkite Patriarch Gregory III Laham following explosions in a district of Damascus yesterday........................


"We ask the international community and the most important countries in the world, to support Syrian efforts to promote dialogue, in order to reach a diplomatic solution to the crisis " says the Patriarch..................




24-2-2013: West Pours Arms into Syria as Al Qaeda Mass Slaughters Civilians



Repeat a lie often enough, and hopefully people will begin to believe it. That is what a concerted effort by Western media houses hopes to achieve as they claim the recent flow of heavy weapons from Western nations and their Arab-Israeli partners is boosting "moderate rebels" and "tilting" the balance of Syria's conflict against the Syrian government..............


As the West simultaneously accuses Saudi Arabia and Qatar (and here) of being the primary financiers of Al Qaeda, it itself has admitted years before the so-called "Syrian uprising" began that it was itself funding and arming extremist groups with direct ties to Al Qaeda with the goal of fostering the very violence now taking place in Syria and along its peripheries..............................




24-2-2013: In Syria, new influx of weapons to rebels tilts the battle against Assad



The new armaments, including anti-tank weapons and recoilless rifles, have been sent across the Jordanian border into the province of Daraa in recent weeks to counter the growing influence of Islamist extremist groups in the north of Syria by boosting more moderate groups fighting in the south, the officials say.......


They include the United States and its major European allies, along with Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two countries most directly involved in supplying the rebels. Security officials from those nations have formed a security coordination committee that consults regularly on events in Syria, they said.........


Louay al-Mokdad, the political and media coordinator for the Free Syrian Army, confirmed that the rebels have procured new weapons donated from outside Syria, rather than bought on the black market or seized during the capture of government facilities, the source of the vast majority of the arms that are in the hands of the rebels. But he declined to say who was behind the effort..........................




23-2-2013: Washington Backs Syrian Anti-Government Terrorism



Make no mistake. Syria is Washington’s war. It was planned years ago. Regime change is policy. At issue is replacing Assad’s government with a pro-Western puppet one. Washington tolerates no independent governments.......................


Western-recruited death squads ravage Syria. They’ve done so for two years. They’re imported from abroad. Rules of engagement include mass murder, torture, and other atrocities............................


Pro-Assad loyalists are prime targets. Innocent civilians are massacred. Doing so is official US policy. Imperial wars are called liberating ones. Terrorism is what they do, not us..................


Cutthroat killers are used. They’re recruited abroad. They’re heavily armed, trained, funded and directed. They’re ordered to commit mass murder. Obama bears full responsibility. He’s a war criminal multiple times over......................


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon showed which side he supports. He’s an imperial tool. He shames the office he holds. He violates UN Charter provisions. He urged both sides to show restraint. He called for ending Syria’s crisis politically......


“Russia sees in the American position an application of double standards and a dangerous approach in terms of the Americans moving away from the main principle of condemning terrorism in all its forms..................




22-2-2013: Fifty-three Civilians Martyred, 235 Others Injured in Terrorist Bombing in al-Thawra Street in Damascus



Fifty-three civilians were martyred and 235 others were injured so far in a terrorist bombing which took place on Thursday morning in al-Thawra Street in the surrounding of al-Mazraa neighborhood in Damascus.....


List of terrorist attacks........................................




22-2-2-013: Greek-Orthodox Patriarch: Help us help the Syrian people



The Greek-Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East , through his department for ecumenical relations and development (DERD), has so far distributed 75 thousand survival kits and offered direct assistance to more than 280 thousand people......................




21-2-2013: Damascus car bomb kills at least 53



A massive car bomb exploded near Syria's ruling party headquarters in Damascus on Thursday, killing at least 53 people and scattering mangled bodies amid the smoldering wreckage................


While no group has claimed responsibility, the attacks suggest that rebel fighters who have gotten bogged down in their attempts to storm the capital are resorting to guerrilla tactics to loosen Assad's grip on the capital..................




21-2-2013: Endless slaughter in Damascus. Rumours of plan to strike Papal Nuncio



"It is a massacre; bodies charred and torn to pieces, strips of human flesh, fire fighters struggling to put out the flames” the papal representative told Fides. Walls and windows of the Nunciature rocked with the explosions. In the face of yet another slaughter, Archbishop Zenari confirms the impression expressed in recent statements : "We continue to walk on the dead. At this pont, wherever you go in Damascus, you come to places where innocent blood has been shed: civilians, women and children. The number of 70,000 war victims is even more appalling when we think how these people die. They die not in their beds, not with euthanasia. Their bodies are torn apart and it is difficult even to collect enough fragments for a funeral"...........................





20-2-2013: Armenian Christian martyred: violence and kidnapping continues



A Christian belonging to the Apostolic Armenian community in Syria was shot dead point blank by terrorists in the grip of religious fanaticism. Yohannes A (whose surname Fides chooses not disclose for the safety of the family,) for the local Armenian community, "is a martyr of the Syrian conflict murdered in odium fidei, out of hatred for the faith..............


A group of Islamist extremists halted the minibus in which the man was travelling, demanding passengers’ identity papers. Seeing that Yohannes' surname ended with "ian", they identified him as Armenian. They searched him and found he was wearing a cross and chain. One of the terrorists shot point blank at the cross tearing open the man’s chest. Local Fides sources in the Armenian community, said "the terrorists were hot-headed, highly exited, as if under the effect of drugs......




18-2-2013: Gantz: Chances of Syrian chemical attack ‘very low



The chance of a chemical weapons attack from Syria is “very, very low,” IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz said Sunday.......




16-2-2013: Deadly price paid in ongoing battle for Syrian airport



Intense clashes between the Syrian army and rebel fighters near the country’s second-largest airport killed about 150 people..........


The battle for the international airport near Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, resembles other battles over strategic assets ................................




15-2-2013: Priests kidnapped: the Church seeks contact with kidnappers



Christians in Aleppo are seeking contacts with the kidnappers of the two priests Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox) kidnapped on February 9 by a group of armed rebels on the road that leads from Aleppo to Damascus. But so far, attempts to open channels and negotiations to free the two priests have failed.................




15-2-2013: Health Crisis Building in Jordan Due to Syrian Refugees



Jordan’s health system is beginning to crack under the strain of caring for 340,000 Syrian refugees. Amman is seeking help with the effort.......................


Chronic diseases have been discovered among a large number of the Syrians who fled across the border to safety in Jordan as well, Wreikat said..........


Jordan is in no way positioned to spend the resources that are needed for this, simply because it does not have the resources,” said Hassan...........




15-2-2013: Kerry: Syria Death Toll May Have Reached 90,000



U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday the death toll in Syria may have reached 90,000, citing figures given to him by his Saudi counterpart Prince Saud al-Faisal.........................


Jordan’s health system has begun to crack under the strain of caring for 340,000 Syrian refugees and Amman is already seeking help with the effort.....................


UN and U.S. estimates say more than 750,000 people have fled the country, while a further 2.5 million are displaced internally.................




13-2-2013: Hypocrisy: US Arms Al Qaeda in Syria, Mass-Slaughters Civilians in Afghanistan



Such facts reveal alarming hypocrisy as the UN keeps almost daily, inflated tallies of civilian deaths elsewhere, in particular, in nations like Libya and Syria where Western interests have been heavily involved in regime change and in dire need of manipulating public perception worldwide..................


Western interests have been allowed to fight this "war on terrorism" with impunity, and even without UN monitoring for years, while Syria was immediately condemned for fighting against Al Qaeda terrorists overtly flooding into their nation with NATO assistance.......................


These same terrorists have been documented extensively as spearheading the invasion of northern Syria via NATO-member Turkey, with NATO cash and weapons in cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Qatar..................




12-2-2013: UN Says Syria Death Toll Nearing 70,000



The United Nations says the death toll from nearly two years of fighting in Syria is nearing 70,000...........




12-2-2013: Syrian deputy PM: Israel taking advantage of war



Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil on Sunday said that Israel is taking advantage of the continued bloodshed in Syria..................


Last year, Jamil said intervention in Syria was "impossible" because it would lead to a confrontation beyond the country's borders.......


Jamil said the West was looking for an excuse for military intervention, ....................




13-2-2013: Kidnappings, rapes, and trafficking of Syrian refugees



But, as in any war, the situation of minorities is the worst: the Christian minorities have become an easy target for criminals and terrorists who use kidnappings, rapes, and organize the trafficking of refugees..........................


After an extensive survey conducted among refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and talks with Syrian refugees who arrived in Europe, the organization also denounced, in particular, the plight of the refugees of the Christian religion, giving voice "to a silent minority who tell harrowing stories of rapes, kidnappings and human trafficking..........................


Also, in some parts of Syria – say some of the refugees who fled from Mesopotamia - "a Christian cannot report crimes or injustices any more. We are hostages of the growth of militant Islamism, and being a Christian is enough to be a target




12-2-2013: Two priests kidnapped by the rebels. Archbishop Marayati: let us wait to know what they want



The fate of the two priests Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox) kidnapped by a group of armed rebels on Saturday, February 9 on the road that leads from Aleppo to Damascus remains unknown........................




12-2-2013: Did the CIA Betray Syria’s Rebels?



Were Aleppo rebels supportive of democracy? Hostile to the West? What about al Qaeda? Then the officers asked how they could help........


However, in the months since, that activist, as well as many senior figures in the rebellion, have begun to suspect that the United States has no intention of living up to its promises. ....................


The men said the officers proposed a two-step plan. First, they would supply Liwa al-Fatah with telecommunications equipment. If the rebels proved reliable, weapons would then be sent their way.........................


The officers didn’t say who would provide the weapons, but Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two U.S. allies, were known to be channeling support to rebel groups........................


In a phone interview in January, Tlass told me he had been present at the meetings with the Aleppo activists and the Liwa al-Fatah rebels, and he confirmed their accounts..........................................




11-2-2013: Video: Clashes continue in Syria



11-2-2013: Syria crisis: jihadi rebels seize dam - Monday 11 February 2013




10-2-2013: Will Syria Become An Islamist State?



The Syrian opposition, meanwhile, is made up of a wide range of secular and Islamist factions. And Syria itself is a multiethnic and multireligious society that includes Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Christians, Druze and others.............................


Some of those who support the Assad regime, whether secular or religious, cringe at the mere mention of Islamists, especially when referring to the Syrian rebels, who have been growing strong in the country's north, in places like Aleppo..........................


The Syrian government's official line has been that Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states are among the main "conspirators" against Syria. Qatar and other Gulf countries have been funding armed rebels throughout Syria....................


Many other religious Damascenes share her discontent with the Islamist rebels, who appear to make up a substantial part of the armed insurgency in Syria today...............................




9-2-2013: Iraqi PM: Assad could hold on for years in Syria



Syrian President Bashar Assad could survive two more years of revolt despite US expectations of a more imminent fall, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was quoted as saying on Saturday..................




8-2-2013: Syria’s Druze minority is shifting its support to the opposition



Members of Syria’s Druze community, a small but significant religious minority, are joining the opposition in bigger numbers....................


The Assad government is trying to keep the Druze and other minority communities at bay to make sure they don’t side with the opposition..............


The Druze community in Syria numbers only around 700,000, out of a total population of some 21 million, and has a history of rebelling under authoritarian leaders.........................


In the past couple of months, according to opposition activists, there have been more than a half-dozen anti-government protests in Sweida province, the ancestral homeland of the Druze in the southeast that had remained relatively quiet since the uprising began nearly two years ago.......................


In that mid-January clash, dozens of Druze fighters joined a rebel assault on a radar base on a mountaintop in Sweida province. The fighters killed several government soldiers but were ultimately routed by troops that outgunned them........................




8-2-2013: UN: Syrian exodus worsening, 5,000 flee each day



About 5,000 refugees are fleeing Syria each day, seeking safe haven in neighboring countries, the United Nations refugee agency said on Friday........


Since the conflict began two years ago, more than 787,000 Syrians have registered as refugees or are awaiting processing in the region......


In Syria, water shortages are worsening and supplies are sometimes contaminated.............




7-2-2013: In Syria, blood flows while money runs dry



A line two kilometers long stretches from a gas station in a neighborhood of Damascus to the last car waiting to fill up..............................




6-2-2013: Twin car bombs explode in Syria, killing 12



Heavy fighting has broken out between rebels and President Bashar Assad's forces in parts of Damascus on Wednesday, as twin car bombs detonated in the central province of Homs, killing at least 12 people, activists said..........


A government official said army troops are chasing rebels in the suburbs of Harasta, Sbeineh, and Jober....................


The United Nations say more than 60,000 people have been killed since the conflict started. At least 700,000 Syrians have fled abroad,........ .............................




6-2-2013: Islamic summit reveals sectarian split on Syria



An Islamic summit that opened in Egypt on Wednesday laid bare the multiple divisions within the Muslim and Arab worlds.................


Sunni nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have thrown their weight behind the rebels, while Shia heavyweight Iran is Damascus's closest regional ally....................


Syria suffers from violence, killings and sabotage," he said and called on the summit to "find an exit and peaceful solution for its conflict...........


At least 60,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, where the rebel side is heavy with Muslim militants, many of them linked to al-Qaeda.................


Saudi Arabia stayed out of a gathering of Morsi and the presidents of Turkey and Iran who discussed Syria. Saudi Crown Prince Salman, who was heading his country's delegation to the OIC summit, left Egypt just before the mini-summit was held.....................




5-2-2013: Diseases rife amid Syria drug shortages



Water-borne diseases are spreading in Syria, compounding the problems of hospitals that are perilously short of medicine and doctors after nearly two years of fighting, the World Health Organisation says......................................


"The biggest concern for us is the breakdown of the water and sanitation system and the increasing numbers of water-borne diseases," WHO representative Elisabeth Hoff told a news briefing...................................


Hepatitis A, a viral liver disease that can cause explosive epidemics, has been reported in Aleppo and Idlib.....................




5-2-2013: Syria's Floundering Rebel Alliance



In a new setback to opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, the rebel coalition tasked with providing Syrians with a political alternative failed for the second time to form a transitional government that would administer parts of Syria free from the army’s control.............


Unfortunately, trying to create a body that would draw more Syrians away from the Assad regime has proved to be an immeasurably difficult task. In fact, it is primarily Assad’s actions—not the opposition—that have hurt the Syrian strongman the most.........................


Realizing that Syrians would need better political representation if they had any chance of forging a post-Assad future, Western powers, Turkey, and Qatar managed to get the activists to reorganize. At first, the reorganization appeared to work; elements who stayed inside Syria were now given a say in what the country would look like after Assad was overthrown. The United States, Britain, France, and the Gulf Cooperation Council followed up with formal diplomatic recognition, bestowing upon the coalition the title of “legitimate representative of the Syrian people....................




5-2-2013: Syrian lawmaker rejects preconditions for dialogue



Fayez Sayegh tells The Associated Press that dialogue between the Syrian government and its political opponents in the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition should start without preconditions......................




4-2-2013: New protests of the Christians of Mesopotamia against the scourge of kidnapping



In the province of Jazira, in the Sirian upper Mesopotamia, the exponential increase in kidnappings - side effect of the Syrian conflict - continues to flog the civilian population even in areas not affected by the fighting between rebels and government troops. The last person kidnapped is a Christian pharmacist last Sunday, and an extortion of a million Syrian pounds (almost 11 thousand euro) has been asked. "..................


On Friday, dozens of Christians improvised a roadblock burning tires at an intersection in the city of Hassaké to protest against the kidnapping of the rector of the State University of Al-Furat, the Christian Jack Mardini, who was kidnapped in broad daylight by gunmen and released after two hours..................




4-2-2013: Russia, Iran support idea of talks in Syia



A faint glimmer of hope of breaking the diplomatic standoff on Syria has emerged as two key allies, Russia and Iran, reacted positively to a leading opposition figure's surprise offer of conditional talks with the government of President Bashar Assad........................


The United States and its allies, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, have insisted that Assad must go, a condition rejected by Russia, which has used its veto power on three occasions in the United Nations Security Council to block international action against Assad....................


Meanwhile, Khatib's suggestion of talks with Damascus has caused a backlash among fellow dissidents who insist that Assad must resign before any negotiations can take place. Some have even accused Khatib — a respected Sunni Muslim preacher and an engineer from a well-known family of Islamic scholars in Damascus — of selling out a sacred cause..............................




4-2-2013: Video: Syria’s neighbors worry fighting will spill over



4-2-2013: Syria defence minister: Army will beat rebels



Syria's defence minister said on Monday that the army would succeed against rebels trying to overthrow president Bashar al-Assad, and hinted that Syria would not respond to an Israeli airstrike near Damascus last week.......................


Diplomats and security sources have said the strike targeted a convoy of weapons destined for Hezbollah in neighbouring Lebanon. But Syria has said Israeli planes struck a military research centre at Jamraya, northwest of Damascus...................


He suggested that the army was overstretched and having difficulty retaining control over several positions across the country, adding they had to abandon some areas in order to minimise casualties..................................




3-2-2013: U.S. Approved Israeli Bombing of Syria … and May Join the War at Any Moment



Despite the Pretense that the U.S. and Israel Are Not Intervening In Syria’s Civil War, They Are Both At War With Syria.....




2-2-2013: Syrian TV Airs Purported Images of Israel Strike



Syrian television has broadcast images of what it said is the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike on a research facility near Damascus earlier this week, showing destroyed vehicles and moderate damage to a building.......................


U.S. officials say the strike hit a convoy of anti-aircraft weapons bound for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah while the vehicles were still on Syrian territory. The Syrian military said the target of Israeli jets was a scientific research center in the area of Jamraya, northwest of Damascus...............




1-2-2013: Jordan staggers under fallout of Syria conflict



Jordan has every reason to worry about the conflict in Syria, its bigger neighbor to the north............


Any emergence of Islamist rule in a post-Assad Syria could embolden Islamists who are the main opposition group in Jordan...........


And rising Islamist militancy among Syrian insurgents threatens the security of the Western-backed kingdom next door............


The refugees impose an additional strain on arid Jordan's scant water supplies, consume state-subsidized electricity and further stretch health, education and other services..........................


Even more worrying for Jordan is the increasing influence of Islamist militants in the mostly Sunni Muslim revolt against Assad and a state system dominated by his minority Alawite sect...............................




31-1-2013: A church destroyed in Mesopotamia. The Archbishop: "With war everyone loses": Matta Rohom



The Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Mary and the Christian school of Al-Wahda were destroyed in Deir Ezzor, a town of Mesopotamia, at the center of fighting that has caused an exodus of the civilian population. This was reported to Fides Agency by the Syrian Orthodox Archbishop, Eustathius Matta Roham, Metropolitan of "Jazirah and Euphrates," explaining that "it is a very sad day for me and for the whole community." .......


The two buildings were hit and destroyed in the crossfire between the army and rebel groups. Mesopotamia, note local sources of Fides, is experiencing a "slow death", and the entire civilian population (Arabs, Christians, Kurds, and other groups) are paying a very high price........




30-1-2013: UK-Qatari plot against Syria revealed (http://www.presstv.ir)


Leaked documents from a UK-based defense contractor has revealed a Qatari proposal to the firm to counterfeit a plan to claim that Syria has given the go-ahead for the use of chemical weapons in the country……………………..


According to the documents, Qatar also suggested smuggling chemical warheads and rockets from Libya to the Syrian city of Homs……………………




31-1-2013: America’s War of Aggression on Syria. The Role of Israel



Washington planned war on Syria years ago. This was confirmed by a historic statement of General Wesley Clark’sWinning Modern Wars.” Confirmed by Pentagon sources, Clark had intimated that the US plans to wage war on Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iran and Syria....................


The latest Aleppo massacre reflects earlier ones. Western-recruited death squads bear full responsibility......................


They were executed in cold blood. Women and children were murdered like men. Gunshots to the head killed them. Bodies were found hands tied and mutilated......................




30-1-2013: Media Source: Jabhat al-Nusra Terrorists Perpetrate Mass Execution in Aleppo



A media source underlined that terrorist groups of Jabhat al-Nusra in Aleppo carried out a mass execution against tens of abducted persons, throwing their bodies in Queiq river at Bustan al-Qasr area in Aleppo.......


The bodies, which terrorists and TV misleading channels have claimed that the army killed their owners, were found in the side where terrorists present.. if they were killed in the safe areas, their bodies would stick to the barbed wires before reaching the region where they were discovered," the reporter said..........................




30-1-2013: Syrian terrorists execute civilians



Syrian security forces in the northern city of Aleppo have discovered the bodies of more than 80 people, saying the victims were killed execution style........................


The bodies of young men and boys were found in the Quweiq River, which separates Bustan al-Qasr district from Ansari, in Aleppo’s southwest...







The terrorists and mercenaries militias of the FSA, al-Qaeda, al-Nousra …, are cashing heavy defeats inflicted on them by Syrian Arab Army, and losing credibility in the eyes of their “godfathers”................................


The civilians killed were part of those families of Syrians held hostage by terrorists, but despite they were in condition of “human shields” they did not want to accept the dictatorship imposed by their captors takfiris.......................


As always, after every massacre, the first images are provided by those who have committed the crime.................




30-1-2013: Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorists. The West's Double Standards and Hypocrisy



The French military operation in Mali has brought to the fore the blatant double standards in the approach of certain Western nations to the whole question of terrorism.......................


Their hypocrisy becomes even starker in Syria. Western powers and groups from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Turkey have been providing funds, logistical support and sophisticated weapons to rebels within Syria and mercenaries from a number of other countries, to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government.....................


What this shows is that there is terrorism that is condoned and terrorism that is condemned by Western powers and other states............


The ulterior motives for Western military action in Libya; for their covert operations in Syria; for their hobnobbing with militant groups in Iraq; and for their collusion with Jihadists in Afghanistan have been exposed in numerous studies......................


This has been happening in the case of Syria. In one of the most recent episodes the ‘good terrorists’, the rebels, claimed that the horrendous attack on Aleppo University on 15 January 2013 that killed 87 people, many of them students, was the work of the Bashar government............


However, when evidence emerged that showed that the ‘good terrorists’ were the actual culprits and independent journalists and student groups in Syria, apart from a number of foreign governments, condemned the ‘good terrorists’ for their savagery, very few media outlets gave any prominence to their remarks.................




30-1-2013: The Armenian Catholic Archbishop on the massacre in Aleppo: " we are addicted to daily horror"



The effect of the condition in which we have been living for more than a year is that we are now addicted to horror everyday." This is how the Archbishop of Aleppo of the Armenian Catholics, Boutros Marayati, describes the devastating situation ..............


"There is always new news of massacres, there is the constant noise of bombing, one lives in a state of tension and fear day and night, there is a struggle to survive in a daily life in which there is not even water to drink and fuel to heat homes. As we are overwhelmed by all this," the Archbishop explained to Fides, "there is not almost time to become aware of the terrible things in which we are immersed. The massacre at the University a few days ago, where we lost poor Sister Rima, already seems a distant thing..........................




30-1-2013: Backing 'terrorist' groups escalates Syria crisis: Iran



Iran believes that the cause of the Syrian crisis is the sending of arms to terrorist groups into Syria by some countries.....................


Those who send arms into Syria are responsible for the killings.........................


The United Nations says more than 60,000 people have been killed in the 22-month old conflict roiling Syria..........................




29-1-2013: France warns that Syria could succumb to extremists



‘‘Let us be clear. In the face of the collapse of a state and society, it is the extremist groups that risk gaining ground if we do not act as we should,’’ Fabius told envoys from more than 50 nations gathered in Paris..........................


Islamic militants have been the most organized fighters battling government troops in the 22-month-old conflict in which about 60,000 people have been killed.....................




29-1-2013: Yaalon: Syrian Weapons Falling into Opposition Hands



The Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs, Moshe Yaalon, said Monday that the government devoted much of its weekly session Sunday to the danger that Syrian chemical weapons would fall into the hands of terror groups, as President Bashar al-Assad loses ground in the civil war there............


"Israel is not intervening in the Syrian civil war," he explained, "but we are following the developments so that the barrels of the guns are not turned in our direction............................................


29-1-2013: Deleted Mail Online Article: US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad (http://truthnewsinternational.wordpress.com)


Whether the content of the alleged e-mail is correct, that’s open for debate. Fact is that PressTV has an article online which supports the claims in the alleged e-mail. And RT‘s article from last year (June 10, 2012) still claims that “Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons,” to then blame Assad for it. Those weapons came from Libya, according to RT. This begs the question: Did Christopher Stevens know about those weapons when he died in the CIA villa in Benghazi last year?.....




28-1-2013: Hacked Emails Reveal ‘Washington-Approved’ Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria (http://www.infowars.com)


Alleged hacked emails from defense contractor Britam reveal a plan “approved by Washington” and funded by Qatar to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime, fulfilling what the Obama administration has made clear is a “red line” that would mandate US military intervention……………….


The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers……………..


Last year, reports began to circulate that that US-backed rebel fighters in Syria had been given gas masks and were willing to stage a chemical weapons attack which would then be blamed on the Assad regime to grease the skids for NATO military intervention……………………..




28-1-2013: Analysis: Israel won’t hesitate to attack should Syrian chemical weapons reach Hezbollah



In the event that chemical weapons do reach Lebanon, it is safe to assume that Israel will not hesitate – and attack..........................




28-1-2013: March of solidarity for the hostages in Mesopotamia



A march of solidarity with the victims of kidnappings; a march to raise awareness towards the phenomenon of kidnapping; an "assembly of hope" that was attended by all members of society: Christians, Muslims, Kurds, associations and NGOs, churches leaders and leaders of mosques, public officials......................


Kidnapping has become a daily phenomenon on the streets of this city. Kidnappers do not hesitate to commit crimes in broad daylight. About three weeks ago, three armed men with their faces uncovered, stopped a taxi and kidnapped a 10-year-old boy, Saeed Afram Aho, while he was going to school..............................




28-1-2013: France fears Islamist rise in Syria unless opposition helped- crocodile tears!!!!



Facing the collapse of a state and society, it is Islamist groups that risk gaining ground if we do not act as we should," he said. "We cannot let a revolution that started as a peaceful and democratic protest degenerate into a conflict of militias.........


Western concern over the growing strength of jihadist militants fighting autonomously in the disorganized ranks of anti-Assad rebel forces is rising.........


The insurgents now control parts of the north and east of Syria, and have made inroads in major cities. But the air power and far superior weaponry of Assad, whose family has been in power for 43 years, have limited rebel advances.......................................





27-1-2013: Solidarity against Kidnapping: People of Hassake criticize the role of Syrian officials



It was about six months ago that kidnapping of innocent people started to take place in the city of Hassake, which is located in the north-east of Syria. Today, kidnapping has become a daily phenomenon in the streets of this city. Kidnappers do not hesitate to commit their crimes even in the daylight.............


People believe there are two or three gangs in Hassake who are responsible for this kind of crime. The total number of victims in Hassake has reached 43 people. The victims are from all components of Hassake society: Christians, Muslims, Yazidy, Kurds and Arabs. They are also of different ages: children, men and elderly. They belong to all fields of life: students, doctors, engineers, merchants and ordinary people........




27-1-2013: The destruction of St. Mary Syrian Orthodox Church and Al-Wahda School in Dair Al-Zor: Matta Rohom



It is a very sad day for me to see how much destruction occurred to our St. Mary’s Church, its Al-Wahda Private School and its neighborhood in Dair Al-Zor..........




27-1-2013: SYRIA: CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotage



“Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals..........


Syria was to be: “made to appear as sponsor of plots, sabotage and violence directed against neighbouring governments … the CIA and SIS [Her Majesty's Secret International Serivce, MI6] should use … capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.......


CIA-MI6, planned fomenting internal uprisings and replacing the Ba’ath-Communist-leaning government, with a Western, user-friendly one.......




26-1-2013: Terrorism and Non-Conventional Warfare: France, Qatar, and the New World Disorder



According to investigative journalist Silvia Cattori, the barbaric bombing of Aleppo University on January 15 has been officially claimed by the terrorist group the Al Nusra Front.......................


Since then, snipers and jihadist death squads from Libya, Chechnya, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and even France and the UK inter alia, backed by Nato intelligence and Gulf petro-monarch cash, have waged a genocidal non-conventional war upon the Syrian people which has relied heavily on a sophisticated international disinformation campaign in the corporate controlled press, whereby all crimes committed by the terrorists are systematically blamed on the Syrian government................................


Eighty-two students in Aleppo University were murdered on Tuesday January 15 from a missile launched by the Western media’s beloved “rebels”: these gangs of convicts, drug-smugglers, rapists, child abusers, and common thugs presented to the gullible Western public as “revolutionaries...................


Since 2011, over 2000 schools and educational centres in Syria have been destroyed by the Western-backed jihadists..............


Unlike the Houla Massacre last year, committed by the rebels but blamed on the Syrian government, there were no calls from Paris, London and Washington for an international investigation after the Aleppo bombing....................


There are no words in any language to describe the atrocities NATO‘s contras are committing against the people of Syria................


Qatar’s financing of Islamist terror in Mali, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere and the incestuous relationship between the absolutist Gulf emirate and the Quai d’Orsay is now no secret to the more informed sections of the French public....................




26-1-2013: Obama explains hesitancy in Syria



Since Syrian rebels first began trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad in March 2011, the United States has waded into the conflict incrementally..................................


Sixty-thousand people have died in Syria since the uprising began two years ago, and hundreds of thousands more have been displaced, according to U.N. estimates.........................




25-1.2013: “Bad Terrorists” versus NATO’s “Good Terrorists" EU Governments Confirm that NATO is Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria



The chief of the Spanish police Enrique Baron told La Razon newspaper on January 24th that Spanish « jihadists » have left Spain for Syria where they are fighting in Japhat Al Nousra, the Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist group ...............


.......a strange alliance between Western liberal democracies and Islamic terrorism is manifesting itself throughout Europe........


Ireland, a country that fought colonialism for hundreds of years, is constitutionally a neutral country. During the War of Independence in 1919, the British government sent dozens of death squads, known as the Black and Tans into Ireland to terrorize the country into submission. This is precisely what NATO is doing to Syria today..................


According to Western intelligence sources, Al Nousra commander Abu Mohammad Al-Dschulani is already planning to extend his operations base from Syria through Turkey into Europe.................


French jihadists are also fighting in Syria. Jacques Bérès, a doctor from Médecins Sans Frontières, said last year that many of the patients he treated in a hospital in Aleppo were jihadists from Paris....................


Yet this same judge openly admits that the French state is aiding Islamist terrorists in its war on Syria............


There are many young jihadists who have gone to the Turkish border in order to enter Syria to fight Bachar’s regime, but the only difference is that there France is not the enemy. Therefore we don’t look on that in the same way...............




25-1-2013:US-NATO “Economic Terrorism”: The Collapse of Syria’s Industry and Agriculture



The Syrian economy is being hit by the combined impacts of the US-NATO sponsored terrorist attacks and the economic sanctions regime


The terrorist actions of the US-NATO sponsored “Free Syrian Army” (FSA)  and its affiliated death squads directed against civilians including farmers has led to the dislocation of agriculture.  The supply of farm inputs including seeds and fertilizer has been disrupted.........


The terror attacks have uprooted small scale agriculture and have led to the devastation of commercial agriculture..................




25-1-2013: Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood Propped Up by US Since 2007 Under Bush



The report gives a disturbing foreshadowing of US support that would eventually see the Muslim Brotherhood rise as both a political and terroristic power across the Arab World, after decades of hard-fought attempts to crush the sectarian extremist organization everywhere from Tunisia to Syria, from Egypt to Libya, to Jordan, and beyond........................................




24-1-2013: Video NATO in Syria: The Cost of a "New Libya



23-1-2013: Qatar, Sponsor of Islamist Political Movements, Major Ally of America



Qatar, which is bound by such a most intimate and closest alliance with the United States , has recently developed into the major sponsor of Islamist political movements. Qatar appears now to be the major sponsor of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.........


In Syria, for another example, the Brotherhood is the leading “fighting” force against the ruling regime and in alliance with and a culprit in the atrocities of the terrorist bombings of the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front, designated by the United States as a terrorist organization last December; while the Brotherhood-led and U.S. and Qatar-sponsored Syrian opposition publicly protested the U.S. designation, the silence of Qatar on the matter could only be interpreted as in support of the protest against the U.S. decision..................


The first term Obama administration, under the pressure of “fiscal austerity,” blessed the Qatari funding of arming anti-Gaddafi Islamists in Libya, closed its eyes to Qatar’s shipment of Gaddafi’s military arsenal to Syrian and non-Syrian Islamists fighting the regime in Syria, “understood” the visit of Qatar’s Emir to Gaza last October as “a humanitarian mission,” and recently approved to arm the Qatar-backed and Brotherhood-led Egypt with 20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 M1A1 Abrams tanks....................




23-1-2013: Syria’s food shortages worsening, U.N. says



Syrians face ever more acute food shortages and price increases as a spreading civil war sends agricultural production tumbling and threatens to damage crops such as wheat and barley, according to the United Nations........................




22-1-2013: Former Special Forces Commander: Was U.S. Running Guns to Syrian Rebels Via Benghazi? CIA: No



Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin—who is the former commander of the U.S. Special Forces Command, the former deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence and who, in the 1990s, worked with the CIA—told CNSNews.com in a video interview last week that he believes it is a reasonable supposition that the U.S. was supporting or planning to support the Syrian rebels via Benghazi, Libya..............




21-1-2013: Patriarch Kirill Worried by Plight of Middle East Christians



Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill said he was concerned by the plight of Christian communities in the Middle East during a meeting with the Lebanese President Michel Sulayman on Monday.....................................


“I would like to assure you that the Russian Orthodox Church is ready to assist in solving the complicated issues that we have just discussed,” the patriarch said.....................................




21-1-2013: Video: Syria & Russia "Hang Tough" Against NATO Assaul



20-1-2013: Video: Free Syria Army Robbed Over 1,000 Aleppo Factories



Confirmation from the Syrian Foreign Ministry and other observers have claimed that between 1,000 and 1,500 factories have been robbed of their equipment and raw material, where those have been taken to Turkey with the full knowledge of and facilitation by the Turkish government.................




18-1-2013: Kurd-jihadist firefights rage in Syria



Fierce clashes raged on Friday in the majority Kurdish northern Syrian city of Ras al-Ain on the Turkish border, a day after a sniper killed a French journalist in embattled Aleppo....................


On Friday, fighters from radical groups Al-Nusra Front and Ghuraba al-Sham battled Kurdish militiamen a day after launching a new assault on the border town, residents and activists said.......................


Activists say they fear Turkey may be using jihadists in Syria to fight its own battle against the Kurds..............................




17-1-2013: Al-Shihabi: We Have Decisive Evidence on Turkey's Involvement in Robbing Factories in Aleppo



Head of the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Industry, Eng. Fares Shihabi, stressed that Aleppo Industry Chamber has decisive evidence on the involvement of the Turkish government in stealing production lines and machines from hundreds of factories in Aleppo city and smuggling them into the Turkish territories in clear breach of the international laws........................


He added that the industrials in Aleppo accuse the Turkish government of practicing terrorism, criminality and robbery in a deliberate and methodical way against the Syrian industry and they call for forming a neutral international committee to investigate the reality of robbing factories in Aleppo........................




17-1-2013: Syria Terrorists’ Kidnapping: Ukraine and Russia working with Syria to save Ukrainian Journalist



The Syrian Embassy in Ukraine has said that the Syrian, Ukrainian and Russian authorities are cooperating to ensure the speedy release of Ukrainian journalist Anhar Kochneva, who was abducted by rebels in Syria..................




17-1-2013: Syria: Proxy War By U.S. And Gulf Monarchies



The opposition’s strongest and most capable fighting force is Jabhat al-Nusra, or Solidarity Front, branded by the U.S. as a “terrorist organization” linked to al-Qaeda. There are other al-Qaeda affiliated groups fighting in Syria, and the country is sometimes called a “paradise for jihadists.” Men from Yemen, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan flock to Syria to fight for an Islamic caliphate




17-1-2013: NATO Patriot missiles on their way to Turkey, Turkish people take action against the deployment



On Jan. 10, the Communist Party of Turkey launched a new campaign against the deployment of Patriot missile batteries in Turkey. Members of TKP have set up a tent in a park in downtown Ankara to gather signatures against the deployment of Patriot missiles and NATO intervention in Syria. They will be on a symbolic and non-stop guard duty until Jan. 20 which is the expected date of arrival for the missiles. The petitioning campaign appropriately named “Stand guard against Patriot Missiles” has been received with great interest and support by the people of Ankara................................




17-1-2013: Appeal from the people of Mesopotamia, left to themselves



Hassake, the capital of Mesopotamia (Eastern Syria), is a ghost town, isolated from the rest of the world. The population is suffering from the cold weather, there is no fuel, water is scarce, there is only one hour of electricity a day. Over 25 thousand Christians (Syrian Orthodoxs, Syrian Catholics, Chaldeans, Armenians) are crowded in the city, many of whom have sought refuge from the surrounding areas, have launched an alarm for survival through some of the messages sent to Fides Agency..........................


After the town of Tall Tamr, the region is infested with Islamist groups and terrorists that impose several checkpoints on the roads. These are the militants "Jubhat el Nosra," Salafist faction that even the United States has recently added to the black list of "terrorist groups". They are added to common criminals who commit robbery, kidnapping, looting, even in the city. The population "is slowly dying, left to itself," stresses to Fides Fr. Ibrahim, a Christian priest resident in Hassake....................




17-1-2013: Jordan to stop new waves of Syrian refugees: PM



Jordan will not allow the entrance of further thousands of Syrian refugees into its territory in case of further political deterioration in Damascus, Amman's Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour told MENA on Thursday................................


According to UN statistics, nearly 200,000 Syrian refugees are registered in Lebanon, more than 153,000 in Turkey, 69,000 in Iraq and over 5,000 in North Africa....................




17-1-2013: Syria: Rocket hits Aleppo building, many hurt



Syrian state media say a rocket has slammed into building in the northern city of Aleppo, causing many casualties..............




16-1-2013: Coordinated car bombs kill 24 in northwest Syria



Three car bombs exploded within minutes of each other in northwest Syria on Wednesday, killing at least two dozen people in a coordinated assault on government positions, a monitoring group said....................


State news agency SANA said 22 people were killed in Idlib city when two car bombs exploded and said two other bombs were defused on a main road leading to Idlib..................




16-1-2013: Syrian Army Intensifies Offensive Against Rebels



Syrian troops stepped up an offensive against rebels in the north on Wednesday, following explosions targeting security forces and a university campus that killed more than 100 people in two days................................




15-1-2013: Qatar promotes sending Arab force to Syria



Qatar is playing an increasingly important role in the Arab world, as it renews calls for an Arab force to enter Syria and continues to provide money to prop up Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood-led government..........................


Doha’s latest actions have worried other Arab nations, who think the country is too aggressively supporting Islamist governments and movements throughout the region.............................




15-1-2013: Russia satisfied with Geneva meeting on Syria, Damascus rattled by new blast



Russia on Monday expressed satisfaction with last week's trilateral meeting on Syria's protracted crisis in Geneva....................


In Beijing, China urged relevant parties to show patience in finding a solution to the Syria crisis, after the latest Geneva meeting on the issue failed to yield tangible results............................




14-1-2013: Report: Assad Orders Army to Fire Missiles at Israel if He is Killed



Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has ordered his military to launch ballistic missiles at Israel if he is killed,  according to the Israeli online newspaper Inyan Merkazi...............




12-1-2013: Syrian troops capture majority of key Damascus suburb: official



A government official said regime forces had taken much of Daraya, an area on the edge of a major military air base just south of the capital, after nearly two months of heavy fighting that anti-regime activists say has killed dozens of people and uprooted tens of thousands more from their homes.......................


Syria's pro-government media had reported that thousands of rebel fighters from the extremist Jabhat al-Nusra group have holed up in Daraya in preparation to storm Damascus......................





11-1-2013: Syrian Refugees Suffer as Winter's Cold, Wind, Rain Set In



Winter's cold has set in as temperatures bottom out in January across Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, causing refugees without warm clothing to suffer..........................




11-1-2013: NATO funding, arming, & simultaneously fighting Al Qaeda from Mali to Syria



What TIME elects not to tell readers is that Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is closely allied to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG whom France intervened on behalf of during NATO's 2011 proxy-invasion of Libya - providing weapons, training, special forces and even aircraft to support them in the overthrow of Libya's government....................


And thanks to NATO, that is exactly what Libya has become - a Western sponsored sanctuary for Al-Qaeda.




9-1-2013: In Syria, war is the new normal



The insurgents have received arms and other support from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, which has further emboldened them, yet the regime retains an overwhelming advantage in firepower. With neither side convinced it will lose, neither is ready to stop fighting...................


The Kurds in the northeast, for example, have largely stayed out of the fight, focusing instead on carving out what they hope will be, at minimum, the sort of autonomous region their Iraqi brethren have acquired in the wake of Saddam's Hussein's ouster. It's not that the Kurds like Assad; it's that they assume that the opposition's victory will mean that minorities in the country will be further oppressed....................


That same reasoning has kept even many Syrian Sunnis loyal, especially urban professionals, intellectuals and bureaucrats who fear they have less in common with those who might come to power in a new Syria than they do with the current regime....................




9-1-2013: Winter, Food Shortages, Descend on Syria’s Refugees



In the midst of a bitter winter season, the conflict in Syria continues to rage, and the number of refugees continues to climb. Exhausted from the harrowing ordeal that drove them from their homes, and often lacking the most basic of resources, the refugees’ lives are marathons of endurance, even during the warm summer months.............................................................




9-1-2013: Russia: West Should Consider Assad's Proposals



Syrian President Bashar Assad's proposals for ending his country's civil war should be taken into account by the international community, Russian officials insisted Wednesday.................................................


In a rare speech Sunday, Assad offered a plan that would keep him in power to oversee a national reconciliation conference, a national election and a new government........................................................


The war in Syria has killed over 60,000 people and forced hundreds of millions to flee the country since it began in March 2011, according to the U.N.........................................




8-1-2013: 2013 - The State of Syria in the Dawn of a New Year



A global proxy war waged upon Syrian soil has now dragged on from the beginning of 2011 to the early days of 2013. Planned many years ago, with US, Saudi, and Lebanese officials admitting to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh as early as 2007 their plans to overthrow the nation of Syria with a regional army of sectarian extremists, the conflict has cost many thousands their lives and has jeopardized the stability of not only Syria and its future, but nations beyond its borders as well..........................................


If the terrorist legions of the US, Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood and its sponsors in Saudi Arabia and Qatar are faltering, it will be up the Syrian government to communicate this to its people..........................




8-1-2013: Video Your Tax Dollars Fueling 'Al Qaeda' Syrian Rebels Praise OBL



4-1-2013: Video: War on Syria: Gateway to WWIII




4-1-2013: Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads, Death Squads in Iraq and Syria. The Historical Roots of US-NATO's Covert War on Syria



The recruitment of death squads is part of a well established US military-intelligence agenda. There is a long and gruesome US history of covert funding and support of terror brigades and targeted assassinations going back to the Vietnam war. .......................


As government forces continue to confront the self-proclaimed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), the historical roots of the West’s covert war on Syria –which has resulted in countless atrocities– must be fully revealed. ...........................


The recruitment and training of terror brigades in both Iraq and Syria was modeled on the “Salvador Option”, a “terrorist model” of mass killings by US sponsored death squads in Central America. It was first applied in El Salvador, in the heyday of resistance against the military dictatorship, resulting in an estimated 75,000 deaths...............................


John Negroponte and Robert Stephen Ford were put in charge of recruiting the Iraqi death squads. While Negroponte coordinated the operation from his office at the US Embassy, Robert S. Ford, who was fluent in both Arabic and Turkish, was entrusted with the task of establishing strategic contacts with Shiite and Kurdish militia groups outside the “Green Zone........................


The objective in Syria was to create factional divisions between Sunni, Alawite, Shiite, Kurds, Druze and Christians. While the Syrian context is entirely different to that of Iraq, there are striking similarities with regard to the procedures whereby the killings and atrocities were conducted


The death squads are mercenaries trained and recruited by the US, NATO, its Persian Gulf GCC allies as well as Turkey. They are overseen by allied special forces (including British SAS and French Parachutistes), and private security companies on contract to NATO and the Pentagon. In this regard, reports confirm the arrest by the Syrian government of some 200-300 private security company employees who had integrated rebel ranks.......................




4-1-2013: American troops and missile batteries arrive on Syrian border



American troops and missile batteries arrived on the Syrian border on Friday in the most high-profile escalation of international pressure on the embattled Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad in months.........................................................................................




2-1-2013: Terroist Stronghold Destroyed: Syrian government troops chasing armed extremists in the suburbs of Damascus



Terrorist strongholds were destroyed and dozens of mercenaries were killed and wounded during an operation in the Daraya, Diyabiya and Babilla neighborhoods, the Syrian television reports.........


Syria’s forces loyal to President Bashar Assad have repelled a rebel invasion attempt near the border with Jordan eliminating several militants......


Syrian Army servicemen have arrested four Turkish jet-fighter pilots in Aleppo Province..........................




2-1-2013: Video: Fatwa by Al Jazeera's Top Cleric: Pro-Gov't Syrian Civilians Are Legitimate Targets



2-1-2013: Over 60,000 dead in Syria conflict, U.N. says



Over five months of analysis, researchers cross-referenced seven sources of data, including the Syrian government, to compile a list of 59,648 individuals reported killed between March 15, 2011, and November 30, 2012.....................



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