Ishak Bar Armalto


Testimonies of the brilliant historians of the Syrian Church of Antioch on the Aramean origin of our nation, Synonymy: Aramean/Syrian.


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Question: Who were the ancient Assyrians? Were they simply one ethnicity or a composition of many nations/ tribes?


Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?


SUA/WCA and allowing terrorism


Arameans of Syria.


Arameans of Turkey


Arameans of Iraq.


Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview


Colonialism, “Assyrian” terrorism, occultism, downfall of the Aramean nation in the Middle-East and their Diaspora.




5-6-2006: Spiritual (brother) killing of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek


3-1-20105: The letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek to the bishops and the patriarch (3-1-2005)


23-1-2005:The letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek Matta Rohom about his hostility towards the diocese Central Europe (23-1-2005)


4-6-2005: The letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek to the Patriarch about the rudeness of priest Emanuel Aydin from Austria (Vienna) (4-6-2005)


2-3-2005: New Board in Austria: Letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek the government and to the new board (2-3-2005)




Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’.

Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans.

In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.


Letter Mgr. George Saliba to Emmanuel Aydin





مطرانية جبل لبنان

للسريان الارثوذكس

الى من يهمه الامر

نحيكم علما بان المجمع المقدس السرياني الارثوذكسي الانطاكي المنعقد في دورة استثنائية من 29 أذار وحتى 1 نيسان 2005 قد درس في جدول أعماله وضع ابرشية أوروبا الوسطى وشؤونها وقرر المجمع المقدس ما يلي :

1 – إعادة تنظيم ابرشية أوروبا الوسطى لجهة رقعتها الجغرافية ، على أن يأخذ هذا التنظيم الجديد شكله النهائيفي مهلة اقصاها 31 / 12 / 2005 .

وخلال هذه المدة يرى المجمع أن يلتزم الإكليروس والمجالس والمؤمنون بطاعة نيافته لتسيير كل الأمور بمحبة وسلام ، وبالمقابل يرعاهم نيافته بمحبة أبوية ،مسامحاً وناسياً كل ما حصل كأب روحي يفسح المجال للخدمة الحقيقية والعمل الكرازي والتربوي خاصة في صفوف الشبيبة ..

على أن لا يتخذ  أي تأديب كنسي أو بيع أو شراء أو رهن أو قرض بدون الرجوع إلى قداسة سيدنا البطريرك المعظم أولاً ، عملاً بالمادة / 75 / الفقرتان / و / ز

من دستور كنيستنا السريانية الأنطاكية المقدسة .

-         ( تتعاون الابرشية مع نيافته بالمساهمة بتغطية نفقات الابرشية ، وما يترتب على دير مار افرام في هولندا من التزمات معنوية ومادية .

-         وتبقى هذه الفترة هي كافية لإعادة اللحمة والوئام والاخوة في الأبرشية العزيزة مطراناً وإكليروساًُ ومجالس ومؤسسات ومؤمنين .. كل يصب في مصلحة الايبرشية خاصة ، وخي كنيستنا السريانية عامة ).

وهذا يعني بأن نيافة المطران مار يوليوس عيسى جيجك سيلتزم بعدم إصدار أي كتب ينتج عنها خلافات وانشقاقات في كنائس الايبرشية قبل موافقة قداسة البطريرك ، وإن الكتاب الذي أصدره مؤخرا بتاريخ 2 اذار 2005 والذي يغير فيه ادارة المجلس التنفيذي ( أي المجلس الملي ) لكنيستنا السريانية الأرثوذكسية في فيينا يخالف قرارات المجمع المقدس .. مما يقتضي عدم العمل بكتابه المذكور مالم يقترن بخاتم وتوقيع قداسة البطريرك.

وإن أي كتاب آخر مشابه للكتاب المذكور يفقد فاعليته مالم يصادق عليه قداسة البطريرك 

17 – 5 – 2005


عن الامانة العامة للمجمع المقدس

المطران ثاوفيلوس جورج صليبا

سكرتير المجمع المقدس



The episcopate of the Syrian Orthodox of the Mountain – Lebanon


To whom it may concern:


We want to inform you that the Holy Synod of the Syrian Orthodox of Antioch has gathered on a special meeting as from 29-3 to 1-4-2005 and has studied the situation of the archdiocese of central Europe and decided the following:


((1- Reorganize of the archdiocese of Central Europe according to geographical position, at the latest the reorganisation will be accomplished on 31-12-2006.

During this period the synod feels that the clergy, the church councils and faithful have to obey the patriarch so that everything can take place in love and peace; the patriarch shall on his turn take care for them with fatherly love, forgiveness and as a spiritual father forget everything what has happened and provide possibility for the true service, (namely) preach and educate of in particular the youth…..


To take (ecclesiastical) disciplinary measures or to buy or to take out a loan ; (and all the other issues) should in advance be approved by the patriarch according the  ecclesiastical law 75, articles O and Z of the constitution of our holy Syrian Orthodox church of Antioch.


- (The archdiocese shall in cooperation with the patriarch take care for the expenses of the archdiocese, (and for) the material and immaterial obligations of the St. Aphrem Monastery in Holland.

-(This period will be sufficient to make up the mutual unity, brotherhood within our beloved archdiocese, that means bishop, clergy, church councils, organisations and faithful… All this should take place in particular in the interest of the archdiocese and in general of the Syrian Church worldwide))


This means that Mgr. Mor Julius Yeshu Cicek is not allowed to take decisions which may cause conflicts and separations within the churches of the archdiocese without approval in advance by the patriarch, and the late decision which he took on 2 march 2005 and have changed the council of the church of our Syrian Orthodox church in Vienna; is not in agreement with the decision of the holy synod…….. For this reason we have to reject the aforementioned decision without the signature of the Patriarch. Every other decision similar to the aforementioned decision; has no authority when it is not approved by the patriarch.


(Date): 17-5-2005




General secretariat of the Holy Synod

Bishop Theophilius George Saliba,

Secretary of the Holy Synod


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Letters to governments and international institutions


Arabic Translations: 

 الترجمات العربية


Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide


Fake News on the Aramean nation:

 Arameans in the Media




17-5-2005: Letter of Mgr. George Saliba to Emanuel Aydin (17-5-2005)



26-5-2005: Letter of Patriarch to Mgr. J. Y. Cicek about deacon Michael: He is not allowed to do anything (26-7-2005)


28-7-2005: Letter of Patriarch to the Austrian minister of Culture & Education, Mr. Anton Stifter (28-7-2005)