Ishak Bar Armalto
World Council Arameans/ Syriac Universal Alliance (WCA/SUA)
Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview
Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’. Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans. In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan. Destruction, piracy, theft and looting of the Syrian and Iraqi oil
Destruction and devastation of life, thousands of orphans and widows, millions of displaced civilians, more than million deaths, refugee flows, crime, corruption and chaos are the fruits of bringing "democracy", "freedom" and "human rights" by the Americans and their allies to Iraq in 2003 and Syria in 2011.
As if the unprecedented human suffering caused by the Americans and their allies / accomplices, shedding thousands of liters of blood, misery and hopelessness is not wicked enough, they are trying to get hold of Iraqi and Syrian oil. The oil fields in the hands of the Syrian government are being destroyed by the Western coalition led by the Americans and rendered unusable preventing build-up of the country.
The so-called “liberation”,
“democracy” and “human rights war” have wreaked havoc among the Aramean
nation in Iraq and Syria. The Arameans (fake “
This ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Aramean nation was made possible in part by the unholy colonial Western, fraudulent, slavery, anti-Aramean and occult product "Assyrians". They committed unprecedented spiritual fornication with their Western and Middle Eastern masters and creators and invited them to please come to Iraq and Syria and “free” them from those so-called “dictators” (here, here, here). The occult and apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” and who are engaged in terrorism (here, here) and other unholy matters are willing to go to bed with everyone committing fornication thereby demanding only one condition and that is: glorification and promotion of occult "Assyrianism."
2. Iraqi petroleum, destruction of the land, agreement with the Chinese, blackmail and threats
After the illegal and criminal invasion by the Americans and their allies of Iraq in 2003, they destroyed the entire infrastructure of the country. The Iraqis would like to repair / build-up their country after 17 years of misery and hopelessness. However, the Americans do not want to hear about that and are stubbornly holding it back.
That is why in September 2019, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi visited China and signed a treaty with the Chinese to carry out the country's reconstruction.
Meeting with Chinese Prime Minister
Meeting with the Chinese President
What followed was a range of threats and blackmail to Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi by President Donald Trump.
The devastating revelations, about the heavy pressure put on Adel Abdul-Mahdi by Trump, were made by Adel Abdul-Mahdi in January 2020 during a parliamentary session.
This utmost important information was published in Arabic on twitter on January 6, 2020. The English translations can be found here.
“[Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq] Halbousi attended the parliamentary session while almost none of the Sunni members did. This was because the Americans had learned that Abdul-Mehdi was planning to reveal sensitive secrets in the session and sent Halbousi to prevent this. Halbousi cut Abdul-Mehdi off at the commencement of his speech and then asked for the live airing of the session to be stopped. After this, Halbousi together with other members, sat next to Abdul-Mehdi, speaking openly with him but without it being recorded. This is what was discussed in that session that was not broadcast:
Abdul-Mehdi spoke angrily about how the Americans had ruined the country and now refused to complete infrastructure and electricity grid projects unless they were promised 50% of oil revenues, which Abdul-Mehdi refused.”
“This is why I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction instead. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership.
Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me. I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese.
After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”
Few remarks about this unprecedented brutality, severe oppression and threats from the Americans. Indeed, the behavior and mindset of the Americans shows that they have been degraded to the empire of evil:
1) “[Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq] Halbousi attended the parliamentary session while almost none of the Sunni members did. This was because the Americans had learned that Abdul-Mehdi was planning to reveal sensitive secrets in the session and sent Halbousi to prevent this.
This indicates that the Americans have the majority of Sunnis in Iraq in their pockets, they control them. At the same time, it also makes crystal clear why a solid and strong government has never been formed since the Americans invaded Iraq. The Americans have absolutely no interest in a stable and strong Iraq. The differences between Shiites and Sunnis are fully exploited to maintain the country's chaos, corruption and dysfunction. They have completely destroyed the country and would like to keep it that way.
2) Halbousi cut Abdul-Mehdi off at the commencement of his speech and then asked for the live airing of the session to be stopped.
Halbousi is obviously a henchman of Americans and was instructed by his American masters to stop at all costs the utmost important information that Adel Abdul-Mahdi wanted to reveal during the parliamentary session on the unprecedented blackmail, oppression and crime of the Americans. Therefore, the live broadcast was stopped to withhold the Iraqis this extremely important information.
3) Abdul-Mehdi spoke angrily about how the Americans had ruined the country and now refused to complete infrastructure and electricity grid projects unless they were promised 50% of oil revenues, which Abdul-Mehdi refused.”
The Americans have destroyed the country and are still working on it. They are only willing to do something if they are allowed to plunder Iraqi oil. Incredibly low morale they have!
4) This is why I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction instead. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership
Iraqis are keen to rebuild their country and have engaged Chinese who, unlike Americans, are eager to help the Iraqis. But the Americans don't want to know about that. They have devastated Iraq and would like to keep it that way. They have no interest in a well-functioning infrastructure that will boost the country's economy. The Americans go to great lengths to keep Iraq in this unstable, dysfunctional and chaotic state. The only solution is to expel the Americans out of the country by force.
Indeed, destruction, oppression, theft and blackmail are the hobby of the Americans and their allies in the name of "democracy", "liberation" and "human rights."
5) Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me. I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese
Trump added word to action, and vast demonstrations against Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi's government started in October 2019 for refusing to denounce the agreement with the Chinese.
Demonstrations against administration of Adel Abdul-Mahdi
Those hundreds of thousands of protesters were mostly young people. These youngsters thought they were demonstrating for a good cause, but unfortunately did not realize they were being misused by the American occupying forces to chase away Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.
More than 600 people were killed. Much of these victims were made by US snipers from high buildings targeting protesters and security forces to increase tensions in the country.
The empire of evil shows its true face of terror, oppression, blackmail and plunder.
Wherever the Americans set foot on the ground, they bring destruction, massacres, disruption of life, chaos, corruption, crime, oppression, insecurity, hatred, desperation, displacement and refugee flows. And all in the name of "democracy", "freedom" and "human rights."
Adel Abdul-Mahdi deserves praise and honor for not having succumbed to the empire of evil and ultimately was forced to resign.
6) After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”
What should you expect from this wickedness? It has become a rogue state where Freemasons / Illuminati Satanists rule the country behind the scenes. It does not matter at all which party is in power because the satanic powers determine the US policy from behind the scenes.
2.1. Use of Islamic terrorists to control Iraq
Iraq tries slowly to become more independent. The United States is not happy with that. They want Iraq as obedient slave. Below we will provide few examples of how the Americans use terrorism to enslave Iraq. Needless to say, however, they do this by the notorious phrase “fighting terrorism.” In reality however, they protect, train and arm terrorists.
Fort Russ reported on 25th of April 2020 in an article entitled “IRAQ: Official Warns of US Plot to Transfer ISIS Terrorists From Syria to Iraq’s Al-Anbar”: “A senior official in Iraq’s al-Anbar province warned of the increasing presence of the ISIS terrorists in the desert areas of the province which are controlled by the US forces” “These areas are controlled by the US military men and are a safe haven for the terrorists” "The official warned of the US attempts to transfer a large number of ISIS terrorists from occupied regions of Syria to Iraq’s western desert province of al-Anbar. The terrorists pose a great danger to inhabitants of this area, as well as the bordering areas with Syria” "The aim of the US and its NATO and regional Wahhabi partners in crime is quite obviously fomenting tension and unrest in Iraq in the future, giving them an excuse to continue occupying Iraqi and Syrian territories, all under the pretext of “fighting terrorism”” "He added that the US is attempting to transfer the largest-ever number of ISIS terrorists into Iraq, adding that they are supported by the US in the desert areas of al-Anbar after arriving from Syria through US heliborne operations.”
Press Tv reported on 4th of May 2020 in an article “US forces transport imprisoned Daesh terrorists from Syria to Iraq: SANA“: “US forces have reportedly transported an unspecified number of imprisoned members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in the northeastern province of Hasaka to their occupied bases in Iraq” “Moreover, thousands of Daesh terrorists are likely to escape from Syrian jails, as Kurdish prison guards are focused on fighting back the Turkish military that has been engaged in an operation against Kurds in northeastern Syria” “Kurdish officials say nearly 800 Daesh prisoners have managed to escape from a prisoner camp after the Turkish offensive”
Sputnik News reported on 17th of May 2020 in an article entitled “Daesh Militants Escape Kurdish-Run Prison in Northeastern Syria - Reports”: “Seven members of the Daesh* terror group (banned in Russia) have escaped a Kurdish-guarded prison in northeastern Syria, state media reported Sunday” “Several low-level Daesh members escaped another Kurdish-controlled prison, al-Sinaa, in Hasakah in late March. They reportedly used a ripped-off door to break down a wall before fleeing.”
Those so-called “escaped” Islamic terrorists were most probably released at the order of Americans to be transported to Iraq to commit crimes against the population. The best solution is to kick Americans out of Iraq by force. They are the most ardent terrorist protectors and the source of endless problems.
Press Tv reported on 11th of May 2020 in an article entitled “US aircraft transfer Daesh terrorists from Syria to Iraq: Badr”: “A leader in Iraq’s Badr Organization says US forces have transferred Daesh terrorists from Syria into Iraq amid Washington’s attempts to reinforce the American presence in the Arab country” “Eyewitnesses living along the border with Syria have informed security officials that American forces are conducting extensive airborne transfers of Daesh terrorists from Syria to Iraq,” “The terrorists entered Iraq via the borders near the Kurdistan region, Bayati said, adding that the new deployment is aimed at stepping up terrorist attacks in Iraq in order to justify the presence of American forces in the country”
See also: 11-5-2020: US is Smuggling Daesh Terrorists Out of Syria, Major Iraqi Pro-Government Militia Claims
That is not the first time that the Americans and their allies have been engaged in making the region unsafe through the deployment of their special units / death squads / mercenaries and the Islamic terrorists they have recruited. Terrorism and breakdown of countries is their trademark.
Iranian General Soleimani has often blocked such unholy practices by the Americans and their allies by murdering their Islamic terrorists / death squads / mercenaries / special units. Therefore, Soleimani was killed by the Americans on January 3, 2020 at Baghdad International Airport. He killed the by the Americans created, trained and armed Islamic terrorists. Fighting terrorism is unforgivable sin! Therefore, Qassem Soleimani had to pay with his life!
The Israeli Christian investigative journalist Steven Bennun elaborates in his video of January 4, 2020 entitled “What will the Killing of General Soleimani Lead To” on the reasons behind the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani”.
Mr Bennun tells that Iraq had become rebellious and the US began to lose control of the country. Therefore, in 2019, the US gave Turkey permission to invade northern Syria to free Isis / Isil terrorists who had been captured by the YPG- Kurds so that they would be transported to Iraq to be used against the Iraqi government and thereby forcing obedience. The plans of the Americans failed because General Soleimine along with the Iraqi army awaited the terrorists in Iraq and killed most of them (hier, hier). As previously explained, the hobby of the Americans and their allies is spread and promotion of terrorism to destabilize countries and plunder natural resources!
Steve Bennun tells about Soleimani who fought terrorism: “Because there was that General, that Iranian General who is considered to be a bad terrorist who has been fighting against Isis that worked with the Iraqi’s to cut Isis off and put a stop to what they were doing. He has fought terrorism for sure. He has fought al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, he has fought the Isis militants. So, therefore he is the big bad wolf.”
Without the use of Islamic terrorists, death squads, mercenaries and their special units, the role of the Americans and their allies would have been completely played out. Therefore, the Americans and their allies will never allow a terrorist-free Middle East.
The Americans are not the only ones using the Islamic terrorists / mercenaries / special units / death squads to achieve their goal. Turkey also uses this method to move terrorists from Syria to Libya. Please see the next articles:
19-5-2020: UN official says militants from Syria being sent to fight in Libya 8-5-2020: From Syria to Libya: Captured Mercenaries Recount Tales of Coercion, Deception 11-4-2020: Turkey dispatches some 300 allied Takfiri militants from Syria to Libya: SOHR 7-3-2020: Turkey dispatches over 4,500 allied Takfiri militants from Syria to Libya: SOHR 20-1-2020: Video: Thousands of Turkish Proxy Fighters Flood into Libya Amid Berlin Peace Talks 18-1-2020: Turkey deploys more militants from Syria to Libya to help protect Tripoli-based GNA: Report 30-12-2019: Video: Syrian Army Prepares for Operation in Aleppo, Turkish Proxies Move to Libya 27-12-2019: Erdogan Recycles Idlib Terrorists from Syria to Libya, Trump Forces Relocated to Northern Iraq 26-12-2019: Haftar's Army Accuses Turkey of Smuggling Daesh, Nusra Terrorists to Libya Via Tunisia 29-4-2019: Libyan National Army Claims It Possesses Evidence of Turkey Supporting Daesh
2.2. Iraq invasion in 2003 and Kirkuk-Haifa oil pipeline
The invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the US and their allies to completely destroy the country was also related to Kirkuk's petroleum in northern Iraq. An oil pipeline from Kirkuk to the Israeli port in Haifa was on the table to be executed. We will explain this below by a few examples:
On 3rd of December 2018 the Oil & Gas Journal reported in an article entitled “Oil pipelines played role in US invasion of Iraq”: “Politics influences the construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines. Given this, it may not surprise some pipeline veterans that the politics surrounding a few Middle East oil pipelines played a part in US motivations for the 2003 war in Iraq, launched Mar. 20 of that year. Contrary to my statements for more than 10 years in the press and on national television, there was an oil agenda for the Iraq war”
Gary Vogler: Revelations from an insider
Many Americans, both civilians and military, who participate in foreign interventions do so for noble motives such as "democracy", "human rights", "freedom", etc. Only years later, some of them discover that those wars have nothing to do with " nobility”, but that perverse economical motives were the real reasons for waging a war and destroying a country. One of these people was Mr. Gary Vogler. He served as oil adviser at the “Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance” (ORHA) and shortly as oil minister.
In 2017 he wrote a devastating book entitled “Iraq and the Politics of Oil: An Insider’s Perspective” in which he exposes the real reasons behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
On 24th of April 2018, he reported in an article entitled “The Truth about Oil and the Iraq War, 15 Years Later”: “I saw things that I did not understand during 2003, but wrote them off as distractions to our mission. Such as, why did Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy Secretary of Defense, verbally reverse the decisions made by the President’s cabinet about an export pipeline through Syria just before the war started? We had discussed the Syria export pipeline during our prewar policy discussions. No oil infrastructure was supposed to be targeted during the invasion. The final written policy agreed by the President’s cabinet in late December 2002 stated that exports through that Syria pipeline should be used as leverage with the Syrian government to get their cooperation. The pipeline was not supposed to be destroyed”
On the destruction of a large pump station in Syria for pumping oil from Iraq, he says: “The one large pump station that pumped oil through the Syrian export pipeline was destroyed early in the war. It was the only intentional oil infrastructure target. Secretary Rumsfeld announced to the NY Times the day after the pump station destruction that it was destroyed to punish Syria for helping Saddam smuggle oil outside of the United Nation’s oil for food program. Such explanation made no sense”
On the reasons behind the destructions of the pump station he says: “The attack on the pump station punished the future government of Iraq much more than Syria. Iraq lost an export channel and a $50 million pump station. Syria only lost the toll fees from any export barrels that Iraq would export through the pipeline in the future. Iraq incurred more than 95% of the punishment.”
Regarding his U-turn on the Iraq invasion of 2003, he writes: “Using the Google search tool, I was able to find things in 2014 and 2015 in the foreign press that were real eye-openers. There were several articles in the Israeli and British press from 2003. I learned several new facts. I learned about an oil agenda and the players involved, but the most important was that I learned motives. I had many sleepless nights. I learned that a person cannot sleep when they are angry and the more I learned, the angrier I became. I had been a volunteer for all of my time in Iraq. I risked my life for seventy-five months in Iraq working for what I thought were noble reasons. The more I learned the more I realized that there was an oil agenda and I was just an unknowing participant”
Regarding the oil-agenda and Kirk-Haifa pipeline he writes: “The oil agenda I discovered and experienced was to supply Iraq oil to Israel. The players were the neoconservatives in the Bush Administration, their favorite Iraqi – Dr Ahmed Chalabi and the Israeli government. One of the motives was because Israel was paying a huge premium for its oil imports and this premium had just started in the late1990s. The agenda called for the reopening of the old Kirkuk to Haifa pipeline and its significant expansion. When this pipeline plan became unattainable in the 2nd half of 2003 then Chalabi took other actions to get inexpensive Iraqi oil to Israel”
The Guardian reported on 20th of April 2003 in an article entitled “Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil”: “The plan envisages the reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.” “Until 1948, the pipeline ran from the Kurdish-controlled city of Mosul to the Israeli port of Haifa, on its northern Mediterranean coast” “The revival of the pipeline was first discussed openly by the Israeli Minister for National Infrastructures, Joseph Paritzky, according to the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz”
Haaretz reported on 24th of August 2003 in an article entitled “ U.S. Checking Possibility of Pumping Oil From Northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan”:“The United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram last week from a senior Pentagon official to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem” “The new pipeline would take oil from the Kirkuk area, where some 40 percent of Iraqi oil is produced, and transport it via Mosul, and then across Jordan to Israel”
In March 2003, the Americans invaded Iraq and in August 2003 they wanted to plunder the country's oil. That is bringing "freedom", "human rights" and "democracy" to Iraq. In other words: more than a million deaths, thousands of widows and orphans, destruction of the infrastructure and electricity network, poisoning the country with depleted Uranium, refugees, corruption and the destruction of the Aramean people, that is the result of so-called “liberation”. That can only be the work of rogue states, pathological thieves and the empire of evil.
See also: 3-2004: Pipeline or Pipe Dream? The Kirkuk-Haifa Scheme 6-2015: The British-American Imperial Agenda in Iraq: the Oil and Railway line from Kirkuk to Haifa, 1920-1932
3. Occupation and looting of the Syrian oil fields by the Americans
In 2015, the Syrian government invited Russia to help fight the Islamic terrorists recruited, trained and armed by the West and their Middle Eastern accomplices (here, here and here). Under the protection of the advanced Russian Air Force, the Syrian army began to destroy one terrorist stronghold after another, killing tens of thousands of the Islamic terrorists.
The Americans and their allies saw with regret and intense heart-ache that their creation and pet children were literally shattered by the Syrian army. They realized with much crunch that they could not stop the destruction of the Islamic terrorists in Syria. This thwarted their criminal satanic freemasonic/ illuminati cabalistic plans for Syria.
What the Americans and their allies realized was that the next logical step after the destruction of the Islamic terrorists was, of course, that the country would be rebuild. This was something the Americans and their allies wanted to prevent at all costs from rebuilding country. Therefore, as of 2018, the Americans began building illegal military bases in oil-rich areas in Syria to occupy the gas / oil fields. If Syria did not have access to natural resources, it would be very difficult for them to build their war-torn country.
Please click here for analyses on the theft and piracy of the Syrian oil fields by the Americans.
To give an impression, below we present few examples to our beloved reader.
1) Southfront reported on 19th of March 2018 in an article entitled "US Establishing Military Facility In Oil Rich Area In Deir Ezzor Province – Reports”:“The US is reportedly building a new military facility in Syria. According to reports, the US-led coalition facility under construction is located near the al-Omar oil fields in the province of Deir Ezzor.”
2) MintPress News reported on 16th April 2018 in an article entitled “How the US Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas”:“Northeastern Syria is an important region owing to its rich natural resources, particularly fossil fuels in the form of natural gas and oil. Indeed, this area contains 95 percent of all Syrian oil and gas potential — including al-Omar, the country’s largest oil field. Prior to the war, these resources produced some 387,000 barrels of oil per day and 7.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually, and were of great economic importance to the Syrian government. However, more significantly, nearly all the existing Syrian oil reserves – estimated at around 2.5 billion barrels – are located in the area currently occupied by the U.S. government.”
“In addition to Syria’s largest oil field, the U.S. and its proxies in northeast Syria also control the Conoco gas plant, the country’s largest. The plant, which can produce nearly 50 million cubic feet of gas per day, was originally built by U.S. oil and gas giant ConocoPhillips, which operated the plant until 2005, after which Bush-era sanctions made it difficult to operate in Syria. Other foreign oil companies, like Shell, also left Syria as a result of the sanctions.”
“With the U.S. now occupying the area, the oil and gas produced in this region are already benefiting U.S. energy corporations to which Trump and his administration have numerous ties. According to Yeni Şafak, the U.S. along with the Saudis, Egypt, and Kurdish officials held meetings where decisions were made to extract, process and market the fossil fuels harvested in the region, with the Kurds being given a handsome share of the profits. As of 2015, the Kurds were said to be earning in excess of $10 million every month.”
Do you see here dear reader the unholy activities of the empire of evil, which together with France and the United Kingdom form the head of the serpent, engaged in advanced theft, looting and destruction of lands?
The unholy practices they have committed show that they have been degraded to a rogue state keeping themselves busy with spread of terrorism, theft and looting of natural resources, breakdown of countries, shedding millions of liters of blood and causing unprecedented suffering and misery wherever they put foot on the ground. It is an illegal and criminal occupation of 30% of the Syrian territory where most of the gas and oil fields are located and looted.
The terrorist PKK/YPG Kurds
seem to be getting $ 10 million a month here. This will allow them
to continue their terrorist activities against the Aramean
nation (fake: “
The only solution is to drive the Americans out of Iraq and Syria as soon as possible. As long as the Americans are there, there will never be peace and stability in the region.
3) Sputnik News reported on 21st of October 2019 in an article entitled “It's Always About Oil, Huh? Trump Mulls 'Keeping' Syrian Crude With US Company's Help”:“US President Donald Trump is mulling the possibility of "keeping" the oil as he talked about Syria's oilfields, which were recently secured by US troops”
4) Sputnik News reported on 26th of October 2019 in an article entitled "International State Banditism’: Russian Defence Ministry Explains What US Really Does to Syrian Oil” on the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the theft and occupation of the Syrian oil fields by the Americans:“What Washington does now – the capture and holding under its armed control of oil fields in Eastern Syria is, simply speaking, an international state banditism,” he said, adding that Syrian oil reserves and other mineral resources belong solely to the Syrian Arab Republic, not to Daesh terrorists or to “American protectors from Daesh terrorists” “Neither international law, nor the American legislation itself can justify the US troops’ goal to guard Syrian hydrocarbon reserves from Syria itself and its people,”
Is very clear, nothing to add to it!
The American senator of the State Virginia, Richard Black, stated on 10th of December 2019 on the occupation of oil fields by the United States: "Seizing the Syrian oil fields was simply an act of piracy. It’s stealing, plain and simple," "The oil belongs to all the people of Syria. It doesn’t belong to the Kurdish minority, and it doesn’t belong to American oil companies." "This is cruel, it’s immoral and it’s un-Christian. It’s a sinful thing to do and we have no business stealing oil or any other natural resource from another country,"
Theft and plundering are one of the hobbies of the United States and its allies, nothing new under the sun.
5) Russia Today reported on 1st of November 2019 in an article entitled "US smuggles crude worth $30mn per month from occupied Syrian oil fields, violating its own sanctions – Russian Foreign Ministry” on the statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:"A supposed champion of the rule of law, the US is violating its own anti-Syrian sanctions by smuggling crude from oil fields it seized from Damascus,” "Each month the US smuggles crude worth $30 million out of Syria,…. The fuel comes from fields in the northeastern part of the country, where the US maintains a military presence after pulling its troops back from the Syrian-Turkish border.”
They can use those $ 30 million a month to pay for the recruitment, training and armaments of Islamic and Kurdish PKK/YPG terrorists, while the Syrian people are severely affected by the cruel and inhuman American embargo on the country.
6) Sputnik News reported on 11th of November 2019 in an article “US Attempts to Rob Syria of Its Oil Are Damaging Chances of Political Settlement - Lavrov”:"We will insist that the Syrian army occupies the entire territory of its state as quickly as possible. Only this will help put a reliable end to terrorism and resolve all the issues said with a final political settlement," "As for what the United States is doing in Syria's north ... Of course, its attempt to, in fact, rob Syria and take control over its oil fields is illegal, and it brings nothing good to the Syrian settlement, it only retains a significant source of concern and a significant threat in this part of Syria,"
It is not only “illegal”, but also unprecedented brutal and criminal!
7) Sputnik News reported on 16th of December 2019 in an article entitled “Assad Accuses US of Selling Oil Stolen From Syria's Fields to Turkey” about the statement of Assad on the occupation and theft of Syrian oil fields:"Before the Americans, in the early days Jabhat al-Nusra used these wells; after Daesh came and drove out al-Nusra – or rather when it merged with al-Nusra and they all became Daesh, it also stole and sold oil. Where? It used to sell it through Turkey. Now America is the one stealing oil and selling it to Turkey",
The fanatical protector of the terrorists has taken over the oil fields from the Islamic terrorists they have created, trained and armed and are selling the oil to Turkey. These are the standards and values of United States which is run behind the scenes by the Cabalist/ Talmudic / Freemasonic/ Illuminati Satanists.
The previous examples have hopefully given you an impression of the Americans who have occupied Syrian gas and oilfields and using it for supporting terrorists in Syria.
3.1. Islamic Terrorists and Oilfield Destruction: Scorched Earth Technique
Following Iraq, the United States and its allies have used scorched earth technology to cause as much damage as possible to infrastructure, the electricity grid, the oilfields managed by the Syrian government, the healthcare system, etc. West is to completely paralyze Syria so that it becomes dysfunctional and cannot function as a country.
When you read in the Western mainstream media that the so-called coalition against ISIS / ISIL in Syria and Iraq, led by the Americans, has attacked so-called terrorist targets in Syria or Iraq, it always means they are attacking the country's infrastructure to destroy. We are going to explain it below. You must always turn the story of the Western mainstream fake news media 180 degrees to find out the truth.
Russia Today reported on 16th of April 2020 in an article entitled “Syrian militants ‘trained at US base for sabotage & terrorism’ try to surrender & get ambushed by OTHER US-backed extremists” on the Islamic terrorists who are trained by the United States to destroy the oil installations and other infrastructure, the technology of scorched earth.
We read: “A US-backed militant group has intercepted a convoy of ‘defectors’ seeking to lay down their arms and surrender to Damascus. The survivors told the Syrian Army that American instructors trained them for sabotage and terrorism” “After giving themselves up to the Syrian Army, the 27 militants said they had been trained and provided with weapons at an American facility, Rear Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Syrian Reconciliation, said at a briefing on Wednesday.” “American instructors trained them to carry out sabotage at oil and transport infrastructure, as well as for terrorist acts in the Syrian government-controlled territories”
See also: 16-4-2020: Surrendered US-backed Rebels Admit to Receiving Training to Destroy Syrian Oil Sites
We repeat again: If you read in the Western fake news media that the Americans and their allies have carried out attacks on the terrorist targets in Syria, it always means that they are trying to damage Syria in many ways. These are fanatical and persistent terrorism protectors and promoters. Do not expect them to attack the terrorists they have created, trained and armed. They will never do that.
Russia Today reported on 10th of March 2020 in an article entitled “US now openly admits its goal in Syria is to make it 'difficult' for Moscow and Damascus to defeat terrorists“: “The State Department’s special envoy for Syria has just admitted that the US aims to defend jihadist militants in Idlib against ‘Russian aggression,’ proving once again that the swamp in Foggy Bottom is alive and well” “Our goal is to make it very difficult for them to do that by a variety of diplomatic, military, and other actions”
“Foggy Bottom” is a term used for the United States Department of State. These are terrorist protectors and they will go to great lengths to protect their boys. It is no longer a secret that the Americans and their allies are the culprits behind terrorism and breakdown of countries for regime change.
Russia Today reported on 13th of May 2020 in an article entitled “US anti-ISIS chief says his goal in Syria is to create a ‘quagmire’ for Russia, not battle terrorism”: “James Jeffrey, the US special envoy for Syria and defeating the Islamic State, has made quite a frank confession of how he sees his job and that of US troops there: to create a new Vietnam or Afghanistan for Moscow” “Asked why the American public should tolerate US involvement in Syria, Special Envoy James Jeffrey points out the small US footprint in the fight against ISIS. "This isn't Afghanistan. This isn't Vietnam. This isn't a quagmire. My job is to make it a quagmire for the Russians."
See also: 13-5-2020: "My Job Is To Make Syria A Quagmire For The Russians": CIA Doctrine Made Official Policy 12-5-2020: US Military Presence Could Help Turn Syria Into Quagmire for Russia - Special Envoy
How do the Americans in Syria want to create a swamp for the Russians? By the Islamic terrorists they recruited, trained and armed of course. In the mainstream fake news media, they say: "We are fighting against Islamic terrorists." They are persistent protectors and promoters of terrorism. They have no business in Syria, get out there!
Press Tv reported on 12th of March 2020 in an article entitled “US controlling all oil fields, plundering crude in northeast Syria: Ambassador”: “The Syrian ambassador to Russia, Riyad Haddad, says the United States controls all oil fields in the northeastern part of his country, as Washington and some of its regional allies are vying with each other to seize oil reserves and plunder natural resources in the war-battered country” “Americans today are currently present in the northeastern part of the country, controlling all oil fields there and stealing our crude resources. If we manage to liberate the region from the American occupation, we will then revive our economy,”
Terrorism, theft, destruction of infrastructure and looting is the hobby of the Americans and their allies. They are illegal in Syria, recruiting, training and arming terrorists. They have millions of liters of blood on their hands and should therefore be kicked out of Syria as soon as possible. They are an obstacle to the reconstruction of the country. Their presence in Syria is synonymous with blood, misery, chaos and distress.
Press Tv reported on 29th of February 2020 in an article entitled “Damascus says US smuggling Syria’s oil, selling it to Turkey, other countries”: “Syrian Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Minister Atef Naddaf gave an interview to Russia 24 TV channel on Saturday, Sputnik news agency reported. “Our enemy, the United States, they sell it [oil] to Turkey and so forth,” he said The minister added that in other oil-rich areas of the Arab country “there is completely destroyed infrastructure, there are destroyed railways, all power stations are destroyed.” “We do not have electricity, and where there is no electricity there is no local [oil] production.” “The space intelligence images showed that oil was actively extracted and massively exported for processing outside Syria, under the reliable protection of US troops, before and after the defeat of the Daesh terrorists,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov on October 26.
Technology of scorched earth. It speaks for itself, nothing to add.
Beside looting of Syrian oil by United States and destruction of those fields in the hands of the Syrian government, the US and its allies trying to cause another damage to Syria by burning of the wheatfields. This will of course lead to hunger in the country. Three examples suffice to give an impression.
1) Syrian Arab News Agency reported on 17th of May 2020 in an article entitled “US aircraft drops incendiary balloons, sets fire to wheat crops in NE Syria”: “A plane of the American occupation forces dropped a number of thermal balloons over the agricultural lands in the countryside of Shaddadi, south of Hasaka, setting off fire to wheat crops in Hasaka province.”
2) Press Tv reported on 24th of May 2020 in an article entitled “Turkish-backed militants set fire to farms in northeastern Syria: SANA”: “Turkish-backed Takfiri militants have burned wide areas of agricultural lands in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah, reports say.” “Syria’s official news agency SANA, citing local sources, reported that the acts of arson took place in several villages of Tal Tamer and Abu-Rasin regions of the Kurdish-populated province on Sunday when a group of militants attacked the areas.” “Local residents and witnesses said that “fires spread quickly due to the winds and burned more than 20,000 dunums (20,000,000 square meters) of wheat and barley fields which are still burning till now and spreading to burn more farms”.
3) Press Tv reported on 26th of May 2020 in an article entitled “Turkish forces, allied militants intend to steal wheat crops in Syria’s Hasakah: SANA”: “Turkish military forces and allied militants are reportedly planning to steal tens of tons of grain from Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah, and smuggle it across the border” “…..that Turkish troops and their allies had brought in a number of combine harvesters to the key border town of Ra's al-Ayn in order to reap wheat crops and seize them later” “The sources added that Turkish military forces and allied militants have already stolen more than 15 percent of wheat production in the region following threats of setting fire to farming lands in case local residents did not comply with their arbitrary measures”
See also: 20-5-2020: The US Is Using Wheat as a Weapon of War in Syria 18-5-2020: Trump Bombs Syrian Wheat Fields While Fighting COVID ‘Enemy’ at Home 17-5-2020: US aircraft drops incendiary balloons, sets fire to wheat crops in NE Syria
-The Americans are illegal in Syria -They violate international law with great contempt -They violate the territorial integrity of Syria. -They destroyed Syria's infrastructure. -They occupy and loot Syrian gas and oil wells while the people of Syria are under heavy embargo on the Americans. They are pathological looters, human rights violators, terrorist protectors and thieves. -The Americans are recruiting, arming and training the terrorists in Syria to destroy the natural resources still in the hands of the Syrian government, thereby frustrating the country's reconstruction. In addition, the misery of the people of Syria is prolonged. -To build up Syria, make an end to looting, bring peace and stability to the country, it is imperative that the illegal occupiers of Syria be kicked out of the country immediately. The Americans have invaded Syria uninvited and are only causing suffering and distress to the country.
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