Patriarch Saverios of Antioch


Testimonies of the brilliant historians of the Syrian Church of Antioch on the Aramean origin of our nation, Synonymy: Aramean/Syrian.


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Question: Who were the ancient Assyrians? Were they simply one ethnicity or a composition of many nations/ tribes?


Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?


SUA/WCA and allowing terrorism


Arameans of Syria.


Arameans of Turkey


Arameans of Iraq.


Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview



"Assyrian" terrorism and division within the Aramean nation


Colonialism, “Assyrian” terrorism, occultism, downfall of the Aramean nation in the Middle-East and their Diaspora.


23-4-2018: "Assyrian" terrorism: The Western Anti-Aramean colonial product “Assyrians” and unconditional loyalty to PKK/YPG and Abdullah Ocalan


23-3-2015: "Assyrian" veneration of Samiramis, the whore of Babylon


21-2-2014: The origin of “Assyrian” fanaticism, their blindness, veneration of occult powers


19-6-2010: A convicted “Assyrian” GHB/PKK/ADO terrorist for 6 months jail is fully being honored and idolized: is this a sign of falling away and is judgment at hand?


28-1-2009: Sabri Atman and Hezbollah- Aram: Sabri Atman: A man of standards and values or... an manipulator and abuser of the Aramean Physical Genocide to promote the immoral western criminal spiritual colonial and slavery product "Assyrians"?


19-12-2008: Pseudo-Assyrians, Pseudo-Chaldaeans, and the Cultural – National Needs of the Aramaean Nation


18-12-2008: Syriacs, "Assyrians" and "Chaldaeans" are all Aramaeans


26-9-2008: Terrorist ‘Kurds’ – Pawns of Merovingian Freemasonry Determined to Eliminate the Aramaeans


25-9-2008: Political Hypocrisy and Historical Forgery by Pseudo-Assyrians and Kurdish Terrorists


25-9-2008: Unprecedented Forgery of Ancient Mesopotamian History Expected to Trigger Chaos


23-9-2008: Pseudo-‘Assyrians’ and ‘Kurdish’ Terrorists: Liars Fostering Chaos and Genocide


22-9-2008: Anti-Christian Unholy Alliance: the Forged "Assyrian" Pseudo-Nation and the PKK Terrorists


21-9-2008: Looming End of Oriental Christianity: Unholy Alliance of ‘Kurdish’ Terrorists with Pseudo-Assyrians


19-9-2008: The Ongoing Aramaean Genocide, the Fabricated Pseudo-Assyrian Nation, and "Kurdish" (PKK) Terrorists


17-9-2008: Persecuted Aramaeans, a Pseudo-Nation of 'Assyrians,' Kurdish Terrorists, and the Anti-Chris


16-9-2008: The primitive, superseded, yet very dangerous ADO ideology unmasked: Jesus Christ the Assyrian?


17-7-2008: "Assyrian" terrorism: The bitter fruits of the spiritual colonial intervention: A monstrous covenant between the PKK and the organization of the apostate Arameans who identify themselves as “Assyrians”, namely: The Assyrian Democratic Organisation


15-9-2007: Wikipedia and Fake News about the Aramean nation: the continuation of Western Spiritual Colonial practices. The source and platform for spread and promotion of “Assyrian” terrorism: history distortions, hatred, lies, slander, attacks, deliberate misrepresentation and manipulations to misguide the independent reader.


22-8-2007: AINA: The international lie- and hate machine and the cause of killing, persecution and decline of the Arameans of Iraq


25-1-2007: The Arameans in Turkey unwillingly put in bad light. Turkish Supreme Court: The terrorist organization ADO/GHB “ Assyrians” added to the terror list.


25-1-2007: Translation of the article published in the Turkish Newspaper 'Zaman' of 19-11-2006. "ADO/GHB" terrorists added to the list of the Turkish Supreme Court


8-10-2005: A disastrous decision of SUA- where are standards and values?


Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’.

Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans.In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.


Letter of Sabri Atman to his Western Masters and Spiritual Creators of the NCRV Current Affairs Programme "Het Netwerk"


NCRV= Nederlandse Christelijke Radio Vereniging= Dutch Christian Radio Association.


Remember here the word "Christian". It is not the Kurds, not the Turks, not the Arabs, not the Islamic fanatics, but the fake Western Christianity who have exterminated our nation in the Middle-East. And today they continue this with all happiness as if their forefathers have done a holy and a noble job in extermination of the Aramean nation. And please have a look who they help and protect their puppets.


Dutch Text Version



Mischa van Vlier

NCRV Netwerk

Postbus 23100

1202 EB Hilversum


Enschede, 29 oktober 2006


Betreft: De discussie rondom de naamskwestie van de Assyrische (Suryoyo) gemeenschap


Geachte heer/mevrouw,


In de eerste plaats willen wij u bedanken voor de uitzending van netwerk op 9 oktober over de Assyrische (Suryoyo) kwestie en met name over de Assyrische Genocide. Onze gemeenschap dankt u voor de aandacht die u hier aan heeft gegeven. In de tweede plaats vonden wij het, gezien de discussies die op verschillende Assyrische forums zijn geweest over onze naamskwestie en de Turkse reacties op de uitzending, nodig het een en ander uiteen te zetten. Dit is nodig om te voorkomen dat helderheid plaats maakt voor verwarring en rechtvaardigheid wordt vervangen door onrechtvaardigheid.


Na de uitzending zijn er op verschillende websites teksten verschenen die kritiek hebben geleverd op de term Assyrisch als benaming voor ons volk. Sommigen stelden de naam Suryoyo voor, anderen de naam Aramees, anderen Chaldeeërs of Nestorianen etc etc. Deze discussie is al jaren aan de gang en zou geen belemmering moeten zijn voor een zaak als de Assyrische Genocide.


Wij ‘zijn van mening dat al deze namen (Assyrisch, Suryoyo, Chaldeeërs, Akkadisch, Aramees, Sumerisch, Babylonisch, Nestoriaans) refereren naar eenzelfde gemeenschap met een gemeenschappelijke identiteit. Mesopotamië is het historische vaderland van onze gemeenschap, maar de nationale en culturele invloeden hebben zich tot de Middellandse zee uitgestrekt.


Wij en met ons het grootste gedeelte van onze gemeenschap die uit verschillende christelijke stromingen bestaat hebben gekozen voor de naam Assyrisch als verzamelnaam voor al deze namen. Vaak zetten wij er Suryoyo tussen twee haakjes achter omdat de term Suryoyo geëvolueerd is van de term Assyrisch. Een kleine groep fanatiekelingen die behoren tot de Chaldese kerk noemen zich alleen Chaldeeërs en een kleine groep individuen die alleen behoren tot de Syrisch Orthodoxe kerk noemen zich Aramees.


De Assyrische (Suryoyo) gemeenschap is te vinden in:


1. de Oude Oostelijke kerk

2. de Syrische Orthodoxe kerk.

3. de Chaldese kerk.

4. de Rooms Orthodoxe kerk.

5. de Melkitische kerk

6. de Syrische Maroniet kerk.

7. de Syrische katholieke kerk..

8. de Syrische Protestante kerk.


De Irakese overheid en de Amerikaanse regering erkennen de benamingen AssyrischlSuryoyo/Chaldees, die gebruikt worden als benaming voor onze gemeenschap.

In Syrië wordt alleen de term Assyrisch gebruikt en in Turkije worden de namen Syriac (Suryoyo) gebruikt. De genocide is in de Zweedse, Duitse, UK House of Commons, Oostenrijkse, Zwitserse en Nederlandse parlement besproken en alle keren over de Assyrische Genocide.

“It will be remembered that the Assyrians (better known in Church history as the Nestorian or Syrian Christians), page 200. The Treatment ofArmenians in the Ottoman, 1915- 1916, James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee, Gomidas Institute “.


Als laatste wil ik u erop wijzen dat op dit moment de Turkse overheid er alles aan doet om een verdeel en heers politiek binnen onze gemeenschap te voeren waardoor individuen na de uitzending zijn bedreigd. De discussie rondom de terminologie Assyrische Genocide wordt gestimuleerd en onderhouden door Turkse machten.


Wij verzoeken u vriendelijk consequent te blijven en ons te helpen de Assyrische kwestie op de agenda te houden en niet zoals al vaak in de geschiedenis is gedaan onbewust een verdeel en heers politiek te steunen die door bepaalde groepen wordt gevoerd.


Middels deze brief hopen wij u onze dankbaarheid te tonen alsmede u te verzoeken ons zaak te blijven steunen. Mocht u enige toelichting nodig vinden dan zijn wij natuurlijk bereid mondeling toe te lichten.





Sabri Atman


Brief mede ondertekend door de onderstaande organisaties/instellingen



CIDA (Centrum Informatie Documentatie Assyrië) /N. Maraha

SPO (Suryoyo Platform Overijssel) / G. Gouriye

AMVE (Assyrische Mesopotamische Vereniging Enschede) / G. Maraha

AJF (Assyrische Jongeren Federatie) / G. Hanna

TUR ABD[N (Vereniging Tur Abdin Hengelo) / S. Elyo

St. Kuryakos (Syrische Orthodoxe Kerk Enschede) / G. Mirza

FTN (Federatie Tur Abdin Nederland) / F. Kass Hanna

ADO (Assyrische Democratische Organisatie) / S. Celik



English Translation



Mischa van Vlier

NCRV Netwerk

Postbus 23100

1202 EB Hilversum


Enschede, 29 October 2006


Subject: Discussion around name issue of the Assyrian (Suryoye) community.


Dear Madam/Sir,


In the first place we want to thank you for the broadcast of netwerk on October 9 on the Assyrian (Suryoyo) issue and in particular the Assyrian Genocide. Our community thanks you for the attention you have given here to it. In the second place we felt necessary, given the discussions on various forums on the name issue and the Turkish reaction to the broadcast, to explain one and another thing. This necessary to prevent that clarity make would make place for confusion and justice be replaced by injustice


After the broadcast, on several websites texts have been published that have criticized the term Assyrian in reference to our people. Some suggested the name Suryoyo, others the name Aramaic, others Chaldeans or Nestorians etc etc. This discussion has been under way for years and should not be an obstacle for a case such as the Assyrian Genocide.


We are of the opinion  that all these names (Assyrian, Suryoyo, Chaldeans, Akkadian, Aramaic, Sumerian, Babylonian, Nestorian) refer to the same community with a common identity. Mesopotamia is the historical homeland of our community, but national and cultural influences have extended to the Mediterranean sea.


We and the major party of our community that consists of different Christian denominations have chosen the name Assyrian as collective name for all these names. Often we add Suryoyo after between two parentheses because the term Suryoyo evolved from the term Assyrian.


A small group of fanatics who belong to the Chaldean church, call themselves only Chaldeans and a small group of individuals who belong  to the Syrian Orthodox Church call themselves only Aramaic.


The Assyrian (Suryoye) community can be found in:


1. the Old Eastern church

2. the Syrian Orthodox church.

3. the Chaldean kerk.

4. the Roman Orthodox church.

5. the Melkite church.

6. the Syrian Maronite church.

7. the Syrian Catholic church.

8. the Syrian Protestant church.


The Iraqi government and American government recognize the name Assyrian/Suryoyo/Chaldean, that are being used in reference to our community.

In Syria only the term Assyrian is being used and in Turkey the names Syriac (Suryoyo) is in use. The genocide has been discussed in Swedish, German, UK House of Commons, Austria, Swiss and Dutch parliament and each time on the Assyrian Genocide.

“It will be remembered that the Assyrians (better known in Church history as the Nestorian or Syrian Christians), page 200. The Treatment ofArmenians in the Ottoman, 1915- 1916, James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee, Gomidas Institute “.


Finally, I would like to point out that at present the Turkish government is doing everything possible to carry on a divide and rule politics within our community to which individuals have been threatened after the broadcast. The debate around the terminology Assyrian Genocide is encouraged and maintained by Turkish forces.


We kindly request you to remain consistent and to help to keep the Assyrian issue on the agenda and not as often in history unconsciously  has been done to support a divide and conquer politics which is being conducted by certain groups.


Through this letter, we hope to show you our gratitude and to ask you to continue to support our case. If you need any explanation than we are of course willing to explain orally.


Respectfully Yours,




Sabri Atman


Letter also co-signed by organisations/ intuitions



CIDA (Centrum Information Documentation Assyria) /N. Maraha

SPO (Suryoyo Platform Overijssel) / G. Gouriye

AMVE (Assyrian Mesopotamian Association Enschede) / G. Maraha

AJF (Assyrian Youth Federation) / G. Hanna

TUR ABD[N (Association Tur Abdin Hengelo) / S. Elyo

St. Kuryakos (Syrian Orthodox Church Enschede) / G. Mirza

FTN (Federation Tur Abdin Nederland) / F. Kass Hanna

ADO (Assyrian Democratic Organisation) / S. Celik



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Copyright © Aram-Naharaim Organisation


Letters to governments and international institutions


Arabic Translations: 

 الترجمات العربية


Colonialism: Downfall and Diaspora of Aramean nation


Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide


Fake News on the Aramean nation:

 Arameans in the Media


20-1-2015: The deep rooted demonic hatred against the Aramean indigenous nation


6-9-2014: Why are “Assyrians” very important to the illuminati satanists


17-4-2009: Turkey´s Ongoing Colonization, the Aramaeans, the Kurds, the Armenians, Pan-Arabism and Islamism


23-3-2009: Western European Colonial Odium and Evildoing Against the Aramaeans and the Oriental Christianity


11-12-2008: The hateful and malicious (spiritual) terror campaign of the Evangelical Broadcasting Channel against the Christian Aramean nation continues undiminished…….


11-4-2008: Through all the misery: Miracles happens in Iraq


13-2-2008: The Aramean sociologist Fuad Deniz was not killed by the Turks, but slaughtered by his cousin


5-1-2008: Is Sweden creating conditions for a new Aramean genocide? Spiritual crusades of Professor David Gaunt against the Aramean nation


28-9-2007: Plead for the Unification of Aramaeans - Letter to US and French Presidents, UK Premier


2-7-2007: The Aramaeans have been victims of hate generating acts,


23-12-2006: The archbishop of Canterbury and situation of the Aramean Christians in the middle-east in general and in particular in Iraq.


16-12-2006: Following the American “Christians”, now the Dutch Christians: Spiritual Crusades against the Aramean nation


29-6-2006: The Anglican Church and the recognition of the Aramean Spiritual Genocide


2-9-2005: IRAQ's Modern History The Arab Majority and The Minorities


10-8-2005: The Aramaeans' rise will transfigure the Middle Eastern Chessboard


13-5-2005: Is there an Assyrian cause in Iraqi Kurdistan?


29-6-2004: Progenitor of Wars and Tyrannies: the Falsehood of Pan-Arabism