Testimonies of the brilliant historians of the Syrian Church of Antioch on the Aramean origin of our nation, Synonymy: Aramean/Syrian.


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Question: Who were the ancient Assyrians? Were they simply one ethnicity or a composition of many nations/ tribes?


Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?


SUA/WCA and allowing terrorism


Arameans of Syria.


Arameans of Turkey


Arameans of Iraq.


Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview



"Assyrian" terrorism and division within the Aramean nation


Colonialism, “Assyrianism”,  terrorism, occultism, downfall of the Aramean nation in the Middle-East and their Diaspora.


23-4-2018: "Assyrian" terrorism: The Western Anti-Aramean colonial product “Assyrians” and unconditional loyalty to PKK/YPG and Abdullah Ocalan


23-3-2015: "Assyrian" veneration of Samiramis, the whore of Babylon


21-2-2014: The origin of “Assyrian” fanaticism, their blindness, veneration of occult powers


19-6-2010: A convicted “Assyrian” GHB/PKK/ADO terrorist for 6 months jail is fully being honored and idolized: is this a sign of falling away and is judgment at hand?


28-1-2009: Sabri Atman and Hezbollah- Aram: Sabri Atman: A man of standards and values or... an manipulator and abuser of the Aramean Physical Genocide to promote the immoral western criminal spiritual colonial and slavery product "Assyrians"?


19-12-2008: Pseudo-Assyrians, Pseudo-Chaldaeans, and the Cultural – National Needs of the Aramaean Nation


18-12-2008: Syriacs, "Assyrians" and "Chaldaeans" are all Aramaeans


26-9-2008: Terrorist ‘Kurds’ – Pawns of Merovingian Freemasonry Determined to Eliminate the Aramaeans


25-9-2008: Political Hypocrisy and Historical Forgery by Pseudo-Assyrians and Kurdish Terrorists


25-9-2008: Unprecedented Forgery of Ancient Mesopotamian History Expected to Trigger Chaos


23-9-2008: Pseudo-‘Assyrians’ and ‘Kurdish’ Terrorists: Liars Fostering Chaos and Genocide


22-9-2008: Anti-Christian Unholy Alliance: the Forged "Assyrian" Pseudo-Nation and the PKK Terrorists


21-9-2008: Looming End of Oriental Christianity: Unholy Alliance of ‘Kurdish’ Terrorists with Pseudo-Assyrians


19-9-2008: The Ongoing Aramaean Genocide, the Fabricated Pseudo-Assyrian Nation, and "Kurdish" (PKK) Terrorists


17-9-2008: Persecuted Aramaeans, a Pseudo-Nation of 'Assyrians,' Kurdish Terrorists, and the Anti-Chris


16-9-2008: The primitive, superseded, yet very dangerous ADO ideology unmasked: Jesus Christ the Assyrian?


17-7-2008: "Assyrian" terrorism: The bitter fruits of the spiritual colonial intervention: A monstrous covenant between the PKK and the organization of the apostate Arameans who identify themselves as “Assyrians”, namely: The Assyrian Democratic Organisation


15-9-2007: Wikipedia and Fake News about the Aramean nation: the continuation of Western Spiritual Colonial practices. The source and platform for spread and promotion of “Assyrian” terrorism: history distortions, hatred, lies, slander, attacks, deliberate misrepresentation and manipulations to misguide the independent reader.


22-8-2007: AINA: The international lie- and hate machine and the cause of killing, persecution and decline of the Arameans of Iraq


25-1-2007: The Arameans in Turkey unwillingly put in bad light. Turkish Supreme Court: The terrorist organization ADO/GHB “ Assyrians” added to the terror list.


25-1-2007: Translation of the article published in the Turkish Newspaper 'Zaman' of 19-11-2006. "ADO/GHB" terrorists added to the list of the Turkish Supreme Court


8-10-2005: A disastrous decision of SUA- where are standards and values?


Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’.

Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans.In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.


Arameans in the Media and the camps of the Western colonial powers

Fake News, disinformation, cultural genocide and colonialism




Fake News about the Aramean nation

Don't call the illustrious Aramean nation by the colonial fake-name: "Assyrian"


The occult believe system (here and here) of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”, the unholy product of the Western colonial powers to destroy the Aramean nation, is a direct copy of the belief system of the illuminati Satanists, they have drummed it in their minds and souls. The occult system was established after the Flood by Nimrod and Samiramis in which satan is worshipped instead of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is the Babylonic belief system, the system of Samiramis, the whore of Babylon. Veneration of Nimrod and Samiramis is at the core of the cultural expressions of the colonial Western division and hatred promoting product “Assyrians”. That is the reason why the Cabalistic/ Talmudic/ Freemasons/ illuminati Satanists put their spiritual brothers “Assyrians” at the center of attention, because they have the same believe system.


Misinformation / fake news about the Aramean nation and the unprecedented love for spreading “Assyrianism” is therefore not surprising to us, because there is a plan behind it.

The overwhelming majority of the Western colonial mainstream media, including the so-called “christian” media, is controlled by the international intrigue (here, here, here, here, here and here). No one article is published without inspection in advance, because: “NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL(illuminatie protocols of the Elders of Zion No. 12, section 3 and 4).

(Protocols of Zion: here, here, here, here, here )


 If we allow this to sink in, than one can easily understand the behavior of the media, politicians and some so-called “scholars” in promotion of “Assyrianism” (the worship of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist), because they all are under the control of Talmudic/ Cabalistic/ Freemasonic/ illuminati international intrigue:


More on:

illuminati: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,  here

Cabbala: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

Freemasonry: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

Talmud: here, here, here, here, here, here


Articles published in the Volkskrant (www.devolksrant.nl)

(Originally “The Volkskrant” was a Catholic Newspaper).


The articles below are published for educational purpose only!


Regering-Al-Maliki schiet bedreigde christenen te hulp


ACHTERGROND, Van onze verslaggever Henk Müller

gepubliceerd op 13 oktober 2008 02:45, bijgewerkt op 00:31

- .....................................................................................................................om de bedreigde Assyriërs (Arameeërs) te helpen.


....................................................................................................................... veertien Assyriërs (Arameeërs) zijn vermoord.


.............................................................................................De Assyriërs (Arameeërs) pleiten............................................ ................................................................




...........................................de Assyriërs (Arameeërs) in Kirkuk, ............................................................................







.............................................. protesten van Assyriërs (Arameeërs) ................................................................................. ......................................................Daarnaast riepen Assyrische (Aramese) leiders.................................................................


Assyriërs (Arameeërs)

BRIEF, Sabri Gabriël, Ensched


gepubliceerd op 10 juli 2008 00:00, bijgewerkt op 29 juli 2008 15:09

Hierbij wil ik de krant en in het bijzonder Henk Müller danken voor het artikel over de Assyriërs (Arameeërs) (Buitenland, 5 juli). Wij verwelkomen de aandacht van de media voor de benarde situatie van de Assyriërs (Arameeërs) in hun thuisland.



Assyriërs (Arameeërs) vrezen religieuze genocide


ACHTERGROND, Van onze verslaggever Henk Müller

gepubliceerd op 05 juli 2008 02:46, bijgewerkt op 02:46


- ...........................................................................................................................................................
















De Assyrische (Aramese) christenen in Irak ............................................................................................................................. ......................................en de Assyriërs (Arameeërs), orthodoxen .................................................................................




De dodenlijst die de Assyriërs (Arameeërs) overleggen,............................................................................................. .........................................................................................................................................................









Het is volgens Assyriërs (Arameeërs) hier...........................................................................................................................


Diyarbakir staat burger in het Koerdisch te woord


Eric Outshoorn
gepubliceerd op 09 januari 2007 02:47, bijgewerkt op 02:47














..................................................................  taalcursussen Koerdisch, Turks, Engels, Armeens en Assyrisch (Aramees)  zal gaan geven.
















Benedictus treft in Turkije een ‘praktisch dode’ kerk


ACHTERGROND, Van onze verslaggever Henk Müller
gepubliceerd op 29 november 2006 07:57, bijgewerkt op 07:57

























...................................................................de moord op 1,5 miljoen Armeniërs en een half miljoen Assyrische (Aramese)  christenen tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog de verstandhouding met Armeense christenen en Assyriërs (Arameeërs) er niet beter op maakt. ...........................................................................


















Ook Assyriërs (Arameeërs) slachtoffer genocide


OPINIE, Sabri Gabriël


gepubliceerd op 28 september 2006 00:00, bijgewerkt op 15 januari 2009 18:15


Het nieuws dat de heren Tonca, Elmaci en Sacan niet langer op de kandidatenlijsten van CDA en PvdA staan, is met grote opluchting door de Assyrische (Aramese)  gemeenschap ontvangen. Eindelijk gerechtigheid! De kranten hebben bericht over de Armeense genocide en de ontkenning, erkenning en later weer ontkenning ervan door diverse Turkse politici. Het was een emotioneel mijnenveld.


Toch is de berichtgeving hierover allesbehalve volledig. Tussen 1915 en 1918 zijn namelijk niet alleen de christelijke Armeniërs uitgemoord, maar ook driekwart van de Assyriërs (Arameeërs). De Armeniërs en Assyriërs (Arameeërs) leefden als twee christelijke gemeenschappen naast elkaar in Zuidoost-Turkije. Ze werden genadeloos uitgeroeid, met het doel Turkije te zuiveren van de christenen.


Dat is ook gelukt. In Turkije is nu nog maar 1 procent van de bevolking christelijk; honderd jaar geleden was dat nog 20 procent.


De Assyrische (Aramese)  gemeenschap is de genocide nooit vergeten, en zal dat ook nooit kunnen. Gelukkig kunnen wij er hier over praten, wat in ons vaderland nooit mogelijk is geweest. Maar wij willen ons vooral richten op de toekomst. Wij willen de Turken niet met haat bejegenen, maar tot een open dialoog met hen komen. Doel is dat de Assyriërs (Arameeërs) erkenning krijgen van wat hun is aangedaan. Als dat lukt, kan Turkije een mix worden van culturen die in harmonie met elkaar leven.

Sabri Gabriël


'Irak kan voorbeeld worden voor rest Midden-Oosten'


NTERVIEW, Van onze verslaggever Theo Koelé (http://www.volkskrant.nl/)

gepubliceerd op 04 december 2004 02:34, bijgewerkt op 19:48


DEN HAAG - Ze is Assyrisch (Aramees) christen .............................................................



































Onder Saddam Hussein hadden de Assyriërs (Arameeërs), ................................................................





Kirkuk is voor Iraakse Koerden de hoofdprijs


ACHTERGROND, Van onze buitenlandredacteur Henk Müller
gepubliceerd op 10 april 2003 02:27, bijgewerkt op 28 januari 2006 00:02





























De Koerden, Turkmenen, de christelijke Assyriërs (Arameeërs) en andere minderheidsgroepen ............................. .......................






















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Copyright © Aram-Naharaim Organisation


Letters to governments and international institutions


Arabic Translations: 

 الترجمات العربية


Colonialism: Downfall and Diaspora of Aramean nation


Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide


Fake News on the Aramean nation:

 Arameans in the Media


20-1-2015: The deep rooted demonic hatred against the Aramean indigenous nation


6-9-2014: Why are “Assyrians” very important to the illuminati satanists


17-4-2009: Turkey´s Ongoing Colonization, the Aramaeans, the Kurds, the Armenians, Pan-Arabism and Islamism


23-3-2009: Western European Colonial Odium and Evildoing Against the Aramaeans and the Oriental Christianity


11-12-2008: The hateful and malicious (spiritual) terror campaign of the Evangelical Broadcasting Channel against the Christian Aramean nation continues undiminished…….


11-4-2008: Through all the misery: Miracles happens in Iraq


13-2-2008: The Aramean sociologist Fuad Deniz was not killed by the Turks, but slaughtered by his cousin


5-1-2008: Is Sweden creating conditions for a new Aramean genocide? Spiritual crusades of Professor David Gaunt against the Aramean nation


28-9-2007: Plead for the Unification of Aramaeans - Letter to US and French Presidents, UK Premier


2-7-2007: The Aramaeans have been victims of hate generating acts,


23-12-2006: The archbishop of Canterbury and situation of the Aramean Christians in the middle-east in general and in particular in Iraq.


16-12-2006: Following the American “Christians”, now the Dutch Christians: Spiritual Crusades against the Aramean nation


29-6-2006: The Anglican Church and the recognition of the Aramean Spiritual Genocide


2-9-2005: IRAQ's Modern History The Arab Majority and The Minorities


10-8-2005: The Aramaeans' rise will transfigure the Middle Eastern Chessboard


13-5-2005: Is there an Assyrian cause in Iraqi Kurdistan?


29-6-2004: Progenitor of Wars and Tyrannies: the Falsehood of Pan-Arabism